Platos Lodge

Published on Dec 29, 2011


Plato's Lodge 10 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

Alistair wasn't the only sexually limited man who needed broader experiences. Indeed a good portion of Philadelphia's male population had limited experience. It was a particular problem with well bread men from good families. They were trained to be gentlemen, and sex had no real role in a gentleman's upbringing. Most figured it out by themselves, but those who were virtuous were trapped.

The obedient sons who had a religious or scholarly bent were doubly trapped. They did what they were told, not realizing the price. While, there are some men with low sexual drive, I now realize sex is a basic part of human nature. I had thought it was a minor feature. I thought of sex as the rear porch of a great mansion. While it was a part of the overall composition, it was insignificant in comparison to the rest of the house.

I have now concluded sex wasn't the rear porch; it is the ballroom. It is the center for enjoyment and happiness. You can live without enjoyment, but you pay a steep price. I knew many older men who had turned into bitter and unhappy persons. Their interpretation of a good life did not include enjoyment. There were no dances, parties or balls. There were no intimate and warm connections with friends, no intimate relations.

Alistair came back to the Lodge two days later. He told me how much he had enjoyed his visit here, and craved more experience. After we talked for a half hour, someone knocked on the door. It was Franklin with a friend. I wasn't sure I liked having Franklin using my house as a play area for his conquests. It was my house, not a public facility.

His guest was an older businessman, who was obviously most uncomfortable. I decided this wasn't the time to talk with Franklin. The man looked both frightened and excited. Franklin introduced him as Socrates Smith and I told him I was Wistar Melville. Once we were properly introduced, the man relaxed some. I guessed he was a conventional man who felt more comfortable when things were proper. I asked them in and we went to the sunroom where Alistair was sitting.

Socrates was tall and a bit portly. He was bald and sported impressive sideburns and a drooping mustache. I think he was in his late forties or early fifties. Alistair liked him as soon as their eyes met. In some ways, Alistair was Socrates thirty years earlier. Usually the transition from conversation to sexual activity is uneasy for inexperienced men. Franklin took care of that.

"Men, I came here for some rip roaring sex, not conversation," Franklin said. "Let's all get naked and see what happens?"

"Here?" Socrates asked, looking about the room.

"Here and now!" Franklin exclaimed. "Just think of Plato's Lodge as a home for the sexually needy. Everyone who visits the lodge comes to love it. This is where you can do the things you've always wanted to do, but were afraid to do."

Socrates smiled weakly. "There is not much I'm not afraid of and very little I have done."

Alistair and Franklin had begun to strip. Socrates and I joined them. I think Socrates was afraid to be naked in a group of dressed men. He was willing to be part of a group.

Socrates had nothing to be ashamed of when he was naked. He was a bear-like man with a hairy body and a bit of a gut. His bush hid most of his uncut tool, but he was easily excited. Franklin and Alistair were already fully erect, and I was well on the way. Socrates brought up the rear. His organ was unusually thick and wide. He had an ass stretcher, not an ass prober. As his thick foreskin pulled back to expose the knob a bead of man juice glistened on his slit.

Alistair and I both dropped to our knees and our tongues met at the slit. It didn't take much to get Socrates excited.

"I'm going to shoot off!" Socrates exclaimed.

"That's what we are here for," Franklin said, "Try to calm down and hold back some. Don't think you can shoot off and get to go home. I've set my mind to draining your balls. That takes three or four orgasms. The afternoon is young."

Remarkably, Socrates was able to hold back. Perhaps ten minutes later he gave up the fight and let himself enjoy the sensations. I was at his spigot, and took the first spurt. I think it was hard for him to do it, but he allowed himself to respond and react. Once that happened, all was well.

He had a spectacular orgasm. His whole body shook and twitched. He spayed all three of us with his plentiful man seed. While I had the first shoot, Alistair set himself the task of licking up the rest. That was both time consuming and enjoyable.

Alistair was careful to suck up any leftover sperm that drooled from Socrates' cock and balls. While his first ejaculations went two or three feet, his later ejaculations oozed from his cock and coated his privates. Alistair's greedy little tongue got every drop.

While they were occupied, Franklin took care of me. Franklin was a sex machine, ready, willing and able to do anything sexual. I had always been in a group with Franklin, so his shared his sexual enthusiasm with all. Here I was the sole recipient of his efforts.

Franklin was active, energetic and almost double-jointed. Somehow, his cock, asshole or mouth seemed to be everywhere. We sucked each other and then he seemed to be in a slightly crazed effort to see how many ways he could get his cock into my ass. We tried it from the rear, on my back, sitting on it facing him and later facing away. All positions were successful for me and for Franklin. Franklin had a long, but comparatively thin cock. It fit everywhere. He firmly believed the more excited his playmates became, the better it would be for him.

Franklin was somewhat scientific about his sexual interests. He was a sensual explorer. He wanted to know what excited me most. He got me into some convoluted positions

Our antics gave Socrates a primer in fucking, and Alistair let him know he was willing. Alistair was a novice at anal sex, and I was afraid that Socrates might be too thick for him. Socrates was worried he would hurt the young man. He wanted more lubricant.

Franklin became their advisor. He stroked his always-erect cock and shot his load at Alistair's ass. I held Alistair's legs, so he was wide open. Franklin then used his knob to push the glistening cream into Alistair's ass.

"Man cream is the best lubricant," Franklin explained, "and my special brew is the best of the best." Next, Socrates nudged his cock unto Alistair's hole. It was effortless. Alistair opened wide. He moaned as the thick plug filled him.

We talked as Socrates screwed Alistair. We found out that while Socrates had a wife and four children, his wife had never felt sexual pleasure. She obeyed as was proper for a wife, but she never enjoyed sex, she simply tolerated it. "She loves the children, but thinks sex is degrading," he explained. "I've never been able to get her to understand the inconsistency. We stopped sexual relations sixteen years ago."

"Have you tried a whore?" Franklin asked. Socrates looked shocked.

"That is degrading!" he exclaimed. He obviously didn't find that fucking another man was degrading. He continued to thrust as he talked. He began to thrust wildly and then moaned as he filled Alistair's ass with his man seed. The warm seed pushed Alistair to his orgasm.

"You were wonderful," Alistair said, "just wonderful." Socrates glowed.

Socrates and Alistair had both enjoyed sex. This was a new experience for Socrates. For the first time he was appreciated for a manly act. He was a good man, and I assumed his wife was a good woman, but the expectations of our society made it impossible for her to enjoy her husband. I wondered how many of the thousands of women who died in childbirth every year hating the prospect of another child.

I understood that childbirth was a risky proposition under the best circumstances. Death was always a possible outcome. With each additional pregnancy, the chances of survival diminished. Some men could essentially kill their wives and actually get sympathy for a murder by childbirth. Women were easily available. A man could easily replace a wife with an old maid, or a girl from a poorer family.

No one had ever appreciated or shared Socrates' orgasm. Alistair, Franklin and I appreciated his orgasms, and shared his pleasure. Socrates felt good and was proud of his sexual prowess. Luckily, he was able to admit he enjoyed the pleasure. Some men believe pleasure is evil and the creations of the devil. Socrates wasn't one of these men. He was capable of enjoying life.

Socrates visited the Lodge periodically. I wouldn't say regularly, but perhaps monthly. All of his encounters at the lodge were successful. He remained shy, but was willing and a good partner. He always climaxed and made sure his partner climaxed too. Franklin, who wasn't a religious man, felt almost saintly for finding Socrates and introducing him to the world of sex.

Franklin's vision of saintliness was rather peculiar. For many Christians, the world was dark and filled with ugliness and sin. Temptation, sin, evil and death were at the core of human existence. Franklin's world was a place of beautiful vistas, and of pyrotechnic sunsets. The fruitful earth was a glorious place of continuous creation. Human beings were all potentially beautiful and capable of love and feeling pleasure.

I wasn't entirely sure Franklin's god was Christian, although a friend of mine pointed out St. Francis of Assisi might have worshiped Franklin's god. I am quite sure Franklin's version of saintliness involved much more sex than did St. Francis' vision.

The next month was filled with changes. Rodney took a position in New York. I had an empty room and more importantly, I lost a friend. Rodney described the position and the salary in New York was such that no reasonable man could reject it. Rodney was the man who made the Lodge what it was. He was the founding member.

A week before he left Rodney introduced me to a friend, Daniel Foote. Mr. Foote was a lecturer in Medicine and a scientist. He was personable and friendly, enthusiastic about his studies and excited to be in Philadelphia. He came from a small college in Ohio and there was little intellectual stimulation there. His primary interest was in human anatomy, but Rodney informed me that he was most interested in human sexuality.

"Rodney, don't express things so directly," Daniel protested. "Wistar will think I am a libertine!"

I smiled. "I count several libertines among my acquaintances, tucked among the Quakers and Episcopalians," I replied. Daniel and Rodney laughed at that.

"I assume all is well as long as they are Republicans!" Daniel added. He had a sense of humor.

Rodney explained that Daniel had heard there was a room available at the Lodge and was interested in renting it. "Daniel lives in a rooming house run by a Quaker lady of the most upright sort. We know each other and I realized that Daniel is more partial to those who are erect, rather than upright. I thought he might like it here."

"When Rodney told me of this place I thought he was describing a fantasy, not an actual place," Daniel said.

"Wistar, I described some of our good times here to Daniel in very direct terms," Rodney explained. "He was shocked in some ways, but more intrigued than shocked."

"I have not been a particularly sexual man," Daniel said softly. "My mother thought sex was degrading to women. I had not considered sex with other men." He paused. "That is until I met Rodney. It was a revelation."

"Rodney can be a convincing man," I said.

"This may sound odd coming from a man of science, but I had not understood the possible intensity of sexual relations," Daniel said. "I knew it was mildly pleasurable, but associated sexual overindulgence with persons of the lower orders and deviates. I didn't think a man in my position could feel those things."

"You know better now?" I asked.

"I do," he replied. "Would you think badly of me if I told you I want to feel more? Rodney tells me his sexual experiences here have been the best he had ever known. I want the same experience." Daniel was a distinguished looking man, tall with dark hair and clear, blue eyes. At first, I assumed he was older than I was, but his bushy beard made him look older.

At this point Feodor, the Russian Sculptor, and the Professor Williams arrived. Daniel was obviously taken by the men. He knew of the Professor, but hadn't met him. Rodney was a distinctively handsome man. Both the Professor and Feodor were more masculine than handsome. Feodor was brawny. Daniel seemed to like this.

I understood Daniel's interest in sex, but I wondered if rooming at the Lodge might not be too much. I enjoyed the Lodge's steady diet of sexual experiences. It could easily seem excessive to an outsider. Of course, Rodney was the man who made the lodge what it was. He must have suspected something about Daniel that was particularly well suited for the lodge's particular arrangement.

It was a slightly chill afternoon and Rodney suggested we adjourn to his bedroom where he had a fire burning. Of course, we all knew what that meant. Once in the bedroom, we stripped. I noted that Daniel was in the forefront. His eyes lit up as he gazed at the naked men. The room was small for five men, but it was intimate and cozy. Daniel was talking with Professor Williams and Rodney, so I slipped to the floor and licked whichever cock was nearest.

Feodor joined me on the floor and we shared the generous display of male organs. Rodney hung back. I think he wanted Daniel to make new friends. When I rose to take a break, the professor slipped to the floor and worshiped at Daniel's cock.

"You don't need to do that, Sir," Daniel said. I don't think he expected a distinguished professor to be willing to take his cock. He didn't realize that cocks have no rank and no interest in class distinctions. Sexually excited, naked men have different standards than fully clothed men walking in the street. In the street, the gentleman's suit sets him apart from the rough clothes of the laborer. Naked men have interests that are more primitive. Primitive may be the wrong word. Basic or elemental interests may be a better way to explain it.

Owning extensive properties or having thousands of dollars in the bank has no relationship to sexual pleasure and enjoyment. Your bank account does not affect the sensations you feel during an orgasm. Wealth doesn't make your sperm creamier, or your ass tighter. All the worldly things barely alter basic sexual drives and needs.

I know that an artist, banker or laborer can suck a cock equally well. The sexual pleasure I feel with a man is unrelated to his financial status, family background or his educational level. I know there are many gold diggers looking for wealthy men, and that many men look for heiresses, but the wealth doesn't change the level of sexual pleasure. Thus, one finds the husband of the heiress with a mistress, or the lady of the house attracted to a groom.

Daniel possessed a beautifully shaped cock. I would guess it was on the high side of average, but it was big enough to please those who were into size, but not so big as to scare away potential playmates. He had a large cock head crowning a curved shaft. His balls hung low. He was moderately hairy, but he seemed to like other hairy men, if his interest in Feodor was any indicator.

Daniel was briefly uneasy, but he soon adapted to the situation. Professor Williams shocked him by his openness, but Daniel soon discovered you could get use to having a man's tongue caress your cock easily. I soon realized Dan's strong suit was coaxing cream from his playmates balls. Daniel loved to suck.

I later found out he had successful enjoyed Rodney's member, but by sucking four men, he quadrupled his pleasure. Professor Williams, Feodor and I had quite different organs and Daniel was in heaven sampling them all. Dan may have been new to the sexual arts, but he was a naturally gifted cocksucker. When Feodor climaxed in his mouth, the warm man-seed just increased the pleasure.

As Rodney and I watched him slurp up Feodor's cream Rodney whispered, "I had a feeling Daniel would love this. He was shy, but I thought meeting you would solve that problem."


"You are sexual without being aggressive," Rodney explained. He leaned closer to me. "Dan's ass is virgin, that needs to change."

"That is too much for a first meeting!" I protested.

"He's ready. His ass is virgin, but not untouched. My fingers made a few exploratory trips up his ass. His prostate is in full working order and liked the attention," Rodney explained. I still wasn't sure. I thought we might be going too fast.

Feodor and Professor Williams discovered otherwise. Feodor was talking with Dan when the professor used a well-lubricated finger to do his own explorations. They were on a bed, and the professor used another finger in Feodor's ass. That was a good choice. Dan wasn't alone and Feodor became most amorous.

Daniel was so hard it looked as if his cock hurt. There was a little gap between the two men. I was able to straddle Daniel and sit on his member. That was the first time his cock felt the tight warmth of an ass. His cock twitched a few times, but he didn't have a full-scale orgasm.

Daniel loved it. I bounced gently on his cock and wiggled my ass to stimulate his member. I later found out that Daniel had a well-developed sense of fair play. He assumed that once he had enjoyed a man ass, he was obligated to open his own hole for general use. Had he asked me about that I would have told him that was not true. I was seeking pleasure for myself; he incurred no obligations. He did not ask.

It was a pleasant experience. I was surprised when my cock began to spurt hands free. This excited Daniel greatly. He hadn't realized the intensity of feeling I felt. He had assumed the pleasure was all his and I was simply being a good host by giving him pleasure. He could see he wasn't hurting me, but had no idea of the intensity of feelings his cock generated in my ass.

When I got up off the cock, the professor moved into position. He knew more of what Daniel wanted than Daniel did.

"Did you feel it when Wistar climaxed?" the professor asked.

"Yes I did. I felt his ass contract. It was beautiful."

"Has anyone been in your ass?"

"You mean the penis?" Daniel asked. "Rodney has fingered me, nothing more than that."

"Was it good?" Professor Williams asked. Daniel nodded.

"A penis is much better," the professor said. "Let me be direct. I think my own member would be the best. Let me confess, the thought that I would be the first to be in you excites me greatly."

"Do you think I would climax without manual assistance like Wistar just did? That was exciting to see," Daniel asked.

The professor smiled. "I can't promise you that. I can promise you that I will climax in you. Every drop of semen in my balls will be in your ass when I'm done. You will not be a virgin anymore, but a new world of sexual sensation and pleasure will open for you."

"A can you assure me, I will like it?" Daniel asked.

"No I can't, but I will do everything in my power to make it pleasurable for you," the professor said. "I want to do this again, many times. Your pleasure is important to me."

The professor's cock was oversized for a first fuck in my opinion, but Daniel was willing. We used lubricant, and the professor was gentle. Rodney, Feodor and I encouraged Daniel and gave advice. Rodney knew Daniel's tits were sensitive and he played with them. When there was difficulty, Rodney pinched the tits; the Professor's cock slid in a few more inches in response. It was almost magic.

While the Professor's cock was a challenge for Daniel, once it was in, all was well. The Professor's enthusiasm and Daniel's pleasure mounted as they came to know each other. Williams was both gentle and aggressive. I think Daniel liked masculine men, and the Professor met that requirement.

When Rodney moved to New York the next week, Daniel Foote moved in. Daniel didn't have the wide range of friends as Rodney, but he was an attractive man and soon had many friends and playmates.

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