Playing with College Roommate

By moc.liamg@ecanrufytluaf

Published on Apr 4, 2019


It was my first summer living away from home, between sophomore and junior years of college, and I couldn't have been more excited. Me and my buddy Gavin had rented a small 2 bedroom apartment in the neighborhood just off campus, moving in just before the end of the school year. We were both looking forward to three solid months of partying, smoking, and exploring the city. Neither of us had jobs, or school things to worry about, and we were lucky enough to have free money to spend on beer, weed, and food. We mostly spent our days smoking weed on some secluded spot in the park, lounging around the house playing video games or watching something, and drinking heavily through the nights.

Things got interesting after a few weeks of this. We were sitting in one of the small bars in the neighborhood, sharing our third pitcher of cheap beer and chain smoking cigarettes. The place was small and got crowded quickly, but it was late and the place had mostly emptied out. Gavin was complaining to me about how he'd "struck out" that night with a girl he'd been talking to.

"I just thought it seemed for sure she'd go home with me. Then next thing I know she's leaving with her friends," he said, topping off his drink. "She said I was cute and everything!"

It's not that he wasn't, I thought. He was actually very cute, a handsome, spectacled face with a nice, thick beard and a mop of wavy brown hair. His only flaw was that he was on the short side, something which I saw as making him even cuter but tended to lessen his chances with girls for some reason.

"I still haven't gotten lucky yet this summer. I'm getting tired of using my right hand, man," he said, making a jerking off motion with his hand. I just laughed.

"I hear ya man, I haven't gotten any action either if you haven't noticed. But it's harder for me to find gay guys around here than it is for you to find ladies." He chuckled a little at that. I'd been out to him for as long as I'd known him, and he'd never had any issue with it.

"Yeah well sometimes it seems like you guys have it easier." I raised my eyebrow a bit at that and he corrected himself. "I just mean that since guys always want sex, it's probably easier for gay guys to just hook up without all the fucking around and dating."

"Well, yeah, you're not wrong about that," I laughed. "Trouble is finding someone to do it with, sometimes!"

"Yeah, I thought I found someone tonight but I guess I was wrong," he said, again bemoaning the girl who had left.

"Guess you'll just have to take care of yourself again man," I said, nudging his side with my elbow. "It's not so bad, right?"

"No, I mean I love jerking off. But I'm just so horny all the time!" He absentmindedly rubbed his crotch while saying this. "I jack it at least twice a day and I'm still horny!"

"Same man, sometimes I go for three or four if I'm really bored!" I said.

"I guess guys just can't help it man!" he said, before draining the rest of his cup of beer. "You wanna get out of here?" It was pretty late, and we were some of the only people left in the bar at this point. "We have more beers at home, plus I wanna smoke."

"Yeah man, just let me piss first," I said, standing up and finishing my beer. I made my way into the bathroom at the back of the bar. It was cramped, barely big enough for the single toilet and two urinals. They didn't have any privacy dividers, and were the old fashioned kind that look like a large basin and stick fairly far out from the wall. As my stream started, I heard the door open, and Gavin sidled up next to me, unzipping his pants and joining me.

"I had to go too man. That beer just runs through me!" I just chuckled, and glanced out of the corner of my eye at him. I'd never seen his cock before in all the time I'd known him, and was surprised by what I saw. Soft, it hung down a good five inches, hanging over a set of furry, ping pong ball sized nuts. The wide shaft emerged from an unruly bush of black pubes. He was cut, but had a nice bit of skin still at the ridge of his wide, mushroom shaped cock head. I wondered how big it got when he was hard. Finishing up, I shook my own cock off and tucked myself in, going to wash my hands at the sink at the end of the urinals.

"Come on man, we got a blunt to smoke!" I said to him. He shook himself off, tucking his junk back into has pants and zipping up. He grinned at me.

"Yeah let's go get stoned bro!" We stumbled out of the bar and made our way home. The place was only a few blocks away, and we quickly made it back, enjoying the slight coolness of the night air. It had gotten really hot that week, and the old house we were in did not have an air conditioner, so the whole house was stifling. We threw open all the windows first thing when we got back, before grabbing a couple of beers and flopping down on the couch. We cracked open our cans and clinked them together.

"Cheers man, to good friends and good times," he said, slightly slurring his toast.

"Amen to that!" I said, sparking up the blunt I'd finished rolling. We passed it back and forth for a few minutes before Gavin turned on the TV and started randomly scrolling through the channels. At one point he turned to some cheesy, 80s looking movie, which seemed to be in the middle of a softly lit sex scene.

"Well hey now! He cried out. "That's what I'm talking about!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Dude, it's just some shitty movie, they aren't gonna show anything." He just shrugged at me.

"Hey, you never know. And after that girl at the bar I'd get horny for just about any lady."

On screen, the woman had just dropped her robe in front of the guy, and the scene seemed to have moved to nothing but faces, candles, and billowing drapes.

"Told you man," I said to him as he groaned in disappointment.

"Yeah, well, I think I'm gonna go take care of this man," he said, standing up and grabbing his crotch. "See you in the morning buddy." He patted my thigh on his way up off the couch, making my half erect cock throb a bit.

"Night man, I'm not far behind you," I said, lighting one last cigarette before I also went off to bed. I sat on the couch thinking about the night. There definitely seemed be to some sort of tension in the air, but maybe it was just the fact that he and I had never really talked before about jacking off. He was definitely handsome, and seemed to have a nice sized cock from what I saw at the bar. I decided it was probably that he was just drunk, loosened up, and excited from the girl he'd been flirting with. I stubbed out my cigarette, drained my beer, and made my way up the stairs. This apartment was actually only half of a subdivided house, common in the student neighborhoods. We had a living room and tiny kitchen on the first floor, and two bedrooms and a small bathroom on the second floor. The bedrooms were right next to each other, and I was in the one between Gavin's and the bathroom.

Coming up the stairs, I could hear a quiet, feminine moaning coming from his room, the kind of loud, porn moaning that straight boys seem to love. I slowly crept my way to his door to get a better listen, standing in the hall. It sounded fairly loud from here, which wasn't far from my own door, like he didn't care if I heard. Maybe he didn't, maybe he was showing off, or maybe he was too drunk to remember I was coming up soon anyway.

Below the girl moaning in his porn, I could make out his own low grunting as he stroked his cock, a low and mannish growl that seemed surprising coming from him. Occasionally he muttered something like "fuck yeah" and "suck that cock." I reached towards my crotch, quietly unzipping my pants and fishing my aching cock out. This was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

I heard through the door the sound of a pump being used a few times, and then the telltale squelch of a freshly applied handful of lube. As he lubed up his cock, I heard Gavin give a louder grunt, and a barely half-whispered "Oh fuck yeah!" My own cock was starting to leak at this, and I slowly swirled the precum around my swollen head.

The loud, wet sounds of masturbation were getting faster, and Gavin was grunting and panting right along with it, seemingly lost in his pleasure. It sounded like he was jacking off as fast as he could. I could hear his breathing getting more and more labored, until after about five minutes of this I heard him practically scream.

"Oh SHIT oh fuck yeah oh fuck oh fuck!!!" He erupted in a series of growls, high pitched yelps, and moans of all kinds. It was one of the hottest orgasms I'd ever heard, just totally vocal and unabashed. He must have known I'd hear it but didn't give a fuck. Hearing all of this set me off, and I was barely able to angle my cock back into my underwear in time to avoid shooting my load down the hall in front of his door, which seemed like an uncomfortable situation to try to explain if he saw it.

I quickly made my way back into my room, and just in time too before I heard him leave his room and go to the bathroom. I lay in bed, getting hard again at the performance he'd just put on. Was he playing it up for my benefit, after what we'd talked about that night? Was that how he always masturbated, and I'd never heard it? No doubt about it, my lust for Gavin was at the highest it had ever been after just this night.

Next: Chapter 2

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