Playing with Fire Series

By Adz Sampson

Published on May 21, 2013


Nick Roberts had always been on the wrong side of the law. From the age of 15, he was in & out of prison faster then Lindsay Lohan's stints in rehab. Nick would like to say he was misunderstood- he wasn't an arsehole, he just did what he did to get by and survive. And prison was the only survival technique for Nick because he was a wanted man. He owed alot of money to a lot of dangerous men and being inside, locked up, gave him the secruity and the safety. Eventually, he knew he'd have to face the facts and confront it. He could'nt keep hiding and he certaintly couldn't keep going back to prison. His mother was ill, dying in fact, and he didn't want to be inside when she eventually lost her life to the bastard disease that was cancer. But he also didn't want his mother to know just how bad his life was, just how much shit he was in. He didn't want his mother to be any less disgusted by her son then she already was. He just wanted his mother to be proud of him, just once. If that made him a sop, then so be it. He was done disappointing his mother. He'd been doing ever since he was 13 and she caught him stealing £20 from her purse to pay for a bag of weed. Things only got worse from then, and perhaps having sex with his mother's best friend didn't help things. But to be fair, he was 14 and she basically made it clear she wanted him. Who was he to deny his dick such a simple, easy pleasure? His mother loved him, Nick knew that. But she also hated him, and that hurt him. That hurt him more then he would ever show anyone. He put on a brave face, pretended he couldn't give a fuck. But he did.

He was 19 now. He'd never worked a day's work in his life, and any money he did have was either stolen or borrowed from friends. He wanted to work, he didn't want to always be known as 'Nick Roberts- scum of Eltham'. But that what he was, and until he proved otherwise, that was what he'd always be. The dream was to get a well paid job that eventually would lead to him moving out of the shitty hostels, or his friend's sofas to getting a nice place of his own. But that was just a pipe dream. A distant pipe dream. Nick knew that probably wouldn't ever happen now, he'd probably be dead before his 20th birthday.

But no-one knew of this distress. To his friends he was Nick Roberts- 'The Man'. The weed smoking, dick sucking, vagina loving bisexual party animal who could drink any Irish man under the table. He would never show people he wanted to change. He would never tell anyone that he actually hated the idea of living this life for the next year, two or even five. People didn't need to know that he had already scrapped the 'bisexual' part of identify- because just who the fuck was he kidding? Vagina done nothing for him. He was all about the cock. Sucking it. Riding it. Yeah, Nick was a cockaholic. But somehow he knew his friends wouldn't approve of that. He knew his friends didn't mind that he was Bisexual, they just called him a greedy fucker. But to know that he didn't actually like licking the vag? Yeah, he'd probably he disowned. He no longer had his family, he didn't want to lose his friends aswell. Who might aswell have been his family.

"Nick! Wake the fuck up you lazy cunt, my missus will be back in 20 minutes and you know she fucking hates you!"

Waking up on a Saturday morning, Nick's head was pounding. Probably from the countless shots he drank last night. "Don't shout James. Do. Not. Shout." Nick replied as he sat up in the double bed. It was then he realised he was naked. "And where the fuck are my boxers? Did you rape me last night?"

James was sitting on the sofa next to the bed. His best friend for 15 years, they had first met when they were both 4. At the time, James father was having an affair with his mother but no-one knew. It all came out years later when James mother found a picture of the pair of them kissing on the Internet on some random website. They had become friends instantly, especially when Nick stood up for James against bully Sam who had taken to stealing Nicks action man and snapping its head off.

By the time they were 16, James lost his virginity to the hottest girl in the school Michaela, and three years later they were engaged and living together in a shitty flat. James was also extremely hot and Nick often wondered if James was gay would they be together? The sex would be hot, but James was way to much of a clean freak to put up with Nicks messyness.

"Don't be so vulgar" James replied. He was fully dressed and wearing a suit. He obviously had work. "You stripped naked when we got home and despite me telling you to sleep on the sofa, you decidied it would be fun to sleep with me. I didn't appreciate waking up to your boner on my arse thanks very much" James was smiling though. "But get up, get dressed. If Michaela comes home she will seriously kill me"

"I can't help it if I'm irrestitable. I'm surprised after catching a glimpse of Mr Big you didn't automatically convert to being a homo" Nick laughed. He got out of bed though and found his boxers on top of James chest of drawers. "And Michaela wouldn't kill you for being a homo, she loves the gays her".

James stood up. "She wouldn't kill me for being gay. She'd kill me for fucking you. Even she knows that if I were into the dick I could do alot better then you".

"You hurt me man! You hurt me!" Nick laughed, putting on his boxers. "But seriously thanks for letting me crash here. And er, sorry for getting me knob out".

"It's nothing I ain't seen before dude" James smiled "But seriously, you will always be my best mate Nick. You know I want you to get back on your feet. You know if I could, I would lend you some money.. But Michaela wants to save up for a baby, you know?"

Nick found his hoody and put it on. "I understand man. Completely. But baby, dude, do you want that? Really"

James shrugged. "If it makes her happy".

"But it won't make you happy" Nick spoke rhetorically, ending the conversation.


Leaving James house, Nick made his way back to the hostel. He dodged a bullet, he could see Michaela's car driving up. He ducked behind a car so she didn't see him. He wasn't sure he was successful. Making his way down the street, Nick pulled out a cigarette and stopped, sitting on a wall.

"Smoking kills" a voice spoke and Nick flinched recongising the voice.

"And so do guns, so do us all a favour and put one to your head, yes?" Nick replied. The man standing in front of Nick was Robert. A police man.

"That's not a very nice way to talk to a man of the law, is it? How are you Nick? You haven't been arrested for 3 months. Surely a record, no?" The man was in uniform and Nick had to stop himself from imagining the man out of it. Robert was fit. All Muscles and guns. He'd had many a wanks thinking of Robert Johnstone on his back taking all his dick. And vice versa. Nick wasn't a selfish lover, and whilst he loved pounding like the most of them, he wern't no prude and his arse certainly loved a good pounding too. The man was also extremtly arrogant and he probably knew Nick wanted him on his knees.

"Trying to change, init" Nick spoke taking a drag of his fag. He ran a hand over his ungelled hair realising he probably looked a state.

Robert smiled like he didn't believe it. "Your be arrested again soon. I can feel it in my blood. And this time I'll make sure they throw away the key".

Nick shrugged, taking another long drag of his cigarette. For some reason, he caught Robert staring at the cigarette as if the fag itself had comitted a crime. "I'm gonna change Robert, I don't need to prove noffing to you".

"I saw Janine the other day. She was with another guy, you two broken up already? The smug grin was back on Roberts face. "I always said she could do better then you".

"Me and Janine wern't together Robert" Nick grinned, taking a final drag of his cigarette and flicking it on the floor next to Roberts feet. "She was just easy fanny, init". He walked closer to the policeman and grinned. "Maybe you can do with getting laid, your always so uptight. Maybe a good shag will liven you up".

"I'm doing just fine in that department, but if I wanted the opinon of an chlaymedia ridden chav, I would have asked you" Robert replied, and something unexpected happened. A glint. Nick nearly missed it, but it was there.

"That hurt Robert" Nick replied mocking him "But seriously, a good shag might make you less of an uptight bastard"

Robert grinned now, which shocked Nick. Totally not the reaction he was expecting. "You know, if I wasn't so grossed out by the thought, I would think you are hitting on me".

"Nah. not hitting on you Robert" Nick smiled "Just imagining you trapped in my bed with your own handcuffs whilst I suck your cock dry right down it's hinge end". Totally crude but Nick knew that would get a reaction from Robert. He just wasn't expecting the reaction it did.

"You talk the talk, little boy" Robert smirked. "But you couldn't handle me".

"Little boy?, I'm far from little. But I've handled bigger and rougher then you Roberto, don't flatter yourself".

"You know, I've got to go" Robert replied, remaining calm. "Some people work for a living. But it was fun talking to you. You still couldn't handle me".

Nick grinned now. "You've got my number Robert. If you ever fancy testing your theory out, my legs are always open for you".

Robert walked away fast. Good, Nick had him rattled. That was a good start to the day.


A text message.

A text message can change EVERYTHING.

Three words can change everything and Nick didn't even see it coming. Fuck.

His life was fucked now. And all because of three little words.

Text Message from Janine: 10:05am

/Shit. I'm pregnant/


Text Message to Jamie: 11.02am

/Janine iz pregnant. My lyf is over./

Text Message from Jamine: 11:04am

/Holy fuk dude i did wrn u 2 pt sumfin on the end ov it x/

Text Message to Jamie: 11:07am

/Who da fuk do u fink u r? Jeremy Kyle? Hiz a twat n so r u. Jamie i feel like crying i cant be a dad, help?/

Text Message from Jamie: 11:08am

/I kno it's early but shall i brng rund sum beer fink u could do wif one x/

Text Message to Jamie: 11:10am

/Yes u r a lifesava. Brng sum weed aswell and ill luv u foreva :)/

Text Message from 07999923842: 11:15am

/It's Robert. Was you serious earlier? Because if you were I'm free tonight. I've got some handcuffs. Want to destroy you/



"I've wanted you for so long but I didn't know how to show it. I want to help you change your life because you are better then you think you are. But I also want to go to bed with you".

"Your going to be a dad? Fuck off. You couldn't raise a cat let along an actual human".

"It was just sex. An easy lay. As if anything else would ever happen between us! Get a fucking grip".

"You owe me alot of fucking money and that makes me angry! But I know you can't afford to pay me back. But I know a way you can pay me back.."

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