Plege Night at the Bondage Club

By moc.loa@yobgdnbdM

Published on Jun 22, 2005



This is a true story of what happened to me several years ago. I am also looking for other initiation experiences people have had. I have several other frat initiation stories I have written. Anyone who wants to tell me of his initiation can email me at If I get enough responses, I will include them in a new story.

Pledge Night at the Bondage Club by Rob Cline

My instructions were e-mailed to me on Sunday night.

"Wear tight white jockey shorts, a white T-shirt and white sox -- all disposable. No logos or print on any of it. Wear running shoes. Bring three pieces of your favorite fruit, cock ring, parachute ball stretcher, bandanna, plastic bag for your clothes, towel, a marker (to write on your body with). Do not bring ATTITUDE, boy. Meet at the Eagle at 8:00 PM. You must arrive at the dungeon in a group at 8:14 exactly."

I arrived at the Eagle just after 7:30. One of the other pledges was already there. His "Dad" had dropped him off while on his way to the dungeon to help with the night's setup. We talked and I found out some of the things had not been told to me. I figured that was part of the plan for me, and since it was hinted that my ass would be in for a rough evening anyways, what is a few more demeits. At 8:05 PM, we left the Eagle.

We gathered outside the dungeon and waited until 8:14. All the pledges seemed to know me, though I didn't know some of them. Most had brought some supplies for the event. Two had 16 lb bags of ice. I had no doubt what they would be used for. Entering the dungeon, a small corner was curtained off just inside the door. It made the six of us stand tightly together. Then we were given 20 seconds to get into our pledge uniform. None of us made it and we each received ten demerits. An order was issued to count off.

"SIR, pledge 3, SIR."

"SIR, pledge 7, SIR."

It was now my turn. "SIR, pledge was not told that he had a number, SIR."

I heard in the background that I was telling the truth. "That's still ten demerits for being a smart ass. Count off again."

"SIR, pledge 3, SIR."

"SIR, pledge 1, SIR."

"SIR, pledge 7, SIR."

"SIR, pledge 2, SIR."

"SIR, pledge 5, SIR."

It was my turn again. SIR, I guess that means I'm pledge 4, SIR"

"Correct pledge!"

They took us out one at a time in numerical order. We were told to put our nose to the curtain until we were called. I saw my big brother holding the black bandanna I had brought. It was rolled up. He came over and tied it over my eyes. I was told to hold my arms out in front of me. A rope was wrapped around the wrists, tying them tightly together.

"Do you know why you are here, pledge?"

"SIR, the boy is here because he was ordered to be here, SIR."

"That is not the right response, pledge."

"SIR, the pledge was not given the saying, SIR."

"That is 25 demerits, pledge."

The pledges that have been thru the first part of the initiation were addressed. "PLEDGES!!!!!! What are you supposed to answer?!!!"

In unison they answered. "SIR, we are pledges tried and true. Let us prove it BLACK and BLUE. SIR."

"You got that pledge? Now, what are you doing here?"

I answered. "SIR, we are pledge boys through and through."

"WRONG pledge. Tried and true. Give him 10 to see if he can remember."

WHAP WHAP smack whap whap whap smack smack whap wham.

I was told a pledge goes through trials and tribulations, and that the brothers are there to help him through. We would face challenges and would have to learn to trust your brothers. "Now walk forward. When a brother tells you to stop, your reply, "SIR". A majic marker was put at my left side, held in by the elastic of the shorts.

At the first stop, I was told to stand perfectly still. A soft brush was rubbed up and down my body. My brother knew I was extremely ticklish, and in no time he had me squirming around. I was penalized with demerits and paddled several times before I moved on.

At the next stop I was asked "What are you here for, pledge?"

"SIR, we are pledges SIR"


"ughhhh tried and true SIR?"

"VERY good -- what are you to do about it?"


"YES -- what colors pledge?"

"Black and blue, SIR."

"Excellent." I was led into the kitchen. "We don't want our pledges to get hungry. Bend over and find something to eat."

I had been given hell earlier by bringing a bunch of grapes, and when I bent over, my mouth found where they were. I started to eat them. "NO, no, no, pick them up and give them to me." I found the stem and took the grapes out of the sick and handed it to my big brother. "You need to carry them somewhere out of the way. Where do you think they should go, pledge?"

"In my shorts, SIR?"

"Excellent choice, pledge." He pulled open the front of my shorts and put the grapes by my cock. I was turned around and led to a makeshift tunnel. "Get real low and crawl, pledge." I crawled on my elbows and knees to the other end, where I was stopped.

"Do you think we are animals, pledge? That we will have you use your hands to eat?"

"SIR, no SIR."

"We are civilized boy. Go back and get a fork to eat with."

"SIR, yes SIR." I was stood up and pointed in the right direction. When I found the kitchen, I was asked if I was looking for a utensil to eat with. "SIR, yes SIR."

"Here is a fork. Where do you think it should be put pledge?"

"SIR, anywhere you want SIR."

"That is correct pledge." He opened the back of my shorts and put the fork along my ass crack "How is that, pledge?"


I was led out of the kitchen and pushed into the back of another pledge. "Squeeze together. Raise you hands so you can get in tighter." My bound hands went on the shoulder of the pledge in front of me. We were led into the kitchen in order of our pledge numbers. Then we were turned around. "Pledge 7, you have been th3e last so far. Now you will be the lead dog. Get down on all fours."

"SIR, yes SIR!"

He was told to spread his legs and move forward three paces. The next pledge was told to get down behind him. "Get your head down and move in tight." Each of us in turn were linked together -- bound hands on the floor, legs spread wide and the backs of our heads rubbing the fruit and cock of the pledge in front of us. "What is the favorite fruit of the pledge in front of you," we were all asked. We were made to crawl forward together as a group -- making sure we did not get separated even a little bit.

We were then paired up and told to strip each other. With our hands tied, we had to tear the T-shirts off each other. All the demerits we had accumulated were on our shirts. Since they were unusable, they transferred the count to our bare backs with the markers. One of the pledges was to get his crotch shaved. I was told to hold the bowl of water for the shave. The pledge was tied in the chair, and when the shaving was completed, one of the brothers told me to dump the water out. I did. When I returned to the group, the pledge and been retied so his ass was sticking out.

"Where is the water, pledge?"

"SIR, I dumped it SIR."

"Why did you do that, pledge? Give him 20 demerits. Now go fill the bowl back with warm water."

"SIR, yes SIR." I went back to the kitchen and the pledge master handed me a small bowl of warm water. He had a big grin on his face. I took it and went back.

"You stupid shit -- I said the SAME bowl as before. Give him another 20 demerits."

I went back to the kitchen. As I approached, I saw the pledge master add a tray of ice cubes into the water. He handed me the bowl.

"You are one dumb mutherfuckin pledge, boy. Can't you tell the difference between warm and cold water? Give him 10 across the ass and 35 demerits and see if he can remember this time."

After the paddling, I took the bowl back to the kitchen. The pledge master had the original bowl filled with water on the countertop. He took the bowl from my hands. "I think you can't tell the difference between hot and cold, pledge. Bend over the sink." I obeyed and the ice cold water from the bowl I brought back was poured over my head. I was given another bowl. I was dripping wet as I walked back to the group. As I held the water, my big brother stood behind me with the paddle.

After the shave, we were lined up against the wall, and they took us one at a time for the next event. Fire and Ice. I was the first one chosen. My blindfold was tied back on. I was led into the kitchen and pushed down on a chair covered with the ice bags.

"You have to make a choice between taking fire or taking ice. As you know, one of them is naughty, one of them is nice. You have four minutes to endure one or the other -- your choice, pledge."

"SIR, can the pledge switch off, SIR?"

"Yes you can, pledge."

"SIR, since I am already on the ice, I will choose ice, SIR."

"Start the time." As I sat there, the chant begins. "Fire and ice (smack), fire and ice (smack), one is naughty (smack), one is nice (smack). Fire and ice (smack), fire and ice (smack) ...

Sitting four minutes on the ice is not that difficult, so after about a minutes I stood up and yelled "Fire SIR!!" Three people with paddles and slappers started to beat my ass hard. I counted to 20 then yelled "Ice SIR," and sat back down on the ice. The chant resumed. I counted to 40, stood up and yelled, "Fire, SIR." I was again pounded by the three people. Again I counted to 20 then sat back down. I got the one minute warning, so I counted to 30 and stood back up. I was getting fairly beat up when the timer went off. I had hope I had worked off some of my demerits. When the time expired, a bowl of cold water was poured over my head.

Afterwards, I was taken to the back room and made to stand against the wall while others took their turn. Some did just the ice, while others switched off occasionally. After we were all in the room, one of the brothers had some index cards in his hand. We each had to take one. On the card was a letter -- A B or C. One was a big letter, the other a small. We paired up based on the common letter. Lube was given out and a small cup. Our hands were untied.

"The pledge with the big letter helps make the pledge with the small letter cum. You have 5 minutes. You can do whatever you want to make him cum. My fellow pledge put lube in my right hand and had me start to jack off. He started to pinch and twist my nipples. As he did that, my cock got harder. He started to dig his fingernails in my nips and twisting hard. He worked on them as I jerked my cock. In only a couple minutes, I was close to cumming. "Get the cup ready," is all I said. Just as he brought the cup up, I shot a big load into it.

We were then taken upstairs and paired up again. I had to kneel down with my forehead on the bed while my pledge brother gave me 14 hard ones across the ass with a slapper he had been given. Then we switched and I hit him.

That was the end of the initiation. We were welcomed into the brotherhood and we hugged. I never did pay up the demerits, or get a private session with my big brother. I wonder if that means I have to be initiated again.

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