Poison Ivan

By Dusty Hansen

Published on Mar 23, 2008


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. Robin, Superboy, Poison Ivy, and any other characters mentioned here are trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that to DC Comics. I'm using them without permission.

For those who read the comics and worry about such things, this story takes place sometime after the start of the current "Teen Titans" comic, probably somewhere in the first dozen issues or so.

Comments can be sent to "dustyh75@hotmail.com"


"I still don't see anything," Kon sighed into his communicator, and I felt frustration welling up inside again.

"Kon, do you know what radio silent means? Honestly?" I sighed. "If you don't see anything, stay silent!"

I couldn't really blame Kon for being bored. Stakeouts are boring at the best of times, and when the people on stakeout are separated, they're even worse. Right now I was sitting motionless, the way I'd been trained, inside the Gotham Gardens Plant Nursery, wedged up in the ceiling rafters of the greenhouse. It was uncomfortable, but I was mostly hidden by all the hanging plants, and I could see the full length of the building from my perch. My cape was gathered up around me, covering the red and green of my Robin costume, and the only way I would be spotted was if someone stood on the floor and looked directly up at me.

Kon, on the other hand...

"So I should talk if I see someone?" Kon asked, and I resisted the urge to hold my face in my hands. It would have required movement, after all.

Kon is my best friend, and I have a lot of respect for him. Other capes don't really give him the respect he deserves. They see him as immature, sloppy, and lucky. To them, Kon wouldn't be where he is now if he didn't happen to have half of Superman's DNA. Most people saw it as a lucky birthright wasted on a dumb clone, but I'd worked with Kon for years as Superboy. I'd seen him brave, smart, and willing to throw himself in front of anything for his friends.

Sure, lately, he was having some issues, but after what happened to Donna and Lilith, who didn't? Kon was dealing with other stuff, though, personal identity stuff that I couldn't really understand. I knew who my parents were, but he was a clone, and lately he'd been struggling with finding out that the other half of his DNA was donated, or, rather, engineered, by Lex Luthor, Superman's greatest enemy. Something like that could fuck up anybody, and Kon was already a little rocky to begin with. Lately he'd stopped wearing his Superboy suit, just wandering around in jeans and a t-shirt with the S. All he needed was one of those tribal tattoos, and he could be any frat boy on the street, but I think that's what he wanted, to just be average.

Superboy wasn't known for subtlety, though. Bringing him on a stakeout was kind of like the proverbial bull in a china shop, but I had no real choice. Bruce, Batman, was away on Justice League business that I'd hear about later, and Dick, the first Robin, was out running around as Nightwing, leading the Outsiders on business that I might not ever hear about. Batgirl was hard to get hold of even at the best of times, and Oracle had the Huntress running around down south somewhere, so all my usual "Bat family" cohorts were off the table. If what I suspected was going on in Gotham was true, though, I knew I couldn't go in by myself, so that left the Titans. Kid Flash would have been a bigger problem than Superboy, and Beast Boy was right behind him on the "most likely to spaz out and blow the stakeout" scale. Starfire was more of the hit first and ask questions later type, Cyborg was too shiny and clanky to be subtle, and Wonder Girl was too moody and unpredictable lately.

That left me with Kon. I knew he had my back, if I could just keep him on task. I was about to answer him on the radio when I saw movement, a flash of something in the shadows at the end of the greenhouse. I flashed my communicator twice, our agreed-upon signal, and peered into the darkness, thankful for the enhancements in my mask. Down at the far end of the greenhouse I saw movement again, an arm shutting the door, and caught a glimpse of red hair and a pale shoulder.

I was right. Poison Ivy.

For the past three weeks, greenhouses, florists, and fertilizer plants around the city had been burgled. Items taken were usually seeds, fertilizer, and the types of things someone with a really big garden might need. In every case money had been ignored, safes untouched, which spoke of someone with specific needs and a definite agenda more than it did of greed. The robberies, plotted on a map, had a definite pattern radiating outward from Robinson Park, where Poison Ivy had been known to live and hide in the past, and working from that pattern the Gotham Gardens Plant Nursery was the next place to be hit. I thought we'd have to wait a little longer, maybe a couple of nights, but it looked like we'd gotten lucky straight away.

I tensed on my rafter as she walked the length of the greenhouse, stopping and looking around. There were too many shadows for me to see her clearly, but every few moments I caught a fall of red hair, or a glimpse of a pale shoulder. For a plant lady, Poison Ivy didn't get a lot of sun. I couldn't tell what she was looking for, but as she drew closer I realized something was off. Something in the way she moved or the fall of her footsteps seemed off, but I couldn't figure out what it was until she stepped into the light, staring up at me with blazing green eyes. The shock froze me for a moment, and that was just long enough for the plants around me to come alive, tendrils and vines whipping forward like snakes to grab my hands and ankles and wrap around my torso. I struggled, trying to reach my neck or get one of the knives hidden in my glove, but the plants had me. They hadn't been camouflage. They were a trap, and I'd been kind enough to climb right into it. With a rustling, hissing noise, the vines flexed and lowered me, hanging me in front of the man on the floor.

I'd been surprised because this wasn't Poison Ivy.

"Robin?" he said, looking at me curiously. I didn't answer, gritting my teeth. I wanted to glare defiantly, but the mask got in the way of that. You had to project the same sense with the muscles of your face, and I was giving it my best. "I've been ready each time for one of you to stop me, but you are the first."

"Who are you?" I asked.

I'd never seen him in my life, but the resemblance to Poison Ivy was uncanny. His hair fell only to his shoulders, not her usually tumbling mane, but it was the same shade of red bordering on orange. He had the same bright green eyes, shining emeralds that stood out even in the dim lighting of the greenhouse, and the same greenish lips. His skin, like hers, was pale but not chalky, and as I looked at his bare torso and pink nipples I realized that he was in very good shape. Like Poison Ivy, he had only the barest covering of leaves, although in his case it was a kind of loincloth of large overlapping leaves. I'd thought of him as a man, but as I got closer I realized he couldn't be older than me or Kon.

"Ivan," he answered softly. He frowned and the vines holding me tightened a little, binding me in place. "Mother said you prefer codenames, so I guess I'm Poison Ivan, but really, it doesn't matter."

"Why not?" I asked. Batman always said when you were stuck to get the villains talking. Most of them wanted to, anyway, and it would buy you time for a distraction.

"I'm not like you," he answered, turning away to continue looking at the shelves. "I have no wish to fight you, or to be one of your supervillains, or to be put away in Arkham. Mother tells me it's cold there."

"What do you want, then?" I asked. More and more vines had layered themselves around me, ropes now instead of just tendrils, binding my arms, legs, and neck, but not hurting me. As long as I didn't move, neither did they, but when I tentatively flexed one arm they immediately got tighter, keeping me from moving.

"Mother needs these supplies," he answered as a giant, walking flytrap trotted like a puppy across the floor. It opened its mouth and he began putting bags of potting soil inside. "She is weak, and not herself, and I promised to bring these things to her. I don't wish to hurt you, Robin, so please, just stay there, and I will take what I need and go."

"Stealing is stealing," I said quietly. "No matter what your motive."

He smiled at me, ignoring the full plant that went toddling off.

"Mother said you would say something like that, too," he said, still grinning. He stepped closer, peering at my face curiously. "It's too bad we have to meet like this. I have no friends my own age."

I opened my mouth to say something, I don't know what, and that's when Kon flew out of the shadows.

"Kon! No!" I yelled, tensing against the vines that held me.

"Let him go!" Kon yelled, grabbing Ivan's shoulders, and then he seemed to stumble. His bare hands were wrapped around Ivan's biceps because he didn't know any better, but I understood completely what had happened. Ivan's eyes widened but he didn't move as Kon held onto him, blinking in confusion.

"Kon, let go," I said sharply, but Kon didn't move. I looked at Ivan. "Please, don't hurt him."

"Why would I hurt him?" Ivan asked, smiling at me before glancing over his shoulder at Kon. "Why would I hurt such a big, strong new friend?"

"Don't," I said softly, but I knew it was too late. We were both caught.

"I... you..." Kon slurred, blinking, still holding onto Ivan's arms. "What?"

"Toxins," I answered, shaking my head as Ivan reached back over his shoulders, brushing his fingertips over Kon's neck. "Toxins in his skin, just like Poison Ivy."

"Toxins?" Ivan asked, turning to face Kon. He caressed the side of Kon's neck with one hand, smiling at him. "Toxins are poison. Does this feel like poison to you, Superboy?"

I saw Kon shudder for a second, blinking, but it wasn't in terror.

"No," he breathed, and then he and Ivan were kissing deeply, both of them moaning softly. From the way their faces were moving, it was clear that their tongues were fighting, sliding over each other, and Kon had his hands all over Ivan's bare back, rubbing and holding him.

I opened my mouth to say something else, to ask Ivan to leave my friend alone, but as soon as I did a vine slid across my mouth like a gag. I tried to look away, but the vines held me in place as Ivan and Kon continued kissing, Ivan running his hands over Kon's face and neck and through his short, dark hair. Kon groaned, pushing Ivan back a little, and I thought maybe he was breaking the hold over him. Instead, he grabbed his t-shirt and ripped it open, his heaving pecs seeming to burst out of it, and I could see that his dark red nipples were hard with arousal. He groaned, tossing his head back, as Ivan grabbed the tips of his nipples and rolled them in his fingertips.

"You don't want to hit me, do you?" Ivan asked, nuzzling beneath Superboy's jaw to suck and kiss his neck. His hands roamed over Kon's muscular chest, groping and caressing, and then slid down his abs to begin unfastening his belt.

"No," Kon answered, his hands sliding down Ivan's back. There was a small rustle as Ivan's loincloth fell away, and then Kon's hands were cupping and squeezing his bare ass. Ivan ground against Kon's thigh as he pulled open Kon's jeans and tugged them down, and then I could see them both, fully naked and hard.

Kon was uncut, something I'd never thought of but which made logical sense. He was decanted, after all, not born, and that was probably the last thing on anyone at Cadmus's mind when they did it. He was also big, really big, over eight inches, and very thick. I'd never seen him like this, hard and throbbing with the foreskin pulled slightly back from his dark red head, but I'd know from the bulge in his outfit that he was packing. My own tights had layers, Kevlar, and a built in cup, but Kon usually just pulled his on over his underwear, and they didn't cover as much. I realized as I saw Ivan reach down to caress Kon's cock, pushing back the foreskin with his fingers to trail them over the head, that I was hard.

What was happening to me? I was straight. I'd been with Spoiler, and I spent most of my time working with beautiful women in tiny outfits. I knew myself, and I knew I wasn't gay and shouldn't be aroused by this. I'd worked out with Kon, Dick, and Bruce and never felt a twinge of anything, so why was I hard now? I realized as Ivan winked at me that it was the vine covering my mouth. It was slick against my lips, leaking something, some version of the chemical that Ivan was feeding Kon through his skin, and I couldn't resist. I had stronger mental discipline than Kon, had been trained for years by Batman to resist, but I could feel myself slipping, my own six inches pressing and straining against the cup in my tights.

Ivan and Kon were grinding against each other now, kissing again, their hands everywhere. Both of their bodies flexed as they ground their hard cocks against each other, Ivan's long erection pale and thin against Kon's thick club, and then I felt the vines around me shifting. Ivan began to kiss his way down Kon's chest, stopping to suck and bite at his nipples as Kon groaned, and I felt the vines on my arms pull off my gloves. Tendrils slid across my chest, unfastening my cape and working at my green vest as Ivan dropped to his knees in front of Kon and Kon ran his fingers through Ivan's thick, red hair.

"Please," Kon murmured, looking down at Ivan as my boots were pulled off and my vest fell away, exposing my torso. I wasn't built of big, blocky slabs of muscle like Kon, but Ivan seemed to approve as he looked over. Tendrils and vines snaked across my torso like feathers, caressing and teasing, and I groaned around the vine gagging me, sucking at it to get more of the sticky fluid.

Ivan leaned forward, opening his mouth, and Kon gasped and tensed as his thick tip pushed through Ivan's greenish lips. Ivan swallowed eagerly, his hands on Kon's hips, and leaned forward, sucking more of Kon's thick spike into his mouth. His own cock throbbed, and I moaned as I saw a thick drop of precum fall onto the floor of the greenhouse. Tendrils eased down my tights, and I shivered as I felt the cool air of the greenhouse on my exposed cock. The vines on my arms and legs held me in place, and I struggled against him as Ivan released Kon's slick, wet cock from his mouth and kissed his way back up Kon's body. The two of them caressed each other as they stood facing me, both of their cocks pointing at me, throbbing and wet with precum, and I felt myself leaking as the vine slithered out of my mouth.

"Do you want him?" Ivan asked Kon, licking his earlobe.

"Yes," Kon answered, his blue eyes glassy as he looked over my hanging body.

"Tell him," Ivan said, gently pushing Kon toward me.

I let out a soft whimper as Kon ran his hands up my sides. I'd never noticed before that his skin was so smooth, his tactile telekinesis guaranteeing that he didn't have calluses. He circled my nipples with his fingertips as if fascinated by them, and I whimpered again as I felt my six inches throb and begin leaking. Kon tilted my chin up with his fingers, staring at me, looking into my mask as if he could see my eyes underneath, and he looked so soft and vulnerable.

"I love you," he said softly, kissing me gently on the lips. "You're my best friend. You know me, and you don't judge me, ever. Everyone else says things, I know what they say, behind my back, but you, you accept me. I love you."

He kissed me again, sliding his tongue into my mouth, and I marveled that he tasted warm, like whiskey or hot chocolate. His chest touched mine as he leaned into me, and that was warm, too, warm and smooth and almost hairless. His abs were against mine, his heart beating with mine, his thick arms wrapped around me and his thick cock rubbing against my cock and then the vines were releasing me and I was slumping against him, writhing against him with the need to touch and be touched and to share myself with my best friend.

Ivan stepped past us, his leafy loincloth back in place, and smiled as we sank to the floor, Kon's thick body on top of me.

"I'll be escaping now," he said softly, chuckling. "I imagine you two will be too busy to stop me."

I tried to answer him, but Kon's tongue was in my mouth, seeking and probing, and then Kon was between my legs, pushing them open, and suddenly his blue eyes were above me again.

"Robin, Tim, please," he asked, his voice tender.

"Kon," I answered, running my hands up and down his muscled back.

Kon moved forward, his thick head slick with precum and pressing against my ass, and then suddenly he was pushing inside. I tensed, suddenly frightened, feeling a wave of warmth somewhere just between pleasant and unpleasant, and then Kon was kissing me again, invading me with his tongue as he impaled my ass on his spike. He continued easing forward, stretching me open, my legs tensing on either side of his as my hands clutched his pecs, and I felt light I might pass out. I felt full, stretched, but also complete, like I'd been missing something important. Each time he eased forward his thick shaft rubbed against my prostate. I knew, intellectually, that it could be stimulated this way, but I'd never considered how it might actually feel.

Both our bodies were slick with sweat as Kon began to rock in and out of me, waves of pleasure crashing through me. His whole body was like one giant muscle, flexing and sliding against me, and I couldn't touch enough of it. My hard cock was rubbing against his abs, leaking precum and smearing it over both of us, when he reached down and wrapped a hand around it, jerking me in time to his thrusts. I thought for a second about the women he'd been with, and realized only they had seen his face like this, seen this expression of wonder and need and lust, and he was looking at me, really looking, like he could see me, see what was inside of me and what I was feeling at this moment when I was closer to my best friend than I ever had been before.

"Tim," he whispered, kissing me over and over, almost bruising me with his urgency.

"Kon," I whimpered, gripping his flexing, rock hard ass and pulling him into me.

I tried to hold out, but I knew I couldn't last long. My head was spinning, my body straining, and Kon's hand was working my cock too hard and too fast for me to make it. With a soft yelp, my back arched and I felt myself shooting cum onto our bodies, spraying it, feeling like I'd never cum this hard before. Kon bellowed loudly, and then his whole beautiful naked muscled body tensed above me, a bulging sculpture, and I felt his seed flooding into my clenching ass. His hips jerked a few more times as he gasped, and then he was slumping down on top of me, kissing the side of my neck as he gently slid out of me. I felt the sudden emptiness, the unexpected feeling of loss as he removed himself, and then he was laying alongside me, cradling me.

My heart was pounding, but I still felt nothing but love and companionship and warmth. I didn't know when it would wear off or even if there was any of the pheromone still in my system, but neither one of us moved. No one would be in the greenhouse for hours still, so we had plenty of time to catch our breath and let go of each other.

At the far end of the greenhouse I caught a flash of red hair and white shoulder as a door clicked closed.

I don't know if there will be more to this, and I'm still working on my X-Men story. I just had a sudden thought about the Teen Titans and decided to write it.

Next: Chapter 2

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