Poison Ivan

By Dusty Hansen

Published on Jun 15, 2008


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. Robin, Superboy, Poison Ivy, and any other characters mentioned here are trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that to DC Comics. I'm using them without permission.

For those who read the comics and worry about such things, this story takes place sometime after the start of the current "Teen Titans" comic, probably somewhere in the first dozen issues or so.

Comments can be sent to "dustyh75@hotmail.com"

Thanks for reading, and to everyone who wrote after the first part and said I should keep going.

Roy Harper, the former Titan known as Speedy and now as Arsenal, rolled onto his back, sleeping comfortably after being woken late at night by Beast Boy and Superboy. He hadn't really minded the late night banging on his apartment door, as the lifestyle they lead didn't really lend itself to steady, nine to five hours. He'd had to shush the two of them, so they didn't wake his daughter Lian, but other than that he didn't mind seeing Gar or Kon.

"Can we crash here?" Gar had asked, he and Kon looking pretty drained. "We've been working a case, and we're exhausted, and since your apartment was right here."

"Sure," Roy answered, shrugging. He scratched absently at his flannel pajama pants as he led the two of them through his small apartment, pointing at the couch and the guest room. He still wasn't used to sleeping with something on, but since Lian had come to live with him and sometimes woke him, he figured he needed something for decency's sake. "One of the you can take the guest room, and one the couch. I'm going back to sleep."

"Sure," Gar said, nodding, as Kon wondered into the guest bedroom, peeling his t-shirt off. Gar grinned, rolling his eyes at Roy. "I wore him out."

Roy laughed, pulling a pillow and blanket out of the closet and setting them on the couch.

"What were you guys doing?" he asked, glancing toward the bedroom again as Kon crawled on top of the blankets in his jeans. He was a pretty well built kid, bigger than any of Roy's Titans had been at that age. Even Garth, who swam everywhere and was pretty much all muscle even as a kid, didn't bulge like that. "Night, Kon."

"Night, Mr. Harper," Kon mumbled. Gar wasn't kidding about wearing him out. On the way here, they'd had to stop and fuck three times, and he really just needed to rest up for a couple hours before they seduced Roy. Although Gar was now infected with the Green, he couldn't pass it along. He could entrance, but not convert. Kon still had to do that himself, unless they brought Roy to Ivan, and at the moment that wasn't possible. Ivan was on the move.

Ivan watched silently from the shelter of the trees in Robinson Park as Robin checked the caves, under the bridges, and all the other places where Ivan and Ivy might hide. He roused a few of the homeless, but hadn't turned up any other signs, mostly because Ivan hadn't left any. As soon as he had taken Superboy he had packed up the lair, moving out, knowing that Robin wouldn't allow him to remain uncaptured for long. For now, he just had to stay one step ahead of the dark haired teenager prowling unaware beneath him, not knowing that the object of his search was only a dozen feet above his head, hidden among the leaves.

Soon, he would not have to hide from Robin, or from the Batman. Soon, he would have an army of followers, including Robin and Nightwing themselves, and he would at last be able to deliver the Batman to his mother's embrace. Once he did, all of these beautiful boys would be his to keep, to love, forever. They would be one big, happy family, his mother, his father, and his lovers. He thought for a moment, remembering when his mother had revealed the truth, when he'd decided that he must bring his family together.

"Bruce has no idea," Ivy whispered, running her fingers through Ivan's hair as they lay on soft beds of grass in their cave lair, surrounded by flowers. His mother was so beautiful, so perfect with her long red hair and bright eyes.

"No idea?" Ivan asked, his teenaged body only days old, his arms and legs moving in spurts like a jerky colt as he tried to get used to it.

"No idea that I stole some of his blood last time we fought," Ivy answered, helping Ivan to his feet. "I wanted a child, a real child. The plants, the Green, are all my children, but I wanted flesh of my flesh. I suppose I'm still more human than I thought."

She laughed, her voice airy and light, as she walked him to the mouth of the cave to breathe the night air in deeply. She rubbed his shoulder comfortingly as he looked around, his mind racing, their pale skin bright in the moonlight. This was all new to him, seeing this for real. He had memories, and ideas, but they had all been implanted by his mother as he grew inside her. After he left her womb, she had sealed him in another, a leafy embrace where he grew to his current size in only days. Such was the power of the Green, the power controlled by his mother and now by himself.

"I made you," she said. "Grew you from a seed to this body in just days. You are my perfect child, and we will be a family, you and I."

"And Father," Ivan whispered, his first words.

"Yes, someday," Ivy agreed, nodding. "Someday."

She said it with such disappointment, such longing for this man, this Batman that he saw in his mind but had never seen in real life, that Ivan knew he must make her happy. He must get this man for her, must serve his mother. She gave him life, and he must repay her. Ivy stumbled, turning to go back into the cave, and Ivan caught her arm, his eyes wide with concern.

"Mother!" he yelped, holding her up.

"Shhhh, it's all right," she whispered, kissing his cheek. "I'm weak, from making you. I need you to go out, to get me things. I need to rest."

"Mother, I," he began, swallowing. "I do not know the world. I'm uncertain."

"I'll tell you what to do," she answered, smiling. "I'll tell you everything you ever need to know. You'll go out at night, find your way and your footing, and if anyone tries to stop you, you have all my gifts. The Green will protect you, as it does me."

They both smiled then, and returned to the cave. Now, Ivan watched as Robin stood at the cave mouth, thinking. He could take him now, this slim, dark haired boy with his tight, wiry body. He could snare him in vines, knock him unconscious with pollen, he could do anything, and this boy would be his. He remembered Robin hanging naked in the warehouse, his cock hard and urgent, just as beautiful as his handsome friend Kon, Robin's thin, lithe body twisting urgently in the grip of his vines, seduced by the Green. He could take Robin now and show him such delights, but he found that he was enjoying this game. He was the Green, and the boy below was prey. He flexed, the tree shuddering around him, and then suddenly there was pain!

Robin was tense, ready, waiting for Ivy or Ivan to attack as he pondered the next step of his investigation, and when the trees above him shuddering he didn't hesitate, exploding a defoliant cloud hidden in his glove. It might just be the wind, but it might not.

"Aaaah!" Ivan yelped, leaping back, fleeing the tree. His eyes burned, his hands, what had this boy done? What had he unleashed? Ivan's head rang as the trees cried out around him, the grass withering in pain. The leaves shriveled, yellowing, holes opening in their green flesh, flowers dying, and Ivan looked at his own skin in horror to see it reddening, wrinkling where this chemical had touched him.

"Ivan?" Robin asked, another cloud bomb clutched in his palm. He was certain he'd heard a yell, but the trees above were shaking as if in a storm. He scanned them carefully, the night vision lenses in his mask outlining everything in ironic shades of green, but all he could catch was a leaping shadow that may or may not have been a person. "Ivan, I just want to talk."

Ivan was already gone, fleeing this place and this evil, evil boy. He would pay him back later, when the time was right, but now he was caught off guard and injured, his skin stinging and his hand laid open and bleeding. His mother had warned him that the men of Gotham had terrible weapons, and he was not prepared to fight this. Not yet. For now, he would let his soldiers fight for him, as soon as he had more. He had to lay low somewhere, heal these wounds, immerse himself in the Green until this pain went away. Behind him, he heard Robin attempting to follow, tripping over fallen branches and twisting vines, and he fled even faster, not listening to his lies about wanting to talk.

Robin stopped chasing, finally, sensing that the intelligence in the plants around him was gone. The trees stopped moving, the vines on the ground falling and losing their strange, inanimate life. He carefully removed a pen-light from his belt and began to search the park, doubling back to where he had released the defoliant bomb. He mentally chided himself for trying to talk to Ivan after throwing the bomb, but he had to be safe. He was confused enough as it was, and even if Ivan said the first time that he didn't want to be an enemy, Ivy definitely was. Not knowing which was which, Robin had to shoot first and ask questions later, but it looked like this time his defensiveness had ruled out asking questions, at least for now.

"Damn," he sighed, lifting his hand to scratch his head for a second. There were leaves in his hair, and when he reached up to pull them out he saw the thin beam of the flashlight catch something, some wet glimmer, up on the tree. "Hmmmm?"

He leaned in closer, carefully removing a piece of bark and placing it in a bag for testing later, but he was pretty sure that the tests were just going to confirm that this was blood. Based on the way it was still smoking, almost steaming, he knew it had to have come from Ivy or Ivan, because it was reacting to the defoliant left on the tree. He needed to get this tested immediately. He'd been too freaked out after the incident in the greenhouse to take any samples, but now he at least had something to work with, something that might silence some of the conflicting voices inside him. Even as he started making a mental list of tests to run, though, he knew it was just an exercise in procrastination.

It wasn't Ivan he needed to talk to. It was Kon. He needed to try to sort out his feelings, to continue the discussion he'd meant to have the other day, but then he'd walked in on Kon and Gar and now, well, now he didn't know what he thought. If he could bury himself in these tests for a while, though, he wouldn't have to think anything.

Roy heard nothing as Gar, a tiny green housefly, buzzed through the cracked open bedroom door and circled over the bed. From this angle, at this size, Roy seemed huge, a giant, and Gar marveled that he had never noticed how attractive Roy was before. He'd never noticed how attractive any man was, until Kon had shown him the Green, had planted it inside of him. Now, he couldn't get enough, and he knew that Kon wanted Roy to join them. Even though part of him argued that this was wrong, that this was his friend, that he should at least wait until Kon was awake and could help him, he couldn't resist. The urge was so strong in him, and looking down at Roy he didn't want to wait.

Roy lay on his back, shirtless, the sheet pushed down around his waist, just below the rippled ladder of his abs. There was a thin line of dark copper hair leading down from his belly button, a cavernous hole that Gar could fit entirely inside of at this size, but the trail disappeared beneath the sheet. Gar circled over another patch of hair between Roy's pecs, a thin dusting that at this size looked like a forest. One arm, the bicep thick and rounded, was curled behind Roy's head, the other trailing down to his side. Gar circled the dark forest of Roy's pit, a thick clump of copper hair beckoning him to land, change to something else, crawl inside, and then he flew across the wall of muscle that was Roy's chest, amplified to the size of a state through the multifaceted fly eyes.

Gar landed on the slightly bumpy surface of Roy's areola, stilling his wings as he rested on the light pink curve of Roy's nipple. The tip was huge, as large as Gar's head, but soft. He lacked the equipment to stimulate it in this form, to taste it, and he sighed, flying to the foot of the bed. There was a small flicker as he shifted back to Gar, but Roy's eyes remained closed as Gar slowly peeled off his white boxer shorts. His hard green cock was already dripping as it jutted out in front of him, and he caught the bottom of the sheet in his hands and slowly pulled it down.

Roy sighed softly as the sheet eased off of him, the slightest of pressure on his legs, but he was in that twilight between asleep and awake. His mind, conditioned to respond to threats, had no alerts for Gar, and in his half daze he decided that Grace or Thunder must have snuck into his room. They'd done it before, and, no doubt, would do it again, and his soft cock began to swell as his mind played with the idea. Gar bit his lip, his hand slowly stroking his own cock, as he saw the bulge in Roy's pajama pants twitch. He knew he should wait for Kon, but he couldn't. He had to see the rest, see what Roy had been bragging about and seducing women with for years. Leaning forward, he crawled onto the bed, holding himself above Roy's body with his arms, sliding slowly forward over his legs.

Roy sighed again. Grace was crawling onto the bed, but she seemed lighter than usual, the mattress not sinking nearly as much as it should. He could feel her presence, though, feel her in the space just above his body, and he smiled, still mostly asleep. Maybe it was Thunder, or that robot, Indigo. No, Indigo didn't breathe, and he could feel the slightest breeze of warm breath on his skin, over his neck and across his chest.

"Mmmmm," Roy sighed, smiling softly with his eyes closed as Gar held himself over him, his arms firm as he sniffed Roy's skin, not quite touching him. Gar bit his lip, fighting the urge to just fall on Roy and devour him, lick him everywhere and touch all of that tan skin, to run his tongue over the tattoo around Roy's bicep and trace the design. Roy smelled delicious, musky and clean, and Gar exhaled, his hot breath washing over Roy's nipple. The dark red tip stiffened, hardening in anticipation, and Gar's green tongue flicked out, scraping over it quickly. Roy's hips jerked slightly, his head pressing back into the pillow. "Ahhhh!"

Gar pulled back, his eyes flicking up to Roy's face. He was still asleep, lost in that in between phase, but that had almost woken him. Gar could just wake him now, kiss him deeply and make him want this, but his dick was throbbing with anticipation, this slow exploration of Roy's almost naked body turning him on so much that he needed to keep dragging this out. He needed to take even longer, because he knew when he finally got to the end it would be even better and even hotter. Looking down at the firm bulge in Roy's pajama pants, he knew that he needed to see the rest. If he was going to taste anything, it would be Roy's cock, the throbbing meat behind his sexy swagger and easy grin.

Roy grinned again, his hands rubbing the sheets as he smiled. This was the best dream ever, almost hotter than the real thing, and he could feel his body tingling as nimble fingers untied the drawstring of the flannel pants. There was a gentle, persistent tugging at his hips, pulling, and he lifted them, letting out a louder groan as the top of the pants slid over the head of his hard cock. Gar leaned back, letting the pants fall to the foot of the bed, and took in the sight before him. Roy wasn't massive, wasn't sporting the thick club that Superboy was carrying around, but he was beautifully sexy, his cock maybe seven inches long and curving slightly as it climbed upward from a pair of heavy, low-hanging balls. At the tip, shimmering on his slit, was a tiny droplet of precum and Gar leaned down, his green tongue flicking out again, and scooped it up.

"Oh," Roy groaned, his fingers gripping the sheets, tensing as he felt his cock sinking into a warm, tight mouth. Oh, God, it was wet, and her tongue was flicking through his slit and around the rim of his head. His head throbbed in the rhythmic, eager suction, and his abs slowly flexed as he pushed his cock upward, wanting more, wanting it all the way inside. Hands rubbed his thighs, caressing them, pushing his legs open, and the mouth sucked harder, a chin brushing his balls, an ear touching his leg. This was, no, this wasn't a dream. His green eyes popped open suddenly, looking down, and he saw a shock of green hair over his crotch that could only be Gar. "Gar?"

Gar glanced up at the sound of his name, lifting his head, his green eyes settling onto Roy's as his green lips stretched tightly around Roy's wet shaft. Roy's face was a mix of confusion and lust, his body responding to the physical sensations and still wound up in a sex mode even as his mind was reeling in confusion, trying to process what was going on. He grabbed Gar's shoulders, pushing, but not hard, trying to push him off even though it felt so good. What was happening here? What, well, he knew what Gar was doing, but why?

"Gar, stop," Roy moaned, feeling Gar's tongue flicking just below his slit, right at that bundle of nerves where the head of his cock met the shaft. His hips jerked again, his cock throbbing, and he felt himself pulsing a spurt of precum into Gar's mouth. This wasn't right, wasn't supposed to happen with Gar. "Gar!"

"Roy," Gar sighed, letting Roy's hard cock pop out of his mouth and slap wetly against his abs. Gar began to kiss his way up Roy's body as Roy's hands tensed on his shoulders, not pulling or pushing. Roy was trying to shake off the rest of sleep and understand how this was happening, how they'd ended up like this, but Gar didn't care. He wanted him, wanted Roy. He'd always tried to be him, tried to be the cocky sexy ladies' man, but now he just wanted him. "Roy."

"Gar, what are you?" Roy asked, trying to find the words. He could feel Gar's hard cock rubbing against his shin as Gar kissed his pec, sucking at his nipple for a second. "Gar, I don't."

"You've done it before," Gar sighed, kissing Roy's neck, rubbing his cheek against Roy's stubble, pressing his body against Roy. All that skin, and hair, and hard cock, touching him, pressing against him, he needed Roy, needed sex. "I know you have."

"Gar, that was, I was different," Roy mumbled, pushing firmly on Gar's shoulders. No one talked about what Roy had done when he was a junkie, the ways he'd found to get money to buy drugs, but he'd always known, deep down, that they all suspected it. He never thought they would say it, any of his friends, but he'd also never thought any of his friends would wake him up with a blowjob, at least not the guy friends. "Gar, I don't want this. I like you, but I don't, not like this."

"I need it," Gar whimpered, lifting his head so that he was face to face with Roy. Roy blinked in surprise at Gar's expression, the empty, mindless need there. What was going on? Was Gar on something? He opened his mouth to ask, still intending to push Gar away, and that's when Gar kissed him. For a second he was too surprised to push him away, too shocked at the somehow familiar but completely unfamiliar feeling of Gar's warm tongue sliding against his, invading him, and then he felt something else. Gar's lips were burning, Gar's mouth, they were warm, and that warmth was suddenly spreading through Roy's body.

Gar smiled, feeling Roy's tension ease, the hands on his shoulders shifting from pushing to holding and then to caressing. His spit, like Kon's, was infectious now, laced with the Green, and it was rushing through Roy, making Roy want him, too. He knew it wouldn't last long, only a few minutes, but he could just keep kissing him, infecting him over and over. Right now, though, there was something else he wanted to kiss, and he slid down Roy's body to swallow his cock again, sucking eagerly. Roy's hands slid into his short green hair, his fingers running through it as he pulled Gar's head down, spearing his mouth with his hard meat.

"Suck it, Gar, suck my cock," Roy muttered, closing his eyes. A second ago he hadn't wanted this, a second ago he'd been confused, but now he needed it, needed to fuck Gar's face until he came. He didn't understand what had happened in between, couldn't figure out what had happened when Gar kissed him, but there was an overwhelming pressure inside him that silenced those feelings, a pressure that coursed through his body and settled in his cock, in his balls, in every part of him that was alive and throbbing and needing. Gar sucked eagerly, bobbing his head, groaning, and his mouth and throat vibrated around Roy's shaft. Roy squeezed Gar's shoulders, feeling the muscles bunch, feeling all that power and strength totally submitting to him, nursing on him, swallowing his cock over and over. "Yeah, Gar. Suck me."

Gar whimpered helplessly, struggling to breathe as Roy began to jerk his head back and forth, sliding him up and down Roy's throbbing shaft. Spit ran out of the sides of Gar's mouth as Roy's head pushed in and out of his throat, Roy's arms bulging as he flexed and unflexed, spearing Gar's mouth with his cock, burning with need. Gar slid his tongue up and down the shaft, over the thick tube on the underside, washing it over the head each time Roy pulled him up and then pressing it flat along the underside as Roy jerked him back down. This was what he needed, what they both needed, and he massaged Roy's balls with both hands as he swallowed him, waiting for Roy to shoot, to spill, to feed Gar his seed.

Roy opened his eyes, blinking, as he felt fingertips brush his cheek, and suddenly there was Kon, crawling onto the bed beside him. Kon's jeans were unbuttoned, his hard cock standing up out of the fly, leaking and urgent, the foreskin pulled back from the head. God, Kon was beautiful, all that muscle and that dick and those blue, blue eyes, and then Kon was kissing him, kissing him deeply the way Gar had. Between Roy's legs Gar groaned again, still sucking, as he glanced up and saw Roy and Kon making out, their hands sliding over each other's torsos, groping each other's chests and arms, rubbing each other's nipples. Gar felt his own cock throb and leak against Roy's leg as he watched the two of them, and then Kon was shifting, sliding his jeans off.

Roy felt Kon lifting him, Kon's arms reaching around from behind to pull him to his knees, and he followed. In front of him, Gar shifted, too, his mouth never leaving Roy's cock, his lips still gripping tightly around the shaft as he sucked and sucked and licked and tongued. Kon was reaching around to play with Roy's nipples, rubbing his abs and sliding his hands up and down Roy's body as he slid forward behind him, his jeans gone. Roy felt Kon's hard cock slide up his crack, and Kon's pecs pressing against him, and then Kon was kissing the back of his neck and sliding the fingers of one hand into his mouth and Gar was sucking and Roy was so close, and then Kon was moving against him, all that smooth, hard muscle, and Kon's wet cockhead was pressing to his hole and then, oh, God, then it was inside.

"Fuck," Roy groaned, leaning back into Kon, his head falling back onto Kon's shoulder as he began to shoot thick jets of cum into Gar's mouth. Kon was inside him, opening him, stretching him, and it felt so good, so right. "Fuck, yes."

Roy looked down as Gar pulled back, his cock popping out of Gar's mouth again, and Kon jerked his hips forward, sinking deeper. As Gar looked up at Roy, another spurt of cum shot out of Roy's cock, glistening white against Gar's green face, and Roy moaned, bending down to lick Gar's face as Kon pumped in and out of him, Kon's thick cock flexing inside him. God, this felt so good, and he didn't want it to stop, not for anything. Why hadn't he wanted this? What had he been waiting for, and why had he avoided this all these years since he was a teen? Some voice whispered that he shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be letting Superboy ram that thick cock of his inside, but then Gar was kissing him and all the voices were silent again, except for the moans.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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