
By zeca

Published on Aug 20, 2003


Well, my new story, this is my secound attempt to try writting a story, the other attempt was called Pumpkin but due to lack of feedback I stooped writting it, anyway, I hope that you like this new one, I'll only continue writting it if I recieve some feedback (good or bad, it doesn't matter). Mail me to pookie_story@hotmail.com...I hope that you like it good reading


It was one cool day....the sun was shining, there were no clouds in the sky....but of course that it wasn't that perfect, all because of one simple fact: it was the last day of summer vacations... the next day classes would start, teachers, tests, problems...but at the same time I would see people that I hadn't seen for a long time. I was with that feeling on your stomach that tells you to enjoy, `cause hell was near.

I was on my way to the beach, I decided to enjoy the last day of vacations on the beach with my best friend Bridget. She was my best friend since the 5th grade...we were really close, we spent hours on the phone talking or just passing time...she knew everything about me, and I knew everything about her.

I was walking down the beach, looking for her, I loved walking and feeling the cold sea water on my feet. When I was younger I would run (and sometimes fall) and just laugh, my father would run behind me, grab me and tickle me, I would try to get free but I didn't had the strength, he then would look at me, grin and then just dive with me in the water. Happy times those... I was so innocent, so naive, life was so simple.

My father was my roll model. he died when I was 14, it was the time that I discovered what it felt like when you lose your taste for life. I went through some difficult times, my mother dealed with the situation better than me, and if it wasn't for her and Bri I wouldn't have made it. My father died when some drug addict tryed to rob him, and when my father tryed to resist, BANG, he killed him. The thing that most bothered me was that my father had left home 'cause I had asked him to buy me a video game. I never forgot his last words "I'll be right back, don't worry", if I only knew....

But that is in the past now. My mother managed to get a new job and earn enough money to suport us , and she even started dating again. I didn't objected to it, I mean, it's her life, I don't have nothing to do with it. But back to the beach

There weren't that many people on this beach, it was like a secret beach, it was small, and really quiet. I looked around trying to look for Bridget, but no sign of her, I grabbed my mobile and messaged her telling her where I was. I dropped my bag on the hot sand and took of my shirt. I sated near the sea and just started looking at the it again.

I was deep in tough when I felt a pair of hands around my neck

"Braddie, I missed you so much" she said kissing my cheek

"I've missed your kisses also" I said grabbing her and giving her a big wet kiss on her cheek

"You haven't changed a thing since the last time I saw you!" she said smiling

"I guess people don't change that much in one week" I said matter of factly

"I've missed you anyway" she said smiling while smacking my head"Can't you be nice to me? Even after being away from me for a week?"

"Ohhhhh, I've missed you too" I said hugging her

She smiled, and while she was with her guard down, I grabbed a hanfull of sand and puted it inside her pants

"Ei, You bastard" she screamed while trying to take the sand off" You are so dead!"

I was about to reply through my laugher when someone coughed behind us, I looked up and saw a guy of the same age as us. He was cute and looked like was out of place

"Yes, need something?" I asked

"Brad be nice! Mike, sorry, I forgot, this is Brad, Brad this is Mike" Bri said getting up

"Hi" he said extending his hand

"Hi" I said returning the compliment

"Mike is a friend of mine that I meet one night at a club near here" Bri said smiling

"You mean that you two are..." I said confused

Bri looked at me with a blank expression "Are what?"

"You know...dating!" I said even more confused

They looked at each other and starting laughing hard. I looked at them without a clue to the motive of the laugher.

Bri looked at me "No we're not dating, I assure you" she said

"I don't see what's so funny in that" I said

"Ohhhhhhhhh, is little Brad hurt?" Bri said in a little kids voice

"Fuck you!" I said smiling

"You wish!" she said smiling back

"Can we just drop our things and go to the water? I don't wanna spend the day here watching you guys teasing each other" Mike said running towards the water

As he dived in the water Bri looked at me"So any luck with the boys this summer?"

"No...." I said rolling my eyes" You know, you're more excited about the idea of me getting a boyfriend than myself..."

She just grinned "I bet that I reach the water first!"

"You wish" I said

"Well, last on the water looses..:" she said running away

"Hey no fair..." I said smiling

Just like old times


We got out of the water and walked to our towels. We layed down. I grabbed my backpack and looked for my book and reading glasses, I putted them on and started reading the book

"What? You're gonna read in here now?" Mike asked in a mocking tone

"Yeah, why? Do you want me to teach you how to do that?" I asked not taking my eyes of the book

"Don't worry I know how to read"Mike said smiling"You think that I'm a dumb jock don't you?"

I looked at him " As a matter of fact I do!"

"I tought so!" He said rolling his eyes

"What? You're feeling hurt? You probably tought that I was a geek, right?" I asked looking straight at him

He was about to reply when Bri spoke

"Stop, both of you, you're starting to annoy me...you two sound like my mom and dad "Bri said" Brad could you put sunscreen on my back?"

"Don't worry, I'll do that, don't wanna interrupt reading time!" Mike said smiling wile grabbing the sunscreen

I looked at him and took the sunscreen from his hands" Don't worry; I have enough energies to read and put sunscreen!"

"Don't worry, you seemed to like what you were doing, go back to the book!" he said taking the sunscreen from my hands

"Guys, I really need to protect my skin...but if that is not important enough for you...I could go and ask the lifeguard over there" Bri said smiling at us and pointing upwards

I looked at her and rolled my eyes "Fine, Mr. Jock can put the sunscreen...."

Mike was about to reply, but Bri stopped him" Don't listen to him, just put the sunscreen please"

She then looked at me closed my book and said" So, tell me, what happen this week?"

I putted down the glasses " Do you wanna know everything?" she nodded "Well, I woke up of Monday at about 8.00 am, and then I ..."

She smacked my butt, Mike laughed, I was about to toss another comment at Mike when Bri closed my mouth with her hands "No, I mean important things" she then turned to Mike "Could you do me a back rub? Please?"

He sighed and nodded" He's great at it..."she said with one eye closed "So?"

So I started telling her about the week, the important things. Mike seemed to be listening, I'm sure Bri was having a difficult time listening to me talking, she was half asleep, Mike seemed to be really good at it.

"Done" he said getting up" I'm gonna buy an ice cream, anyone wants one?"

Me and Bri both said no, I mean Bri tried to, `cause she was almost asleep, I looked at Mike walking away and noticed that he had a nice butt

"Don't look to much, or your eyes will fall!" Bri said with her eyes closed

"I wasn't looking, I was admiring the view, those trees over there are really beautiful!" I said smiling

"Yeah, and round, and nicely shaped!" Bri said opening one eye" Don't try to deny it to me!"

I just rolled my eyes and laid on the towel enjoying the sun. I was starting to get sleepy when I felt something cold falling into my stomach, I looked up and saw Mike with half of an ice cream and with an angry look on his face

"Next time, watch out...you have to be careful with that ball!" Mike said while giving a soccer ball to a small kid

I groaned, now I had to go back to the water to clean myself

"Do you me to lick that off?" Bri said teasing me

"Like you had the balls to do it!" I said getting up

"You're right I don't, I'm a girl..."She said smiling

"Look, I'm sorry; the ball came out of nowhere..:" Mike said trying to apologize

"Don't worry about it!" I said walking away

I ran to the water and dived immediately. I loved being in the sea, the waves, the peace, it was great, I decided to swim a little, to just let go and relax...

When I returned to my towel, I started looking for my favorite cookies in the world, I emptied my entire backpack but they where nowhere to be found

"Bri have you seen my cookies?" I asked her

She looked at me and shrugged. I looked at her suspiciously and noticed that she had a little bit of chocolate in the corner of her mouth. I smiled

"Oh, ok!" I said getting up

I went to the little kid that had threw the ball at Mike and convinced him to lend me his bucket, I fill it with water and walked towards Bri

She was engrossed in conversation with Mike, and when I was about to empty the bucket on her, I felt someone came against me and the water fell on Mike

"Dude, I'm sorry" said the guy that pushed me, I nodded at him and he walked away

I looked at Mike "Sorry, it was meant to hit Bri, really..."

He looked at me and started laughing "I guess you had your revenge on Mr.Jock"

Bri looked at us and started laughing

"What?" I asked her

"Nothing, it's time for us to go, we've got a train to catch, remember?" She asked getting up

"So Mike you're going too?" I asked him

He just nodded while he was picking his towel, I sighed, 1 hour stuck on a train with a jock....


"I just don't understand what you have against sport people" Mike said looking at me

We were on the train, on an empty carriage, Bri had given up on trying to stop our argument, deciding that a magazine was a better company

"You're all the same, you despise everyone that isn't in your group, and think that you are God or something" I said looking back at him

"I'm not saying that there aren't guys like that, but why do you think that just because I do sports I'm like that? It's not fair" he said throwing his hands in the air

"Did you know that a women cutted her husband's penis just because he cheated on her?" Bri said to us

We ignored her" All I'm saying is that when you're in shcool you're all the same, you fit in the jock crowd and act like Gods" I said

Mike got up" You don't know me, how can you say what I'm gonna do?You'r...."

Suddenly the train stopped ,Mike lost his balance and fell on top of me. His face was on my chest, he looked at me and blushed "Sorry!", I looked at him and noticed that his eyes were really cute: deep and full of life.

"Did you know that Cameron Diaz... "Bri started saying, but when she looked at us she just smiled "Mike, you can get up now!"

Mike blushed and returned to is seat, Bri continued smiling through the entire trip while she continued telling us important facts that the damm magazine had written. Meanwhile I couldn't stop thinking about Mike's eyes, and how they fit perfectly into his face, and how his smile lightened the whole room, or how his neck was muscular...no...I am not going to think this things about him, he can be perfect, with those eyes, that body, and....no....I can't....he's a jock....totally stupid, ignorant, gorgeous, idiot, handsome....

"Don't you think Brad?" Bri asked me out of nowhere

"Huh? What?" I said comming out of my daydream" I'm sorry, I was daydreaming...."

Bri looked at me, and I knew that she was containing herself from saying some smart ass comment, and before she lost her control, I decided to go to the bathroom, I got up and when I passes by her I shot her a evil look, she just smiled and continued the conversation that she was having with Mike...


"See, I was right, I'm allways right...:" I said to Bri

We were on our secound day of classes in our lunch break, me and Bri were sitting with our friends eyeing the other corner of the cafeteria, where the jock group was having their lunch

"Mike is just like the others!" I said taking a triufant bite on my sandwitch

"No he's not, he's different, he's just trying to make new friends" Bri said matter of factly

"What? You know that hot new guy?" Pat asked us

Pat was a friend of ours...she was one of those girls that aren't top models and that don't have and A average, she is totally normal, she goes along with everyone. We had met her during a chemestry class two years ago, while she was trying to figure out how to do quimic misture, me and Bri as good pals helped her out and everything just developed from there

"He has English with me, totally cute!" she said sighing" To bad he's a jock, I'll never have a chance with him!"

"As if you deserved someone like him!" I said smiling "He has this weird habit of throwing ice cream at people!"

"BRAD, that was an accident, and you know it, don't listen to him..." Br said smacking my head

"Who listens anyway?" Kevin said sitting next to us

"Hei, I have important things to say" I said defenselvy

"Like what?" Kevin asked me looking right at me

Kevin was another of our recent friends, we met him during a group work to Math, he was new in shcool and we welcomed him.

"Like....hum...." I started saying

"Like how jocks are stupid and ignorant!" Mike said behind me

"Mike, how are you?" Bri said getting up" I though that you were going to have lunch with your new friends there!"

"I was, but I said that I had some old friends that I needed to see first!" he said smiling" Can I sit here"

Everyone ecxept me nodded their heads, I just rolled my eyes" So, Mike haw are things in jock world?" I asked grabbing Bri's apple

"Pretty good, I made new friends, they are nice...." he said between bites of his sandwitch

"I bet they are..:" I said looking away

Bri sensed that Mike was gonna reply, and decided to prevent it" So Mike, what do you think of our new school?"

"It's cool, pretty big and the people seem to be nice!" he said ignoring me

They continued talking, I started eating my apple totally in my own little world. I don't know how but I started noticed little things on Mike, how his arms were, how his neck was perfect, how polite he was eating, and I couldn't old myself, I had to get out of there

"Well, I'm off, I'm gonna have some coffe..."I said getting up grabbing my plate" See ya later!"

"Wait, I'll go with you!" Kevin said getting up quickly "I want some coffe too"

"Ok, Bri and Pat I see you in classes! Mike see ya next time....!"

Bri and Pat smiled, Mike just rolled his eyes

I really needed that coffe, I was starting to like seeing him rolling his eyes


"So, how long have you met this Mike?" Kevin asked me

"Oh, Bri met him on a club, and when we went to the beach she dragged him along..."I said drinking my coffe" I was really needing this...so, how are you? I haven't seen you since last year...what have you done during the summer?"

He smiled "Well, a lot have happened...."

I looked at him, I noticed that he had a strange look on his eyes" What some summer romance?"

He didn't answer, I continued "You had some fun with some girl?"

He blushed "You didn't!" I said surprised"I cannot believe it!"

"Shhhhh, be quiet, I don't everyone to know it!" he said looking around

"You really did it! So how was it? Did it hurt? Was it good?" I asked totally forgeting the coffee

"Well, it was....I don't know...normal....it didn't hurt, at least to me....it felt....I mean.....I don't know how to describe it...." he said dreamingly

I started laughing"So, what's your next objective now, I mean you said that your objective to this summer vacations was to stop being a virgin, what are you going to do now?"

"Well, I don't know....I wanna enjoy the way things are right now...and then the future will tell!"

"They grow up so fast" I said in a mother's voice "Well, I'm gonna pay, wait here!"

I walked towards the waiter and asked how much it was, I payed and when I turned around to walk away, I bumped against someone

"I'm sorry, I didn't saw..." I said looking up

When I looked up my heart stopped, standing there looking right at me was Pete, he had let his bear grow, but it was still small, it made him look older, more manlier, sexier

"Oh, I Pete, I'm sorry" I said trying to pass by him

"What? That's all you say after not seeing me during the summer?" Pete asked trying to smile

"Yes" I said walking away

I was furious, I needed to get some air

"Woa Brad, wait a sec.... calm down!" Kevin said trying to keep up my pace "Don't let him get you, the past is the past...it won't come back at you!"

"How do you know that?" I asked not stoping" Everytime I see him everything falls back to me...everything!"

"Brad please stop" Kevin said grabbing my shoulders" Here, lets sit on the bench, we've still got some time before the next class...now tell me what exactly happened with Pete? Bri said that he just left you...."

"Just left me...I wish it was just that!" I said trying to smile" Last year he and I well, we met and one thing led to another and well...we started seeig eachother"

Kevin nodded, he was totally listening, that's one of his best qualities, he is a great listener, making him the best company for depressing times" Well, everything was going fine, we even had....well...you know...sex...he was my first...."

"Oh" Kevin said starting to understand

"Well, everything was fine until his mother found out. She had a conversation with him and he just came to me and said that it was only a phase and that he and I couldn't be together again, he even started dating some girl on the next day" I said looking down

"Oh" he said sitting up straight" But you can't be like that.... you have to get over it..."

"Kevin, you know how things are with your first, he was my first boyfriend, my first in everything...I really liked him" I said

"So, that's why you're so against jocks and Mike..."Kevin said smiling" Talking about that, why were you drolling on your apple on the cafeteria?"

"Excuse me? I don't drool" I said starting to smile

"Oh, yes you do, when Mike and Bri were talking, you were eating him with your eyes!" he said smiling

I was going to reply but Kevin cut me off" Don't try to deny it...you think that he's hot..."

I just shrugged"Aren't we late for our class?"

"I don't know, you're the one that is allways on time!" Kevin said getting up


"I don't know...I'm sick of classes already!" I said sighing and laying down on my bed"I'm tired of school..."

"No you're not....you liked lunch today!" Bri said, and even on the phone I knew that she was grinning

I groaned "God, why is everyone decided to torture me about that?"

"You mean that I'm right, and that you actually were drolling about Mike?" she asked

"You were talking with Kevin weren't you?" I asked smiling

"That's not important, what's important is that you finnaly found another guy to dream about!"

"Please, he's a jock, and you know what I promised about that!"

"I know, I know, no more dating jocks" she said, I could imagine her rolling her eyes" But he's cute and you can't deny it!"

I didn't answered "I'm taking that as an yes, anyway I've got to go, my mom is calling me, I'll see ya tomorrow"

"Ok, love ya!"

"Me too"

I hung up the phone and decided to go downstairs and see what my mother was doing. When I walked into the kitchen I noticed that my mother was cooking more food than ussual

"Oh, honey could you pass me the salt please?" She asked while trying to cut an onion

"Sure" I said passing it to her" Are you gonna have company tonight?"

"Oh, I forgot to warn you, John is comming tonight.:" she said stopping and looking at me

"Ok" I said looking for an apple in the fruit basket

"Just ok? You're ok with it? Aren't you angry?" she asked me

"No, it's your life...I don't have anything to do with your love life!" I said taking a bite of the apple

"Now, it's not that simple, you're my son, I want you to know how I am, you're the most important thing in my life, you're an important part of it" she said hugging me

"I know"I said "Now, can we end the mushy stuff so that I can go take a shower?"

"Sure honey" she said returning to the stoven" Just don't forget ro bring your dirty clothes..:"



Well that's it did you liked it? I'm only going to continue it if I recieve some feedback, I wrote some stories but due to lack o f feeedback I stooped writting them, mail me to pookie_story@hotmail.com with you opinions...thank yo ufor reading

Next: Chapter 2

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