
By zeca

Published on Jan 2, 2004


Hi there...first of all sorry for taking so long, but time is against me and thank God for Christmas vacations?. The feedback is becoming less, I need to know that you're liking or hating the story, so keep on mailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com.... I hope that you like this chapter, I tried to do something that could clear things up from the last chapter and hopefully start things over :P, we'll see?...anyway hope you all like it


Walking can do wonders for a person! It really can! I offered to walk Sheila's dog while she treated the last dog of the day. The night, one week ago, when we all decided to go out and have fun changed me! Bri gave me the lecture of the century about going with Tom and forgetting Mike. I decided to get away from all that, from Mike, Tom, the group meetings, ...everything. I wanted to just forget that I had ever met them!

After calming down, Bri supported me and understood what I was doing. She said that I should face things and not run away from them, but I didn't have the strength or the will to do that. I was being a coward and I didn't care!

I looked at the end of the street and saw a figure with a sports bag over his shoulder. I immediately thought of Mike, and started imagining him turning around and running after me and apologizing. Everything faded when the guy turned around and I saw a bearded face. I was stupid for dreaming, for hurting myself with these thoughts. I shook my head and continued my walk.

The dog sniffed something and started walking towards it. I followed him not caring about where he was going. The dog barked and out of nowhere another dog appeared. It was Spike! Mike's dog! Spike looked up and noticed me, he must've recognized the person who took care of him and ran towards me. Mike appeared running with the leash on his hand.

Spike jumped to my arms and started licking my face. I laughed and hugged him. "Spike! How are you boy? Did you miss me?"

The dog wagged his tail and kept on licking my face. Mike stopped in front of us and looked on.

"Oh! Hi Brad! Sorry about Spike, he ran away from me and I wasn't quick enough to hold him!"

I was about to reply when I heard someone calling Mike. I looked behind him and I saw Misty running, trying not to ruin her hair.

"Not a problem! I missed old Spike!" I said patting the dog. "But I have to go! I'll see you later!"

I turned around and tried to walk away, but Sheila's dog was sniffing Spike and didn't want to come away.

I pulled the dog "Come on!"

The dog was huge, and he didn't even flinch.

Misty putted her hand on Mike's shoulder "That dog is crazy, Mikey! You should leave him at home, at least he won't run away!"

I managed to not throw up at the sight, and keep the plastic smile on.

Misty noticed me and gave me the trademark smile "Oh, Brad, I didn't see you. How are you?"

That only made me want to get away from there even more than before "I'm well. Things ok with you?"

"Couldn't be better!" she said, getting closer to Mike.

I noticed her leg getting closer to Mike's groin, and that was it. I really needed to get out of there. Sheila's dog, probably sensing my anger decided to leave Spike alone and started walking.

"Well, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow!" I said walking away.

When we were at a safe distance, I hugged the dog and whispered "Thank you, but you could have pissed on her leg or something, like in the movies!"

The dog barked happily.


Our table was unusually quiet. Bri was playing with her food probably thinking about Jared. Kevin was eating and surprisingly with his mouth closed. I was eating slowly observing the crowd around us.

Everyone was happily talking: complaining about teachers, talking about girls, discussing grades. It seemed that everyone was happy and that I was the odd one out. I spotted a couple sitting nearby in a corner. They were feeding each other. That brought back a lot of memories.

"Ok, I can't take this anymore!" Bri suddenly said.

Kevin almost jumped out of his skin when Bri spoke.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I spoke to Mike!" she said looking down.

"And?" I asked not understanding.

"I think that we should talk in another place..." Bri said getting up.

She did not look at me for the entire walk to the library. I didn't understand what was happening! Bri's face was scaring me, it was like she was holding something terrible important to tell me.

We sat on a quiet corner of the library. I noticed that Kevin was excited like a little kid on Christmas's eve!

"Mike came to talk to me two days ago, and I promised that I wouldn't say a thing!" she said looking down" But I have to tell you Brad, it kills me to see you like that! You say that you're ok, but I look at you and I only see a depressed guy trying to run away from everything!"

"I'm ok Bri!" I said trying to smile.

"No you're not. Kevin and I think that you're not ok. You spend most of the day deep in thoughT or in another world!" She said looking straight at me.

"It's true bro! I know that you have been through some stuff, but the way you're handling things is not the best!" Kevin said looking worried.

"I am ok!" I said, my voice getting a little louder.

The librarian gave us an angry look.

"Brad, we're your friends, we only want to help you!" Kevin said lowering his voice.

"And don't even come with that `I want to get away from everything' bullshit!" Bri said staring at me. "You know damn well that it isn't the best way to deal with things!"

I looked down. "I know that, I just don't want to face things..."

"Well, sometimes you just have to... and when it gets really difficult, well, that's when you see why you need friends!" Bri said forming a smile. "We'll help you...you just have to say it!"

I looked at them. They were worried. I started feeling disappointed, not at them, but at myself. I had become the big fat coward! And even worse, I was letting my friends down.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be!" Kevin said" We're here for you, just don't forget it..."

"Now..." Bri started. "I only spoke to Mike because he almost begged me to listen to him..."

"Bri..." I started.

"Let me finish!" she said. "He told me that he was sorry for not saying anything, for not spending any time with us, etc., etc., and he also told me that...well...he basically said that he still had feelings for you...and asked if you still felt something for him..."

I was starting to get angry.

"Brad, don't be angry! I know that deep down inside that Mike's just confused about where he wants to be!" she said holding my hand. "I know that it may sound like he is acting like a little girl, but I'm sure that he still feels something...even if it is only friendship..."

"Bullshit, and you know that!" I whispered. "He only cares about himself, and he must be tired of Misty and wants something different!"

"I have to agree with Brad on this one Bri" Kevin said. "It sounds like he's using you to get to Brad..."

"What did you told him?" I asked Bri.

"I said the truth! That I didn't know!" she said.

The bell rang! I wasn't really into the mood for Biology now. We got up and not another word was said until the end of Bio.


"But I don't want to!" I said looking at my mom.

"It's just a formal dinner, you have to meet John's family...it's just his mother..." my mom said looking at herself in the big mirror. "Do you think that I should take the red or white skirt?"

"White!" I said quickly. "But I'm sure John won't be angry if I don't show up..."

Truth was that I wanted to see if I could call Tom and apologize. He had been trying to reach me since THE night, but I kept on ignoring him.

"I'm sure that whatever you wanted to do can be done another time!" She said kissing my forehead. "Now, lets go I don't want to be late..."

I groaned and walked to the car. Maybe I could call Tom during dinner, maybe during a trip to the bathroom. I needed to clear things up with Tom...urgently!

The trip to John's house was quick, and surprisingly my mom didn't even talk about Mike or Tom. When we arrived the first thing that I noticed was the huge tree in the front yard. I don't know why but it caught my attention. The house had two floors with big windows. The yard was neatly taken care of and a familiar car was on the driveway. I couldn't quite place it, but I knew that I had seen it somewhere.

I was taken out of my thoughts by John's voice.

"Hi there Brad, how are you?"

He was dressed nicely. I could see why my mom liked him. He had this aura around him that made women feel drawn to him.

I smiled. "Good, you?"

"Can't complain..." he said looking at my mom.

I wanted to roll my eyes, but it was my mom's night, and I had to be a good boy.

"Come on in, my mother and nephew are here!" he said smiling.

I looked at my mother. There was no nephew on the agenda! She looked at me and gave me a `I don't know' look.

The house was very well decorated. It seemed John had good taste. I knew that my mom would be taking in every detail, she always did this, she believed that you could tell how a person was by the way his/her house was taken care of! The dinning room was, not surprisingly, very pretty and neat. I looked at the table and it had 5 places on it. While I was looking at an old painting, out of nowhere, an old lady carrying a bottle of wine appeared through a door to the left

"Johnny dear, I need some help in the kitchen, the chicken is almost done...oh...you're here!" She said noticing us. "Where are my manners...I'm Martha, Johnny's mom!"

My mom smiled at the nickname, and I bet that she wouldn't forget it" I'm Susie, this is my son Brad!"

Martha looked at me and smiled. "Hi there, what a nice young man you have there!"

"Thanks Mam!" I said blushing.

"Grandma, I need some help in here!"

I looked at the left door and my heart almost felt to the floor. Standing there with his face full of flour, it was Tom. His face dropped when he saw me.

"Tommy, you go and wash yourself and I'll finish those.." Martha said.

"I'll help you Mam!" My mom said dropping her purse.

"No need to for that, you're a guest here..." John started.

"You know that I love to cook, and I want to help!" My mom said getting closer to John. "Especially for you!"

John smiled and kissed my mom. "Brad, if you want to, you can go with Tommy, he can show you around the house..." Martha said.

I looked at Tom and he looked at me. Our eyes locked for God knows how long.

"I guess I have some explaining to do..." I said looking down.

"I guess you do..." He said. "But first let's go somewhere more private."

He went to the bathroom first and washed his face. Then he led me to a bedroom. It was a very simple room. It had a huge teddy bear on the bed. Near the window there was a desk and a closet. There were also some photos in the wall, so I looked at some of them and I noticed a very young Tom smiling holding a trophy on his hand with a smiling couple behind.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"It's my uncle and my aunt. I was sixteen there, my first soccer trophy..." he said sitting on his bed.

"Oh, I guess John's your uncle..."

"Yeah...my aunt died a couple of years ago..." he said looking down. "But you said you needed to talk?"

"I want to apologize for not saying anything after that night..."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I guess I was kind of afraid... I wanted to get away from everything... but it wasn't the best way, huh?"

He gave a small laugh

"Look Brad, I'm not gonna say that I wasn't hurt after you ignored me like that...I mean I'm not your age, I don't like to play games... but I understand what you're saying" he said. "And I kind of have something to confess also!"


"I kind of used you..." he said getting up from the bed.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Let me explain" he said looking straight at me. "I was and I guess that I still am trying to get over someone, and you were there and..., well I'm sorry!"

I was speechless! I didn't know what to say! Truth was that I wanted to tell him that I also used him. This was so ironic. I sat on the bed next to him, not knowing what to say, surprisingly the first thing that came to my mind was: "Is he cute?"

"Huh?" Tom asked looking stupidly at me.

"I...is he cute?" I asked again smiling.

"You're not mad at me?"

"Well, I should be! But I kind of did the same..." I said laughing.

He looked at me and started laughing too. I laid on the bed and hit the teddy bear.

"Is this thing yours?"

"Yeah..." He said blushing " I love those!"

"I guess we're two bad people then!" I said stopping the laugher.

He didn't say anything for a while. I looked around the room and noticed on a small photo on the desk. It was of two boys smiling, covered in mud. One was clearly Tom, and the other boy with his arm around Tom, he was kind of familiar, he had the all American Boy's looks. I tried to place him, but I couldn't.

"That's him!" Tom said from behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"He is cute..." I said staring at the picture" I know I have seen him somewhere...I can't quite place him..."

He laughed. "You watch soccer?"


"Well, he is on the city's senior team..."

So that was him.

"You mean...you two...I mean..."

"Yeah" he said smiling "We were together until 2 weeks ago!"

"What happened?"

"Oh...he found a better contract!" Tom said looking out of the window, his face was different, darker, more mature. "He wanted to take me to another city, but I have my life here. We had a huge fight...I didn't want him to go, he didn't want me to stay..."

"Oh...I'm sorry..." I said putting the picture down again.

"Brad." he said not taking his eyes from the window. "Am I a bad person?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"I was selfish for wanting Matt to stay, I used you..."

"Of course you're not a bad person!" I said walking to him. "You loved Matt, and wanted to stay with him! And since I also used you, I guess that nullifies your badness!"

He laughed.

"I'm glad you two are getting along, dinner is ready!" John said appearing at the door.


Dinner went better than I had hoped. Mom and Martha got along just fine. I had cleared things up with Tom, and even arranged a lunch with him. Now, I was more at ease with myself.

The next day, Bri and Kevin congratulated on my apologizing to Tom. Bri especially, since she loved Tom and was kind of sad that he was sort of taken. Next step was Mark.

I kind of hoped to find Mark during classes, in order to avoid the football training (yes, our school had both soccer and football programs). I knew that if I had to go to the football training I would see Mike, and I wasn't quite ready for that. But fate was against me, and I couldn't find Mark during classes. Bri and Kevin had plans for the afternoon. Meaning that I had to go alone to meet Mark..., meaning that I was doomed.

I was walking to the football field, I could hear the coach's whistle. I felt that like ice feeling on your stomach.

"Hi there!"

I almost jumped out of my skin. I looked around and saw Jared smiling at me.

"Shit Jared, you scared the shit out of me!" I said breathing

He laughed. "I'm sorry! Where are you going?"

"Oh..., I have to talk to Mark..." I said.

"Oh...cool...I'll take you there then!" he said smiling.


We walked in a strange silence. I didn't know what to say.

"Are you ok Brad?"

"Hm, yeah, why do you ask?"

"Nothing..., you seem kind of down.." he said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm ok..."

"So, how was dinner with my uncle?" Jared asked.

"Your uncle?" I asked, confused.

"Duh..., Tom's my cousin, and John's my uncle, I couldn't make it to the dinner, I had other plans..." Jared said smiling. "Oh, I've got to go...I'll call Mark, you stay here..."

Bri must've talked to Jared. He probably was trying to get me away from Mike; I had to remember to thank Bri for that!

I waited and waited and waited. I didn't know what was keeping Mark in there. I was about to give up and try another day when I spotted Mark running towards me from the field. I smiled.

"Sorry...the coach and Mike are crazy today...they seem to be possessed by some evil spirit..," he said out of breath, "Jared said that you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah...I kind of wanted to apologize..." I started.

"Brad...don't start...I was never angry at you...I totally understand what you did...I don't have any kind of anger towards you!" He said smiling. "However..., Tom was too good to waste like that..."

"Hey...you're busy..." I said smiling.

His smile faded. "Oh...yeah..., I suppose I am...look I've got to go...the coach must be mad...I'll see you around!"

Something was wrong. I knew it. Mark's shirt was a little small and I noticed his back. I looked more closely and noticed a bruise, it was black. I knew that the training was hard, but Mike and Pete never had bruises like that! I was deep in thought when I suddenly remembered the vet. I ran the fastest I could, knowing fully well that Sheila was gonna kill me!


"And so water is liquid since its intermolecular connections are strong, since hydrogen..." The teacher said.

I was trying to keep up with what she was saying. Bri was by my side taking a few notes. She seemed to be worried about something. I didn't know what, but I had to find out! Kevin was in the back of the classroom. He liked chemistry, understood chemistry and he didn't give a shit for the chemistry teacher. He was sitting next to Mark, who looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

As the bell rang and everyone got out, I tried to get hold of Mark, but he almost ran out of the classroom.

"Man, something's up with Mark..." Kevin said worriedly.

"What? He seemed fine last time I talked to him..." Bri said picking up her books.

"He slept through all of the class, and I noticed red marks on his neck..." Mark continued.

I remembered the marks on his lower back.

"What's wrong Brad? Seen a ghost or something?" Bri asked.

"I'm gonna talk to Mark..." I said walking out of there.

I was so focussed on Mark that I hit someone and we both fell onto the floor.

"I'm sorry...I really am..." I said picking up my books.

"No problem dude..." I heard.

That voice...why did fate have a sense of humour? There I was trying to do something good for a change, and bang, the lose ends from the past slap me right in my face.

"Mike...I'm really sorry...I'll see you around..." I said looking down and walking away.

"Brad...I need to talk to you..." he said grabbing my arm.

"I really have to go..." I said looking at the wall behind him.

"Please!" he said looking straight at me.

I was about to reply when I heard another familiar voice from behind me.

"Mikey! I've been looking all around for you!" Misty said coming from behind me.

I managed to free my arm while Misty got all over Mike. I looked at him and walked away. Mark was more important now, even more important than Mike.

I found Mark sitting near a tree dozing of. I sat next to him hoping to catch his attention. He didn't even stir. I called his name but nothing. I tapped his shoulder and he started to come to his senses.

"Mark, its me Brad..."

"Oh Brad, sorry about that..., that teacher sure is boring as hell!" he said rubbing his eyes.

"What wrong?"

"Nothing...why do you ask?" Mark asked yawning.

"Mark, I saw your bruise on you back, Kevin saw your neck, something is obviously very wrong..." I said seriously.

"Oh...that..., the training can be hard sometimes..." he said smiling.

"Jared doesn't have those bruises!"

"Look Brad...nothing is wrong..., everything is ok with me!" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked straight at him. "I prefer that you say that you don't want to talk about it than saying that nothing is wrong, cause that would be lying!"

He looked down. "You don't want to know..."

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be here!"

He grabbed a bit of grass and started playing with it. "My father..., well...since my mom passed away..., he has never been normal..., he..., well...I think that he just can't control himself...my mom was like his support...his strength...now that she's gone..."

"What does he do to you?"

He looked up at me scared. "It's my fault really, my grades aren't that great...I'm not great at football, I don't have a girlfriend...I should be better..."

I was shocked at this outburst. He seemed to be such a normal, confident guy, but deep down inside he was a really scared and confused.

"What does he do to you?" I asked again. "He...he sometimes beats me...but that's when he's normal..." He said.

I saw a tear falling. I putted my arm around his shoulder.

"Sometimes, when he's really mad...well...he...I can't even say it!"

I hugged him. Luckily there was no one around. I was afraid of what Mark was about to say. I was shocked and angry at myself for ignoring him for so long, right when he needed me.

"Mark...if you don't want to tell I..."

"No..., I need to get this out of here!" he said pointing at his heart. "He abuses me Brad, he is so mean sometimes...I don't know how long I can take this..."

My mouth probably fell to the floor. I looked at Mark and felt so bad for him. I hugged him and let a few tears slip.

"Your boyfriend? How did he take it?"

"As soon as we were starting to move to the next step of our relation...well...he didn't want to have any more problems..." He said between sobs.

"We'll get over this Mark...I promise!" I said hugging him.


"Mom...I'm home!" I shouted.

"In the kitchen!" she called back.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom making some biscuits. She smiled at me.

"Mom, I have something to ask you..." I said dropping my books on the kitchen table.

"Shoot!" she said.

"I brought a friend over, and I was wondering if he could sleep here..."

"Is it Mike?" she asked a grin forming on her mouth.

I heard Mark snicker from the hall. "No, its Mark, can he stay?"

"Sure..." she said smiling. "You know...this brings back memories...of when you were 12, you always came in here with your big eyes asking if your friend could sleep over..."

"Mom, you're not gonna turn nostalgic now, are you?" I asked.

"You are so grown up!" she said dropping the cookie. "You're 17 now...time flies..."

I rolled my eyes "Ok, mom! Focus on the cookies!" I said.

She sighed and returned to the cookies.

"Hi" Mark shyly said entering the kitchen.

"HI there!" My mom said cleaning her hands" You must be Mark..., nice to meet you!"

Mark smiled. "Nice to meet you too!"

"Mom, Mark and I have lot of studying to do!" I said pulling Mark to the stairs.


"I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do..." Mark said sitting on the bed.

"Don't you have any other family?" I asked dropping my bag.

"My uncle and aunt..., they don't have any children and we get along... but I can't just start living with them..."

"Maybe you should report your dad..." I suggested.

"I can't do that!" he said sadly. "He just misses my mom, and I know that he loves me..."

"Mark...your dad can love you, but he needs help!" I said sitting next to him. "And maybe you should try to talk to the school's counsellor..."

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm kind of tired of this talk..." he said.

"Sure...what do you wanna do? I skipped the vet today, so I'm free..." I said getting up.

"You wanna play basketball?" he asked.

"Sure...just don't expect too much of me..." I said smiling.

And he didn't. I sucked at basketball... I got tired of playing, so I sat on the lawn and he continued playing alone. I looked up at him and saw that he had put a sleeveless shirt on. He had great arms, if Mike hadn't taken my heart, Mark would defiantly be at the top of my list. But the marks on his neck that started to show reminded me of what he was going through... He didn't deserve to be abused, and that stupid boyfriend of his! I grabbed a small flower and started "he loves, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not..."

"He loves you!" Mark said laughing sitting next to me.

"Bastard!" I said smiling.

He leaned back and took a deep breath. "You know...he really does..."


"I mean it... When you were together, he was happy and he was nice to everyone, he just radiated happiness. But now, he's turned into super bitch mode, he is always screaming and he barely talks to us." He said

"Mark that doesn't mean..." I started.

He looked directly into my eyes.

"Ok..., but he is with Misty now, and they seem to be very happy together..." I said.

"Brad, you can be stubborn and blind at the same time!" he said rolling his eyes.

"Like I'm the only blind one here!" I said punching his shoulder.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" he asked grinning.

"Oh..., that's for me to know and you to wonder about..." I said proudly.

"We'll see that..." He said jumping on me.

He was strong and he quickly tackled me to the ground. I tried to escape but I couldn't.

"Now, what was that supposed to mean?" he said looking directly into my eyes.

I turned my head and smiled.

"Don't want to talk huh?" he said. "Well, what about if I tickle you?"

He managed to find out my weak point. I hated people tickling me `cause I was very sensitive and laughed at the smallest touch. He started and only stopped when I begged. He was also laughing and looked at me straight in the eyes. I looked back. We both stopped laughing and stayed like that staring. He started leaning into me. I didn't object. I could feel the heat coming from him and I was trapped by my hormones. We were almost touching when I heard my mom calling. I rolled off him and walked into the kitchen. After helping my mom with some stuff in the kitchen, I walked outside again to find Mark leaning into the tree with his eyes closed

"Hey..." I said sitting next to him.

He opened his eyes and continued looking at the sky. "I'm fucked up aren't I?"

"Of course not, why are you saying that?"

"I shouldn't have tried to kiss you, it's only going to ruin our friendship!" he said sadly. "You probably want me to go home now..."

"Of course not..., things happen... I must say that if I wasn't so stupidly in love with Mike I would definitely be after you!"

He smiled. "So you're still in love with him, huh?"

"I guess I still am..." I said leaning into the tree "Now who's the fucked up one?"

"Why are you saying that?"

"A normal person would understand when enough is enough, Mike has clearly showed that he doesn't want anything with me...but I still dream that he will come back, and that things can be the same..."

"Brad, you're human!" Mark said. "Its part of you to dream about those things..."

I didn't answer.

"Well, now we're both single and gay, how depressing can that be?" Mark said.


I couldn't sleep. I tried to but I couldn't. Mark was fast asleep on the sleeping bag. He insisted that he would sleep there. I looked outside again and saw that it was a full moon, not a cloud in the sky. I decided to go to the roof and try to pass time...

I opened the window and jumped outside. It wasn't cold. I sat on the roof and stared at the sky. I didn't know what to do with myself. I had to change and stop dreaming so much. I had to become stronger and go on. Mark was right, I was human, but I couldn't be a weak human!

I almost fell off the roof when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Shhh, it's me!"

"Pete?" I asked totally scared "What are you doing here?"

"I was walking Spike and I saw you up here!" He said sitting down. "I guess old habits die hard..."

"Yeah..., I remember when you fell on the floor." I said smiling. "The things I invented to explain to my mom how you ended up there!"

"Yeah..." he said "So, how are you? It has been some time since we've spoke..."

"Yeah...I kind of wanted to apologize for that..." I said.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not mad, I kind of understood that you needed your own space..." he said smiling.

"Thanks..." I said feeling like a huge weight and been taken from my shoulders. "So, how are things with prince charming?"

"Ok..." Pete said grinning.

"You really like him don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah...he's a great guy!" Pete said sighing.

"I hope that it lasts long..." I said.

"Well, I'm kind of nervous about something..."


"You see, his parents got him a house in a cool college, I think that its is 50 miles from here. And they bought him a home and everything..." He started.

"And you're afraid of losing him?"

"No, no, not like that...that college is good for me, and his parents know about me and even suggested that I moved in with his son..." Pete said.

"And you're afraid that it is too soon..." I finished.

"How do you know?"

"It was always your problem Pete! You are afraid of big steps, even if you love someone, you're afraid of moving to the next level..." I said.

"I guess..."

"Do you love him?"


"Then my opinion is that you go for it! Even if it doesn't go the way you wanted it to be, you have your parents for backup and me for a friend..."

He didn't answer right away.

"I'm sorry Brad, but I gotta go...don't take this the wrong way...but I need to talk to someone! " he said getting up" I'll see you at school!"

"Yeah, bye!"

All that talking made me sleepy, I entered my room and saw Mark splattered on the floor, his sleeping bag opened. I walked towards him and tucked him in. I prayed that everything worked for him.


"I really should start studying biology..." Bri said.

We were walking after a long day of school. Luckily it was Friday and we had two full days to rest.

"Yeah..." I said not really listening

"I see that you're in la la land again..." Bri said smiling. "Thinking about him again?"

"I try not to, but it is stronger than me..." I said.

"You'll see that everything will work out!" she said rubbing my back. "Hey, we're here, I'll see you tomorrow..."


She walked into her home and I continued my way. I looked around and noticed that this was near the place where me and Bri had built the tree house. I decided to pass and see how it was.

Time was doing his job on the house. I decided not to enter it and just look at it. I remembered the work we had building it and the fights that we had. It was this house that made Bri and I best friends, and I had this strange bond to it.

I dropped my bag on the floor and looked for a hole in the tree. I found it and took a small box out of the hole. It was a plain simple box. Bri and I had decided to seal the contract and put it there so that we never forgot the terms of the contract. I don't know why but I had this strange desire to see it. I opened the box and found the old paper. It was full of dirt but I could still read it

"Brad and Bri swear by all that they love that they will protect this house build by both of them two. If any of them doesn't protect the house the other will have to take all of the toys of the bad one, and never give them back!"

I laughed, we loved this house, it was our place and our world.

"You found that old thing?" I heard Bri from behind me.

"Yeah, we were really young back there!" I said turning around.

"Well, this is a contract by all means, so if you break it I will have to take all your toys..." Bri said smiling.

"I think that you don't want to see the toys that I have now!"

She laughed.

"But Brad, I came here with a purpose..." she said turning serious.


"I had a visitor right after you left, that visitor wants to talk to you..." she said nervously.

"Bri, if it is who I think it is..."

"Brad, just give him a chance to explain himself..." she said pleading. "Just one chance!"

"Bri I don't think that I'm ready..."

"And when are you gonna be?" she asked.


"Just this once!" Mike said appearing out of nowhere.

"I'll leave you two alone!" Bri said walking away.

I cursed myself for getting into this situation. I looked at Mike and saw that he was the same. He hadn't changed one bit. Well, taking a closer look, he was letting his beard grow, and it made him look older.

"You look good..." he said.

He was a few feet away from me. He didn't seemed to want to move, and I sure as hell wasn't going to move.

"Thanks...you too..."

"I wanted to talk to you..."

"So..., speak!" I said.

I wasn't going to make this easy, not this time.

"I kind of wanted to apologize..." he said nervously.

"For what? For being happy with someone else? For not even trying?"

"Its not like that..."

"Oh no...then tell me how it is.."

"Brad, you know damn well that it wasn't easy!" he said getting angry.

"Oh, and that makes you the victim then..."

"Just let me explain!" he said. He was controlling himself, it was clear. I knew that if I continued he would get real mad and start the yelling.


"I came here, I only knew you and Bri!" he said" I was the stranger, but then I entered the team, I started to make friends, I was popular, I was with you everything was ok..."

I knew where this was going the moment he started, I knew that he was gonna say that he had no choice, that he HAD to do what he did, etc, etc, etc.

"But then..., Michelle, Misty..., I couldn't just turn them down..., what would the others think..." He continued. "Then I got to be the captain of the team..."

"Yes, I know that, and you're going to say that you didn't have a choice, that you HAD to leave me and be the perfect guy..., save it, been there done that, don't want to hear that speech again!"

It wasn't easy to say this. It was like deja vu. Pete had the same speech when he broke up, and I just stood there listening and blaming me. Not gonna do that again, not gonna be the weak one again.

"No, I didn't HAVE to choose to be with Misty! I had to make a choice and made the wrong one! I've been miserable just because I chose the easy way! I'm tired of pretending, of playing an act, I want to be real and happy!"

I could also have chosen the easy way and just kiss him and get it over with, but I wanted more, I don't know why but I wanted more

"And that's supposed to make me just take you back...even after day after day of watching you and Misty together right in front of my eyes?"

He was stunned. " I...I...I know that it wasn't easy. And I'm sorry for it...I just hope that I can make up for it..."

I walked towards the tree and dropped onto the ground. I leaned back on the tree and sighed. I felt Mike sitting next to me.

"I know that I'm gonna regret this in the future..." I said.

He put his hand on my face and turned it to him, making me look straight into his eyes.

"I promise that you won't!" he said.

I hesitated for a second, I looked into him and I knew that I was taking a big risk on doing this. I knew that I could be falling into another hole. I shrugged off this thought and focused on the kiss Mike was about to give. He was millimetres from me when I stopped him with my finger. I looked at him scared.

"Promise me that this time it will be different!"

He smiled.

"I can assure you!"

I looked into his eyes, I knew that he was saying the truth, but he couldn't promise the future.

"I can promise you that I will never give up."

He took my hand and put on his heart. I understood his gesture and leaned into the kiss.



Next: Chapter 12

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