
By zeca

Published on Jan 11, 2004


Well, nothing much to say. Thanks for emailing and keep on going to pookie_story@hotmail.com. I hope you enjoy this chapter and maybe you can send some suggestions and ideas?

Hope you enjoy it.

Pookie 12

I was holding Mike by the waist, trying desperately to avoid letting him enter his house "You are not going in there!"

He tried to break free "Why? It's my house, I need to go there!"

I pouted "I want to spend a little more time with you..."

He smiled. He stopped pushing and looked directly at me. He put his hand on my lower back, looked straight at me and whispered sexily in my ear. "And don't you think that it is better to spend that time in a more comfortable place?"

He knew how to push my buttons, he knew the whole deal, but I needed to be strong. I looked at the window for the 100th time hoping to see Bri's sign. She gave me the thumbs up and I smiled back "Yeah, you're right..."

"I though so!" he said smiling.

He loved to win, it was on his blood; he enjoyed competing, and winning. I honestly couldn't care, in fact it only made me like him even more! Then I heard the door open and the crowd singing. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..."

Mike looked at me with a surprised expression. Bri and I had decided to give this surprise party. My job was to keep him occupied during the whole day and come back at night. Not a difficult job, in fact I didn't mind to do it forever.

Forever...it was a word that was in my head a lot of times... since we were back together. Mike had changed as he had dumped Misty, and was returning to his original self. Outwardly our relationship couldn't appear better. In fact, Bri was starting to get sick of seeing us together all the time. Mike knew that I still had something inside that kept me from advancing to that final biggest step. Of course we made out, sometimes it was just really hard to resist but something inside me made me back away at the critical times of full commitment. It was as if I needed something to convince me that he wasn't going to hurt me on purpose.

I shrugged these thoughts away and smiled at the sight of a surprised Mike as he greeted everyone. Entering the house, I went for a drink, and found Bri sitting on the couch with a huge grin on her face.

"So, not going to dance with your prince?"

"Fuck you, I was the one that spent the entire afternoon preparing this party!"

I sat next to her and hugged her.

"Thanks again, you have no idea how important this is for Mike!"

"No problem, anything for you and Mike..." She stopped and looked straight at me. "How are things?"

"Things are ok..."

She gave me the knowing look

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not now..."


I really didn't wanted to spoil the moment, but to just enjoy the party.

"I'm gonna look for Jared, you come to me if you wanna talk!"

I smiled and nodded. Bri left and I looked around trying to find someone to talk to. Most of the people here were jocks, I had asked Bri to not invite Misty or Michelle, and also luckily they were busy that day, and had not made an appearance. I spotted Pete standing on the stairs with a beer in his hand, so I walked towards him.

"Hi, Pete, how are you?"

He looked at me and sighed.

"Not good actually..."

"Love business?"

He nodded. "Lets go somewhere more private to talk!"

I followed him. He led me onto the second floor balcony. The sky was clear and blazed full of stars.

"My parents don't want me to go to another city..."

I predicted that, his mom was the queen of all bitches.

"What are you gonna do?"

He sat, thoughtful, and sipped some more beer. "What else can I do? I have to stay here until I can make it on my own..."

"And do you really want that?"

He sighed. "Of course not! I want to be happy with Justin..."

"Well, you know how I feel about your mother... it seems to me that you have to make a choice...it's a really difficult choice..."

"But I'm afraid that if I go with Justin and that something goes wrong and then I have no one to support me!"

"You'll always have me..."

He looked at me and sighed "It's just a difficult decision for me..."

I lightly squeezed his shoulder" You'll make the best choice, I just know it!"

"I hope so..."

"Brad, I have to..."

Mike stopped when he saw us. "Oh, sorry for interrupting..."

Pete grabbed his beer. "No problem, you can stay...I'm gonna get more beer..."

Pete walked away. I looked at Mike and he smiled.

"So? Enjoying the party?"

He grinned" Oh...I don't know...I felt that something was missing!"

"And what could that be?" I smiled.

He walked towards me. One thing that I loved about him was that everything looked just so good on him. It surprised me. Even with a simple black shirt and jeans, he made most of the crowd downstairs drool. I couldn't feel closer to him. I could feel his breath. He leaned into me and kissed me. His hands ended up on my waist and stayed on my lower back. He grinned and looked straight at me

"Care to dance?"

I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder. I could hear some lame slow music from downstairs, but I didn't care, all I cared was the man that was in my arms, nothing more.


Mark and me were in my back yard playing basketball. Or should I say, he was playing basketball

He launched the ball and looked at me. "I don't know what to do really..."

"You could go to the cops, Mark..."

He sighed. "I don't want to do that! He's still my dad!"

"What are you gonna do? Wait until you move out?"

"Well...I'll be 18 in two months..."

I was surprised. "You're serious?"

He tossed the ball and then sat next to me. "Well, my grandmother left something, not much... I can work to maintain a small house, maybe just a room... I don't know... I can't stand being around my dad anymore, Brad..."

I put an arm around his shoulder. "You know that you can stay here as long as you want..."

"I don't want to be a burden to your mom." He stopped me when I was about to speak. "I don't want to cause anyone trouble..."

I sighed. "Well, you know you've got me on your side, kid!"

He grinned. "Kid? I'm older than you and you call me kid?"

I laughed. "Well, you do look like a kid!"

"Oh, I'm so gonna kill you!"

I ran, but he was faster and I can only say that for the next fifteen minutes I laughed more than for entire previous week!


We were celebrating Mark's 18th birthday. A lot had happened in the last two months. Pete had decided to take his chances and go with Justin to another town; they would finish their last weeks of high school there and start college then. Bri and Jared had broke up, she wasn't ready to take the relationship to the next level (if you know what I mean) and Jared grew tired of waiting. As for Mike, he was being very patient, fat too much patient really. I was getting suspicious that there was something behind it all.

It seemed that Mark had managed to save enough money to rent a small apartment in the center of the town. He was leaving his father for good the next day, and I was going help him.

"I just want to thank you all for coming to help, I thank God everyday for friends like you!"

We all smiled, it was obvious that Mark had had a bit too much to drink, but it was his birthday, and we weren't going to ruin it!

"Your mother is going to miss the wine..."

I looked at Bri. "She'll understand..."

Bri was about to reply when I heard tapping on the window behind me. I turned around and saw Mike grinning like a fool on the other side, so I smiled and him and pointed to my bedroom.

Bri just groaned. "You go already..., you're worst than rabbits!"

I gave her the look, and she smiled. "I know...I know... don't wanna take things to fast. You go...and have some fun!"

I locked my room and opened the window; Mike entered grinning like a fool. The moment he touched the floor I knew he was drunk. He was moving funny, and had this expression on his face.

"Mike, where have you been?"

He laughed. "Outside!"

I rolled my eyes, Mike was impossible when he was drunk. "Have you been drinking much?"

Another laugh. "Of course not! I am too damn much of a gentleman to get drunk!"

He almost fell, I grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder. "You need to sleep!"

But he continued, "Yeah, I'm a reeeeeeeeeeeeal gentleman, I even wait for marriage and everything..."

I sat him on the bed and took off his jacket

"Getting frisky, huh?"

I ignored his comment and took off his shoes

"I like seeing you from up here!"

I swallowed my reply and continued with his socks

"Come on Brad, I know you want it..."

I was not hearing this, and focused on taking his pants off.

"I'm sooooooooooooooooo frustrated"

I got up and stayed on eye level with him. He got real close and I could smell the beer on his breath.

"Come on Mike, time to sleep!"

He leaned into me and started kissing my neck "I want you so bad!" "Mike stop it, you're in no condition... you need to sleep!"

He continued. "Just this once, you don't know how hard it is to wait!"

I managed to lay him on the bed; he was starting to get sleepy. I was about to leave when he spoke. "Stay with me!"

He had his eyes closed and I couldn't be sure if he was asleep or not, but the something in the tone of his voice convinced me that he was sleeping. I laid down next to him and hugged him. He sighed and relaxed under my touch.


I walked into the kitchen to find Bri eating a bowl of cereal. She looked up at me and grinned.

"Good morning, how was last night?"

I gave her the look that meant I wasn't in the mood

"Ok...Mark is in the guestroom. Last night after the dinner I had to put up with him dancing on the table until he collapsed from exhaustion!"

I sat next to her with a cup of coffee. "I had to put up with Mike throwing up and apologizing in my room..."

She sighed. "He was drunk?"

"Yeah, he thought that he would score last night..."

"But he didn't..."

"I don't know Bri. I mean, last time, we did it but things got bad, I don't want to rush things..."

"I understand you, I guess football players have that in common..."

I got up from the table and grabbed another cup "I'm gonna take some strong coffee to Mike. Could you tell Mark that I would like to talk to him later..."


I walked into the bedroom and saw Mike sprawled on my bed on his boxers and t-shirt. I sat next to him and put the cup on the nightstand. I needed to talk to him, and it would have to be right now. I squeezed his shoulder but he didn't even stir. I remembered something and start kissing his neck, putting plenty of energy into it, and he soon started to wake up.

"Mmm, Brad..."

He realized where he was. "Brad, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to come here drunk..."

"Don't worry; I'm glad that nothing happened to you while you were drunk..."

I looked straight at him. "Now...about the things that you said last night..."

He looked scared. " What did I say?"

I sighed, "Probably what you wanted to say when sober but never said..."

He closed his eyes and groaned. "Brad, I'm sorry for whatever I said, really..."

"No Mike, I understand that you have needs, I'm sorry that I'm still not ready to...you know..."

He opened his eyes again and laughed. "You mean that was only that?"

I was stunned

"I though that I had called you names and offended you or something."

I was looking at him not believing what he was saying. He noticed and grabbed my hand. "Brad, you know damn well that I will wait as long as you need me to, I haven't been drunk for a long time, and I guess I was stupid last night, I'm glad that I didn't offend you though."

I rolled my eyes. "You jocks are all the same..."

He grinned. "But you love us!"

I smiled. "Only you!"

"Awwwww, the lover boys are getting mushy!" I heard Bri say from behind us.

I groaned. "You think that we could sell a friend on the black market?"

Mike smiled. "Nah, I don't think they would want people that skinny!"

"Hey, I heard that! But I'm not gonna even bother... Anyway I need help cleaning downstairs, think you could help me?"


If there was on thing that I hated, it was having a group of hysterical girls screaming behind me.

I looked at Bri and saw that she had the same thoughts that I had. "Couldn't find better seats?"

"They will stop eventually...I hope!"

We were watching the last game of the season, and our team was playing for the second place. I didn't really understand much that much about football, I really just went to see Mike and support him, and the rest was secondary!

The girls eventually got tired of screaming, and started talking among themselves. I heard Bri give a sigh of relief and I mentally thanked every possible God that I could remember for the miracle of a little peace.

The problem was that they decided to talk about the players and who was the hottest.

"Oh, Luke's the cutest...I think that he looked at me once during maths!"

"Oh, don't be silly, Jared's the hottest, he's single now, he dumped that little bitch that he was dating and now it's our turn ladies!"

I grabbed Bri's hand and I could feel the stress in her. I looked at her and she was looking straight ahead focusing on the other crowd.

"I heard Jared is fucking Michelle now, I heard that they did it in the locker room!"

"No way... Sarah told me that it was in the lab!"

"You're lying! It was in the principal's office!"

"I don't care! I only want Mike! He gives the word hot another meaning!"

"Yeah, and he's single now... I don't like him much, don't know why..."

"That's because you're a slut and Mike is not for you!"

"Like you are any better!"

They all laughed at that! Now it was my turn to get mad. I looked at Mike and noticed that he was running with the ball, people around me were getting exited so I guessed that it was good! He was getting nearer and nearer until some big fat guy knocked him over. I groaned wishing that the fat guy would trip over and fall flat on his face in front of everyone.

"We almost scored! I told you that I didn't like Mike!"

Oh no, there we went again! I was about to "accidentally" toss my coke on them when the crowd got exited again. Mike was running with the ball again. He was getting nearer to the fat guy, only this time he managed to fool him and continue his run. He managed to place the ball on the ground and everyone screamed. I joined in also, understanding that he had scored. I could see that he was smiling and hugging his teammates. I was filled by this immense pride for him. I wanted to congratulate him, but I knew that would be impossible.

Bri leaned into me and whispered, "Lets go! It's almost finished! I can't stand being here anymore!"

I nodded. While we walked away I saw that the game was over and that we had won by only one point! We walked towards the tree and sat.

Bri sighed and looked at me. "Those girls are impossible!"

I put my arm around her. "Jared was a jerk, he'll come around, don't worry!"

She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. I could sense that she was about to cry. I hugged her and whispered, "He doesn't deserve those tears!"

She sobbed. "I know, but it feels good to let them go you know?"

I smiled and softly wiped some tears off her face. She smiled back and returned her head to my shoulder. I wanted her to be happy again, but I could see that it wasn't going to be in a near future...

I don't know how much time passed until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked around to see Jared looking at me. "Can I talk to her?"

I glared at him. "I don't think so..."

"I really, really need to talk to her!"

"Well, It's your own fault that she doesn't want to, so just go!"

Bri emerged from my shoulder. "Brad, let him speak!"

He looked at me and winced. "Its kind of private..."

I glared once again. "Well I'm gonna stand right over there watching you two, and I swear that if you do something remotely wrong..."

"Ok, ok, I got it!"

I kissed Bri's forehead and walked away. Bri was looking down and I didn't want to leave her, but I knew that it was the only way to clear things up. I found an empty spot and sat observing every move of Jared.

They weren't screaming, and I could see Bri looking straight at Jared. That was a good sign. Soon Jared was holding her hand, and she was smiling. I liked Jared, but he had been a jerk, and it would take some time to make her cool again.

I felt someone sit next to me and kiss my neck. "All alone here, someone could do something bad to you..."

" I've got someone protecting me now!"

He smiled. "You saw me score?"

I looked at him and I noticed that he had this permanent fixed grin on him and his face was beaming. "Of course I saw, couldn't miss that!"

"It was awesome! We won the second place!" he was almost jumping.

I looked at Bri and Jared and saw Bri waving at me saying goodbye. I waved back at them.

Mike grabbed my hand. "So, wanna go and celebrate?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You're driving?"

He smiled. "You're with me you're with God!"

"I hope so!"

"I promise!"

He led me to the parking lot and I wondered. "Where are we going again?"

"My house, my mom is gonna spend the weekend with my father in the mountains, we'll be alone..."

I tensed up at hearing that, he must've sensed it. "Don't worry, just wanna spend some time with you to celebrate, you know that I won't push it!"

I looked around and seeing nobody I gave him a quick peck. "Thanks!"

He grinned and unlocked his car.


I have no idea what movie we were supposed to be watching, I really don't. I think that it was something about a poor girl becoming rich in New York or something. I was too busy feeling Mike's back. He was on top of me trying to get to know every bit of my neck. I started to loose my inhibitions and I was starting to go pass the point of no return.

Mike suddenly stopped and looked at me. "If you wanna stop we can, just say it!"

I looked into his eyes trying to find some reassurance, some kind of answer, but the only thing I saw was concern and love. I knew that this was the right moment. It wasn't planned, or predicable, things happened and we had to make them special, and I wasn't about to waste this, I was going for it.

I got up and grabbed his hand" Lets go, we'll be more comfortable in your bedroom"

He looked at me and smiled. Grabbing my hand he spoke. "Are you sure?"

"Never been so sure of anything in my life!"


I woke up feeling that all was right. I felt someone hugging me from behind and breathing on the back of my neck. I felt shivers through my body just from the contact; it felt like it was the first time touching him. I carefully managed to get out of the bed and put on my boxers. I walked downstairs to arrange some kind of breakfast.

I managed to find my way in the kitchen, I found the cereals and the spoons. While I was doing this I felt a pair of arms closing around my waist and a pair of lips kissing my neck. "Gonna make something for me?"

I sighed. "We can share..."

I could feel him smile. "Ready for another round?"

"Another round? You mean after last night?"

"I'm hungry for you..."

I laughed. "Well, I need some time to recover, until then you're on strict diet. You sex maniac!"

He turned me around and looked straight at me. "Thanks!"

"Well, I should be the one thanking you, you were unstoppable..."

He grinned. "Must've been our big victory, I was so full of energy..."

I kissed him and after that we ate a quiet pleasant breakfast. I remembered to call Bri while Mike was in the shower.


"Bri? How are you?"

She was still sleepy, "Oh Brad... things are OK"

"Just OK?"

I could imagine the grin on her face. "Well, more than OK, lets just say we made up..."


She seemed shocked. "Of course not, you know how I am about those things...talking about sex...did you?"

"Did I what?"

She sighed, "You know damn well..."

"I have no clue..."

"Do you really want to hear me beg?"

I was about to continue, when Mike shouted from behind me. "IT WAS GREAT!!!" I looked around and saw him running with a towel around his waist-soaking wet,

"I guess that answers my question..."

"What are you gonna do today?"

"I don't know, possibly Jared will take me somewhere...I've got nothing planned, you?"

I sat on the floor, playing with the phone wire. "Probably gonna stay here doing tons of sex!"

She seemed shocked again. "I cannot believe you just said that! If only your mother knew..."

I looked towards the bathroom door and saw Mike grinning looking at me. He had is towel off and I understood the message right away.

"Look Bri, gotta fix the toilet, it seems that it's broken..."

She groaned. "Couldn't find a better excuse?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, love you!"

"Love you too!"

I ran to the bathroom and saw Mike in the shower. I took of my clothes and joined him.

He grinned at me, "So who's the sex maniac now?"


Well, here it is chapter 12, much faster than the last one...keep on emailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com And thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 13

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