
By zeca

Published on Jan 16, 2004


Well, last chapter on pookie series. It has been a pleasure to write this. I got to know a lot of people and even got to know me a little better. I really thank you all for writing me and for liking this story. It was written with my heart and I'm so glad that you liked it. This is a good chapter, I think that this is how things should always end ?...anyway, to email me, send to pookie_story@hotmail.com

Hope you like:

Special note: I want to dedicate this story to my granddad. He died a year ago, and I admire him for all the courage that he had and for being the great man that he was. I love you and I know that you're in a better place now, and you deserved it after all that you suffered! Love You.

Pookie 13

Well, everything has a beginning and an end (lol, heard that somewhere). It's funny, I had dreamt about this moment for the last 3 years, and, now that it was here I was totally scared. I was about to start a new phase on my life. I was about to leave the nest.

Bri and me would have these talks where we would talk about life after high school and how good it would be to be an adult and independent. Now I missed all that, I missed the halls, the familiar faces, the stupid teachers, lunch time and all that was around high school. I had times when I totally wanted to get away from that, I wanted to just grab my things and run far away. But now, I wanted to go back, to feel safe, and to live all that again.


"I guess that's all!" I said grabbing the last box.

My mom looked at me and sighed. "You know...I don't think any mother is ready for this..."

I smiled. "Mom, I'll call and visit you as often as I can, don't worry! It's not like I'm going to another planet!"

She got teary eyed. "You are my son, and no matter what you say it's gonna be painful to see you leave!"

I dropped the box and walked towards her. She looked as if she had aged 10 years, the concern written all over her face! I lifted her face to make her look straight at me. "You are the best mom in the world, you know damn well that I love you and nothing is gonna change that! Besides you now have John to entertain you!"

She hugged me and sighed. " I just hope that you're happy and have a good life!"

"Me too!"

She stayed there hugging for quite some time. I understood how she was feeling, she had lost a husband and now her only son was going away, I didn't mind, I knew that she needed this, and so did I! I felt her sighing for the 100th time and her arms releasing me. She looked up wiping her eyes " Now you go or you won't ever leave this house..."

I grabbed the box again and walked outside. Mike was out there finishing loading the car. He smiled at me and walked towards us.

He hugged my mom "Well, I guess it's goodbye. Don't worry; your son is in safe hands!"

I heard my mom whispering something to Mike and a small laugh from him. He let her go and walked to the car. My mom was smiling now.

I had butterflies again in my stomach. "I guess this is goodbye..."

She hugged me again and kissed my forehead. "You just go and be happy!"

I walked towards the car and took one last look at the my old home. I knew that it would be some time until I would see it again. The street, the trees, my old neighbourhood, my window, my roof, my house, my garden, my life. Everything was staying behind; I was going to start everything from scratch!

I felt a pair of familiar fingers enveloping my hand. " Don't worry, we're together in this, till the end!"


"I'm gonna miss you man, I really am..."

I looked up at Kevin. "No more than me..."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "You just be good and have lots of little kids so that I can be an uncle!"

I laughed and turned to Bri. "So..."

Bri looked at the floor. "So..."

"I don't really know how to say this..."

Bri looked up. "You know that I'll always call you!"

I smiled. "Of course..."

We felt silent. Mike was talking quietly to Kevin. Bri and I just didn't know how to act or what to say. I knew that she was probably going to disappear from my life. And out of nowhere I said. "Bri, I love you, girl, don't you ever forget that, I have known you since forever and I plan to know you to the end!"

She sobbed. "I love you too...I don't know how I'm going to go on without you!"

I felt the tears forming. "We'll make it, don't worry, you'll see...I'll be at your wedding!"

She gave a small laugh and looked straight at me. "Forever!"

I kissed her on the forehead. "Forever!"

She smiled and I got into the car. Mike started the engine. Kevin put his arm around Bri. She leaned through my window and looked at Mike. "You better take care of him, or I'll come after you and have your balls for Kevin's dog to eat!"

Mike smiled. "Don't worry, I've learned my lesson!"

She smiled back "I hope so!"

She hugged me once more. I love you don't you forget that!"

"Love you more!"

Bri and Kevin got away from the car and waved while Mike drove off. I looked at her one last time and couldn't help it... I cried. I knew that I would still talk to her, but it wouldn't be the same thing, I wouldn't be seeing her as often as I used to! Mike kissed my cheek, grabbed my hand and drove off to our future.


Mike and I had decided to go to the same city where we both had our courses. I was going to Med school and Mike was trying for History (don't ask how he decided that, I was more surprised that you!). We were going to share a flat and work to pay for it. This was a huge step for us. I was feeling like things were moving too fast, but every time I looked into Mike's eyes I reassured myself that this was the right choice.

Bri on the other hand was going to Art school on the other side of the country; she had wanted to become a recognised artist ever since I had known her and she wasn't going to give up on her dream. She and Jared had not lasted; he wanted more that she was willing to give and she got tired of it. Fortunately she wasn't too heartbroken over that.

Kevin was the big surprise. He decided to stop studying and join his father's business. He wanted to earn the "empire". He also hadn't found a steady girlfriend.

Mark was recovering from all that had happened to him. He was going to college and work; he had a promotion at work and was happy. I managed to say goodbye to him before I left and he seemed pretty happy with his life.

Pete had stopped contacting me for a while. I didn't know how he was or how things were with his mom. I was a little worried but hoped that everything was OK with him.

And this is it. I am now working on a private hospital. Mike is teaching at the local high school and we both managed to buy our own house. Nothing huge, but it's our little place. We had our ups and downs, our fights and make-ups, but now we were steady and building a family!

Mike hadn't lost his touch and I think that I loved him more everyday. Unfortunately distance takes a price on friendships and I lost all contact with Bri, Kevin and Mark. We have stopped talking for quite some years now, and I had tried to find them, but with no luck. Since my mother's death I didn't have any connections to my old town.

"I need a backrub ASAP!" I heard Mike shout from the front door.

I smiled, cutting up a carrot. "Good evening to you too!"

I felt a pair of arms around me, and then a kiss on my neck. I still felt shivers down my back every time he did that! "You know that I should be the one to cook, you suck!"

"Never heard complains before!" I said smiling. "Besides, I wanted to make you something special!"

"And why is that? Not that I'm complaining!"

I turned around and faced him. "Just to thank you for putting up with me during these 15 years!"

He smiled and rested his forehead on mine. "I guess that's ok!"

I was about to kiss him when the door rang. He groaned. "You go and get that! I'll check on what you were cooking!"

I walked towards the front door not knowing who it could be at this time of the day. I opened and a cute little kid was looking up at me. He had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen and had the cutest face.

He continued staring at me. "Are you Brad?"

I was a little taken back by this. "Where are your parents?"

Right at that moment someone came running after the kid. "Malcolm, how many time have I told you not run away like this?"

I looked at the older man and there was something familiar about him. I studied his face and recognised that familiar smile and eyes. I couldn't believe it.

"PETE!" I screamed.

He looked up and grinned. "I guess that ruined the surprise!"

I hugged him, totally ecstatic. "I can't believe it's you, it has been so long! How are you? You have a kid? How are things back home? I can't believe its you!"

Mike appeared out of breath. "I heard a scream, what's wrong?"

He looked strangely at me and the strange guy hugging me, and then he realized who he was. "PETE? ...Oh my God, how are you? What are you doing here?"

"Daddy, why are the always screaming when they say your name?"

We all laughed at that. Pete lifted Malcolm and kissed his forehead.

I suddenly remembered my manners. "Come on in, you can stay for dinner...we have so much to talk about!"

Pete grinned. "Well, there is one last surprise..."

He looked out at his car and he waved at it. I looked there too and saw someone coming from it. I couldn't make their face, but the distinctive bearing and walk gave her away. I felt so much surprise but quickly recovering, ran to her and hugged her almost suffocating her. She laughed and hugged back

I looked at her. "I can't believe its you, Bri!"

She smiled back and I could see a small tear forming. "You haven't changed a bit, Brad!"

I let a few tears escape and hugged her again. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too, but remember, I said forever!"

I smiled at the memory

"What? Don't I deserve a hug?" Mike asked from behind me.

Bri smiled and hugged Mike. "Of course, big guy, I can see you kept your promise, so you deserve it!"


Luckily, Mike did know how to cook, and quickly and well. Malcolm was tired and fell asleep soon enough. So I took him into the spare room, and we had peace to eat and talk.

Bri was enjoying the steak. "So, I hear that you're a doctor now Brad...you like your job?"

"Yeah, it's a bit demanding...but I love it, the stress and all the rest...So what about you? Are you the next Picasso yet?"

She grinned. "As a matter of fact I have sold a lot of paintings and am now almost ready to my first big exhibition!"

I grinned. "Congratulations, so when is this, I want to go to see it?"

"Of course, you're invited, and you can drag along that husband of yours!"

Mike looked up and rolled his eyes. "What about you Pete?"

"Well, I am a lawyer now! That's how I met Malcolm and his mom!"

I suddenly remembered. "You're still with that Justin?"

He smiled and showed of his ring. "Yep, and coincidently, I am here also to invite you guys to our 10th year anniversary!"

I laughed. "Wow, we're going to be very busy for the next weeks!"

Bri laughed. "And there is more...I kind of got engaged..."

I was shocked. "No one gets kind of engaged, Bri!!!! That's wonderful news! Who's the guy? Is he good to you? Is he cute?"

Mike spoke. "Whoa there, horse! It's Bri's fiance we're talking about!"

Bri laughed. "You're only saying that `cause you're jealous"

I laughed again. It was good to be with them again. I had missed them so much. Of course Mike had been there, but Bri, Kevin, Pete and Mark had become such an important part of my life that I felt whole again.

"Hey, have you come across Mark?"

Bri and Pete stopped smiling. Pete took the initiative. "Well...we found him...he's...well...there's no easy way to tell you this...he's dead!"

I was shocked. Mark was such a cool guy... I couldn't understand how things had ended like that!

Mike was also surprised. "What happened to him?"

"Well...not good...he started having a tough time, and things weren't pretty... he was addicted to drugs, he killed himself!"

Bri got silent after that. I was shocked, it wasn't like Mark to do that, he must've been in a really bad way to kill himself. I made a silent prayer for him and hoped that he was in a better place now.

Pete suddenly got up. "I guess its time to go, I'll go and get Malcolm!"

I was confused. "You can stay here, please...we have enough rooms!"

Bri spoke up. "No...we can go to a hotel, please don't worry about it!"

I got up. "No, I insist, I have got you back on my life and I really intend to keep you!"

Bri smiled and hugged me again. " I'm so glad that we managed to find you!"

"Me too!"

"We'll go get our things to the car!" Pete said.

They walked off and I looked at Mike and smiled. I sat on his lap and kissed him full of passion. " I'm so glad that we have them back..."

"Me too!" he said caressing my hair.

I looked up at him" You know that I love you, right?"

He smiled and nodded. "No more then I love you!"

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder, sighed happily with how things had turned out. Yes, well even if things weren't always perfect, at least I had just managed to get back some good people back in my life. Many people had entered my life, but only my true friends stayed in my heart!

The End

Well, my first ending...quite strange actually...email me with comments or criticisms to pookie_story@hotmail.com ...thanks for reading

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