
By zeca

Published on Aug 26, 2003


Hi there, I guess I'm gonna continue this, but I'll only continue it if I know that people want me to continue it...thank you so much to everyone that has emailed me. I noticed the major complaint was about the grammar, ..well English is not my primary language, so I managed to find someone to check my grammar and spelling, thanks Jack....thanks again and I hope that you enjoy the secound chapter. Keep emailing me to: pookie_story@hotmail.com (remember I'll only continue if you want me to)

Pookie 2

"So how are you Drool Boy?" Bri asked while we walked to the classroom.

"That IS getting old you know!" I said smiling.

"Right....remember that time that I started calling you Pool Boy?"she said looking up

"How can I forget?" I said smiling. "You could just call me Brad you know? It is easier for you..."

She pretended that she was deep in thought, she looked at me and as she was about to reply,BUMP

"Hey, watch whe..." Bri started saying. "Oh, Pete....!"

Pete was standing by his locker, flirting with some girl. He was standing there smiling at her, leaning with an arm against the wall and close to her head; and it seemed that he was gonna score some with that girl.

"Bri, how are you? Long time no see..." Pete said smiling at her, but his smile faded when he looked at me. "Oh, I Brad..."

"Hi Pete," I said feeling unconfortable. "Look Bri I'll see you in class!"

She just nodded, as I started walking away so deep in thought that I almost tripped over Mike.

"Oh, look it's Mr. 'I hate jocks'." Mike said smiling.

"Oh, I... Mike," I said not looking at him.

His smile fell immediately, "Brad,is everything ok?"

I just nodded, "Look I'm late for classes..."

I walked away, I didn't need another jock in my life...I had to start avoiding Pete, Mike and every hot guy on the earth. I couldn't face Pete, everything just came back so quickly and painfully, it seemed like I lived everything that happened in a few secounds, it was like a rollercoaster: the love, rejection, hate, sadness, everything.....

I walked towards the classroom and sat in the first chair available.Everyone was happily talking about their summer vacations and their newest adventures, showing their tan lines or the bracelet that they bought; I on the other hand didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment, I just wanted to be left alone.

"Brad," Bri said appearing suddenly out of nowhere, "Are you ok?"I shrugged. "Look, you know that I know how you are with these things, you close in on yourself and push everyone out of your way."

"Look, I just need some time to think!" I said, looking at her.She sat at the desk behind me.

"Well...you can do that, but I'll stay right here."

Sometimes she could be worse than my mother and I must confess that I liked that. I liked to feel that I had someone that loved me and that I could love without being afraid of getting hurt.

"Good morning class, please take your books out and open them on page 10." Mr.Smith said.

"Ok...we'll continue our converstaion after this class." Bri whispered.I nodded, ...it was going to be a long class....


"Look, Pete is old news. He has changed, he seems to be more mature, he even told me that he wanted to talk to you." Bri said.

"Right, and pigs can fly." I said lying on the grass.

Our math teacher was sick, so we having a free hour. We decided to just chill out by the tree next to the cafeteria. It was an old tree that was there even before the school was built; so they decided to leave it there and plant some grass near it and make it a small garden....it was great place for sunny days, to just lay down and relax.

"Brad you have to stop being such a pessimist!" Bri said, lying on top of me."For example, what do you think of Mike?" If someone looked at us they might think that we were a couple. But some people knew better; Bri and I just trusted each other fully, and didn't have intimacy problems.

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you always talking about him? ...seems like you're more interested in him than I am!"

I regretted saying that the moment I said it, Bri grinned and got up, gave a little jump and looked straight at me. "So, you're are interested!"

"I mean....I'm not..." I was trying to find a way out but I knew I was trapped.

"What?" Mike asked coming from the cafeteria" You're not what?"

"I'm not a jock!" I said glaring at Bri.

MIke rolled his eyes."Hey, you two wanna go eat something?"

"Sure Mike, Brad and I were just saying how much we wanted some ice-cream!" Bri said, cutting me off.

"Cool, lets go!" Mike said.

"Great!" I said pinching Bri's butt and running away.

"Oh, you're not gonna get away with that!" She said running after me, ....

"My mom is great. She's a lawyer; and my father is a doctor, and he's rarely at home, so I don't see much of him...what about you guys?" Mike said, licking is ice-cream, ...even his tongue was beautiful, ...No! ...I have to stop thinking about those types of things.

"Well, my mother owns a small store downtown, she divorced my father when I was five, ...I don't hear much of him nowdays..." Bri said, paying for the ice-cream.

"What about you Brad?" Mike asked, while we sat at down a table near the window.

"Well...my father died two years ago, my mom is a secretary for a doctor downtown and we live alone!" I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Mike said, looking at me sadly.Those eyes. I don't know what they had, but they could show such emotion ....they were so deep. So full of life and passion. I seemed to be drawn into them,..caught!I realized that I was staring and for what seemed like five seconds.

Bri smacked my head and grinned. I blushed and looked down; Mike was about to say something when a familiar voice interrupted us.

"So, Mike you know these two?" Pete asked,as Mike nodded,

"Can I join you?" Pete asked.

"Sure, guys this is Pete!" Mike said to us.

"We've met before!" Bri said smiling "So you two know each other?"

Damn..I was stuck near the window and I couldn't get out ...Bri was so into the conversation that she didn't noticed my discomfort. I had this sudden urge to get out! I focused on the ice-cream, and looked outside.

"Brad, are you ok? Why so quiet....that's not like you!" I heard Mike say.

"He's just thinking." Bri said, now trying to rescue me.

"Brad is a thinker, he has the brains..." Pete said, trying to be nice.

"Well, there are some people that aren't that lucky..! "I heard myself say to no one in particular.

Bri lightly elbowed my arm so no one could notice. "So Pete, how were your summer vacations?"

"Well, they were cool. My parents and I went to Italy, great country....a lot of cute people!" he said smiling. "How about you?"

"Brad and I spend the first week together near the beach, and the next two months working..." Bri said smiling back.

"Oh....!" Pete said, not knowing what to say.

After that an unconfortable silence seemed to fall on the table, everyone focused on their plates and no one talked. Surprisingly, I was the one that spoke first.

"So Mike, are you going to try for any sports this year?"

He looked at me like I was a clown. "Maybe, but since when did you start worring about sports, or even anything that I did?"

"Brad thinks that you a great.. "Bri started saying. I kicked her leg. "Oh...I mean Awsome guy!"

I blushed. "Really?" Mike asked looking at me. "I thought that you hated me!"

I was about to reply when Pete decided to leave. "Well, it was nice talking to you, but I've got to go...see ya later."

"Yeh, see ya." We replied.

When he was out of sight, I sighed loudly. "See, it wasn't that hard." Bri said to me.

"What?" Mike asked us.

"Nothing, nothing" I said resuming eating my icecream.


"See ya tomorrow." I said to Bri.

"See ya."

After school I usually spend an hour with a vet near my house. I was sort of a volunter. I helped taking care of the animals there. I loved animals, as my dream was to be a vet. My father was the one who had convinced the doctor to accept me when I was younger. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have this opportunity to do what I love

The Veterinary Surgery was a small place. From the outside it almost seemed like a house. The doctor's name was Sheila. She was really nice; she was 28 and her mother had financed the clinic. Sheila was dating some guy from college. We had interesting talks, when she had the time,.. well 'cause most of the time she was upstairs with the pacients and I was in the basement cleaning the cages.

Today I noticed that the basement was very quiet. It seemed that they were all sleeping; I dropped my backpack and walked toward the first cage.

The worse part of the job was getting attached to the dogs. Sometimes I would really get to like an animal and it really hurt me to see them go away. Today was one of those days. Spike was a boxer; he was there because he had been hit by a car, but he was much better now and his owners were there to pick him up.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye, you be a good boy, and be careful." I said hugging him.

As if saying yes, he licked my face and wagged his tale. This only made things worse. I climbed the stairs with Spike right behind me, and when I got to the door that led to the waiting room, I looked at him and hugged him again."You be a good boy, we'll never see each other again," I was trying really hard not to cry, so I stood up and opened the door. Spike as if sensing that its owner was near walked to the waiting room sniffing about.

I looked up and saw a guy with his back to me that looked like he was my age. He seemed to be cute, ...at least his back was cute. Spike looked up and ran towards him; he ran to the front of the guy and jumped into his arms.

"Spike...my boy!" That voice...it was familiar.

The guy turned around and to my big surprise there stood Mike, happily with Spike in his arms.

"Spike is your dog'?" I asked totally surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Mike asked smiling.

"I help out, I take care of the pets downstairs... " I said walking towards him.

"You took care of Spike?" Mike asked.

I nodded. "He's a great dog... Right, Spike?"

The dog just wagged his tail even more, happy with all the attention that he was receiving.

"So, Spike here is ready to leave, you just be careful with the roads!" Sheila said "Brad I need to talk to you in my office. Mr.Stevens it was a pleasure."

"Thanks again, Doc" Mike said shaking Sheila's hand.

"You're welcome."

As Sheila walked away, I looked at Spike sadly. "I guess I'll never see you again.."

Mike looked at us and smiled. "I live nearby, if you want to you can visit Spike sometime."

I looked up at Mike. "Really? You would let me do that?"

"Sure, no probl...Hey, I've got to go...see ya tomorrow in school!" he said walking away.

"Yeah, tomorrow" I said looking at his back. Damn, this guy's ass was perfect


"So Brad, how are things?" Sheila said, sitting on her office chair.

"Good..." I said nervously, "Why did you ask me here?"

"Well, can I ask you something personal?" she asked looking pointedly straight at me.

"Y...Yes"" I said suspiciously.

"It is kinda of private...and I totally understand if you don't want to answer me...."

I nodded. "Don't worry...shoot!"

"Were you checking out Mr.Stevens out?" she asked.

I was shocked. "NO, of course not, why are you asking that?"

"Brad, calm down....I have a nephew that is gay, and I learned how to recognise gay people!" she said smiling.

"Ok..Hey..but that doesn't mean that I'm gay." I said trying to sound sure.

"Look Brad....don't take this the wrong way, but....you were practically drooling over Mr.Stevens!"

I rolled my eyes, "Not again...." I thought.

"Look, you don't want to answer...I understand...I was hoping that I could set you up with my nephew..." she said leaning back in her chair.

I laughed. "OK, Yes, Mr. Stevens is kind of cute....but I don't like blind dates...."

She smiled, "Thank you for trusting me, and Mr.Stevens is not kind of cute....he's hot...and who talked about a blind date?"

I froze. "What?"

"I NEVER said that it was a blind date..." she said smiling mysteriously.

"You mean that I already know him?" I asked surprised.

"Let's just say that he is in your school and I think that you know him."

"you're gonna tell me who it is, aren't you?" I said exitedly.

"No....he'll come to help you out tomorrow...." she continued.

"What! you're not gonna tell me who it is?" I said almost begging.

"No!" she said smiling triumphantly. "Now, go and do your job!" ...

I opened the front door and dropped my backpack. The house was totally quiet. That was strange, as my Mom usually got home before me. I walked to the kitchen and it was empty. I opened the fridge and looked for an apple (Yes, I really like apples). I leaned against the counter and started eating the apple.

The day had been weird. First, I have to be at the same table than Pete, then Spike is Mike's dog, and then Sheila finds out I'm gay..... I really hoped that the next day would be easier.

I left the kitchen and walked towards my room; on the way I looked at the phone and noticed that there was a note there:


Don't wait for me for dinner, John is taking me out.There are some leftovers on the fridge. Don't wait for me.

Love ya....Mom.

P.S-- Invite Bri if you want to....love."

I smiled...it seemed that she was happy again....I was glad...I walked to my bedroom and just sat on my bed. I let myself fall backwards, closed my eyes and tried to rest a little .....

"Brad, sweetie, wake up, you have school today!" I heard my mom say.

I didn't answer. "Brad, come on, wake up....you're already late!"

I opened my eyes, I sat up on the bed and yawned, I looked at myself and noticed that I still wore the same clothes that I had been wearing the day before.

"So, how were things yesterday?"

My mom smiled. "John took me to the a really romantic place, and then we went for walk..."

I smiled. "It sounds like it was fun!"

"And it was..."she said standing there smiling like a fool.

I got out of the bed. "Well, I'm glad that things went the right way..."

"Me too." I heard my mom say as I walked out of the room.

I showered and got dressed. I walked to the kitchen and prepared a bowl of cereal. While I was eating my mom appeared again.

"Honey, why were you sleeping fully dressed?"

"I don't know....when I got home yesterday I was so tired that when I touched the bed I felt asleep...."

"Tough day?"

I nodded, not stopping eating my cereals.

"Well, this is just the beggining, you still have a lot ahead of you..." she said grabbing her purse. "I'm off to the clinic, you be good."

"Bye, Mom," I kissed her goodbye. When she was gone, I finished my breakfast, grabbed my backpack, and was getting out and locking the front door.

"Good morning, Drool Boy." I heard Bri say.

I rolled my eyes, "Good morning Bri...."

She smiled. "So, where were you yesterday? I tried to phone you, but no one answered ..."

"Oh, I felt asleep..."

"Yeh?" she said, looking at me closely, checking if I was OK. "How was the clinic yesterday?"

"Well, Spike had to leave, and you won't believe who's his owner!" I said

"Let me guess.....humm.....the object of your drooling....MIke!" she said smiling triumphantly.

"What? How?" I asked surprised.

"Well, I needed to talk to someone....you weren't there...so...."

"And I'm the one that drools over him..." I said rolling my eyes.

She laughed. "Believe me, I couldn't have a thing for Mike even if I wanted to.."


"Shit, I forgot to change the books!" I whispered to Bri.

"Well, if you weren't such a sleepy head, this wouldn't happen!" she whispered back.

"Mr.Robinson, is there a problem?" my math teacher asked.

"Well, I forgot the book, sir." I said, feeling myself blush.I REALLY didn't like to be the center of attention.

The teacher looked at me, and sighed. "Well, only for today....you can join Mr.Stevens and share his book."

"Mr.Stevens?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes...why do you have a problem with what I ask?" the teacher asked me looking straight at me.

"No...I don't." I said dragging my chair over near Mike.

"Hi" I said sitting down and looking at the book.

"Hey!" Mike said.

Five minutes after that, the teacher spoke again. "Class.., I need to go to Pricipal's office, I'll be right back, you just do exercices 5 and 6!"

The minute he walked out the door YOU could almost hear a collective sigh: eveyone started talking at the same time.

"So, how is Spike?" I asked Mike.

"He's good, his injured leg is a bit weak, but everything's OK...we think." he said

"That's good to hear..." I said, not knowing what more to say.

"My aunt said that in two weeks and he'll be good as new!" He said smiling.

I looked up. "Your aunt?"

"Yeah, SHeila....she's my mother's sister...." he said, playing with his pencil.

This couldn't be possible....I mean....it couldn't be 'HIM.'

"But she was calling you Mr.Stevens!"

"Oh, that's a rule she has, at work there is no family...." he said, shrugging.

"OK, class, let's continue." the teacher said as he returned.

I couldn't believe....it couldn't be Mike....or could it. ...

"OK, take deep breaths" I said to myself when I entered the basement.

I was nervous..., Mike was Sheila's nephew...what would I do?

"Good morning Snowball." I said grabbing a small Terrier from his cage."Today we're gonna get some help..." He wagged his tale. I put him on the ground to let him walk a little and started cleaning the cage. After a while I heard the door close; and I heard footsteps approaching and a voice.

"Hey, I heard that you needed some help!"

I froze, that voice, it wasn't Mike's. It was Pete's voice. TBC Well...secound chapter, I thank you all for the support again, I really do....keep on e-mail me with comments, ideas, whatever you want to pookie_story@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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