
By zeca

Published on Sep 10, 2003


I there...I guess that this one took longer huh? Sorry...I'll try making the others bigger and post them quicker...anyway thanks again for the support and keep on emailing me: pookie_story@hotmail.com...you know that you're the ones that decide if this continues or not...thanks again and good reading.

Pookie 4

"So, he appears at your window, kisses you, and you tell him that you can't have a thing with him?" Bri asked, totally surprised.

I nodded while taking a bite of my sandwich. We were in a quiet spot in the cafeteria waiting for Kevin to show up, as usual.

"That's so....so....I can't even find a word to describe how stupid that was.." she said disappointedly.

I looked straight at her "Well I can find a word to describe you, perhaps...LIAR..., why didn't you tell me that he was gay?"

"I never told you that he wasn't." she said shrugging.

I groaned, "You could have told me and spared me some embarassing moments."

"And your point is?"she said grinning

"Whatever..." I said giving up.

I looked around. The cafeteria wasn't very crowded; just the usual groups eating, totally into themselves and their little lives. I noticed that the football team had arrived and was starting to grab their food. I wanted to try and find Pete, but at the same time wanted to just not see him....God, I hated these feelings.

"Don't look!" Bri said casually, as if she read minds all the time.


"Don't try to find him....it will only make you stay in a bad mood."

I was about to reply to that when Kevin arrived. "Hey guys, I'm so tired of chemistry that you can't even imagine..."

"I know someone that has started loving chemistry." Bri said, mocking me.

"Fuck you!" I said trying not to smile.

"You know that I hate to be left out..What's this about?" Kevin asked as he started eating.

Kevin was a great friend and person, but there was one thing about him that I couldn't understand: his taste for food. He could make up the strangest combinations and seem to enjoy them. Sometimes I couldn't eat because of what he was eating.

"Kev, please....don't do that in front of us." Bri said trying not to look at him.

Kevin knew that we didn't liked it and loved to tease us: eating with his mouth open, telling us stories of how dead babies were used to make hamburgers in school, or how rats went well in salads, and much more...

"Did you guys know that..." he started.

"Kev, I'm still trying to recover form last week's story" I said interrupting him.

"Not that drool boy...?"

"Oh, come on, you're not gonna start calling me that again are you?"

"Can I speak please?"

I nodded, continuing eating my sandwich.

"Well, as I was saying, I heard around that Pete skipped classes today, and that he was in the hospital. It seems that he had an accident yesterday..."

"Wha...What?" I almost chocked. I dropped my sandwich and just stared at Kevin.

"I'm not sure that it's true, but at least that's what they keep telling me.."

Fuck, was it because of me? Did I made him feel so bad that he had an accident? I was deep in thought when Mike decided to join us

"Hey guys...can I sit here?" He asked sitting right in front of me.

"Sure" Bri said, while rubbing my back.

"What's wrong Brad?" Mike asked, concern written all over his face.

"What happened to Pete?" I asked out of nowhere.

"My aunt said that he didn't feel that good, so he stayed at home." Mike said calmly. And then a little angrily, "Some stupid asshole started spreading rumours around that he was in the hospital..."

Kevin blushed and I sighed. "I'm glad....so how were classes today?"

"Nothing much ....plain boring....the usual!" He said, starting eating his lunch.

I wanted to talk Mike about the previous day, but privately. I kept glancing at Mike and the silence dragged. Bri must've noticed, 'cause she almost dragged Kevin from the table, excusing herself, saying that she had to made an important call and that she needed Kevin's help.

"Those two...." Mike said smiling.

That smile again."Mike, about yesterday..." I started.

"Look, I understand....I'm not mad or anything..." he said.

"I'm just not ready to start a relationship right now, I've got get a grip on some feelings that I have first...." I said, trying not to hurt him. "It's not because you don't attract me, it's just that I've got to clear my head..."

He grinned. "So you think that I'm attractive?"

I blushed and looked at my plate. MIke just laughed. "You are so cute when you blush!"

I groaned. "I'm glad that you're OK with it..."

He shrugged. "What can I do? There's nothing that I can do that will change you mind. Right?"

I smiled. "No..."


"So, tell me Brad, how did things go with you and Pete?" Sheila asked, entering the basement.

I rolled my eyes "They went....huh....fine..."

"Oh really? Then could you tell me why Pete's locked in his room and refusesto come out, even to eat?" she said, crossing her arms.

I sighed, "Look, me and Pete, well..we already know...and it's better if he explained instead of me."

"Fine, then we both go and try to talk to him." She said, grabbing my arm.

"No way, I'm not going into that house!" I said, pulling my arm back.


"I don't think that it's a good idea." I said.

"Look, his mother is away right now, there wont' be a problem."

I wondered how much she knew, but I wasn't about to say any more.

"Look, Brad, I hate to say this, but you better come...." She said in a strange tone.

"I don't want to go"

"Do this for Pete!"

Right...like he did anything for me....like he even cared for me...but at the same time it looked like he was really bad...Well, that had to mean something....now I was curious....I had to be sure...

"Please? He really needs to get out of there!"

"OK..sure..." I said, giving up.

The car trip was in complete silent on the way to Pete's house. I was deep in thought about what to say, and Sheila deep in thought, trying to figure out what was happening... what was up between me and Pete.

"Thank you." she said, not taking her eyes of the road.

I didn't answer, just nodded and continued staring out the window.


"Pete, you have a visitor!" Sheila said, knocking on the door.

No answer, she called him again, but no answer. "Maybe he's asleep." I said trying to listen with my ear to the door.She just looked at me and rolling her eyes, opened the door. We both entered and saw Pete lying on his bed curled up in a fetal position, seemingly totally lost in dream land.

"I guess I'll have to be back another time..." I said starting to walk out the door.

"Brad, please...." she said, grabbing my shoulder.

I was nervous. I didn't want to talk to Pete. I knew that that even if we had some sort of conversation that it wasn't going to be pleasant,"Look, I don't think that this is a good idea...really!"

"Brad, at least try...." she said with a pleading look.

"I don't know...."

"Look, all I want is to see Pete well again...I don't like seeing him suffering like this!"

I sighed, she wasn't going to let me go away. "OK...OK....let's do it..."

Sheila gently shook Pete by the shoulder; he didn't even stir. She called him, ...another shake....no response. I rolled my eyes and went to him, and as I started to lean towards his ear, she stopped me. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see!" I said smiling.

I crouched down, my face near his ear, breathed on it and kissed it, I started nibbling on his earlobe, and then felt him move.

"Hmmm, that feels good." Pete murmured smiling.

His smile went when he saw me.

"Ok, I'll leave you two alone...and Brad, you need to explain to me what just happened there." she said, walking away.

After she closed the door, Pete spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"Sheila asked me to come here" I said backing away." What's up with you? Are you sick? People at school are starting to say that you had an accident...."

"I just wasn't in the mood to go to school today..." He said, getting up.

"Who is?" I said trying to smile.

He didn't even try to smile, just looked at me. "Look, as I remember it, you didn't wanted to even see me....or smell me....What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know what's happening to you....I know that I was a bit harsh....and that I should have been more understanding....but you hurt me...and nothing will change that..."

"I know that...I just wanted you to forgive me..." He said sitting down on the bed. "I need to know that you don't hate me...that you don't think I'm a stupid prick!"

I felt sorry for him....but that was all. That was the moment that I understood that I wasn't in love with him any more. Our conversation at the Vet Surgery had allowed the feelings that I had held inside me get release. I was sort of free, I was over him, well...not totally but I was moving that way. I sat next to him and put my arm around him. "Look Pete...I..I'm sorry....I should have tried to explain things to you in a different way...." I started.

"But you were right to do that, I mean, you said that I almost made you kill yourself..." he said looking at me, plaintively, like a little child.

"I know, but I think that it wasn't just you....I mean, I think that I never got over my father's death; that had totally changed my life and affected me, I was and still am a confused person...I'm not very proud of myself....and then you came loving me and making me feel good about myself..."I paused, trying to gather my thoughts, this was a thing that I needed to do, and it was making me feel better already. "Well, I was thinking that it wouldn't be like with my father and that you would be with me forever....well...then everything fell apart again and I just couldn't handle that....I'm not a strong person..."

"Now, you can't say that....you're strong, you just don't know it yet..." Pete said, smiling. "Look, I wasn't the best boyfriend in the world, but I can say to you that I liked you, I cared for you....and if things didn't turn the way they did, well, I would still be with you today..."

I blushed. "I guess I can stop avoiding you now.."

"Yeah...." he said looking down. "You know what? I've found this guy...."

I laughed.

"What?" he asked smiling.

"You horndog....didn't get any this summer, huh?"

"It's not that way, I really like him, he's fun, smart....I'm just afraid of hurting him..."

"You two already....?"

"No, no, he wants to have a relationship, I'm the one that's always running away, with my mother and all..."

"You can't let your mother run your life that way, she may not understand but you have the right to be happy..."

"I'm don't want to talk about that right now....and I have practice in a hour....I really have to get ready." He said.

"Well, you can change in front of me, there's nothing that I haven't seen before.." I said with a little laugh.

He blushed. A rare sight. "Just go, we'll see each other tomorrow!"

"Ok, but I was expecting a show you know?" I said, turning away.

The next move surprised me. Pete ran to me and hugged me. "Thanks, you have no idea how this changed me!"


Walking down the street, I came to Mike's house. I wanted to go in and see him, but was afraid... What if he changed his mind? What if he had found someone else?What if Pete's mother was in there? I was starting to walk away when I imagined what Bri would say at that moment. "Don't be stupid, just go in, I swear that if you don't go I'll kill you, don't be a chicken, grab the opportunity!"

Ok, I went, I knocked on the door and took a deep breath.I heard somone unlocking the door, a woman appeared.

"Can I help you?"

"Is Mike there? I really need to talk to him.." I said, feeling nervous and like a little child asking for his friend to come out and play

"Mike left 5 minutes ago...he had practice!" she said smiling.She had a warmth. She reminded me of one of those aunts that just love to hold you when you were younger and kiss you all over the face.

"Oh.." I said disapointed. "Please tell him that I dropped by..."

"Oh, please come in. Mike's friends are welcome here..." She said smiling.

I knew where Mike got the smile, I couldn't resist."Oh, sure....thank you." I said, trying to be polite.

"Would you like to eat something?" she said, closing the door behind me. "At least, drink something, you must be thirsty! I'll prepare you something, follow me!"

I didn't want to argue with her so I just obeyed; she gave me the same kitchen tour, making me wonder if she knew about Mike's dinner.

"Well, sit here while I make something for you to eat!" She said walking to the fridge,"So, you're a good friend of Mike?"

"Huh...sort of, we met on the beach.." I said, trailing off.

"Oh, you must be the one that he keeps telling me about, you hate sports people, right?" She said while slicing some cheese.

I blushed. "Well, I don't hate them...I just..."

"Oh, don't worry, I don't like empty heads either....although we can't tell what someone is like just by looking at them...here" She said smiling and giving me some bread with cheese and a glass of milk.

Mike's mom made me feel like happy teenager again; we just chatted away, seeming so right to be waiting for Mike to return from playing ball. I was so relaxed, and she sat in front of me, sipping a cup of tea.

"Mike is a good boy, he's my only son...I just want him to make friends..." she said seriously.

"Yeah, he's a great guy!"

"Just like his father..." she said, dreamily. "Do you have a girlfriend...huh...and you haven't told me your name!"

"Oh, sorry....I'm Brad..."

"Oh right, Brad, I'm Lucy....so...do you?"

"Oh, no...I'm single..." I said, trying to sound sorry about it.

"Mike's single too....he left an adorable girl behind when we moved..."

And then she started telling me all about their life in the other city. I was learning all about them, and even looking at some family photos, Mike's included. We were so deep in converstation that we didn't even noticed Mike's arrival.

"Brad? What are you doing here?" I heard Mike asking behind me.

"Oh, nothing, just seeing little Mikey taking a bath when he was younger " I said, turning around.

"Oh no...Mom...not the baby photos....please" he said, walking towards her.

He still had his hair wet, and was smelling of sweat from showering too quickly.

"Young man....go take a proper shower...." she said in a motherly way.

"Oh come on...I showered in the lockers.." He said in a whining voice.

"Go on!" she said sternly.

I smiled; Mike looked like a small child, and that made him look even cuter. His mother sighed and looked at me. "Some things never change..." Glancing at her watch and opened her mouth in surprise:"Oh my God, I have to make dinner...."

I got up. "And I have to go home, I enjoyed the company, thanks, Lucy!" I said.

"Oh....please, you will stay for dinner?" she asked smiling.

"I can't...I promised my mom that I would have dinner with her tonight" I said.

"Oh, you can invite your mother...we can all have dinner together...it would be wonderful." She said with that smile.

"Ok, But I can't promise anything..." I said, walking to the phone. "May I..?"

" Yes, go ahead."

Surprisingly, my mom accepted; she was even glad to accept the invitation, saying that she was so tired that she hadn't felt like cooking tonight, and that meeting new people was always nice.

Dinner went well, my mom and Lucy found something in common: they both liked to embarras their children in front of others. It seemed like a competition, Lucy would say somthing about Mike's running naked in the house to escape the bath and my mom would retaliate with the story of how I loved to just walk around naked in the public pool.

Mike sensing that it was a good time to escape, suggested that we go tohis room to play some games. Getting there, I gave a big sigh. "God, I thought that I would die of embarassment..."

"Well, I never knew you had a nudist streak..." Mike said smiling.

I blushed, that smile just got me, everytime that he flashed it at me, well.. I would just melt.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked, coming up to me.

I couldn't answer, I had to avoid his eyes. I noticed a trophy in a corner and walked towards it. "Hey, where did you win this?"

"In 5th grade....best football player." he said.

He was standing right behind me.I could feel his breath on my neck, I felt a pair of arms around my waist."I don't know how much longer I can wait..."

I was going nuts with what he was doing. Gee, the feeling was so strong."Have you decided what you want to do?" He asked.

I didn't know if this was the right thing, or even if this was going to be the right way...but one thing I knew...if I didn't kiss him I would regret it forever...and besides I had listened his mother for an hour...I had to get some reward!

After breaking the kiss, he looked right into my eyes. "So?"

I liked the feel of his arms around me; I just smiled, gazed back and then put my head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure? I'm a jock remember?" he said, and I could feel his smile against my cheekand in his voice.

"Well, I guess I'll have to get used to it..." I said, kissing his neck.


SOrry again for taking so long and for the short chapter....thanks again for the support...keep on e-mailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com...thakns again and a hug

Next: Chapter 5

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