
By zeca

Published on Oct 12, 2003


Hi there, I know that you probably want to kill me, I'm sorry, but school started and I don't have that much time to writte, I just hope that this chapter is worth the wait. Thanks again for the feedback, and you can continue e-mail me to pookie_story@hotmail.com....thanks to my wonderful editor and sorry again:)

I hope you like it Pookie8

"You're telling me that you don't know how to cook?" Mike asked me while cutting a carrot

"Well, I'm not very keen on cooking.. my mom allways cooked for me..." I said sitting and staring at him

"Well, you can start learnig now..." he said grabbing an onion" You can make the salad!"

I smiled, happy to help. I grabbed the vegetables and start preparing the salad. I don't know if I was doing it the right way, but Mike decided to correct me, he putted his arms around my waist and grabbed the knife. While doing this he started whispering in my ear how to do it.

I was liking it, and made things the wrong way just to make him stay like that. He didn't mind and I certanatly wasn't complaining.

After dinner we sat on the sofa and watched some lame tv show. Mike was behind me hugging me and I was just grabbing his hands and trying to not fall asleep.

"Brad, can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said with my eyes closed

"Do you still have feelings for Pete?"

That surprised me, I didn't loved Pete, but there was still something in there, I mean no one stops loving someone else completely, right?

"Hmmm, I don't love him like I love you. But I have something inside me that....I don't know how to explain"

He hugged me thighlly "Yeah, it's normal...don't worry..."

"Did you ever dated boys before me?" I asked now interested in the converstation

He laughed "Yeah, this one time....at a camp when I was 12 or 13....I met a boy....we got along...and one thing led to another...."

"What happened? Not that I'm complaining..."

"Well, he moved away....I was devestaded...my mom didn't knew what was wrong with me...and that's why she wants me to have a lot of friends..."

"Did you ever think of telling her?"

"Hmmmm, maybe some day....not now...but maybe...I don't know how she would react....I mean...she is my mom and it must be hard....."

"Well, my mom already knows....hei...I have to tell her that you're my boyfriend......and tell her how wonderfull you are.." I said smiling

He kissed my head" Whatever you want..."


The weekend flew by. It was great to be just the two of us alone and enjoying eachother. I knew that Monday was coming, but I just enjoyed the weekend. We left on Sunday afternoon. Mike left me at my house and strangely my mom was away. Mike helped me with my things and I offered him a drink. While I was looking for the juice on the fridge Mike grabbed me from behind

"I don't want to go to school anymore...lets run away and live up there alone.." he said looking straight at me

"That's a good idea!" I said resting my forehead against his" But it wouldn't work..."

"I don't know how I am going to manage to avoid kissing you at school..." he said grinning

"Well, maybe if you kiss me a lot of times today it will compensate tomorrow..."

"You think?"

"Well, we can try..:" I said leaning into him

I don't know how long we were kissing, but when I heard my mom opening the door I knew it was late. I let go of MIke and walked towards the door, my mom looked at me smiling

"How was the weekend?"

"Good" I said" Mom, I have someone I want you to meet!"

"A friend?" she asked walking towards the door

"Well, almost..." I said right behind her

She stopped and looked at me "You mean...your boyfriend..:" she said almost whispering

I nodded. She looked at me" Mom, if you're not ready...I understand..."

"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy with him?"

"Of course mom....he is the best thing that happened to me in a long time..." I said

"Then I want to meet him" she said taking a deep breath

I hugged her smiling "Thanks mom!"

"Everthing for you honey!"

We walked into the kitchen to find Mike nervously sitting on a chair. I wanted to laugh at the sigh. He was trying to control his nerves. He leg was trembling and he was playing with a small apple. I approached him and put my hand on his shoulder, he jumped a little and turned around

"Mike, this is my mom, mom this is Mike!" I said

My mom looked at Mike up and down and smiled at him "I wasn't expecting to be you...but I'm glad....at least I already know his mother!" she said extending her hand with a smile

"Thanks...I guess!" Mike said nervously

My mom and Mike made small talk. I had to end it due to the time

"Well, Mike I think it's getting late...it's better for you to go home " I said grabbing his hand

"No way Brad, Mike is staying over for dinner!" My mom said smiling

"Are you sure?"I asked her

"Of course, Mike you can use the phone on the living room!"

Mike walked out and I looked at my mom

"What?" she asked

"Nothing..." I said smiling

"At least you have good taste!" she said after a sigh

"What do you mean?"

"I was expecting a drag queen or something..." she said smiling" But he is a cutie..."

I blushed" Mooom...don't you have a dinner to make?"


Well, dinner went well. Mike now knew every embarrassing story about me. My mom and him got along fine and I was gratefull for that. After dinner I walked Mike to the door

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked hugging me

"You bet..." I said kissing him

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

After he left my mom appeared behind me

"Love you" she said mocking me" Love you too" she continued

"I'm gonna take the phone to my room, I'm gonna call Bri!" I said rolling my eyes ignoring her

"OK....Love you" she continued ,mocking me

I grabbed the phone and dialled Bri's number

"Yellow!" she said happily

"Hei Bri!"

"Brad....finally, I was thinking that you forgot me!"

"Right....like I could do that..:"

"So, tell me where were you this weekend?"

"At a cabin!"

"Doing what?"

"Not much...I ate, sleep, watched tv, sawm, walked into the woods..................with Mike!"

"Hmmm, a romantic weekend?"

"You bet..."

"So, did you do it?"

"Do what?" I asked knowing perfectly well what she meant

"You know.... do IT!"

"I don't know what you mean..."


"Ok, ok....no need to scream!" I said smiling" Well....."

"Well???" she asked exitedly

"You're more exited than myself..."

"Just answer me!"she said, I could feel the expectation on her voice

"Yeah!" I said sitting on my bed

"No way!" she said and I could feel the smile on her face" Tell!"

"Well, I'm not gonna tell you the details....lets just say that it was very romantic...."

"Oh, come on...you're not gonna tell you best friend in the whole world?"

"No..." I said simply

And the converstation continued from there....while she talked I couldn't take that moment from my head. Mike had prepared a super dinner, and we ate on the sofa and just cuddled together. Suddenly Mike grabbed me and led me to the small lake. I was getting the idea and we dived...it was full moon, the water was freazing cold, but we kept eachother warm....and then...

"I screamed at him...I mean he wanted to rob me....15 bucks for a shirt...no way!" Bri said

"Yeah..." I said looking up at the cealing

"Brad? Were you listening to me?"


"Brad? Can you say anything else?"


"Brad...am I the most gorgeous girl on the world, and you have this secret wish of taking me to the bed and d---"

"I'm not that distracted!" I said smiling

"Well....I've to go....I'll see you tomorrow!"



"So, she then told me that she had once with a girl..." Kevin said

We were sitting on the ground next to our classroom door. We arrived a little earlier. Kevin was talking about some girl that he had managed to meet this weekend. Bri was totally listening. I was to much happy to even understand what he was saying.

"And???" Bri said smiling

"Well, lets just say that I learned some new things to do with my tongue!"

Bri smiled" Well, I'm glad that you weren't the only one having a good weekend..."

THey both looked at me expecting to hear me say something. I just smiled like a fool at them and sighed

"Someone scored this weekend!" Kevin said with a little laugh

"If you only knew..." Bri said getting up" Look people are arriving!"

I got up and noticed that some members of the football team were arriving. Mike and Jared included. My heart started to beat faster, Bri smiled and ran to Jared kissing him. I looked at Mike wishing that I could do the same. He walked up to me and greeted me

"Hei what's up?" he asked

"Nothing!" I said leaning into the wall

Everyone was chatting , I was leanign into the wall with Mike right in front of me. We were silent, words weren't needed. I wanted to do so many things but limited myself to look

"Do you wanna spend the afternoon at my place?"

"Sure..." I said smiling again

Suddenly someone called Mike and he walked awawy. I was lonly for some moments until Mark approached me

"So what's up?"

I smiled "Nothing, how was the weekend?"

"Good, I went to the movies and lets just say that I managed to forget what your FRIEND did!"

" I'm sorry for that, Mike just didn't controled himself..."

"Don't worry....I'm ok...at least I can still see!"

I laughed" SO tell me how was your date?"

I continued my talk with Mark. I noticed that Mike keep on stealing glances of both of us. I kind of liked it, it made me feel important, but at the same time I was angry 'cause he was jelous. After some talk the teacher arrived saying that he had a problem on his car.

During this class Mark was sitting behind me. Mike was on the other side of the room. I was trying to pay some attention but the teacher was to boring. After some time I felt a pencil massaging my back, I looked behind me and Mark smiled at me showing me his pencil, I smiled back and enjoyed the sensation.

After the class was over Mike seemed a bit irritated. I ignored it, I knew that he was jelous. He had to learn to control himself. I mean I wasn't the one that made out with a cheeleader.


I was gettting tired of waiting. Mike was late. Bri and Kevin had long left, and I was sitting alone on the main entrance. I decided to look for him. I walked trough the halls and found Mike leaning against the wall with Michelled in front of him talking. I looked closely and saw that she was trying to score something. I controled my urge to rip her hair of and walked towards them

"Hei Mike, you're late....we have work to do..:" I said not looking at Michelle

"Excuse me? I was talking to him!" Michelled said grabbing my shoulder

"Well, I guess that will have to wait!" I said taking her hand of my shoulder "We have homework to do!"

"Oh come on...just give 5 minutes!" she said getting angry

"No way!" I said grabbing Mike

"Do you wanna go?" She asked leaning into Mike clearly showing her tits

I was trying to control myslef, but I couldn't. I dropped my books right on top of her feets. She screamed

"YOU BASTARD!" she said grabbing her feet

"I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy!" I said trying to control my laugher while picking the books" I hope that you're ok, but me and Mike really got to go" Bye!"

I dragged Mike out of there, leaving a very angry Michelle behind. When we were out of the school Mike shrugged me of

"What's wrong with you?" he asked

"What's wrong with me? If you were one more minute in there...."

"Oh come on, I had everything under control!"

Thank GOd everyone had already left

"Right.......... I mean you were up against the wall, she was almost on top of you....yeah..I think you had everything under control..."

"Yeah....look who's talking..:"

"Excuse me?" I asked surprised

"Yeah, I bet you enjoyed those massages of Mark!"

"Don't even try to compare! He was just being nice!"

"Like Michelle!" he said crossing his arms

"I don't want to argue, since you're behaving like that I'll just go home.." I said turning around

"Fine, go!" he said trying to sound sure

I started to walk away when he grabbed and turned me around. I was about to say something when he kissed me. I was a little afraid, but since no one was around I just let go

"I'm sorry, I just get so angry when I see you with Mark..." he said looking down

"Don't worry....there's nothing with Mark, we're just friends" I said smiling" And I do hope to see you away from Michelle, and I mean miles away...I hate that bitch"

He laughed" So, do you still wanna come over?"

"Well, I don't know....Mark did promised me a real massage..." I said grinning

"Don't you even think about it!" Mike said rolling his eyes


"I don't understand....I just don't see why she doesn't tell him...I hate this romantic comedies!" I said poiting at the screen

"Well, I remember someone that avoided telling somone that he liked him!" Mike said from behind me

We were watching some film at his house....homework got left behind and we just cuddled and watched the movie

"But the other person was really stubourn..." I said grabbing his hand

"Yeah, and I bet that he had a great ass too!" Mike said with a little chuckle

"Well...I can't say that I haven't see better!" I said looking up at him

He smacked my butt" I hope that you're joking!"

I kissed him. We were into it until I remembered something

"Shit...after all that happened I forgot the vet!" I said getting up" Can I use your phone?"

He nodded "Are you gonna leave me all alone?" he said acting likea little child

"Just for a minutes!"

I dialed the clinic number and waited

"Good morning, Sheila's vet, how can I help you?"

"Mary? Could you pass to Sheila? It's Brad!"

"Sure, just one sec!"

I heard the crappy music and Sheila answered

"You rememeberd us!"

"Sheila I'm so sorry, but so many things happened.."

"Look Brad, you've got to be responsible, you had a compromise...you have to keep it...!"

"I know...but something happened, and.."

She laughed" Don't worry Brad I was just joking...you know that I can handle myslef, I just wish that you called!"

"I know...I'll pass by there tomorrow!"

"Ok, see ya tomorrow then"

"See ya!"

I disconnected and looked at the couch to find it emtpy

"I brought you something to drink!" Mike said appearing behind me

I smiled "How toughtfull of you!"

"Yeah....I am that!"

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked sitting on the bed

He grinned" Do you have to ask?"

"You are such a pervert!" I said rolling my eyes

"Yeah, but you like me that way!" he said taking my glass from my hand


"I have to go!" I said trying to break free from Mike's gasp, but not trying to hard

"You could stay over...!" he said kissing my neck

"Mike, I really have to go, my mom's boyfriend is comming over tonight!" I said smiling

"Oh ok....I guess I'll have to sleep alone tonight" he said pouting

I groaned, he knew that I hated that face, I kissed him and walked away.

It was getting dark outside and kind of chilly. When I got home there was no car on the driveway. I entered and found a note" Brad we went to grab something to eat, we'll bring you something....we won't take long...love you mom!". I smiled and went to take a shower.

After the shower, I putted on some clothes and heard my mom's car arriving. I walked towards the kitchen to find her and her boyfriend John.

"hi mom, hi John...so what's for dinner?" I asked gretting them

"Well, we brought pizza....!" my mom said grabbing some plates

"Mom, we don't need plates to eat pizza!"

"Yes we do!" My mom said smiling

"So, Brad, how was school?" John asked sitting on a chair

Why did every adult talk about school?" It was good..."

"Are you in any sport?"

"No, I'm not into sports, I like to swim...but not on a competition level!"

"I used to be on the footbal team..." he said slicing the pizza

"Mike's on the team right honey?" my mom asked sitting down

"Yeah..." I said not knowing where she was going

"Oh he is? What position does he plays?" John asked interested

"Quarteback..." I said focousing on the pizza

"He is such a nice kid...." mom said smiling

The dinner continued and I noticed that mom and John actually liked eachother, they were happy talking, my mom had this glowing on her eyes that just made me happy. John was actually a nice guy, a litle jocky but nice.

Things started to move nicely since there. John started to come over more times. I started to trust him, my mom was happy with that. John tryed to make me feel confortable around him. He knew that he couldn't replace my father, but he tryed to become my friend first.

Mike started to take his drivers license. Things were going ok. Michelle decided to give up on Mike and moved on to another jock. Mark become a friend rather quickly, he introduced me to his boyfriend. His name was Hugh and he was 20. He was a nice guy, and cute... Mike started to loose his jelous, and actually started to become pretty close to Bri. I kind of started to become a little jelous. The biggest surprise was Jared. I tought that he was a guy that was good in sports and liked Bri, and didn't have that much in common with me. But actually he started to show his intelligent side. He was totally confortable talking about anything. I think that he was a little jelous of Mike, since Bri started to spend less time with him. We kind of were the leftovers.

That was starting to become a problem. I started to feel like Mike and me were getting apart. I was dedicating myself to the animals more and more. Mike dedicated to Bro and football more and more. We talked on the phone, but the conversations lasted less and less time. We started to spend less and less time together. I don't know what brought this cliff between us, but I was starting to miss him. I had to change this


"So, he tryed to convice me and I just continued.." Bri said to Mike

Me, Bri, Jared and Mike were having lunch together. Jared was next to Bir with his arm around her, but she was focoused on the conversation with Mike. I was sitting next to him playing with my food. I started to get angry and smaching the small potatoes. I got up and walked away, not saying a word.

I walked towads the library. I found a quiet spot between the science and the psicology section. No one was around. I leant against the wall and sighed. I didn't know what went wrong, maybe he got tired of me, maybe he found another person more attractive...I didn't want to think about it, I looked down at me. Maybe I gained a couple of pounds without noticing. I shrugged those toughs away. I heard some noise and a book fall right on top of my head

"Sorry, I didn't noticed...BRAD?"

"Pete?" I asked looking up

"What are you doing here?" he asked grabbing the book


"Bullshit, I know you!" he said sitting next to me" What's wrong?"


"Problems in paradise?" he asked smiling



"Do you find me attractive?" I asked looking straight at him


"DO you?"

"Yeah...you're a cute guy...but why do you ask that?"

"Well....I don't know...I feel like Mike's slipping away....I don't know...maybe I'm not attractive to him anymore!"

"Brad....you have to start to be more confident...." he said " Relatioships have to be kept by both, you and him, you have to work together to make things work, to make things cool..."

"Since when you become a relatioship expert?" I asked smiling

He blushed" My aunt took me to this group and well...I learned a lot...."

I looked at him and noticed it right away "you met someone didn't you?"

He looked down turning red. I started to laugh. Some people looked at us and frowed, I smiled at them and looked at Pete" So, who is he?"

"Well, he is from another school, lives 2 miles away from me and is really cool!" he said smiling

"This is so weird....I mean...me taking with my ex about our boyfriends..." I said looking at the cieling

"Well, it's nice to talk to someone you know?" he said smiling

"Yeah....do you miss old times?" I asked out of the blue

He looked at me deep in tough" Well, I miss having the trust that we had, and all the good times....I just wish we could be friends again..:"

"Well, I think that I wouldn't be having this conversation with you if I wasn't your friedn..." I said matter of factly

He smiled at me" Thanks... I really need friends...I mean, I hang out with a lt of people, but I don't trust most of them...sometimes it gets frustrating..."

"That's what you get for being on the football squad..:"

"You could try for the team...I mean you have the body.."

"But I don't like it...I'm not just a footbal guy..." I said smiling "But thanks for the compliment..:"

"Too bad..." he said looking at his watch" Well, I've got to go...it was good talking to you....I'll call you later..."

"Yeah...see ya"

Pete walked out the library and I stayed there thinking again....my eyes wondered the room, there were a lot of people there. I noticed a couple studying together. They were making some exercices and every time he got it right, she would kiss him. I got a little jelous...I wanted to be able to do that like that in public. I sighed and grabbed my books.


"I'm sorry Brad, I promised Mike that I would go to his game..." Bri said on the phone

"Oh, Mike has a game?" I asked surprised

"Huh...you didn't know?" Bri asked

"Well, now I know...!" I said disappoited

"He must have forgot..." she said trying to make things better

"Yeah...look Bri I have to go, see you tomorrow!" I said

"Are you ok Brad?"

"yeah...I'll see you tomorrow..." I said hanging up

I stared at the phone thinking about how I should feel. Should I be angry at Mike? Or did he really forget? Should I be mad at Bri? at me?I didn't knew what to do....I just couldn't understand why Mike was getting away right between my fingers. It seemed that I had that effect on guys, I groaned and decided to take a bath, the best way to relax.

After taking the shower I heard someone entering my room, and sat on my bed. I sighed knowing pretty well who it was.

"Hi Mike...." I said walking only wearing a towel

He whisled" My my....are you trying to seduce me?"

"No!" I said simply looking for a pair of boxers

"Awwww, come one...don't I even deserve a kiss?" he said smiling

I kissed him quickly, he looked a me stunned" Only that?"

"I have to get dressed!"

"What's wrong?"


"Comme on, you can't fool me..." he said putting his arms around my waist

"I'm fine....I hope that you're ready for your big game..."I said getting free from his gasp

Mike's smile faded, he closed his eyes and mouthed fuck" That's why..."

I rolled my eyes

"Brad, I'm sorry I totally forgot...I mean....I just have so much on my mind tha--"

"That you don't have time for me..." I completed while dressing a shirt

"No, nothing like that...I just forgot to tell you, I would love to see you there..."

"Whatever..:" I said grabbing my shoes

"Are you mad?" he asked looking sadly at me

"What does it look like?"

"I'm sorry ok? What do you want me to do?"

I tryed to contain meself, I really did" For once you could start spending more time with...I mean it's like you only are with me at the end of the day and that's when I'm lucky enough to see you..."

"What are you talking about...I spend enough time with you!" he said surprised

"Right, when was the last time you spend an afternoon with me? When was the last weekend that you decided to visit me, or invite me over?"

"What? It's not like you tryed..." he said angry

"I stoped trying long ago, everytime I went asking for you at your place you were with Bri, or having practice, or doing God knows what..:"

"Are you jelous, is that it?"

"Look, I have things to do...I'll see you later" I said walking away

"Brad, wait--" I heard Mike call

I ignored him and just walked towards the vet


OK, thanks for reading, as usuall you can continue emailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com, I'm getting less feedback, so that means that the story is getting worse:P...thanks again a hug for you all

Next: Chapter 9

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