Pop High

By Brown Eyes

Published on Jun 11, 2001



  1. Don't read this if you aren't gay. Cuz you probably wouldn't like it. On the other hand, what are you doing at a gay site, with the word gay in it if you aren't gay? I think you have some questions you need to ask yourself.

  2. Don't read this if you are under 18. (or the legal age in your area,

country, state, or otherwise) Although, if you are here and you are

under 18 and you just wanna take a peek, well, I guess I could allow

that, but just a peek.

  1. This involves the guys of NSYNC, BSB, Britney Spears, Christina

Aguilera, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson, so if you don't like to

read about them, well, stop. And if you don't like to imagine the

guys from those two bands being gay, well then stop. But I'm not

going to tell you which ones are gay, that would ruin it.

  1. Oh by the way, it's all fake, every bit of it. Other then that, just

read the story and enjoy it.


I hated Justin's hair when he got it shaved, I hated JC's hair when he

got it cut longer, but quite frankly opinions change, cuz damn do our

boys look fine with the new dues.

Okay, that's it, but uh, yeah, okay, I'll start the chapter now.

Chapter 2 of Pop High

Oh, fuck, why does AJ do that? Could some one explain to me the fascination he has with giving me hickeys. My dad hates them, I get teased like fuck for them by the other guys on the football team, and they just plain make me look weird. But then again, when he's sucking on my neck I don't really have anything other then his tongue and mouth on my mind.

"Justin, you okay, you were spacing out?" Oops, forget to act interested.

"Oh yeah, I'm still here, just a little dazed."

"Yeah, I bet you are, you and AJ were in that room for two hours, what the fuck were you doing?" Damn Joey is such a pervert, he always asks us details about our sex life, I think he wants to get some from one of us, but then again, Joey is as straight as fuck, he just likes to fuck a lot.

"No, not from that. I mean school, it was only the first day, and Mr. Harcott was such an asshole. He tracks me and Tats around. Not to mention that little thing that went down in lunch, we have to get back for that." Oh, really quick, I call AJ, Tats, because of all his tattoos, at first I didn't like them, but now I find them hot as fuck, so I nicknamed him after them.

"Mr. Harcott's an asshole baby, I'll kick his ass after school one day, then he'll knock it off." He can be so dumb some times.

"Of course, cuz then I'd just have to cry that you got kicked out of school. Not even my dad could help you on that."

"Well, I could wear a mask."

"Shut up." I know, it's mean to tell my boyfriend to shut up, but did you hear those stupid comments, he deserved it.

"You are right about one thing though, that bitch Summer is going down after school, she doesn't know who the fuck she messed with." YES! Pissy Britney is the best Britney, she's nice to everyone but the person she's pissed at, which means I get compliments, and some times, when I'm lucky clothes.

"I know, and her little tag-along Samantha, that bitch is mine." NO! Pissy Christina isn't good, she is psychotic when she gets pissed off. She's mean to everyone, and she doesn't hide it either. I should probably find some one like Jessica or Mandy to protect me from her case I piss her off. Definetly a good idea.

"Dude, you two should calm down. Don't spark fights and they won't happen, I think Samantha and Summer are nice." Oh you are so stupid Joey, run, run away quickly and don't look back.

"What did you say?" Too late, duck and cover, duck and cover.

"Nothing, I was just saying."

"No, you just said you thought some rejects were nice. Are you serious, maybe not being in our lunch has forced you to hang out with some, but not the biggest of rejects, what the fuck are you thinking."

"I was just, well, never mind Britt, you can be a bitch some times." Oh I can just smell a fight coming on, you don't understand what the word bitch does to Kevin, the guy gets upset when you call a girl a slut, but bitch seems to be personal to him. Not to mention that Joey looks like he wants to pick a fight.

"Take it back." See I told you so, Kevin can't sit by when the word bitch is said.

"No, she acts like one some times." Joey you are too stubborn for your own good.

"Take it back." Joey is tall, but Kevin is taller. On the other hand, Joey has a weight advantage, and he's on the football team. But Kevin is a wrestler, so this could get interesting.


"Sure about that?" Fuck, that looks like it hurt. They are so lucky we always break apart fights, because we would seriously get in some big ass brawls without us.

"Get the fuck off me Justin, he deserves this." Kevin is really strong, I however, am not entirely strong.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." Sorry! Sorry! You just punched me in my fucking nose and your sorry. Kevin can beat the shit out of you now Joey, cuz I ain't holding him anymore. "Justin wait!" Yeah, watch me.

Okay, so, maybe I am a baby for running to my room and crying over a punch, but I'm emotional. I know, you don't have to tell me, AJ tells me all the time that I need to learn when to get angry and when to get upset, cuz I make them two different things, but I do it at the wrong time. Then he apologizes, but he isn't even here right now, in fact, why haven't any of my friends stopped by, doesn't any one care about me?

"Open up baby."

Never mind, AJ does care about me.

"Please Justy, I wanna see if you're okay."

"Too bad, you didn't love me enough to come sooner."

"Justin, you are such a girl some times, I have a key, so if you don't let me in, I'll just unlock the door." Did he just call me a girl? Because, I can't stand that, I'm gonna cry some more, no I'm not, I'm gonna bea man about this. "I told you I'd just come in."

"You called me a girl."

"I know, but the good news is, you're my girl." Why does that sound sweet and romantic? Because I don't think it does, do you think it does? Not sure that I do.

"That doesn't make it any better."

"Okay, let's talk about that later. Lemme see your nose." His hands are so gentle, well, not all the time, some times our sex is rough, but that's beyond the point. They feel really nice on my face, I can't help but let him move my own hand from my nose. "Why didn't you get ice or a cleenex to stop the bleeding? I swear you don't think first some times, but I still love you." Good save Alexander, good save.

"Did any one say anything about me?"

"Yes Justin, they all said how much of a baby you were." Some times I can't tell if he wants me to cut off his dick or if he seriously has no clue how stupid he is. "Seriously, they know to expect shit like this from you, you're just goofy. Joey's sorry, him and Kevin cooled off, he apologized to Britney, so it's all good out there."

"What if I wanna stay in here?" His hands and stupidity made me horny, sorry but young teenagers like myself like to handle things frequently if we get the chance.

"No, we were in here for two hours, plus, your dad is gonna be home soon." Did AJ just turn me down? Cuz that usually doesn't happen, most of the time he rips my clothes off while I'm still hesitating whether or not to say yes.

"Fine, wanna spend the night?"

"Yes, oh yes."

"Good, you don't need to get clothes you left a pair of boxers here last time, and I washed them and you can wear some of my clothes." I got a good idea, eww, I like it.

"Cool, I'll wear that nice see through shirt that you have. Ya know, the one I got you that you never wear to school?"

It's see through, how can he expect me to wear see through shirts to school, or to the mall or something, I have a reputation as the popular king, he's just the funny/freaky boyfriend and side kick. "I can wear your boxers, you can wear a pair of mine."

"I like that idea, but if I have to wear yours, then you have to wear one of my collars." Okay, let me just explain something to you. AJ wears three collars, two, one around each wrist, and the third one around his neck. The one on his neck says AJ loves Justin, it's cute, I mean, it's black and the spikes are all nice and pretty, the middle one in the front is even silver, and the engraved part is silver too, but like I said, that ain't my style.

"Um, which one?"

"The neck one, I swear, I need to get you one. I'll get you any color, engraved baby blue, that would be so cute baby. I'll make you a pretty freak like me."

"No, one day, that's it."

I can't let him get everything he wants, anyways, I wouldn't complain, I love wearing his boxers, cuz, well they're actually boxer briefs, and they feel so good up against my crotch, but I'll let you do some imagining by yourself.

                      • -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - Ring Ring Ring

"Everyone take your seats" Mrs. Webster is hilarious, she always does that, but she should realize that we don't listen by now. "Please, I understand you love toblow my class off, but it's the second day, socould I at least prepyou on this year's schedule?"

"Guys, seriously shut up!" Leave it toDrew Lachey to think he's big shit and silence the class. Maybe we could beat the shit out of him for punishment since his brother is Nick Lachey? Oh well.

"Thank you Drew.Oh, Mr. Timberlake I love the spikes, didAlexander purchase that lovely gift for you?"

"Not really, it's his, he just made me wear it."I love Mrs. Webster, in case you didn't notice we aren't even five minutes into class and she just got side tracked already without any one asking her a question.

"How sweet, I'm so glad to see that you two are still dating. Tell him I said hello."

"I will domam."

"Anyways, back on subject. As you know this isWorld Cultures 2, which means it's my second year of some of you.I'm sure you all remember what my other class was like. Easy, if youtry, you get an A, I won't lie, none of you will fail. But that's a secret kept between meandall the rest of you." I love her, she is so stupid. "I wasn't really planning to do anything today, it's only the second day, why start now? So you can have the period to talk."

"Hey Chrissy, is it just me or does it seem like school is going to suck this year. I mean, we're stuck with how many losers in our classes, in lunch. I wish we could just takenaps all day."

"Aw, poorMop Top, things aren't any better, did you see that new girl? Ya know, Willa,she was fucking all over Nick, and trust me, she doesn't have what it takes to be one of us."

Damnit, Nick gets himself into all kinds of trouble when it comes to girls. He picks the wrong ones, first their wasthis blond a few years back, every one called her Haiku, sure the girl was cute, but nothing more, just alittle something. So Nick fell head over heels for her, and she had her one hit, just Nick. And now this.

"What's she like?"

"The girl is bad news,she's all, I don't know, wanna be badtype shit."

Okay, so now I'm getting a picture of a blond girl with streaks ofblack or something, and maybe a leather jacket, tight pants, a short halter top, and a tongue ring. But that doesn't sound like Nick'sstyle, so I think I'll have to ask for more details.

"I need more then that."

"Okay, well, she has blond hair, it's kinda dark. Um, she's wearing at-shirt, withdevil's little girl on it, and she just, I don't know, she looks like she thinks she'sthe shit or something."

How does Christinaknow what she thinks? Oh well, we tend toassume a lot, it doesn't really make an assout of me, justyou. Hahaha. I crack myself up.

"That doesn't sound too bad, we could use a new girl in the group."

"No we don't, we have Britney, we have Mandy, we have Jess, we've all proven we're worth it, what the fuck is she gonna do. You know you can't trust Nick's begs and pleads, he doesn't know what he wants for me then twenty seconds."

That is true though, in 10th grade Nick thought he was gaybecause he got a hardon in the locker room. So he told Brian that he wanted him, and of course Brian being to nice just smiled and walked away. Twenty minutes later Nick realized he was an idiot, and beg Brian not to tell anyone. Don't ask me how the rest of us found out, I think we were playing truth or dare or something and it slipped. But the point is, Christina's right.

"Well then we should at least giveNick the benefit of the doubt that she's some what decent and respectable, and talk her for his sake."

Where the hell is this coming from? Since when doI have those kind of thoughts? Something is fucked up with me today, I definetly need to talk toMarshal. Oh, um, Marshal's my drug dealer, great too, I remember the first time I met him, damn, he forced me to suck him off cuz I didn't have any cash. Let's just say his dick is inadequate and his timing is way off.But like I said the drugs are good, and now he doesn't pull anyforced sucks on me, AJ could whoop his ass.

"Fine but the first time she wears leather in a non-sexy, but dirty kind of way, she's getting the boot."

Chrissy is honest, to the point, not as much as Britney, of course, no one is as strong minded as Britney.

Ring Ring Ring

I took a lot of naps today, how come all the teachers are givingus it easy? That isn't like them, but it'snot like me to question shit like that, so maybe I'll stop and just appriciate it. I wonder what's for lunch, and where's AJ, he knows Inever buy my own lunch.

"Hey babe." Right on time.

"Hey Tat, you met Nick's new chick yet?"

Kevin is so clueless, I mean he thinks he's subtle about things, but when you scream across the table and point towards the end whereNick and his new "chick" are, I think theywould realize that he was talking about them.

"Oh, she looks cool." Leave it to my boyfriend to think the newgirl with attitude is cool.

"So babe, whatwould you like for lunch today?"

"Um, how about some french fries?"

"That's it?"


"No, I'll get you some pizza or a burger too."

He does this every day, and he's right, I end up eating the burger or pizza too, I just don't wanna look like a pig around him. In case you haven't noticed I really am a girl when it comes to my relationships, I wouldn't have it any other way though.

"Alright girls, it'stime to start shit."

Maybe if I ignore them they won't ask me to help them. Yeah that's it, don't let them see your eyes, act like you're preoccupied with something else, like homework, or a note to AJ, orlike you're planning a party.

"Hey Justin, we need your help, ya know, just like an added precaution to grabSummer if she gets the advantage."

"Sure why not?"

Whatelse could I really say? No, Iactually thinkshe's pretty funny, and some times I think you would deserve to get your ass beat by her.

"Okay, listen here's the plan. We're gonna go over, I'm gonna sit down in one of their empty seats, and just stare at her. When she gets up to start shit, Chrissy and Jess will grab her, Mandy will get Samantha, and I'll beat the shit out of her. You just stand their Justin asa precaution."

Great, I'll be the dumb idiot doing nothing about it, although they're will be five guysat the table too, who will possibly start shit.But yet, here I go following them around like a little lost puppy dog for food.

"Seats takenbitch."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just tired of walking, needed a seat."

"Well get the fuck up and keep it moving."

"Sorry, can't." Sometimes I wonder if Britcan read minds, becausejust like she said Summer is standing, and just like she said Christina and Jess are holding her arms.

"Let me the fuck go you dumb little bitches."

"Now Mandy."

So, this is what it's like to watch girl's fight. It seems to me to be pretty stupid, not exciting orsexual in any way. In fact, I don't really like the idea of Britney slapping Summer repeatedly, but the hell it isn't funny to seeMandy and Samantha, it's like they don't know what to do, I'm not even sure Mandy's even holding her any more.

"You can sit down now. Let's go girls."And like the slaves they are, Jess and Christina letgo of Summer. I don't know, I'd expect to see her crying, but she'sstanding confidently. On the other hand, why let yourselfshow the whole cafeteria the weakness in you.

"We aren't done Ms. Bitchney. I'm sick of this fucking shit. You and your stuck up friends aren't theshit any more. You aren't gonna stomp down like all theother years, we'll fight back, I'll fight back. We were all one ofyou, we'veseen your secrets, we'll fuck you like the whores you are, and you won't know who the fuck possessed us to do it. Watch your back, and learn to throw a punch, because you might just feel like throwing one in a week or two."

"Fuck me you little dike, you don't scare me. Our secrets are public, you don't know anything."

Jesus christ, please, Britney can we just go. The fuck she doesn't know our secrets, they all know our secrets. Nick Lachey knows Jessica's secrets.Drew and Justin know all of Joey's, Chris's, Howie's, and Kevin's secrets. Thosesixused to get drunk every night, and the stories I useto hear about those nightsare something I'm sure no one wants to be spread. And Samantha knows all of mine, the girl was one of my best friends at first, until well ya know. And of course, Summer knows a lot too, all of the girls, and she and AJ were tight, at first we thought her and AJwere going at it, until, well AJ told us he was gay. So I don't think any of us want any of those secrets out.

"See ya around Bitchney, watch the walls, they just might be screaming your name."

Don't say anything, don't say anything. Thank you for not saying anything.

"What was thatabout baby? Everything cool?"

"Yeah find, where's my food?"

"No, fries, so I got youpopcornchicken and a piece of pizza. That's cool right, cuz I can get you something else."

"No it's fine, thanks."I love him, right now though, I'm notin the mood to think of anything buta way to figure out what secrets I should admit to before some one else finds out.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Youdon't look fine."

"I'm fine, seriously" I don't want to get in a fight with him, but in a minute I might have to if he keeps asking me. I just don't feel good, I mean, something about the way she said she'd get us back, it just seems like she really could.

"Alright, but if you feel sick tell me. I'll go with you to the nurseor drive you home, whatever."

I know he will, because if I really were sickI would make him. He always offers though, and I swear, I'd be acting completely healthy if I didn't feel like shit.

"So,lunchis really quiet today." Chris would be the one to break the silence. "How about we play a game of questions. I'll ask, you'll answer. What's the best song in the world? Christina."

"All or Nothing."



"Here's to the Nights"


This is kinda funny actually, I know what Chris is going to say, he and I are pretty good friends, and we both share the same favorite band andthe same favorite song.Linkin Park, Crawling is one of the best songs ever. I haven't been a hard rock/punk fan for ever, but just recently, the fact that the song is the bomb, I have to love it. I just have to, I think it's cuz AJ makes me. He say's it's our song, it's not exactly a peaceful song, so I wonder about him some times.

"Chris would you shut the fuck up. Enough with the god damned game." Thank youJessica, that was nice of you to interrupt the game. I actually liked listening to them answer and Chrisshut them down, but oh well. It's no big deal, the silence is just as nice.

"Fine Jess, what should we do then?"

"I don't know, any rumors lately?"

"Yeah, I heard that Mrs. Bille was caught in the bathroom with Mr. Trestyesterdayafter school."

I don't know why Lance spreads shit around aboutteachers. Because I always do this. "No, sorry Lance, not true, daddidn't say anything about that at dinner." And nowcomes Lance's automatic reaction.

"It'sjust what I heard." Of course it's just what you heard you dumbass, or you wouldn't have said it, that's beyond thepoint.

"Hey, Just, come throw your trash away with me." Can Mandy tell my look is dumbfounded? Since when does she ask to throw her trash away with me. "Please?"


I don't talk Mandy often, so why am I walking up with her. Usually that's Jessica's job, or maybe even Kevin. Sometimes Nick, in reality, justabout any one but me usually walksup with everyone. I only walk up with Britney, or Chrissy, or Chris, or AJ.Usually I walk up with AJ, he likes to walkup with me, then he likes to make me take his tray over to the rack, instead of walkingthat way with me.

"You okay Just, you seem distant all of a sudden."Oh she has an agenda does she?

"I don't know Mandy, it's just, what Summer said.They really do know our secrets, what ifsomething gets out that we all completelyforgot about, or something we didn't think about."

"That's it, you're afraid about Summer's little secrets. She doesn't know anything Justin, we all know our own secrets. We'll be fine."

"I know, I'm just a little worried."

Okay, let me know what you think of this chapter. Oh, and thanks to any fans who followed the story over from the bisexual section to the boy-band section. Thanks to David for moving the story, I appriciate it. So, question is, are their any secrets that will expose Justin, or any one else in his group? Probably, I'll admit, other wise it would be stupid to mention, but what kind of secrets? I don't know that either, find out later.

Next: Chapter 3

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