Pop High

By Brown Eyes

Published on Jun 16, 2001



  1. This chapter is going to be like a week in the future since the last one. I would have let you know that some where in the story, but I'm not quite sure on how I could have done that when the story is in the first person, I couldn't say one week later. If you know what I mean.

  2. Also, I'm trying to think of some good secrets, because I only have one that I am going to use as of now in the story. So if you have any good ideas for secrets to be exposed, and you'd like to share them with me, let me know at baby_brown7@hotmail.com or calm_lost@hotmail.com

Chapter 3 of Pop High

Ring Ring Ring

"Alright, Alright, take your seats. As you know, we are starting this year with a unit that is favorable among most students. I'm sure a few of our students have heard about it, as I have been doing it for years now. So for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I am talking about the couple unit. You will all be given a partner of the opposite sex, sorry to disappoint you Mr. Timberlake."

Ya know, I've never noticed it until now, that I am the joke of many teachers topics. They all seem to acknowledge that I am gay as much as possible. But on the other hand, at least Mrs. Versule doesn't do it like Mr. Harcott, she keeps it clean, and plus she's cool and I like her.

"And with that couple, you will choose a lifestyle out of my bag. Some of you will recieve the rich, others the middle class, and the rest of you will recieve the poor. You will choose from jobs, under the list of rich, middle class or poor, depending on the aforementioned pick. Then, you can go from there. You will be able to choose to be parents, owner of a pet, what type of car, what type of clothes. Where you shop, where you eat, what you eat, what you do on the weekend."

This is too easy, I'll just let my woman do everything. Afterall, some of you may be saying that I'm jackass for saying that. But I'm been the woman in my relationship with AJ for all two weeks, so I know what's it like, and I'd just like to be the man once.

"Something new is being changed this year though. I've watched students get by this project and not take anything serious out of it. So, I will be choosing the partners."

That could suck big time, but for the most part I have good options. Afterall their aren't many girls in here that don't want to be popular, so I can use that to my advantage.

"When I read your names, switch seats and get comfortable, you will be working with these partners for the better part of this nine weeks. Aaron, Bates..."

Okay, so now she's going to go in order, so I'll be working with, good, Britney.

"Spears, Hewl..."

Okay, never mind, she isn't going in order. So maybe I won't get my top choice, but their are plenty of others.

"Timberlake, ahh yes, Mr. Timberlake, you will be working with Ms. Summer Lewis."

What? I have to work with her. She just threatened my friends last week, and I have to work with her for a fourth of the school year.

"That's every body, I'll be around with the bags, until then, introduce yourselves, and get associated."

Great, just fucking wonderful.

"So, I guess we have one important question to answer."

She's talking to me? She is making an iniative to be friendly? Who the fuck would have guessed?

"What would that be?"

"Who's the man?"

"You are so funny, I almost forgot your sense of humor."

"I see laughing, are we enjoying our partners?"

Yes you dumb bitch, you assigned me with a stupid little cunt who thinks she's oh so funny. We are just getting along great, thanks for asking.

"Yes Mrs. Versule."

"Which of you would like to pick your lifestyle?"

Okay, don't let me even offer, go ahead and pick away Summer.

"What did you choose?"


At least she got the good one. I wouldn't wanna be poor or middle class, I don't know what that is like. On the other hand, Summer would be good in anything, if it serves me right she dated a rich, pretty boy for his dick size, a middle class asshole for his car, and a poor kid because he was funny. So she's pretty versatile around the field.

"Good for you two, why don't you go to the front and pick a job from the list."

Lot's of choices. Which is good for me? I could be a doctor, a scientist, a musician, I think, I'll take a, um, I'll take the oil tycoon. Now I get to be a cowboy. I like cowboys, they're rough and rugged, I should make AJ dress up like one some time soon, but if I keep thinking about this...too late. Bad boy, not now. That never works though, I should just think about Britney getting it on with a man whore. There we go, all is good now.

"What did you choose?"

See I'm trying to be decent, I asked a normal question, I bet she answers with a bitch ass remark.

"I'm a doctor, what about you?"

"Oh, um, an oil tycoon. I like cowboys." Why did I just tell her that? I should start thinking before I speak.

"Cowboys are cool, I mean, if you're into chaps." Why am I laughing at that? Oh yeah, I guess cuz it's funny. So maybe this won't be so bad, if I can't work with some one I'm friends with at least she's kinda funny.

"Alright, class is about to end, so your assignment tonight is to get together with your partner and figure out a game plan, income, housing, work schedule, stuff like that. It's all due tomorrow, so make sure you exchange numbers, or addresses."

"So, wanna work at my house or yours?"

"Um, mine I guess, my dad won't be home."

"I imagine he has lots of important work to do here at this busy school." Was that an insult or just a fact? I'm not too sure, but for some reason it didn't sound offensive.

"Okay, how about four o'clock?"

"Sounds good."

"You don't mind if AJ stops by later on in the night do you?" What do I care if she minds? Hell if she minds, I'll have him over just to bother her.

"No, just so you know though. I remember that we use to be friends, so we don't have to ignore that little thing from the past called a friendship. So, I remember all the friends you have, cuz they use to be mine. Yes, even Britney Spears, who I'd like if you never have over when we have to work on this project."

Did she just like, snub me? Cuz it sounded as if she was telling me what to do and what not to do. That doesn't work, not with me at least.

"Um, I know about all that, don't worry. Just be at my house at four, I hope you still remember."

Ring Ring Ring

Perfect timing, she can't even respond to that.

I think my dad does little things to piss me off. Like every year, my locker is so goddamned sensitive that I can never open it on the first try.

"Need help?"

"No I don't need help Brian."

"Sure about that?"

"Yes I am sure about that."

"Okay, just trying to be nice. Oh by the way, AJ asked me to take you home, I just saw him leaving. He said he wasn't feeling good or something. So, meet me at my locker after this period."

"What was wrong with him?"

"Don't worry Curls, he just said he wasn't feeling better. He wanted me to remind you that he was still stopping by around 7 or 8 tonight though. So he must be fine if he's still up to, well, getting it up."

Very funny Brian, your comedy amuses me. Why do I think this shit? Shouldn't I just say it.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Ring Ring Ring

"Am I losing it?I mean, my rank."

Sometimes, usually at the beginning of the year, Britney feels as though she is losing her rank over every one else. That's why we only let a few girls into our social group. Even then, they all must be submissive and realize that Britney is the supreme goddess, duchess, ruler or popularity at this school. Now that isn't to say that she actually treats them like shit, for the most part, Britney is very nice to Christina. Jessica and Mandy are another story, but they know how to handle their owns. And in all honesty, this being the year that actually counts, I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica would compete for Britney in the yearbook popularity contests. You don't know what that is do you? Okay, we pick cutest, biggest flirt, best dressed...shit like that at the end of the year, only seniors rank.

Now for me, I will probably win cutest, and possibly most athletic. But I doubt that, because I've been having thoughts about not going out for football this year. I just don't feel like it, I've never really liked it, I just play cuz I'm good at it, so I think I might just focus on studying this year. I know, it's funny, but I seriously just might become a brain and try harder at getting A's.

"Justin, you didn't answer me. You've just had that dumb look on your face for like five minutes." Thanks for reminding me that you were still here Brit. "Seriously Justin, am I losing my rank over this school."

"Britney, in case you didn't notice, when you walk through the halls every one but Summer Lewis and her group of freaks scatter to the sides. The guys are obsessed with you, the girls are jealous and afraid of you. The teachers realize the power you have through me, and the principal loves you because of me too. So no, you aren't losing your rank."

Although I wish you would lose your rank. Cuz maybe if she lost her rank she would realize that the Britney who's nice could show her face. Reallyin the ethics of popularity, niceness doesn't rank as a top priorty. You can't be nice to get to the top. You have to bea greedy cocksucking bitch like Britney who's willing to crush to get to the top. It's not easy, but hell, we all have done it once or twice.

"Thanks Justin. So, what are you doing today? It's been so long since we had some quality time. Why don't I come over tonight, we can watch movies or something?"

Wow, I think Britney is serious about spending quality time with me. That hasn't happened since I came out, well, okay, it happened once or twice since then, but for the most part it hasn't. I think she feels that she can't be seen staying at gay guy's house, because everyone will know that she didn't get any from him. Him being me, if you can follow that all to begin with to get to this point.

"Sorry, I have to work on Mrs. Versule's project, remember?"

"Oh, you're stuck with Summer, aren't you luck!"

"Yeah, I know."

Good Justin, play along, make her think you don't like being stuck with the dork. When you really had fun today in class. Stop talking to yourself while you're at it.

"I think I'll spend the night at my partner's house. He looks like he could use a little action. And I've been horny since that party on Friday."

I didn't need to know that. Word to the straight people in the world. You don't like to hear about our gay actions, well for the most part we don't like to hear about your sex drive, sexual actions, or love life. So let's call it a tie and never speak of them in front of each other again.

"Have fun, just don't take his virginity and then spread rumors about his penis size."

"I apologized for that, and god, it's not like everyone doesn't know that I was joking. Remember that time I showed them the picture of us together, you naked, that was hilarious, we were way too drunk."

"Don't remind me, I remember."

At a party, three years ago, when we were sophomores, we took a picture together naked. We were so drunk that we didn't even realize we had fallen asleep together, and in the morning all we remembered was getting drunk and passing out. The next day in school we realize a few new things. So people do know that my penis size is quite nice, not bigger then AJ's though. My boy is hung like a horse, a big stallion.Off topic, gonna cuz a problem, must think about Britney and a boy. Ahh, their we go.

Oh, maybe you were wondering how come Britney took my virginity, that happened when I was drunk too, not that same night, before that, but it's besides the point. I think every gay guy has sex with a girl at least once in his lifetime, gotta try some experimenting.

Ring Ring Ring

"How long have I been out of it Britney?"

"You mean sitting there thinking to yourself? Oh I don't know, five minutes."


Well, at least it was the last period and my excuse can be that I needed to get away from school. Although, on the other hand, I really was thinking about my boyfriend's penis size and my past experiences in straighthood. I should really get up though, I'm gonna miss Brian and he'll leave without me.


"You coming?"

Never mind, Brian found me.

"Yeah, sorry."

"What the fuck were you doing? You looked like you just woke up."

"I was just thinking about some shit and lost track of time."


Knock Knock Knock

Things went by really quick, I didn't even realize it was time for Summer to come over. This should be fun, I wonder if she'll be bitchy or if she'll be funny. Either one is kinda funny to watch. But I really should answer the door, cuz the sooner this is over, the sooner me and AJ can enjoy our fun.



"Come on in."

"Nice house, I mean, if you are into rich, eccentric shit." I think that was supposed to be funny, so I won't complain. Unless she says something like that again.

"So, you wanna get started. I mean, what do we have to do exactly?"

"You don't pay attention in class much do you?"

"Not really, I mean, I try, but some times, I just wish I were some where else."

"Like at home in bed, or with your boyfriend, or having fun. I know what you mean."

"You got a boyfriend?"

"No, not a steady one that is. I'm surprised you didn't know, you sit at the gossip table with Princess Spears and her bitch shift. I'm the fag hag of the school. Most of my lunch table is gay, Nick, JC, Jeff, Justin, okay, every one but Drew. It doesn't surprise me that I get stuck with a gay guy for my partner in a loving marriage project. I have that type of luck."

Okay, maybe a little more then I asked, but actually it seems like she wants to be friendly about this project. Maybe she just wants to make me think.

"Um, you know, well, the other day in lunch last week when you said you were going to crush Britney. Do you really know secrets about us?"

Why did I just ask that, I shouldn't have asked that. She's going to sense that I am afraid of her now because of it. And I asked it like a little child. Um, you know, well, what the fuck, when did I become the guy with a loss of words.

"Don't take it personal, but yes. Remember, I used to be your friend. You all may have forgotten about me, but I don't forget. I get even. It's nothing personal to most of you, trust me, I'm not sure what kind of things I'm going to actually let out."

"Okay, let's just get started."

But now I really am scared. I know she knows secrets, and I didn't completely forget about her, I mean, not the whole way, like oh, who are you again? I just, I kinda blocked out that she was ever a part of our group. It isn't hard when you're popular. Spread a rumor, don't invite them to parties, and it works out really good like that. And the only thing that holds you up, is your own emotions, once those are cut free, it's easy to turn your back on someone. I've been silent too long, she's gonna question me, talk out loud.

"Yeah, so, you wanna get started?"

"You just asked that, and I said yes. But okay, yes again. Maybe we should organize like a house, ya know, find one in the paper. Buy it, then work out the mortgage and shit like that. Then we can call it a night."

"Okay, sounds good to me. I got the paper in the kitchen let me get it. Um, we can work in my room, cuz my dad will be home in a little while. So, do you, uh, remember where it is?"

"Yeah, down the hall to the right. I'll be waiting."

That wasn't so bad, at least she doesn't wanna make this last any longer then it has to. Now where is the paper. And what times is it. 4:45, which means I have like half an hour before my dad gets home. Then like an hour after that AJ will show up. I hope I'm done by then.

"Here it is, I think we should go all out. I mean, we're rich, right, so let's just by the biggest, most expensive house. I know it would be a big money thing, but that's the point right? I mean, we're supposed to act like the people in our class would."

Why isn't she saying anything. That look is really scaring me.

"Do you care if I smoke?"


So what are we going to sit in silence while you smoke your cigarette. My idea floating in the air without a response from you for it.

"Okay, um, we are suppose to act like our class. And since you are supposed to be an oil tycoon, we should probably think about a low scale mansion with a big yard. But I'm a doctor, so we have to think modern, so we should probably move into a plan, ya know, like The Heights, or something like that."

So she agrees with me or not? I'm confused, that was something like what I said, so, then we agree. I'm not sure, I wish I was able to work with Britney. But with our luck if we worked together she would have gotten us the poor class.

"That's cool, basically what I said."

"Yeah, basically. We have to find one now, or we could always just pick one of the lots and have them build it there. But then we'd have to worry about choosing a fake contractor, and making up reasonable prices. So fuck that, too much work. Let's just set up a house, then we have to pick furniture. Ya wanna make up the figures for that, or actually do some research?"

"I don't care, I'm no good with furniture and design."


"A gay guy not good with design. Trust me, after hanging with gays for two years, I think I know that you have some hidden talent some where. Just look at the way you dress, you think any one where baby blue doesn't have some design skills?"

Hey, maybe this isn't so bad. She seems to like my style, although hers is completely opposite of mine. What is with her? She drastically changed from the last time I remember hanging with her. Whoa, where the hell did that come from? I'm not supposed to think about the past, whats in the past is done with. Get back to work Justin.

"Okay, so maybe I have some style, but I still think we should make it up. I mean, it's going to be hard enough with the doctor and oil tycoon research, not to mention the cars and shit. Let's just go with fake figures for furniture, appliaces, and shit like that."

"Sounds good to me, we have to figure in that a swimming pool though."

"How come?"

"That's a stupid question. Cuz I want one. I always said if I was rich I would get a pool, not that I get the chance, I want one."

"Oh, okay."

I don't have a pool. I never really liked to swim. I mean, as much as I love to see AJ in a bathing suit when we are at his house, I usually just recline on the side, unless I get thrown in, then I get pissed and mope around the side swearing. Oh, oh, oh, the best part about swimming, when AJ wears a bikini, I think he's the only guy who can pull off a bikini, maybe Kevin too, but he isn't as toned as my baby.

"Let's get looking."


"That one looks nice."

"That's the first one we've seen. You don't wanna look at any other ones?"

"Nope, that's it. Look it's big, it's got a three car garage. It says it's got a pool and a hot tub, which probably means it has a big yard. Plus it's easily in our price range, we are rich remember?"

That was easy, I didn't think we would be done for hours. But we just finished within half an hour.

"Okay, um what next then?"

"Well, since that didn't take long, I guess we can work on electricity and shit like that."


"Justin, I'm home"

And that would be my dad.

"Your dad's home."

"No shit."


"I'll be right back."

Okay that was weird, did we just share a joke and a laugh together. That was definetly weird and can never happen again. Never again. Never.

"How was school?"

"Good I guess. Alex went home early, Brian brought me home. Summer, my partner for a project is back in the bedroom. Oh, and Alex is stopping by in about an hour."

"Okay, you want me to order some pizza in about half an hour, for your partner and Alex."

"Yeah, thanks."

"I'm back."

"I see that."

Are we sharing another joke? What the fuck is up with me today? I'm talking, well, not just talking, but laughing and having fun with one of my bestfriend's worst enemies. I need to seriously finish this work and get her outta here.

"Okay, uh, yeah. Do you have the list of utility companies we can pick from?"

"Yep, I knew that you wouldn't have it." She is so mean some times, even when I know she's joking. Well, most of the time I can't tell the difference. "Our choices for electricity are Dual Powers or Millenium Watts. Dual Powers is cheaper, but covers more of the state. Millenium Watts is more expensive but focuses in on New York City."

"Well, then let's go with Millenium Watts."

"Any special reason?"

"Yeah, if they focus on New York, they have less people to cover, because they aren't all around the state. Therefore, we will be a key customer."

"Oh, so you aren't stupid?"

"Nope, just look like it."

I just made a joke, now that could be a problem. I'm not supposed to make jokes with the enemy, it isn't allowed. What the fuck is wrong? I should just calm down, nothing bad is going to happen to me for talking and making jokes. Unless Britney finds out, which could be bad, but not really.

"Alright, I think we can finish this up in about twenty minutes. And I'll be out of here before your boyfriend even shows up."

"It doesn't matter if we don't finish. He won't mind."

"Don't worry Justin. I know what it's like to be the third wheel. I know you wanna be alone with him, so I'll be outta your hairs."

"Okay, thanks, I guess."

"No problem."

Why did she get so cold all of a sudden? I offered her to stay. Is it cuz of AJ? Nah, every one likes AJ, he's nice and funny, plus he's the president of the student council, so you have to like him.

Knock Knock Knock


"Hurry up."

"Shut up AJ."

"Oh, you don't wanna see me or talk to me?"

"Of course I do."

"Where's your dad?"

"Why, were you thinking of something sexy?"

"No, not really, I kinda just felt like cuddling with you. As sappy and gay as it sounds."

"Sounds good to me."


I wonder if he's going to stay the night. Cuz right now I don't want him to let go of me.I like being in his arms, I like sleeping with him, and I mean sleeping. I think, in reality the thing I love best about him, is that he makes me feel so safe and secure when we sleep together.

"You still awake Tats?"


That wasn't really a yes, I can tell he's almost asleep now.

"Stay the night, please."

"Sure, you gonna get a shower?"

"In the morning."

"Good. I don't wanna let go of you"


"I love you"


Sleep really comes easily when I'm in his arms.

Okay, if you wanna let me know what you think, once again the e-mail is baby_brown7@hotmail.com or calm_lost@hotmail.com Which ever you want, is cool for me. Let me know what you think, the next chapter will be out in a week.

Next: Chapter 4

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