Pop Star

By Chase Donovon

Published on May 30, 2000


***Note: This story is completely fictional. I've never met any of the real life versions of any of the people mentioned, so I can't honestly speculate on their sexualities, but the events I'm portraying all come from my mind and nowhere else.

The flight to New York was mostly uneventful, for which I was thankful. I'd had time to absorb all that had happened and work on just what I was going to say when Carson Daly introduced me to the millions of people who watched Total Request Live and showed them my video for the first time.

I also had time to reflect back on the incredible sex I'd had with Jordan Knight a few days before. I felt my cock getting hard as I remembered the way I'd made Jordan sing a New Kids song as I fucked him. I glanced around quickly, wondering if anyone had noticed my growing state of arousal. Luckily, the people in the seats around me were either reading or sound asleep, but i knew that eventually someone would notice if I didn't take care of the problem.

I made a quick dash for the tiny closet that passed for a bathroom and was luckily near enough to my seat to reach without having to parade my ample member in front of half the passengers on board. Locking the door behind me I sat down and unzipped my pants, going quickly to work on my cock. My eyes closed, I stroked my cock and remembered the ways Jordan's voice had cracked with pleasure while my cock plowed in and out of his tight ass.

The scene in my head shifted and I started to remember the night I'd made love to Ricky Martin, how tight his ass had been as he'd ridden my cock with wild abandon, his moves in bed as sexy as they were on stage. With my mind flashing back and forth between both men, my climax arrived quickly and a burst of hot cum was soon dripping down my fist as I panted and sighed with pleasure.

The tensions relieved, I made my way back to my seat and went back to reading the notes I'd made for myself about what to say during the TRL interview. I must have fallen asleep, though, because the next thing I knew a stewardess was shaking my arm.

"Sir, we've landed," she smiled as I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

"Oh, thanks, Katie," I smiled back, reading the name tag on her uniform. A little harmless flirting with the female sex never hurt anyone, and it was good for my image.

"You're very welcome. I hope you enjoy your visit to New York," she said, still smiling. "And if you need any help enjoying it, you can give me a call."

I grinned at her and winked as she slipped a piece of paper into my hand. "Thanks." I grabbed my carry on bag and moved past her down the aisle, knowing that I'd have to be pretty desperate indeed to call a woman for a good time, even a beautiful one.

By the time I checked into the hotel and called my manager back in L.A. to let him know I'd made it in one piece it was time to head to MTV's studio in Times Square, from where TRL was aired live daily.

I had a sense, as I walked through the doors for the first time, that these hallways would become very familiar to me. I was, after all, perfect for the TRL crowd. I had the blond youthful good looks and the made to order pop songs, as well as an excellent voice. Teen girls all over America would be dreaming of me nightly, as would more than a few teen boys.

"Mr. Donovon?" I turned around to find myself face to face with a guy who looked like a relic from the grunge era, with long, greasy hair and a tattered plaid shirt and torn jeans.

"Yes, that's me," I smiled.

"Follow me, please. We'll get you into make up." I nodded and began to follow him down a hall lined with photos of past and present MTV Vj's.

"Am I the only guest today?" I asked curiously as I sat down in a chair and was immediately surrounded by make up and hair people.

"No." No one was more forthcoming than that and I decided not to ask any more questions. I knew that once I was more than just a wannabe debuting his first video these people would fawn over me like I was the next best thing to God, as most people did with celebrities. In the meantime, I was just one of them, a regular guy, no more important than anyone else you'd pass on the street.

Once the hair and make up people were satisfied with me I was taken to a small room just off of the TRL and left alone. There was a tv on in the corner, tuned to MTV, with no sound on. I watched as Carson Daly began the show and introduced the first few videos of the day.

Finally a woman about my own age popped her head through the door and informed me that I would be up after the commercial break. I made my way out and stood there trying not to feel nervous as they pinned the microphone to my shirt.

"It's only a few million people," I mumbled to myself. The guy pining the mic on me smiled sympathetically and slapped me lightly on the back.

"It'll be over before you even realize it's begun, don't worry about it."

I thanked him and took a deep breath as I heard Carson begin to welcome the audience back from the commercial break. It was almost time, in just a few seconds people all over the country would be staring at my face, wondering who I was.

"And now we've got a special treat for you, a new video by a brand new artist. Let's bring this guy out and let him tell you all a little about himself. This is Chase Donovon," Carson said turning in my direction for the first time.

I felt myself moving forward and it was almost like I was in a dream. I shook Carson's hand and smiled at the camera as I joined him in front of it.

"What's up, man?" Carson asked, grinning at me like we were old friends.

"I'm on MTV," I smiled. "That's pretty much the highlight of my week!"

"I bet. So, tell us a little bit about yourself and this new single, 'Whisper my Name'," Carson said.

I explained briefly what the song was about and that it was the first single we were releasing off my debut album.

"Great. Well, let's show 'em the video, shall we?" Carson asked.

"I hope you like it," I said, smiling into the camera.

"We're out," one of the production people said as my video began to play on the screen behind us.

"Nervous?" Carson asked with a grin.

"Oh, just a little," I answered, smiling. "It's not every day you go in front of several million people for the first time in your life."

"You know what helps?" Carson asked. I raised my eyebrows, indicating that I'd like to know the answer, and he leaned forward consipratorily. "Make sure you get laid within half an hour of going on the air. It's takes care of all the tensions and worries."

"Really? I'll have to keep that in mind for the next time I'm on the show," I laughed.

"We're back in five, four..." someone began counting down. Carson and both turned back to face the cameras.

"That was the debut of 'Whisper my Name' by this guy here, Chase Donovon. Chase, thanks for stopping by today and sharing this with us, man."

"Thanks for letting me, Carson," I smiled.

"You people at home can call in or get online and vote if you want to see 'Whisper my Name' on TRL again. Now let's get into your number six video today, this is Kid Rock."

"We're out."

"Good luck, man. I'll see you around," Carson said.

"Thanks, Carson. It was nice meeting you," I replied as I took off my mic and headed offstage. I started towards the little room I'd waited in but found my way blocked by a very burly looking biker type who glared at me with his arms crossed.

"Can I help you?" he practically barked at me.

"No, but you can move away from the door, please," I smiled.

"I don't think so, sir," he glared at me.

"Well I do. I left some stuff in there and I need to grab it before I leave," I said, trying to control my patience.

"You're not getting in this room without permission from the guys. I've heard every excuse there is, believe me. Usually from the chicks, but we get a few guys like you, too," biker boy practically sneered at me.

"Guys like me? I hope by that you mean guys about to become huge stars, asshole. Now get the hell out of my way!" I said, patience gone.

"We've got a problem here, someone call security!" biker man said loudly to no one in particular, more for the purpose of scaring me than anything else, it seemed.

"Look, buddy, I just want to grab my jacket and the rest of my stuff, okay? What the hell is your problem?" I asked loudly.

"We're on the air!" someone hissed from nearby.

"Darren, what's going on?" a guy's voice asked as the door to the room opened.

"I've got it under control, Tom. Just some punk trying to lie his way into meeting you," biker boy explained with a knowing sneer directed my way.

Tom turned his eyes on me speculativly and I knew right away who he was. I'd bought their CD a few weeks before.

"Excuse me, but I need to grab my jacket and some things I left in there before I went on the air," I said directly to Tom over biker boy's shoulder.

Tom glanced behind him, most likely looking to see if there was really anything lying around the room that could be mine. "Let him in, Darren, it's okay."

I tired not to feel too triumphant as Darren stood to one side and I walked into the room after Tom DeLonge. As I'd expected, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker, the other two members of Blink 182, were sprawled out across the rooms chairs and sofa.

"Sorry about Darren, he's just protective of us," Tom smiled.

"I understand, don't worry about it," I said as I picked up my stuff.

"You were on the show today?" Mark asked from the sofa. I couldn't help but noticed that the way he was sprawled out put his package on display perfectly.

"Yeah. They debuted my first video," I said, trying not to stare too obviously at his bulge.

"What's your name, man?" Tom asked.

"Chase Donovon."

Mark and Tom both said hello and introduced themselves while Travis sat staring at me without saying a word.

"Don't worry about Trav, he just doesn't talk much," Tom laughed.

"So what are you guys doing here today? New video? Your last one was hilarious," I said.

"You're a fan?" Mark asked.

"It's hard not to be," I said, thinking about the three of them running around naked in the video for 'What's my age again?'.

"You're on after the break, guys," the same girl who'd come for me said as she popped her head inside the room again.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys," I smiled, turning to go.

"You, too, Chase. Hey, where you staying?" Mark asked as I started for the door.

I told him the name of my hotel and he smiled. "Cool, us too. Maybe we can get wild tonight."

"Maybe," I grinned, meeting his eyes and holding my gaze for as long as I dared while I wondered if his idea of getting wild was anything like mine.

"We'll give you a call or something," Mark said. I nodded and waited as the three of them filed past me out the door, headed for the living rooms of millions of Americans.

As Mark, who was the last to pass me, went by I gasped as I felt him quickly pinch my ass. Meeting his eye again, I smiled.

My few days in New York was going to be even more fun than I thought.

send feedback to chase_donovon@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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