Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Aug 9, 2000


This is the first story I've ever actually posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and it's characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories which portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura. I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART I by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com (t/t, celeb, fanfic, highschool)

Josh Ford was frustrated. He and Brooke had been broken up for 3 weeks now, and he still hadn't hooked up with anyone. The girls in the school, even the Glamizons, just didn't excite him. In fact, the only reason he'd gotten together with Brooke in the first place was because it was . .. well . . . expected of him. After all, as the most popular football-playing-jock-stud of the school, he was SUPPOSED to date the cutest and most popular girl in school.

The worst part of this dry-spell was he hadn't gotten off since he and Brooke had parted company, and it was starting to make him a little nuts. Not that they'd done it all the time, just when Josh had been so horny he couldn't contain his hard-on any longer. Still, at his age that was at least twice a week, more if he'd been spending a lot of time in the locker room.

There was something about the atmosphere of the locker room after a game that Josh just loved. The camaraderie, the good-natured ribbing, and most of all the way everyone felt free to walk around in as few clothes as possible. After all, when you spent as much time training together (and winning games) as his team did, a lot of the barriers dropped. Besides, after a couple of years of showering together post-game, there was very little reason to pretend modesty any longer.

It was only in this past year that Josh had begun to get a bit uncomfortable with this setup. He began to realize that he was more than a little turned on by the other guys bodies. At first he tried to deny his feelings, but the increasing difficulty of hiding the obvious signs of his arousal soon made this impossible. After a couple of months he figured out a routine for keeping his hard cock hidden from the other guys, lucky for him football jerseys were loose.

On this particular day Josh was hanging around late after school, doing a bit of weight-training. It was a Friday, so the weight room was empty except for him. He took off his shirt to keep his arms free while he lifted, revealing nice pecs and a flat stomach. His chest was smooth although he had a faint love-trail of blond hairs, matching the ones that dusted his powerful legs, running down from his naval. He may not have been sculpted like those guys in the fitness mags he read, but he was hot in a healthy young way. After a few reps he was surprised to hear the door open, it was date night, who else would be staying after school?

It was an even bigger shock to see that it was Harrison John who walked in carrying a towel and wearing teal shorts and a black tanktop. Josh had known Harrison since elementary school, but hadn't really thought much about him until his new awareness of his attraction to guys. Now he took a good look at Harrison and decided that even though he was certainly no Adonis, there was a boyish cuteness to him that could be very appealing. He was thin but not skinny, had a light tan, and the parts of his skin that showed were smooth and hairless.

Harrison was embarrassed, he'd hoped to have the weight room all to himself so that no one would be witness to his struggles to build up his body. Yet he walked onto the room to find not just any guy, but Josh Ford, the hottest guy in school. Josh had helped him a bit when he started lifting a month ago, in an attempt to bulk up for a date with Brooke (that was a disaster for all concerned, his muscles were so stiff from lifting weights that he couldn't even dance with her), but since then he'd been too self-conscious about his body to use the equipment at the same time as the jocks.

"Hey Harrison," Josh began, "didn't know you were still working out. I haven't seen you in here since the dance."

"Yea, I . . . uh, just seem to show up here at odd hours I guess."

"'s long as you're here you wanna spot each other?" Said Josh thinking that it would be a good excuse to openly stare at Harrison's working muscles.

"Yea sure, you first?" Harrison answered hesitantly, not wanting to look like a total dork in front of Josh, but not seeing any obvious way around it.

Josh lay down on the bench and readied himself to lift, while Harrison positioned himself behind Josh's head. Josh had gone through only 3 reps before he became conscious of the proximity of his head to Harrison's groin, something that hadn't occurred to him when he suggested this arrangement. He did a few more reps, but could feel his groin swelling to a point which would be difficult to hide in his current position. Abruptly he set the bar into its rest and sat up.

"You know what Harrison, I'm being selfish," he began, whipping sweat from his chest that came more from nervousness than exertion, "you probably need more help than I do. The couch makes sure we know how to lift safely and stuff, you're just getting started. Why don't you take the bench for a while and I can make sure you're not doin' anything wrong." He moved to the ends of the bar and remove the weights, "how much've you been liftin' on this thing?"

"Uuh, I'm not quite sure. I ummm . . ." Harrison stuttered and then trailed off, not wanting to admit just how little weight he'd been putting on the bar. Still, the painful stiffness he'd felt at the dance had taught him the dangers of lifting too much weight too soon. Josh sensed something of Harrison's predicament and felt a sympathetic pang. He found Harrison's attitude cute, and a little arousing; he'd always felt stronger than Harrison in a vague way, but now he began to feel a little protective of him.

"Come on Harrison, you think I started out lifting as much a I do? I promise I won't tell anyone about this, if that'll make you feel better." Sighing, Harrison pointed to the third lightest set of weights. A modest size, Josh was sure Harrison could handle more, but best to see what he was doing with these first. So, he set the weights up, and he and Harrison got into position. Harrison started slow, conscious of Josh watching his every move, but soon sped up his reps and began lifting in earnest. "Dude," Josh said, "you can definitely use a larger weight, you're way past these."

Harrison glowed at hearing praise from this well-muscled jock, so he didn't complain when Josh skipped a couple of sets of weights in between the ones Harrison had been using and the ones he now attached to the bar. Josh dusted them off a bit, as this was an in between size that was rarely used by the husky jocks or the skinny freshman trying to bulk up. He was a but distracted by thoughts of Harrison straining to lift the bar, and reattached it mechanically. Josh got back into spotter's position, and Harrison tested the weight. It was noticeably harder to lift the bar than before, in fact it was a strain for him, but he certainly wasn't going to quit with Josh standing right behind him watching. Meanwhile, Josh was admiring the way Harrison's muscles strained to hold the weight of the bar, and the cute way his mouth twisted up as he concentrated on his lifting. Every time he looked at Harrison's face he just wanted to kiss that mouth, he was starting to get hard again in fact, but was positioned behind Harrison in such a way that he didn't think it'd be noticed. Just then, he heard Harrison give a nervous exclamation.

"Uh, Josh, I think that the weight on the left is starting to slip off," he said shakily, trying to hold the bar steady a couple inches above his neck. Josh automatically moved to his own left (Harrison's right) to check it as the weight started to slide off of the other end.

"Shit," Josh exclaimed as he quickly surveyed the situation, "hold on Harrison, I'm gonna have to come around to the other side and steady it from there." He was already moving as he said this, and without thinking what he was doing he swung one leg over the bench, straddled Harrison's chest, and grabbed the bar. At that moment the weight slid off the end of the bar, the other end would have swung down and cracked into Harrisons arm (probably breaking it) if Josh hadn't been there to steady it. His muscles strained at the (now) uneven burden as he quickly slid down so that he was resting on Harrison's thighs and deposited the bar on the floor. "Dude, I am so sorry," he panted, "I should have thought to check the catch in the weight, nobody's used this set in a long time and . . . I'm just so sorry, you could really have gotten hurt."

"Josh, you just saved me from what would have been at best a nasty bruise, and probably much worse, it's ok. Not your fault." Harrison gasped, then the initial surprise wore off, and he started to shake. Josh was confused, worried, and uncertain what to do. Harrison was safe, and wasn't angry with him, but now he was shaking. What should he do? He looked into Harrison's eyes, and without thinking leaned his body forward on the bench and kissed him.

END PART I (What are they going to do?) There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART II by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com (t/t, celeb, fanfic, highschool, oral)

Harrison, still dazed with shock only half felt the hot lips that were pressed against his mouth. His body, however, automatically responded to the kiss and to the length of well-muscled jock that was molding itself to his body. He melted into the embrace and for a few moments responded in kind to Josh's kiss. It wasn't until he felt Josh's tongue probing his mouth in an expert manner that Harrison came back to himself.

His eyes opened wide and his body stiffened with surprise, he was being kissed by Josh Ford, the most popular guy in school. Moreover, now that Harrison was aware of his body again, he realized that whereas he had the beginnings of an erection, Josh had a full-blown hard-on currently pressing itself into Harrison's groin. Josh, feeling Harrison stiffen and begin to resist, decided he'd already gone too far to allow any backtracking, so he might as well go for broke and see if he could seduce the cute but insecure Harrison John.

One hand went to the back of Harrison's head to hold him in the kiss a while longer. The other slowly caressed it's way up Harrison's leg, to his thigh. Harrison was confused, he'd never in his life thought about men in a sexual way, he'd always considered himself straight as an arrow. It had certainly never occurred to him that Josh might be gay, after all he was a jock, he'd dated Brooke (the girl that Harrison desperately wanted), and seemed perfectly normal up until now. Still, he found himself responding to Josh's gentle caressing and practiced kisses. It just felt so . . . good, this was the first time anyone had ever touched him like that, like they wanted him. He'd kissed girls before, and even gotten to second base a couple of times, but he'd never had anyone show such obvious passion for him.

As Josh felt Harrison begin to relax, he moved his hand upward from Harrison's thigh, underneath his shorts and gently took hold of his half-hard cock through his underwear. Harrison gasped in pleasure at the sensation that ran through his body as Josh continued to gently caress the increasingly hard organ. Finally, Josh left off kissing Harrison so that he could speak, although his hand continued its work as the other began to explore Harrison's chest.

Gasping for breath he said, "if you don't like what I'm doing you'd better tell me now. I don't know how much longer I'll have the control to stop."

"Just like that, you'll stop?" Harrison asked dubiously, although the pleasure he was feeling made it difficult to put any sarcasm into his voice.

Josh gave a wry smile and answered, "I can't exactly say I'll be happy about it, especially since my secret is out and I can't force you to keep it quiet, but I'm not going to rape you Harrison. I . . . I like you," he said quickly. "You're smart, you're sensitive," he gave Harrison's cock a gentle squeeze, "and you're cute. I'm horny as hell right now, but this isn't just about sex," his smile deepened, "mostly maybe, but not just."

"Josh," Harrison sat up, "I don't know what to say. I like girls," Josh blushed and looked away, beginning to remove his hands from Harrison. "But," Harrison quickly continued, "I'm definitely feeling something here, I don't know what. It could just be hormones, you know. It's nice to have an attractive person treating you like you're incredibly desirable. Or . . . maybe, just . . . maybe . . . it could be something more, I just don't know.

This was more than enough for Josh in his present state of mind, certainly more than he'd been expecting. He turned back to Harrison and kissed him again, long and slow. "Well then, my 'incredibly desirable' Mr. John, why don't you just sit back and see if you how you enjoy making out with me," he smiled and a hopeful light entered his eyes, "maybe you'll decide it's 'something more.'" He pulled Harrison's shirt off so they were both topless, revealing a chest as smooth as his legs, and firmly pushed him back on the weight bench. Then he went to work, finally able to do some of the things he'd dreamed of doing with a guy, of course some of them would have to wait . . . . He began slowly kissing his way down Harrison's neck while his hands moved along the sides of his torso. He stopped when his mouth reached Harrison's chest so that he could run his hands along it, softly tweaking Harrison's dime-sized nipples, causing him to gasp and squirm a bit beneath Josh's body. "Josh, I . . ." he began, but Josh put his finger over Harrison's lips. "Ssh. Not a word until I'm done, it's only fair. I warned you that I wouldn't be able to stop, so hold your comments to the end," Josh teased half seriously. One hand trailed down from Harrison's nipples to his navel.

He circled it gently before leaning down to kiss it, moving his tongue up the same path his finger had traced, back to Harrison's pecs. While he sucked on Harrison's nipples, careful not to hurt him, but wanting so badly to possess every part of his body, Harrison's hands began to roam along his back. Meanwhile, Josh's hands had found their way back underneath of Harrison's shorts and grasping his tight little ass, pulling the two boys closer together so that their cocks ground together. Josh moved up and kissed Harrison again. Between gasping breaths he said, "There's so much more I want to do first, but I just can't wait, I have to see you." With this Josh lifted his weight off of Harrison's body and grasped the waistband of Harrison's shorts. He swiftly slid the shorts down Harrison's legs and off, throwing them uncaringly over his shoulder. Then he let his eyes feast on the sight before him: Harrison John laying on a weight bench, legs spread to either side, clad only in a pair of purple ribbed Hanes briefs, sporting an obvious hard-on. As he returned to the bench, he sat below Harrison, and took hold of his legs. He maneuvered Harrison so that his ass was resting on Josh's thighs, just below his throbbing cock (still encased in his shorts and jockstrap), with his legs to either side of Josh's waist. Now he had an excellent view of Harrison's dick through his briefs, it was about 7" long and leaking precum in a large amount. Josh began caressing the dick through the briefs, reveling in the feel of the head coming through the soft cotton and causing the wet spot to expand. "Harrison, man, you are so hot. I almost feel like I could stay like this all day, but I'm so fucking horny, like I said, I just gotta see you." With this began tugging Harrison's briefs off. He just couldn't bring himself to move Harrison off of his lap, so Harrison had to lift his legs into the air as Josh pulled the briefs up and off. Josh nearly came right then. The sight of Harrison John's cute ass lifted up in the air, as his hard cock and smooth balls were revealed was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. As Harrison's ass was again lowered to Josh's lap, Josh for the first time took another guy's naked dick in his hand. It was an amazing sensation. He ran his other hand through the small bush of light-brown hairs above Harrison's cock, then down and around to caress his balls. Harrison was moaning softly and pushing his groin into Josh's hands, his cute face again screwed up, this time in pleasure. Josh had begun to grind his sheathed cock into Harrison's ass as he ran his hands up and down Harrison's shaft. A few more strokes and Josh slowed and then stopped, pushing Harrison gently off of his lap. Harrison looked up, disappointed and confused, and opened his mouth. Before he could get a word out, Josh leaned down and began to lick Harrison's balls. The half-formed question on Harrison's lips turned into another groan of pleasure and he relaxed again to enjoy these new sensations coursing through his body. Josh took one, then the other of Harrison's balls into his mouth, rolling them around his tongue, savoring the clean, slightly sweaty flavor of this cute boy. As he moved his hands to hold Harrison's firm buttocks, his mouth left Harrison's balls, and he used his tongue to circle the base of the firm cock before him. He ran his tongue up and down the hot shaft, and kissed the head. Then, taking a deep breath, he finally took the cock into his mouth. Josh couldn't believe it, an hour ago he was trying to work out his sexual frustrations with barbells, now he was sucking his first cock, and loving it! Unconsciously, Josh was rhythmically moving his hard cock up against the side of the bench as he worked on pleasing Harrison. He tried to remember every trick girls had used on him when they blew him, and apply it now. He may have been unpracticed, but he was eager to please and that seemed to be making up for a great deal. As he circled Harrison's cock with his tongue, swirling the tip underneath of the head, he could feel Harrison growing, impossibly, harder in his mouth. Harrison was thrusting his hips up to meet Josh's face as Josh worked his head up and down the length of the cock, faster and faster. Josh was close to coming himself now, from the erotic thrill of his first homosexual encounter. Harrison gave a final thrust and then groaned an almost incoherent, "oh God," as his cock exploded in Josh's mouth. Josh kept his lips tight and swallowed quickly as jet after jet of cum shot into his mouth. His first taste of Harrison's salty, faintly sweet flavor was too much for him, and he felt his own dick convulse in his shorts in the best orgasm he could remember. The sensations emanating from his own cock distracted him from his work on Harrison's, and the last couple shots of Harrison's cum dribbled out the corners of his mouth. As their orgasms subsided, Josh licked the last of the cum from Harrison's cock, and they both fell back to the bench, gasping and sweaty. "That was amazing Josh. I've never felt . . . wow!" "I loved it too Harrison, but I . . ." Josh began, looking troubled. "What, what is it Josh?" "I gotta ask you something, but I don't wanna spoil the mood." "Dude, after what you just did, I think you can feel free to ask me anything you want." "Well, obviously we both enjoyed what just happened. It felt good. But how do you, you know, feel about it?" Josh mumbled, unable to meet Harrison's eyes. Harrison, for his part, was just staring at Josh.

END PART II (Nasty of me I know, but part III is coming.) There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 2

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