Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Feb 26, 2001


Thanks for your patience, and for the support of friends who helped me through a tough time.

This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The obligatory disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and its characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age or are offended by stories that portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura (bitch, BTW her degree is in physiology of all things). I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

"So, ummm, I have an announcement to make, everybody. I'm not going to be able to make it out tonight. It's just that all week, you know, I've been hearing these voices in my head: my dad, my mom, my girlfriend, and, ah, and I think that what I need to do is just take a while to clear all the voices out and hear my own." -Josh Ford in the episode "Under Siege"

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART XI by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com (t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, oral)

Note This picks up the day after part X

Harrison again found himself facing the prospect of a day at school with uncertainty and trepidation. By now, most of his "peers" had probably heard about him and Josh. Yesterday the news had only begun to spread, by this time it would be a full-blown rumor. Still, he had known to expect this; he felt as ready to face the day as he could be. Squaring his shoulders, Harrison gave Josh a quick kiss before exiting the car. The boys headed in separate directions (their lockers being in different parts of the school), planning to meet again after the first bell sounded.

As Harrison rounded a bend in the hallway, he saw the normal pre-class highschool scene: groups of students gathered into their various clicks, gossiping and catching up. Although he was used to seeing this every morning, he still felt his heart clench and his face grow heated. He felt like everyone was talking about him, looking at him, judging him. Even so, Harrison had to remember that he was doing this all for Josh. No, maybe it was bigger than that; maybe he was doing this for the rights of every individual to love whom they would choose (that certainly sounded nobler to him). Still, it was Josh's face in his mind that gave Harrison the strength to square his shoulders and head down the hallway like everything was normal, ignoring the sideways glances he was sure were being cast his way.

Nicole Julian was smiling as she headed to the lady's room to freshen her makeup. She'd just had a long talk with Adam Rothchilde-Ryan, and things were definitely looking up for her. Nicole was fairly certain that if she could turn enough of the student body against Josh, then Brooke (as his ex-girlfriend/beard) would suffer socially as well. If Brooke could be tumbled from the throne of ultimate-popularity, then who else could step in to take her place but Nicole, herself? Who knows, maybe she could even find herself a replacement for Josh as the most popular guy in school, someone she could control.

At first, Nicole hadn't been certain how to begin her attack on the school's erstwhile power-couple, but then Adam had approached her with a little surprise. Apparently, he could provide a story which (whether true or not, and she rather doubted its truth) would make Josh look like a true degenerate. If what Adam said could be believed, there would be just enough evidence to make people doubt whatever Josh's story was. Besides, there were quite a few people around who were ready to believe that any gays were sexual degenerates. She'd have to make a point of stopping by the school's Christian Student Union meeting after school to express her outrage to the religious nuts.

Harrison needed to get away from other people for a while. He was committed to fighting for his right to be with Josh, but still found himself feeling the stress of his situation. He ducked into the nearest men's room, hoping for a few minutes respite. As Harrison stood at a sink, splashing a bit of cold water on his face, the door to the hallway opened. He glanced up into the mirror, and saw that the new arrivals were Mark and James, two of the biggest jerks in the school.

Mark was 6'1", with black hair, an average looking kid and a member of the basketball team. He and James had been best friends for years, and delighted in tormenting the "geeks" of the school. James didn't play any team sports, but kept himself in shape. He was 5'9", with red hair, and very good-looking, but he had an arrogant attitude that kept him from getting past two dates with any girl.

"Well, look who we've got here," Mark's grin verged on a sneer, "we've been hearing some interesting tales about you, Harrison."

"Is it all true?" James asked, a contemptuous look in his eyes.

"That depends on what you've heard," Harrison began, resigning himself to the conversation, then decided that it was cowardly to dodge the question, "I've been seeing Josh Ford, if that's what you mean."

"Seeing him," James laughed, "yeah, we've heard that you've been seeing an awful lot of him. Been seeing parts only his mother and Brooke have seen before."

"Seems like you're his little boy-toy, isn't that right, Harrison?" Mark asked, as James continued to laugh nastily.

Harrison was frozen with shock. He'd been expecting a lot of rumors to be circulating, most of them bad, but this . . . . They were portraying him as nothing more than Josh's submissive little fuck-buddy!? What else was being said about him?

"You know," Mark continued, "as long as Josh is going to be prancing around the school, I think that it's nice that he's found someone to take his load whenever he needs it. You like servicing big jocks, Harrison?"

Harrison was getting a little frightened by Mark's attitude. All in all, this conversation (which had started out as simply unpleasant) seemed to have taken a dangerous turn. He moved to try and make his way around Mark and James. The pair moved with him, preventing him from making any headway towards the door.

"So, Harrison, the chicks I've been dating lately have been real bitches," Mark seemed to be have taken the lead in whatever was going on, "not a single one of them would put out. I was thinking, maybe you could help me out." Mark's stance turned this seeming request into a threat, "Whatever you're getting from Josh, I'm sure that I can find something to compensate you at least as well."

"What the Hell do you think . . ." Harrison began, completely outraged by what Mark was implying. He was so angry he could barely form coherent sentences.

"I hope," James interrupted, "that you're not thinking of refusing Mark's offer. He gets quite upset when faced with rejection, especially from a known slut." The pair were advancing on Harrison.

"Now," Mark said, placing his hands on Harrison's shoulders, "why don't you just . . . ." Mark's sentence was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Hey, Todd, do you have a minute?" Nicole had been looking for the jock since lunch. Todd had been on the football team for a couple years now, an average player he never really stood out much on the field. He was a bit of a preppie, cute but not Nicole's type at all. Still, Todd had one quality that made him very useful to Nicole right now: he loved to talk. She felt confident that anything she told Todd would soon make it back to the football team, and from them to the rest of the school.

"Sure Nicole," Todd flashed her a flirty grin (come to think of it, that was the expression he used when talking to most anyone), "what can I do for you?"

"I . . . I know that you're one of Josh's friends, or at least you have been," Nicole put on her best 'troubled' expression, "well, he's got me worried. I'm afraid that he's been doing some things that, well, aren't exactly nice. I think some of this stuff might reflect badly on the team."

"What, you mean that rumor that he's gay?" Todd laughed, "yea, Sugar told me all about it. I was shocked, I'll admit; but I think that most of the team is overreacting. I mean, he's still a good quarterback, right?"

"That's not exactly what I meant, although that's a part of it," Nicole bit her lip in a way that she knew made her appear upset and vulnerable. "He . . . well, I think he's a bit depraved."

Now Todd was just confused, "What do you mean? He can't be like a pedophile or anything, I heard he was dating Harrison John."

"No . . . but," Nicole's voice took on a conspiratorial whisper, "I heard this from a very reliable source. It seems that the other day he was in one of the bars downtown, drinking, when in walked Adam Rothchilde-Ryan. Josh saw him and called him over. Now, Adam was there to visit some cousin or other, but Josh convinced him to have a few drinks with him. After he'd bought a few drinks for Adam, he suggested that the two of them go over to Josh's house for some fun. Of course, Adam had no reason to say no, so they headed to his car. Well, when they got to the car, Josh started putting the moves on Adam. The poor boy resisted, but he'd had a several drinks, and Josh is pretty strong. Anyway, what it comes down to is that Josh basically FORCED Adam to . . . well . . . to . . . ." Nicole wished that she could blush at will, she had to settle for adding an embarrassed tone to her voice.

"That's ok, Nicole," Todd was all sympathy, "I think I can guess what you mean."

Nicole nodded her thanks, "It's just awful isn't it? To think that my best friend, Brooke, was dating not only a fag, but a sexual predator." She hoped that she looked distraught.

"It does sound bad," Todd was thinking, "but I have trouble believing that Josh would do anything like that, even drunk. Maybe I should talk to Adam about this . . . ."

"Oh, you won't tell anyone where you heard the story will you," Nicole pleaded, pleased with herself, "I don't mean to gossip; I was just so upset by this, and I knew that I could trust you to be discreet."

"Oh, of course," Todd agreed, "I wouldn't want something like this to spread unsubstantiated. Think of what it could do to poor Josh."

Todd seemed to mean that, but Nicole was almost certain that he would feel the need to unburden himself to at least one of his friends on the team. Considering their reaction to Josh's coming-out, she doubted that any of them would keep the story to themselves.

Harrison had never been happier to see Sugar in his entire life. "Sug, my man," he greeted him, edging his way around James and Mark, "you have no idea how glad I am that you're here."

Sugar flashed an angry look at Harrison that seemed to say 'it's all your fault.' To his credit, though, the big-hearted boy gave James and Mark a suspicious stare too. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"Nothing, Sug," James smiled, remaining cool while Mark looked like a deer caught in the headlights "we were just catching up with Harrison here. Unfortunately," he glanced at his watch, "we're going to be late for class if we stand here gossiping any longer. Come one, Mark," James practically pulled Mark after him as he made an exit just a little too swift to be called 'casual.'

Harrison heaved a sigh of relief when the door closed behind them. "Thanks, Sug, I'm not exactly certain what they had planed, but I'm pretty sure that . . . ."

"Dude, just shut up, will you," Sugar cut him off. "I always thought you were a good guy, a bit of a dork, but now . . . . What the Hell do you think you're doing with Josh!? He was, like, THE guy to be at this school, and now . . . ." Sugar just shook his head.

"Look, Sugar, I know that this is hard for you, but you have to try to see it from Josh's side."

"Hard for me? Hard for me!" Harrison couldn't remember ever seeing Sugar angry before, "The guy that I've idolized, tried to be like, has just revealed to the world that he's a fruit. I thought that I was his best friend, the one that he could tell anything to. But you know what? I had no idea. He kept it secret from me, he didn't' trust me. I don't even know how long this has been going on. Did he always feel this way, or did you bring it on? Now, what do I do? I don't have a girlfriend, the football team is in a bind with our captain kicked off, and the guy I was closest too in the entire world has been lying to me!"

Wow, Harrison knew from Josh that Sugar was upset, but he was a bit surprised at the root of it. He knew that Sugar had felt betrayed, but it almost seemed like he was jealous of how close Harrison and Josh were now. Maybe he felt like Harrison would replace Sugar as Josh's best friend. Odd, he hadn't been this way when Josh was dating Brooke, but Sugar probably placed women in a different category friendship-wise. "Sug, maybe you should just talk to Josh, I'm sure that he's . . . ."

"Why should I talk to him?" Sugar broke in, "he obviously can't talk to me," Sugar turned to leave, but hesitated a moment, "I'll talk to Mark, try keep those two idiots away from you," Sugar kept his back turned as he said this, then left without waiting for Harrison's thanks.

Josh and Harrison stood before the principal, waiting for his reaction. Josh had caught up with Harrison shortly after the incident in the bathroom.

When he heard what had happened, Josh had insisted that they go to the principal. He was worried about Harrison's safety. Josh wanted to protect him, and would have his own little 'talk' with the pair later, but he knew that he couldn't watch over Harrison 24-7. For his part, Harrison would rather just have forgotten the whole thing, it was embarrassing for him. After all, it made him look like he couldn't defend himself. He was pretty sure he could have held against either of the boys, it was when they ganged-up that there was a problem.

So, what you're saying," Mr. Krupts' expression was unreadable, "is that you have no real proof of inappropriate action from the pair in question. In fact, you're not even certain if they were planning to do more than throw a few insulting phrases your way."

"Well . . . yes," Harrison answered, "but they implied . . . ."

"Implications are irrelevant," Harrison was getting tired of everyone interrupting him, "what it comes down to is your work against both of their's without any physical evidence."

"So, basically you're not going to do anything about this," Josh was clearly angry.

"There's really nothing I CAN do at this point," Mr. Krupts replied, "but be sure to let me know if anything like this happens again."

"Why, so you can ignore it again?" Bitterness added itself to the anger in Josh's tone.

"No," Mr. Krupts was as calm now as when the interview began, "so that I can take appropriate action. It would probably mean expulsion, or at least an extended suspension for the instigators, and possibly a suspension for you and Mr. John, as well."

"What!" Josh was shocked, "we told you, Harrison didn't do anything to provoke the attack, he was the victim in this."

"That may be true," Mr. Krupts agreed, "but the fact remains that you two are rather . . . unique in the history of our school. We've never had an openly gay couple here before. In fact, we've never had a gay student as socially prominent as yourself, Mr. Ford. If it becomes apparent to me that you two are a danger to yourselves, I'll have no choice but to use the tools I have on hand to protect you."

"All in all, not our best day," Josh sighed, as he and Harrison moved through the hallways, headed for play practice. "In fact, I'd have to say that today kinda sucked."

"Well . . . I still say that it could have been worse," Harrison smiled weakly, "there could have been a fire, or a bomb in somebody's locker, or something."

"I suppose . . . no, this was much more aggravating," Josh decided. "Anyway, at least there were a couple good points. First of all, there's us," he said, squeezing Harrison's hand and smiling at his lover, "and then there's the play."

"I never doubted for a moment you'd get the lead, you're the best actor in the school."

"I don't know about that," Josh felt a sense of modesty overcome him, "they may just have been looking for someone kind of athletic for the role. After all, Shoeless Joe does have to be half naked for the locker room scenes."

"Mmmm, well then," Harrison turned and looked Josh in the eye, "I'll be certain to help you rehearse. I get the feeling you'll need to work on those scenes a lot."

Josh's answer was a contented laugh and a horny look, as the pair continued on their way, ignoring (with some effort) the looks from the one or two other students still around at this late hour.

"So," Josh began, closing the dressing-room door behind him and turning to Harrison, "we've got some time before rehearsal starts, and I believe we left some things unfinished the last time we were here."

"Really," Harrison teased as he moved closer to Josh, placing his arms around the strong teen, "refresh my memory, then. What exactly were we doing?"

In answer, Josh leaned his head in and claimed Harrison's lips in a kiss that went a long way toward making the day's problems seem less important. What could morons like James and Mark really do anyway? When Harrison felt Josh's tongue in his mouth, and the hard body pressed against his own, it seemed like nothing in the world could possibly have the power to ruin what they had. Their relationship was too strong for the world to stomp on, it had to be (or so he told himself).

Josh, not having seen what James and Mark were about, had already decided that it probably wasn't as bad as he had initially feared. Since Nicole and Adam's new rumors had yet to reach his ears (few had heard them . . . yet), Josh was as peaceful within himself as he could be with his whole world shifting around him; and so, he gave himself over completely to the pleasure of the moment. He was in the company of a person whom he loved, one that accepted him for who he was, not the lies he'd built around himself over the years, this was where he belonged.

"As I recall," Josh continued when their lips had parted, "you were about to get naked."

"Yes, well, there were extenuating circumstances," Harrison laughed, "after all, you were already half naked yourself."

"Are you saying that you'll get naked if I will?" Josh loved how Harrison could always make him smile.

"Always," Harrison nodded with mock-seriousness. "At least that's the theory, why don't we put it to the test?"

Still laughing under his breath, Josh moved slightly away from Harrison and began to undo the buttons on his shirt. As his smooth, defined chest was slowly revealed to his lover's gaze, Harrison began to mirror Josh's movements. Even though the pair were becoming familiar with the lines of one another's bodies (a fact which did nothing to lessen their physical attraction) there was still something highly arousing about watching each other strip. It was forbidden, it was teasing to the senses, and it was just too hot! Harrison found it difficult to resist the urge to reach out and caress Josh's flesh as he struggled to keep his hands steadily at work on his own clothing.

When both of the teens were shirtless, Josh took a minute to admire the sight of him and his pale but attractive lover together in the mirror. He'd have to dig up a camera and start a photo album sometime, these were definitely moments in his life that he'd want to remember in the years to come. The smile didn't seem to leave his lips when the two of them were together. He wanted them to share as much of each other as possible. Josh's hand slid down his torso, moving to the clasp of his jeans. As he watched, Harrison mirrored his action, a sight that sent a thrill of anticipation through Josh's buff frame. When he grasped the zipper, and slowly lowered it, he could feel his erection straining against the fabric of the jeans, aching for contact with warm flesh. He kept his eyes locked on Harrison's as his lover performed the same action; the sexual tension in the air between them was almost a force onto itself.

Finally, Josh couldn't take it anymore, he shoved his pants to the floor, stepped out of them, and was moving towards Harrison before the teen had his own below his knees. Josh was wearing short, spruce-colored boxers of well-worn cotton; Harrison was in tight black briefs. Neither of the boy's underwear was able to hold back the hard evidence of their lust for one another. As they drew together in an impassioned embrace, the teens grunted in unison at the sensation of their cocks grinding together. It was a relief to finally feel this contact, and a heady reminder of just how well their bodies responded to one another.

While the boys' lips explored one another's faces, their hands traced erratic paths along flesh that tingled with unrelenting desire. Neither of the pair seemed to realize that they were moving across the floor, until the back of Harrison's legs hit the chair, and he found himself falling back into the seat. Their chests rose and fell in panting breaths, sweat beading over their young, muscled flesh. Josh stood looking down at Harrison for a moment, eyes filled with animal desire. Harrison, meanwhile, reached out to grab Josh's taunt buttocks, sliding his hands up beneath the fabric of the boxers.

Harrison began drawing the other teen towards him, watching hungrily as the tent in Josh's groin came steadily closer to him. Josh, however, had other plans. He leaned down (which pressed his ass even harder into Harrison's hands, eliciting a grunt of pleasure) and took Harrison's mouth with his own. The kiss held for only a few moments before Josh broke away, winking at Harrison. Both of the boys were far beyond words, lost in a world of instinct and mutual pleasure.

Josh trailed his tongue down Harrison's chest, between his pecks and straight down the flesh of his flat stomach, kneeling before him. Not wasting any time, Josh's tongue continued over the waistband of Harrison's briefs, until it made contact with the cotton-sheathed tip of his lover's dick. One of Josh's hands tickled its way gently up and down Harrison's hairless leg, as the other moved in circular motions over Harrison's brief-encased balls. The jock knew just what to do to drive his lover wild.

Harrison's hands weren't idle either. One was softly raking its way through Josh's hair, as the other lovingly traced the contours of the young athlete's face. Their movement became slightly less controlled as Josh's tongue persisted in its probing examination of Harrison's throbbing pole.

Josh moved his tongue down its length, meeting his hand at Harrison's balls, and giving them a swift pass as well. Then he licked back up the cotton rod, sucking the head into his mouth. The black fabric was shining with saliva, sweat, and precum. Josh could feel Harrison's hands, and his own desires, urging him to take more of the burning length into his mouth. The briefs were starting to prove an obstacle, he could only accept half of his lover's cock into his mouth before the cotton got in his way; and so, Josh pulled back for a moment, moving his hands to Harrison's waist. With Harrison's aid, the briefs quickly found their way to the floor with the rest of the boys' clothing, revealing the boy's fully naked body once more to the lusty eyes of his boyfriend.

With one swift move, Josh deep-throated Harrison's dick, working his tongue busily and pressing it to the roof of his mouth. His need had to be abated quickly, his love-crazed body would accept nothing less; and what he needed now was Harrison's sweet juice filling his senses. Josh's head bobbed rapidly along the silky-hard pole, meeting the unconscious thrusts of his lover's thighs. Josh could feel precum soaking into his boxers, as his own dick leaked with the anticipation of the eruption to come.

At last, Josh felt Harrison's balls tighten in his hand. His lover's head rolled back and a loud moan of sheer pleasure resonated from his lips. Giving one final thrust, Harrison's cock began pulsing in Josh's throat, filling it and his mouth with the warm flavors of love. Josh continued to suck until the organ stilled, and began to soften against his lips. He whipped his tongue around the sensitive pole a few times, to be certain he'd cleaned all the cum from it; and then sucked his way back down it's length until it popped from his mouth.

As Harrison slowly came down off his high, he smiled at Josh and took his lover's hand, pulling him up face-to-face with him. The pair shared a heated but still tender kiss; and ending panting in one another's arms.

"Have I told you today that I love you, Josh?" Harrison asked as he played with one of the jock's nipples.

"Twice, but feel free to feed my ego all you want," the young stud joked back.

"You keep count?" Harrison's hand left Josh's chest, and began to caress Josh's thigh.

Josh's face took on a more serious look, "I remember every time, Harrison. They're all just . . . so important to me." His breath was coming faster, as his already aroused body responded to Harrison's touch, to Harrison's very presence.

Harrison's hand had been moving closer and closer to Josh's dick, tracing circular patterns on flesh slippery with sweat and precum that had leaked down to the jock's thigh. Finally, he allowed himself to touch the slick, pulsating rob itself. Josh shivered slightly with the pleasure of fulfilled anticipation, and placed a hand on his lover's head, pulling it closer for another kiss.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door, "Josh?" a loud female voice called, "we're going to need you ready for rehearsal in five minutes, ok?"

"Damn it," the jock-come-actor muttered under his breath, then louder, "I'll be there."

"Great, we're starting with the scene where Joe first encounters the Devil," the voice finished, followed by the sound of footsteps moving towards the next dressing room.

"I . . . don't suppose we'll have time to finish up here," Harrison's voice was filled with regret, "at least not if we're going to have you cleaned and dressed for rehearsal.

Josh sighed, "I guess not. Well, maybe this will leave me with some frustrated energy that I can use on stage or something."

"Tell you what," Harrison grinned at Josh, "I'll stick around for rehearsal; and afterwards . . . we'll see about venting some of that frustration."

"Is that a promise?" Josh asked, kissing Harrison on the cheek, before standing and turning towards the mirror to survey the damage.

"Come on, you know you're simply irresistible."

End Part XI (Sigh the show must go on)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored.

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