Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Aug 18, 2000


This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and it's characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories which portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura. I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART IV

by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com

(t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, oral, anal)

Note This picks begins the same night as part III. Harrison and Josh have eaten dinner, and just arrived at Harrison's house.

As Josh Ford's car pulled up in front of the house, Harrison once again ran through the growing list of worries that had formed in his head over the last 2 hours. During their dinner together, Harrison had felt the afterglow of his first sexual encounter with, well anybody, begin to fade. Once he stopped simply feeling and had time to think more, he fell into his old habit of over-examining everything. Josh was a cool guy, and Harrison could see being friends with him, but did he want this sort of relationship with him? Come to think of it, what exactly was their current relationship? Josh had said some sweet things about Harrison, but that could just have been the heat of the moment. He might not really mean them. Of course, Josh admitted (now) to Harrison that he was gay, so there was a decent chance that Josh at least thought he had some feelings for him. But what did Harrison feel for Josh? He knew that he was still attracted to girls, Brooke (Josh's ex) being chief among those. Could he be bi? Thinking back to the sensations he'd experienced when he saw Josh stripped to his jockstrap in the weight room, Harrison realized that he must be. Physically, at least, he was attracted to both men and women. This idea didn't particularly shock him, he was an open minded individual. After all, his mother was an out-of-the-closet lesbian, and his favorite teacher (before he was fired) was a transvestite who wanted to become a transsexual.

Of course, this revelation didn't completely solve his current dilemma. He still wasn't sure what to do about Josh. He liked having sex with him, there was no doubt about that, but could he ever feel anything more for him?

Harrison decided that this weekend would have to be a test. He would make certain that he and Josh spent time together talking and having a bit of couple-type fun, not just sex stuff. Not that he was going to rule sex out altogether, after all he was a healthy teenager, he would just make sure that it wasn't the only activity on the agenda. This thought brought him back to musings over just what Josh had planned for the two of them. He'd been strangely silent on that topic during their dinner, even though they'd been sitting in a secluded corner booth of the diner. Harrison had to admit, the anticipation was pretty exciting in and of itself.

Josh chattered amiably as the boys walked from the car to the house. Upon entering the living room he trailed off into a nervous silence. Harrison, feeling the need to fill the awkward quiet, said the first thing that popped into his head.

"Do you feel like some desert? I've got ice-cream in the kitchen."

"Yea, sure, that's be nice," Josh replied.

They made their way into the kitchen, where Harrison opened the freezer and announced, "looks like we've got Double Chocolate and French Vanilla to choose from. Which do you want?"

"Vanilla I guess, do you have any chocolate syrup?" Once the boys were settled with their ice cream (Harrison opted for plain French Vanilla, no syrup) they chatted by unspoken agreement about anything but their relationship. Mostly it was a description of the past week at school, along with tangents into gossip about their schoolmates. When they finished eating, they dumped the dishes into the sink and headed to the living room to turn on the tv.

Josh seemed uncharacteristically nervous as he sat on the sofa with Harrison. Finally, he turned to Harrison and hesitantly asked, "Harrison . . . remember when you asked me what I wanted to do this weekend?"

"You mean at dinner, yea, of course. You never did answer my question you know."

"Well I . . . wait a minute," Josh leaned over and kissed Harrison tenderly. There seemed to be an urgent need in this action. Although Harrison couldn't have said what it was that Josh was looking for in that kiss, Josh seemed to find it anyway. Absently, Harrison noted that the taste of vanilla and chocolate lingering in Josh's mouth made him seem quite young and innocent. At last Josh broke the kiss and, keeping his left hand on Harrison's thigh, he took hold of Harrison's right hand with his own. "I want you to be my first, Harrison."

Harrison was silent for a moment, then laughed. "Josh, I know you've had sex before, you don't need to pretend you're a virgin for my benefit. Besides, we certainly covered quite a few of the bases at school today."

"No, Harrison, you don't understand. I . . . when I had sex with those girls it was because I was looking for something, I never found it with them. It took a long time for me to figure out just what it was I wanted. I want you to be the first person I do that thing with, it's special to me. It could be special to both of us. What I want . . . what I've needed for a long time is . . . I want you to take my virginity. I want you to fuck me," Josh said in a rush, blushing at the crudeness of that last term. Hastily, Josh stood up and made to leave the room, "I'm sorry, you must be disgusted out of your mind now. I shouldn't have said anything, I'll leave."

Harrison instantly regretted laughing at Josh's earlier claim, he could see that he Josh was really hurt. "Josh, wait. You don't have to leave." Josh kept moving, so Harrison stood and hurriedly crossed the room to him. Placing a restraining hand on Josh's shoulder he added, "That wasn't a polite but meaningless platitude Josh. I want you to stay. Please."

At last, Josh turned and slowly brought his gaze up to meet Harrison's eyes. "Really. You're not sickened that I'd want to . . . to do something like that?"

"No, Josh it's not sickening. I'm," Harrison thought for a moment, "flattered that you'd ask me to be your first. It's just that things have been moving so fast. I'd never gotten past second base before tonight with anyone, and I never even thought about a man in that way before now."

"I know, but it feels right to me Harrison. For once, it all feels all right."

Harrison sighed and put his arms around Josh, drawing him into a comforting embrace, "Josh, I'm not even sure I know everything to do in a situation like that. In fact, I'm sure that I don't know."

"I'll guide you, it'll be ok."

"You just said you'd never done it either."

"I haven't, but I've known about my attraction to guys for quite a while now. I've read stuff, even though I was never sure I'd ever work up the courage to actually use the information."

"It still feels too soon," Harrison repeated with noticeable uncertainty (Josh's hands hadn't been still during their embrace).

"Trust me babe, it'll be all right," Josh murmured, kissing Harrison passionately. Harrison, still uncertain about how to proceed with Josh, nonetheless felt himself melting into the kiss. He realized that Josh had a sort of power over him. The way that Josh could make him feel, special and needed and needy all at the same time gave him this power. He wondered briefly if he had a similar power over Josh, then dismissed the thought as unimportant.

It was this power that allowed Josh to pull Harrison's shirt over his head, without even a token protest. The same power made Harrison all but rip Josh's shirt from his back, needing the feel of skin to skin contact with the hard-muscled jock. Harrison ran his hands across Josh's pecs and tickled their way down his back, as Josh tweaked the nipples on Harrison's less developed (but still well proportioned) chest.

Harrison's hands found their was to Josh's ass, cupping the cheeks possessively, at the same time Josh went to work with his tongue. His mouth left Harrison's, trailing down to nibble at his throat before descending to his chest. Josh wanted to make up for the hurried nature of his previous exploration of Harrison's lovely body. He wanted to know the feel, shape, and taste of every part of that body by the end of the weekend. His hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere on Harrison's chest, bringing groans of pleasure from the object of his attentions. In the course of his explorations, Josh discovered something that delighted him. As he was stroking just to left (from his perspective) of Harrison's stomach, Harrison started to squirm and laugh softly. Harrison had a ticklish spot!

Immediately, Josh brought his head over to the spot, and began to tease it with his tongue. Harrison took a few playful swats at Josh's head, still laughing.

"Stop it Josh," the smile in his voice said that he didn't mean it. Eventually though Josh let up, running his head down to place a single firm kiss on the bulging front of Harrison's pants, before moving around behind him. That kiss weakened Harrison's knees for a moment, nearly depositing him in a heap on the floor (he was still standing). He was saved by the firm but pleasing feel of Josh's hands massaging his back, as he continued in his quest to know all of Harrison's anatomy. Harrison wouldn't have thought any tension could possibly remain in his muscles, but he felt them loosen further under the manipulation of Josh's team-sport experienced hands. As Josh's tongue traced a line down Harrison's spine (causing a long shudder of pleasure), his hands moved around Harrison's waist, and deftly undid the button of his pants.

Harrison turned to face Josh and drew him back to his feet, kissing him amorously as he unfastened Josh's pants and pushed them to the floor. Harrison's Dockers quickly followed, leaving the two boys stripped to their underwear and socks. Josh had changed his cum-soaked jockstrap, and was now clad in short boxers of thin flannel, and slightly stained white crew socks.

Harrison was still (or rather, again) wearing the purple ribbed Haines he'd worn to school that day, and crew socks of a mottled blue and white. Both the boys where sporting large bulges in their respective underwear, with dark spots of precum by the heads of their cocks.

Not wasting any time, Harrison grasped Josh's cock through his boxers, and knelt in front of him. He slid one hand up Josh's leg, to tickle his balls, and tease his way around the base of his cock. Soon he gripped the legs of the boxers, pulling them down Josh's legs, smiling as his cock at last sprang free from the flannel. One hand now fondled Josh's balls, rolling them around his fingers, as he carefully tongued the length of his dick, from the base to the head, and back. This time, there was no hesitation before he engulfed the leaking head of Josh's cock in his lips and slowly began to move his head down its length, enjoying the salty taste of precum on his tongue. He wanted to give Josh the same pleasure he'd felt when Josh blew him, but Harrison had never given head before. He didn't want to start gagging halfway though, ruining the pleasure for both of them.

As it turned out, he needn't have worried about that (yet). He had only half the length of Josh's dick down his throat when Josh, exercising a monumental amount of willpower, stopped him and withdrew his member.

"Not yet," Josh whispered, "I don't want to come yet." He knelt beside Harrison, and gently pushed his lover back to the floor. Josh moved down to Harrison's feet, removing his socks and caressing the pale flesh. Lightly tickling the soles of Harrison's feet, he worked his lips up and down the smooth and sturdy legs. Harrison's breathing quickened as Josh approached, inch by inch, the throbbing bulge of his briefs. At length, Josh's tongue caught up to Harrison's needs, as he licked the beautiful dick through Harrison's Haines. The surface of the briefs was nearly transparent with saliva and precum, and Harrison's head was thrown back with pleasure, by the time Josh pulled his lips away. Harrison would have protested, but one look at Josh's fierce and passionate eyes kept him silent.

Josh carefully rolled Harrison over and slid the briefs down his thighs, leaving them caught just past the knees. He sat back on his heels for to admire the sight of Harrison's rounded cheeks, enjoying this moment of anticipation. He then reached out with both hands to press and rub against the flesh, finding the skin even softer than he remembered. Gently tracing the faint tan line, he placed a kiss on each cheek before giving in to his urges and beginning to cover their entire surface with long, smooth tongue strokes. Harrison loved the attention his ass was getting, and began slowly humping the floor below him in time with Josh's licks. When the planes of Harrison's cheeks at last glistened with Josh's saliva, he began to move his tongue up and down the crack between them. Groaning, Harrison attempted to spread his legs wider, and was thwarted by the briefs still wrapped around his calves. He kicked then back and forth for a minute, finally managing to work them down his legs and onto the floor. As Harrison spread his legs wide, Josh at last got a look at the puckered hole of his anus. It was small, pinkish, and appeared very clean. Josh started working on it in earnest with his tongue, both to show Harrison how to rim, and because from the moment he saw it he wanted to possess it.

For his part, Harrison had never realized how much pleasure he could derive from attention to his ass. The feel of Josh's tongue around, and now and again poking just inside of, the rim of his anus was unbelievable. As much as Josh loved playing with Harrison's ass, it continued to remind him of the thing he was desperate for. He needed Harrison in HIS ass, and it had better be soon judging by the look on Harrison's face as he continued humping the floor. He pulled himself away from Harrison's body, silently watching the play of Harrison's muscles as he rolled over to look at Josh.

Meeting Harrison's eyes, Josh decided to try talking (just a little bit) dirty. He thought Harrison might respond better to it at this point than to an appeal to the state their relationship. Besides it might be fun. He began simply, "you know what I need Harrison. I want to feel you inside of me." He reached out to stroke the precum dripping from the head of Harrison's cock down the length of the shaft. "I want every hard, hot inch of you driving in and out of my ass. I can almost cum just thinking about it Harrison. Come on, you want it too, don't you? Take me Harrison, possess me, ravish me, I'm yours," he growled sensuously, meaning every word of it.

Harrison couldn't take it anymore. Josh's words overwhelmed the last of his doubts with a powerful and driving lust. He moved to kiss Josh briefly before asking, "what do I do first?" Josh smiled and lay down on his back, lifting and spreading his legs. He held his sock-clad ankles in his hands as he exposed his asshole to Harrison's lust-filled gaze.

"Stroke your cock, Harrison. You want to get as much precum as you can on the head." As Harrison complied, he ran the fingers of his free hand up and down the crack of Josh's firm ass, gently pressing against the dark hole. It looked too small to accommodate his cock, but he trusted Josh to know what to do. After a few moments, as his plentiful precum leaked from his cock-lips, Josh spoke again. "Now rub the head of your dick around my ass, spread the lube around my hole, we'll need all we can get," he smiled to show Harrison that he wasn't afraid of this experience. Although, to tell the truth, his stomach was tying itself in knots with a mixture of anticipation and worry.

Harrison leaned over Josh as he rubbed his meat in the crack of the jock's ass. Sensing his lover's apprehension, he kissed him reassuringly and stroked his calves. He began to realize that it mattered to him that this experience was special for Josh. He wanted to fulfill Josh's fantasy for him, to give him the moment he'd secretly dreamed of for years. As these thought assailed Harrison's mind, his kisses turned increasingly tender, to match his feelings for Josh.

Josh relaxed under these ministrations, and let out a long sigh of happiness before gasping, "now Harrison, start pressing the head in now."

Slowly, and as gently as he could, Harrison pushed the head of his cock against Josh's slick hole. At first, he thought that it wouldn't go in, the resistance from Josh's virgin ass was too great, but the head finally popped past the rim and began sliding in. Josh grunted at the initial penetration, causing Harrison to pause and meet his lover's gaze. Josh motioned him to continue, "just keep going slowly Harrison, I want this to happen."

Trying to be even more gentle then before, Harrison returned to the (pleasant) task of pressing his dick down into Josh's tight ass. He paused each time he saw Josh involuntarily flinch in pain, waiting for his ass to become accustomed to the hard rod it now contained. After what seemed an eternity (but was really only a couple minutes) Josh felt Harrison's pubic bush make contact with his ass. He was now buried to the root in his teen-lover.

Josh smiled, loving the filled-to-the-brim feeling that Harrison was giving him, "you know what to do now, stud." Harrison returned the smile as he began a slow in and out movement with his cock. Josh was moaning in ecstatic pleasure each time Harrison's cock brushed against his prostate. Harrison had grasped a hold of Josh's ankles, holding them back by Josh's head. This left Josh's hands free to satisfy his own dick, painfully hard now that Harrison was building his rhythm.

"Oh god, Harrison, fuck me harder. Pound my ass baby, you can do it." As the speed of Harrison's fucking increased, so did the speed of Josh's jerking. Soon the two boys were a blur of motion with animal grunts of pleasure sounding almost constantly from one or the other of them. The erotic pleasures of Josh's first fuck overcame him sooner than he would have liked, and his cock erupted, sending sprays of cum all over both the teens.

As Josh climaxed, his already tight ass contracted against Harrison's dick, bringing him to orgasm only moments after Josh. Harrison's cum filled Josh's ass with a warm and (for him) new sensation. Josh loved every moment of it.

As the boys collapsed into a spent heap on the floor, catching their breath and returning to Earth, Harrison reached out to smooth damp hairs from Josh's forehead.

END PART IV (I had some problems with this section, what did you think? I think it still needs work.)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flamed will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 4

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