Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Aug 18, 2000


This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and it's characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories which portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura. I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART V

by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com

(t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, mast)

Note This story begins the morning after part IV. Harrison and Josh, exhausted from there love-making, have slept the night through on Harrison's bed.

When Harrison woke that morning, he was surprised to find himself comfortably wrapped in the arms of a still-sleeping (and naked) Josh Ford. They were in the "spoons" position, with Harrison's ass nestled cozily against Josh's groin. The last 18 hours had been so strange, if wonderful, that he'd expected to find they were all a dream. A fabulous wet-dream, but a dream nonetheless. But here he was, entwined in the arms of his new lover: the most popular boy in school with the "little anti-bicep (as Harrison was called by his bitchy friend Lily)."

Josh's strong arms were limp with sleep, but Harrison still found their embrace comforting. As he gazed on Josh's serene face he tried again to decide where this relationship was going. Josh claimed to like him, and his physical demonstrations seemed to prove he felt something for Harrison. Still, there was more to relationships than sex (at least there was in the sort of relationship that Harrison was looking for). He decided that, as much fun as he was having with Josh, today he was going to have to have a serious talk with him about where they were going to go from here.

He knew now that he wanted to keep seeing Josh, there was no longer any question about that. The burning question of the moment was this: did he and Josh want the same things from this relationship? Harrison wanted someone to care about, who would in turn care about him, someone to spend time with, and (he admitted) someone to enjoy sex with. He wanted a boyfriend, not a jack-off buddy.

Josh started to stir, interrupting Harrison's thoughts.

"Good morning stud," Harrison said as Josh opened his eyes.

"Morning cutie," Josh smiled, "I'd kiss you but I'm afraid I've got morning-breath."

Harrison laughed, "I'm sure I do too, and we could both use a good shower."

He tilted his head back and kissed Josh tenderly, neither of them minding the inevitable effects of a long night on their breath. "What do you think we should do today?"

"Well," Josh grinned wickedly, "we could start with that shower."

Harrison couldn't help but laugh again, Josh just brought out his good humor. "Let's try to think past your, admittedly lovely, dick," he said, as he quickly squeezed Josh's morning hard-on.

"It's a little difficult to think about anything else if you're going to do that," Josh answered, reaching for Harrison's equally hard member. Harrison kissed Josh again, then slid back from him.

"I'm serious Josh, we can't just have sex all weekend. We're going out today," Harrison said firmly. He stood up from the bed, not bothering to cover his naked form and stared expectantly at Josh.

"Sex all weekend, there's an idea," Josh's dreamy voice became serious, "I'll be happy to discuss anything you want to do, Harrison. But can't it wait until after my shower?" He dropped the serious tone, "I mean, OUR shower." He stood up and moved to Harrison, cupping his lover's ass and drawing their hard teenaged bodies into a close embrace. "Unless you object, of course."

Harrison found it difficult to resist the lusty jock, especially when they were this close, "well, when you put it like that, how can I say no?" He turned and gave Josh's taunt ass a quick slap. "Last one in has to make breakfast," he said running towards the bathroom.

Josh gave a mock roar and chased Harrison's pale cheeks into the adjoining room. Harrison had already hopped into the large tub, and was pulling the curtain. Josh, jerked it out of the way and grabbed Harrison into his arms.

"No fair, you got a head start," he teased.

"Hey, you're the jock, I deserved every advantage I took. Aren't those muscles good for anything but show?" he grinned.

"You know damn well what there good for. Maybe you need a quick reminder, eh?" With that, Josh pushed Harrison against the back wall of the shower. His grip was powerful and full of desire. He began to firmly manipulate the muscles of Harrison's arm and raised thigh with his hands, as his mouth took possession of Harrison's. Josh easily overcame Harrison's token struggle, but failed to see that one of his lover's hands was inching towards the shower controls.

Josh gasped in shock and relaxed his hold on Harrison as a jet of cold water hit his back. He gave Harrison his best glare as he tried to move out of the way of the downpour.

"Don't worry, it's always like that at first, it'll warm up in a second," Harrison giggled. "What's wrong? You looked like you could use a good cold shower." True to Harrison's word, the water was growing warmer, so Josh found himself laughing along with him.

"Alright, maybe I deserved that, but I demand warning in the future. Now," he moved back towards Harrison, "where were we?"

Harrison grabbed a bottle of shower gel from a shelf beside him. "I believe, we were about to soap each other down. Unless you've got a better idea?"

"You've talked me into it," Josh answered taking the bottle from Harrison. "Let me soap you up first, turn around," Admiring the view of Harrison's posterior, Josh squeezed some of the gel onto his hands and began rubbing it into Harrison's shoulders. He took his time, making this half a massage and half a cleaning. As he worked his way slowly down Harrison's spine, the suds from the soap ran down Harrison's back, over the curve of his buttocks, and down the dark crack between them. Josh thought that the soap had the right idea, but decided to bypass Harrison's ass for the time being.

Instead, when he'd finished with Harrison's back, leaving the teen's muscles relaxed as well as clean, he knelt and began working his way up Harrison's legs. Josh's current position brought his face level with Harrison's ass, it held most of his gaze as he worked on first one hairless limb, then the other. He gently caressed the calves with his soapy hands, as he leaned down to lick the back of Harrison's thighs.

"Oh, God Josh," Harrison groaned, "I didn't know I could feel so fantastically dirty at the same time I felt so completely clean." By this time Josh had finished his work on Harrison's legs, and was ready, at last, for his ass. He took a moment to caress his own aching balls, wondering how long he could keep this up before he needed to cum. His hands were soon back on Harrison's body, he just couldn't get enough of it.

"What can I say, Harr, you move me to it." Josh was moving his soap-slick palms in slow circles over the yielding cheeks of Harrison's ass. "I just can't keep my hands, among other things, off of you." One finger was now running up and down Harrison's crack. Josh kept that finger at work, as he stood and moved so that he was facing Harrison's front. The boys kissed passionately and, for a few moments, pressed their sudsy bodies together.

Josh was the first to break their embrace, "I've still got a job to finish," he said with mock-seriousness. As he worked one soap-coated hand over Harrison's pecs, the other continued it's exploration of Harrison's ass. Harrison didn't complain, he was enjoying the feel of the soapy fingers tracing circles around his hole. Josh flicked his slick fingers back and forth over Harrison's nipples, drawing them erect and causing Harrison to moan in pleasure. Harrison's hands had found their way down to the small of Josh's back, and were busy caressing the flesh just above Josh's buttocks.

By the time Josh worked he way down to Harrison's groin, both the boys were fully hard, bursting with need, and leaking precum from the tips of their dicks. Still working one-handed, Josh traced along the line between Harrison's ass and his scrotum before cupping his balls in a sudsy palm. He worked them around him hand with his thumb, enjoying the frictionless contact created by the soap. At the same time, the index finger of his other hand was gently poking it's way into Harrison's puckered hole. At first, Harrison was a bit discomforted by this. He soon forgot any objections, as Josh grasped his cock and began soaping it up.

Josh was moving his hand along the hard shaft with a painfully slow rhythm.

He wanted to keep Harrison near the brink for a while yet. When his finger was buried as far as it could go in Harrison's ass, he bend down to lick some of the precum (and incidentally a bit of soap) from the tip of Harrison's dick, rolling it around his tongue. He wondered if he would ever get tired of that flavor. Josh then began slowly working his finger in and out of Harrison's ass, manipulating the prostate with every pass.

This would have been enough to make Harrison cum, were it not for the skilled manipulation of his cock by Josh. Josh had often practiced at holding off his own orgasm as he masturbated, wanting to preserve the pleasure. He applied the same techniques to Harrison's organ now, as he began inching his way around Harrison.

He kissed down Harrison's neck, then whispered in his ear, "I won't ask you if you're ready for anything more up your ass, not yet. Even if you are, I want that to be . . . special, perfect. It's not time yet." His words penetrated the sex-haze fogging Harrison's mind, causing a moment of concern. Was he ready to be fucked? He hadn't considered the question before, not even last night, when he became Josh's first. The question was quickly shelved as he felt Josh simultaneously withdraw his finger from Harrison's ass, and increase the speed of his strokes.

"Still," he heard Josh continue, "there's nothing wrong with a sneak preview." Josh brought his (now) free hand up to pinch Harrison's nipples, as he slowly slid his stiff cock in between Harrison's cheeks. He carefully avoided Harrison's hole, contenting himself with simply rubbing his cock up and down the soapy-smooth crack.

Harrison enjoyed the feeling of the hot rod pressing against his back, and could feel himself approaching orgasm as Josh's hand continued a steady jacking motion along his own cock. Josh's pubic bush was tickling Harrison as it rubbed along his ass. The sensation didn't give Harrison the urge to laugh, but was instead oddly stimulating. This feeling was amplified when Josh ran his hand rapidly along Harrison's ticklish size (a spot he'd discovered the previous day). How strange that something as innocent as tickling could be so hot. Meanwhile, Josh was loving the feel of taunt ass-muscles surrounding the length of his dick. He kept the speed of his humping in time with the hand-job he was giving Harrison; increasing the speed of his hand as he felt himself thrusting faster into Harrison's cheeks.

"Damn Harrison, I've never felt this way with anyone before. What is it that you do to me?" he gasped.

"Me?" Harrison countered, in between heavy breaths, "This is your doing. I was perfectly straight until you made your move yesterday." Unable to contain himself any longer, Josh gave a final thrust up Harrison's crack and, arching his back, blew a sizable load of cum up Harrison's back and his own stomach. The feel of Josh's contracting muscles along his ass, combined with the frenzied thrusting of his own cock into Josh's hand, caused Harrison to erupt in the same moment. His cum spattered against the shower wall in front of him, running down it in rivulets.

When they were through, Harrison leaned backwards, resting his weight against Josh's strong form, feeling the sticky-slickness of cum between their bodies. "My turn?" he asked Josh, grinning up at his lover.

"I don't know," Josh countered, running his finger through a pool of cum on Harrison's lower back, "it looks like I might have to start over."

After both boys were finally clean, and could bring themselves to stop caressing each other's bodies, they dressed and moved to the kitchen. While Josh prepared a quick breakfast of eggs and toast, the teens planned their day.

"Why don't we head downtown, we can get you some clothes to wear this weekend, find a nice cafe for lunch. Maybe tonight we can hit a couple of clubs," Harrison suggested.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Josh asked with mild sarcasm, "Are you trying to change me already?" The jock had headed to Harrison's the night before with nothing but the clothes on his back, this morning he was dressed in some of Harrison's clothing. As Josh was a couple sizes larger than Harrison, the result was an outfit that was revealingly (and uncomfortably) tight in some areas.

"Hey, I love you like that, but what would your adoring public say? The star of the football team can hardly walk around looking like his outfit shrunk in the wash. Besides, if we do decide to do any clubbing I'll need something to wear too."

Josh seemed distant, and somewhat reluctant, but at last relented. "Well, I suppose I do need something to wear that doesn't look like it's going to split every time I flex a muscle. Alright, let's head into town."

They hopped into Josh's car and, within 20 minutes were in the town's main shopping district. Harrison thought that Josh should try some less conservative clothing than what he'd been wearing until now. After all, even if he decided he didn't like it, it could be fun to wear it just for the weekend. With this in mind, they headed for some of the areas youthful clothing stores (Pacific Sunwear, Gadzooks, Hot Topics, etc.).

After leaving Gadzooks (where Harrison had talked Josh into not only buying but wearing a shirt of various shades of red, orange and yellow, and a pair of red plastic sunglasses), the teens threw their numerous bags and purchases in the trunk and walked across to the Home Grown Cafe for lunch.

As they perused the menu, Josh remarked, "did you see the way that whore clerk was looking at us in Scream? Just because I was helping you pick out a shirt, like she'd never seen anyone do that before."

"I think she probably picked up some gay vibes there Josh. After all, you almost followed me into the changing room to try it on. I wouldn't have minded, you know," there was a hint of reproach in Harrison's voice.

"I just . . . I'm not sure that I want everyone to know about this. What if I had gone in with you, and that clerk had blabbed. It could have gotten back to the school."

"Yea, so? Look Josh, I wasn't sure about this whole relationship at first; but if we're going to do this we're going to have to be open about it. I learned that lesson from my mother, when you keep things like this secret you're only hurting yourself."

"Harrison, that all sounds good . . . in theory. In practice there are a lot of narrow-minded idiots out there. If they find out about us bad things will happen. Look at your mother, she lost her job when she came out, if it wasn't for Cherry Cherry who knows what she'd be doing now."

"Are you saying that you care more about what other people think than you do about our relationship?" Harrison's voice had a dangerous note in it.

"No. No, what I'm saying is that we can't go around telling everyone about us. It's for our own good Harrison, for our safety. Don't you understand that?"

"What I understand is that you apparently don't want to be seen in public with your boyfriend. Or maybe I'm wrong, Josh."

"Of course you are . . ."

Harrison interrupted, "Maybe boyfriend isn't the right term. Was this just a 2 day fling for you Josh? Seduce the nerd, have a quick fuck and then dump him?" Harrison's voice had been rising steadily in volume during this speech.

Josh glanced around the cafe, "Harrison, keep your voice down."

"Oh right, we wouldn't want you to get a reputation would we Josh!?"

"What do you want from me?"

Harrison stood, "nothing Josh, I don't want anything from you." With that, Harrison stormed out of the restaurant, not pausing to look back.

Josh stayed in his seat, too stunned to move. What just happened? The time with Harrison had been too good to be true, but to have it end like this? He was startled back to himself when Adam Rothchild-Ryan appeared before him and took the seat that Harrison had so recently vacated. Adam was pretty hot, tall with a strong chin and a buzz cut. Josh really didn't know him too well, although he'd wondered about him ever since Adam tried to join the cheerleading squad.

"I saw what just happened," Adam began, "you deserve better than him, Josh."

END PART V (Tsk, tsk. Adam's cute, but I've never trusted him)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored

Next: Chapter 5

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