Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Aug 22, 2000


This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

Thanks to those who have already sent me messages, your encouragement and suggestions have been very helpful :)

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and its characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories that portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura. I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART VI

by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com

(t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, oral)

Note This story begins right where part V left off.

Josh couldn't believe that Harrison had stormed out like that. He hadn't given Josh any time to think; time that Josh desperately needed. At Present, Josh was too bewildered to do much more than stare and occasionally nod as Adam Rothchild-Ryan spoke to him.

Adam eyed Josh appraisingly, "why don't we find someplace more private to talk? My cousin owns a bar a couple of doors down from here, we should be able to find a secluded table at this hour."

"Hmmm?" Josh looked at him blankly, "oh, sure. Whatever, it doesn't really matter."

"Come on Josh," Adam encouraged, gripping Josh's arm and tugging, "we'll get you a couple of drinks, talk, you'll feel better."

"We're too young, they won't serve us," Josh said as he dejectedly followed Adam out the door.

"I told you, my cousin owns the place," Adam smiled, "he'll fix us up."

There was indeed a reasonably private table available in the bar. As Adam ordered drinks for himself and Josh, he encouraged the young jock to confide in him (a skill he'd honed to near perfection). While sipping his second Long Island Ice Tea, Josh began to haltingly tell his story. By the time he on his third drink, his low alcohol tolerance had gotten the better of him and he answered any and all of Adam's questions, revealing the whole story of his 2-day affair with Harrison.

Adam considered this new information carefully, how could he best use it? Certainly the knowledge was valuable: the captain of the football team, star of the school musical (hmmm, was there a clue in there?), and all-over most popular guy around was a flaming homosexual. Moreover, he wanted desperately to keep this information secret. The icing on the cake was that Josh was on the rebound from the first and only gay relationship he'd ever had. There were many possibilities here, but Adam felt he had to act fast if he was going to take advantage of this knowledge. Who knew what Harrison was doing right now? If he showed up and talked things out with Josh, Adam would lose much of his current advantage. Worse, what if he blabbed the tale of his relationship with Josh to his friends? The moment this information became public knowledge Josh's whole situation would change unpredictably. Adam's mind registered several possible courses if action, he reviewed them and selected what he felt was the most likely to work to his advantage.

All of this passed through Adam's head in a matter of moments. He soon took up the conversation again, "Josh, I know that this is painful, but you have to try to put it in perspective. Harrison's a nerd, you fooled around with him a couple of times and had some fun, sure. In the end, though, it turns out you weren't compatible."

"Hey, he's not a nerd! He's just . . . I don't know, different," Josh said defensively.

Adam put an arm companionably around Josh's shoulder and spoke soothingly, "Maybe, you're right Josh. That still doesn't change what happened. You just weren't meant to be."

"I had worse fights than this when I was with Brooke. We can still make up," Josh answered, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself.

"Josh, you just said yourself that you and Brooke broke up. You knew that it would never work with her; at least I assume you did since you say you're gay. You're going to have to accept that the same is true with Harrison," Adam had drawn closer to Josh, their thighs were now pressed together.

"But it's different with Harrison. I knew from the start with Brooke that it wasn't going to work, even though we could still have fun. I still believe it could work with Harrison, if I just had time to think," Josh rubbed his head. "It was supposed to be different."

Adam placed his free hand on Josh's leg, and looked into his eyes, "Josh, I know that this sounds cruel, but Harrison obviously doesn't care about you the way you want him to. If he did, wouldn't he be here with you now? Wouldn't he have heard you out, listened to what you had to say rather than storming out on you? He didn't care enough to work on your relationship, Josh. It didn't mean that much to him."

"Oh, god," Josh mumbled, considering Adam's words. Could he be right? He must be, Josh was here without Harrison wasn't he? Josh's eyes watered, he felt a tear begin to run down his cheek. Struggling to keep himself from sobbing, he stood and would have stumbled blindly out of the bar if Adam hadn't kept an arm firmly around his shoulder.

"Come on Josh," he said, leading the sorrowful teen towards the door, "show me where you're parked. You can let it all out in the car without worrying about making a public spectacle." He was counting on Josh not thinking that statement through too carefully. He may have had tinted windows, but a car was still pretty easy to see into.

As it turns out, Josh had parked in a small alley behind one of the stores. Unless someone had a particular reason for entering that alley (none came immediately to mind) the car should provide ample privacy for what Adam had in mind. The red sunglasses Josh had purchased with Harrison were discarded at the alley's mouth, falling from pain-numbed hands. Adam sat the distraught Josh in the passenger's seat and moved around to let himself in the driver's side.

For his part, Josh allowed himself to be lead around by Adam. All he could think was that he was feeling totally unloved right now. How could Harrison have abandoned him like this? Just like his older brothers abandoned him when they moved out. Just like Brooke abandoned him when they broke up. Like his father, who'd never listened to him anyway, abandoned him when he walked out on Josh's play (he was playing the lead), they barely spoke now that his parent's were separated. This wasn't just about Harrison anymore, Josh was (like most teenagers) feeling generally alone and confused. He was in a very dark place right now, and Adam seemed to be a lighthouse, guiding him to past rocks comparative safety.

Tears were already streaming down Josh's face as he and Adam entered the alley. When, in the car, Adam offered his arms to Josh, the tormented teen fell crying onto Adam's shoulder without a second thought. Adam put his arms around the sturdy, weeping form of Josh Ford, drawing him closer and making soothing noises.

He couldn't believe that the all-powerful Josh was reduced to this blubbering mass, he was definitely at his weakest now. "It's ok Josh, let it all out. I'm here for you, I care about you," he was rubbing his hands along Josh's spine.

Josh looked up at his last comment, still crying, "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Josh don't you understand yet? I'm gay too, I've been admiring you from afar for months. I just didn't realize you were like that too," he began kissing the tears running down the jock's cheeks. In between kisses he explained, "I tried to join the cheerleading squad because I wanted to root for you, since I'm no good at football myself. If I were, I would have joined the team so I block for you and get to know you better." Adam didn't really consider himself gay or straight or bi, he didn't really think about it. He'd never been in love himself, all he knew was that sex and "romance" were doors to power over someone. If he could get Josh Ford under his close influence, he was one large step closer to controlling the school (which made up his world at this point in his life).

Unfortunately for Josh, this professed love was all too well-timed. He didn't stop to think about what he knew about Adam's character (manipulative and deceptive); he accepted what the boy said at face value because he couldn't afford not to believe it. Reflexively, he moved his head to intercept Adam's lips with his own. The first kiss was soft and searching (Josh for something to cling to, Adam for a proper technique to use), the second was more passionate and fueled by Josh's need. Soon the two were locked in a strong embrace, kissing and running hands along each other's backs.

Adam's hands made their way to the front of Josh's shirt, and began undoing buttons. Josh pulled back from Adam, but not too far.

"What're you doing, Adam," the tears had stopped flowing, as Josh applied himself to forgetting his pain.

"Nothing but what we both want, Josh. Sit back, I'll do all the work," Adam soothed.

"I don't think we should," Josh began.

"Mmm, don't think too much about it," Adam advised, locking lips once more with the athlete. He slid a hand inside the now opened fabric of the shirt, caressing Josh's pecs.

Josh was too clouded with alcohol and pain to put up much fight. And why should he (his mind reasoned)? After all, at least Adam was showing Josh he cared, no one else seemed ready to do that lately. He enjoyed the feeling of Adam's hands working down his torso, could feel his dick slowly responding, bulging in his pants. When Adam's hands moved to the waistline of his pants, he made no move to stop the teen from undoing the button and idly lowering the zipper. Deep down, Josh was afraid to stop Adam. He needed to know that someone cared about him, in his current state of mind he felt that this demonstration was proving that Adam had tender feelings for him.

Adam looked up at Josh and smiled, trying to look both reassuring and horny at the same time. He gently reached into Josh's (actually Harrison's) boxers, running his fingers along the length of the cock concealed within them, then slipping it out through the flap in front.

"You can't know how long I've wanted this, Josh." Adam breathed, as he continued exploring the span of Josh's hardening dick. "This is my first time, you know, with another guy. I . . . I hope that I'm doing ok," the tone of pleading he put in his voice was designed to be heart-breaking.

Josh was too far gone to take much note of Adam's acting, but he did reach out to caress the dark buzz-cut hair of Adam's head. Running his fingers through it, enjoying the prickly texture. Adam decided that now was the time to go in for the kill. As Josh continued to caress his head, Adam moved it in towards Josh's groin. Taking a dead breath (and hoping his inexperienced technique would serve well enough in Josh's inebriated state), Adam took the head of Josh's cock into his mouth.

Josh almost immediately began groaning with pleasure, as Adam's tongue swirled around his dick. Adam reached with one hand to pull Josh's balls from his boxers, at last feeling the jock grow fully hard in his mouth. He began working his way slowly down the length of Josh's hard-on, pausing occasionally to accustom himself to it. Soon, he felt Josh's curly-blond hairs tickling his upper lip. Carefully keeping his tongue active, Adam began moving his head up and down the length of Josh's dick. His speed increased as he became used to the feeling of the Josh's hot member down his throat.

Josh's hands, now working from pure instinctive need rather than conscious thought, began pressing harder along Adam's head. They were worked increasingly furiously through Adam's short hairs as Josh felt his pleasure increasing. He began thrusting his hips upward to meet Adam's mouth, fucking his face for all he was worth. In this state Josh wasn't thinking about Harrison or his own problems, he wasn't thinking about anything. That's probably why his mind accepted it with such great relief. A few minutes ago he'd been full of horrible, black thoughts, now he was simply giving in to primitive physical desires.

Still, although part of Josh greatly needed this as a release, it couldn't last forever. Soon the shapely muscles in Josh's arm drew taunt as he held Adam's head down on his dick, giving one final thrust into the moist lips. He came in furious gushes down Adam's throat: it was a pleasant release, a needed comfort, a painful betrayal.

Josh's hands limply released their hold on Adam's head, allowing the teen to lift off of Josh's cock, gasping for breath. Adam sat up, looking at Josh, and prepared to speak. At that moment, the boys heard a strangled cry coming from the side of the car.

After leaving the cafe, Harrison chose a direction at random, and walked several blocks. As he walked he ran the events of the last 2 days, especially those of the last couple of hours, through his head. He admitted, reluctantly, that he'd overreacted somewhat to Josh's misgivings. Josh had made a few good points, he knew from his mother's experience that coming out wasn't easy. There were people who would ostracize them because of it. There were people who might become hostile, even violent, when they found out. Besides, Josh had a lot more to lose than Harrison: Harrison was already something of a social outcast, Josh was the most popular guy he knew.

Sighing, Harrison turned around and began making his way back towards the cafe, wondering if Josh would still be there. A couple of hours had passed since Harrison had stormed out on him, but it was a good place to start looking. He'd sit down with Josh and try to find some sort of compromise. He wasn't about to be shunned publicly while he and Josh secretly saw each other, but there had to be a happy medium. Maybe he and Josh could figure out a way to sort of . . . come out gradually, give people time to accustom themselves to the idea of the teens as a couple. He wasn't sure how, but he was certain that they could find a way if they had to. Now that he knew he was bi, he wasn't going to stay in the closet forever.

Still deep in thought, Harrison reached the cafe. A quick look inside revealed that Josh was no longer there. Harrison decided to check and see if the car was still parked where they left it, at least then he'd know if Josh was still in the area or not. Besides, Josh would have to go back to his car sometime, maybe he could wait there for him.

Approaching the alley where they parked, Harrison noticed the glasses he'd picked out for Josh, lying on the ground. His heart leapt, how badly had he hurt Josh? Was he mad at Harrison? He had a right to be, but the thought of it was still painful. Turning the corner, Harrison was surprised to see the Josh was not alone. Who was that in the car with him? Oh, it looked like Adam Rothchild-Ryan. Harrison wondered what he was doing with Josh, he hadn't seen the 2 of them talk much in the past.

As he moved closer, Harrison began to discern more clearly through the tinted windows what the teens were up to. His hand tightened convulsively around the sunglasses as he struggled to come to terms with what he was seeing. He couldn't believe that Josh was doing this . . . and with Adam! They'd had one little fight, and Josh had already moved on to someone else! Harrison was furious with Josh, and furious with himself. How could he have fooled himself into thinking Josh cared about him? He'd rarely even spoken to Harrison in the past, and suddenly they were supposed to be an item. He could see now that Josh had been using him, just like he was using Adam. He was out for sex, nothing more. Harrison was just another slut helping him get his rocks off.

Josh turned in the direction the sound had come from, looking for its source. He was shocked to see Harrison, gazing with obvious horror at Adam, as that teen wiped a spot of cum from the corner of his mouth. Josh's surprise turned to horror as he realized what he had just done. Harrison might have come here to make up, or at least to talk, and he found Josh like this . . . .

"Shit," Josh exclaimed as he shoved his softened dick back into his pants, "oh shit!" He all but fell out the door of the car, panic clear on his face. "Harrison, I can explain!"

The pain and anger in Harrison's gaze stabbed straight through Josh, "what could you possibly say to make up for," he could say it, "for this."

"It didn't mean anything to me, I swear Harrison. It's just, I was drinking and things kinda got out of hand and . . . . Where are you going?" Harrison had turned a was slowly gliding back down the alley.

"I don't know Josh. Two days ago I would have had an answer to that question. Now, I just don't know where I'm going." Harrison turned the corner and hesitated. He turned his head to look at Josh, pleading with his eyes for the jock to follow; hoping despite his doubts, that Josh felt something for him.

Josh, recognizing the signal in Harrison's eyes, took a step towards him. Before he could take a second one, a hand fell on his shoulder: Adam's.

END PART VI (Too predictable? Well, there's something to be said for the classics.)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored

Next: Chapter 6

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