Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Aug 30, 2000


I know that it's been a while since I've posted, but school's started again, so I have less free time.

This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

Thanks to all of those people who have already written to me. I love hearing from you :)

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and it's characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories which portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura. I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART VII by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com (t/t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, anal, oral)

Note Pardon this tangent from the main storyline, I needed a break. Don't worry, I'll get back to it in part VIII

Emory Dick's story was a familiar one. He was a teenaged male, attending a normal highschool. He felt awkward around attractive people, invisible around popular people, and pissed-off around his family. Of course, unlike most teens, he had put his classmates on trial for treating him as an outcast; but he was a passionate person at heart: a romantic and a bit of a drama-queen.

It had been a typical school day, and Emory was staying late to study in the library (alone). He was reading his way through a stack of books on the history of the Roman empire, trying to decide on a paper topic for his history class. A squeak sounded in the room, drawing his attention to the main doors of the library. As Emory looked up, he was surprised to see Josh Ford enter the library. This didn't seem like the sort of place Josh would spend his afternoons.

"Hi Emory," Josh greeted him, "what are you reading?"

"It's an illustrated history of the emperors of Rome," Emory answered, shifting so that Josh could see the pictures on the pages.

"Cool. Who's that?" Josh pointed at one of the pictures. It showed a statue of pure white marble in the form of a young male. The boy had an ideal Greek form: an athletic, trimly muscled body topped by a sweet-looking face and a head of short, wavy hairs. "He's cute."

If Emory was surprised by Josh's last comment, he didn't show it. "That's Antinoos, the lover of Emperor Hadrian."

"Lover?" Josh looked at Emory, "Hadrian was a flamer?"

"Gay or bi, it's hard to say so long after the fact, Roman authors weren't exactly objective in their histories. There are quite a few surviving statues of Antinoos, it's an interesting story really."

"Are you going to tell me, or am I supposed to beg?" Josh smiled at Emory.

He laughed in return, "all right, you dragged it out of me. Egypt was a Roman province during this period, and supplied the Empire with a large amount of its grain. However, for several seasons the water in the Nile river had been dangerously low. Rome needed Egypt's grain to feed itself, and Egypt needed the waters of the Nile to grow grain. The Emperor was concerned and went to inspect the countryside himself, taking Antinoos with him. The only fact we're certain of is that while they were in Egypt, Antinoos drowned in the Nile river. The legend claims that he loved Hadrian so much that he offered his life in sacrifice to the God of the Nile, so that its waters would feed Rome again. After all (as Emperor) Hadrian WAS Rome. After discovering Antinoos' tragic death, the Emperor was despondent.

He gave out an Imperial order to all shrines in the Roman world: they were to erect statues to Antinoos and honor him for the sacrifice he made for the Emperor and his empire. This particular statue is in Delphi, but there are others in museums around the world"

Josh was quiet for a moment. "That's a beautiful story," he said at last.

"I've always thought so," Emory agreed, facing Josh. "It just goes to show you that gay couples can be as passionate and loving as . . ." he trailed off as Josh grabbed his arms and pulled him into a passionate embrace, their lips locking.

Emory didn't question what was happening, why should he? This was a fantasy he'd had for a long time. He'd realized he was gay several months ago, it was part of why he resented his ostracism by the other kids in the school. From that moment, he'd started to imagine himself with various cute guys around the school, hoping (but never really convinced) that one or more of them might be gay too. Josh was near the top of his list of guys he'd love to sleep with: he was hot, popular, and charismatic. And so, Emory returned Josh's kiss with equal passion.

Josh broke off the kiss to say, "I've wanted you for a long time, Emory. Ever since you put everyone on trial; that took a lot of guts, standing up for yourself like that."

"I was just mad . . . and tired."

"Of what?"

"Of being ashamed of who I was, what I was. I was tired of hiding."

"Well, you don't have to hide from me. In fact," Josh added playfully, "I'd like to see a lot more of you." He began tugging at Emory's t-shirt.

Emory lifted his arms to make it easier for Josh to remove the shirt, "only if you agree to the same," he said amiably.

Josh laughed. "I insist on it," he agreed quickly tugging his own shirt from his back. He then pulled himself chest to chest with Emory, seeming to need the contact with the other boy's heated flesh.

Josh had the firm build of an athlete, strong and nicely developed. Emory was a bit softer in places, the muscles in his chest were less pronounced, but he and Josh seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces. The brown hair on Emory's head was matched by a triangle of curly hairs centered on his chest.

Emory was enchanted by the feel of Josh's hands as they traced along the lines of his torso. He couldn't wait to have the entire length of Josh's body pressed against his own, skin-to-skin, all barriers gone. In fact, he decided, he wasn't going to wait. Emory resolutely took hold of the waist of Josh's jeans, undid the button and shoved them down his legs along with his boxers.

Josh was left standing gloriously naked before Emory, his cock hardening and beginning to stand out from his body. Josh kicked the discarded pants to the side, and moved to help Emory remove his own. Emory's legs, when revealed, were nicely shaped: the calves were strong, if not exactly massive. His legs were covered with brown hairs, and the bush that surrounded his 7" cut cock was full and thick. There were hairs on Emory's ball-sack too, a fact he wasn't certain he liked. He'd considered shaving it, but couldn't bring himself to wield a blade around such a delicate area (and there wasn't exactly anyone in his life he'd care to go to for help). To his relief, Josh seemed pleased with Emory's appearance, smiling slyly as he eyed him up and down.

With both teens now clad only in their skin (although Emory still had a beaded necklace on), Josh moved to the table Emory had been using, and swept the books onto the floor. He turned to Emory and gripped him firmly at the waist.

"Are you ready for me Em?" he asked, lifting the teen onto the table.

"Definitely," he grinned, "but are you ready for ME?" With that, Emory pulled hard on Josh's arm, bringing the jock down on top of his eager young body. Emory clutched Josh firmly to him, enjoying the feel of the teen's weight pressing down on him. Emory was definitely a bottom, at heart. His mouth found Josh's, and their lips locked. He could feel Josh's tongue exploring every inch of his mouth, mapping it for future reference.

As their kisses continued, Emory became aware of the hot lengths of their cocks sandwiched between their bodies. He could feel the precum leaking from Josh's member, and knew what he wanted. He broke the kiss with Josh, pushing the other boy firmly away while smiling seductively.

As Josh stood at the end of the table, Emory lifted his legs back so that his knees were beside his head. With his eyes he told Josh what to do. Without saying a word, the jock moved into position. Josh took hold of Emory's legs, holding them back to either side. As Emory watched him lean over his body, he could feel the slick head of Josh's cock pressing against his ass. Josh seemed to hesitate momentarily.

"Do it," Emory pleaded, looking into Josh's eyes. He kept his facial expressions under careful control as Josh slowly entered him, afraid that the teen might stop if he showed any discomfort. Actually, he felt almost no pain, mainly what Emory was experiencing was the pleasant sensation of being filled. This is what he wanted, what he'd longed to happen for months. Josh was now fully inside of Emory. He halted for a moment, looking down at him, and licked a bit of the sweat from Emory's forehead before kissing him.

Josh then began to pull out, waiting until just the tip of his cock remained inside of Emory before thrusting back in. The removal of Josh's dick was almost painful to Emory, who found himself straining upwards to meet the jock's body. They soon worked out their rhythm together, and Emory lost himself in the pleasure of what was happening, closing his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them, Emory saw that he and Josh were no longer alone. Adam Rothchild-Ryan was standing beside the table, naked. Adam was stroking his slender cock with one hand, and playing with one of his nipples with the other. Emory was (pleasantly) shocked to see that Adam's body was completely shaved (saving his crew-cut head). The smooth skin around the teen's cock made it look boyishly inviting and naughty at the same time.

Adam was moving closer to the table, closer to Emory. Without thinking, Emory opened his mouth, accepting Adam's cock into it. Although it wasn't thick, Adam's dick was longer than Emory's, and made for a mouthful. He could feel Adam reaching down with his (now) free hands to fondle Emory's painfully hard organ and squeeze his balls.

Emory couldn't imagine anything more perfect than this. The best-looking jock in school was fucking his ass, and he was sucking the dick of the too-hot Adam who was in turn jerking Emory off. Soon the movement of Josh's dick, Emory's mouth, and Adam's hand all blurred together for him. To Emory, they all became a part of the same much-needed sexual release. He felt himself quickly approaching the brink of orgasm, and somehow he knew that Adam and Josh were as well. He felt the cocks of the 3 hot teens explode at the same time, filling his world with pleasure, with cum . . . .

Emory Dick sat up gasping and sweaty. He looked wildly around him, trying to figure out what was going on, and let out a groan of disappointment. He was alone in his room, tangled in sweat-damp sheets. His dick was still half-hard, and the front of the boxers he wore to bed was soaked in cum. He'd had another of those damned dreams. Why couldn't he get the guys in his school out of his mind? Two days ago the dream had involved half his algebra class. He had to get a boyfriend soon, or (good luck) find some way to get his mind off of sex.

END PART VII (Well, I couldn't have Josh cheat twice in a row, could I?)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored

Next: Chapter 7

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