Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Sep 17, 2000


Sorry that it's taken me so long to post this, classes keep getting in the way. Anyway, here it is, I'm still writing. Thanks to all those who've supported this story.

This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The usual disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and its characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age and/or are offended by stories that portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura (bitch). I hereby give permission for any completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART VIII

by: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com

(t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, oral, anal)

Note This story picks up after part VI, a couple of hours have passed and it is now dark.

Josh glanced at the passenger seat or his car, making sure that the flowers he'd bought weren't in danger of sliding to the floor. He was speeding towards Harrison's house, desperately hoping that he could patch things up with him. By the time he'd managed to disentangle himself from Adam (part VI), Harrison was already out of sight, and Josh wasn't sure which way he'd gone. The jock had driven around the neighboring blocks a few times looking for Harrison, but hadn't found any sign.

Despite this setback, Josh hadn't wasted time sitting around and crying; he knew that if he was going to have any shot with Harrison he'd have to act quickly. He raced home to grab his portable MP3 player and his letterman jacket, then stopped at the flower shop. Now he was nearing Harrison's house. He started the MP3 player, wanted to get past a few lines of dialog from the singer, before the first song began to play.

After a couple of guitar chords, a gentle voice came through the speaker, saying, "Sorry, I don't know how to go into this. I feel I should clarify as far as my standpoint on these things: I think homosexuality is fine and dandy. Being gay is being gay, it's being happy. But you combine that with something that tells you you're going to hell for all eternity for it, and it turns into something quite . . . quite upsetting. That's a sad combination. I know a few people who've had to decide between one and the other. Anyway, that's all. Just 'cause they were given a god that couldn't actually bend at all; a god that had only one definition. Anyway . . ." as the speech finished, the guitar picked up again, and Josh paused the track.

(author's note the preceding quote is an actual transcript I made from an MP3 of Glen Phillips' song, "David (Nothing Left)." All rights to that song and its lyrics are the property of the very poetic Glen Phillips, who you may remember as the former lead singer of Toad the Wet Sprocket. He supports the free music community and often offers MP3s of his own songs on his website http://www.glenphillips .com, the lyrics which appear later in this story were taken from a fan site at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pit/6328/ Look for Glen's solo album to be finished within the next couple of months!)

As Josh pulled into Harrison's driveway, he began to wonder if he'd been wrong in assuming that this is where Harrison would come. The house looked dark. Could he still be wandering around the streets? Maybe he was at a friend's house . . . . Just as Josh was considering driving off to find a payphone (to call Harrison's friends), one of the livingroom curtains twitched.

Josh got out of the car, MP3 player in one hand, flowers in the other, and walked to the front door. He had to juggle a bit in order to free one hand and knock. He was dismayed but not surprised when he received no answer.

"Please let me in Harrison, we need to talk," Josh pleaded to the door, "Come on Harrison, I know you're in there." Seeing no signs of movement, Josh turned and headed around the house towards the sliding-glass doors in the backyard. These doors opened into one wall of the living room, and their thin curtains were pulled to the side. Unfortunately, the doors were locked, but at least Josh could see into the room from here. Harrison was seated on the sofa, his knees pulled up to his chin, staring towards the front door.

Josh tapped on the glass, "Harr? Please unlock the door. I want to tell you how sorry I am," Harrison looked at Josh with pained eyes, but made no move to get up. "I brought you something," Josh held out the flowers. Still, Harrison remained seated. "Fine then, I'll do it from out here," Josh sighed. He started the MP3 player (It was set to cycle through a list of his favorites, most by Glen Phillips. He wanted Harrison to know that he had a sensitive side, one that appreciated beauty and the poetic. Just to give you an idea, the first song went as follows):

David (Nothing Left): Music and Lyrics written and owned by Glen Phillips

Curious the smile, and tenuous the hold/ Embarrassed and uncertain we enfold/ And his hands are held together/ So it looks just like he's praying/ But they've never once been answered/ And so he's only waiting

And every single word he says seems to last a minute/ And the faces in between last for hours so it seems/ And five times he tries to light his cigarette/ But he's shaking so damn badly, it's the closest he can get/ Is a spark . . . and a breath . . . then nothing left

Crucifix on every wall,/ Forsaking none, forgiving all/ Home denied his vision, drowned in superstition/ He burned the walls with acid/ So daddy could see past them with/ A burning rage a gasping breath, then nothing left

Saw our games and could not play them/ No escaping curious David

As his music played on in the background, Josh got to his knees, placing the MP3 player on the ground beside him. He still clutched the flowers in one hand (white roses, by the way) as he steeled himself for what he was about to say.

"Harrison . . . god, I don't even know where to begin. First of all, I am very sorry about . . . about Adam. I was drunk, I was confused, I thought you'd left me for good. Still, that's no excuse. I hope that at some point you can find it within yourself to forgive me," Josh paused and took a deep breath. "I also wanted to say that I've thought about what you said at lunch. You were right. If I'm going to have a relationship with you, I don't have any right to ask you to hide it. I'm not ashamed of you Harrison, so I can't be ashamed of myself for liking you."

Harrison opened his mouth, looking as if he wanted to say something, but Josh held up a hand, forestalling him. "On Monday, when we go back to school, I'll," Josh kept himself from flinching as he continued, "I'll come out of the closet, if you'll come out with me."

"Josh . . . I," there were tears in Harrison's eyes, "I don't know. You hurt me. I go for a walk to do some thinking, and in the meanwhile you've got Adam giving you head. I was seriously examining our relationship, you were getting drunk. How do I know that I can trust you Josh?" Harrison's voice made it clear that he wanted to trust Josh, he just needed a reason, any reason.

Josh hung his head, "I know, Harr. God, I'm so sorry, you have no idea how shitty I feel about that. But I can't undo it. So, I thought that maybe, to show you I'm sincere . . . you'd like my letterman jacket?" Josh quickly pulled it off and held it out towards the door. It was a typical football jacket: white leather sleeves, school colors, a large football-shaped patch to show that Josh was on the varsity team, and Josh's name stitched on the breast.

Harrison didn't say anything for a long time, he just stared at Josh holding the jacket out to him. Then Harrison unfolded himself and stood up.

He moved slowly at first, but was almost running by the time he reached the doors. He quickly opened them, and flung himself at Josh.

"I just can't stay mad at you," Harrison sobbed into Josh's shoulder, "but don't you ever do anything like this to me again! I can't go through this again Josh, I won't."

"I know Harrison, I never want to hurt you again. Just please say you forgive me," Josh pleaded.

Harrison pushed himself back from Josh and locked his tear-streaked gaze with the young jock's clear blue eyes, "alright Josh. I forgive you. Now, come inside with me and we can talk more."

"Aren't you going to take the jacket?" Josh offered it, again, to Harrison.

"Are you sure Josh?" Harrison asked, knowing how hard this must be for the teen, "If I were to wear that anywhere . . . people would know. There'd be no going back. You did have a point earlier, it's not going to be easy for either of us if we tell people we're a couple," he put his hand on Josh's shoulder, "I'm already unpopular, I can take it. There's no telling how people will react if they learn that you're a queer."

Josh smiled reassuringly at Harrison, "I'm sure. I've got to tell everyone sooner or later if I ever hope to have a meaningful relationship, or just be happy. Since I've got the potential for a great relationship with you right now, I don't see the point in waiting." Harrison could tell that Josh was not as confident as he tried to sound. He was going to need a lot of support getting through this.

Harrison took the jacket from Josh's hands and pulled it over his shoulders. He realized that he'd never had a more meaningful gift than this. Josh was going to jeopardize his friendships, his social status, his popularity, his family relations . . . just to be with Harrison. This fabulous, gorgeous, surprisingly sensitive boy cared that much about their relationship. Harrison pulled Josh to his feet, and gave him an emotional (and very thorough) kiss.

When the need for oxygen finally parted their lips Josh gasped, "not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

Harrison gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before replying, "just for being you," and leading Josh into the house. Josh's music was still playing in the background. As they entered the house he took Harrison in hand and started to slow dance him around the floor.

Harrison had known from the first that he was lucky to have Josh interested in him. Now that he'd forgiven Josh, the teen was displaying a touchingly romantic side that Harrison hadn't suspected existed. He realized that he was even more fortunate than he'd believed; Josh was a very special person. Harrison allowed his hands to wander along Josh's back as they danced, enjoying the closeness of their bodies as they swept around the room. He slid one hand up underneath the tail of Josh's shirt, running it up the skin of Josh's back. He needed the feeling of flesh-to-flesh contact to assure himself that Josh was real, and this was really happening.

Upon feeling Harrison's exploring hand, Josh stopped their movement around the floor (although they continued to sway in time with the music). He gave Harrison a searching kiss, exploring every inch of the teen's mouth with his tongue, as his hands lovingly caressed Harrison's ass. The two teenagers were unconsciously grinding their groins together, their mutual hard-ons rubbing against one another through the fabric of their pants.

"I need you, Josh," Harrison whispered, finally breaking their kiss.

"Oh God, Harrison, I need this too," Josh replied. Wasting no time, the Jock tossed his letterman jacket to the floor, grabbed a hold of Harrison's shirt and pulled it swiftly over his lover's head.

Josh was working on undoing Harrison's belt when the teen stopped him grinning, "hey now, don't get too far ahead of me." With that, Harrison swiftly tugged the buttons of Josh's shirt loose from their holes, revealing Josh's powerful chest to his lusty gaze.

Harrison pulled Josh back into a tight embrace, kissing him hard. He wanted to make sure that this would be a night Josh would never forget, he'd never even think about another guy when Harrison was through with him. After a time, Josh's lips left Harrison's, trailing down to his neck where they (with the help of his tongue) caused a long deep groan to escape from Harrison's mouth. Harrison was running his hands along Josh's chest through the open shirt, and toying with the jock's nipples. He rubbed them gently, giving them an occasional pinch, a sensation that sent shivers of pleasure along Josh's strong frame.

Harrison pushed Josh's shirt off onto the floor and undid the buttons on Josh's pants, shoving them after the shirt. Josh kicked the pants off of his legs and, clad only in the boxers he'd borrowed from Harrison that morning (it seemed so long ago), knelt down in front of Harrison.

"I want tonight to be about you Harrison," he said, clasping Harrison's buttocks in his strong hands, "I want you to know how important you are to me." Harrison was about to protest, when one of Josh's hands moved around to grip Harrison's hard rod through his pants. Josh knew exactly what he was doing, all Harrison could manage was a contented groan as Josh slowly lowered his zipper and slid Harrison's pants down his legs. Josh's tongue quickly found the front of Harrison's briefs (aqua, today) and began bathing them with long strokes.

Harrison's legs were beginning to weaken, with the constant pleasurable sensations assaulting his body. All that kept him upright was Josh's grip on his ass, his palms held fast as his fingers played up and down the curves of Harrison's cheeks. Josh would occasionally pause from his tongue strokes to suck on the head of Harrison's cock though the briefs, he could taste the slightly salty tang of Harrison's precum leaking through the cotton. When, after several minutes, Josh finally pulled away from Harrison, his cock and balls were clearly visible through the soaked fabric, straining outwards from his groin.

Josh hooked his fingers under the waistband of the shorts and dropped them swiftly to the ground, freeing Harrison's dick to spring up directly in front of Josh's face. He gave it a quick kiss on its head before pulling Harrison down to the floor beside him.

"Lay down here," Josh indicated, grabbing his letterman jacket and spreading it on the carpet, "just leave the work to me." He smiled as Harrison stretched himself out, his hips and back resting in the jacket. God, this boy was cute! His smooth runner's build looked amazingly sexy stretched out across the school jacket: Josh wanted him more than ever. Josh let one of his hands caress Harrison's thigh as he leaned over and began covering the teen's chest with kisses and delicate flicks of his tongue.

Harrison squirmed under Josh's attention, running one hand through the jock's hair and one along his sweaty back. Josh could feel the hand on his head urging him further down Harrison's frame. He allowed that to guide him, but slowly, taking his time as he savored the flavor of Harrison's young body. The hand that Josh had been caressing Harrison's thigh with, now found it's way to his balls. He ran the heavy sack around his hand, moving his thumb in circular motions around the spheres. Harrison gave a soft grunt of pleasure each time he felt Josh give his smooth sack a gentle tug.

Meanwhile, Josh's lips had finally made their way into Harrison's pubic hair. He pulled back for a moment to move up Harrison's frame once more, and kiss him passionately on the lips. Their kisses were hot and hard, neither of the teens wanting them to end. Josh could feel himself growing painfully erect as Harrison sucked on his tongue. He forced himself to break the kiss, afraid that he'd cum from the mouth-action alone. Josh gave Harrison a quick wink and moved down to his groin once more.

Instead of immediately engulfing Harrison's cock, Josh moved to Harrison's balls. Replacing his hand with his tongue, he lapped the dangling sack, enjoying the heft of the balls on his tongue. Josh reverently sucked on each ball, as his fingers found their way to Harrison's ticklish spot. He briefly teased his lover, loving the way Harrison's giggles mixed with his gasps of enjoyment; sex should always be fun.

Still, Josh wasn't sure how much longer either of them would last like this, so he soon changed tacks. He allowed his hands to roam over Harrison's frame, never caressing the same place for long, as his mouth engulfed Harrison's heated rod. Josh moved his head up and down the length of the cock, constantly swirling his tongue around it. He wanted Harrison to enjoy this, but didn't want him to cum yet: it was a careful balance. Every so often, Josh would sense that Harrison was nearing orgasm, so he would have to ease off, slowing the movement of his mouth. As much as Josh enjoyed deep-throating Harrison, and loved the texture and taste of the teen in his mouth, he had another motive for this. He was carefully lubing Harrison's cock with his spit, getting ready for his next step.

When Josh judged that Harrison's dick was a hard and slick as it was likely to get, he moved his head off, and stood up. Harrison's questioning look was quickly suppressed as Josh slid his boxers slowly down his thighs, exposing his uncut, leaking cock to Harrison's horny gaze. Josh placed one leg on either side of Harrison's groin (facing his head) and cautiously lowered himself towards the teen. When Harrison's hard dick was lined up with Josh's ass, he took hold of it and gently guided it into himself.

Even though he had lost his virginity to Harrison the night before, Josh still gasped at the amazing completed feeling that came over him as he felt himself filled by Harrison's hot dick. He settled himself slowly, his eyes screwed up with the pleasure, until his ass came to rest in curly hair of Harrison's groin.

"Damn, Harrison," Josh gasped, "I can't believe I almost lost this. I never want to let you go, man."

Harrison smiled and wiped a trail of sweat from his forehead, "I know, this is . . . it's . . . it's too good for words. I've been waiting for this kind of passion for a long time, Josh. I never thought it'd be with you but," Harrison shrugged, "I'm glad it happened. Now," he grinned wickedly, "are you going to sit there all night?"

Josh laughed, "It wouldn't be my worst idea. But if you like, I can get up." With that, Josh slowly raised his hips, allowing Harrison's dick to withdraw almost completely from his ass before lowering himself again. From there on out, the boys' conversation was lost in grunts of pleasure as Josh and Harrison found their rhythm.

While Josh was fucking himself on Harrison's throbbing pole, Harrison took a hold of Josh's cock, which had been steadily leaking precum onto Harrison's stomach. Harrison stroked the clear liquid down the length of Josh's cock, getting it slick and shiny; he removed his hand only once, to lick some of the juice off of it, enjoying the remembered flavor. He still marveled at the sight of Josh's foreskin, alternately concealing and revealing the head of his penis. Whenever Harrison's hand reached the base of Josh's cock, he'd give it a slight twist, moving the skin around under the sensitive head of Josh's dick, and exciting both of the teens.

The speed of their movements was rapidly increasing, Harrison was trying his best to hold off orgasm, but the tight grip of Josh's ass was doing its work too well. For his part, Josh was beyond thoughts of anything but pleasure as Harrison stimulated his cock with his hand, and his prostate with his steely organ.

Harrison was on the brink himself (and uncertain if he could hold off much longer), when he felt Josh's balls draw up, and the first of the convulsions of pleasure rack is lover's body. He nearly screamed with relief, at last giving in to his own orgasm. Harrison's cum exploded along the walls of Josh's ass, as the jock's dick shot sticky trails all over Harrison's chest and stomach. One shot made it as far as Harrison's chin, and was licked up by the teen out of sheer reflex. When both boys came down from their high and were able to think again, they were sweaty, sticky, gasping for breath, and completely content.

Josh stayed where he was for a few moments (not wanting to remove Harrison from himself just yet) looking into the eyes of his lover. At last he lifted himself gently off of Harrison's frame and lay down next to him. Harrison rolled onto his side and gave Josh a long kiss, pressing their sticky-sweaty bodies together. When he pulled back there was a speculative look in his eyes.

"Josh Ford," he said hoarsely, "I think I may love you."

END PART VIII (Aren't they sweet? I couldn't break them up for long. How will they deal with the public?)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 8

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