Popular Boys

By Emrys Webman

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Hi, here's the long -delayed continuation of my story. It may take me a while to get these done while school's in session, but I'm still trying. I've had a couple of requests from people to start a mailing list (so I can send out any new chapters/stories), if you're interested e-mail me.

This is the continuation of the first story I've ever posted. Constructive comments are welcomed.

The obligatory disclaimer: All characters within this story are completely fictitious. The author does not mean to insinuate anything about the sexual preferences of the actors who portray them. Popular and its characters are owned by the WB and tvplex. Please do not proceed if you are under the legal age or are offended by stories that portray same-sex relationships. Unsafe sex is stupid and best left to fictional characters. Gaybashing (or bibashing) is also stupid and best left to Dr. Laura (bitch, BTW her degree is in physiology of all things). I hereby give permission for and completely free (no membership fee, no costly AVS) gay/bi website to post this story as long as I am given credit and no alterations are made without my express permission.

"At night, when the lights are out, people tell each other things you'd never tell each other during the day." -Harrison John, in the episode 'Hope in a Jar'

Popular Boys: Harrison and Josh, PART X

By: antinoos_ad@hotmail.com

(t/t, celeb, fanfic, HS, oral)

Note This picks up an hour or so after the end of part IX

As Josh entered the house he shared with his mother, he was greeted by the sound of weeping coming from the living room. Concerned, he called out, "Mom? What's wrong?" Walking towards the source of the sounds, he was shocked to see his father seated on the couch next to his mother.

"What are you doing here, Dad? What did you do to make mom cry?" Josh was understandably angry.

It was no surprise to see that anger reflected in his father's eyes. What was surprising was his father's answer, "Don't pull that self-righteous crap with me. You're the one that did this to your poor mother."

"What? That's ridiculous. Mom, tell me what's going on." Mrs. Ford raised her head, but the moment she laid eyes on Josh, she let out another wail and buried her face in her hands again.

"I got a call from your coach today, Josh," Mr. Ford continued angrily. Josh froze, the blood draining from his face.

"What . . . what did he want?"

"What did he want? What did he fucking want!?" Mr. Ford's voice was rising to a shout, "he wanted to let me know that my son is a fucking fag, is what he wanted!"

"Shit," Josh mumbled under his breath, unable to come up with any better words to express his current feelings.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself, boy? You damn well better start by telling me this is some sort of joke. No boy of mine was raised to be a fairy!" Josh had put up with a lot of crap from his father in the past; the man had rigid expectations for his sons but never seemed to listen to any of them. He'd accepted this with the resignation of one raised to it, but now he had another means of emotional support; he had a boyfriend who truly cared for him. Something in Josh snapped.

"Oh right, YOUR boys are all football stars aren't they, Dad!? YOUR boys go to college on sports scholarships, join a frat, marry, and turn into you, don't they Dad!? You don't know a damned thing about your sons! I'll tell you whom you've raised: a loveless unfaithful husband, an alcoholic clinically-depressed frat-boy, and an openly gay actor." Josh laughed, but with no trace of amusement, "I think I got the best deal out of the three of us; at least I'm not ashamed of what I am, not anymore!"

Mr. Ford's face was as red as Mary Cherry's favorite lipstick. He was so angry he fairly choked on his next words, "Get out! Just get out, now. I don't ever want to see you again."

"You can't kick me out, Dad. I don't live in your house any more. Tell him mom." His mother just continued crying, in fact she'd gotten worse since his last outburst. "Mom, at least look at me," Josh pleaded. He waited a few moments, in vain as it turned out. "Fine," he sighed, defeated. Josh trudged from the room and left the house, refusing to look back even once.

Josh found that he was automatically driving in the direction of Harrison's house, he needed comfort and knew that that was where to find it. Once he realized this, he decided to stop off for a gift first; no need to show up empty-handed. Maybe something for Ms. John, she was being pretty accepting of his relationship with Harrison, an attitude that he was appreciating more and more.

Trying to decide on an appropriate token, Josh pulled into the parking lot of the local mall. He absently wandered towards the entrance, wondering which store might be his best bet to find a gift. As he passed through the automatic doors, a shopping-bag-toting figure glided out of one of the boutiques, and headed towards him.

"So, Joshy, what's all this I hear about you and Harrison John?" Nicole Julian oozed amused condescension as she spoke. On the best of days, she was one of the last people Josh wanted to see; right now he was (unsuccessfully) trying to think of a way to ignore her.

"You practically run the rumor network Nicole, shouldn't you know more than I do about the two of us?" Josh reluctantly decided that Nicole just wasn't the sort you could just ignore.

"Oh, now Josh," she continued in a parody of sympathy, "whatever you and that little freak want to do in private is your own business. However, when you make it public you affect Brooke's rep, and when you hurt her rep you're screwing with my power base. I'm just trying to figure out how much truth there is to the rumors, and what you intend to do about it. Damage control is vital at times like this."

"You know Nicole," Josh began, annoyed, "I'm going to be taking crap from a lot of people: teachers, friends, family. But I'll be damned if I'm going to take it from you. All you care about is your social standing anyway, and the pathetic amount of power it carries. Well, I don't give a shit about that, Nicole, I don't need it anymore. Do you know why?"

"Because now that the jocks don't want to look at you, you plan to be crowned King of the Freaks?" Nicole was secretly pleased, there was definitely an opportunity here for her.

"Because I'm happy Nicole. Things may not be perfect right now, but for the first time I can remember, I'm finally able to be myself, ALL of myself.

It's a liberating feeling, and even a hateful, unfeeling bitch like you can't take that away from me, nobody can. Besides, I have a boyfriend who cares about me, and you don't," Josh turned (the gift forgotten) with an air of righteous dignity, and strode back out of the mall to his car.

Nicole watched him go, carefully weighing things in her mind. She should have known something was up with Josh that time she'd caught him and some of the other boys from school at the local strip club/rotisserie chicken restaurant. Alone of the boys there, he seemed much more interested in the chicken than the women. Personally, she didn't care one way or the other if Josh wanted to date boys. However, she was certain that others in the school and among her peers would care. This could be her big chance: if Brooke's social crown slipped, Nicole might be in a position to take her place. On the other hand, she might just slip down the social ladder right along with Brooke if she wasn't careful. This was going to require a great deal of cautious thought and planning . . . .

Harrison answered the door with a smile, "Josh, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Come on inside. I thought you'd want to . . . " he noticed the expression on his lover's face, "oh my God, what happened?" Josh visibly took hold of himself, and set to telling Harrison everything that had happened to him that evening. When he'd finished, Harrison shook his head, "Nicole is no problem, well . . . no more of a problem than she usually is. I mean . . . we already know that we're going to have to work on the people at school. You've definitely got some issues to work out with your parents though. You should probably give them a little time to calm down; sleep here tonight."

Josh let out a relieved sigh, it was good to have people you could count on, "Thanks Harrison, I knew you'd say that. But . . . uhhh . . . is your mom going to be ok with this? I mean, what's her policy on boyfriends sleeping over?"

"You know, it's never come up," Harrison laughed, "seriously though, under the circumstances I don't see how she could say no. She certainly wouldn't turn you out onto the street; and if she did I'd go with you."

Josh leaned in and kissed Harrison, "We've only been dating for a few days, and already I'd be lost without you."

Harrison shrugged, "I was alone without you. Now that I know what it's like to have someone who cares about me the way you do . . . how can I not fight for you? Now, let's figure out what we're going to tell my mom . . . ."

"I don't know, Harrison," Ms. John said, looking from Harrison's pleading face to Josh's downcast head, "I'm sure that Josh is a very nice boy, I'm . . . glad that you found each other; and I sympathize with his position. But maybe he should find a friend to stay with tonight. Understand, how would it look if I let my sixteen-year-old son's new boyfriend spend the night, less than a week after they'd started dating. Really, you said that you didn't even know you liked men until you spoke with Josh after school on Friday."

"Mom, he can't just find a friend to stay with. He just came out to the world at large today; you remember what that's like. Josh's friends are still in a state of shock, a lot of them don't want anything to do with him right now," Harrison flinched in shared pain at the look on Josh's face.

"Oh Hell," Ms. John sighed, looking Josh up and down, "I didn't realize . . . haven't any of your friends come forward to support you?"

"I . . . I haven't had a chance to talk to a lot of them yet. It was . . . a full day. The few that I did see are not taking it very well, though," Josh's voice was pained but steady, "I think some will come around with time, but . . . . " he trailed off, unwilling to finish the thought.

"Alright," Ms. John was a good person (one who knew the difficulties associated with coming out), and her motherly instincts were taking over, "you can stay here, but there are a few ground rules. First, you have to let your mother know where you are, she'll be worried," Josh didn't feel very certain of that fact, but the look on Ms. John's face warned him not to argue. "Second, you will put your things in the guest bedroom, I can't watch you two every minute, but I insist on at least the semblance of propriety. Third," her face softened, "you keep on making Harrison happy. It's good to see him out of the usual awkward-adolescent depressed mood."

"Making him happy makes me happy," Josh smiled with relief, "and thank you.

I don't know how long I'll need to impose on you . . . hopefully not forever."

"Josh, I know things seem bleak now, I felt the same way when I came out and lost my job. I didn't leave the house, didn't leave the couch for days.

But Harrison helped me through it, Cherry Cherry gave me my job back, and I learned who my real friends were. One way or another, you'll work things out. Just be glad you don't have to do it alone. Now," Ms. John's voice took on the firm tone that comes naturally to parents, "call your mother, move in your bags, and get something to eat. I have some accounts to balance for work, so try to keep the noise down, boys." With that, she headed up the stairs to her own room.

"Wow, Harr, your mother is being pretty cool about this. Although," he made a face, "I'm not happy about the separate rooms."

"Well, she really does know where we're coming from, after all." Harrison's face took on a mischievous grin, "and what she said was to move your things into the guest room, she didn't say anything about where you actually slept. Rule number one of maintaining authority is, 'never give a command you know will be disobeyed.'"

"Are you saying she's ok with us sleeping together?" Josh almost choked on the thought.

"Not exactly, she probably has reservations. What I'm saying is that Mom realizes that if we want to sleep together we'll do it with or without her consent; after all, she'd do the same in our place. So, she'll just have to trust us not to do anything stupid. Now, shall we get your things?"

"Sure, there's really not much, though," Josh said, mentally reviewing what he'd brought with him, "I left kind of suddenly. I have my backpack, and a gym-bag with some extra clothing. Guess I'll have to do something about my wardrobe tomorrow."

"Josh," Harrison hesitated, "you know that you can stay here as long as you want, but . . . how long do you think it'll take to resolve things with your folks?"

"I don't know, Harr," Josh shook his head, "a long time, maybe. With my dad, well, he might not ever understand. He always cared more about how he wanted things to be than about how they really were. He won't like that I destroyed the illusion of his perfect younger son. I think that if I give my mom some time . . . she's been lonely since she left my father . . . maybe she was lonely even when she was with him. She'll come to terms with this eventually I think, but it will take time. She wasn't exactly raised to think of gay people as normal."

Harrison put his arm around Josh, as they headed out to get his bags, "I'm sorry, Josh. I wish I could say that things were going to be easy, but we'll get through it as long as we stick together. It's not like we're the first gay couple to go through this sort of thing. Now, let's find something to eat, give your mother a little more time to calm down before we call."

The phone rang six times before someone finally picked up. At first, Harrison thought that he might have been disconnected, as there was only silence on the other end of the line. Finally, he heard a sniffle and a hoarse voice spoke, "hello?"

"Hello, Mrs. Ford?" Harrison didn't really know Josh's parents, but this woman sounded like she'd been crying for a long time.

"Yes, can I help you?" the everyday routine that is talking on the telephone was calming her nerves a bit.

"Ummm, I'm calling about your son, Josh," Harrison was having more difficulty starting this conversation than he'd anticipated. The whole situation was still somewhat uncomfortable: speaking to one of the parents of his boyfriend for the first time. Especially since it was a parent who hadn't taken the news of her son's preferences well.

"He's not here right now. Try back tomorrow," Mrs. Ford answered, preparing to end the conversation.

"No, wait! I know he's not there, he's here with me. He just wanted to let you know that he's alright and he has a place to stay tonight," Harrison spoke quickly, afraid that she might hang up.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Harrison couldn't be sure how long the silence lasted, he was certain that the uncomfortable nature of it made the wait seem longer than it really was. "I . . . see. Who is this?" Mrs. Ford's tone suggested that she already knew.

"This . . . this is Harrison, ma'am," he answered, making an effort to be polite.

"Are you the one that my son is . . . seeing?"

"I, well, yes I . . . " Harrison began.

Mrs. Ford cut him off yelling, "How could you do this to him?! Don't you know that he's got a good future ahead of him! He's smart, athletic, has a good chance at a scholarship! Look, I love my son . . . ."

It was Harrison's turn to interrupt. He kept the volume of his voice down, but the tone was firm, "Well then, we have something in common. I love your son too; and for your information I didn't 'do this to him.' I was lucky, Josh," here Harrison decided to bend the truth just a little (he didn't' think Mrs. Ford could handle the sex), "asked me out first. Look, the point is, he's here and he's fine. He'll get in touch with you in a couple days. Hopefully by then you'll be a little more reasonable and you two can talk this out."

Harrison hung up the phone before she could say anything more. It was a good thing that he'd convinced Josh to let him handle this conversation (not that Josh had required much persuasion). Obviously Mrs. Ford needed time to come to terms with her son's sexuality. That wasn't a surprise, but it did mean Josh would need his support for a while (lucky him). He sighed and turned towards the stairs, running through his head what he was going to tell Josh about the phone call.

The clock by the bed read 12:35 when Josh crept out of the guestroom and snuck down the hallway into Harrison's. He was grateful enough for Mrs. John's acceptance of him that he'd pretend to sleep separately (for her peace of mind), but nothing was going to keep him and Harrison apart for long. He was dressed in him gym shorts, not having much of his clothing available. Slight goose-bumps were raised on his bare chest, his nipples hard with the chill. It didn't matter anyway, he thought, as Harrison greeted him and closed the bedroom door. After all, he wouldn't be wearing them long.

Harrison was wearing sky blue pajama bottoms and a white tank top. He'd lit candles on his dresser and nightstand, and dimmed the lights in the room. This whole thing still had an unreal quality for him. A week ago, he was feeling very alone; none of the cool girls he was interested in would look at him twice. Now, here he was dating the most popular boy in school, and loving it. Who would ever have guessed that Josh Ford held the key to his happiness?

Josh was feeling much the same. Sure, he'd had plenty of dates with the girls, but that had never been something he was interested in. He dated them for appearance's sake, building up his image as the perfect jock. It was a shield he used to keep people away from his real self, his secret self. He still wasn't sure why he'd taken that insane chance, coming on to Harrison in the weight room. Thank God Harrison had responded well to it; he didn't even want to think about what would have happened if Harrison had turned out to be a homophobe or something. His life had still been thrown into in chaos, but right now it seemed worth it.

"I still owe you for this afternoon," Josh's voice was low and seductive, as he drew Harrison into his strong arms.

Harrison melted into the embrace, caressing Josh's bare back with his hands, "ordinarily I'd tell my friends to forget about any debts, but I think we'll both have fun repaying this one." There was a smile in Harrison's eyes when they met Josh's. Their lips found each other in a slow kiss; several days of practice had improved their responses to one another, fueling their passion. This was not a couple that would break up from boredom.

One of Harrison's hands soon made its way beneath the waistband of Josh's short, caressing his well-formed buttocks. The other pressed against the jock's chest, fingers playing with his hardened nipples. Their kisses continued, broken only by occasional grunts of pleasure, and necessity when Josh pulled Harrison's top off over his head. Neither of the teens felt the chill of the air as their bared chests were pressed together, radiating the heat of their arousal.

The thin silky-fabric of Josh's shorts was doing no more to contain his arousal than the loose cotton of Harrison's bottoms was for his own. Without a word passing between them, the boys simultaneously slid the elastic bands down their thighs, and allowed their last remaining clothing to drop to the floor. Completely naked, the pair of teens were a vision to behold. Josh, well-muscled but not bulky, could have posed for the statue of any hero of Roman legend. Harrison, possessing a trimmer form (but still very attractive) was the very image of an idealized Greek athlete. The two of them fit together perfectly, their entwined bodies making them seem like two halves of the same being; to remove either of them from the picture would be to diminish the whole.

Their hot cocks sandwiched between their abs, the boys worked their way towards the bed; still embracing, their arms exploring naked flesh. The pair collapsed onto the mattress, side by side. Neither teen seemed to be able to relinquish his hold on the other's body, or remove his mouth from the other's long enough to speak. Finally, as Josh playfully tapped his fingers down Harrison's ticklish side, his partner had to pull away, laughing at the sensation.

"Wow . . . Josh . . . I, I'm having trouble thinking. I mean, it's like all of my resources are devoted to just my feelings and your body . . . . Am I making any sense?" Harrison wasn't exactly babbling, but his thoughts were difficult to word.

Josh laughed with the pure pleasure of the moment, "sort of. But I do understand what you mean, Harr. I don't think I'm going to be able to keep my hands off of you at all tonight."

"I was thinking the same," Harrison punctuated this statement by stroking his hand along Josh's thigh, then running the fingers of that same hand up the length of Josh's hard dick.

"Well then, we have a conundrum," Josh began combing his fingers through the bush of Harrison's pubic hairs, "what are we going to do about it?"

Harrison grinned at his lover, "there's only one thing we can do." He slid around on the bed, continuing to run his hands along Josh's loins the whole time, until he was again lying lengthwise next to Josh but facing in the opposite direction. "Make the best of a horny situation." Having said all he needed, Harrison moved his head in towards Josh's groin and began licking the strong football-star's thighs. One hand moved to trace the crack of Josh's ass, the other to fondle his smooth balls.

Josh certainly didn't need any further encouragement. He took full advantage of their 69 position, leaning in to work Harrison's balls over with his tongue, recalling the uniquely and enjoyably male taste they held. His hands clenched the cheeks of Harrison's nicely curved ass, pressing them together and slowly kneading them.

Their passion seemed limitless, each of the boys wanted to continue to feel, to taste, to explore the body of his partner for the whole night. Still, they were only human, they could feel their own excitement building exponentially, the raw need of their bodies increasing with each caress from their lover.

When Harrison felt Josh's tongue-work shift its attention to his cock, he gasped in combined pleasure and relief, and quickly moved his mouth to Josh's tool. He took the head of the jock's dick in his mouth, flicking his tongue around it, sucking slightly to draw even more blood in the pounding red flesh. The hand on Josh's balls became somewhat less gentle, giving little tugs to the dangling sack as he worked over Josh's rod.

Josh was licking around the base of Harrison's cock, one hand slowly jacking the length as the other continued to rub Harrison's ass. This was a moment that made all of the emotional pain of the day worthwhile: tasting the dick of the guy he loved, as his lover did the same to him. Josh felt this subconsciously as he and Harrison made love, he'd reflect on it later as he tried to sleep. Right now though, the thoughts at the front of his mind were concerned with pleasure and physical need. His body was Harrison's for the taking, and vice versa.

Harrison was swallowing more of the length of Josh's shaft, moving his head up and down, taking in a further fraction of an inch with each pass. His tongue continued to swirl its way around the head, stimulating the most sensitive areas under the rim. His hand now gently squeezed Josh's balls in between tugs. His other hand was now rubbing along Josh's upper leg, it's movement in time to the up and down motion of Harrison's head.

Josh could feel the cum boiling in his balls, he couldn't hold back all night. With one swift motion, he moved he hand from Harrison's cock, and took it in his mouth, deep-throating his partner's (slightly larger) tool all at once. He began a slowly but steadily building the rhythm of movement, his head passing up and down the length of Harrison's prick. His tongue ran along the underside of the dick with each pass, flicking the head with the tip at the peak of each movement. Josh moved his free hand back to Harrison's ass, again clutching both cheeks with his palms; he now used them to guide Harrison's groin in to meet his mouth with each down-thrust.

Harrison allowed Josh's movements to set the tempo of his thrusting. He began working Josh's tool over with the same beat, his mouth now accepting the entire length. His nose met Josh's balls with each thrust, their scent adding to his passion. Hands, tongue, mouth, hips, all worked as one now; each motion was a compliment to the others, an instrument in the symphony of their desire.

Josh was ready to explode, he loved the attention Harrison was giving to his balls (and to everything else) and was incredibly turned on by the feeling of Harrison's own dick. He knew that there was no holding back the explosion any longer. Josh moaned loudly onto Harrison's cock as he let himself cum, both boys continuing their sucking and caressing as his cum shot down his lover's throat in great gushes.

Harrison felt Josh's balls draw up, warning him a moment before the teen's load hit his tongue. He clamped his lips down firmly, but didn't slack in his movement. Wanting to draw as much love-juice from Josh as he could. Moments later, the flavor of Josh's cum just registering with his taste buds, Harrison felt his own orgasm begin to pulse through him and empty into the waiting mouth of the jock.

When Josh felt the spasms of Harrison's orgasm, he pulled his head back slightly, running a hand up and down the slick shaft to keep the rhythm going. He wanted to make certain that every bit of Harrison's load hit his tongue, he wanted the taste to linger in his mouth all night.

The billows of pleasure ran through both boys' bodies time-after-time, neither had ever experienced an orgasm this long, alone or together. Finally, the two fell prostrate to the bed; Harrison's head resting on one of Josh's sweaty thighs, Josh laying a hand on Harrison flat (and equally sweaty) stomach. As their heavy breathing subsided, both basked in the afterglow of one of their best sexual experiences yet.

"I think you can consider any debt paid in full," Harrison finally managed to joke.

Josh laughed, "I think I got at least as much out of that as you did."

"I certainly hope so," Harrison smiled, "but I also get you for myself all night. You make a great pillow, and an above average bed-warmer."

Josh gave Harrison's stomach a playful swat, "I knew it, a couple of dates and you already see me as part of the furniture." The two teens lay there, laughing and talking long into the night, both because they truly enjoyed on another's company, and because they both knew that Josh needed to keep his mind off of his other troubles.

End Part X (Damn, they make a cute couple, don't they?)

There's more to come. Feel free to email comments to antinoos_ad@hotmail.com, flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 10

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