Porn Star

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 8, 2016



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Porn Star

If he wasn't so addicted to watching gay porn on his computer, he would never have found out that his best friend was a male porn star.

Brent Coldwell and Ryan Kowal had been best friends since pre-school. Up until the time they graduated high school, they did everything together, including school, sports, masturbation, and church. They lived in a small city about seventy-five miles from Los Angeles. Neither was college material, and neither family could afford to send them to college anyway.

Ryan's dad owned a shoe store on the city's main street, and Brent's dad worked in a textile factory at the outskirts of town. After graduation, Ryan went to work in the shoe store, but Brent could not find employment in their small city.

"I'm going to stay at my aunt's place in L.A. for a couple of weeks," he announced one day to Ryan. "I want to check out the job market there." The thought of their impending separation really depressed Ryan, but there was little he could say. He rationalized that L.A. was only a couple of hours away, depending on traffic.

Brent came home after ten days, just to pack his stuff. He had gotten a job, and his aunt said he could stay with her until he found a place of his own.

"What will you be doing?" Ryan asked.

"I'll be working at one of the movie studios as a gofer," he smiled at Ryan. "The guy who hired me suggested I take some acting lessons. He said that I was pretty enough to be in pictures." That struck Brent so funny he broke out laughing.

"You are pretty enough," Ryan said, and then regretted that he had said it.

"Why thanks, Ryan," Brent countered. "You're not so bad looking yourself."

Ryan wanted to say something like `flattery will get you everything,' but he decided to end the conversation right there. You see Ryan had kept a deep, dark secret from Brent almost forever. He was gay, and he knew it from an early age. To hide it, he double dated with Brent, and lied about getting laid. He could handle being gay, but he was madly in love with Brent, and he was having a hard time handling that. He didn't dare let on, for fear of losing Brent's friendship.

After he started work, Brent drove home every two or three weekends, and the two young men hung out together. Brent bragged about all the pretty young ingénues he was fucking, and Ryan pretended to be jealous. After Brent went back to L.A., Ryan would resume watching porn, whacking off, and dreaming of making love with Brent.

One night, about a year after Brent moved away, Ryan locked himself in his room, and got naked. Then he brought up one of his favorite websites. It was a site which showed film clips from full length male porn movies. These teaser clips were intended to entice the viewer into renting the full length movie for a fee. Ryan would get good and hard watching the films, and he usually ended the session by whacking off.

That night, he randomly clicked on one of the film clips. He chose it because the clip ran twenty-seven minutes instead of the usual five to seven. He figured that he might even get some sort of plot in that length of time. He was not disappointed. The clip actually started with credits. Ryan hardly paid attention, but his eyes opened wide. One of the two stars was named Brent Welles. Ryan had not seen nor heard of him before, but he was struck by the similarity in name to his buddy, Brent Coldwell.

In the film, two friends, wearing sweat suits, come into one of their houses. They had been tossing around a baseball, but it started to rain.

"This sucks," one of them says. "What are we going to do now?"

"I know just what we can do, and it's more fun than baseball," the other says. He stands up, embraces his buddy, and the two men start to kiss passionately.

Ryan stared at the movie in disbelief. He was certain that one of the actors was Brent, his Brent. He stared and stared at his computer screen, but most of the time all he could see were cocks and balls. It was hard to zoom in on the faces. But then he saw it. One of the actors had a small tattoo on his left ass cheek. It was a tiny star. He and Brent, in a crazy moment, had had their asses tattooed with the same star. Ryan's was on the right and Brent's was on the left. Sighting confirmed!!!

Ryan viewed the film several times, and came to some conclusions. Brent seemed to be enjoying himself. He never lost his erection, so Ryan was sure that he was not being gay for pay. At the end of the sequence, Brent ate the other actor's cum, and ate it with relish. He did not appear to be acting. When the clip ended there was a streamer on screen that said you could view the entire movie by joining a certain website. For the first time ever, Ryan joined.

He was well rewarded. He found several movies starring Brent Welles, and he also viewed the entire movie of the film clip he had seen earlier. He was up all night, and he masturbated three times. The next morning he told his father that he didn't feel well, and couldn't go to work. He promised to come in later in the day if he felt better.

There was no question in his mind that Brent was gay. After all, Brent was very good looking. If he wanted to do porn, he could have just as easily gotten a job doing straight porn. Ryan's head was spinning to the point that he couldn't think clearly.

He had to tell Brent that he knew about his job, that he loved him, and that he wanted to make love to him. But how should he do it? Should he come right out with it? Should he hint at it, and see how Brent reacted? His head and his thinking were fuzzy, so he decided to shower and go to work. Perhaps he could clear his mind later on. He also decided to call Brent that evening.

When he got Brent on the phone after dinner, the two friends chatted amicably, and then Ryan said, "I really miss you buddy. When are you coming home for a weekend?"

"I finally got my own place," Brent said. "I'm moving out of my aunt's place this weekend, but I'll try to come home the following weekend."

"Hey, if my dad can spare me, I'd love to come to L.A. and help you move," Ryan offered.

There was a long silence. Finally Brent said, "I've got lots of friends here, and plenty of help. You don't need to come."

"But I want to come. I want to help you. I miss you a lot," Ryan added.

What could Brent say, but yes? He gave Ryan directions to his aunt's house, and asked him to be there by 9 AM on Saturday morning. Now it was Brent's turn to fret. He didn't want Ryan to find out about him, and one of his porn star buddies had offered to help him. He would have to call the guy, and tell him not to bother, and that he had plenty of help.

He thought about the situation a lot, and finally concluded that he didn't care if Ryan found out about him. If Ryan was a real friend, it wouldn't make any difference. If Ryan didn't want to be his friend anymore, then so what? They lived in different cities now, and it was inevitable that they should grow apart. He didn't want to think about the worst case scenario. It hurt too much.

Ryan arrived about 9:15, and the two friends greeted each other with their usual manly hug, except that this time Ryan leaned into Brent so that his crotch area rubbed against Brent's. Brent was surprised but decided not to make anything out of it.

"Everything I'm taking with me is boxed and ready to go. All we have to do is pack our two cars, and take the load over to my apartment. I think we should be able to make it in one trip," Brent explained. "Before we start, I made us some breakfast. Follow me into the kitchen."

"Where's your aunt?" Ryan asked.

"She's gone to work."

"Do you have any furniture, or are you planning on us sleeping on the floor tonight?"

"No dufus," Brent laughed. "I have a bedroom, living room and an eat-in kitchen. I bought all the furniture at a thrift store, and it arrived yesterday."

"Only one bedroom," Ryan asked. "I guess we'll have to sleep together."

Brent turned red, but he collected himself, and said. "I think that'll be better than the living room couch. Besides, we've had plenty of sleepovers in our time."

"Sure, but we were little kids then. Why don't you round up one of your cute starlets and we can share her."

Brent's stomach churned. "The bed is only big enough for two. You'll just have to put up with me alone."

"I was just kidding," Ryan answered. "It'll be a pleasure."

They sat down at the kitchen table, and Brent served coffee and bagels. As they were sipping their coffee, Ryan made his move. "Have you ever heard of a website called Man Cave?" he asked.

Brent almost choked on a piece of bagel.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked, and he put his hand on Brent's.

Brent knew that he shouldn't lie, so he said, "Yeah, it's a gay porn site, I think."

"Yes it is, and have you ever seen one of their biggest stars perform? His name is Brent Welles."

Brent froze. He wanted to free his hand from Ryan's grip, but Ryan held tight. Instead he pulled Brent up on his feet, leaned into him and started kissing him. At first, Brent was so stunned, he could not react. Ryan's kisses were becoming more passionate. His tongue was forcing Brent's lips to part. Pure instinct got Brent moving, and he began to reciprocate.

Finally he came up for air. "How did you find out?" he asked.

"I watch that site all the time. I'm a member. Do you know how I felt the first time I saw you?"

Brent shook his head.

"Brent, I'm gay, and you are the only man I have ever loved. I'm still a virgin. I've never been with anyone before today, man or woman. Please, I beg you to make love to me. I want you to be my first."

Brent grabbed hold of Ryan, and wrapped his arms around him. "What jerks we've been. We always confided in each other, and we couldn't tell each other that we were both gay. But how do you feel about my having sex with all those guys."

"Just tell me that you love me as much as I love you, and I won't give a shit. It's only acting."

"Of course, I love you. I've always loved you."

"Well then, make love to me. Teach me how to make love to a man, and maybe you can get me into one of your movies."

"I want to make love to you more than anything, but would you really make a gay sex movie?"

"Are you making good money?"

"I never dreamed I'd ever make this much money."

"Then when can I meet your boss?"

"First things first, Babe. Let's load our cars, and you can help me baptize my apartment, or at least my bed."

They cleaned up the dishes from their little breakfast, loaded the cars, and Ryan followed Brent to his apartment. They brought all the boxes into the apartment, and Ryan went to grab Brent.

"Hold on, big boy," Brent said. "You came to help me move. You don't get anything until the boxes are unpacked and everything is put away." The two of them, working together, had everything ship-shape in no time. They broke down the boxes and placed them out by the dumpster.

"Now?" Ryan asked.

"Now," Brent answered. "Come, let's try out the shower." He took Ryan's hand and they rushed into the bedroom. They stripped rapidly, and went into the bathroom. Brent started the spigots, got the water temperature to his satisfaction, and they stepped into the shower.

Immediately, they wrapped their arms around each other, and started to kiss passionately. Brent reached down and took Ryan's cock into his hand. It was the first time anybody's hand, but his own, had ever fondled his manhood. His knees buckled and he would have fallen had not Brent supported him.

They frolicked in the shower like two young school boys. They soaped each other's bodies, lingering longingly when soaping each other's substantial uncut cocks. Brent fell to his knees and rinsed off Ryan's cock. Without further ado, he took his friend's luscious member deep into his throat, and Ryan began to whimper.

"What day is it?" Ryan asked.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I want to mark this day, as the day I witnessed an authentic miracle."

"You don't know yet what a miracle feels like," Brent laughed. Let's dry up and initiate my new used bed."

They started off with a lusty game of sixty-nine, and when Brent sensed that Ryan was heading toward orgasm, he stopped abruptly.

"Why did you stop?" Ryan asked, slightly pissed off.

"Because I want you to fuck me, and if you let me, I want to fuck you. I have dreamed of this day, since we were near toddlers."

"So have I, so have I," Ryan shot back. "Shakespeare was right on the money again when he said, `What fools we mortals be, when we practice to deceive.' I should have been honest with you when I first knew how much I loved you, how much I wanted to make love to you."

"I'm equally as guilty," Brent sobbed.

They went about the task of fucking each other, using condoms and plenty of lube. When Brent took Ryan's virginity, both men sobbed like babies. They played like this, enjoying each other's bodies for about three hours. When their energy was all spent, they lay smashed together with Brent's arms around Ryan's body.

"What do we do now?" Brent asked. "We live so far away from each other."

"How would you like a roommate?" Ryan giggled.

"I'd love it if that roommate was you, but how could you manage? What about the store?"

"My father has treated me like shit, ever since he found out that I was gay. He always refers to you as my faggot friend. He can keep the fucking store, and sell it when he wants to retire. I'll find work in L.A. and we'll live happily ever after, like life was a fairy tale." That struck Ryan so funny, he started to laugh, and couldn't stop himself.

After the weekend he spent with Brent, which had been a marathon love making event, Ryan went home, packed his meager belongings and headed toward L.A. His father seemed glad to be rid of him. He had no trouble landing a job in Nordstrom's shoe department. He requested the evening shift, which was from 3 PM to closing, at 10 PM. Nobody else wanted those hours, and the store manager gladly complied with his request.

During the day, Brent was able to get Ryan small jobs in his movies. Some of the roles were mere walk-ons. The owner of the studio told Ryan to join a gym and build up his muscles, and he would give him bigger parts. Ryan had two evenings a week off, and he did begin training to build his muscles. He found himself getting bigger roles, and the highlight of his short career came when he got to make love (have sex on screen, actually) with Brent. It was a long sequence, but it established Ryan as a recognizable porn actor.

One Sunday morning, Ryan and Brent went out for brunch. Brent casually asked Ryan, if he felt like he was living happily ever after, as he had dreamed of doing.

Ryan didn't answer. He just leaned across the table, and kissed Brent passionately, in front of all the restaurant patrons. When they came up for air, Ryan said, "Yes, love. I am definitely happy today, and forever after, wherever life takes us."

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