
By M Patroclus

Published on Jun 4, 2024


** Nifty has been getting me off for my entire adult life. We're lucky to have it! Please consider donating to keep it going. **

Pornlandia, Chapter 4 By ThePhallocrat (

My face was pressed up against the cool wall of my bedroom, through which the vibrations of the intense lovemaking in the other apartment resonated loud and clear. My neighbors were fucking like they were competing for a porn award. She was loudly gasping and squeaking, but hotter still were the grunts of pleasure from Sexy Ginger Guy as he rammed into her. They were saying something to each other too but the exact words could not quite be distinguished. It was still sexy to know they were dirty talking, maybe even discussing how hot they found it that we could hear them.

Because Andrew was definitely right, they were loudly having sex in that exact spot not by coincidence but for our benefit. I was on all fours on the bed, stripped naked, as I continued to listen and slowly stroke myself. Behind me, Andrew was lubing up my hole with this tongue in preparation to join in on their fun. The combo of the voyeuristic eavesdropping with the intensity of my best friend's mouth all over my ass was making me drip in a steady stream onto my sheets.

"Ready?" Andrew said at last, but he didn't even really wait for my reply. His dick began sliding into me again and it was as electric and illicit as it had been the very first time. My best friend, super straight until yesterday, was fucking me. It would never get old. I gasped for breath from the sensation of it, feeling the power of the porn surge through us both, the intoxicating rush of its energy making our coupling more intense than any real sex could be.

"Oh fuck," he said loudly as he bottomed out. I felt his balls touching my taint. "OH FUCK." He said it louder. The sounds of sex on the other side of the wall suddenly got quiet. They had definitely heard him, and they had stopped to listen.

He began to pump into me, and I gasped and groaned. "Oh yeah, Andrew, fuck me."

"Louder," he directed.

"Fuck me!"

"LOUDER," he said, smirking. I looked back at him, took in his grin and wide eyes, and understood. He wanted them to hear everything.

"OH YEAH, FUCK MY ASS," I blurted out at a frankly shocking volume. They definitely heard that -- I wouldn't be surprised if the whole apartment building heard it too.

"YEAH YOU LIKE THAT DICK?" Andrew replied, matching my volume.

I just wailed in pleasure in reply. Then I heard the fucking resume next door, matching our intensity. She screamed. Ginger Guy screamed. I screamed. Andrew screamed. It was pandemonium. I could hear a thump thump thumping as their sex bumped them repeatedly against the same wall I was leaning against, and it was wild to imagine that just a few inches away from where I was, that gorgeous neighbor guy was pumping his no doubt glorious erection into her. Lucky bitch! I was almost jealous. But then I looked back at the man vigorously topping me and remembered I was a pretty damn lucky bitch myself.

Andrew was on the same page as me. "Fuck, she's getting it good," he said, grinning. And she sure was, from the sounds of her moaning Ginger Guy's dick game was on point.

Andrew and Sexy Ginger Neighbor seemed to be matching each other's pace, and so the two couplings picked up in speed together. I was loving every second, but I wasn't sure how much more my ass could take -- Andrew hadn't yet fucked me with this degree of intensity -- and furthermore it was requiring a lot of willpower not to blow my load at the very thought of what was happening. I was just holding on for dear life and hoping I wouldn't have to tap out too soon. But fortunately I needn't have worried as it didn't last much longer.

Suddenly we heard our sexy neighbor cry out, loud and clear, "OH SHIT I'M GONNA NUT."

And Andrew shocked and delighted me by calling out, just as loud, "FUCK ME TOO," dispensing with any pretense that we couldn't hear each other. "LET'S FILL `EM UP."

Andrew began firing his load into me and groaning as loudly as he could, his dick pushed all the way in and trying to go deeper, while I listened to neighbor guy do the same to his girl. He was cursing and groaning with masculine intensity while she kept saying what sounded like "Yes, yes, yes" over and over and then, to my delight, she said "GOOD BOY," very loudly. I jerked my own dick for like 5 seconds and fired a thick spray of semen all over my bed.

Then Andrew and I collapsed onto the bed panting for breath and laughing our heads off. On the other side of the wall, I thought I could hear them laughing too.

"That was insane," Andrew said, still catching his breath, "That was so fucking hot. Maybe the hottest thing that's ever happened to me."

"We have said that a lot lately," I replied, smiling, "That's porn for you, I guess."

"The porn is escalating."

"Well it would do, wouldn't it."

Andrew laughed, grabbing his genitals to fondle them gently. "My god, my balls are aching. I think I emptied half my body weight in cum into you."

"No wonder I feel so heavy," I quipped back. He laughed. "Maybe," I continued, "we should have them over for drinks."

His eyes lit up. "Oh fuck. One hundred percent. Absolutely. I think we need to be friendlier neighbors."


"And the four of us naked would be a wild time."

"Hey, if all I got out of it was seeing Ginger Guy naked and watching you two take turns on the girlfriend, I'd be content," I said.

"What! Naw, you'd be way more involved than that, bud."

"What if he's straight though?"

"I told you about these lacrosse guys. He'd at least let you blow him."

I smacked him playfully, "Andrew! You just decided he plays lacrosse based on nothing. We don't know any of that is true. But... I wouldn't say no to blowing him."

"I sorta want him to fuck me while I fuck his girl," Andrew said thoughtfully.

"Well, look at you! Such a bottom now." I gasped in delight, "I thought you didn't find him attractive."

"Naw, he's fine. Probably got a nice dick. But mostly it would turn her on like crazy knowing her man is fucking me, you know? I just have a feeling it would. He could be, like, fucking her through me, that's hot as hell you know?"

"Uh huh. And where would I be in this scenario? On the sidelines, like I told you, watching."

"Naw, you'd be fucking him. Fuck train, choo choo."

And the thought of my dick in Ginger Guy's round, muscley, pale and freckled jock ass almost made me pass out. Andrew saw the look on my face and laughed. He really did have me all figured out.

We passed a quiet evening, recovering from our exertions. Andrew had already gotten off twice since we'd gotten home from work, so I figured he'd be worn out and done for the day, but he surprised me just before bed by jumping me and sitting on my dick, riding me vigorously until I filled his ass again. I kept noticing how much hotter he was getting, more muscley and hairy, and when I studied myself in the mirror I noticed the same thing was happening to me. I'd never looked so good. The power of Pornlandia was affecting us both. Before sleeping that night, I inspected my computer again, but it seemed totally normal. I didn't spend that much time worrying about it though, and slept like a rock that night.

Another boring day of work followed. I stayed home that day, though, and mostly managed not to play with myself and get some stuff done. But I won't lie, I was thinking about Andrew and our neighbor a lot. Couldn't wait for Andrew to get home. But 7:00pm rolled around and I'd just finished a small dinner and he still wasn't back, maybe he had to work late?

There was a knock at the door. My gut told me immediately it was sexy ginger neighbor, and I was right. He and the girlfriend were both there, with their same knowing smiles.

"Oh. Hi." I said. I forced myself to not blush and I think I mostly succeeded.

"Hey," he said, with a shy grin, "So that package is definitely arriving soon. For real this time. Mind if I just... wait here for it?"

"Wait here?" I repeated, mind numb.

"Yeah, I mean I'm not doing much this evening anyway, Nat is going out with friends," he said, motioning to the girlfriend.

"I'd really appreciate it if you could keep an eye on my boy for me," the girlfriend interjected suddenly, winking at me. "He gets very lonely and sad when I'm gone and he's alone in the apartment."

"Oh! Ha ha, yes." I said, then added, "Yes, you can wait here for the package. No problem. And, uhhh, sure. Yes, I'll take good care of him."

Ginger guy was blushing, and on his pale skin it was very pronounced, but didn't seem unhappy about the situation. The girlfriend was smug as hell. She was definitely enjoying herself. "Thank you. I have a feeling he could learn a lot from you guys. It will be good for him. He'll be on his best behavior, he knows all the rules. Right?" She directed that last at her boyfriend.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, ma'am."

"Have fun, boys!" and she was off. I motioned for my guest to enter.

I got him settled on the couch, attempting to make awkward small talk and be a good host. I was busy getting him a glass of water and asking him about where he grew up when Andrew got home.

"Hey, slut!" he called from the doorway. I had no way to warn him we had company, none that I could think of. I was frozen in the kitchen, two cups of water in my hands. "I hope your hole is ready because my balls literally could not be fuller-- Oh. Hello there."

Neighbor guy was blushing again, but laughing. "Hi there. Sorry. I'm hanging out waiting for that package to be delivered. Hope that's ok."

Andrew showed zero trace of embarrassment. "Oh, no problem."

"Nat asked us to take very good care of him," I told my roommate pointedly, exchanging a knowing smile with our guest.

"Nat?" Andrew said, then realized that must be the girlfriend's name. "Oh, of course. Sure. By the way, man, I'm Andrew." He extended a hand. "I don't think we've ever really been introduced."

I could have kissed Andrew right then -- for many reasons, but mostly because I had been introduced to ginger guy, months ago, and had been so busy staring into his dreamy eyes that I'd missed his name and had only thought of him as Sexy Ginger Neighbor since then.

"Braden," he said, shaking Andrew's hand.

"Braden!" I said, triumphantly. I remembered now. It was a relief.

"Ha, yes," Braden said, scratching his head a bit nervously. He seemed tense all around. Noticing, I gave him his glass of water and tried to make him feel comfortable.

Andrew also picked up the vibe and tried to play nice. "So, uh, Braden. How long did you play lacrosse for?"

I choked on my own glass of water. "Andrew!" I managed to spit out.

"Oh! All through college. Not much these days, though," Braden said, "How did you know?"

Andrew gave me the most victorious, cheeky, shit-eating grin I'd ever seen on him. "Just a hunch, I guess."

I couldn't help myself from laughing, which only made Andrew laugh too. Braden looked back and forth at us, confused but amused, picking up only that there was some kind of inside joke.

"So," I said, trying to control myself and be polite, "How long have you and Nat been together?"

"About three years," he said, "What about you guys?"

I cocked my head, genuinely confused. "What?"

"How long have you two been a couple?"

Andrew and I turned to look at each other in shock, then about fell over laughing. "Oh no. Noooo," I said, but couldn't say more since I was laughing too hard.

"We're not a couple," Andrew explained. "Just roommates. Best friends since college really."

"Oh! I'm sorry," Braden tried to say.

"No, no, no apologies," I reassured him, "I can see why you might have gotten that idea... uh, lately."

"I'm straight, actually," Andrew said casually.

Braden's brow furrowed as he tried to compute that information. He nodded, looked like he was gonna let it slide, then cocked his head in confusion again. "Wait, so..."

"Well, maybe not that straight. Lately," my roommate admitted.

"Lately?" Braden repeated, mind still racing. "So the uhhhh sexual part of the friendship... is new?"

And there it was, out in the open, being discussed directly. I stole a glance at Andrew, but he didn't seem uncomfortable at all to talk about it. So I dived in. "Very new. I gather you heard us going at it on Sunday? Judging by your comments yesterday morning."

"Ha ha. Yeah."

"That was the first time."

Braden's mouth dropped open. "No way. You're fucking with me."

"Swear to God," Andrew said, backing me up.

"So let me get this straight... well, not straight exactly," we all laughed, and Braden plowed ahead, "You guys were purely platonic friends for years, and you were totally straight with no prior experience with men, and then out of nowhere you had, from the sounds of it, graphic unrestrained porn star sex on a random Sunday."

"Porn star?" Andrew beamed, "Wow, thank you."

"Let's just say things have gotten weird," I added, unsure where to begin to explain our "porn coming to life" theory to him. "For now we're just rolling with it."

"What about you?" Andrew asked with a directness and confidence that literally shocked me. "Straight?"

Braden was quiet for a moment as he considered his response, and I started to think Andrew had pushed too hard too fast. "If you'd have asked me a year ago," he said at last, "I'd have said definitely. But Natalie has been... uhhh helping me discover a lot about myself."

"So since I'm not asking you a year ago, what would you say today?" Andrew pushed.

"Definitely some flavor of bi," Braden admitted, and I swooned a bit. This was a too-good-to-be-true moment in a sea of too-good-to-be-true moments over the last few days. "We watch gay porn together, sometimes. She thinks man on man action is super hot. After a while of convincing myself I was just humoring her, I realized I do too."

"Ever been with a guy though?" I blurted out, maybe just a bit too eagerly.

He shook his head. "No. I mean, she's super down for me to explore but... I've been nervous about it. Something about it... I mean the thought makes me feel like I'm a virgin again. Does that make sense? I feel like a teenager learning sex from scratch, its weird." Another adorable embarrassed laugh.

"I get it," Andrew said, "But take it from somebody who has learned a lot about dude sex in the last 48 hours, it's not that different. Honestly, in some ways its easier."

"Easier?" Braden seemed very intrigued by that description. So was I, for that matter.

"Yeah, in a way. There's a lot of baggage to figuring things out with a girl. For me anyway. Lots of emotions involved. Physical differences. I mean you and Nat seem super on the same page, and thats awesome. I haven't been that lucky. Had some great hookups sometimes. But always felt like ... sex with a girlfriend was sort of like... I dunno, a test or something? Like I had to prove something to her. That or it felt like she was doing it out of obligation but didn't really want it like I did. With a dude, with your buddy, its a lot like just hanging out. Less expectations or pressure. Just fun. Bro time. A little male bonding, you know?" And he winked at me.

I was floored. That was the most I'd ever heard Andrew talk about his feelings in regards to past relationships and girlfriends. I looked back and forth between the two boys, both nodding their heads in understanding, clearly vibing with each other. Was this some kind of straight(ish) boy code that opened this line of understanding and sharing immediately? It was wild.

"That sounds awesome," Braden said, "When you put it that way. Pretty sure a lot of the guys on my lacrosse team back in college were bi, or even just gay," Andrew winked at me knowingly, a I-told-you-so victory dance, "but though nothing like that ever happened, I did love just chilling with them. Even in the locker room, naked, you know... especially then. Just felt nice."

"That's exactly it," Andrew said. "Sex with a girl is still pretty special, and I definitely want that again but like... it takes work. I'll be honest, I got dumped a few months ago."

"Aw, sorry to hear that man," Braden said, seriously.

"And I haven't felt like dating or hitting up the bars or meeting new ladies, you know? But I've been horny as hell."

"I bet, man."

"So it's been unexpected but nice. To feel sexy. To get my rocks off. And not with some stranger or like a prostitute or something, but with my best friend."

"Awwww," I said, and realized Braden was saying it at the same time with me.

"So you agree, I guess?" Braden prompted me.

"Yeah. Well, its different for me a bit. I am definitely gay, and always have been. Andrew was the first straight dude to not treat me differently after finding out, and always looked out for me if people started talking shit. He's been like my brother for years but... yeah I've always found him attractive. And wanted to feel close to him. And I knew, hypothetically, that we'd have good sex together because we just get each other. You know?"

"That sounds incredible," our neighbor said, smiling. He adjusted his crotch suddenly, and I realized he was getting an erection. "I mean I love watching gay porn, but this backstory is very sweet and hot, you guys. Can I..."

He stopped. It was silent for a long while.

"Can you what, man?" Andrew nudged, in a kind way.

"I mean let me know if this is too far," Braden was babbling, and bright red, almost as red as his hair, "It was VERY hot to listen to you guys, especially last night and well, I thought I would learn a lot if I could... watch? If that's okay?"

"Watch us fuck?" my roommate asked, sounding for all the world like our neighbor had simply asked to borrow a cup of sugar. "Doesn't bother me. What about you, bud?" And he winked at me.

"Is this what Nat meant about there being a lot we could teach you?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, but smiled. Braden laughed and nodded. I was blushing now too but I tried to play it cool as I shrugged and said, "That's cool with me."

"Like... now?" Braden said hopefully. "I mean, Andrew did say his balls had never been fuller. Isn't that right?"

"I did say that," Andrew confirmed, "And it's so true."

"Now works for me," I said, and before I could say anything further Andrew crossed over to me and sat next to me on the couch, grabbing my face and kissing me. Braden adjusted his chair to get a clear, direct-on view of us.

We kissed for a while. We'd been focused a lot on sex since all the craziness started and hadn't really spent any time just kissing -- I think that was too romantic for the porn energies in the air -- but this was different. With Braden watching, taking his first steps into man on man sex, the kissing took on an extra erotic edge, especially as Andrew was groping both our crotches with his hands. Eventually he started to undo my fly and tug my jeans down. I couldn't help but keep looking over at Braden to see how he was handling this. There was an obvious bump in his pants from an erection but he had as yet made no moves towards touching it, instead just staring at us and licking his lips occasionally.

Andrew was ready to tug off my underwear and reveal my junk to the room. "You good?" asked first, sweetly.

I nodded. "What about you, Braden," I asked. "Harder to turn back after our cocks make an appearance."

He laughed, shook his head. "I'm good. This is hot."

Andrew tugged off my underwear, and my giant erection, bigger it seemed every day, took center stage like a diva's entrance for her big scene. Braden leaned forward. "Fuck!" he blurted out, "It's huge."

"Right?" Andrew said, grabbing my shaft and shaking the whole thing at Braden. "It's a nice one, isn't it?"

Braden nodded and for the first time brought a hand to the crotch of his jeans and started rubbing. "It's really nice."

"And look at these balls," Andrew continued, stroking them and showing them off. "And then down here," he pushed my legs wide apart, showing off just a peek of my taint, crack, and hole. "Down here we have something very very magical."

Braden cursed under his breath, staring at my ass, began stroking himself through his pants a little faster. "That's so hot, dude," he said to Andrew. "So I guess you fuck him usually huh?"

"With a hole like this, how could I not?" Andrew said, fingering me just a little for Braden's enjoyment. "But he fucks me too sometimes, and he's really damn good at it."

"His dick looks perfect for that," Braden agreed. "Can I see yours?"

Andrew stripped off quickly and unveiled his hog, waggling it a bit to show it off. "Here he is," he announced.

"Oh shit, yours is even bigger," Braden said, and he had turned a deep shade of red. It wasn't from embarrassment this time, though. "It's such a nice cock, man."

"Thank you." Andrew beamed. "So... what do you wanna see? Who should fuck who?"

"Oh," Braden looked overwhelmed, "I get to pick?"

"You're the guest," I added, "Seems right."

He was silent, thinking. At last he said to Andrew, "I wanna see you fuck his nice hole." He looked a little shocked at himself for saying it, too.

"Good answer, good answer!" Andrew cheered and clapped, like he was pretending he was on Family Feud. Then he raised my legs, dived down between my cheeks, and started eating out my hole with gusto. I moaned and thrashed my head around, then began to jerk myself and enjoy it. It wasn't just Andrew's tongue that was getting me off though -- there were also Braden's hungry eyes.

"That's so fucking hot," our neighbor said softly, "How does that feel?"

"So good," I said, finding the words best as I could amidst the waves of pleasure, "Warm, and wet, and it sends a shock all up my spine."

"Fuuuuck, man," Braden said, and he started unzipping his fly. "Nobody has ever done that to me. Not even Nat."

"No?" I managed to say, staring intently at his crotch, praying he was about to whip it out.

"I mean, I'm sure she will. Eventually," he added. "Wasn't sure how I felt about it but... it looks amazing."

Andrew felt my hole was sufficiently wet, then inserted two fingers in me to make sure I was ready to take him. He needn't have bothered - since the porn stuff had happened, I'd magically always been ready to take him with barely any hesitation or preparation. Still, the fingers were a nice gesture. He pulled me a little further down on the couch and then lifted my hips, which not only gave him a good angle for insertion but had the added bonus of giving Braden a very clear few of the moment of penetration.

As Andrew slid in, we let out our usual moan in unison. Eventually, his balls were lying totally against me as his entire length was inside. We gasped and groaned and then kissed.

"FUCK," Braden said quite loudly. "That's so hot. How does his dick feel, dude?"

I had been expecting him to be more curious about how Andrew was feeling, but his question was directed to me.

"It's filling me up so much," I said, "And pushing right against my special spot. Honestly, I almost feel like I could shoot just from him being in there and not even moving."

"Yeah," Andrew said, "But there's no way I'm not moving." And he began to thrust in and out of me with his usual rhythm - alternating between long slow strokes, and then quick eager ones.

"For fuck's sake," Braden swore, eyes locked on our union. He was sweating and rubbing his crotch with growing desperation. And then he pulled his dick out. I had to lean a bit to get a good view of it, what with Andrew a bit in the way. But I was not gonna miss out on that view. I was actually quite surprised at how relatively small it was -- though now I couldn't tell you if thats because it was actually small or because I was more used to the very large dicks Andrew and I had been growing lately. But it was a really nice and girthy 5 inches or so, circumcised, a sliiight curve to the left. And those ginger pubes! Absolutely dazzling. He started jerking, still enjoying the show, then saw I was watching.

"Hope this is ok," he added, "Just got me really turned on."

"Seems more than fair!" I hastily assured him.

Andrew turned to see what we were talking about. "Whoa, nice dick," he said, "Yah man, you can join in all you want. Some of us might have had the hots for you for a long time." He smiled back at me while pounding me good.

I gasped and smacked him. Braden smiled and blushed, locking eyes with me. "Yeah, I could kinda tell," he admitted. And it really couldn't have been hard to tell from the way I'd stared at him every time we saw each other. "And I'm ok to do some stuff, but some stuff is off limits. We have... well, boundaries. But everything short of that, I'd... I'd like to try with you guys. If its okay."

Andrew stopped fucking me then, pulled out, and turned to face him, curious. "Boundaries, huh?"

"Oh right, Natalie said something about rules," I remembered.

"Yeah," the sexy ginger scratched his chin trying to think of how best to explain, "Basically... my dick, um... belongs to her? So nobody else can touch it. Hands, mouth, and def no putting it inside other people. Sorry."

Andrew and I exchanged a look. I couldn't help but be a little disappointed I wouldn't be sucking that ginger dick or putting it in me, but rules are rules. Andrew had a different expression. "Fuck, thats kind of hot. She's calls the shots, doesn't she?" he said.

Braden nodded. "She does. And I fucking love it."

"So if the dick is off limits," Andrew ventured, "What is on the table then?"

"Well, uhhh. The rest of me. My mouth, for example."

My dick throbbed and dripped out some precum. Andrew noticed. "So you've never sucked a dick before, Braden, my dude?"

Our neighbor just shook his head.

"Would you wanna try?" he said, rubbing some of my precum up and down my shaft, showing it off. I gasped.

In answer, Braden shucked off his jeans and underwear completely, only leaving his shirt on. Then he joined Andrew in kneeling in front of me and tenderly took my erection in his hand, enjoying the sensation of it. "Oh god," he whispered. "Another dude's dick... it feels incredible." Eagerly, he fondled Andrew's junk with his other hand, looking back and forth between the two with wide eyed wonder.

I gasped, enjoying his touch, enjoying even more knowing I was the first dude he'd ever touched down there. That seemed to be the core of the fantasy the porn magic was catering to me. First Andrew, now Braden. It felt depressingly predictable to be turned on by turning straight men, but you know what, whatever. So I'm predictable!

Slowly, Braden leaned down to bring his face very close to my crotch. He inhaled deeply, then moaned, clearly enjoying my scent. Then he carefully brought the tip of his tongue to the base of my shaft and slowly licked all the way up to the tip. Then he pulled back and seemed to be analyzing the experience.

"You look confused," I said with a laugh. "You ok?"

"Yeah, no, it's just... I dunno, it just tastes like skin."

Andrew and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What did you expect it to taste like, dude?"

"I don't know! Different somehow. I've never tasted mine, I didn't know what to expect."

"Suck on the tip and you'll get a different flavor," I said, raising an eyebrow suggestively. I was leaking quite aggressively at this point.

Braden jumped at the chance, licking my head with so much enthusiasm it was almost too intense. I gasped and pushed him back a little, encouraging a bit more caution.

"Now that's a familiar salty flavor," he said to Andrew, "I haven't tasted my own dick but of course I've tasted my own juices."

"How does his compare to yours?" Andrew asked.

"Sweeter, actually," Braden said, turning again to make eye contact with me. "Really nice. Sweet and nice just like him."

"Awwwwww," I said, sticking out my bottom lip. I wasn't prepared for compliments at that moment.

"Oh he's plenty sweet," Andrew said, rubbing my leg, "But wait until you see him fucking, he's a beast -- and sweetness is out the window." I smirked at him, remembering assaulting his ass furiously. Andrew smirked right back.

"Oh yeah?" Braden said, "Can't wait," and then began sucking my cock in earnest.

I'll be honest. He was not great at it at first. I mean, A for effort, but the technique was not quite there. I tried to show him I was enjoying it, but he was not taking to it with the same proficiency that Andrew had instantly mastered and it was kind of disappointing. The porn had, up until now, ensured everything was perfect. Why fall short now?

"No, no, no," Andrew said, tapping Braden on the shoulder, "Listen, good start, good try, but that's all wrong. Think about what you would want."

Braden came up for air and so he could speak. "This is what I would want. This is how Natalie does it anyway."

"Oh no!" I couldn't help but say. "Well, Miss Natalie, as proficient as she seems to be in many regards, still has some things to learn I think."

"Here, watch me," Andrew said, then leaned down and gave a very solid 10/10 demonstration. I gasped and shouted his name. Braden studied intently.

"More lip, more focus on the whole shaft," Andrew added, after letting me free of his mouth, "Really grip it with your mouth. But also be careful of the teeth."

Braden nodded and gave it another try. It was much better. Andrew looked proud of his student, and I felt my nuts tightening like crazy at this whole exchange. It suddenly made total sense why the porn hadn't made Braden instantly good at BJs. This was much hotter. "That's good, right, bud?" Andrew said to me, "Yeah that's much better, Braden. Here."

And then he leaned over and the two of them caressed my dick with their mouths together, Braden intently focused on my dick but Andrew sneaking peeks up now and then to see how I was reacting. It was overwhelming and I almost warned them to stop or I'd cum right there. But before that happened, Andrew pulled away and sat back, admiring Braden trying out new techniques on me. I tried to give verbal clues when he was doing something that worked, and he was a quick study. Within a few minutes, he was rocking my world like crazy. And he was jerking himself furiously the whole time, so he was definitely into it as well.

I noticed Andrew's eyes started to drift from watching Braden blow me, drift down to looking at our neighbor's exposed ass crack. His eyes lit up.

"How's his hole," I suddenly heard myself ask. "As pink as mine?"

Andrew howled, remembering our first time having sex. "No," he admitted, "But it's pretty nice."

Braden stopped blowing me to blush at us. "Nobody has ever looked at my hole like that before," he said, "Just Nat. It's so... weird. But hot. Knowing you're looking at it and you like it."

"I like it. So when you said everything but your dick was on the table..." Andrew said casually.

"Oh, my ass is totally fair game," Braden breathed out a bit too excitedly, "That's sort of the main reason I'm here. Nat wants me to learn to..." He didn't really know how to say it.

"To bottom," I finished for him.

"Yeah. She said only if I feel like I'm ready. Mostly I was just gonna watch."

"Well, no rush on fucking," Andrew said, stroking Braden's cheeks, "But how about some touching and licking?"

"Fuck fuck fuck, yes," the ginger panted, "Go for it." Then he resumed sucking me. Andrew stroked the ginger jock's muscley buns for a bit longer, admiring the view, then licked his fingers and slowly rubbed them around our new friend's hole. I heard Braden moan around my cock.

I was enjoying it all but was increasingly frustrated I didn't have a better view. I couldn't see Braden's crack and hole from this position and I'd fantasized about seeing that for long enough that I was desperate for a peek. Andrew saw me straining and knew what I wanted, cackled in a slightly evil way about it.

"Daaaamn," Andrew said, "This ass sure is pretty." It was for my benefit as much as Braden's. He was torturing me. I gave him a "fuck you" face, which only made him laugh more. Then he really surprised me by reaching over to his discarded jeans and pulling out his phone. He winked and put a finger over his lips, then took a pic of Braden's exposed asshole. Then he turned his phone so I could see the picture.

"OH FUCK," I said. His ass was every bit as good as I'd imagined, down to the freckles and light ginger hairs. Andrew waggled his eyebrows at me some more, then deleted the picture. Like a gentleman. Then my roommate had the honor of being the first person ever to eat Braden's ass. He leaned down and went to town and Braden went absolutely insane on my dick, groaning and moaning, the vibrations of which felt very very good for me as well. Eventually, though, the overwhelmed ginger's moaning got too much for him to focus on sucking me and he almost choked. He pulled off and let out a big growl while looking straight at me.

"Feels fucking incredible," he gasped. "My god, I can't believe I was ever unsure about this."

"Oh, it's the best," I said, cupping his face in my hand and stroking his cheek. Couldn't help myself. He was so pretty. "Fun to receive. Fun to give."

That gave him the idea, like I hoped it would. He looked down towards my ass then used his hands to spread my cheeks a bit, whimpering the whole time as Andrew continued his efforts. I spread my legs even wider to give him access. Braden's eyes bulged a little looking at my unveiled hole. Then he leaned down and made love to it with his mouth. I had a clear view of Andrew working on Braden's ass, then of Braden working on mine. It was an arrangement I had never imagined in all of my many many times I'd imagined the three of us together, proving once again that the porn could outdo even my own dirtiest imagination. It was enough to make one lose consciousness. I had to stop jerking myself or it would be over.

Andrew came up for air eventually. "Damn," he said to me, "His ass is fun to play with."

"He's pretty good at this too," I said, pointing down at his face in my crack, "Didn't need any lessons on this one."

"Bet his girl has taught him to eat pussy like a real champion," Andrew said, patting Braden on his ginger head. "It's not exactly the same but, you know, close enough."

I knew I needed a break or I would shoot. "Wanna swap me?" I asked my best friend.

His smile was the only answer I needed. Braden kept looking back and forth between us eagerly as we rotated places, Andrew settling down on the couch wiggling his dick at Braden's face, me kneeling down to get my face close to my neighbor's glorious backside. Braden stripped off his shirt, revealing a gorgeously muscled back that was covered in those beguiling freckles. I traced down his back from his shoulders all the way to his crack with my finger tips, then began rimming him with great enthusiasm while listening to him swallow Andrew's dick. That's when Andrew started his dirty talk.

"Yeah, you like that dick, don't you, lacrosse boy? Yeah, you're turning into a good little cock sucker, it comes naturally to you doesn't it? Fuuuck, you and your girl are so hot, dude. Loved listening to you two fuck. You were railing her good and now you're making love to my hard cock." Braden moaned. He was loving this -- Andrew had correctly judged that he'd be into exactly this kind of talk. "You're a bull for her, but for us you're our little slut boy, just a mouth and a hole, isn't that right?" Braden grunted in assent. "Yeah, bet his tongue feels good in your ass, right? You love it down there. Lick my asshole now too. Yeah, get it in there deep. As deep as he's going in you. You like it deep don't you? You want to get fucked. Braden. Look at me. You want him to fuck you, don't you?"

Braden was quiet. I stopped rimming to look up and see Braden had lifted his head off Andrew's lap to look at him in the eyes. Couldn't see his face, but Andrew's was one of intense confidence, turning on all his quiet charm. Slowly, Braden nodded. "Yeah. I do. I want him to fuck me."

"Ask him to, then. Ask real nice," Andrew said.

"Do you want to fuck me?" My neighbor asked me, eyes wide and tender, like he was afraid I would say no, like he was asking me to do him some huge favor.

DO I? Is the Pope fucking Catholic? Does a bear shit in the fucking woods? Fucking an ass like his was what I fucking lived for and I'd crushed on him since the day I met him, and he has the AUDACITY to ask if I WANT TO?

I didn't say any of that though. What I said was, "Ok. Sure." Smooth.

"There's somebody else I have to ask first," our ginger fucktoy replied, leaning over to fumble with his clothes on the floor. "She said if it went this far I needed to ask permission directly. I told her I didn't think it would get this far but... well. You know." He laughed. Soon he had his phone and was calling his girlfriend.

"Heeeey," I could hear her say. She was someplace noisy, at a restaurant with her lady friends I guess. "How's it going?"

"Ummmmm really well. REALLY well," he said, beaming at us both. "I need to, uh, ask your permission. For them to fuck me."

"YES!" she shouted. It was so loud Andrew and I both heard it clearly, as well as the shocked and confused laughter of the girls around her. She said something more I couldn't make out.

"Yeah, they are treating me very nice," he said, "And yes. We're obeying the rules."

She asked him something else. He looked at me and blushed. "No, not him. The other one." Pause. He laughed. "She says she's glad it's you first," he told me.

"What?" I said, delighted.

"She wants to talk to you," he added, handing me the phone.

I exchanged quizzical and scandalized looks with Andrew, then took the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello neighbor," came her chipper, excited voice. "Glad to hear it's going well, and you're taking such good care of my boy."

"Yeah, uh, well he's a very good boy. It's hard not to want to spoil him." Andrew had a good laugh at that, enjoying Braden's blush.

"His ass is mine, you understand?" she said, and I could hear her girlfriend shrieking with laughter. Were her friends listening in on this whole thing too? Freaky. "But I'm gonna let you do me a favor."

"Uh, sure. I mean good neighbors do favors for each other," I improvised.

"I need you guys to teach him how to really take it. Make him a pro. So he's ready for me. Can you do that for me?" She sounded like she was smiling, but otherwise there wasn't as much irony in her voice as you'd expect. She was having fun, but she was also fucking serious.

"Yes, ma'am," I said enthusiastically, "We can do that. He's been a very good student already."

"Glad to hear it. I assume you are regularly tested for STDs and things?"

"What? Oh, yes. Every three months. Andrew and I go together." Which was true, but Andrew had only gone with me once so far. I'd been making him go with the optimistic hope that it would encourage him to get laid. I mean -- it had sort of worked, if only in a way we didn't fully expect.

"Great! Then don't worry about a condom, I trust you guys." I got dizzy at the thought. "Oh, and one other thing. Stay on the phone with me until you're inside him."

"Wait, what?" I gasped. Who WAS this girl? Where did she COME FROM?

"Stay on the line and tell me how it feels and how he's reacting. Once you're all the way in, you can hang up and proceed as you will. But I want to be part of his first penetration."

"What's she saying?" Braden asked, seeing the confused look on my face.

"She wants me to stay on the phone with her as I put it in," I said, sounding like I didn't quite believe the words I was saying.

"Fuck that's hot," Braden and Andrew said in unison, then double-taked at each other. Andrew grabbed Braden then and kissed him, then maneuvered into position, bending him over into his lap and presenting his ass to me. He even leaned forward to spread the other man's cheeks for me best he could.

"So he's bent over and Andrew is spreading his cheeks for me," I impulsively said into the phone. "So I think we are ready to go."

"What a good helper Andrew is!" she said, "And how does my boy look? Is he nervous?"

"To be honest," I said, looking at Braden's red face, which was in Andrew's lap but cocked back to look at me. "He looks horny as hell."

"Oh yes, I know that look," she said with a chuckle. "And how does his boy pussy look to you?"

I'd never heard a girl use the phrase boy pussy so I laughed, but I quickly added, "His boy pussy looks like fucking heaven to me."

Andrew cackled and whooped. "Fuck," he whispered to Braden, "You really stepped in it with this chick, man."

"I fucking know," Braden gushed back. "Tell her I love her."

I felt a little awkward, but it was actually really sweet so I passed along the message. "Awww," she said, "Tell him I love him too."

It was so weird. Here this guy was, about to get railed by me and Andrew, and somehow it was just making him more in love with his girlfriend. Love is a funny thing. The way they trusted each other, encouraged each other to experience new things, pushed each other out of their comfort zone, it was inspiring really. It had been like that for us at first, me and Nick...

Thinking of him, a wave of nausea overcame me. My boner went away instantly. I think I went pale, because Andrew said, "Hey, what's wrong?" with this genuinely concerned voice that was so sweet, then seemed to connect the dots between the "I love you"s and my changed expression. If anybody on this earth could understand what I was feeling in that moment and had the full context to explain it, it was him. "Do you want to stop?"

Braden also looked sweetly concerned. "Is everything ok?"

What nice guys. But no I did not want to fucking stop. The last thing I was going to do was let my ex ruin this amazing experience. I forced my eyes onto Braden's hole until the horniness came rushing back and with it my erection. "I want to fuck him now," I said into the phone.

"Do it," she said, breathing a little heavy, "But describe it to me while you do."

"Okay," I said, "I'm lining up the tip with his entrance now. Its really warm. I'm leaking a lot so thats helping get him nice and wet down there. I'm going to push in a bit now. Oooooh, he's tight, he's resisting a bit. Yeah, he's moaning into Andrew's dick. He's blowing Andrew, by the way... No actually he's getting quite good at it, after some demonstration. Oh god, his ass looks amazing framing my dick like this.... Yes, its a great ass, you're right. Top quality... Listen, I'm something of an expert on buttholes and, yes, his is just beautiful, so you are right. Ok, going in a little more, he seems to be ready.... OH. Oh yeah, I have about an inch in now... its so tight. He's whimpering, I think he might be crying.... Braden, bud, is that a good cry or a bad cry, she wants to know? ... He gave me a thumbs up so I think thats a good sign. Oop, now he's giving me a beckoning more more sign so I think he wants a bit more. Gonna slide in about half way... ooooooh fuck. His back has broken out into so many goosebumps, Nat, its incredible. His hair is like literally standing on end.... Oh yeah, definitely tight, his hole is squeezing me like a fucking vice. He is jerking himself off like CRAZY. Careful, Braden, you're gonna jizz at that rate and I'm not even all the way in you yet. Ok, going in a bit more.... Ohhh... OH god... fuuuuuck, okay. I am... all the way in. All the way to my balls. He's squeezing me tight. Are you doing that on purpose, Braden? Oh, he is. Clever boy. He's a natural. How's it feel, she wants to know?"


"Oh my god, he's going to get me off pretty quickly," I confessed into the phone, "this ass is incredible, this is literally a dream come true for me."

"OK, then," she said, "I'm gonna give you permission to finish inside of him. Because I like you. Just you though."

"Just me?" I looked at Andrew.

"I haven't talked to Andrew enough yet, I don't know his vibe," she said, "He can fuck my boy, but he needs to finish elsewhere -- hold one one sec, JEN, those are MY chicken fingers, I got the ones with honey garlic, remember? Yeah, pass em over -- sorry. As I was saying, he should get off somewhere else. Ooh! On his face. And take a picture for me. But you, you can feel free to really let loose in him. Ok?"

"Wow, um," I said, absolutely baffled and entertained, "Thank you so much. I will!"

"In exchange, I may ask you to share Andrew with me. If he likes women that is. And if we vibe. He's hot."

I grinned widely at Andrew, who looked at me excitedly when he realized we must be talking about him. "Oh he likes women. Prefers them really. He just makes an exception for me... and, well, Braden too now. And I'd be happy to share him with you two."

My best friend and neighbor gave each other a really excited look and high-fived. Andrew was beaming.

"I love good neighbors! Anyway, gotta go, take good care of my boy," she said, but added with a snicker, "But I know you will. Have fun boys!" And she hung up.

"She hung up?" Braden said, looking back at me, "What else did she say?"

"She said I have permission to cum inside you," I said, kind of in a trance about it.

"She did??" He looked excited like a kid who had just been given permission to have a sleepover at a friend's house from his mom. "Wow, she must really like you!"

"What about me?" Andrew demanded.

"Uhhh... she said just me. But she wants you to cum on his face and take a picture. And she might ask to uhhh borrow you sometime."

"This chick is wiiiiiiild, that would be so fun" Andrew said, sharing a look with Braden. "I mean, her rules, I'll follow em. I guess I can give up shooting my load in a butt like I really wanted then."

"Don't pout," I said, "There's always my ass."

"Oh yeah!" he said, smiling wide again. "Shall I get in you right now?"

The fuck train. The ever-dreamed-upon fuck train. I'd been reading about a fuck train when this whole thing started. I'd been dreaming about one with these two guys specifically for a couple of days (though usually, in my fantasy, Andrew and Braden were in swapped positions). Was I ready? Could we make this happen? It's a position that worked better in porn than in real life but like... that's exactly the reason to do it now that porn was ruling my life.

"The answer to that is always yes, Andrew," I said.

Soon we were going at it. Braden had his head and arms resting deep into the couch, moaning into the cushion as I rammed him hard from behind. His ass truly was incredible, especially since he kept twitching it tightly over and over like it was a reflex. Meanwhile, each thrust into him moved me up and down Andrew's perfect dick in perfect symmetry. It was too much. I had started to move into beast mode where my hips had a mind of their own, and by that sign I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this up for very long.

I froze in place, my dick as deep inside Braden as it would go. "Wait wait wait," I said, "I'm too close. Too close."

"Fuck yeah, get your rocks off in me, go for it," Braden cheered on, his voice somewhat muffled by the couch cushion.

"Fill him up, bud," Andrew said, squeezing my shoulders. "You know you want to."

"Dammit, you two," I said, "I wanna enjoy this for longer! Don't make it end so soon."

"Since when is it over after you cum once?" Andrew whispered in my ear. He had a point. Refractory periods hadn't really been a thing since the whole weirdness had started, and he and I were getting off several times a day together.

"Just a little longer," I pleaded. "Just give me a second."

"Hey, yo, Braden," Andrew called down the line, "You wanna make this guy jizz or what?"

Braden howled his enthusiasm into the couch and gave a thumbs up.

"Alright then, we're gonna make this happen." Andrew said, his voice a bit threatening.

I was feeling a stubborn streak come on. "Nope, not yet. I'm not moving." I stayed bottomed out in Braden and refused to stroke.

"Don't think for a second that will stop us," Andrew said, then he started absolutely railing me. The force of his pounding was sending shockwaves down the line, rocking my dick in and out of my neighbors butt with just enough motion to nudge me towards the point of no return. Not to mention the absolute carnage he was wrecking on my prostate.

I whimpered pretty loudly. "Oh Jesus... oh fuuuuck, Andrew! Stoooop, you're gonna make me..."

"NOW, BRADEN," Andrew said. It was unclear what he was suggesting, but Braden took it as a cue to amp up efforts from his side. He began squeezing his hole tightly in repeating but unpredictable patterns, and damn he could get it TIGHT when he tried. This dude did kegels for sure.

I tried to say fuck again but it just turned into a wail. Without me moving a muscle, these two were milking a load out of me, both saying dirty and encouraging things, Braden begging for my cum and Andrew coaching me to fill the boy up. It was a lot like the scene I'd been reading on Nifty when the porn magic started and began my winding trip down into Pornlandia, but hotter. Better. I screamed when my orgasm started, felt the first wild blast of it let loose inside of Braden.

"FUCK, there he goes!" Andrew said, "He's jizzing all up in you."

"I feel, fuck I feel it!" Braden said, sounding shocked and delighted.

I let out another roar as another wave of pleasure rocked my body. Andrew's dick on my p spot sent an electric pulse through me that transformed into another splash of semen inside of Braden's freckled ass. I started shivering uncontrollably, the muscles of my legs and arms gave out, and I sort of collapsed onto Braden's back while the last few spurts of my load dribbled out. Andrew put an arm around my neck and shoulders and supported me.

"That's right. Let it all out," Andrew was saying. "God I can't wait to fill you up like that."

"Then why..." I tried to say, but couldn't form words yet. I was dizzy and utterly spent. "Why don't you?" I managed.

"Oh, I don't want to cum yet. I don't want it to be over."

"You absolute TROLL," I growled, fully resting my head on Braden's back and laughing hysterically.

"Fuck," Braden said, in a sort of dream-like half-trance. "You guys, oh my god. Um... I'm really sorry but I think I came on your couch."

"You weren't even jerking!" Andrew pointed out. Braden had been using both arms to brace himself against the onslaught.

"Yeah but all that pound was rubbing me against the couch and when he came in me, I just lost it," Braden grimaced and sighed, embarrassed, "But good god it was sexy."

None of us seemed to want to move. We just stayed in each other like that, sort of cuddling, for a few more minutes in silence, catching our breath. I felt like I'd lost a few brain cells and would never be the same after that experience, and I couldn't even imagine how Pornlandia could escalate further. We sighed, we laughed, we stroked each other, we just enjoyed the moment. In a way, it was hotter than anything that had happened so far, me sandwiched between them both in a moment of tenderness.

Then the doorbell rang.

"Oh my god, UPS!" Braden said, pushing himself up slowly, "I totally forgot. Fuck, where are my clothes."

We sat back as he ran about, sorting through the haphazard pile of discarded clothing we'd formed to find his underwear. I hadn't gotten a good look at them before, but they were pretty sexy and tight fitting boxer briefs. Green. He slipped them on and all but ran towards the front door.

"Damn, you're very excited for this," Andrew teased, flopping onto the couch, still hard. "What's in the package?"

Braden paused at the corner, grinning back at us. "Haven't you guessed yet? Its a strap-on for Nat."

I whistled. Andrew nodded. "Of course!"

And then our ginger neighbor was out of sight, down the corridor and answering the door.

"Is he really going to sign for his package in just his underwear?" I said, snickering.

"I doubt the UPS guy will mind," Andrew shrugged, "That dude is definitely always checking me out when he comes by here."

I scrunched my brow at him. "What are you talking about? You never get UPS packages."

"I do all the time! And its always the same driver. Dude built like a brick shithouse. Huge ass. He definitely likes me. I'm sure he's ogling up Braden right now."

I shook my head. In the several months we'd lived in this apartment, I was certain neither Andrew nor I had ever received a package via UPS. Amazon, sure a few times. FedEx once maybe. Never UPS. And I would know, I was the one at home 90% of the time, while Andrew was always out. This didn't make sense.

But then it sort of did. "Oh," I said. "The UPS guy. Of fucking course. The fucking UPS guy."

Andrew looked at me funny, but I knew that the sexy delivery guy with a big package was a common porn trope. And usually UPS, I dunno why - maybe the brown almost militaristic outfits and short shorts? There was no regular UPS guy, in the real world -- but we were leaving the real world behind bit by bit. My dick jumped back to life, Andrew noticed and smiled, though he was confused.

"What are you getting horned up by now?"

I shrugged, laughed, stroked his cheek. "I don't know. You'll see. Everything. It's porn. It's all porn. You'll see."

He had no idea what I was talking about but I didn't need to explain. Instead I just prepared myself mentally to throw a sexy delivery guy into the mix. Why not? When in Pornlandia...

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