Possessed Rest Stop

By moc.loa@XnairoD

Published on Mar 17, 1999




Eddie had been traveling almost four hours and was beginning to think he was lost. He was on a business trip to a conference in the next state. He was actually pretty excited about being chosen to go. It meant that maybe he would be the next in line for a promotion! So he left a day early, after work, in order to be well prepared the next day.

But his rotten luck seemed to be prevailing, and even though Eddie was very careful to follow the instructions he was given exactly, he seemed to have turned on to a completely deserted highway. He hadn't seen another car for miles, and there wasn't any sign of civilization. He couldn't even pull over and ask for directions.

"Well this is just great," he muttered. "So much for planning ahead."

At least he could still make the conference, but it looked as though he would have to drive the rest of the night just to get there. To make matters worse, Eddie was starting to feel uncomfortable. He knew if he didn't see some kind of town soon, he was going to have to pull over and take a shit in the woods.

Eddie was really beginning to get upset. The thought of being alone out there in the dark, taking a dump beside his car didn't thrill him in the least. In fact, he was overcome with dread about the whole situation.

As he rounded a couple of curves, Eddie couldn't believe his eyes. Away in the distance, he could see a lone, brick building with a dim security light beside it and a little parking lot in front of it.

"That beats everything," he thought. "The only thing I see for a hundred miles, and it's a rest stop."

Well, at least he could get some relief and maybe there would be a phone. He'd call his supervisor and make sure he was heading the right direction.

Although the rest stop was still some distance away, it seemed to take forever to finally reach it. It almost seemed as if it was moving away from him, staying the same distance in front of him.

Eddie noticed he was losing the radio station he was listening to, so he looked down to change it. Strangely enough, there didn't seem to be any other stations in the area. All he could get was static, so he turned it off in disgust. Eddie looked back up at the road.

"Shit!" he yelled, and slammed on his brakes. The road had curved suddenly, and he was about to run right off the shoulder and into the side of the brick rest stop building.

He screeched to a stop in the parking lot, with his front bumping up against the concrete pillar of one of the parking spaces.

Eddie's heart was pounding and his knuckles looked especially white, wrapped around the steering wheel.

"Where the hell did that come from!" he panted, dropping his arms from the wheel, and easing the car into park.

Eddie sat for a moment, gaining his wits and looking at the little building in his headlights. It was extremely small, and he could only see one door. He guessed it must be unisex, but that seemed kind of strange. If he had been touring Europe, it would have been common, but American sensibility has been slow to accept men and women sharing the same public restroom. It was fine with him, though. One time at work, the plumbing was backed up in the men's room, and everybody had to use the ladies' for a couple of days until it was fixed. He remembered hating the smell of the women's toilet. It reeked of perfume and maxi pads. From then on, he was always aware of the masculine scent of the men's room, and even started to welcome it.

Once he calmed down, nature resumed its call. He was just glad he had managed to keep it all inside, after getting such a scare.

Eddie turned off the key and turned out his headlights.

The engine of his little import had always run so quietly that he couldn't even tell if it was running sometimes when it sat idling. But that night, when he turned off the ignition, the silence was devastating. His breathing almost roared in his ears, it seemed so loud.

He sat for a minute more, looking out at the surrounding trees. He wondered if there were any animals or hitchhikers lurking in the darkness, waiting to jump out at him as he went to the door. He was about to start the car back up and leave when his bowels insisted otherwise.

Taking a deep breath, he got out of the car and walked quickly to the door of the restroom. His footsteps echoed off the sidewalk and the door squeaked loudly as he ducked inside.

The restroom was small indeed. There were two sinks immediately in front of the door with two urinals immediately to the right of the sinks. Next to the urinals were two narrow stalls, and the whole room was illuminated with one dim bulb. The room was tiled from floor to ceiling in a dingy, sandy brown color. It reminded him of the color a person's teeth get after years of smoking. Eddie breathed deeply, and he was greeted with that familiar masculine smell of a well- visited men's room.

His only thought was, "Please, God, let there be some toilet paper."

He went into the first stall, and mercifully there was a full roll. He hurriedly unzipped and just barely made it to a seated position before he started to unload. He leaned forward and noisily pushed out a fat log. Even though the room wasn't much bigger than a janitor's closet, the sound seemed to ring off the tiles as if he were in the toilets at the bus station.

As the next dump pressed out with a wet, squirting sound, Eddie looked around him at the stall. The graffiti was solid from top to bottom, which indicated either no one had painted in years, or this place was a lot busier during the day. Drawings of cocks and balls were everywhere, and there were lots of messages leaving times for guys to meet. He figured the place had seen a lot of action over the years, and thought it was probably ideal, after all, being so isolated. He looked over to his right, and sure enough, there was a medium sized glory hole bored through the stall, facing the urinals. Watching a guy take a piss through one of these was always a turn on for him. As deserted as this place was, though, it would be highly unlikely he would get such a treat tonight.

After a few more minutes, Eddie was done, and felt much better. He reached over and tore off a piece of toilet paper. As he wiped, he glanced through the hole again and was shocked to see a guy at the far urinal.

"That's impossible!" he thought. He would have certainly heard the door open as quiet as it was here, and yet this guy had driven up and come in without Eddie hearing him.

He watched as the guy opened his pants and pulled out a heavy-looking, uncut dick. Fortunately the guy was left-handed, so Eddie could see everything without the other hand blocking his view. The guy tugged at it a little as if airing it out after being confined for too long in the tightly packed crotch of his jeans. Once he was comfortable, he slowly peeled back his foreskin and a shiny red cockhead popped out. He shook his cock a couple of times and then held it very still. It twitched a little and a couple of drops emerged from the slit at the end.

Eddie's own cock went rigid in his lap. He froze in place, his eye glued to the hole.

The guy's cock twitched again, and a small stream arched into the bowl of the urinal, splattering loudly. The stream quickly diminished and tapered off to a dribble. He seemed to be having trouble getting started, but the anticipation only peaked Eddie's arousal.

Eddie heard him sigh softly and watched as he repeated the process. This time it took a little longer, but he didn't get much more out than the first time. He tugged on his cock and shook it again. He stood really still, and Eddie could hear him straining through his breathing.

A few more drops fell into the bowl, giving Eddie plenty of time to look at the guy's dick. He decided it must have been the most beautiful penis he had ever seen. It had to have been soft, and yet it more than filled the guy's hand. The foreskin was bunched up behind a perfectly shaped mushroom head, which looked as if it was glistening, even in the dim light.

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Another big drop was collecting at the end, and it almost looked like precum, the way it grew until it became heavy enough to fall lazily into the bowl, a long tail streaming behind it.

Eddie realized he was holding his breath. Silently, he edged his hand over to his own cock and he felt his fingers close around it. It was covered in a sticky liquid and he looked down to find precum had already been oozing out in large quantities. He quickly looked back to the glory hole, riveted, as he spread the precum around his swelling cockhead.

The guy tugged on his prong one more time and let out another strained sigh. Four more thick-looking drops came out and then there was a long pause.

Eddie licked his lips and could feel precum weeping from his cock and running over his fingers.

With one last twitch, the guy's cock pulsed and a torrent of piss came gushing out. It splashed loudly into the bowl, splattering water over the sides of the urinal. The stream from the end of his dick looked huge, almost an inch wide. Eddie imagined his piss slit must have been big enough that Eddie could have put the tip of his little finger inside. The piss seemed to sparkle as it twisted beautifully in a perfect arc, down to where it began to foam in the bowl. It came out with such force, the guy seemed to be bracing himself to keep from being knocked back.

Eddie was in heaven! He squeezed his cock slowly and he watched the guy piss for what seemed an eternity.

Finally the stream tapered back down to a dribble, and the guy milked out the last few drops, sliding his foreskin back and forth over the head of his dick. Eddie was more than a little disappointed when the guy began to push it back into the confines of his jeans. He zipped up the fly and buttoned the button, but seemed hesitant. There was something almost questioning in his breathing now, and his hands lingered at the top of his pants.

As if he had made a sudden decision, he quickly undid his fly and pulled out his cock again. He slid back his foreskin and put both his arms down to his side, letting his organ dangle on its own over the bowl of the urinal. Eddie was puzzled as he watched it bob slowly up and down and noticed the guy was breathing a little heavier. The schlong gave another quick bob and a shower of piss came raining down in big yellow drops.

"Damn!" Eddie thought. "This guy hasn't taken a leak all day!"

The flow gradually increased until it matched the intensity it had before, almost visibly pushing the guy backwards.

Eddie began to stroke his cock as he enjoyed the second act of the show. This was getting him off in a way he had never experienced before. He had always been unhappy about how little precum he produced, even when he was really excited, but now he could feel it running down over his balls!

After another eternity, the piss came to an end, and he watched as the guy wrung the last few drops from his thick cock. He pulled his ample foreskin forward, squeezing the head of his dick inside and getting a few more drops out. Then he shook it again and went about putting it back inside his pants.

Eddie watched him turn toward the door and was preparing for a fast, loud cock-flogging as soon as he was gone, but the guy stopped and slowly turned back around. Eddie could see his hands on either side of his crotch, and he could tell the guy was looking down at his pants, maybe to see if he had forgotten to zip his fly. Eddie could hear him breathing, undecidedly. He paused his stroking and waited to see what would happen next.

The guy turned to leave, and again, he tentatively turned back around and seemed to examine the front of his pants. Then Eddie saw it: a dark circle forming in the denim to the left of the guy's zipper.

Unbelievable! After all that, he still wasn't done pissing!

Eddie heard him grunt and urgently fumble to get his fly undone again. He pulled the zipper open and flopped his cock back out. Before he could even pull back his sheath, piss spewed from the end of his dick like a fire hose gone out of control. It splattered all over the wall before he could finally get it pointed in the right direction, toward the bowl.

Eddie watched in awe as he sprayed the urinal, even more violently than before. The water in the bowl splashed and foamed, and began to drip down the sides. Piss ricocheted off the porcelain and landed everywhere in fine, bright yellow drops. Eddie even felt a drop come through the glory hole and hit him square in the eye. It stung a tiny bit, but he quickly blinked it away.

The guy must have pissed gallons! He went on for the next five minutes at least, if not more! The urinal had long since overflowed, and a puddle was beginning to form around him. The room began to smell more strongly than when Eddie had come in. He reached down and dipped his fingers in the liquid that was seeping under the stall. He brought his fingers back up to his face and breathed in the acrid, yet sweet scent of the stranger's piss. He was so aroused, he felt light- headed.

Through his piss-induced stupor, Eddie heard the sound of the stream begin to ebb, and turned his attention back to the hole. The guy had pulled his foreskin back, and pointed his prick toward the ceiling. He had abandoned trying to keep his aim accurate, and piss was arching from his dick like a water fountain and dribbling onto the tile floor.

At long last, he was done. He let out a long sigh. He then turned slowly, until he was facing the glory hole behind which Eddie was sitting, agog. The guy shook his cock vigorously, sending the last few drops of pee flying in every direction.

Then, very deliberately, he tugged on his amazing hose, causing it to plump up just the slightest bit. To Eddie's growing excitement, he realized the stranger was inviting Eddie to come out and join him! In addition to the incredible display he had just witnessed, he was going to get some action out of it as well!

Eddie clutched down at his pants, soaked at the cuffs with piss, pulled them up over his knees and scrambled to get up off the toilet. His hands were shaking as he moved back the latch on the door and pulled it open. He was breathing erratically, and had to swallow hard before he stepped out.

The room was completely empty! There was no sign of the stranger who had motioned to Eddie only seconds before. Just as when he had come in, the guy had left without making a sound! Could he have dreamed the whole thing? Eddie looked around the room, and sure enough, the floor was covered in a shallow pool of piss. The urinal the guy had used was full to the brim with a dark yellow liquid and topped with a head of foam. It was still dripping on the floor.

Of course Eddie was disappointed at not being able to actually partake of the man's miraculous piss-pump, but more than that, he was really unsettled by the way the guy had disappeared. But looking down at his cock, still hard and oozing precum, Eddie knew he wasn't too rattled to go back in the stall and finish getting himself off. And what a fantasy he had to relive as he pounded his pud!


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Next: Chapter 2

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