Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 23, 2022


Paul and Shawn drove together to the "merchandise mill" as it was called by those who knew about it. "Spike" always had a collection of at least 30, sometimes as many as 50, "boys for rent or sale" on his ranch. They came from all over. Some were subs that had been discarded by Masters, others were former escorts who had fallen on hard times, and some were guys "Spike" had picked up along the way. Shawn was the first one to find what he wanted: an older guy relative to the ranch: maybe 35, Latino, with what Shawn called a "porn moustache" and thick black hair. Build like a worker: toned muscles from work not the gym. Hairy but, as Shawn put it "I'll fix that." "Good choice. Underpriced too. He's been here for a while. I don't understand that" Spike commented. "I mean, if you want to train a newbie, more power to you but I think you'll be able to sink into this one as soon as you get home." "Looking forward to it spike." Shawn put his cuffs on Carlos, and brought him to the van. It took a little longer for Paul to find his boy. He looked around the ones who were working in the house, and in the field, and didn't find anyone who caught his fancy. "Can I check out the private rooms?" "Sure," was Spike's response. "Just know that they come at a premium." "Well, sometimes it's worth it," replied Paul. He looked around and... there he was. How often do you find a 25 year old strawberry blond with green eyes and an ass like a honeydew melon. "That's Kelly. Very popular. I need to get 500k for him." "Done deal" was all that Paul answered. He looked at Kelly: "Boy, you're coming home with me." He saw the look of fear in Kelly's eyes. "I hit the jackpot" he thought. "Kelly's only had sex three times. You'll have to proceed gently with him." Paul laughed. "Kelly's gonna have to man up. Or, pussy up." It was a full van that headed back to the city.

The tattoo for superman was going to be a two week process. The artist felt that it would be too risky to complete such a large work in just one session. Lex wasn't pleased about that: it meant that superman's ass would be off limits for twice as long as he thought it would be, but he could give up the tattoo idea or "make do," which he did. superman's mouth was sore during the whole period of the tattooing process. kevin/superman could understand why Lex had pierced him: his chest could be seen at the gym, and if they went out and he was wearing one of the tight fitting shirts Lex favored for him, the ring pattern showed. It let the world know: he was taken and a bottom (any doubts were solved by the collar he wore as well). But a tattoo on his butt? No one was going to see that except Lex and himself. Lex had said that he was going to make sure NO ONE got superman's ass but him, and even if he changed his mind, superman thought, any other TOP would know that he had been "loaned" by Lex. When superman asked and explained why he didn't understand, Lex just laughed. "You're forgetting that YOU'LL be seeing it, slave stud. Every time you look at your butt in the mirror, you'll be reminded: this time, it's permanent. You won't get away from me again." superman recalled the look of total victorious glee on Lex's face, after which he said "not telling you that just made me hard. Knees, bitch. Get the zipper opened. SUCK". "Yes sir." While superman sucked his Master, Lex twisted the nipple ring. He was admiring superman's smooth chest, and remarked "I think we'll need a really thorough shaving really soon. Probably right after Part 2 of the marking. Heh heh. Your face when you shave your own pubes: priceless."

When they had gone to the tattoo artist the first time, of course superman had to strip. He felt very uncomfortable getting naked in front of someone other than Lex, but Lex looked at him and said simply "electric toothbrushes". That meant superman would do as he were told, or when Lex tied him down that night to milk him, the brushes would go all over his feet. He muttered "Yes sir," and as he lay face down on the working table the artist remarked to Lex "Interesting. I've seen a lot of cock rings in my day, but never a green one. Some significance to that?" "My favorite color" Lex answered. "I see. Okay, let's get started, Tonight, I'll just but in 'IVAN'S.' Capital letters, black and bold, correct, Mr. Luthor." "Absolutely correct." "I CAN use some kind of analgesic. That would eliminate most, if not all of the pain that kevin might feel." "kevin has a high threshold for pain. He doesn't need the analgesic. Right kevin?" "No Sir. I'll be fine." "Very well." The artist started. He put down a stencil of the word and he stopped almost immediately after he had begun to work with his tracing needle "I apologize. For some reason, this needle doesn't seem to want to function. It's not penetrating the dermis. I'll need to move to a stronger one." This happened three more times, until finally, he said "You know, I really hesitate to do this, but I'm going to recommend that I use the needle I use when I mark a saddle, or some other inanimate product. Without question, kevin has the most resilient skin I've ever seen in a client" Lex knew that this was the result of the return of some of superman's powers. He answered by saying simply "I told you he was quite resilient. That's part of the reason." He began thinking that he might have to consider upping the quantity of kryptonite in the cock ring and collar.

Notwithstanding the reslience of his skin, superman DID feel pain during the process. He tried as hard as he could to keep quiet - he knew Lex did not want him to make a scene, but the tatting was not only hurting him, it was arousing him. The artist laughed at one point. "What do you guys eat, Mr. Luthor? " In fact, he had seen this happen many times. He had just never seen a cock as beautiful as kevin/superman's, and because he understood the dynamic completely, he couldn't help but think "what a waste. Luthor must have a HUGE one."

For the first night after the tatting, Lex didn't even require a blow job. He just let kevin/superman sleep. The next day, though, superman learned that Lex had been thinking about how to "carry on" even with the need to stress superman's butt as little as possible. "Milking time, bull boy," Lex announced, and superman paled. If he had to lay on that hard machine, with a sore, healing ass. "Face down. I reinstalled the cock hole in the table. Your cock will fit through there, and I'll attach the milker from the bottom." After he had set up the milker, Lex had another thought. He slid the foot stockade over, to lock superman's ankles. He was going to use the toothbrushes like he had threatened, but he had another idea. superman heard the brushes and braced himself for foot torture. Instead, he felt the bristles tickling the outer rim of his asshole, and then sliding down to the hole, grazing it every so slightly. Pinned down by restraints and the stocks, superman couldn't rear up to take more, but he wanted it. Lex had set the speed of the brushes just right, and he was aroused as he was when Lex ate him - maybe moreso. The load superman blew that night, was the biggest one he had ever shot. Lex was impressed. "My my. Seems we have a way to generate even MORE product from my breeding bull." He whispered into superman's ear. "You liked that, didn't you superbitch?" "OH GOD, yes sir." "Well, let's just remember that for next time. For now though, since you're in a real good position..." Lex moved in front of superman's head and dropped his pants. "What the fuck are you waiting for? I liked it too." superman tried to push up how much saliva he was producing, and deep throated Lex for the second time that day.

Through his domination, kevin had continued to go to work. Lex's ultimate plan was to appear in public as Ivan and kevin, Dom and sub, and to keep their roles as Lex and superman in the privacy of the loft; however, the condition of superman's ass was such that he was working shorter days while he healed. On one of the days he was home, standing chained to the wall as Lex tested how much weight he could sustain on the chain of nipple clamps , Lex had an idea. "Let's check in with Jacques. I wonder how things are going with Robin. I haven't heard anything back from Jacques, and he'd let me know if he wanted his money back, so I assume things are fine, but... He went to the computer and in a few minutes, Jacques voice floated through the room: " 'ALLO Lex. How are you?" "Jacques mon ami, I'm fine. I was checking in because I like to know my customers are satisfied and I haven't heard from you. How is Robin working out for you?" "AH, Lex, I must tell you: I believe that I have gotten a bargain from you after all these years. He is SUCH a beauty, and he understands his situation so well." Lex smiled. "That is good to hear, my friend." "Oui. The first few days were difficult, to say the least, but when he continued to resist, I used that cock cage that can carry a charge you made for me when we were.... younger," and now... OH, he is so incredibly docile .. Unless I do not want him to be." "How is his French, Jacques?" "AH, you cut to the chase Monsieur. Robin has become an excellent cocksucker. Again, a bit of persuasion. I do not think it was you who taught me about dental mouth spreaders, or those gags with the cavity in them, but a bit of those, overcame any resistance." He lowered his voice. "I know the story is that he did not have any kind of relationship with the Batman, but I do not believe it. He is such a quick study." He laughed. "Except for French language. He is certainly not a scholar. American youth. They have no discipline." "Well, I'm sure that your French ways will convince him." "Heh heh. He has felt the riding crop more than once, and on more of his body than just his ass. BUT... Monsieur Lex, I must tell you what a brilliant idea I had after a flogging session with the young man. His ass was so red - so BRIGHT red, and I remembered: do you Americans not speak of Robin red breast? Well.... I have insisted that he wear bright red shirts. Whatever the style, he IS my Robin redbreast. I do intend to have him work for me at the studio in the future. For now he is using that strength of his in the warehouse." "Have you found an appropriate gym for him?" "AH OUI! And that is another story Lex. He was approached by another boy at the gym - a Spaniard who worked in Switzerland and now lives here in France." He began to laugh. "He is even shorter than Robin and is what I guess you would call a bear cub? Well, he thought Robin was single and a Top. OH, it was such a joy when I allowed Robin to bring him home to dinner and he met Robin's... partner." "CHARMING JACQUES. ABSOLUTELY CHARMING." "Would you perhaps like to say hello to him?" "I would love that. I think superman would too" "ALLORS ROBIN. S'IL VOUS PLAIT." Lex heard a meek "Oui Monsieur Charles," and then Jacques provided some room for Robin to sit in front of the screen. "Monsieur Luthor. This is a surprise." Lex was pleased, but not surprised. Jacques was known as a very strict disciplinarian and had clearly broken Robin's of his profanity laden screeds. And he DID look good in the bright, tight fitting red shirt. "I did want to look in on you young man. You are looking very well," "Merci, Monsieur. Master Charles is taking very good care of me. OH, MY ERROR. MONSIEUR CHARLES." "Master Charles will be fine, Robin. Would you like to speak to superman?" "Only if it is permitted Monsieur" The submissive tone of Robin's speech was making Lex more and more delighted. "Robin. Are you ok?" "Of course I am superman. How are you?" "I'm fine. I'm in the midst of getting a tattoo." "A tattoo? I never thought that was something superman would do." There was an awkward silence, and Jacques intervened "Robin, you have much to learn. If I decided you should have a tattoo...." "I would get a tattoo Monsieur Charles." "Tres bien." He sighed. "Lex, educating the young must proceed on so many levels, and I am afraid I must go because...tonight Robin is going to have a lesson in self control. Every drip of pre-cum will result in either five strikes from the riding crop, or five minutes of tickling. I have not decided which." "Well, I'm glad this is working for you, Jacques. Be well and we will speak again." "Oh, Lex.. perhaps you and your slave could come and visit at some point?" "Well, I will take that as an invitation, Sir. We would be delighted. You and I will work out the details. "Bon soir Lex. I know it is late for you, and I'm sure you have much to do. "

"What is going on with your boy, Ivan?" The tattoo artist looked up at Ivan. kevin was strapped down like the first time. The artist held a broken needle in his hand. "This is the needle I used the last time. It won't get in this time. What's happening with his skin?" "He's on a new medication and I think that's a side effect. It'll reverse in a bit." Lex began to consider whether he had to start doing something else with kryptonite. superman's body had grown some more: he had just had to get him all new shirts because he was popping too many buttons on the ones he was wearing. Lex had been testing superman. From what he could tell, the two visions: x ray and heat, had come back some, but not enough to be an issue. Clearly, invulnerability was returning, as was some of his strength. The increase in strength had seemed to pause. Flying and super speed had not come back. In his head, Lex thought "so far, I don't have to do anything. A good body: a HOT body: what's not to like? He's not strong enough to fight me, and he may never be, Can't escape - athough I don't think he wants to. Status quo for a while" "HOKAY. Let's hope we can finish this job, Know what I use this one on, Ivan? Ox hide." It worked, but not without pain for superman. In about 2 hours, the word "BITCH" displayed right below Ivan. superman's body was covered with sweat, and the pain on his right cheek radiated throughout his body. But it was done. "Now all I have to do is keep away from it for another week. GREAT" Lex muttered. "GET UP BITCH. We're going home." "Yes sir." During that week, Lex seemed to get tired of oral sex. He let superman/kevin recover from the second part of the tattooing. There was no respite from the milking, however, and now that Lex had learned new ways to stimulate his sub, superman was milked twice a day. When he drank his cocktail from the semen supernatant, Lex could confirm, at least anecdotally, that part of superman's powers had come back, because he started to bulk up and get stronger too. He liked the feeling: it meant that he'd be able to keep superman under control if he decided to get rebellious - something that didn't seem likely. Somehow, breaking superman as "kevin," without the use of kryptonite, seemed to have turned on a deeper, stronger submissive switch in the man. In his previous two submissions, superman had always been rebellious. Not now.

"It was a week yesterday, superbottom. You know what that means." "Yes sir. Back to getting fucked." "You sound like you don't want it, bitch. Too bad." "I'm sorry if that's how it sounded Sir. I don't have any say about it. I had been thinking about the club later this week." "Me too, stud. Me too. And it's making me absurdly hard. You know what you have to do." "Yes sir." superman headed for the table and Lex told him to go to the bedroom instead. "I milked you an hour ago. This is gonna be just plain old butt fucking. With restraints." The wrist shackles went on superman, and his legs went in the air. The fire in Lex's eyes confirmed what superman thought was going to happen. As Lex's mouth disappeared and superman felt his tongue licking around the newly sensitized flesh outside of his hole, he began to moan. He moaned so loudly that Lex got up, got a roll of duct tape, and sealed his mouth. superman's eyes got bigger because, now that he had a beard, getting the tape off was going to be painful - a fact Lex knew and which made him even harder. He was so hard that when he entered superman, he drove in further than he had in a long, LONG time. It had been two weeks since superman had experienced this feeling and he was flooding with endorphins. Then he snapped a shackle. Lex heard it and IMMEDIATELY grabbed superman's nipple to immobilize him. "TRYING TO ESCAPE BIG MAN? " Frantically, superman shook his head NO." He knew there would be punishments for that. Lex grabbed a rope restraint and retied superman. "Guess who's gonna spend some time in the chair this afternoon?" When Lex said "the chair," he was referring to the one he had designed for superman: two extensions came off of each arm and each held a hitachi. He would tie superman's arms to each of the chair arms, adjust the extensions and then set an intensity to keep superman edged. "Edged" might be too kind a word because for this one, he would cage superman's cock. Had you walked into the loft that afternoon, you would have seen the former man of steel, shirtless, in nothing but white athletic pants, gagged with duct tape, tied to the chair, with a hitachi buzzing at each side of his crotch. Lex had set the timer for medium and 90 minutes, then went to his lab. When the alarm went off, and the hitachis shut down, he came into the room. He glared at superman. "You learn your lesson, big man?" superman nodded. "You gonna try anything like that again?" Now superman's head moved left to right, to say no. "GOOD. Because next time, we may do that with the spider clamps. " He grinned. "You nice and juiced big boy?" That got a BIG head nod. "Well, maybe we'll get another milking session in" He took the gag off superman who gasped out "I'm sorry Sir. It was just a nervous reaction." "Well, you'll have to control your nerves, bottom." "Yes sir. Again, sorry." "You just better hope you produce the required quota." Lex locked superman into the new position on the milking machine and stood in front of him, jerking off as the milker did its work. Even Lex wouldn't be able to cum so soon after he deposited a load in superman's ass, but the hardening of his cock, SO close to superman's mouth, got the man of steel so riled up, so aroused, that he DID in fact more than produce his required load. Lex tossled his hair. "Good boy. Now this afternoon, you'll do a good, complete shaving so that we're all ready for tomorrow night. I can't wait to introduce Ivan's new boy, kevin ."


"kevin" went to work on that Friday as usual. Two of his co-workers gave him a look: he was working without a jacket, and his bigger arms showed. "Kevin, are you juicing?" One co-worker asked. Kevin blushed and smiled. "Oh, no, just a lot of working out and a helluva lot of protein powder. It's a plan that I do every once in a while. I'll be off it now. No more growth. "GOD, I'd love to be CRUSHED by those arms," he thought as he smiled, walked away to the men's room, and jerked off thinking about what it would be like to be kevin's bottom. The co-worker wasn't the only one who found kevin exceptionally attractive that day. Lex had, when kevin went off to work, and since they were going to be out when he would normally be stuffing his dick into superman, he made plans to fuck his slave when he came home to work. "Take off your glasses, and just get on the platform, stud." His hand was on superman's ass, and he was squeezing. This is MINE. And you need to know it before we go out." "Yes sir. Ivan's bitch." Lex enjoyed undressing kevin/superman, and he did that after kevin was spread out on the platform. As he opened shirt buttons, Lex began chewing on superman's left nipple, and pulling the ring in the right one. superman squirmed: it was intense for him, especially with Lex's knee pointed directly at his balls and pushing. "Who wants to get fucked?" Lex asked, smiling. "I do Sir. I do. By you. By your big dick." "Oh, you're gonna get your wish stud muffin." And again, the pants went off, superman's legs went up, and he felt the familiar waddle teasing the walls of his intestine. He LOVED the feeling. There were times he wished Lex would shove a plug up his butt before he went to work, but Lex thought that to have superman as eager as he clearly was, was the better way to proceed. "TAKE IT YOU FUCKING CONQUERED BITCH" Lex yelled as he shot deeply into superman. He wasn't milking his prize for product that evening, but he slowly, VERY slowly jerked off superman, "so we can get the cage on for tonight."

You probably want to hear about the night at the club, right? Well, first Lex became "Ivan" by putting in a pair of blue tinted contacts and then by changing from one black outfit to another. He put kevin into tight jeans, and a leather vest over a harness. Of course, he added the requisite arm band to kevin's collar, a chastity cage and the kryptonite cock ring. He put a bunch of his new nipple clamps in his pocket to demonstrate at the club. (Jacques had expressed interest in a tickle corset, as had Paul. Lex sent one off to his French friend and gave one to his loyal employee. As Ivan and kevin were making their way to the club in the back of the limousine, kelly was howling on Paul's bed, his hands cuffed above him, begging "Master Paul" to take the corset off. Robin didn't know what was in the package from Lex that arrived the day before, but he had a feeling....

"WOOF" The yell came from one, then two, then about five guys in total as Ivan walked into the bar with kevin, his wrists tied behind him, ladybug clamps on his nipples, and with a black leather strap gagging him. "HEY. I know you. I shoulda known you were Ivan's boy. Who else?" It was the guy who had noticed the clamps at the gym. He looked at Ivan. "Apologies for talking to your slave without permission Sir Ivan, I'm Marco. I saw the clamps on it at the gym and... DAMN they're hot. Ivan smiled. "Would you like a sample pair?" "SHIT I'D LOVE THEM. THANK YOU." He turned around. "BRAD. Get over here." "Yes sir..." a skinny dirty blond with a moustache came over. "Stand still." Marco opened his shirt and put the clamps on his nipples. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. THANK YOU SIR." Soon there was a crowd gathered as Ivan showed off the clamps. He was explaining how they could work on any part of the body, including balls, or under the arm, or even, he thought, between a slave's toes. He turned to kevin. "We haven't tried that yet. Time for everything boy." "Yes sir, he muttered out of his gag. "Master Ivan... do you keep it caged?" "Not usually. Tonight for sure but I expect my boy to exercise self care and self care means self restraint." He smiled as he held kevin's forearm. "He's learning, aren't you boy?" "mmmmmph" kevin answered while shaking his head. "Would you mind if I..." A top man put out a gloved hand to tweak kevin's nipple. "Actually, I would Sir," Ivan smiled and answered. "I will demonstrate." He gently stroked the back of the ladybug on kevin's left nipple. The questioner, as well as three other older DOMS, all mouthed a "WOW" as they saw the moaning response that kevin gave. "HA! I bet he's caged. Otherwise we'd see a rise in that crotch." "Damn right he's caged. Surrounded by all this testosterone, I'm not letting him get used to men admiring him." "Well, he IS stunning." One guy mentioned. "Sorta reminds me of superman." "Ha ha. NAH. He's better looking than superman, trust me stud." "Well, I better go and find my boy. flavio tends to wander. He's probably in the bathroom, plotting with some other subs. If I catch him, he's gonna get the shit tickled out of him tonight." "He's a tickle slave?" Ivan asked. "Hey, take a business card. They're not on the market yet. I'm meeting with the guy who's gonna be selling them exclusively, but I make tickle corsets too. They do the job when you can't." "Now THAT's something I'd be interested in," the guy said to Ivan. "See, flavio has this tendency to... shall we say, wander off. He's chipped now so I can track him, but it hasn't stopped him." He shook his head. "My fault for wanting a hot model for my boy. " He smiled at Ivan. "You guys take care. I better go find him. And I will check in about the corset.

Three days later, flavio was screeching, begging Snopes to take the thing off him, screaming that he'd never try to get away again, he'd do everything he was told, yadda yadda. Snopes left it on.


And so we leave our little group now, readers. superman and Lex (or, kevin and Ivan, as you wish to have it) will head off for a while. If you'd like to read about Jacques and Robin, or the guards and their new boys, just let me know. And thanks for reading. If this story gave you even a tincture of joy during these times, then the writer has succeeded. Be well. And check out my other stories under ropingtop. More than that though, give a few bucks to this site.

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