Powers of Darkness

By Joey Romero

Published on Aug 26, 2007


see chapter 1 for Disclaimer

Chapter 2> A night of endless dreams

Harry walked to his bedroom widow to see who was calling his name at this time of the night. It was about 10:30 when Harry got home. He had just made it in the nick of time before his Aunt and Uncle came in the house. When he got to the widow to see who was outside, there was no one there. But he still heard someone calling his name. "Harry Potter," the voice said once more. He grabbed his wand, a little on edge now. He looked around his room, still hearing the voice, even closer. He walked to his closet and heard the voice calling his name from in there. He slowly opened the door to see who was inside. Dobby the house elf comes rolling out of the closet as soon as he opened it . "Dobby!What were you doing in there?" Hank looked shocked. Dooby got up from the floor of Hank's room and sat on his bed.

"Dobby here sir to give you this. It is a letters from your friends."

"Dobby, have you've been talking my letters again?" Harry asked, a little mad. The poor house elf just looked at him with a sad face. "No, sir. Dobby has not been taking your letters again, but some one else has. Dobby was only sent to find, and worn Hank Palmer to leave this place. That he is in great danger, and would be safer back with his friends."

Hank just looked at Dobby and asked him if he knew who had been talking his letters and hiding them from him.

"No, sir. Dobby does not know. But, may Dobby go back to Heathrow, sir? Harry just looked at Dobby and, with a nod, Dobby left. Harry was now alone with a whole lot of letters from his friends. He walked over to his bed and started to read every one of the letters, but he started to get too tired and he finally crashed before reading the last one.


There was Harry, in the same old dream he'd been having about his mate, Adrian, for the last past week. Adrian was standing by his closet door, getting undressed like he did before, but there was something different this time. Hank had always waked up when it came down to Adrian removing his underwear. Something had changed in the dream. It got all dark, and Harry found himself standing alone, hearing cries for help. Harry started to run, trying to find the voice. " Help me, Harry. Please help me," the voice was crying out to him once more. Harry knew to whom the voice belonged; it was Adrian. So he started to run even faster. When he got to the place, he was in shock. There was Adrian, naked on the floor, with marks all over his body. "Adrian," said Harry, as he got closer to his mate, but something stopped him. Three ghost-like things got in his way, surrounding Adrian.

"Foolish boy. There's no one coming for you. You're all alone. No one wants you, so why don't you let us end it all for you? Your body is ours now, boy, and nothing can change that." All three ghost were now shocking Adrian's body, and there was nothing Harry could do for him. He tried calling out to him but got no response. And, then, there was Adrian, holding out his hand for Hank, but he couldn't reach him. Adrian's hand slowly started to fall, as his body became lifeless. The last words from his mouth were, "Sorry, Harry.With one single teardrop falling from his face, he lay there, dead.

"Adrian!" Harry woke up, screaming and in a sweat. He got up as fast as he could, leaving the last letter from Ron and Hermonie in his nightstand. He got dressed, and ran down the stairs and out the front door, not paying any attention to his Aunt and Uncle who were in the kitchen and calling out his name. He ran as fast as he could to Adrian's house. All Harry could think about was Adrian. He didn't know whether to take the dream for real or not because, in the past, some of his dreams always meant that something bad was going to happen. For Harry, this was one dream he did not want to come true at all. As soon as he reached Adrian's front door, he started to bang on it, yelling out Adrian's name. "Adrian!" Harry yelled again but no one answered. He got even more worried. He was about to give up when the front door unlocked and opened. There was Adrian in his bathrobe, wiping his eyes. "Harry" Adrian said, "What's wrong? You're pounding on my door like a mad man."

Hank just bust into tears in Adrian's arms. "Why are you crying?"

"I was worried something bad had happened to you," Harry said, now looking into Adrian's eyes

"Nothing is wrong, Harry. I'm fine. You don't have to worry so much, okay?"

As they broke from their hug, Harry noticed something on Adrian's shoulder that wasn't there before. It was like some type of wound. "What's that wound, Adrian?"

"Oh this? It's nothing. I fell last night, when I was coming down the stairs. Harry knew Adrian was lying to him; just by the way he was looking at him. "I really am fine now. I've got to go and take a shower, so I'll see you later."

Adrian kissed Harry and shut the door behind him, thinking to himself, 'that was a close one. If Harry saw all the marks on my body he'd flip out, and I can't bring him into my father's mess. If I did, I could never live with myself. Best that he be left in the dark, not knowing my family's deep dark secret.'

Harry started to walk back to his house, thinking about that mark he saw on Adrian's shoulder. He knew it was the same type of mark that he saw in his dream. But, why would Adrian lie to him? What was he not telling him? That's all Hank could think about on his way home. Hank reached the front door, and heard his Aunt and Uncle calling him.

His cousin, Dudley, was waiting in the hallway. "You're really going to get it now," he said, with an evil smirk on his face.

Harry just walked into the living room, where his Aunt and Uncle where waiting for him. His fat uncle was sitting in his chair. "Come here, boy!" he shouted. Harry walked up to his Uncle.

"Yes," he said.

"Why did you run out the door like that, boy?"

Harry looked at his Uncle angrily. "Well, that's really none of your concern, now, is it? said Hank.

"Since you think you can do things on your own, I'm grounding you. We're going out tonight and you get to stay home. Don't even think about leaving the House. I've got eyes everywhere, and I will know if you don't do exactly what I say. Oh, one more thing. You got double chore duties today, and you'd better get them done tonight, or else. Now, go to your room, and I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day. Got it? Now go!"

Harry walked up to his room, wishing that he could use his magic on his Uncle, turning him into something. Knowing that he couldn't do magic outside of school made him even more angry. He got to his bedroom and threw himself on the bed. Remembering that he had one more letter from his friends to read, he went to his nightstand, pulled out the letter, and opened it.

Dear Harry,

We've been kind of worried about you. There have been a lot of bad things going down here, with The Order and all. My Mum and Dad seem to think that you are in great danger. We've been sending you letters, hoping this one would reach you. The Order thinks that there is a new power rising to take over our world, as well as the muggle world. So, everyone is worried about this. Someone from The Order is going to pick you up in about two weeks. It would be much safer for you to be here with us. I just only hope that this letter reaches you in time, before something or someone gets you. Please, Harry, be on your guard. Don't trust anyone for the time being, okay? Well, I've got to go. Hope to see you really soon.

Your best mate,


Harry was stunned at what he just read. There's a new power coming to take both worlds? How was he going to handle this one? Harry looked at the date on the letter, thinking to himself that someone from The Order was coming in two weeks. 'So, the letter was sent about a week ago. So, that only left one more week. What am I going to tell Adrian? That I have to go away for a while?' Harry spent all day thinking about what he was going to tell Adrian. When he heard his Uncle yell that they were leaving, he poked his head out of his bedroom door. "Okay, whatever," he yelled back. Harry stayed in his room, thinking about what he was going to tell his mate, Adrian. How was he going to go about this, without telling him everything about his magic? That's all he could think about until he fell fast asleep.


There he was once more. There was Adrian by his closet door, getting undressed. There he was, once again, standing alone and hearing cries for help. Again, Harry started to run toward the voice. "Help me, Harry. Please help me," the voice was crying out to him once more. Again, he knew it was Adrian calling to him. Again, there was Adrian, naked on the floor, with marks all over his body. Again, three ghost-like things stopped him. Again, the words: "Foolish boy. There's no one coming for you. You're all alone. No one wants you, so why don't you let us end it all for you? Your body is ours now, boy, and nothing can change that." Again the ghosts were shocking Adrian and there was nothing he could do. Again, he couldn't reach him and, again, he said, "Sorry, Harry."

Harry awoke, again in a sweat. Now he was getting really worried about his mate. He'd been having the same dream about him for three days now, and there still had not been any word from Adrian either. Every time Hank stopped by Adrian's house, his Dad always answered the door, saying that Adrian off with some friend, and wouldn't be back until really late. Harry got a very bad feeling from Adrian's Dad, but there was really nothing he could do about it. He decided to see if Adrian's Dad was telling the truth or not. The day before he was to leave, Hank made a pact with himself, to see if Adrian was all right. He had to be sure. So, that night, Hank got his things ready to be off. He waited until the Dursleys fell asleep. Then he opened his bedroom widow and jumped out. He made his way to Adrian's house. When he got there, it looked like no one was home, but there was a faint light coming from one of the rooms in the back. It looked like candle light. Harry made his way to the back yard, and he heard cries for help. Harry ran as fast as he could and looked in the widow. What he saw would change everything. Just like in his dream, there was Adrian, naked and on the floor, with marks all over his body.

" Adrian," said Harry. As he was staring at his mate through the window, he could see three ghost-like things surrounding Adrian, just like in his dream.

"Foolish boy. There's no one coming for you. You're all alone. No one wants you, so why don't you let us end it all for you? Your body is ours now, boy, and nothing can change that." All three ghost were shocking Adrian's body, and there was nothing Hank could do for him. He tried calling out to him, but got no response. Adrian could see Harry at the widow and, just like in the dream, he was holding out his hand but he couldn't reach him. Adrian's hand slowly started to fall, as his body became lifeless. Harry couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed a rock and threw at the window, shattering it into pieces. The ghosts heard the sound and disappeared. Harry jumped through the window and ran to Adrian's side. He held Adrian in his arms, bursting into tears. Adrian just looked up into Hank's eyes and said, "Sorry, Harry." And, with a single tear drop falling from his face, he lay there, dead. "Adrian!" Harry screamed.

There he was, with Adrian's lifeless body in his arms, crying. "I didn't get to tell you how I feel about you, Adrian, and I know you can't hear me, but I love you. Adrian, don't leave me please. You hear me? I love you!" All of a sudden there was a bright light shinning in front of Harry and Adrian. It was Adrian's mother who appeared in front of him. "Harry Potter," she said. My son is not really dead. You can bring him back. It not his time to leave this world."

"How can I do that?" Haeey asked. The bracelet that my son gave you will do the trick. If you truly love my son with all your heart, kiss him, and he will come back to you. Hank just looked at Adrian's lifeless body and slowly pressed his lip against Adrian's. He had tears running down his face, praying that this would bring his lover back to him.

Adrian's body started to glow from the kiss Harry was giving him and his eyes slowly opened as his arms wrapped around Hank's shoulders. They broke their kiss. "Hank, Adrian said. How did I come back?" He turned his head and was in shock at what he saw. "Mum, is that really you?"

"Yes, my son, it's me. I'm so pleased that you have found love, and I know there are many question you have. But, this is not the time. I want you to get your things, and go with Hank, before they come back for you. I've got to go now, but know this my son: I will always love you, and I will always be with you in your heart, so don't cry for me anymore. Farewell, my son."

Before Adrian could tell her that he loved her, she was gone. Harry helped Adrian to his feet. "Come on. Let's get your stuff before they come back."

Harry and Adrian made their way to Adrian's bedroom. Adrian started to help getting his things together while Adrian was getting some clothes on. He could see the wounds all over Adrian's body, but said nothing. Adrian turned to Harry with a blank stare. "Are you okay, Adrian?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks to you."

Adrian went to Harry and kissed him. "Thank you."

"Well it looks like we have every thing. You're coming to stay with me until tomorrow. Then we'll be off somewhere great, okay Adrian?"

They both grabbed his stuff and went down the stairs, and out the front door. On the way, Harry was hoping that his Aunt and Uncle were asleep still, so he could sneak Adrian into his room. He knew that, tomorrow, they would be going to the Weasely's home. But, when they got there, Adrian stopped all of sudden. "What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"What about your Aunt and Uncle? I'm pretty sure they won't want me staying with them."

Harry just looked at Adrian. "Don't worry. We're leaving tomorrow night, anyways. Adrian looked at Harry, a little confused, but didn't ask where they were going. Hank quietly opened the front door. Harry was the first one in to make sure no one was up. When it was all clear, he let Adrian in, and they both went up the stairs to Harry's room. He opened his door and they both went in. Harry shut the door very carefully behind them. "We made it."

Adrian sat on Harry's bed and started to cry. Harry put Adrian's things down and went to his side. He put is arms around Adrian. "I'm sorry, Harry." That's all he could say.

"Don't worry about it, okay?" Adrian just looked in Harry's eyes and said thank you.

Harry saw that Adrian's wounds were bleeding through his shirt. "Adrian, take off your shirt. I've got to treat your wounds." Adrian did what Harry told him, and lay on his stomach. Harry left the room for a minute and than came back with some bandages and some warm water. He dipped the towel into the warm water and started to clean Adrian's wounds. After that was done, he started to put the bandages on.

"Harry," Adrian said softly.

"Yes, Adrian?" Harry said.

Adrian sat up, put a hand on Harry's face, and went in for a sweet kiss . They slowly started to lay on Harry's bed, still kissing each other. Adrian's hand started to roam up under Harry's shirt, feeling every inch of Harry's chest. Harry moaned softly at his touch. Adrian took Harry's shirt off, and started kissing his chest. He took one of Harry's nipples in his mouth and twisted the other with his hand. Harry loved it when Adrian did this; it drove him mad every time. Adrian slowly started to move down Harry's stomach, kissing ever so sweetly. He made his way down to Harry's pants and took them off. There was Harry's rigid boyhood, right in front of Adrian's face. Adrian started to lick the tip of Harry' cock head, and then slowly took every inch in his mouth, until it hit the back of his throat. Harry took one hand and brushed it through Adrian's hair, making him move up and down on his cock Harry was now in haven. He loved it when Adrian did this. After about five minutes, Adrian made his way back up to Harry's lips, locking them on to his. Now Harry slowly started to move Adrian onto his back. He made sure that Adrian was not hurting himself. Harry did the same things that Adrian had done to him; licking on one nipple while he twisted the other. Harry slowly made his way down to Adrian's shorts and slowly pulled them down. Adrian's cock flew out. Harry took hold of Adrian's cock and slowly started to pump it up and down, making Adrian moan a little. Hank stuck his tongue out and licked the top of Adrian's cock, first at the tip then slowly down the shaft. Harry made his way back up to the tip, and took Adrian's cock inside his mouth. Harry took every inch of Adrian's cock in his mouth, moving very slowly. He could tell that Adrian loved every minute of it. He was slowly moving his hips up and down so his cock would move in and out. Harry took Adrian's cock out of his mouth and made his way back up to his lips. Both boys were on there sides, kissing, with their hands roaming over each other's body. Both of their cocks were pressed against each other, rubbing up and down like they were dancing. Both boys were shaking when there cocks were rubbing against each other.

"Harry, I want you inside me," Adrian whispered in his ear.

Harry looked at Adrian. "Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"More than anything in my life. Make love to me, Harry Potter" said Adrian.

Harry took the lotion from his nightstand and opened it. He put some on the tip of his finger and made his way down to Adrian's tight hole. He rubbed some on the out side of his hole, then took some more and slowly pushed his finger in. Adrian was in a little pain at first, but it was nothing he could not handle. Harry pushed in and out of Adrian's hole, making it loose. Then he took another finger and pushed both inside of Adrian. He did this for about five minutes, and then Adrian gave him a look to let him know that he was ready. He put Adrian's legs over his shoulders, and put the tip of his cock at the entrance of Adrian's hole. He pushed in very slowly. Harry could tell that Adrian's was in a lot of pain, and wanted to stop, but Adrian told him to keep on going. So he did, until every inch of his cock was inside of Adrian. They waited for about ten minutes until Adrian's pain went away. Harry went in for a kiss from Adrian, and slowly started to move in and out. Both boys were in heaven. Harry continued to push in and out of Adrian and Adrian let him know that it was okay. Harry started to move faster. Hank was close and so was Adrian.

" Harry, I'm going to cum."

"Me too, Adrian. Let's cum at the same time."

Awwwwwww, ohhhhh, Harry. I'm cuming. I'm cuming. Awwwww! Both boys shot their loads. Harry lay his head on Adrian's chest. He really didn't want this night to end. He let himself fall out of Adrian and gave him a long kiss. Both boys were now in each other's arms, looking up at the sealing. Harry noticed that Adrian had fallen fast asleep. He moved slowly out of Adrian's arms so he would not wake him. Then he went to his desk, pulled out a parchment, and wrote Ron a letter .

Dear Ron,

I can wait to see you and Hermonie when I get there. But something has changed in my plans. You see, I'm going to have to bring a friend because his life is in danger. If he stays here it will be really awful. I really can't get into any details right now, but I will tell everyone when I get there. So please tell your Mum and Dad so they don't have to worry, okay? And, when you get this, please write me back as soon as possible.

Sincerely your best mate,

Harry J Potter

Harry folded the parchment and put it in an envelope. He took Headwig out of her cage and sent her out the window. Hank got back into bed and fell fast asleep. The next morning Harry awoke and didn't see Adrian in bed. He turned and there was Adrian, looking out the widow. Harry got out of bed went behind him, kissing his shoulder. He put his arms around his waist. "Hey you, what's wrong?"

Adrian just turned and said, "I've got to tell you some thing that I've haven't told anyone for five years, and I don't think your going to like it at all.

Next: Chapter 3

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