Practice makes perfect

By chris agotho

Published on May 22, 2006



I'm not above finding a friend for a quick fuck. That wonderful chance meeting of eyes, the unspoken acknowledgement of "oh yea, you and me" then rushing towards a bathroom or car where penises begin bubbling merrily moments later. "And what's your name?" Ah, but he's gone, and to be honest, I don't really care about his name. Sometimes you want to be in love, sometimes not. Sometimes a man just wants another man inside. Nice clean skin, a pretty face, a hard cock. And oh...the magic of new flesh. Everyone goes home happy.

Times of seduction are a different matter of course. The chasing of a young man who isn't quite sure, the wonderful moment when he allows himself to be my such work is tedious sometimes, but the payoff is bliss. Ever struggled for weeks with a young fellow fresh out of highschool? The kind who is quiet and thoughtful, you know? For me (and everyone is different, yes?) they are the most rewarding. Finding his tender boundaries then slowly tightening the circle until his salty cum slides down my tongue. Bullseye indeed.

Billy C. was such a boy/man, his 19 years refused me for over 9 months. We fucked for a solid week in October after a slow approach finally led him home. Repetition is so important when teaching a boy about sex. One small encounter can lead to overwhelming guilt and debilitating inner questioning. When Billy finally gave into my gentle masturbating hand, his bright eyes went from astonishment to anger to tears in a matter of seconds. What monster wouldn't stay to suck and finger Billy back to happiness? So of course I leaned in quickly to drink the sticky warmth, to work the shaft back to perfection. And the second cum was more trusting, so much more relaxed.

By the time I was masturbating into his face, Billy's shame was turning into...a quirky lustful smile. Only a half-smile mind you, his demons (he later told me) were still whispering "how wrong!" and "how disgusting!" The splash of me into his smile altered things momentarily as we collapsed in gooey kisses punctuated with mad laughter.

And so it goes. Repetition transforms the wildly emotional into a hunger all its own. Gosh, after he's tasted the strange pleasures two dozen times or more, a boy will hardly run away from himself. For the next three nights Billy and I wrestled philosophically while bathing in cum. What an amazing bath! Billy licked my asshole, his whole body trembling with erection and excitement...then questioned what was happening to his world. He lay spread out in many positions, groaning as my cock slid in and out, and in the very act we spoke of God, Jesus and sin. We talked of his mother's feelings, and I fucked him. We spoke of his girlfriend, what she would say, and I fucked him. On the fourth morning we awoke and masturbated each other and Billy's eyes glazed over with crazy lust. No words were spoken this day.

And then it began. I had been reaching for him for each encounter, luring him into my desires baby step by baby step. Today he reached for me, pushing me onto the floor, then riding me with mad abandon. I felt he was using me. And I loved that he needed to use me. When he screamed out in orgasm this time, there was no hesitant sound to his voice. This man and boy was mine completely. From deep within a guttural sound came forth and all we felt or heard together was raw pleasure.

What can you do with a couple of dicks and two willing men? You've been there most likely, imagine and you'll see how we spent the next nights and days.

I'm not sure if we're born gay or not. I prefer to believe it's a conversion effort, a coaxing which leads unbelievers to...fanaticism. I've lain hands upon many a young and old man who never looked back afterwards. And I think the two of us (whatever friend happened to be with me) always had fun after the initial resistance turned into heat. It's just so doggone difficult for someone to feel guilty if you keep eating their cum and finding places for them to stick their penis. Simplicity is best J

Billy now? Oh he's a few years older of course (ain't we all, sigh...) but comes by to remember occasionally. We love different things sexually and pleasing one another is always such a beautiful dance of give and take. Once in a while he brings a young friend or two along. Sucking and fucking three boys, those gorgeous gorgeous cocks and soft young asses. Ah, but I'm rambling....

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little tale, drop a line if it pleases or displeases--suggestions are welcome too

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