Preston and Chip

By Stage Bear

Published on Mar 9, 2002



Preston and Chip (M/M) (anal) (oral) (first time) By Stage Bear 2002

This is a work of fiction involving consensual sex between two adult males. If this is illegal in your country, state or province, read no further. If you are under eighteen, seek your pleasure elsewhere.

Preston and Chip

Preston Miles truly believed he had now heard everything.

"Pres," his brother-in-law Chip said, "are you okay?"

"Um, yeah" Preston replied. "Just give me a minute here, okay?"

"Sure, kid. I didn't mean to spring this on you like that. Are you pissed?"

"No, uh-uh" Preston mumbled. "Look, Chip, maybe you'd better start at the beginning here. I mean I really want to understand this. Unless this is all bullshit. Is it? Are you trying to get over on me?"

"Pres, I swear, this has me a little freaked out, too" Chip answered.

"A little!" Pres exclaimed.

"Okay, a lot" Chip came back. "But please, listen, okay? Then, if you want to throw me out, it's on you."

28-year-old Preston knew he could, indeed, throw Chip out, literally. At 6'4" and 210 pounds of lean muscle, he easily had 40 pounds on the shorter, less developed Chip.

Chip had married Preston's sister Jeanna 18 years ago. High school sweethearts, neither Chip nor Jeanna had extensive experience with the opposite sex when they married. Preston knew Jeanna was a virgin, and he had suspected Chip was as well. But nothing prepared him for the story about to unfold.

Chip slugged down the rest of his beer and began his story.

"Okay, well, last month Jeanna went to a party thrown by one of the girls in the office. You know how they're always having these "home parties" where they sell each other stuff"

"Yeah" said Preston.

"Yeah" continued Chip, "well, this one was called Intimate Evenings. I figured it was nighties and lingerie and that kinda crap. Only it wasn't. It was sex toys."

"You're shitting me!" Preston cried, "My sister at a sex toy party? Whatever happened to Tupperware?" Preston began to laugh.

"I know, I know. How weird is that?" Chip answered. "I mean Jeanna knows nothing about that stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, we do fine in the bedroom department, we just never needed that junk."

"Gotcha" Preston said, preferring not to imagine his sister in the "bedroom department".

"So anyway," Chip went on, "Jeanna figures she has to buy something, 'cause she doesn't want to piss off this chick from work. So she picks up what she figures is the least offensive item.'

"And that was-?" Preston asked.

"A seven inch anatomically correct vibrator" was Chip's answer.

Preston began to laugh once again. "And that was the least offensive item?"

"Believe me, if you heard some of the stuff they had there" Chip replied, "you'd wonder how people had sex before electronics and blow up dolls."

"Oh, shit." Preston began laughing harder.

"Hang on there, Pres, it gets weirder. So, a night or two later, Jeanna and I were, you know, getting it on. We were joking around about her "purchase", and she said that now I had some stiff competition. So I said 'Fuck you!' kidding around, of course. And she came back with 'No, Fuck YOU', and she pulled out the vibrator."

Preston was no longer laughing. "Um, dude, she didn't--you know--did she?"

Chip's face dropped. "No man, but when she was going down on me, she rubbed it around my balls. That felt good, ya know? But then-"

"Well, go on, Chipper. You got this far"

"She sort of rubbed it across my--asshole."

At this point, Preston couldn't help but notice that Chip was adjusting his equipment in his sweatpants.

"I couldn't believe it, Pres. I mean, I've never experienced anything like that in my life. And Jeanna noticed, too. She couldn't help but notice. I was moaning and grinding my ass, and my dick was leaking juice like a teenager."

"All from a vibrator on your asshole? Preston asked.

"Oh, man, you have no idea! It was unbelievable. But Jeanna was not happy"

"Why not? What happened?"

"Well, in the middle of all of this, she suddenly stops. She looks up at me and says 'You're kidding, right?' And I'm like, 'No, honey, it's great. Keep going!' Well, she snaps the vibrator off and curls up on her side of the bed"

"What was her problem?"

Chip looked sullen. "She said that only gay guys get off on that sort of thing, and if I was getting off on it, well--"

"She thinks you're gay?"

"Not any more. I convinced her that I was putting the whole thing on, just to get back at her for buying the damned thing."

"Only you weren't"

"Fuck no! It was the best feeling I've ever had. And I wanna have it again."

"So use the stupid thing yourself"

"I tried that," Chip explained, "but it wasn't the same. The feeling of being stroked and sucked while that fucker was buzzing around my hole--man!"

"Okay, so what's your option?"

"Well, first I figured I'd take a ride over to the Red Door Bookstore. You know it?"

"Yeah," Preston answered. "It's a shit hole where skag guys do each other in the movies, isn't it?"

"That's the one" Chip told him.

"Whoa, buddy. If you think you're gonna go there and get your rocks off and then bring that shit home to my sister--"

"Exactly, Pres. I can't do that. And it's not only the idea of getting some disease. I really love Jeanna. I don't want to fuck around on her."

"So what's left?"

Chip looked at Preston for a long time. "Preston, I need your help, bud."

"Look, Chip, I don't know any ladies who are in to that shit. Most of my girlfriends haven't even--" Preston stopped suddenly as he caught the meaning in Chip's eyes. "Whoa, Chip! You mean you want ME to play that shit with you?"

Chip looked scared. He'd expected this response, but he was still afraid that Preston would hit him, or, worse, tell Jeanna what he had in mind. "Preston, we've known each other for 20 years. You've seen me in the buff a million times. Hell, last summer we even compared hard-ons up in the mountains."

"Dude, I was drunk. And that was a joke. This is, this is--I don't know what this is, but count me out!"

Chip pressed the issue. "Look, Pres, I can't think of anyone else I'd ask to do this. I know it's insane. But if I have to, I'll go to the Red Door."

"And I'll tell Jeanna" Preston protested.

"I figured you'd say that. Tell her what? That her husbands a fag? I'm not, Pres, I swear I'm not. I'm 100% pussy lover all the way. But this thing, this feeling, is something I have to explore. And I'm going to, one way or another. So tell Jeanna, if you need to, but you'll be ruining her life, and the kids lives, for nothing."

Preston thought a moment. In a way, he understood what Chip was saying. It was, after all, only a human response. And if Chip was determined to do this, Preston figured it was better that it be with him. Safer, surely, and better for Jeanna and the kids.

"So, exactly what is it you want me to do, Chip?"

"I'll head into the bedroom and get ready. When I call you, come in. If you want to, you can take your clothes off. If not, that's okay too."

"Well, fuck, if I'm going to play fag I might as well look the part" Preston tried to lighten the mood a bit.

"This isn't fag stuff, Pres. Just a buddy helping a buddy"

"Oh no, Chipper. Moving furniture, buying beer, designated driving, that's helping a buddy. This is WAY above and beyond."

Chip smiled for the first time. "I owe you, Pres," he said as he headed for the bedroom.

"BIG time, Dude!" Pres muttered.

As soon as Chip was gone, Preston downed the last of his beer and went for another. He took a long swig from that one and then shucked off his shirt. That left him in his Adidas shorts and nothing else. He scratched his balls and wondered if he should grab a quick shower. "Fuck!" he thought, "Now I'm worried that he won't like my smell. Christ, what have I gotten myself into?" Further thought were cut off as Chip called from the bedroom.


"Coming" Preston said, and then stopped himself from laughing at his own slip. He moved toward the bedroom.

As he entered the bedroom, Preston saw that Chip had turned off all of the lights except the small lamp on the nightstand. Chip was naked on the bed, his semi hard dick slung over on one thigh, the flesh-tone vibrator at his side. Preston had seen Chip naked many times, but never in this context. It was the first time he had seen his brother-in-law as a sexual being. Of course, he wasn't thinking exactly in those terms. He only knew that, whatever was happening here, he was suddenly a willing participant.

Preston walked to his bed and sat at the edge. He picked up the vibrator and searched for an on switch.

"Twist the bottom" Chip whispered.

Preston did, and almost dropped it when the plastic cock in his hand sprang to life. It made his palm tingle, and he quaked a bit at the thought of that pleasant buzzing sensation raking across his asshole.

As though he had done this a million times, Preston leaned across the bed and placed the vibrator beneath Chip's balls. "Like this?" he said softly.

"Oh, Christ, Pres. Yeah, buddy"

Preston began to move the toy around Chip's balls. He worked his way around the nut sack and up to the base of Chip's cock, which was lengthening quickly.

Chip sighed as Preston played the toy around his crotch. "Lower, bud."

Preston dipped the vibrator under Chip's balls and began to move it in and out the cleft of the man's thighs. Chip responded by lifting his legs, allowing Preston access to his ass.

Preston had never seen a man's asshole up close, or a woman's either for that matter. "Those porn stories are right" he thought, "it does look kind of like a rosebud." Preston laughed inwardly at his own absurd thought. He tickled the vibrator across Chip's asshole, the way he imagined would feel good to his own. Preston's own dick began to harden, snaking out of the leg of his shorts,

Chip's response was immediate and almost violent. His whole body shuddered as he gripped his dick and began stroking it. Pre-cum leaked out of his piss slit and he rubbed it around the head of his dick, increasing his pleasure.

"Oh, fuck, Preston" Chip exclaimed. "That's fucking incredible."

Preston saw the look of pleasure on Chip's face. Chip's eyes were closed tight and his dick throbbed in his fist. He was rolling from side to side, careful not to lose contact with the source of his ecstasy. Preston would later wonder what made him do what he did next.

Preston lifted the vibrator to his mouth and spit copiously on it. He placed it back quickly, and then did something he never imagined he'd do. He reached out with his other hand and stopped Chip's stroking, replacing Chip's hand with his own.

Chip was stunned, but didn't allow himself to think about what was happening. He just laid back and enjoyed the sensations coursing through his body.

Preston continued to jack Chip's hard, wet cock, using the pre-cum oozing freely from the head to lubricate his strokes. "Well, I've gone this far" Preston thought, "I might as well give him the ride of his life."

Preston leaned forward and licked at Chip's balls. A musky, not altogether pleasant smell rose from his brother-in-law's crotch. But Preston wasn't thinking about himself. This was for Chip. He lapped at the man's hairy nuts, remembering what he liked best when girls had done this to him. He scooped one of Chip's nuts up with his tongue and took it into his mouth. All the while, he was careful to keep running the vibrator over Chip's asshole. Then, making sure not to hurt Chip, he slid the tip of the toy gently into the man's clenching asshole.

Chip was moaning incoherently by this time, but suddenly, he shouted "Oh, fuck Pres. Shit, man, I'm gonna come."

"In for a penny, in for a pound" Preston mused, and rose up and captured Chip's dick head in his mouth just as Chip began top spew his load. The first volley caught Preston at the back of his throat and he gagged slightly. Recovering, Preston kept just the head of Chip's straining dick in his mouth and he continued to stroke the slick cock. He moved the vibrator in and out of Chip's ass, continuing to fuck his brother-in-law until the man's orgasm subsided. He swallowed, almost reflexively. "Well, let's see. I've jacked a guy off, licked his nuts, fucked his ass and swallowed his jizz. Maybe I'll have Chip explain to me how this is not fag stuff." He grinned at his own inane thought.

"Something funny, Pres?" Chip was worried that Preston may still have a violent reaction to all of this.

"Slide over, bro, and lube up this bad boy. It's payback time."

Chip grinned and took the vibrator as Preston slipped off his shorts. "Wait a second, here," Chip said, "is this incest? Cause I don't play that shit."

Preston laughed with him. "Fuck you, pal. And believe me, I plan to."

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