Prince Yild's Quest

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 14, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Prince Yild rode toward Baskette Castle with the single-minded purpose of a noble prince on a mission. Within the castle lay the beautiful Princess Neehinna, and his own land of Tuaman was in need of his taking a proper wife and continuing his lineage. Not that he had been so very keen upon the idea himself, but his mother, Queen Beeyatch, persuaded him to seek out a mate and to do so forthwith. And the princess of Baskette Castle was the closest to hand that was both still available and not require disastrous alliances with neighboring kingdoms in order to attain her hand.

True, there was the curse laid upon Baskette Castle to consider (though he was innocent of the knowledge of the exact nature of that curse, save that there was one), but he was going to win his way through if the might of his silver-washed sword and the strength of his well-developed body could win through!

His face was clean and handsome, his hair was sun-rinsed blond, his eyes were crystalline blue, his clothes were the finest royal blue silk and he rode a magnificent white stallion, both well-trained and intelligent, which he had named Pureheart.

Pureheart whinnied and Prince Yild looked to see what the matter was. A man stood in the roadway, quite blocking his progress. Prince Yild frowned, such impediments were not be tolerated of a man on a quest such as he!

"Ho, move aside!" he told the man sternly but kindly. "I am Prince Yild Tuaman and I seek the beautiful Princess Neehina Baskette in the castle on the hill beyond." he pointed toward the dark shape that lay ahead, yet several hours' ride away.

"If you seek the princess, then you should know all you can of the troubles you shall face, should you not?" the man asked cleverly. A peasant from the fields was he, slender but well-formed and ruggedly masculine, he filled his simple brown garb amply and well.

"I should." Prince Yild agreed.

"And I could tell you what I know about Baskette Castle if I were so inclined."

"If I have the price to give you, I shall do so." Prince Yild said. His pouch was heavy enough and could spare a number of the coins within for information.

"I seek a price not only in silver."

"Then what is your price?"

"I ask for ten silver pieces laid in my palm and one thing more and if you give it to me, I shall tell you all I know of Baskette Castle."

"So what do you need?" Prince Yild was getting impatient.

The man cupped his hose at the place where his legs joined his body. "I am taken with those rosy lips you purse so delicately when you scowl." the man waggled the bulge at his groin. "If you will join me by the roadside and play your lips upon my manhood adeptly, I shall speak of what I know."

"You dare suggest that a prince lie with a mere commoner?" Prince Yild was scandalized. "I should separate your head from your body and can do so with a single swipe."

"And you know as well as I that only those with a gentle spirit can truly win to any quest." the man pointed out with inexorable logic. "I am well-charged by merely looking upon you, a few minutes of your attentions and I shall discharge my seed and then, with the payment of the coins as well, I shall reveal to you every secret I know of Baskette Castle."

Prince Yild grimaced. If this were the price he must pay...the tales told by the minstrels about the ordeals faced by those on a quest never mentioned such a task as this! Yet...they had mentioned that such chance meetings along your road paid heavily in dividends such as in the acquistion of magical devices or important information.

"Very well." he sighed, throwing one well-muscled leg over his saddle and sliding to the ground. "I shall do as you require."

"Come, I have laid a blanket over here." the man said, leering at Prince Yild Tuaman.

Once he stood upon the blanket, the man untied his hose and lowered them to mid-thigh, exposing his hairy flanks and buttocks. Then he turned, and Prince Yild found himself staring at a long piece of male tool that could well have functioned as a plow in the fields for this man if his own should happen to break.

"Come, lay your lips upon this and draw upon it succulently, and I shall soon be done and so shall you." the man said as he held his dong and a rich, gleaming spear of precome reached to land upon the blanket.

Prince Yild stepped onto the blanket, and knelt close in front of the man, and that long cock was raised up and he opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and felt the hot fleshy glans press between his lips, and the taste of hot salt touched his tongue. Prince Yild felt his saliva start at that taste, and the man crooned, and he pushed the further within Prince Yild's warm, moist mouth.

Prince Yild gripped the dong tightly and the man bucked a time or two, and then the roughened hands grasped his head and began to drive him up and down. He choked a time or two on the length of this invader pud, but soon enough his throat adjusted and he could then take the length entire. The man moaned when Prince Yild's hands grasped his buttocks one in each palm, and then Prince Yild, desiring to get this over with, began to move his head himself faster and more directly than this man could make him move, and the man moaned, groaned, and then a hot flood of slimy spunk creamed into Prince Yild's lips, he coughed, but the man's hands held him tight and he perforce gulped and swallowed and the rest of the load that shot from the man's balls followed after that down his throat and making a warm puddle in his princely stomach.

Done, gasping, the man released Prince Yild's head and staggered back, caught himself against a handy tree trunk and steadied himself as his breath raced to replace itself within his body and then he was turning his head, smiling at Prince Yild who had risen again, wiping at his lips.

"That was a manly load you took." he said. "And you drank it all as any good tool-lover should."

"And now I'll have the information you possess." Prince Yild said.

"Pay first the silver and you shall have it."

Prince Yild opened his pouch and paid out the ten silver coins. When the man had it, he tucked it into his own hose to rest around his now-spent rod, and he said, "You show a marvelous talent in how you drew my seed from me."

"Perhaps. Now tell me all you know about Baskette Castle." Prince Yild insisted.

"I shall." the man agreed. "What I know about Baskette Castle is nothing at all whatsoever. I only know its name from your pointing at it when you rode up. I never heard a thing about it at all until this very day."

"You lied to me!" Prince Yild stormed.

"I said I'd tell you all I knew." the man returned. "I never said how much that was."

To his chagrin, Prince Yild had to admit that was so, so his only recourse was to climb up on Pureheart's back and ride on, with the man's laughter ringing at his back and his pouch was ten silver coins lighter.

As he reached the bottom of the next hill, and had but one more to cover before he reached the gates of Baskette Castle, Prince Yild encountered yet another man. This one was a handful of years older than the first man, and much more muscled, with large hairy arms and a chest barrel that strained his tunic to the breaking point. This big brute of a man stood in the road as had the first one, and this man held out his hand as had the first, causing Prince Yild's obedient stallion to stop. "Ho, wayfarer!" he called.

"Stand aside and let me pass." Prince Yild said.

"But you travel to Baskette Castle, don't you?" the man asked.

Not again! Prince Yild grew angry and said, "Yes, I do, but I have already been tricked once on this road. I don't know what you know about Baskette Castle, but I will not drop to my knees and suck upon your manhood to learn what you know about it!"

The man was taken aback by this, but only briefly. Then he smiled. "And if I told you I know something important about the Castle, something you have to know if you are to win your way through to the princess?"

Prince Yild started to answer, then checked himself. "And what is the nature of this information?"

"The main opponent you will face once you enter its doorway."

Prince Yild considered this. Yes, he needed this information. "I won't suck upon your man-tool for that information."

"You don't have to." the man said. "I won't ask that in payment."

"Then I agree." Prince Yild said. "Tell me what I need and I'll meet your payment whatever it is."

"That's easy enough." the man said. "Seeing you astride that fine white stallion, I wish to feel those legs around my own waist."

"You wish me to ride you?"

"In a way." the man agreed. "Come, I have a blanket over this way."

That sounded familiar. "Very well." Prince Yild agreed, dismounting once more. "As long as you don't want to stick your manhood in my mouth."

"I shall not put it anywhere close to your mouth."

Prince Yild followed this man over to his blanket where the man did as the other one did, lowered his breeches. When he turned around, the tool was shorter but fatter and Prince Yild perused it with dismay. "You said I would not be asked to suck upon you." he said.

"And you don't have to." The man laid down upon the blanket and held his prong upright. "Just lower your hose and place your buttocks right down upon this saddle pommel I have here." he said. "And you can ride me as I wish."

"I don't understand." Prince Yild said.

"Come on, do it."

Prince Yild did as he was bidden, and when he was sitting down, the man grasped Prince Yild's hips and guided him until he gasped. "Sir, sir, your organ is pressing against a very tender spot."

"I've found your arsehole, you mean." the man said. "Push it into yourself and get to riding me."

"Was this what you intended?" Prince Yild gasped.

"Of course," the man agreed. "Now hold still while I drive you down."

What was a nobleman, one whose very word was his bond, to do? Prince Yild sighed. "Very well, sir, but I feel myself to be very poorly served here."

"Wait until I get it in you." the man said. "Then I'll serve you much better."

Prince Yild wriggled until this huge dong was within him. "I don't feel served any better." he said.

"We'll get there." the man said confidently. "Now get to riding me."

Prince Yild obliged by moving his body up and down as he did while riding on Pureheart. As he did, the massive pud in his bowels surged in and out of him doubt about it, there was a pleasure in this. "I must admit that this is not as unpleasant now as it was at the start." he said.

"And it will get even better." the man under him grunted. "Now ride me faster, you're only trotting, bring it up to a gallop."

Prince Yild obeyed and found the dong within him a source of rising, intense pleasure. His own cock rose up and pointed hungrily at the man, who grinned and raised up, caught the dong in his mouth and sucked it down.

Prince Yild leaned back until he could rest his hands upon the blanket behind him, and this let him hunch upwards into that blissfully suctioning mouth while he continued to punch that gigantic rod into him. His face heated, flushed, and he groaned and his climax assaulted his brain while he jetted his jizz up into the man's avid maw.

His sphincter clenched upon the throbbing prick within his anus, the man grunted first in pain, then in pleasure and he blasted his seed up into Prince Yild's body above him, while Prince Yild's final dregs of come sprayed into his mouth.

Done, the man sagged back and Prince Yild crumpled above him, folded back upon himself, the fold at his knees and his back resting upon the man's feet.

"Did I serve you well after all?" the man asked him.

Prince Yild smiled. "Better than I feared." he admitted. "Now, if I may trouble you for the information you possess?"

"Within the walls of Baskette Castle you will find a hundred trolls guarding the way to the princess." the man explained. "You will have to find a way through them."

"I have my sword." Prince Yild suggested.

"I wouldn't stab a troll with a sword if I were you." the man cautioned.

"Whyever not?"

"Because." the man said succintly. "You'll make him mad if you do."

"No more?"

"No more. Trolls cannot be killed by a bladed weapon, nor any weapon known to humankind."

Prince Yild frowned. "Then how can I win through to the princess?"

"You will have to find another way to deal with them, other than killing them."

"How could I do that?"

The man made a gesture and smiled.

"Oh." Prince Yild got on his horse with a thoughtful look, broken by a pained grimace when his ravaged anus touched the saddle. He had to ride slowly which was all to the better, as it gave him time to think.

Four trolls lolled about the gatehouse. Reclining, they got up and readied their spears when Prince Yild approached. They were well-muscled and green, with oversized noses and ears, and large eyes and hands, their bodies were three-quarters the size of Prince Yild's.

"Hold, human!" one of them called. "None may pass these walls without our leave."

"Then let me earn your permission to enter." Prince Yild said as he dismounted Pureheart for the third time. Only this time, the trolls could see that he had cut his hose from his mid-body so that he was bare from waist to mid-thighs, both his manhood and his buttocks were bare and available.

And Prince Yild turned and displayed his finely round ass to the three gaping trolls. "See how rich and firm this is." he said to them. "See how it begs to be penetrated by something long and thick and hard. Have you trolls something that would help me fill this gaping emptiness I have within?"

The pause the trolls gave to him was something unheard of in all the legends and lore of mankind.

"Yes, human." the biggest troll said. "I think I can plug that hole of yours well enough."

Prince Yild looked over his back as the troll approached, tugging at his breeches. When the trousers were dropped and he saw what this troll was packing, his heart went into his throat. Enormous! Monstrous! A true rail-splitter of a sexual tool being wielded in his direction.

He gulped, but his course had been chosen and he could not back away at this point. Particularly when he considered what he would have to back into!

And then the monolithic column of troll dong touched his buttocks and he gasped and sighed! What was this? He had only thought he had lived before, but now that he was having a troll cock up his ass, he was truly alive! His buttocks sighed and expanded to encompass this majestically huge pud, he felt his bowels wrap around it lovingly as it inserted into him. When at last the entire foot-long length of it was buried within him, Prince Yild sighed and closed his eyes blissfully as the troll's hands gripped his hips and began to buck and sway, ramming that huge pole in and out of him.

Prince Yild opened lust-glazed eyes and beheld the three other trolls, whose dongs were now exposed and were every bit as swelled and enticing as the one now in his nether regions.

"I could use something to suck on as well." he said, and the middle of the three remaining trolls jumped forward eagerly. Prince Yild bent over, his posture possible only because he was held upright by the huge hands at his hips, and he began to try to swallow the entire troll-shaft on the first thrust. He could not manage that the first try, nor the second, but by the fifth such sally, he had the majority of it within his mouth and throat and the troll before him began to sigh and sway and drive that schlong in and out of him.

This left the other two watching and Prince Yild's hands reached out, beckoned, and soon he had a hard green shaft in each hand, stroking them as his body was buffeted by the troll behind him and his head was wrapped lovingly around the troll before him.

A sixth troll, enticed by perhaps the smell of rutting troll cocks, came out and saw them and before a minute more had passed, this troll had slid beneath Prince Yild and was nursing most adeptly and expertly upon his prod. Prince Yild was caught up in his rapture and as the first troll groaned and roared and shot his bowels full of hot, spicy troll seed, Prince Yild groaned and squirted his own load into the troll's sucking lips beneath him.

And his own mouth became flooded, and Prince Yild found that the taste of troll sperm was ambrosial and heady, vaguely intoxicating, even. He gulped it down and then he had time to catch a second troll's come as the one to his left reached climax under his hand, he wrapped his lips around the burgeoning glans and as the troll burst loose his packs of troll-makers, Prince Yild feasted the more. The fourth troll was not as lucky, but Prince Yild felt his body christened by hot troll spunk all across his right side.

The troll that had been sucking him now took the place of the one behind Prince Yild, and more trolls were now coming out to see what was happening, the sounds of troll lovemaking drawing them, and they replaced their now-spent comrades and the gangbanging of Prince Yild went on and on. He finished trolls off four at a time, and by the time he had finished the last of the hundred trolls, the first four were ready to go again, and this time the biggest one let Prince Yild slurp on his pud while the one who had jetted only by Prince Yild's hand played catch-up to his comrades by plugging Prince Yild's now-thoroughly-fucked ass, the slimy squirping sounds of troll jizz making the second round of troll-fucking even more delightful than the first.

Some very, very, very long time later, Prince Yild staggered up the steps of the tower, leaving behind him five-score of sexually satiated and blissfully sleeping trolls. He had been fucked a dozen times or more by each of them and yet his body felt as charged as if he had only begun upon this sexual odyssey.

Up in the room in the highest tower, Princess Neehina Baskette was waiting. "There you are!" she said when she saw him. "I heard you ride up in the afternoon of the day before yesterday, and here it is sunrise of the third day, did it really take you that long to fight off a mere hundred trolls? What sort of man are you...." Her voice broke off as she beheld Prince Yild's come-splattered clothing, his blond hair stuck to his scalp messily, his clothes grimy and stiff and covered in white patches of troll-goo all over.

"Well, at least you made it through." she said. "I was promised to marry the first prince who could fend off the trolls, and nothing was said about how to do that, I suppose. Still, you are a mess. If you want to kiss my hand, you'll have to bathe thoroughly first."

"No need of that." Prince Yild said. "Come with me, the trolls will not sleep long."

"I just need to pack a few things." Princess Neehina said and proceeded to try to cart the entire contents of the room along. Prince Yild was heavily burdened and even the Princess was carrying four boxes as they left the tower.

Outside, Pureheart stood waiting.

"Only the one horse." Princess Neehina sneered as he set her on the ground. "I hope you don't expect us both to ride like that all the way back to your own kingdom."

"Not at all." Prince Yild helped her into the saddle, side-saddle as befit a princess.

"I suppose you can lead the horse the entire way as you walk, then?" the princess guessed. She waited while Prince Yild took paper and a writing-charcoal from his pack, watched him work on it. "So let's go, already! And what is that you're writing?"

"Just a short note for my mother."

"Can't you tell her yourself when we get there?"

"I'm not going with you. Pureheart knows the way home." Prince Yild said. "Just give him his head and he'll take you there. The note I'm tying to his pommel will explain everything to my mother."

And he slapped Pureheart's flanks, not hard, but enough to tell the horse to take off, and it did, the princess yawping atop him, her possessions quite left behind save for the clothes on her back. Prince Yild felt certain she and his mother would get along just fine.

As for himself...Prince Yild straightened up and turned back toward the castle. The trolls in the courtyard were stirring, just beginning to wake up. All those troll-ish morning hard-ons were calling his name!

And so Prince Yild and his hundred trolls lived happily ever after.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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