Private Matters -- transgender

By Fred Gingerman

Published on Oct 14, 2008



Private Matters by Gingerfred Man

Chapter One -- Recruited

Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You're so lucky to be young." What they're thinking is, "You're so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff."

My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn't seem to be yearning for my boffing.

My name is Evan Stone and this story begins on my eighteenth birthday. I was young, reasonably intelligent and, with a month to go until my high school graduation. With no plan. And no desire to have one.

I had a general malaise and dissatisfaction that's all too common with teenagers. No reason for it, really. My life was just dull and unfulfilling. I had dated a couple of girls, but we would always end it by mutual agreement when it became obvious that the spark wasn't there.

Despite a barrage of criticism from my parents, I had submitted no college applications, an unheard-of atrocity in our affluent town.

My parents had even suggested that I consider joining one of the uniformed services. Yuck! Having some guy with a buzz cut order me around all day, and then risk my life? Forget it.

Still, I couldn't avoid taking the services' aptitude tests given to all seniors at Robert Crane High School. It was mostly math and English, but the test that year was an hour longer than in previous years because of some pretty weird and extensive psychological questions they added. I guessed that they wanted to be sure that a soldier had the right personality to burn villages or something.

When I got my results, I was sort of flattered that I had done so well on the test, especially since I had taken neither the ACT nor the SAT.

My good mood was fleeting. Mostly I just moped around and predicted the imminent downfall of Western Civilization.

I forgot about the test until Principal Schultz "invited" me to a mandatory session with a very special uniformed services recruiter. I was about to protest until I saw that it got me out of a physics test.

I showed up for the session and saw about 20 other guys from my class also in attendance. I wondered how we were selected.

Principal Schultz stood up and welcomed us. Then he said that we had been hand-selected for an invitation to join a new uniformed service recently established by President John Blutarsky. "And here to tell you about it is Sergeant Candi."

The door opened and in walked the most attractive human being I had ever seen. She oozed and dripped sex. Sergeant Candi was about 30 years old and prettier than humanly possible, with the sweetest, longest, honey-blonde hair. Her lips and eyes were made up to perfection. She was wearing a military-cut uniform blouse (jacket to you civilians), with black sergeant's chevrons on her arms and military brass buttons, but the uniform was hot pink! The skirt was miniscule, barely covering what I presumed to be the sweetest pussy on the planet. Her round, shapely bottom strained her skirt and promised unspeakable delights. Her boobs were not large, but who cared? The longest, sexiest legs, caressed by tan, seamed stockings, made up for that and then some. Her beautiful, hot-pink-painted toesies could be viewed through her stockings and her strappy, pink sandals. Were those really six-inch stiletto heels? She walked in them as comfortably as if they had been

bedroom scuffies.

What kind of uniform was that?

My cock was throbbing with a gallon of 98.6-degree blood. I shifted in my seat as I peeked at the other guys in the room. They shared my affliction. Some were actually drooling.

"Hello, boys," she said in a husky, ultra-sexy voice. "I'm Sergeant Candi and I'm here today to tell you about the United States Sissy Corps."


"I see puzzled expressions," the angel said. "We're less than two years old. Established by Congress at the recommendation of President Blutarsky by act of Congress on April 1, 2009. As you may know, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, then-Senator Blutarsky made a number of diplomatic visits to the island country of Gingerfredonia. `I have seen the future,' our future president said after a six-week, 2007 "fact-finding" trip to the world's Mecca of sissiness. I'm sure you've all heard President Blutarsky being criticized for his poor education. He attended Faber College in Ohio for seven years and never graduated. But his vision has been clear and true on this issue. America needs a Sissy Corps and you need to be part of it!

"I see more puzzled expressions. Don't read the newspapers very often, do you? No matter. You've been selected for your intelligence and your personality traits. Your tests tell us you're fit to be privates in our service. It's voluntary, of course, but your country needs you. Let me show you this brief video to give you an overview."

Wow! Usually when the video goes on, the class goes to sleep. But we all watched that one.

Patriotic music came up, then an American flag was being carried by a color guard of four beautiful, sexy girls, dressed like Sergeant Candi and almost as attractive. But with no chevrons of rank. Privates.

Cut to a dreary high-school boy, slogging his way through the school halls. The narrator said, "This is Wilbur, an intelligent, but aimless and poorly motivated young man. He's not doing himself or his country any good. Let's see what happens when Wilbur joins the United States Sissy Corps, improves his life and serves his country. But first, let's ask the question, why do we need a Sissy Corps?"

Good question, I said to myself.

"Good question," the narrator said. "This is Ralph Barnes, a spy for the CIA in remote Abbadabbastan. Ralph works a dangerous job with few rewards. Like other men, his ball bag fills up regularly and he must drain it or suffer unspeakable torment. If he fucks one of the local girls, who are barely distinguishable from the yaks, the girl's brothers will cut Ralph's balls off and feed them to Ralph. Not good! Or worse, the yak-faced woman may turn out to be a foreign agent, blackmailing Ralph into betraying his country. No, Ralph's only solace, unless he chooses to fuck an actual yak, is a jar of Vaseline, a box of Kleenex and a ten-year-old Playboy from which all but the articles have been censored."

The video actually portrayed "Ralph the spy" in a sleazy, third-world room, removing his long, limp cock from his trousers. Wow. I never saw a video like that in school before. Ralph lay on his Spartan bed, and applied Vaseline liberally to his flaccid cock. He stroked his thick, but dead meat as he looked at a Playboy magazine, from which all the pictures had been obviously clipped and censored. Ralph looked miserable. And try though he might, he could not get a hard-on.

Poor bastard. And the next day, he would be expected to go out and risk his life spying? With a full ball bag? It was not a pretty sight.

The narrator continued. "What if Ralph and others like him could come home each night to a lovely, feminine person, trampily dressed and willing to perform any disgusting sexual act Ralph can conceive? Ralph's spying would improve by leaps and bounds and before you knew it, axes of evil would be collapsing all around the world. But where would we find women willing to put their careers or searches for husbands on hold and run off to Abbadabbastan? And where would we find women willing, even eager, to satisfy all, I say all, of the disgusting needs of our brave men?"

The room in the video was the same, but it was ignited by the presence of...could it be? It was Sergeant Candi!! She was stripped to her pink bra and panties, tan, seamed stockings, frilly white garter belt and very high, strappy heels! I looked around the room. Boys were perspiring. I looked at Sergeant Candi. She was watching the movie with a knowing smile.

In the video, Ralph's cock was at full military attention at the sight of Sergeant Candi. Candi presented herself submissively to Ralph, standing there with pretty eyes downcast, saying, "How can I serve you, Agent Barnes?"

This was the best video I had ever seen. Ralph tossed the Playboy aside and began to kiss a totally compliant, yet perfectly responsive and enthusiastic Candi. Candi began to stroke Ralph's cock as she kissed him and the poor guy lost his load. I mean, it flew into the air and he groaned as if he'd been shot.

In the room where I was sitting, Adam Britten, who was in the back of the room groaned as well and a large, wet stain spread in his crotch.

Normally we would have abused Adam as guys do, but we didn't want to miss a second of the video. And we all felt what Adam did.

Back to the video, Ralph laid Candi on her back on his bed and got on top of her. He rubbed his wet, limp cock on her as he kissed her. She squealed with arousal. Oh. I would be joining Adam in cummyland if I didn't think of something else for awhile. Then Ralph rose to his knees, his cock triumphantly rampant! He bent over and carefully, lovingly removed Candi's delicious panties. I couldn't wait to see her pussy! And I couldn't believe that she was sitting in the room with us as we watched a video of her about to get fucked.

Ralph skinned the lacy treasures down until we saw Candi's downy pubic hair. Oh, I was going to cum. Then an inch more and out flopped...Candi's cock!!!!

Twenty boys gasped as one. Several of us, including me, blew a big, cummy load into our pants. I couldn't help it. It was the single most exciting moment of my life.

That babe-hall-of-famer Candi had a cock? It was only about four-inches big at full stand, but it was pink and feminine, with a drooling head and the cutest little wrinkled bag of sissy nuts.


Ralph was clearly not surprised by Candi's doodle. In fact, he took it into his mouth and began to kiss and lick it lovingly. The gorgeous Candi squealed and squirmed and then screamed with the release of her thick, sticky load into the manly spy's mouth. Cum drops were on Ralph's lips as he lubricated two of his fingers with Vaseline, then displayed Candi's delicious bottomhole to the camera. Ralph tickled the wrinkled entrance to paradise with one finger as Candi moaned. Then he entered her with the first, then second finger. Candi's cock, without even getting hard, began to drool big globs of hot sissy cum. She shook and drew Ralph to her for some deep kissing. My weapon was hard again and, despite my shame, seemed ready for another ejaculation.

Ralph removed his fingers from Candi's "dirty," then mounted her. She whimpered, but gasped with joy when he placed the wet tip of his big boy at her anus. Ralph had a very large cock, drooling juice. He could kill her with that thing if he tried to...Oh! He pushed and it went into her. All of it. And she squealed and moaned with intense delight. Ralph fucked Candi hard and she hung on enthusiastically. Candi came first, screaming as she erupted. Ralph filled her hole with hot seed soon after. Then I came in my pants for the second time. It was humiliating. But I couldn't wait to see what was next.

After some kissing, Candi took Ralph's poop- and cum-stained rammer into her sweet mouth and sucked him to a final, glorious spermstorm. They kissed and went to sleep.

The narrator said, "The next day, Ralph gathered and sent back intelligence that prevented a terrorist attack on several U.S. schools, hospitals and orphanages. Could he have done that without the assistance of the USSC?"

It didn't seem likely.

The narrator continued. "Let's go back to Wilbur, sullen, aimless teenager."

There was Wilbur again, still sullen and aimless.

"Wilbur has heard the call of his country." Wilbur's face took on a different look. He seemed...purposeful or something. And "God Bless America" was playing softly in the background.

"Wilbur knows what our fighting men want and is prepared to give it to them."

Wilbur was shown signing an enlistment contract, then shaking the hand of an achingly gorgeous, blonde sissy recruiter, whose nametag simply said, "Heather."

"The training is intense."

The next five minutes of the video showed Wilbur training at Camp Swishey, Wisconsin. Instead of the usual shot where the recruit gets his head shaved, Wilbur got a complete makeover, at the end of which, Wilbur was babe-a-licious. He was outfitted in a wide array of girlish uniforms. It showed him training with a squad of angelic sissies, whose bottoms and mouths invited the immediate application of male cock. During one training exercise, Wilbur, who was then called Wendy, was on her knees, happily sucking the huge, foreskinned cock of an Army Ranger, who was in full uniform from the waist up and naked from the waist down. To Wendy's right, a lovely, earnest sissy was kneeling and slobbering on the large, but inch-smaller-than-the-Army-Ranger's cock of a Navy SEAL, also naked from the waist down. To their right, a sissy angel was licking and sucking the Navy-sized cock of an Air Force fighter pilot and another was trying to get her glossed lips

around a Recon Marine's large, though-an-inch-smaller-than-the-Ranger's, cock.

[Question for the class. What is G-Man's military background?]

All four of our fine servicemen graced the sissies' efforts with a big, sticky reward, which the "girls" eagerly licked up and swallowed. Though Wendy was clearly the luckiest.

"Only the finest sissies in the world graduate." A platoon of sissies was marching past a reviewing stand at their graduation, striding confidently in their six-inch heels. Each sissy's pink miniskirt was tented with eagerness for her cumming assignments.

"The beautiful panty boys are deployed around the world, serving our fighting men eagerly and completely."

Wendy (Wilbur) was next shown in the same pink uniform that Candi was wearing. She was shooting pool with another sexy, brunette sissy in a dark room that looked like a military barracks "day room."

The "girls" were leaning over the pool table to make their shots as their fabulous, pantied bottoms and garters were exposed to the camera. The door opened and two hunky soldiers wearing parkas and heavy boots entered the room.

Narrator: "Private Wendy and Private Nancy are now serving in northern Alaska, keeping the men who guard our freedom alert and satisfied."

The men stripped to their olive-drab underwear, as the girls kissed and fondled them. Then the men bent the girls over the pool table and fucked their sissies' little bottoms off, until everyone made big, cummy messes.

In a final shot, ten naked-except-for-lingerie sissies, each with a faceful of cum, smiled at the camera and sissily saluted as the announcer said, "The United States Sissy Corps. MEN LOVE OUR PRIVATES!"

What a motto!

Sousa marches! Red, white and blue. Fade to black.

Lights went back on in the room. I looked around me. The other boys looked bewildered, aroused, apprehensive, embarrassed and expectant. And they all had cum in their pants. Good thing it was the last period of the day and Principal Schultz had promised us all a door-to-door ride home.

Candi spoke. "All around the world, selfless young sissies are serving their country by giving our men what they need. You may be thinking, But I'm not a sissy. How could I dress all girly, suck cock and take large penises into my bottom?' when the real question you should be asking yourself is, Do I love my country?' I don't want all of you. And I know some of you just aren't up to the challenge. If not, I want you to leave the room right now."

No one stirred. Then Will Dobbins got up and left. Then another boy. Oh. I should be leaving too. Why wasn't I moving? Then another boy. Ten boys in all left, leaving ten of us. I was so ashamed. Was I a faggot?

No, darn it. I was feeling patriotic. I know. You're going to say that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. But I felt a patriotic stirring in my loins that day that had nothing to do with getting into panties and stockings and having men penetrate me. You believe me, don't you?

When the exodus ended, Candi spoke again.

"All right. Tell me your names and let's take this a little further."

We did so.

"I need to try a couple of simple tests first before we proceed. Principal Schultz, would you come to the front of the room please?"

I had forgotten that the principal was in the room. He was a nice-looking man, 45 years old, or so and eager to do whatever Candi asked. I wondered how Candi got him to be so cooperative? Anyway, Candi said to Adam Britten, the first of the audience to gooey in his pants, "Do you want to be a private in the Sissy Corps, Adam?"

Adam nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, ma'am," he said.

"Don't call me `ma'am.' I work for a living," the proud sergeant said. "Save that for the officers. If you want to be one of us, walk over here and kiss Principal Schultz on the mouth, with tongue."

That got everyone's attention. Schultz looked at Candi in some disbelief and apprehension, but decided he would do whatever she wanted. Adam rose immediately, walked straight to Schultz and gave him an enthusiastic, tonguey kiss that went on for a good, long time. Schultz appeared to enjoy it very much. Candi broke up the clench, then called us up one by one to kiss our principal. Five of the group couldn't bring themselves to do it. Candi thanked them for their time and dismissed them. Shockingly, I managed to give Principal Schultz a kiss so sexy that I could feel his cock rising and rubbing against me. My own stiffie was throbbing as we kissed.

Geez. There were only five of us left.

Candi asked Principal Schultz to pull out his cock. He did so eagerly, revealing the aroused state our kissing had put him in.

Candi asked Adam to get on his knees and, if he loved his country and wanted to serve it as a sissy, suck Principal Schultz to a cum-gusher.

Adam was clearly ready for that sort of thing. He was obviously not expert at the task, but he licked and sucked a startled, yet delighted Principal Schultz to a moaning, spurting orgasm, taking the hot, sticky blast full in the face.

Candi was pleased. Less so when the next three applicants refused to even kiss our leader's goodies. They were dismissed and I stood at the edge of my future. I let out my breath, hit my knees, and began to kiss, then suck Schultz's dripping cock. It stiffened somewhat as I processed its salty, but not unpleasant taste. Schultz was enjoying it immensely and oddly, so was I. I felt as if I controlled things, even though I was the one on my knees. And I loved all the little grunts and pants Schultz was making as I brought him pleasure. I especially liked when Schultz cried out and began to pump a big load of cum into my mouth. I can do this, I said to myself. For my country.

Chapter Two -- Shipped Out

Schultz was lying on his back on a teacher's desk, breathing heavily from the best afternoon he had ever had at school.

Candi hugged Adam, then me and said, "Welcome to the Sissy Corps, girls!"

Girls!?! Oh, right. I guess I would be a "girl," sort of. But I still thought of myself as a freedom fighter.

"It took courage to do what you did," Candi said. "Soon, the whole school will know that you care about your country."

I asked timidly, "But won't they know that we're cocksuckers too? That could be dangerous for us."

Candi smiled at me. Oh. I was going to cum again. Then I did. She noticed.

"Evan, you and Adam have nothing to worry about. Today was your last day in high school. Principal Schultz has arranged to graduate you immediately. At this moment, a Sissy Corps private is at each of your father's jobs, telling your fathers what you're doing for your country. And they are each thanking your fathers appropriately. Very appropriately. You girls ship out to Camp Swishey for basic training tomorrow morning. There are men out there in immediate need!"

My goodness! Things were moving so fast.

How did Candi ever get Schultz to graduate us early?

Oh. Right.

And how did I end up signing the four-year, binding enlistment contract Candi placed in front of me?

The truth is, I had never been so excited and happy in my life. I was even OK with Adam hugging me and kissing me as we congratulated each other.

My life was changing very rapidly.

Mom and Dad shed some tears when I came home. But they were truly proud of me, even though they rented my room the next day.

Sergeant Candi picked me up in her pink recruiting minivan at 0700 the next day and we scooped up Adam at 0710. As instructed, we brought nothing. Our lives were restarting on a clean page.

Sergeant Candi gave us both arousing kisses, then loaded us on our plane for Fromage International Airport, the nearest to Camp Swishey.

And the adventure began in earnest.

Adam and I chatted happily on the plane ride -- the first time in the air for each of us. It seemed that Adam had been exploring his sissy side for some time. He had been sneakily dressing up since he was 12, he told me. And stroking his little sissy meat as he rubbed his stockinged legs together. Dreaming of men making hot, cummy love to him.

I thought he had seemed a bit eager at the recruiting session. It must have been a dream-come-true for him.

Adam said, "I was surprised about you, Evan. I never thought you were a sissy."

"Neither did I," I admitted. "But I'm not, really. Just patriotic."

Adam looked at me strangely. Then he said, "What's your girl name? Mine's Jessica."

Girl name? D-oh! Of course. I needed one. What would it be? It should be really girlish. So I can patriotically attract the men. I thought for a bit, decided on a name, and told Jessica.

"I would like to be called, `Katie," I said.

Jessica clapped her hands and squealed, which drew a few looks from the other passengers, since we were still dressed as boys. Strangely, I wasn't embarrassed.

"That's a wonderful name, Katie!" my comrade in arms said. Then she kissed and hugged me. Which really drew some stares. And an erection from me.

I was on a bit of a hair trigger at that time.

We arrived on time [this story is a fantasy after all] at Fromage International Airport.

Waiting in baggage claim were four of the prettiest, femmiest dolls on the planet. In USSC uniforms. And surrounded by curious, drooling men.

When the girls saw us, they squealed and hugged and kissed us, making their admirers wonder what we had that they didn't.

The apparent leader, a tall, willowy blonde with long, delicious legs and a seraphic face, said, "I'm Sergeant Ginger. This is Private Mary Ann, Private Jeanie and Private Samantha. Welcome to the Sissy Corps, Adam and Evan!"

A bit different from when the sergeant threatens to disembowel you if you don't give him complete obedience. I liked it!

"I'm Katie," I said.

"And I'm Jessica," she said.

The girls were pleased and we all piled into their Sissy Combat Vehicle (SCV), a pink minivan, for the ride to Camp Swishey.

Chapter Three -- In-processed

Ginger, Mary Ann, Jeanie and Samantha chatted happily with us during the 20-minute journey to the camp. The girls were from all over the country and, like us, had once been miserable boys. They sure seemed happy.

They were very eager to get us out of our boy clothes and sissied up. Frankly, the thought of looking like one of those angels had my cock standing tall. Jessica was practically salivating at the thought.

As we passed through the fuchsia gates of Camp Swishey, Sergeant Ginger asked a key question. "When was the last time you girls were milked?"

Huh? Oh, that.

Jessica understood the question immediately and answered, "Not since yesterday, Sergeant."

The four sissies gasped. "That's terrible," Samantha said. "You poor girls! A sissy needs to be milked at least five times a day. Everyone knows that."

If that was what I thought it was, I knew I would like Camp Swishey.

Sergeant Ginger, who was driving, pulled the SCV over and said, "Relief action, girls. STAT!"

The sissies were well-drilled. Ginger and Jeannie had my boy pants and underpants off in seconds, as Mary Ann and Samantha did the same for Jessica.

Moments later, Jessica and I had a sissy on each of our knees. Ginger kissed my mouth deeply and stroked my delighted cock as Jeannie tickled my balls and kissed my neck and ears.

So this was milking.

It was wonderful. The kissing alone was worth a lifetime enlistment in the USSC. Those girls could kiss! And their soft, cock-caressing hands! I still wasn't convinced that they had pork in their panties.

I felt the first stirrings of a cumstorm and I sucked Ginger's tongue a little harder. Jeannie fell to her knees and licked my balls as Ginger wanked me. Oh, Baby! I heard Jessica cumming from the back of the van as I let a shuddering blaster go.

My two girls kissed me, fixed my pants and asked if I felt better. I did. They were so sweet. Five times a day, eh? At least?

We pulled up to the Sissy Training Barracks and piled out. The first thing I noticed was that it was a teal-blue building with pink trim. All the windows had lace curtains. Then I noticed that about 20 sissies in pink uniform, were running out of the building to greet us with hugs, kisses and squeals.


Ginger let that go on for a while, then said, "All right ladies. Let's settle down and get Jessica and Katie over for their first makeovers and out of those awful boys' clothes."

Jessica seemed very ready for that. So was I. I was intensely curious about how I would look. Would I measure up? Would I be pretty enough for our fighting men? Jessica told me not to worry. We would have never gotten that far if we weren't USSC material.

Sergeant Ginger, who was clearly the leader of the beauteous band, got Jessica and me back into the vehicle and drove us to the other side of the camp. I looked out the window and remarked to Ginger on what I saw.

"There are lots of male soldiers here, aren't there?"

Ginger smiled. "Oh, yes. And you'll notice that they're all working out and doing manly things. This is the most prized assignment in the Army."

"Why?" I asked, rather densely.

Ginger was enjoying my dumb questions. She answered directly. "Because they get to fuck sissies. These are all men who have just come back from dangerous assignments and have distinguished themselves with hard work and courage. We're their reward. And they're our reward for being sissies. Sometimes we go to the men in tight spots around the world. Sometimes they come to us. There are about 20 of us here and another 200-plus deployed around the world."

Those are the men who would be fucking us? I watched them with closer interest and asked Ginger the question burning my brain since the previous day.

"Does it hurt? I mean the...when they..."

"The fucking?" Ginger smiled at me and Jessica, who was also, I think wondering about that. "Sweetie, having a man of top of you with his big thing in your little pootie is the best thing in the world. It'll sting a little until you get used to it. And you always need to prepare your warm place for your man's cock. But you'll love it!"

I was a little relieved, except for that part about stinging a little at first. But then Ginger suddenly pulled off the road. She shimmied down her panties and lifted her skirt, revealing a cute, small, stiff piece of girlish meat.

"You got me all excited, girls. I guess I'll just have to milk myself here."

No way! Green recruits or not, we wouldn't let our sergeant suffer. Jessica, who was sitting in the shotgun seat, got on her knees and gave Ginger some enthusiastic clitty licks. From the back seat, I leaned forward and began to kiss her beautiful lips. Yum. Ginger smelled wonderful and was the best kisser I had ever seen. She was very appreciative, gooeying lustily into Jessica's mouth as she swallowed my tongue.

How many recruits get to kiss and suck off their drill sergeant on the first day of basic training?

Eventually, we arrived at camp building number 5408-T, the USSC Logistics Center. We were measured, issued our uniforms, lingerie, make-up and toiletries, then escorted to building 5409-T, the USSC Enhancement Center.

Ginger, Jessica and I entered a long, lovely salon, where hair-stylists, make-up experts, manicurists and pedicurists waited eagerly for our very raw material.

But first, Jessica and I stripped naked and showered together. As I scrubbed, I eyed Jessica. She was going to make a beautiful girl. She was slim, with long legs and a girlish face. I figured to be a challenge.

Jessica smiled at me, then joined me under my shower nozzle. "You're going to be so pretty, Honey," she said. Her body was all soapy. Her nipples peeked out from behind the soap suds. Her little cock and balls were dangling so sweetly. What the heck. I kissed her. And then again. It was great.

In a minute or so, we were both stiff as a fine for littering on the highway. We rubbed cocks as we kissed. I was gasping for air. I...uhnnhh. Spurting sticky balljuice all over each other. Clutching. Caressing. Calming down. Washing and drying off. Shaving our legs, armpits and [blush] bottom holes. Leaving the room wrapped in towels to see what was next.

Chapter Four -- Welcomed

Our training actually began when we left the shower.

Ginger pulled the towels off us, saying we would be better off naked.

Our sergeant gave us a really good onceover that became a twiceover. I think she liked our bodies.

A sissy I hadn't met yet named Nancy showed us how to use powder on ourselves when we came out of the shower, then offered me my first panties.

Panties were old hat for Jessica, but it was a huge moment for me. They were pink and sheer and brief. And they felt wonderful. I felt much of my maleness leave me as I situated my clitty and balls in the wispy treasures. Jessica was smiling at me. She had black, thongy panties and looked most hot!

A bra was next and I asked Linda why, when I didn't have boobs.

"It makes you feel more feminine, Katie," Linda said. And a lot of the girls have boobs."

I was very surprised. And naïve. "How?" I asked.

Ginger answered. "It's up to each girl. Some take mild hormones and get little plums like Candi's in the recruiting video you saw. That doesn't reduce your hard-ons and cum production much and it rounds you out a bit. Some take heavy hormones and get bigger natural titties and fewer hardons and cums. Some take little or no hormones and get implants, which look good on the street in my opinion, but not in a man's hands. And some of us just stay pretty boys, with no hormones or surgery. It's up to you."


Next I slipped on my first stockings, an action I vowed to repeat every day for the rest of my life. What an experience! Cool and sexy. Pink, seamed and so feminine. And the frilly pink garter belt! Oh, my goodness. I had a raging stiffie and my balls were near bursting.

Ginger noticed. "Your first time in femmies, Sweetie?"

I was so excited that I could only nod.

"Poor kid," Ginger said. "Give us a minute, will you, Linda. Why don't you take Jessica in the other room and calm her down. I'll help Katie out."

I wanted to be helped out very badly.

Ginger got on her knees in front of me. "Lesson One, Sweetie. Always suck cock on your knees. It gives you the best angle for delivering maximum pleasure and the submissiveness of it all drives your partner's libido wild."

My balls were so sore and achy at that moment that I was ready to believe the 2000 vote in Florida was fair and accurate. Then I saw what she meant. Standing tall as the kneeling cutie was about to consume my sissy wee, I was mistress of the universe. Oh how men must love what I was viewing.

Ginger began by smiling and licking my sore nuts. That wasn't helping! They were getting sorer and more needy. But it felt oh so delicious.

Ginger sucked my left little grape and I whimpered sissily. Ginger stopped and smiled. She was my training officer and clearly I had reacted properly to her instruction. Then Ginger slurped all around the base of my short, but flaming pole. It was torture of the most exquisite variety. When her hot moist lips addressed the thousands of needy nerve endings on my cockhead, turn out the lights, the party was over. I squealed loudly, quivered and emptied my balls violently onto my poor sergeant's gorgeous face. Glob after glob left my distressed pubic region and glazed Ginger's visage.

I loved Camp Swishey so far.

Ginger cleaned her face, kissed me and told me I was a perfect little lovedoll. Where was all that uniformed service malarkey about breaking the recruit down, then building him up again? I liked the USSC approach better.

We managed to get me into my first miniskirt and heels. My balance was a bit shaky on the three-inch stilettos, but Ginger assured me that I would be walking confidently on six-inch fuck-me pumps in a week.

Fuck-me pumps! Men looking at me. Wanting to fuck me. I looked at myself in the mirror and my "condition" returned. Thank goodness, Ginger was there to pull my panties down and administer another seismic blowjob.

I asked if I could return the favor and Ginger accepted gratefully. Remembering what I had been taught, I hit my knees and removed Ginger's tiny panties. When she held her skirt up, I could see that she had a lovely cock. Small, but dark, with juicy, dangling balls and the prettiest, drooling, pink head.

I licked it with the same swirling motion the angelic non-com used on my little soldier. Ginger whimpered appreciatively. Ginger's goo was sweeter and a bit thinner than Principal Schultz's. Had it been only 24 hours since I had sucked him off?

Ginger wiggled her bottom and gasped with passion as I licked her balls. They were so tasty! Smooth and hairless. And she liked it so much. Bringing someone else off is almost as much fun as spewing your own goo.

Ginger's pretty eyes widened and she began to cum in ecstatic little jerks. I sucked her sissy wee in long strokes, swallowing her delicious juice as she strained it out. Mmmmmmm.

After some hot kissing, I wanted to start all over again, but Ginger said we had things to do. We were rejoined by Linda and Jessica, whose flushed faces told us that they had been enjoying each other the same way that we had.

Surprisingly, the next agenda item was a light meal. "A Sissy Corps moves on its stomach," our wise sergeant said. "Sissies would always rather have sex than eat, but you have to consider your health."

When we finished our meal, it was around six p.m. Jessica and I kissed Linda goodbye, then piled into the van with Ginger.

We drove back across post and pulled into the large parking lot marked for a building called Amber Hall. The lot was almost empty, but Ginger parked at the far corner.

That seemed very odd, but I proudly put on my pink beret and joined my sisters for the trek to the building. It felt wonderful to be in the pink USSC uniform, wiggling along in my micro-mini and heels.

Then I found out why we had parked so far away. The whole time we walked, men were whistling, hooting and throwing lewd suggestions at us. I said to Ginger, "Isn't that sexual harassment?"

"Of course, Katie. Isn't it wonderful?"

I wasn't sure. "Will they hurt us?"

Ginger answered firmly and confidently. "Never! Any man who hurt one of us would be beaten half to death by every other man in the Armed Forces. No one hurts us, even during sex. Especially during sex. Never allow that. Now enjoy the harassment."

Oh. I felt like a rock star. All those men wanted me! I looked at Jessica. We giggled and began to wiggle our bottoms for the boys. That increased the "harassment" volume. My ego swelled as much as my pricklet, which was severely tenting my skirt.

When we entered Amber Hall, leaving several disappointed, drooling soldiers behind, I was impressed by the size and majesty of the place. Ceilings were high, the great hall was very big, and above it all was a ten-foot, full-length oil painting of the prettiest sissy I had ever seen. She was wearing only black, seamed, hose, a lacy black garter belt and what looked like seven-inch sandals. Her titties were a lovely B-cup, with large, brown nipples. Her cock was almost five inches long, very erect and clearly dripping hot goo. Her balls were pink and girlish. She looked to be in her late twenties and her face was angelic. Her long, blonde hair was styled to frame her classic face. I almost came in my panties just looking at her.

"Who's that?" Jessica asked.

"That's Sergeant Major Amber," Ginger said. "The Sissy Corps's first heroine. She's actually that beautiful too."

Wow! "What did she do?" we asked.

As we looked at the painting in awe, Ginger related the tale.

"Eighteen months ago, a fire in the west was raging for weeks. A team of over a hundred firefighters was working brutal shifts and hadn't had their balls emptied in ages. The men were in distress and were starting to make mistakes. Potentially fatal mistakes. The Sissy Corps was put together just for situations like that.

"Unfortunately, all the roads to the firefighters were cut off and the 10-sissy squad assigned to `relieve' the men couldn't get through. But that didn't stop Amber. Back when she was pretending to be a male, Amber served as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Amber volunteered to jump in and serve all the men herself until the relief team got through.

"Everyone thought it was too dangerous, but Amber fucked a jumpmaster and a pilot to persuade them to take her and she got on the next resupply plane. She parachuted into the base camp, stripped out of her gear and into her lingerie and began to give her all for her country.

"The first twelve hours, she sucked four cocks an hour, on her knees. When offered a chair, she scoffed, saying she had too much self-respect to suck a cock from anything other than her knees. She did grudgingly accept a pillow for her knees.

"Amber was selfless and spectacular. Joseph Blatz, the 37th man Amber sucked that day, said, `Amber treated my cock as if it were the first one she had ever sucked. Before she blew me, she cleaned her face, freshened her lipstick, then slowly and lovingly gave me the cocksucking of my life!'

"All the men agreed. Every man got Amber's full effort. The men looked on in amazement when, instead of sleeping after twelve hours of cock adoration, Amber moved to a cot in a tent. She began to entertain man after man, 30 minutes at a time. In her mouth, bottom, hands, titties or feet. Any way they liked it. For 27 hours and 30 minutes. Until every man drained his balls, except for the six gay guys, who helped each other.

"It was a feat of incredible courage and selflessness. As the last man dumped his load into Amber's scourged bottom, the sissy squad pushed through to relieve her. Medevaced out by ambulance, Amber was smiling and vowing that she and her sisters would go wherever and whenever they were needed.

"It was what really put the Sissy Corps into the public consciousness and gave us the funding we need. That and fucking every congressman who visits Camp Swishey until he can't focus his eyes."

Holey Moley! What a sissy! "What happened to Amber?" I asked. "Is she dead?"

Ginger giggled. "No. That little cockhound got a presidential citation from President Blutarsky himself. Then the president conferred privately with Amber on matters of national security throughout a four-day weekend at Camp David. Now she's at a remote station, living with five hung, handsome men. Getting fucked ten to twelve times a day. And loving it. She emails me frequently to rub it in."

Five men! Fucked twelve times a day! Ohhhhhh.

Ginger let Jessica and me admire the painting a bit more, then she pushed a button. A back door opened and we were joined by ten of the squealing, happy sissies who had greeted us earlier that day. Except this time, they were only wearing make-up and nail polish.

The girls were magnificent. They were all slim and fit -- fucking is the best exercise there is -- with bodies that varied in girlishness, as if most were transitioning toward full womanly bodies.

Some had already achieved it. Two of the girls had slim waists, wide hips and bouncing C-cup titties as they ran to Jessica and me. Three or four others had A or B cups and they were slightly thicker in the waists. The rest looked only a little further along than Jessica and me, but they were all feminine treasures -- much femmier and prettier than any girl. And they had lovely, gooey cocks and pink, dangling balls that swung laterally as they ran toward us.

When the sissy horde reached us, they began to kiss us and gently undress us. They praised our beauty and our docility and submissiveness and I knew, at that moment, that I had made the smartest decision of my life.

As my bra was removed, a lovely brunette named Cynthia covered my mouth with hers. Her tongue was delicious and the rubbing of her B-Cups against my aroused nipples was extremely exciting. My pricklet was very excited and... whoa! Someone was sucking it very well. I looked down and saw only a blonde head moving up and down on my doodle. Cynthia kept kissing me as someone whom I later found out was named Jeanne administered a nuclear blowjob and then...ahhhhh! Someone was using her thumbs to separate my bottom cheeks and...unhhhh, she was digging into my bottomhole with her tongue. Two other girls began to kiss and lick my nipples and I kissed Cynthia harder. No human could withstand a sensual assault like that for long. I heard Jessica cum a few feet away and I sploogeed a big load into Jeanne's mouth. It was a near-death experience, but that didn't slow down the skilled team. Jeanne began kissing me with her cummy mouth. Cynthia

moved to right nipple and everyone else rotated. Like in volleyball, but with five, not six. One hour and forty-three minutes later, I had cum into each of my five sisters' mouths, kissed each girl passionately, even hungrily, submitted to each girl's nipple adoration/torture and felt each girl's tongue in my pretty keyster.

All in all, it was a good time.

After Jessica and I were allowed a few moments to recover, the girls had us stand and Sergeant Ginger, who like the rest of us was naked, read a brief proclamation that officially welcomed Privates Katie and Jessica to the United States Sissy Corps.

This was followed by an apology that all 20 of the girls stationed at Camp Swishey could not be present. The others were "on assignment" with deserving men. A little tingle grabbed me when I considered that before long, I would be on assignment. With a man. Doing the things the girls had done to Jessica and me that evening. Oh, it was so exciting. I sprung another woodie and everyone laughed when they saw it.

We all walked through the connecting passage from Ginger Hall to our barracks and were shown our rooms. Lovely, motel-type rooms, with big closets filled with uniforms, gear, lingerie and civilian girlie clothes. And acres of shoes! It was heaven!

The girls all kissed us good night, then went off to get ready to meet their overnight-assignment guests, who were probably in a proper froth of anticipation.

Ginger suggested that Jessica and I sleep together that night, because we would be getting assignments soon and wouldn't have the same opportunities to savor each other's sweet bodies. I almost thought that Ginger would want to join us, but she had a big-cocked "assignment" waiting for her. One look at her beautiful, naked body's pubic region would confirm her excitement for that young fellow.

"Reveille at nine a.m. tomorrow. Be dressed and ready for breakfast at ten and training at 10:30."

Now that's how an Army should be run. We get more cock before 9 a.m., than most people get all day.

Jessica and I took a lovely shower together. She drained my stiffie with her sweet hand as we kissed under the warm water. Then we dried each other off, got into our tiny, regulation pink nighties, and kissed for about an hour. I worked the little princess up, then sat her on the edge of the bed, got on my knees and sucked her off with my growing skills. Licking up her gooey drips. Listening for the pants and gasps that showed me where my tongue was inflicting the most pleasure. Pressing every advantage, then swallowing my reward as it passed my glossed lips.


Exhausted, Jessica and I got under the covers, hugged and kissed and went to sleep.

Chapter Five -- Trained

Sergeant Ginger was true to her word about reveille the next morning. Unlike the Marine Corps, she didn't bang garbage-can lids at 4 a.m. Instead, dressed in a white babydoll, her bottom oozing a man's plentiful cum, she climbed into bed with Jessica and me at 8:45, kissing us awake as we all groped lovingly.

When I began to feel the early cum signals, Ginger backed off. She kissed me and said, "Save your cream, Sweetie. You'll need it for training."

Boy, I thought. She was a tough sergeant!

Jessica and I piled out of the sack and got ourselves ready. Jessica helped me a bit with my make-up, but I was getting the hang of it. I LOVED feeling the stockings go on my legs and the rub of the panties on my clitty. We tidied the room and changed the sheets, an at-least-twice-daily requirement in our cum-drenched existence.

We reported for breakfast at the mess hall with the other girls and were greeted warmly. Everyone was saying goodbye to a stunning redhead named Sally, who was off to serve our lads in a country where the women wear head-to-toe purple wool.

Sally's goodbye was tearful, but you could tell that she was eager to get her lips around all the manmeat she could swallow.

Then the breakfast topic turned to the recent Supreme Court decision on the Sissy Corps. A woman had applied to join the USSC and was, of course, turned down. The Corps girls agreed that women could be firefighters, nuclear scientists, police officers, bodyguards, even mothers. But could they do what we Sissy Corps members do? No way.

The Supreme Court agreed, by a vote of 7-2. The seven male justices, regardless of their political leanings, used their common sense and agreed with each other. A woman who joined our unit would suck a cock for her country. Maybe two. But would she take cock after cock into her pooper? Swallow cum by the gallon? And almost more importantly, not complain about everything in sight? Day after day for four years? Eagerly?

What do you think?

After breakfast, most of the girls headed off for midday "assignments." Jessica and I were taken to training by a tall, curly-haired, brunette cutie named Cheryl.

"Is training difficult?" Jessica asked the sweet Corps girl.

Cheryl frowned. "It's easier than Marine boot camp, but not by much."

Our faces dropped.

"Kidding!" she said, giggling. "It's oodles of fun and you'll be cumming more than you thought possible.


Cheryl said, "Every day for a week, you'll start out with an hour of make-up class. Then you'll get a nice half-hour sex break, followed by lunch. After lunch today, you'll have a two-hour workshop on the penis. Then two hours on the anus and its many wonders. That'll do for the training day, then we'll see what happens."

The instruction on make-up, taught by a pretty African-American sissy named Brett, was very good and I learned a lot. The sex break consisted of hot sixty-nines, Brett and me and Jessica and Cheryl. Yummy.

After lunch, we were taught by a sweet doll named Angela, known worldwide as a sissy expert on the penis and anus.

Our panties were discarded early in the class as we used our own clitties for training aids. We learned about all the parts and what they do. Then we got into some practical application.

At Angela's signal, two hunky, handsome, naked men appeared and stood at the front of the room. Both were large and erect, especially the one on the right. He was introduced as Lieutenant Dan and his cock was bigger than Jessica's and mine put together. It was dark and had a big, blue vein along its entire right side. And that thick dark hood he had, called a foreskin. Oh, baby. I wanted him.

It was my lucky day. At Angela's request, I took off everything except my stockings, heels, bra and garter belt. Then I gladly got on my knees in front of Lieutenant Dan. Danny boy's big rammer was very stiff and dripping a steady stream of hot goo. I looked in his eyes and saw something I had never seen.


The man needed me.

He didn't just want me. He needed me.

What power!

Dan was a training aid that day. A needy one.

Angela had me hold his monster first. I felt his heat. I felt his hot blood throbbing throughout his thick shaft. He grunted with pleasure.

His very large, squishy-full ball-bag was next on Angela's instruction list. She had me hold it and heft each ball, then both together. They were heavy!

The poor guy was moving from simmer to the first bubbles of a boil.

Next, I was directed to examine the head. I drew back the foreskin, exposing the pink parts that we girls love best. The peehole was bubbling out sticky goo.

"Use your mouth and hands now, Katie," Angela said. "And make him cum twice."

Twice. All right.

The first cum was a no-brainer. I cuddled Dan's balls and only had to breathe on his exposed cockhead. That was all it took and the poor overwrought lad was cumming thick globs into my face. His cum was hot and plentiful and I ADORED it! Every gooey drop.

Remembering my assignment, I took Dan's big, but drooping log into my mouth, licking off the cum as I tounged his peehole. I sneaked a look at Angela. My teacher was smiling proudly as my man groaned and erected.

Switching tactics, I took a ping-pong-ball-sized testicle in my mouth and sucked and licked.

Dan liked that a lot. So much that he sort of, well, blew big, thick, Silly-String cum ropes into the wild blue yonder.

That was easy.

"Nice work, Katie," Cheryl said. "You too, Dan."

Dan's eyes were glazed as he looked at me with love or lust or whatever.

"Can you make him cum again, Katie?"

In the best tradition of the Corps, I said, "Can do, Cheryl."

Dan may have been thinking of himself as a lab rat at that point, but he managed to smile as he considered yet another visit to paradise. Assuming he survived the trip.

Back on my knees, I attacked the monster's head once again. Licking, sucking and slurping loudly as I straightened Dan out once again. I loved the look of manly pain on his face when I gave Dan's nuts a hard cuddle. Then I released them and began to lick that blue vein I mentioned earlier. I kissed up and down the whole, hairy territory.

Then I really improvised. Between slurps, licks, sucks and kisses, I began to tell him how manly he was and how much I would love another dose of his hot cream.

That did it. My praise worked on the biggest sex organ we all have -- the brain.

My first training aid gasped and frosted my face for the third time in 15 minutes. I was so proud.

Dan surprised me by standing me up and giving me a good ten minutes of cummy kissing as he stroked me to my own knee-jarring ball-drainer.

I liked training so far.

Dan kissed me goodbye and departed. I was handed a towel and sat down to watch Jessica perform equally as well as I had. She was a great cocksucker! And she would be in my bed that night.

Our next class was on the pleasures of the anus, taught once again by Angela.

Angela used some charts and graphs to show us anal stuff, with particular attention to the prostate and its delicious capabilities to arouse and engender intense orgasm.

"I know you're worried about big cocks entering your little pooper. I predict with confidence that you will live for the moments when a thick rammer punctures your sissy rosebud. When it rubs the tender skin of your prostate, you'll scream in sissy lust, creaming helplessly as your man fucks you. Even a finger in your tight `pussy' can drive you crazy with passion. But girls, when your man eats your pussy with his big, wet tongue...oh. I could talk about this all day, but let me demonstrate."

A Marine gunnery sergeant in full uniform entered the room, saluted us smartly and got on his knees.

Angela asked Jessica to step up, turn around and offer her pretty tushie to Sergeant Vince. Jessica was so pretty. I wished it was me licking her pootie. Lots of time for that later.

The sissies the night before had eaten us out well, but from Jessica's expression, she was entering another plane of existence. Sergeant Vince could eat a sissy pussy.

The poor sweetie's doodle was nearing meltdown, then it began to spurt her goo.

She squealed like a banshee as cum sought free air. Sergeant Vince was very pleased, if his swelling uniform trousers were to be believed.

"Now thank the nice man," Angela said.

Jessica was more than willing to do that. Sergeant Vince got off his knees and sat in an easy chair. Jessica sat her pretty bare bottom on Vince's lap and began to kiss him like she meant it. As she was kissing Vince, Jessica pulled his zipper down and extracted his large, by Marine, but not Army, standards, manmeat. Kissing him hungrily, Jessica stroked his big boy as Vince moaned, "Semper Fi, Baby."

Vince was not idle. He insinuated two fingers into Jessica's lovely anus and the fingers knew just where to go. Jessica squealed when he entered her, then shrieked when he found her prostate and began to massage it the way a sissy can only dream about.

Jessica was frantic with lust as the sensations of being possessed by a man when he's fingering your most intimate regions overwhelmed the little doll. Tears were steaming from Jessica's eyes as she shuddered, then blew hot goo, then shuddered again and drained every cum cell in her body. I thought she had passed out, but when she awoke, she kissed Vince with joy and gratitude, then feasted on his meat through two shattering climaxes for the lucky jarhead.

Well. I thought. That looked like fun.

I was next and I was to be under the careful instruction of one Ensign Benson, a hunk of a young man who had already stripped to a very nice naked. I like eagerness.

Angela had told us to "think of your anus as your pussy. Pooping is now only its secondary function. Pleasure is its first. Don't pretend it's your pussy. Make it your pussy."

So I thought, I'll show Benson my pussy while lying on my back with my legs spread. I got on the couch and did just that. The eager young squid got on top of me and kissed me, rubbing cocks very nicely as he did so. I don't think that was in the training plan, but I liked it.

Then Benson got to his knees on the couch, put my calves onto his shoulders, hooked my knees onto his shoulder blades, lifted my hips with his hands, and proceeded to give me gravity-defying pussy worship. Stopping occasionally for sweet kisses on my balls and licks of my very excited cock, the lad feasted on my pooper. I mean my pussy. Time seemed to disappear and all that was left were Benson's lips and tongue. I lost track of the number of times I came, but since my cock was aimed at my chest and face, both received lots of sticky splashes.

It was fantastic. Vince didn't fuck Jessica so I figured that Benson wouldn't fuck me. Maybe they were saving our first fucks for some big ceremony or something, but nobody told Benson. And Angela didn't stop him.

Benson's cock looked red, wet and angry, when he flipped me onto my stomach. I drenched the poor couch with the cum on my stomach, but all I could do was whimper with fear, lust and anticipation. Oh, I was going to be fucked. Oh.

Then I was being fucked and it was glorious. His rammer passed through my pussy ring like butter and it was rubbing...ahhhhhh...It was torment. It was agony. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was pinned under a huge, athletic man, who was doing unspeakable things to my bottom. Possessing me. Making me his, for that moment, anyway. I was biting the couch pillow to keep from screaming in anguish and joy. Then I said "What the fuck" and let my scream go. As well as yet another spermy load from my challenged balls.

Benson loved that he had made me cum once again, but he was mostly concentrating, as men do, on the relief of his own rocks. Which seemed imminent.

"So tight, Baby," he said. "You have the tightest, hottest, sweetest pussy in the world."

I loved the praise. He was right about the tight fit too. It was a wonder of nature that he got into me.

I was sobbing a little at the loss of my virtue or the last aspect of my manliness, but I got over it quickly when Ensign Benson injected me with the fluid of life. In six huge spurts. I had to poop very badly, but held it in and didn't mention it.

It was fantastic. I wanted to be dressed femmy and fucked by men every day of my life. In the Sissy Corps, dreams like that come true.

The young fellow was able to get hard and fuck me yet again, without withdrawing, so when he finally withdrew, manly juices were oozing from my stretched, distended pussy. I looked over at Jessica and she looked envious. Goodie. A little competition makes the world rotate.

Popeye and I kissed sweetly and thanked each other. But then my urge to poop became overwhelming. Angela showed me the sissies' room and I ran, holding my gaping bottom, afraid for what might drool out or eject.

After some important attention to my needs, I returned to find Jessica sucking off a very excited Angela. Poor girl had needs too. I must remember that, I thought.

When Angela passed her crisis, the three of us had a nice cuddle. Training was over for that day.

The next few days were full and wonderful. Every evening, Jessica and I made love with each other, as well as lots of our sisters who would drop by. The days were filled with lessons on sex, make-up, sex, fashion, sex, feminine manners and mannerisms, sex, etiquette, sex, the traditions of the military, and sex. With lots of practical application from the hunkiest training aids in the world.

It was a little unnerving to be excluded from having overnight men. Almost every girl in our barracks "entertained" every night and the squealing, moaning and screaming made Jessica and me very randy. It never crossed our minds to rack off in each other's bottoms. Our fingers were OK back there, but the only really welcome visitor was a brave American man's cock.

Being 18 and still fill of curiosity and mischief, Jessica and I did love to walk around a bit at night and spy on our sissy sisters.

Angela's room was next door to Jessica's so one night we peeked in her door, which she and all the girls always left ajar. I think exhibitionism is a sissy trait.

Angela was being smothered by a Schwarzenegger-like hunk. She was on her back and had her legs over her head. "Arnold" was pounding her poor bottom with what might have been a baseball bat, but could have been his cock. If he was killing her, she must have had a death wish, because she was making noises as if she were having the time of her life. We stood there watching for about ten minutes, during which, Angela had two debilitating orgasms and "Arnold" flooded her bottomhole with a torrent of his ball cream.

We sneaked away and Jessica couldn't even wait until we got into my room or hers. She was so worked up by what she saw that she got on her knees and devoured my cock and balls as she tickled my pussy hole. I was no less excited and doused her face with the thick, rich cream that only an 18-year-old can produce. Then I returned the favor. And flavor.

We decided to do a bit more spying. Ginger was with a man who was lying on his back. His cock was seeking heaven, but both of them were ignoring it at that moment. Ginger was on her knees straddling the man's shoulders as she fed him her sissy pricklet. The man was licking her cockhead hungrily as, with a back and forth motion, she fucked his mouth, her balls dangling and swaying prettily.

In the next three rooms that we inspected, the men were also sucking the girls' sissy wees. And eagerly swallowing their sticky cream.

That was the night we learned a great, unwritten truth of sissyhood. Men love to suck a sissy's clitty. And delight in swallowing her cum.

What would Freud say?

Something about repressed something or other and weaning from the nipple. Or maybe it's just that men are curious their whole lives about sucking a cock, but afraid to do it. Until they make love to a sissy. Another reason why men prefer us to women by several thousand to one.

I guess the Sissy Corps motto was right after all. Men really did love our privates.

My favorite class was "Teasing." I especially loved the practical exercises.

We were encouraged to create and act out our own teasing scenarios. One day I went to the PX (post exchange) to "buy shoes." Big, high, stiletto shoes, that I tried on my pretty feet as a male crowd gathered. I gave the audience little glimpses of my panties and stocking tops as I innocently searched for the right footwear. Then I asked one of the soldiers watching me if he could help me make a selection. He eagerly came forward, then slipped on each pair for me as I considered if it was just right. He got to handle my feet and ankles. His stiffy was painfully, and I mean painfully, obvious and the poor trooper nearly hyperventilated.

But I could never let our uniformed lads suffer for long. "Sissies are prickpleasers, not prickteasers" is one of the tenets of the Corps.

"I think the pair I really want is in the back room," I said to my hunky target. "Can you come back there and help me?" Then of course, I took him into the room, which was stacked with shoes, and gave him the fucking he would tell his grandson about some day.

Another time, I borrowed a sissy van and drove it to a remote part of post. I dismounted and let the air out of a tire. Then I got out the tire iron and, bending at the waist to expose my pantied bottom, pretended to try to remove the tire.

Thirty seconds later, an airman driving by almost went through his windshield in his eagerness to stop his car and help me. He was so sweet and helpful. And so good at changing a tire, even though my attempts to assist him, by standing so close he could smell my perfume and feel my body heat, had to be distracting. When he was finished, I just had to thank him properly or I would be drummed out of the Sissy Corps. That van was a rockin' and no one came a knockin'.

I love being a sissy.

After two weeks of instruction like that, basic training was over and we were to be accepted as full-fledged Sissy Corps girls.

The Corps wasn't much for ceremonies, but they did like sex. On the morning Jessica and I were to graduate, we had mastered make-up, dressing, teasing and walking in impossibly high stiletto mule sandals. We were as pretty as any creampuffs in the Sissy Corps.

We were ready to make deserving men happy. Wherever they may be.

When we finished breakfast around 10:30, all 20 of us sissy treasures took the foot passage to Amber Hall.

Along the way, Sergeant Ginger explained some of the facts of life about the Corps. "Unlike the other uniformed services, we don't have our own officers. We only have one sergeant major and her name is on the building. We're under command of a few very lucky Army officers, who take care of our logistics and administration. And we thank them kindly for their efforts."

I was ready to thank those officers and lots of other men. As trainees, we didn't have men in our beds overnight. The only men we had were part of our training. But we had just spent our last night as trainees.

As we entered Amber Hall, the girls squealed in recognition and ran across the room sissily to a nice-looking, older, Army officer. Had Elvis been resurrected?

Even Ginger was smiling when she told Jessica and me, "That's the commander of the Sissy Corps. General Mills."

General Mills greeted each squealing girl with, "Cheerio!" then called her by name. The girls all called him "Daddy."

Ginger walked Jessica and me over to introduce us to the General.

He had a nice, fatherly smile as he said, "Cheerio, Katie and Jessica. I've heard wonderful reports about you and I can see that they're all true. You're perfect additions to our outstanding organization. I'm proud to meet you both."

What a warm thing to say. "Thank you, Daddy," we both said and we gave him a kiss on each cheek.

Was Daddy's cock ruining the military crease in his pants? Surely he wouldn't...

Daddy smiled at us both and said, to the whole assemblage, "I think we can save some time here. Jessica and Katie are sweet, lovely sissies. We welcome them, yadda, yadda. And we wish them well. And I'll bring them back to you in 24 hours, exhausted, but happy. Bye, everyone!"

Everyone was giggling as Daddy escorted us out of Amber Hall. "Enjoy your day, girls," they all said.

General Mills took us to his quarters, then straight to his bedroom. He stripped naked, lay on his king-sized bed, and invited us to join him.

We did and were very glad. The man was an alien. He had to be. Or he had the key to a Viagra factory. He fucked and sucked both of us for the better part of 24 hours. We only got out of bed to pee, poop and eat the only thing he seemed to have in the house -- cold cereal and milk.

The general was as naughty as could be. Seventeen hours into the fuck-a-thon, I couldn't hold my poop any longer. I ran to his bathroom and made a big load. When I looked to use the toilet paper, there was none. I looked up and saw a naked Daddy standing there with his tongue out. "This is the toilet paper for my girls," the randy buggerer said. True to his word, he licked me clean, dirty bits and all. Then, surprise, surprise, he was so excited, he fucked me.

When our delightful graduation party was over, he took us back to our barracks for a day of rest.

No wonder the girls loved him.

Chapter Six -- Assigned

Now that we were full-fledged Sissy Corps privates, Jessica and I knew that a far-away assignment was inevitable. We were already half in love and would miss each other terribly, but we had joined the Corps to be selfless and patriotic. As we were being buttfucked by America's finest.

After our day of perpetual puncture by General Mills and a day of rest, we got our "orders."

In one week, Jessica would be deployed to a secret Army station in Greenland. Oops, I guess it's not secret any more.

And I was being sent to assist the Marines who were guarding the U.S. Embassy in Southern La Bamba. I wasn't alone. Two of the sweeties at Camp Swishey, Natasha and Vicki would be going with me.

That was a great assignment! And I really liked Natasha and Vicki. They were "old ladies" of 20 years and had joined the Corps soon after it was founded two years earlier. Each had been on a previous field assignment and had won praise and decorations for their docile, loving service to our fighting men.

I would miss Jessica terribly, but everyone was telling her that her assignment was plum too. And she was getting ARMY hunks, the lucky duck.

I'm a bit nervous about going, but I think I'll do well. I mean, I haven't had any complaints from the men so far. I love the men and the men love me.

While I'm away, maybe you could drop me a line at

We service members always love to hear from the folks back home.

Oh, and let me know if you would like to join the Sissy Corps. Remember, "Men love our privates."

My other stories on nifty:

"Acting Up" transgender -- control "Panty Pleasures" transgender -- young friends "Woodville" transgender -- tv "Mothered" transgender -- control "Panty Town" transgender -- teen "Tradition" transgender -- teen "Punished" transgender -- high school "Panty Paradise" transgender -- teen "Kevin and Molly Go to Camp" -- transgender -- teen "Lovelife" -- transgender -- high school "My Three Sissies" -- transgender -- tv "Acting Out" -- transgender -- high school "Explorers" -- transgender -- high school "Pantied" -- transgender -- young friends "Rebuilding" -- transgender -- teen "The Au Pair" -- transgender -- surgery "Birthday Girl" -- transgender -- teen "Genes" -- transgender -- high school "Brothers in Panties" -- transgender -- teen "Coach" -- transgender -- control "Intervention" -- transgender -- high school "Winners" -- transgender -- teen "Teased" transgender -- high school "Irish Girls" transgender -- teen "Finished" -- transgender -- teen "Role Model" -- transgender -- high school "Freedom" -- transgender -- high school "Panty Fiesta" -- transgender -- control "Experiments" -- transgender college "One Fine Day" -- transgender -- teen "Stiff Resistance" -- transgender -- teen "Poker" -- transgender -- tv "Panty Sabbatical" -- transgender -- high school "Published" -- transgender -- tv "Stripped" -- transgender -- high school "Trained" -- transgender -- control "Something Better" -- transgender - tv "Fulfilled" -- transgender -- tv

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