Prize Winning Petticoating

By Karen Petties

Published on Mar 5, 2001



Prize Winning Petticoating By Karen Petties

Having never won a thing in my life, I had to read the letter a couple of times for it to really sink in. I checked the envelope again. The name was right other than it was addressed as 'Miss'. It seemed ages ago that I'd entered a competition in some raunchy girl's magazine to win a car. The letter from SPICE magazine confirmed that I hadn't won the car but I had won second prize: a wedding dress and accessories to the value of £2,500 from an exclusive bridal shop in London. Of all the things to win! What a pity I couldn't claim it.

"Two and a half thousand pounds," I sighed.

The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became. I could have had any dress in the shop for that, a really beautiful silk one that would have fitted properly and transformed me into my ultimate fantasy, a blushing bride. Oh it would have been something to enjoy and treasure for the rest of my life, I mused with regret. Maybe I should at least go and have a look at the place though. I could always just have a look around, no harm in that. In fact, if it wasn't too busy I might even be able to pick out a dress and get out again, quickly.

With butterflies in my stomach I drove into London the next weekend and found the shop. It was called 'Ladies in Lace' and the window display was full of the most beautiful dresses. I paced up and down outside for ages but I was desperate for one of those frothy creations and finally plucked up the courage to go in. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open into this exclusively feminine domain. It was my first time in a bridal shop. The sheer femininity of the place, the smell of sweet perfume in the air and the sound of girls chattering away immediately struck me. I looked around nervously, taking in the rails of sumptuous dresses in every style imaginable as young girls floated up and down the shop in their long dresses, holding their skirts up in front and stealing glances in the floor to ceiling mirrors. Just in front of me, a middle aged woman was kneeling down with her back to me, fluffing out the skirts of her daughter's dress, the poor girl looking more embarrassed than I by the display of underwear that her Mother was inadvertently providing. I realized I was the only male in the entire shop and suddenly felt as if every pair of eyes was on me, wondering what on earth this young, red faced, single male was doing, invading this ultimate of female preserves.

An attractive dark skinned assistant who turned out to be the shop owner, approached.

"Can I help you?" she said and I felt as if everyone in the shop momentarily stopped talking to hear my reply.

I took a deep breath and explained about the competition and showed her the letter. She read it slowly.

"Oh yes, that's fine. Is your fiancee with you today" she inquired, looking around.

"Er no, I don't have a fiancee" I replied.

"Oh I see. Well, your girlfriend perhaps?"

"Er no, I'm afraid I don't have a girlfriend at the moment" I explained.

"Oh dear, that's a shame. As you can see, we don't stock any men's wear and I'm afraid there's no cash alternative. What a pity" she repeated apologetically.

This was the moment I had anticipated. I had rehearsed it a million times but still I was dreading it. I could feel my face going beet red as I took another deep breath and explained that I would still like a dress - for myself.

There was a hush all around the shop.

"I thought I might... er... wear it to a fancy dress party or something... er... if that's OK," I stammered.

She was a little taken aback, then recovered and smiled. "You want to wear a wedding dress? Really?" she said in a loud voice and joined in the laughter of the young girl whose Mother still had her skirts up round her waist.

"Well it'll be the first time I've dressed a young man as a bride... but yes of course you're entitled to a dress my dear" she exclaimed, causing a cacophony of giggles from the girls within earshot who were moving closer to witness this fascinating event.

"So you want us to turn you into a blushing bride then?" she continued her teasing.

"Well... yes... er... just for the party that is" I replied, looking away.

"Mmm, well by the time we've got you into a fairytale dress and done your hair and make-up, your own mother wouldn't recognise you" she promised.

Around half a dozen girls had now gathered round and began to join in, chattering excitedly.

"We'll help him pick out a dress... lots of pretty ribbons and lace... something really girlish... oh won't he look a darling in white silk... he'll need a veil to hide that red face... and what about some frilly lingerie... oh yes, something to get the boys interested... and something sexy for the wedding night... ooh we can help him get all dressed up too!"

I was at the point of making a run for it by now but the manager sensed they'd gone too far and thankfully stepped in. She suggested I return another day around closing time.

"We'll shut up shop and you can take as long as you like to have a good look at all the pretty dresses without the embarrassment of these young girls gawking at you" she laughed.

"Oh no... shame... we only want to help... he'd like us to dress him up all pretty... and make him feel all sweet and girlish... we could even show him how to flirt and tease the boys in his new dress."

I looked round nervously at the girls, giggling excitedly at the thought of it all, and decided I'd have to return even though it meant I'd need to pluck up courage all over again. I arranged to return the following week and left as quickly as I could.

"We'll be waiting" they yelled as I closed the door.

As the big day arrived, I was getting more and more apprehensive by the minute as I waited to set off for the bridal shop. I arrived there at 5pm just as the last customer was leaving. They locked the door behind me, put up the closed sign and shut the blind. The owner's name was Tessa and she introduced her two young assistants. Thankfully she asked them to tidy up the shop before taking my hand and leading me over to the first of many rails of dresses.

"Let's see, this style is very popular this year" she said, pulling out a long, white, slim fitting dress, which looked disappointingly plain to my eyes.

I plucked up courage. "Well yes, it's very nice... but as it's for a fancy dress, well I was thinking I ought to have something... a bit more feminine... well something extremely feminine really" I replied.

"More feminine?" she asked.

"Yes... um... er... how about a full skirted dress... very floaty with... er... layers of petticoats underneath... big puffy sleeves and... er... plenty of frills... lots of pretty ribbons and lace... er... something like that" I said breathlessly.

She burst out laughing and continued for what seemed an age.

"Oh, you seem to know exactly what you want young man. You'll want a meringue then" she laughed, sending the young girls behind me into fits of giggles.

I blushed deep red. She led me over to a rail full of billowing full-skirted styles I so adored and had secretly set my heart on. Success! Yes, they were exactly what I had in mind, the kind of big expensive designer dresses you only see in magazines. She went down the rail pulling out each dress in turn. Oh it was so difficult to choose, they were all beautiful. Finally she held up a gorgeous ivory silk dress she described as the 'frilliest and most girlish' they had. I had to agree, it was the prettiest dress I'd ever seen and I immediately fell in love it. It had a beautiful satin bodice elaborately decorated with lace and pink slotted ribbon, huge puffed lace trimmed sleeves, and a voluminous skirt of glistening silk taffeta over layers of wispy tulle. I particularly liked the way the back of the skirt cascaded down from the waist in a waterfall of pink edged lacy frills. I shivered with anticipation.

"Well then young man, is this feminine enough for you? Any girl would look like a fairytale princess in this and I'm sure you'll look just as pretty" she said.

I couldn't believe that it would be mine and I would actually be wearing it. I was in a dreamy sort of trance as she added to my embarrassment by holding the dress up against me, swishing the flowing silky skirts around my legs.

"Gorgeous silk isn't it, how does it feel? Oh you're going to make such a beautiful bride, aren't you? I bet you can't wait to see it on."

That started the young assistants off again into another burst of laughter. I didn't know what to say and I was afraid they'd see my heart pounding away.

At nearly £1,500 I suppose it should have been a rather special dress! I tried to relax and feel pleased with myself though. I had managed to find a dress and was starting to recover my composure. All I wanted now was to get out of that shop with it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately it wasn't to be.

"You'll need some petticoats underneath" she said shattering my dream and sending me into a hot flush again. "The layered ones are so much prettier than a hoop and we've just had some gorgeous ones in from Paris. You'll also be needing some lingerie" she said destroying my last vestige of confidence. "Let's see if we can find something as frilly and feminine as the dress shall we?"

She led me over to the display of bridal lingerie. There were bras, Basques, panties, thongs and suspenders in every style and colour. I watched her pick over the flimsy garments, conscious of the two girls watching my every move. Looking at the dresses had been bad enough but I went bright red as she began holding up the most feminine and intimate ladies underwear I'd ever seen.

"It's all so pretty isn't it? See anything you like?" she teased.

I took a deep breath. "Er, how about these" I suggested, pointing to a pair of plain white bikini briefs.

"Oh no I'm afraid they'd be... well how shall I put it... a bit skimpy for a boy" she laughed. "Besides, you said you wanted something really feminine and girlish for your party so you can't wear something as plain as this underneath can you? How about some French panties, now these are simply exquisite" she said handing me a pair.

"Plenty of room for you in these, and nice wide legs for easy access" she laughed.

I swallowed hard. My hand was shaking as I nervously held them. They were pale pink, slippery satin, generously decorated with French lace around the full legs and the waist, with a blue satin bow tied at the front. Even I had heard of 'La Perla'. My God they were £125! My heart was pounding away and I was breaking out into a sweat.

"Aren't they a bit er f... fussy, I mean... er... won't they show, you know under the dress" I stammered.

"You mean VPL - visible panty line. Goodness you seem to know all about these girlie things don't you" she laughed. "No, no, you don't need to worry about that under a full skirt and bouffant petticoats. I always tell the girls, there's nothing like some pretty lingerie to get the wedding night off to a good start. I don't know why but all men seem to get a rush of blood to their nether regions when they see a girl in frilly undies" she roared. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm embarrassing you aren't I? I keep forgetting. You're just trying to look as pretty and girlish as possible for your party. Yes of course... but then if you attract a few men into the bargain... well I don't think you'd really mind that would you, eh?" she smiled.

"OK, now here's the complete set" she said, passing me a bra, suspender belt (or garter belt as she called it) and some white silk bridal stockings. "Now, you go and pop these on whilst I find you some petticoats."

"What ! You mean try them on? In here? In front of you? You're joking! No, no it's OK, really. I'm sure they'll be fine" I replied, my face absolutely scarlet.

"Nonsense, we'll have to see how they fit, won't we?" she replied.

"Please, they'll be fine" I insisted.

She began shaking her head. "Listen, the dress will need altering and I need you to try the undies on for size. I wouldn't dream of letting a girl walk out with a beautiful dress like this without a proper fitting and the necessary alterations. Now then, do you want the dress or not ?"

I hesitated.

"Come on don't be shy you silly boy, you'll be wearing the dress at your party in front of everyone won't you. Don't tell me a big lad like you is embarrassed about slipping on some ladies silk lingerie and a pretty wedding dress. For heavens sake, we see girls parading around half naked ever day. We're hardly likely to be bothered about seeing you in a dress, are we girls," she said turning to the young assistants.

"Oh no, we don't mind," they giggled, "we won't be shocked or embarrassed and we promise we won' laugh either" they said, unable to keep a straight face. "You just come along with us Sir, we'll have you in your dress in no time."

Before I could argue, they each took an arm and eagerly led me to one of the changing rooms.

"Just shout if you want any help, sir, we'll be right outside if you need us. Those stockings can be a bit tricky if you're not used to them," they laughed, pulling the curtain."

Damn! I could see that they wouldn't let me take the dress now without trying it on. I had gotten so far and I couldn't face walking out without it. Perhaps I could do it. After all, it would only take a few minutes. I took a deep breath and began to undress whilst the girls waited outside, and chatted in hushed tones.

"Have you ever gotten your boyfriend to try on any of your stuff, Julie?"

"What, Dave? In girls clothes? You've got to be joking," she replied. "He wouldn't even wear a pair of my plain white cotton knickers when he ran out of underwear on holiday last year."

"So you don't think you'd get him into some pretty lingerie or a wedding dress then" she laughed.

"Hell no. He'd kill me for even thinking it. What about your boyfriend, have you ever played any games like that with him?"

"Well I did suggest he wear my nylons once for a bit of a laugh. I thought it would be kind of sexy to see his long muscular legs in some nice silky stockings and feel them all wrapped round me, but he went crazy at the idea and that was that. You know, I just can't imagine a real man agreeing to wear a girls panties can you?"

"No and I can't imagine a guy putting on a dress either, let alone a bridal gown and petticoats, even if it was for a party. Not that I believe that story for one minute. Hey do you think he's a bit... you know?" she whispered.

"Well he is a bit effeminate isn't he?

"Maybe he just likes wearing girls underwear and pretty dresses."

"Maybe, but I think he's got a boyfriend who likes him to dress up as a girl. And then he undresses him very slowly and... "

"Oh Julie, trust you! Well if he does have a boyfriend, he'll need to fight his way through all those bridal petticoats before he gets to the panties," she giggled.

"Yeah, and then he'll be in for quite a big surprise won't he!" she laughed.

I tried to ignore their embarrassing conversation as I began fastening the bra and the suspender belt. Now for those exquisite panties. I shivered as I pulled them on. They felt so sensual. They were a bit on the small side but they were deliciously feminine. I checked the mirror. Oh hell, the sheer material across the front of the panties was practically transparent, this was going to be really embarrassing! The white silk stockings slid easily up my legs giving them a distinct sheen. Thankfully, I had just managed to fasten the long suspender straps to the lacy stocking tops when Tessa inquired if I was decent. I tried to hide my modesty as the curtain was yanked back.

"Oh, doesn't he look a sweetheart in that lingerie. What do you think girls?" she smiled.

"Oh yes, pink really suits him doesn't it and look at his pretty blushes, so girlish and appropriate for a bride," they laughed.

"Well I guess any boy would be blushing with his manhood displayed in such a pretty pair of girls panties," she laughed.

Oh hell. I tried in vain to hide my modesty with my hands.

Tessa went on to tell me that she had recently sold a set of the very same lingerie to someone very famous, "an ex Royal, with red hair," she hinted.

"She was buying bridesmaids dresses for her daughters and fell in love with those panties. Of course she had to have three sets, in pink, white, and baby blue. Money no object for some people," she said indignantly. "Just think, next time you see her on television, she could be wearing the same lingerie as you," she laughed. "Now come on, girls, help him with these petticoats and I'll get the dress," she instructed.

They ushered me out of the changing room and onto a low pedestal I had seen them using the previous week. One of the young assistants held up a voluminous, layered, tulle petticoat.

"Simply gorgeous isn't it? You're such a lucky boy winning all this lingerie aren't you, and so fortunate to have us here to help you with it!"

She told me there were a hundred yards of material in the petticoat and I would have to learn how to walk in it, and how to sit down without it lifting up and showing everything underneath! The two girls looked at each other and smiled whilst I wished they would simply get on with it.

I looked at the frothy white creation she was holding. I had no idea it would be so big or so fancy. There were layers and layers of it, the outer one being made up of six deep, lacy, frills edged in pink and a pink ribbon waistband.

"Well, is Sir ready to try the petticoats now?" she teased, bringing me out of my trance.

She held the mouth of the petticoat open at my feet. I was so nervous I was frozen to the spot.

"Come on Sir, nothing to be afraid of, it's only a petticoat. The dress won't hang properly without it."

I still couldn't bring myself to step into this most girlish of underwear.

"Now come on, don't be shy" she said and lifted my feet one at a time and placed them inside the waistband.

She slowly pulled it up but only as far as my stocking tops.

"Oh dear, you've got one of your suspenders all twisted," she said trying to suppress a giggle.

With that she reached inside the wide legs of my French knickers and deliberately brushed her hand across my penis, causing it to stir in response. Oh no! I could feel it swelling up, pushing out the front of the panties, and the more I tried to stop it the bigger it grew. I panicked as she wrapped her tiny fingers around my manhood and my hot cheeks burned red with shame.

"Oh wow, look at this Julie, he's getting a hard-on inside his panties. I bet that pretty lingerie is making you feel all girlish isn't it? Has your boyfriend seen you in French knickers before? Mmm, he won't be able to resist you in these will he" she laughed.

Julie joined in the laughter. I couldn't blush any deeper. I wished the earth would swallow me up.

"You just wait till we've got all these frilly petticoats on you, just think how girlish you'll feel then," she added, and slid the petticoat up to my waist, where she tied the long pink ribbon in a bow to secure it tightly.

With both girls in hysterics at my red-faced humiliation, they tugged the second petticoat down over my head and teased out each layer, until my legs disappeared under the expanse of sheer frothy material. Tessa returned with the wedding dress and the three of them pulled it on and zipped it up, enclosing me in the shimmering satin. They puffed out the sleeves, arranged the layers of petticoats under the skirt to make it stand right out and generally fussed over me as they would with any of the young brides. At last, I had taken on the promised meringue like appearance.

They walked me up and down the shop to get me used to the volume of the skirts. Julie told me to hold up the hem at the front to avoid tripping over it, and that a glimpse of lacy petticoat was a surefire way of attracting attention from any passing men.

"That's it, swish those petticoats, look up and smile" she teased.

The voluminous skirts seemed to take on a life of their own, swishing noisily around my legs, and with every mincing step I could feel the suspenders tugging deliciously on my stockings and the silk panties caressing my penis.

They got me to stand once more on the pedestal.

"There now, what do you think" they asked.

I really did look the part and you could see that with a wig and a little make-up, I would easily pass as a pretty bride. One of the girls fitted a headdress and veil whilst Tessa pinned the hem of the dress and made notes of the alterations. She then gathered up my skirts to check the lingerie.

"Mmm, you'll need the next size up, I'll have to order them for you," she muttered.

Finally I was able to get changed and I was so glad to get back into my own clothes. Tessa told me the alterations to the dress would take a few weeks and the lingerie would be in around the same time. Red-faced and breathless, I thanked them and fled from the shop!

Several weeks passed, during which time, a lady from SPICE magazine kept leaving messages on my answerphone. Finally she caught me at home, one evening, and said they wanted some photos of me in my bridal gown. I panicked for a moment, then explained that the girl she wanted had moved and I didn't have the new address. She sort of accepted that, and luckily I wasn't bothered again.

A few days later, Tessa rang to say that she could drop the dress round to me that evening. Thank God, I couldn't face going back to the shop. I watched from the window as she arrived in her car, wearing a blue satin slip dress that accentuated her figure. She looked younger and more sexy than I remembered. Unfortunately, the two girls who lived across the hall emerged, just as she climbed the stairs and knocked on my door, struggling to hold on to my precious dress.

"Oh, who's getting married then, Jeremy? You're a dark horse," they laughed, as I opened the door.

"He kept this quiet didn't he. Gorgeous dress isn't it. My, my, you'll really look the part in this, won't you Jeremy darling?" they teased.

"Just look at all these frilly petticoats, you'll have to get some practice with these won't you. Oh look, poor thing, he's quite the blushing bride isn't he?" they giggled.

Tessa smiled at my embarrassment and handed me the dress, draping the petticoats over my arms.

"You should see all the lingerie he's got to go underneath. Shall we let them have a peek, Jeremy?" she laughed, handing them a carrier bag.

"Hey, look at the sexy sussies," Sue laughed, holding the suspender belt, "give the boys a treat in these, eh!"

"Apparently, it's all for a fancy dress party" Tessa informed them with a giggle.

"Oh yeah, of course it is, Jeremy. What about all those frilly panties we keep seeing on your washing line... must have been going to a lot of parties lately" Sue replied, laughing.

Her flatmate, Fiona, held up another embarrassing item of ladies lingerie.

"Oh, just look at these darling little silk panties, don't they look sweet with all that pretty lace."Such pretty panties, Jeremy, and is pink your favourite colour? Oh yes, he's going to look such a pretty little girlie in these," she teased.

With my arms full I couldn't prevent her from holding them up to my waist.

"Oh yes, he's going to look real cute in these. I bet he'd like us to come and help him get all dressed up, eh, what do you think? I can't wait to see you squirm Jeremy, when I pull these panties up your legs. Mmm, I've always wondered what it was like to petticoat a boy, now I'm going to find out. What a scream! We'll give that lovely blond hair of yours some pretty curls and do your make-up for you. Oh poor boy, why are you going all red, Jeremy?"

"Hey, why don't we fix him up with that Steve in the flat above," Fiona screamed. "You know what he's like, dirty bugger, chases anything in a skirt. I bet he'd have your panties off on your first date, Jeremy," she laughed.

I knew I was on a loser with that bet. Steve was what the girls described as a 'hunk' and he brought a different girl home every Saturday night. With my apartment directly beneath his, I could hear everything. It usually started with some giggling, then the sound of a spanking that went on quite a while, or until the girl began sobbing. Then I'd hear the bed creaking and the moans and groans as she received her afters. It was impossible to sleep through that lot!

I ushered Tessa in and closed the door with the girls still in fits of laughter outside. I could still hear them shouting.

"We'll be round Jeremy... to make you all pretty for Steve... he's going to love flipping all those petticoats... and spanking that little botty... boy are you going to get a good seeing to."

I shuddered at the thought!

"Thanks a bunch," I said, "I'll never live this down you know."

Tessa apologised, and we got chatting over a cup of tea. She told me she was born in Brazil, which explained her tanned skin and long wavy dark hair. I could just imagine her walking topless across the beach, ample breasts bobbing up and down, and one of those skimpy thongs disappearing between her bottom cheeks! As if reading my mind, she crossed her legs, revealing the tops of her stockings and a tiny triangle of white silky panties. Christ, she knew what she was doing, all right, and the tell tale bulge in my trousers was getting bigger by the minute.

She told me I had to try the dress on once more to make sure it was OK. I couldn't wait! I took everything into the bedroom and laid it all out on the bed. My heart was pounding as once again I pulled on the stockings, stepped into the silky undies, the frothy petticoats, and finally the dress itself. I nearly fainted as the layers of silk swished around my legs. My heart was beating ten to a dozen.

"Is everything OK? Shall I zip you up?" she inquired, pushing the door open. "Oh yes, very pretty, how do you like it?"

She hardly needed to ask, I was in love with it.

"Let me put a little make-up on you, you'll be amazed at the difference."

"No, I don't think so, thanks."

"Oh go on, no-one will ever know. Wouldn't you like to see how pretty I can make you look?"

Without waiting for an answer, she got to work with mascara, blue eye shadow, plenty of blusher and a bright red lipstick. I checked the mirror. She was right, I could quite fancy myself.

"I reckon you're going to have all the guys chasing you," she laughed, making me blush again.

"Just hold this a minute," she said lifting the hem of the skirts.

She slipped a lacy blue garter high up onto my thigh and lightly caressed the front of my panties. I jumped as she touched my manhood ,and her long painted nails snaked up and down the length. My heart began to pound.

"Mmm, that's nice isn't it," she laughed. "Dressing as a girl is fun but it's not the best bit. I think you'd like to know what it's really like to be a girl wouldn't you? I can always tell. Once I've got a boy into panties, that hard-on is a dead give- away. You know, there are loads of guys who would really fancy you dressed like that. I bet you've thought about it but never had the nerve to admit it," she teased, watching my face colour up again. "You see, I just knew it."

She pushed me down onto the bed with my skirts round my waist and wrapped her lips around my cock. Oh God! I just managed to stop her before it was too late! She stood up, and I watched anxiously as she unzipped the dress and let it slither to the floor in a pool of silk. Underneath, she was wearing a camisole and French panties in white satin with baby blue lace and slotted ribbon. They contrasted nicely with the dark stockings and pale blue lacy suspenders. She took my hands on a journey of discovery to her full breasts and perky nipples, down the slippery satin camiknickers, and beyond the waist elastic to her firm and well- rounded bottom. I massaged her cheeks inside their silky prison. Mmm, I was in heaven. She certainly had a wonderful figure, I was getting quite worked up. She guided my hands to the front of her panties. What? I looked up in total shock.

"Oh my God!... Oh my God!"

There was a very obvious bulge inside her feminine panties and it began to jerk and respond to my hand.

"Oh, what have you found, you naughty boy?" she laughed.

She took my hand and pushed it inside the panties. Without thinking, my fingers automatically wrapped themselves around her manhood. My heartbeat quickened. She eased the panties aside giving me a full view of her cock, swelling up in my trembling hand. I was stunned. How could this slip of a girl with such a feminine figure be so well hung?

She told me she'd had her boobs done back home when she was 16, but decided against going any further when she came to England.

"I soon found out what you English boys want. You act all shocked and embarrassed but you love being dressed in frilly lingerie, and you also love a girl with something extra between her legs, don't you? It's the best of both worlds Jeremy, I promise."

I looked up nervously.

"Oh no, please. No, I'm not ready for that," I pleaded with her.

"Of course you are, sweetheart. You're just a little nervous, but you can't take your eyes off my cock, can you?"

"No, please. I can't, really," I begged her.

"Well I think you'll change your mind when I tell you that SPICE magazine wants to do a feature on you. They say they've been trying to contact you for weeks and wanted all the details off me. Naturally I was very discreet, but I've got some lovely photos that I've had made from our video security tapes," she said, dropping a few samples in my lap.

"They'd make an interesting centre page spread ,don't you think?"

I looked down at the pictures of me posing in my lingerie and the girls helping me into the dress. I was dumbstruck, she was blackmailing me, but what could I do?

"That's better, now give me a nice girlish pout."

She pulled my head forward toward her manhood. The big purple plum teased my glossy red quivering lips. I gingerly took it between them. It was growing harder by the second and she pushed forward, slowly filling my mouth with her manhood.

"Mmmm, isn't that good, you see how much you're enjoying it, just like a real, eh."

After the initial shock, I decided to get it over with as quickly as possible. I soon worked out how to tease and turn her on. Anything to finish her off, or so I thought! I could see the effect I was having on her, but then she stopped me abruptly.

"Let's get you into something more comfortable first" she said and started searching through my drawers.

Damn, I'd forgotten that all my girlie underwear was in the top drawer. Her face lit up with a big smile.

"I knew it. Someone likes pretty lingerie. Quite a collection for your fancy dress party," she laughed, pulling out bras, panties and other lacy items of very feminine lingerie.

She decided on a blue satin baby doll nightie with matching lace trimmed panties.

"How sweet, blue for a little boy," she teased.

"Put them on," she demanded.

Meekly, I did as she said. She examined me, then stepped forward and reached inside the panties, pulling my swollen penis out through the convenient split crotch.

"I think you're ready for your reward now," she laughed.

"Oh no, not that, I don't think I can," I pleaded once more.

"Come on now, it's time you found out what that cute little butt is really for."

She pushed me down onto my hands and knees, opened the rear of my panties and slipped her throbbing shaft between my cheeks.

"Oh yes, I just knew I had to have you from the moment I first saw that tight little girlish bottom in those silk panties," she groaned. "I bet you have fantasies about this don't you, Jeremy? All you needed was a little encouragement. Now tell me how much you want me, how you've been longing to take my cock" she demanded. She stretched my cheeks apart, completely exposing my bottom to her throbbing manhood, which was threatening to probe deep into my cheeks.

"Come on, ask me sweetly. Ask me to fuck you like a little girl. Oh God I feel so randy and my cock is nice and big for you. You know you want it don't you."

"Oh God, it's enormous," I cried, as she teased me with it, easing the stiff intruder gently into the entrance.

"Does it feel nice and big inside you, Jeremy? The bigger the better, that's what the girls say don't they? Now come on, ask me nicely to fuck you and you can have the rest of it deep inside you."

I couldn't help myself any longer.

"Oh, oh yes, please take me. Make me into a real girl. Take me like a bride on her wedding night. Please, please fuck me Tessa. Rape me with that big throbbing cock."

"That's better, sweetheart. I just knew you wanted it really, and as you asked me so sweetly, I'll give you a very special fuck for a special bride. Mmm, nearly there my pretty boy," she teased, easing inside me but waiting until I began to moan with pleasure and begged her to take me fully.

With that she pulled me back roughly onto her throbbing length and settled into a steady rhythm. I couldn't help but groan with pleasure, feeling like a shy little virgin on her wedding night being serviced by her husband for that very first special time.

"Oh sweetheart, how I've dreamed of this moment, seeing your cute little butt dancing on the end of my cock," she breathed. "You won't be satisfied any other way after tonight" she promised.

Next, I was on my back with my legs draped over her shoulders. As she pushed forward, my bottom was lifted off the bed, cheeks parted, leaving me completely defenseless. Her cock slid in and out in long purposeful strokes whilst she used her silk panties to massage my penis, continually taking me to the brink and then stopping. It was unbearable and I pleaded with her to finish me.

"Oh no, I'm not letting you come until the morning," she whispered. "We've got all night and I want to keep you right on the boil, so you'll be hot for it all night long, just like a real bride, eh? When I've finished with you tonight, you'll be shopping for maternity wear," she laughed.

I don't know where she got the energy from but she took me in so may different positions, until in the early hours, she finally allowed me to come whilst she finished off in a shattering climax, flooding me with her orgasm.

I was exhausted but she was still far from finished. She climbed on top of me and straddled my chest, gripping my face tightly between her thighs. Amazingly, she still had an erection and it was probing my lips.

"I always come two or three times in a night," she said, as I was forced to accept the swollen purple plum again.

"Come on, pretty bride, purse those lips nice and tight" she encouraged.

"Mmm you're such a good little cock sucker and now you're going to drink a special toast."

She began to slide back and forth in my mouth and a few brutal strokes later I was taking a full inch of hard cock down my throat with only a little discomfort. I was getting used to it, stretching properly, and I was loving it! Finally, with her balls slapping against my chin, she shot her load down my throat. She kept her cock in my mouth until I had swallowed every last drop.

I awoke the next morning feeling exhausted but fulfilled. Tessa was already dressed and appeared to have been up a while.

"Hi sleepyhead. I met Steve from the apartment above you this morning. He invited me in for a cup of tea. What a hunk! The girls were right about him though. He's a randy sod. He'd screw anything in a skirt, even you!" she giggled with a twinkle in her eye.

"He even had the nerve to ask me to feel him up. Mind you, I couldn't resist, it looked like he had a tentpole inside his trousers. I tell you, it must have been about ten inches long and nice and thick! A girl wouldn't go short with that to warm her up," she laughed making me blush with her lewd talk.

"Anyway, he saw me walking in yesterday with your dress and thought we were both getting married! He didn't believe me when I told him the dress was yours, at least not until I showed him the photos."

"Oh for God's sake, you didn't!" I protested as she laughed.

"He said you looked real sexy in your lingerie. He's also invited us to a party tonight at his place. Guess what, it's fancy dress and he can't wait to see you in your wedding dress and all your sexy lingerie. Judging by the way he was vigorously patting my bottom, I'd guess you could be in for a good spanking tonight," she laughed.

My face went beet red. I felt so ashamed. The thought of him seeing me dressed as a bride was bad enough but it sounded like he would be trying to get me out of my dress. I wondered whether I would end up lying defenseless in his lap whilst he flipped my skirts and slipped my panties down, exposing my bottom to his powerful hands.

"Well he's got another thing coming if he thinks I'm going to be spanked like one of his little bimbos," I protested.

"But sweetheart, it'll be worth letting him have his bit of fun. You know what boys are like. I just know he'll take you to bed afterwards for a good seeing to! Just think of taking that gorgeous monster of a cock. Ten hard inches, mmmm. Are you swooning yet, darling," she laughed.

"Oh, by the way, the girls across the landing are also invited. I said they could pop round later on and help me to get you dressed. You'll want to look especially pretty for Steve tonight won't you!

She left for work but on her way out, tossed me a copy of SPICE magazine.

"Have a look at this darling. You forgot to ask for no publicity didn't you? You're famous now," she laughed.

I quickly glanced inside and my heart sank. There I was in glorious colour, one picture fully dressed, the others showing me in my lingerie, and in one I was even smiling at the camera!

"Oh my God, I don't believe this" I cursed out loud.

Fortunately, the veil disguised my face a little and there was no mention of my name but the article made it quite clear that a 'young man' had won second prize. It described how I had insisted on a full-skirted dress, bouffant petticoats and all the trimmings including the frilliest of lingerie. The owner of the shop was quoted as saying that I had insisted on the frilliest of dresses in the hope of getting my boyfriend to propose to me!

I read the article again and wondered what lay ahead of me that night. Another embarrassing petticoating was certain, this time with the girls next door. Appearing in front of Steve dressed as a bride, how embarrassing. Lying in his lap, oh no! Feeling his strong hands push my petticoats out the way and explore my lingerie, and the secrets within. Maybe my first spanking, with my panties down? A good seeing to from his big cock? He wouldn't let the girls watch though, would he, surely not? Knowing Tessa, she would insist anyway! I wondered if he really was as big as Tessa had made out. Ten inches sounded... wonderful! Mmm I couldn't wait!

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