Pro Rehab Rutting

By Scott Coffin

Published on Dec 19, 2017


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

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This story is copyrighted by the author as of 12-18-2017

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Pro Rehab Rutting 1: Aaron Rodgers' Collarbone

(This story can be read as a quasi-sequel to "A Coaches Tale 6", any talk about the Atlanta Game and/or The Falcons is associated with that story.)


It felt great to be able to practice with his team again. Even though his collarbone wasn't quite healed completely, he was throwing the ball well with the scout team, and in one on one work with his quarterbacks coach. The last few weeks had been more than a little frustrating for Aaron Rodgers, and now just under two weeks away from a presumed start against the Panthers, he was feeling more like his old self.

Well, except for one thing. Both of his regular fuck buddies has been avoiding him lately, at least in private. To any casual observer among the team, it was all business as usual. Away from the team, however, Jordy and Clay had never been as stand-offish with him as they had been since he had gotten hurt. Actually, if he was honest with himself, the change had started showing itself after the Atlanta game.

More precisely, after the aftermath of the Atlanta game. At least as far as Clay was concerned. With Jordy it was more clear cut, there was no doubt that his apparent apprehension was all about the injury. It had happened before. Any time either of them had been sidelined the sex had come to a halt, that was just the way Jordy was and it was something Aaron had grown accustomed to.

Clay was another story. A story that the veteran quarterback did not want to examine at all. What had happened to them when they lost the bet against the Falcons was something that they had both decided they would never talk about again. It was something that had, if anything, driven them to even higher "alpha" actions the couple of times they had tag-teamed Jordy in the brief window post losing to Atlanta and pre injury. Jordy had fucking loved it, too!

Rodgers was pretty sure his linebacker buddy was embarrassed and ashamed over being bitched out in Atlanta as much as he was himself. For what it was worth, the quarterback was half right in his assumption.

Part 1

Clay Matthews had long ago given up on trying to drive the thoughts from his mind, and instead resolved to focus himself, to just keep counting off the reps and sets he was to oversee today. Here he was, walking the corridor on his way to the weight room to meet up with Aaron for some supplemental training, fully knowing that they would be alone together for the first time in well over a month, and rather than thinking about the specific (and important) task ahead of him, his mind was awash in a fever dream. A remembrance of Atlanta and what had happened there. He counted to ten, took several deep breaths, and then counted to fifty when he realized it hadn't worked. By the time he had finished that second count, he was focused on the training ahead, and had managed to conjure up a simmering resentment over Jordy's "no sex when injured" rule. It would be considerably easier for him if the Wide Receiver was here too.

Aaron's doofy grin was, as always, disarming as he entered the room. His best buddy and quarterback was clearly excited to be allowed even this very limited extra work out from under the overly watchful (repressive, really) eyes of the training and medical staff. Clay couldn't help but grin back at Aaron's eagerness.

"Yeah, yeah, finally get to work out with the big boys again...just so you know, I am under strict instructions to keep this so light it will do you no good whatsoever." the big linebacker chuckled, "So, of course, It is my solemn duty to be so fucking hard on you today, you will wish the trainers were here instead of me!"

"Counting on it, buddy!" The quarterback winked in reply.

As his buddy worked harder and harder, as the reps and sets added up, as the two men moved from one station to the next, Clay found his mind slipping again. No matter how many ten counts, no matter how many times he shook the cobwebs of Atlanta away, they always came back. They were always clearer. Always sharper. Forty minutes in and he was able to lock his mind down onto the last spit-roasting of Jordy the night before the Vikings game and the injury. He was grateful for that, for having been able to banish Atlanta from his mind and focus on the pair of them tag teaming the stud wide receiver like they often did.

For about ten seconds.

The flash of thought that shot through him was no less disconcerting as a memory as it had been when it hit him that night in a hotel in Minneapolis. The idea of pulling Jordy off Aaron's cock, of removing himself from the depths of the wide receiver's cocksucking mouth, and impaling himself on Aaron's fat 8 inch prick. It may have even been more disconcerting, considering that night he had simply been able to double down on his throat rape of Jordy and his encouragement of Aaron's pile driving thrusts into the bottom slut they had been sharing.

Jordy Nelson was nowhere to be seen at the moment, the buffer between who Clay was and what he wanted was gone. His quarterback racking the weights loudly and sitting up on the bench only reinforced that knowledge. Shaking the linebacker to his core as he was jolted back to the here and now. He would have told you in a heartbeat that he had been distracted and was actually staring at the weight bench that Aaron was straddling, and not the lump of cock flesh under the quarterback's bunched up workout shorts. He might have even been convincing in that statement.

But then why was his mouth suddenly full of saliva, and why was there a pulsing charge coursing through his groin?

"What next, buddy?"

His teammate's question hit Clay's psyche like a locomotive and blasted his remaining resolve to smithereens. The giant linebacker was on his knees and between Aaron's before either man fully registered the movement. By the time Aaron caught up with the action, his best buddy and teammate had pulled the front of his damp shorts away from and over his packed jock. The quarterback watched in grateful amazement as the linebacker inhaled the ripe, musky mound of mesh, sweat, hair and flesh. Clay worked his tongue over the whole of the intoxicating package even as he huffed deeper on the scent of his teammate.

The blond's 6'3" frame relaxed at once as he felt the cock swelling under the rough fabric in his mouth. The torment he had been putting himself through over these last several weeks melted away as he sucked Aaron Rodgers through his jock strap, goose flesh rising on his skin at the feeling of homecoming. For his part, the veteran signal caller was torn between pulling his teammate away from his rapidly swelling crotch to save the linebacker from making a foolish cock slut out of himself, and reveling in the feeling Clay's steamy mouth was bringing him. The decision was made the second he began shifting to help his teammate strip his shorts and jock off.

The feel of his buddy's sweaty, rough hands scrambling at the fabric of his clothing, the humid air of the weight room hitting his now fully exposed jock shaft and the feel of his teammate's tongue making direct contact with his plump cock head drove the quarterback into a frenzy. Shifting himself against the barbell he had just been pressing, leaning slightly back as he watched his lust drunk buddy's lips open and envelope the flaring crown of his thick cock. He brought his hand down and cupped his cocksucker's skull, tangling his fingers into the sweaty mane of long blond hair and watched his teammate sliding forward on his belly along the bench. The visual of his stud teammate prostrating himself before him, coupled with the fucking amazing feeling of full lips, acrobatic tongue, and eagerly moist throat enveloping his pulsing prick was nearly too much for the stud QB to bear. Before Clay could bottom out on the rock hard flesh he was impaling himself on so willingly, Aaron gave a push upward, gagging the big man slightly as the last two inches were pounded into his face.

Clay Matthews knew what he was opening himself up to, knew how easy it would be for Aaron Rodgers to ridicule his need when this was all said and done, but he didn't fucking care anymore. He fucking wanted this. Had wanted it, all of it, longer than he had ever let himself acknowledge, and he was going to fucking get it. Truth be told, he knew, this had nothing to do with Atlanta, that had just been a signpost along the way. This had been inevitable since the day the two Packer studs had first met.

The smell and taste of his quarterback's cock, the thickness of the eight inch long column, drew copious wads of saliva into Clay's hoovering mouth as he nursed at his teammate's heated, pulsing flesh. The tight, tangled grip of Aaron's big, ball throwing hand in his hair, the sharp, periodic yanks forward that crushed his face harder into his teammate's pubic bone sent crazy hot shivers of lust through the linebacker's massive, muscular frame. The vein etched surface of his quarterback's cock sliding along his tongue drove him to abject greed, to an undeniable desire to map every iota of flesh pounding in and out of his throat. The feel of Aaron's scratchy pubes, the smell of his over heated crotch, the thumping pressure of the overloaded bull nuts against his chin reminded him with every heartbeat of his quarterback's virility, of how massive the load would be when it poured into him, and how tasty. He gloried in the knowledge that this time he would be fed it fresh from the source, and not as had so often been the case, from Jordy's freshly fucked jock cunt. The thought hadn't fully formed as he began to shift himself into a better position of attack, pulling his own hand out of his own full jock pouch before he had realized that he was groping himself, he brought it in to cup his buddy's big ball sack, enjoying the feel of hot sweaty flesh coming into contact with hot sweaty flesh.

Aaron ran his hand along Clay's back as he let go of the big man's shaggy haired head, catching the hem of his buddy's shirt he pulled it up, desperate to expose his teammate's flesh. That neither man liked the three seconds it took for Clay to fully remove the damp fabric of his compression T was evidenced by the bone and face crunching reunion as the linebacker sunk his lips over the quarterback's cock shaft even as the quarterback drove full force up and in to the linebacker's face. Aaron's big hand now slid under the waistband of Clay's loose workout shorts, sliding deeper inward until the ball of his palm rested lightly along the waistband of the linebacker's jock. Clay shifted up again, attempting a one handed depantsing of himself as his teammate trailed two long fingers deeper into the cleft of his sweaty jock ass. Freeing himself, finally, from the shorts he moved his hand back up to start lowering his jock strap.

"Leave it on!"

The shiver that tore through his massive blond body morphed into a deep and guttural moan as he closed his lips tight once again around the base of Aaron Rodgers' thick, powerful quarterback cock. The moan was answered with a pulse of savory pre-cum from his teammate's shaft as his teammate's long, rough fingers made their first, fleeting contact with his jock ass lips. As the wriggling digits flickered over and around Clay's the big linebacker felt almost as if he had already been used, had already debased himself so completely that there was no way back for him and the only path was the one forward, the one that would lead to him becoming, very willingly, as big a cock slut as Jordy had always been. He knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he would not be tasting Aaron's load this time, unless he figured out a way to eat his own ass. The acceptance of his place sent a surge through every fiber of his being, his own aching cock pulsed pre-cum into the mesh pouch of his jock, his ass lips quivered around Aaron's probing, searching fingers in something like a kiss.

Those two fingers sunk deep inside his ass as his lips once again met up with his teammate's sweaty pubes. The rumbling groan from deep within vibrating through his own head, even as it vibrated around Aaron's throbbing, leaking cock. The flow of quarterback pre-cum soothing his ravaged throat. The taste and feel of his best friend's powerful cock slipping between his lips, the firm flaring crown running long the ridges of the roof of his mouth before forcing itself past the balking entrance to his throat brought Clay more pleasure than he knew possible. The 6'3", 255 pound linebacker pushed his muscular ass back hard onto the digging, stretching fingers of his 6'2", 225 pound quarterback.

Aaron brought his other hand into play as Clay ground back against the finger fuck, smacking his stud teammate with an echoing spank. The type of swat that he had long ago learned would bring an involuntary clenching to any jock ass, no matter how greedy that ass was to be stretched wide and fucked deep. Even as his teammate's jock muscle butt responded in exactly the way he expected, Aaron didn't really believe he was going to have a shot at tapping this mountain of muscle currently inhaling his aching cock. Clay was not Jordy, and if his cocksucking of the moment seemed needier than it ever had in the past, that was probably all down to the fact that they had been denying themselves for so long as Aaron continued his rehab. The times Clay had sucked him in the past had always been great, and while the stud QB definitely lusted over his buddy's muscle butt, he had never thought, let alone tried, to do anything more than one of his famous rim jobs on the stud. Even the fact that he had added a third thick finger to the digital fuck he was throwing into his linebacker didn't lead him to expect anything beyond this spectacular, and soon to be ball draining, blow job. The flood of fiery spit washing over his rock hard cock; the rough, scaly ridges of the roof of Clay's mouth along his sensitive, angry crown; the avid swiping of his teammate's broad tongue tracing along the veins; the greedy swallowing of the big man's starving, desperate throat felt 100 times better than they ever had before.

Aaron Rodgers had never felt as betrayed as he did the second Clay Matthews' slurping lips and clutching throat moved off his aching eight inch jock joint. The quarterback mistook the depraved look of lust, of absolute need, on his linebacker's face and knew in his heart of hearts that it was over. That this blond mountain of a stud jock had realized what he was doing and stopped himself.

Part 2

"I'm sorry, A! FUCK! I need you so fucking bad, buddy. Needed you for so fucking long..." Clay gasped out the closest to a coherent declaration as he could, grinding his powerful glutes back and down, impaling himself on Aaron's still digging digits harder and deeper.

"Please don't think I'm a pussy, buddy...I just...I fuckin' nee-..."

The linebacker's pleas were cut off abruptly as his quarterback drug him forward, mashing their lips together, Aaron claimed Clay's mouth and lips with his own, driving his tongue into the space where his cock had just been. Ignoring the sharp twinge in his still not quite healed collarbone, Rodgers continued pulling his buddy to him, leaning back as he brought Matthews' muscular frame to rest on top of his own thick thighs. The pressure of 255 pounds of jock flesh pressing against him, the roughness of the mesh stretched tight over the packed jock pouch along his own cock, the feel of the tight jock ass clutching greedily at his fingers drove Aaron to powerful heights of lust.

The feel of Clay's heart beating a rapid staccato rhythm against his chest spurred him on even more. Planting one big hand over his best buddy's pounding heart, he pushed the stud linebacker up and away from his lips, reveling in the feel of the big man's sweaty taint and ass crack slide along his rock hard dick in a desperate, horny dance of submission.

"Fucking ride me, bitch!"

Clay Matthews groaned as he raised himself slightly, reaching behind to grasp Aaron's spit soaked quarterback cock he slapped it hard along the deep trench of his muscle butt several times before sliding it into place at his quivering ass lips. He went faster than he wanted, but slower than he needed as he seated himself fully on the massively thick eight inch column, grinding himself into his buddy's sweaty, scratchy pubes as he impaled himself to the fucking hilt. His eyes, never breaking their locked gaze with Aaron's flew even further open, rolling back slightly at the brilliant, beautiful pain of giving his jock ass to his best friend. His breath failed him as it was pushed out completely in a long gasping moan at the first penetration, his own cock was painfully hard encased in the tight, rough mesh of his jock. As he finally relaxed his muscles at the end of the first deep stroke inside he realized how sore they all were, how tensed up he had been in hopeful anticipation of this moment.

He watched his quarterback's eyes rake over him. Saw Aaron's gaze follow the rivulets of sweat run down his sloping, powerful torso. Followed them down to where they locked onto the obscene sight of his overstuffed jock pouch. Both men watched as the linebacker's own eight incher pulsed a wad of pre-cum out through the widely stretched mesh. His quarterback's hands came to rest on the defined muscles of his legs.

Aaron pushed upward with a sharp, if precarious, jerk of his hips digging even deeper into Clay's clutching ass.

"Fuck, A!"

"So fucking good feeling you inside me!"

"Take me, buddy!"

Clay slid himself upward, sliding his ass up along the jock shaft in his ass even as Aaron remained flat on the bench under him. The linebacker stopped, instinctively, just at the moment where the flaring crown of his buddy's cock was nearly free, and reversed his motion. As he slid back down the length of it, Aaron lurched himself upward once again, driving inside his buddy, the two men crashing together in a painful, bone crashing stroke.

And again.

And again.

And again.

The long steady withdrawal slipping inexorably into a deep crunching impalement as Clay Matthews rode Aaron Rodgers' cock in a punch drunk, lust addled state of almost non-being. Every thought, a ll action that the linebacker could muster was focused on his groin, on where his body met his quarterback's, on where his best friend's cock dug deep inside his achingly and willingly ruined ass.

"Give it up, Clay!"

"Fuckin' give me that jock cunt of yours, bitch!"

Clay hung his head in the sweetest most complete debasement as he followed his top stud's commands, riding himself harder and faster and deeper on the fat fucking shaft of jock muscle ripping through his stud jock cunt. He knew he was not going to be able to last much longer. Knew that the perfect angle he was riding in, the angle that allowed Aaron to batter his prostate with every thrusting stroke upward, would soon have him pumping out his own load. He desperately wanted to cum. Desperately wanted to see his babymakers forced through the mesh of his jock strap. But more than anything he wanted to feel Aaron's cock thickening and then pulsing inside him as the stud QB blasted his own virile load. Bred him. Made him a true jock cunted bitch.

Aaron watched his massively built linebacker ride him, felt the jacked up power of his buddy's thighs under his splayed palms each time the stud lifted himself upward, felt the muscles slacken again as he started his slide back downward, saw and felt the big man's gasps each time he crashed himself up against the powerful glutes, impaling Clay fully once again. Rodgers let his eyes slip down Matthews' sweat slick torso again, drinking in the sight. The sloping, powerful muscles of the man's pecs. The thick, ridged plate of the stud's abs. The sweat matted treasure trail leading to the profoundly strained pouch of the now nearly transparent jock strap. He watched a pear of pre-cum form on the mesh, watched it get bigger, watched it run down the mesh in a long unbroken stream. He heard is buddy's breath catch, heard his linebacker gasp in desperate, needy desire.

Glancing back up to Clay's face, he found his best friend's head bowed. The normally flowing blond hair now sweat soaked, clouding his handsome features. Making him look even more like the 'God of Thunder' they teased him with. The big man's power bottom strokes only increased in intensity as he neared his orgasm.

"Fuck, A...gonna..."

He gasped as he drove himself back down on his quarterback's massive cock.

"You're gonna fuck it, A..." a long, drawn out wheeze of desire slipped from his lips. "Gonna fuck it outta me, buddy!"

"Do it, Clay." Aaron's voice was suddenly soothing, but no less commanding. "Give up that load, baby! Let me see how much you've wanted this."

"Fuck. FUCK. FUCK! Pound it outta me, stud!"

Aaron saw Clay's cock swell under the strained to nearly breaking mesh of his jock. Felt the powerful grip of his linebacker's sphincter slip into vice mode. Clamping down on his achingly, nearly there jock shaft. Aaron drove up hard, pounding into the slut stud riding him.





Aaron Rodgers watched as Clay Matthews blew his jock bitch load. Watched it pulse out through the mesh of his jock and pour down onto his own furry belly. Great, viscous globs of Packer cum pooling in his pubes as he continued driving up into the linebacker's bitch ass.

Clay felt the swell inside him, tearing his focus away from his own pulsing, orgasmic cock, he felt Aaron's swelling, felt the increased power of his thrusts up and into him, felt the powerful quarterback hands dig deeper and harder into the aching muscles of his own powerful thighs.


Aaron Rodgers' virile Packer seed flooded into Clay Matthews' perfectly tortured jock cunt, soothing the ravaged tissue as it flowed freely from the quarterback's balls into the linebacker's starving hole. Both men were gasping incoherently, eyes locked. Twisted, lust addled smiles split their faces in still desperate yearning.

Clay leaned slightly forward, then caught himself before he went to far.

Aaron wanted it too, and one strong, sure hand flew to the blond jock stud's neck, dragging him down.

The two still gasping, twitching Packer vets crashed together in a lip bruising kiss of pure passion, breathing each others moans deep into their own lungs, feeling their hearts pound together separated by their sweaty skin, aching muscles and sore bones. The surprising coolness of Aaron's cum tickled Clay's flesh as it started to seep out around the still nearly hard cock inside him. He felt his best friend shiver under him, knowing it was a result of feeling the cum slide along his ball sack, but also of what they had finally shared of themselves.

At the doorway to the weight room, Jordy Nelson turned and walked away, his own cock angrily hard as it flopped in his sweat pants with each step toward something new.

Next: Chapter 2

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