Proctology 101

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 13, 2003




I was flustered at the news. "I...I know I volunteered for this medical lab, Doctor Wilson, but I didn't know what it would involve. Maybe this isn't a good idea. I don't need the extra money that bad."

"Now, just consider it a contribution to medical science. After all, someone has to do it...and it certainly isn't something you don't do nearly every day. Hop up on the table here and I'll adjust the camera."

"Yeah, but...gee. Taking a shit in front of a camera for a whole bunch of medical students to see?!! I'll have to watch it myself!"

"Don't be silly. It'll be in extreme close-up. Your face won't be shown, only your anus. Unless some of the other students have had their faces up your butt, they won't recognize who it is. They'll just figure it's an old educational film."

"I guess...but still it's embarrassing. The smell and all."

"Well, just try to relax and remember I'm a doctor. And don't worry about talking--there won't be any sound."

"Alright, but I sure feel funny. Don't they already have films?"

"Actually, no. This is a progressive clinic just being instigated here at the college for aspiring proctologists. Listen, I understand. It's no walk in the park for me, either. It still makes me a little embarrassed, considering what I have to do."

"You? What's that?"

"To get a clear view of your defecation I'll be holding your cheeks apart so that you expel cleanly and to see the way your anus expands and interacts. Did you stick to the diet and take your medication?"

"Yeah, just like you said."

"Fine. Now just squat down and get comfortable, John. Let me take this robe off you and check the focus again. Thrust your bottom back a bit. That's alright...just let your cock and balls dangle naturally. Hmmm, rather impressive. Maybe you'd care to volunteer for one of the masturbation films."

"No thanks, let's get this one over with. What do I do?"

"Okay, try to stay in that position. Now I'm gonna touch you, so don't jerk away. That's it. Just let me open you up back here nice and wide. Great, not much hair there. Sometimes I have to shave guys. Now you just look straight ahead and try to defecate as slowly as possible. It's not critical because the camera's very high speed, but try."

"Okay." I had to go anyway, so I did what he said. His hands felt funny holding my naked ass that way. He seemed to be massaging it and really spreading me. I grunted until I felt it about ready to shoot out. Then I slowed it down and shit on the table!

"Yes! Marvelous!" Doctor Wilson exclaimed. "Wow, you really got a big one in there. That's just beautiful...a very healthy- looking turd. That's it, drop it right out. Squeeze off. If you have any more...go ahead. I can wait."

"Uh, I think that's it. Boy, that's a stinker! Can I get up now?"

"Hold on. Let me grab some tissue and wipe you up. On second thought, I really don't think you need it. Very clean."

"W-well, get some so I can clean it up. Damn, did I do all that?!"

"Pretty hefty, hunh?" he grinned. "Listen, you go ahead and get dressed. I'll take care of this."

I shrugged, figuring he was used to it. Marvelous? Beautiful? Very strange to hear somebody talk about my turd that way. I'm sure he was just remarking on a medical specimen, though. I got dressed while I watched him fold over the paper towel and pick it up. He used another one to clean off the table, then took my mess into the bathroom. I guess he studied it for a while, because it took several moments before I heard the toilet flush.

"W-when will it be shown?" I asked, taking my money.

"Oh, probably not until the end of the semester when the subject comes up. We don't get into stuff like this until we see how many dropouts there are. Those left are more serious. We lose quite a few when the bloody scenes are shown."

"Okay. I hope I don't cringe when it's shown and give myself away!" I laughed.

"Not to worry. All eyes are going to be on the screen. They won't even be thinking about who it is. You won't even recog- nize yourself."

End of the semester. I put it out of my mind. I got to know some of my fellow students, and even Doctor Wilson was young enough to be a fun guy. Medical students sure seemed to party a lot on the weekends. The girls were just as bad as the guys when it came to talking about sex all the time. The booze flowed freely, and sometimes I suspected they were having out- and-out orgies in the bedrooms. I didn't have the nerve to venture back there yet, but my nervousness made me drink more.

The third party was different in that most of them seemed to leave all at once. Doctor Wilson and half a dozen other guys were the only ones left besides me. I figured I should leave, too, because I was getting pretty drunk. Maybe it was obvious, because Doctor Wilson sat me down on this wooden chair in the living room. I thought it was strange for it to be sitting in the middle of the room, until suddenly I was pounded upon by four guys. I was stripped naked and my arms were pulled behind the chair and I was handcuffed! My legs were spread widely apart and also strapped to the back chair legs.

"What the fuck's going on?" I cried before being gagged, feeling fear though presuming it was some kind of joke. It was a joke...a joke on me!

"Not a thing, John. We're just gonna watch a movie and we don't want you to leave before it's over." Doctor Wilson patted me on the head.

A movie? So? They didn't have to tie me up for that. I didn't have to get up early. I saw the other guys grinning at me lewdly. A drape was pulled, exposing two large screen TVs side-by-side...both with VCRs connected. One of the guys turned everything on, pushing the VCRs simultaneously. There, in full naked color and stereo sound, was me in the front and me in the back as I climbed onto Wilson's table at the lab! OH, GOD! They were going to show me taking a shit! Was it a real thing or was it all just to make fun of me?! There I was...voicing my concern and talking about being embarrassed. They were all laughing and winking at me...getting a big charge out it!

I realized how big a charge when they all pulled their pricks out and started to jack them off!

"Nice prick!" someone said to my screen image.

"Yeah, but check out those huge balls!"

"Hardly a hair on his ass, too. Ain't that a sweet thing!"

"Yeah, I'd like to suck that butthole some time, John!"

"Hey, Doc? Bet those buns sure felt nice and cushy!"

"Hot little dumplins, fellas! Like big pink marshmallows!"

"Did his hole smell beforehand?"

"Naw, fresh and sparkling. For the time being, anyway!" Wilson said, causing guffaws all around. I tried to turn my head in shame, but Wilson held my neck and whispered in my ear. "Just go with it, sugar. Check out what the guys are doing and saying."

By then they'd all stripped completely and were sitting there playing with themselves.

The expression on my face on the screen was nearly as beet red as it was now. I couldn't figure out where that other camera was hidden. The pained expression on my face when I attempted to shit was more embarrassing than what was happening at my asshole. Laughing and giggling, the guys brazening sat there masturbating over me!

"Hey, John? You take it up the ass? I'd sure like to fuck you!"

"Hell, man...I wanna blow that big cock of his! Looks like he's even getting a little hard there. Whadda you say, John? Let me suck out your cockjuice some time?"

"Yeah, I'd like to empty his balls, too!"

"Oh, fuck! Look at that, fellas. His asshole's starting to open up. Here it comes!"

"Gawd, that asshole must be two feet wide on that screen!"

"OOOH, LOOK AT THAT TURD PEEKING OUT!! I'M COMING ALREADY!" I saw the guy flog his meat as he sprayed jizz all over himself just from seeing my shit!

When there was two or three inches sticking out of my anus, another guy let go!



Guys were shooting their wads all over the place...totally excited at watching me take a shit. And the filthy things they were saying! What kind of guys were they? They always seemed so normal. Even Wilson was jacking off over my shoulder. I could smell his cock!

The whole thing was there. Wilson picking up my turd and taking it away. Oh, no! A third camera in the bathroom. With a big grin, Wilson waved the turd under his nose, sniffing loudly. Then with a deranged gleam, he stuck out his tongue as if he wanted to lick it. Then he dumped it into the toilet and winked into the camera.

Maybe for those guys that hadn't come yet, just the shitting part was edited onto the end several times. More than a dozen times, I shit out that turd. I just sat there, wide- eyed, totally unbelieving of the whole thing. Yet my cock was hard.

"Ah, I could watch this all night! Hey, John, how about doing it for us in real life? I'll let you shit in my mouth!" He stood up and in incredibly long streams he shot all over the screen! The guys cheered. "If he won't do it...I'll shit in your mouth!"

The last guy got up and shot his wad all over my face! The screen, that is. "I wanna come in his mouth!" he cried. His cum ran down my chin and he leaned over and licked it from the screen!

Wilson stepped in front of me, brandishing a huge cock. "I'm gonna come. You wanna suck me off?" I shook my head violently and turned my face away, fearing he'd come all over my mouth. But he turned sideways and shot streams all over the carpet!

One guy came up, his dick still dangling from his pants, and brazenly felt my crotch.

"He's kinda stiff, but he didn't come in his pants!" he laughed. They all laughed. They all stuffed their pricks away and laughed some more. My gag was pulled away, but I didn't say anything. I was too stunned, and didn't know what to say anyway. I was too mortified. Wilson grinned and put my drink to my lips.

"Last guy we pulled this on did suck me off! Blew our minds!"

"Yeah, that was the guy that came in his pants!"

"Before we release you and you start taking swings at us... with your fists, that is..." Wilson crouched in front of me, "let me explain. It's a secret tradition to pull this joke on a new student each semester. You got picked cause you seem shy and naive. Just so you don't feel too bad about it, we all embarrassed ourselves by jacking off and talking like that. Fact is, we're all straight and it was all lies. Nobody wants to eat your cock and balls...and certainly not your turd! We all came so much because we've been holding our orgasms for a week."

"J-just a j-joke?" I stammered. "A dumb joke that embarrassed the shit out of me?" That certainly brought more laughter.

"Hey, fella, we all hafta shit. You don't look any dumber doing it than we probably do," some guy said.

"Right," another added.

"I hope you're not too pissed, John," Wilson clapped my shoulder. "It was all in fun." Then I was untied.

Knowing it was best to take it in stride or they'd never let up on me, I ventured some revenge tactics. "Aw, that's alright. Guess I did look kinda funny up there. The shit talk was wild and crazy. Still, I know the truth when I hear it. I'm not that dumb. I really am straight, but I'll let you guys blow me and lick my asshole. Who wants to go first? You can't fuck me, but I'll plug your butts if you want."

"No, really...we were just kidding."

"Hey, it's alright. I won't tell anyone. Come on, suck me off!"

"Not on a bet!" one guy smirked.

"Well, maybe I WILL tell then!" I bluffed.

"Jeez! Hey, Doc! Now what?"

"Relax. Little Johnny just wants some revenge. Don't you?"

"You owe me something, that's for sure!" I cried.

"Like what...besides sex things we don't do?"

"Hmmm. How about getting in a circle and letting me watch you guys shit? That would be fair."

"You wanna watch us take dumps!"

"No. I just want you to have to do it like I did."

Grumbling and irritated--pressured by Doctor Wilson--they laid out a sheet and stripped again. I sat in an easy chair while they each took a shit in front of the others...with Doctor Wilson assisting. I made them leave each pile there, and the place really stunk by the time they were finished. Wilson was the last to go. He had an amused smile on his face and actually seemed to enjoy doing it and watching the others. I got the feeling the whole thing had turned out better than he'd expected. I walked up and jacked off all over their turds!

"Nice party, fellas," I grinned. "See ya in class!"

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