Psychic Readings

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 26, 2013



Psychic Readings

Part One


At the time of this story, I had been working in the accounting office of an international manufacturing company for nearly five years, ever since I graduated from college. I was in the closet, and it was easy enough to keep my secret. There were no women in the office, who were at an age to be interested in me. The middle aged ladies, who worked in my department, were all singularly unattractive, even to a straight man. For that matter, there were no men in the office who interested me either, or conversely, seemed to be interested in me.

Not to cry! I was getting plenty of nookie. I had a slew of fuck buddies, and I had no trouble making a contact any night of the week at some gay bar, especially my favorite, `The Watering Hole.' I guess if I have to blow my own horn, I could describe myself as every gay man's dream, regardless of his age. At least I was, back then.

In those days I was about 6'1" tall, and weighed just under 185 pounds, so you can see I had no fat on me. I worked out regularly and had a good physique. My muscles were attractive, not overdone like a weight lifter's. I cut my curly black hair short, and it framed my face like Michelangelo's David. My eyes were bluish-violet, and people often remarked how beautiful they were. My nose was straight and manly, probably the only thing about me that was straight. My lips were plump and sensual. You had to look twice to see that I didn't have lipstick on. My chin was square and had a slight cleft in it.

The best part of me was my cock. It was four inches flaccid and seven inches hard, but it was quite wide around. Sometimes a trick had difficulty wrapping his lips around it. It was uncut, and when aroused, my entire crown protruded through the foreskin, leaving little for a partner to nibble on.

So, like I said, I had no trouble getting laid, but I was a mature twenty-seven-year-old male, and I was yearning to meet Mr. Right---the guy I could make a life with, and get buried next to. And one fine day it happened to me, but it was awfully complicated. The guy who pulled at my heart strings was straight, I thought. He was two years younger than I, and when we met, he was going through a divorce. At his age he didn't have a whole lot of material wealth, and the divorce was relatively stress free.

But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. It was a Sunday night at `The Watering Hole.' It was very quiet there, compared to a Saturday night. It was even quieter than usual for a Sunday evening. Three of my buddies and I actually found a free table near the bar, and we were chatting amicably, when I heard one of my friends call to a young man, who was just entering the bar area. He was very pleasant looking, but slightly portly, not anyone I would be attracted to.

My friend, Ray, introduced him around and we squeezed in another chair at our table. His name was Marty Pickles, and it was all I could do not to laugh when I learned that little tidbit. Marty quickly joined in our conversation. He was not at all shy, and he was a witty story-teller to boot. I began to enjoy his company more and more, and then looking straight at me, Ray said, "Marty here is a psychic. Let him read your palm, Jamie, and he'll give you a glimpse of your future."

Marty smiled at me warmly. "You don't have to get coerced into a reading if you don't want to," he said.

Ordinarily I would have shied away from a psychic reading, but Marty was warm and friendly. He didn't frighten me at all, so I held out my palm, and he took hold of it.

"Don't speak," he instructed me, "unless I ask a direct question. Then answer me in as few words as possible. Do you understand?"

I nodded. I didn't expect Marty to get so serious. To me this was all a big joke; the night's entertainment. He closed his eyes, and didn't begin to speak for a couple of minutes. I suddenly grew tense.

"You're an accountant, aren't you?"

"Yes." I answered simply, but I wasn't impressed. Ray might have invited Marty to join us earlier that evening, and clued him in to everyone at the table.

"You are doing very well at your job, and I see a promotion soon. In fact, looking up the pike, I see you running your department." Needless to say a big smile crossed my face. Marty continued. "You are very fond of your boss. Don't worry. You won't replace him. He'll be promoted to a vice president position, and you'll both move up." Marty patted my palm reassuringly.

"You're very active sexually with any number of partners. Am I correct?"

"Yes," I answered, and suddenly I was ashamed. I had no reason to be. These guys all knew me, and I had slept with each one of them more than once.

"But you would like to find the one guy, the elusive person, with whom you would want to settle down and spend your life." I grew very uncomfortable. He was absolutely on the money, but I didn't need for my friends to hear that. I should have answered Marty, but I remained silent, so he continued.

"That someone is right around the corner." Marty grew silent as he thought about it. Then he broke out in a big grin. "You're going to meet him tomorrow."

I was shocked. I grew bold and asked, "Can you describe him to me." Marty grew silent again. His eyes closed. Finally he said, "His name begins with an E. He's slightly younger and shorter than you." More silence. "His hair is fair, and he wears it longer than today's fashion calls for. He constantly pushes it off his face and away from his eyes."

The entire table grew quiet, very quiet, and finally Marty broke the ice. He said jovially, "Jamie, my fee for that reading is a smile, and a gin and tonic."

Everyone laughed. We all chatted while enjoying that one additional drink, and then left for home. Everyone had to go to work in the morning. If I was to believe Marty, the next day was going to be more than a Monday and just another day in the office. It was going to be the beginning of my new life; my resurrection, if you will.

Part Two


My name is James (Jamie) Elliot, so imagine my shock the next morning, when my boss ushered a young man into the office, and introduced him as Elliot James. The husband of one of the female staff had been transferred to Detroit, so there was an opening in the department. Obviously this young man was her replacement.

My boss, Jordan Hicks, was one of the handsomest men I knew, and I was very attracted to him. He was thirty-seven years old, ten years older than I, and I figured him to be way too old for me. Anyway, as far as I could tell, he was straight, even though he was still a bachelor. He stood next to Elliot studying all our faces, as if he was trying to make a decision. Finally he brought Elliot over to my desk.

"Show Elliot the ropes, and take him through the entire plant, will you please, Jamie?" Jordan smiled at me and the room got ten shades brighter. Aside from his good looks and friendly nature, as a boss Jordan was very demanding of the staff, but he was always fair. Everyone adored him, especially the ladies.

"Sure," I smiled back. "It'll be a pleasure."

I took Elliot through the entire facility, and introduced him to as many people as I knew. Finally, I showed him to his desk, and I was about to get him started on some work, when I realized it was lunch time. I asked Elliot if he would like to join me at a greasy spoon located just around the corner, and he accepted.

"I'm from Erie, Pennsylvania," he told me while we were waiting for our sandwiches to arrive. "I did the same work there. I got married at twenty-one, but we were too young and couldn't make a go of it. My divorce will be final in a couple of months. You have no idea how good it feels to be free again," he said. He smiled and added, "Well maybe you do, since you're a bachelor too."

"I am," I stated, "but lately I have been feeling like I'd like to settle down."

"Don't," Elliot said emphatically. "Marriage sucks."

"Maybe you'll feel differently when your divorce is final."

"Maybe!! I don't want to plan that far ahead. Right now I just want to have fun. Hey Jamie, since I'm so new here maybe you wouldn't mind showing me some of the hot spots around town this weekend."

I panicked. The only hot spots I knew were gay joints. How could I take an obviously straight married man to any of them? "Gee, Elliot, I'd really like to, but I'm all tied up this weekend. Maybe another time."

Elliot looked disappointed, "It's OK," he said, "We probably play on different teams anyway." I know for a fact that I nearly lost it when he said that.

"What do you mean?" I asked knowing exactly what he meant. Either he pegged me as being gay, or he was gay, and he believed I was straight. I needed an answer, and quickly.

"I mean I'm gay, Jamie. That's why I couldn't make the marriage work. I tried hard. I really did, but I couldn't fight my nature. My gaydar usually doesn't lie either. I thought you were gay. I see I was wrong, and I apologize if I made you uncomfortable."

Suddenly I heard Marty's prophesy in my head. I had erased the whole thing as pure nonsense. Elliot's name did indeed begin with an E. His hair was fair, and he needed a haircut. He was younger than I, and slightly taller, not shorter, but otherwise Marty had hit the nail on the head. I was very impressed, and couldn't wait to tell Marty all about it.

I took Elliot's hand. "I'm gay too," I whispered, but I'm in the closet at work, and I'd love to show you around this weekend."

"I'm sorry for you," he said coldly. "I'll never be in the closet again. I told Mr. Hicks that I was gay, and he's cool with it. Let's get back to the office." Elliot's attitude toward me seemed to have made a complete about face. Obviously he didn't approve of me hiding who I was. He stood up to leave, and as he did he muttered, "Don't worry. I won't out you. That's something you should do yourself."

Marty had described Elliot almost perfectly, but he was way off base in his prediction that we would ever be an item, and I intended to tell him.

Part Three


While Elliott and I were at lunch, our boss, Jordan Hicks, was sitting at his desk poring over the latest sales reports. His blond hair needed trimming, and it kept falling over his face and obstructing his view, so he kept brushing it away. He never went out to lunch, because he was too busy. He preferred to brown bag it, and to have a sandwich at his desk. It only took him a few minutes to eat his lunch. At the mid-afternoon coffee break, he always had a cup of coffee, but he continued to work.

During the time Jordan took to eat his sandwich, he had time to reflect somewhat on his life, and life in general. He thought back to his job interview with Elliot. He remembered laughing, and telling Elliott that he already had a staff member whose name was the reverse of his. He didn't have to do a lot of thinking to know that Elliot was the man for the vacant position, and he offered him the job. He offered Elliot his hand to shake, but Elliot didn't take it.

"I have something to tell you," Elliot said, "I'm gay, and if that's going to be a problem, or hinder me in any job advancements, please tell me now, so that neither of us wastes any time."

"I promise you," Jordan assured him, "it will not mean a thing as long as I'm at the helm." Finally they shook hands and struck a deal. After Elliot left his office, Jordan smiled inwardly. His own gaydar had never failed him. He knew the minute Elliot walked into his office, that he was gay. He was also very certain that I was family too, but unlike Elliot, I was in the closet, and so was he. Jordan was a hopeless romantic, and he thought we two young men might enjoy each other's company, so on Elliot's first day, he assigned me the job of orienting him.

Over the next few weeks, Jordan noticed that Elliot and I barely spoke to each other, and he concluded that his plan had failed miserably. He could not imagine why. If I felt anything at all for Elliot, he assumed that I would have secretly revealed my orientation to Elliot, who made no bones about being gay. Of course, there was always the chance that he could be wrong, and I might indeed be straight. He determined to have a little conversation with me. He called me into his office one morning and asked me to close the door behind me.

"I've got to give Elliot his three month review next week," Jordan began. "You work more closely with him than I do, and you have been reviewing his work before I get to see it, so I'd like your input, please."

"He's an excellent worker, Jordan. He knows his stuff and he's well suited for the job."

"That's good to hear, but what about his people skills? I rarely see you two interacting on a social level, not even water fountain chatter. I hope you aren't being cool to him because he's gay."

"Good heavens, no!" I almost shouted. "I guess we just didn't hit it off very well. He seems friendly enough with the rest of the staff."

"Well, I'm glad of that. I wouldn't tolerate any kind of discrimination in my department. I'd like to think that we are one big happy family. Have you any clue what the problem might be between the two of you?"

"No, not really," I lied.

"Would it bother you, if I asked the two of you to lunch one day soon? Maybe I'll be able to sense the problem, if there is one." I thought that was a terrible idea, but Elliot had promised not to out me. What could he say, anyway?

"That would be great," I lied.

The luncheon did not go well. There was plenty of back and forth banter between Elliot and Jordan, and Jordan and me, but none between Elliot and me. In fact, every time I caught Elliot's eyes, they seemed to say, "Isn't there something you would like to tell Jordan?" As far as I was concerned, there was nothing I wanted to tell Jordan. As for Jordan, he did indeed feel the animosity between his two staff members, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why, and he was not about to ask. He had already spoken to me privately. He decided he would talk to Elliot privately also, and he would have his opportunity during Elliot's three month review.

Of course Elliot received an excellent review, and was promised his first raise at his six month review, as long as he maintained his high performance level. Elliot thanked Jordan and stood up to leave, but Jordan asked him to sit down.

"I want to ask you something," he said. "It may be a personal question, but I feel I must ask it because it affects office morale."

Elliot sat down, and muttered something that sounded like, "Yessir."

"OK, here goes. What is the trouble, no, what is the animosity between you and Jamie? Frankly I can't understand it. You are both such great guys, yet you can't seem to get along."

"I have my reasons, Jordan. With all due respect, you really need to ask James. I promised him that it would not come from me."

"You promised him? Then you have spoken of it, and you were still unable to resolve anything between you. That really disturbs me, and for your information, I have spoken to him. He told me he had no idea what the problem was between you."

Elliot was silent for a long time. Finally he said, "Please, Jordan, ask him again. I need to get back to work now. I don't like falling behind."

As soon as Elliot was out of his office, Jordan buzzed for me. He was determined to get to the bottom of this enigma. He felt that Elliot and I were two fine young gentlemen, and our attitude toward each other was totally out of character.

I knocked on his door. "Enter," he said.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked. He looked very concerned.

"Yes, Jamie. Come in and sit down. Close the door will you, please."

After I was comfortably seated, Jordan cleared his throat. "Do you remember when I asked you why you and Elliot could not get along? You told me that you had no idea? Well, Elliot won't tell me either, but he insists that you two discussed it, and that it was your responsibility to come out with it."

I panicked, especially when Jordan used the phrase `come out with it.' Did he know about me already? Would it hamper my progress in the firm? Jordan knew about Elliot, and it didn't seem to make any difference to him. I suddenly realized that I had to tell the truth, or risk the friendship and trust of my boss. I determined that this was my moment of truth and I would come out. I lowered my head as if I could not look Jordan in the eyes.

"I never lied to you, Jordan," I began, "But I have not been honest with you about one thing. I'm gay."

"That's it. Aren't you going to tell me something I didn't know?"

"You know?"

"Well, let's just say I suspected. But what has that got to do with the animosity between you and another gay guy?"

"It seems that our friend Elliot is very militant, and I guess he's uber honest. He has no respect for me because I am closeted. He won't give me the time of day until I come out, and live what he considers to be an honest life. At the moment, I don't care about Elliot. I care about your opinion of me."

I was unprepared for what happened next. Jordan sighed and asked me, "Jamie will you have dinner with me tonight? We have a lot to talk about."

Part Four

Jamie and Jordan

Jordan waited until we ordered, before he began to speak. He kept brushing his fair hair away from his face. It triggered a memory in my brain, but I couldn't quite remember what. I waited expectantly for Jordan to begin.

"First of all," Jordan began, "I suspected that you were gay because my gaydar is virtually infallible."

"Your gaydar?"

"Yes, Jamie. I'm gay also. We are a sorry pair. I wonder what Elliot would think of me if he knew." I was speechless, very uncharacteristic of me. After a long silence which was very worrisome to Jordan, I found my voice.

"My god, Jordan, if you thought I was gay, why didn't you tell me about yourself? Instead, I got a hardon every time you were around. I made myself think disgusting thoughts to get soft again, and cried myself to sleep." I grabbed Jordan's hand, and Jordan laid his other hand on top of mine.

"Jamie, sweet man, I have always felt the same way about you. When Elliot told you that I didn't give a crap about his being gay, why didn't you say something then? I was convinced that you were straight, and that my gaydar had failed me."

I was smiling at Jordan, and my heart was beating a mile a minute. Suddenly, I lost my smile and my face became very serious. "Jordan," I asked, "would you like to give us a try at being a couple? I want so much to settle down, and I pray you will want to also....with me."

"I'm sorry we ordered dinner. We'll have to wait until after we eat to run home to the nearer of our two apartments, and make love to each other."

"I'm so glad you said make love,' and not have sex,' or `fuck our brains out,' or something like that," I said.

"Don't rush your meal. We have a lifetime to make love."

"Wanna hear something funny?" I asked. "The evening before Elliot came to work for us, a psychic told me that I would meet the love of my life the next day. He said his name began with an E, and he described Elliot almost to a T. I realize now that Elliot was only the catalyst to my finally letting you know how I felt about you."

"How we felt about each other," Jordan corrected. "By the way, my name begins with an E."

"What do you mean?"

"I was named after a rich relative named Ervin, but my parents hated the name and called me by my middle name."

"I can't wait to tell Elliot and Marty, the psychic."

Vowing not to rush our meal was fine in theory, but we disobeyed, ate fast, and got out of the restaurant as quickly as we could. We both commuted to work and had no car, so we hailed a cab, and went to Jordan's apartment.

The minute we got into the apartment we fell into each other's arms. At first our lips met, almost chastely, but somehow our tongues found each other and our kisses became passionate. Jordan looked at me and said, "I can't wait." He stripped naked in seconds and I immediately followed his lead. When we were naked, we examined each other's bodies with obvious pleasure.

Jordan examined my fat and very erect prick, and instantly began to fondle it. I grabbed on to Jordan's cock, which was about seven hard inches at the moment. It was cut and dripping pre-cum. Jordan fell to his knees and engulfed my cock in his mouth.

"Please," I said, "let's continue this in bed." Jordan released me and the two of us fell on Jordan's bed in a sixty-nine position. We sucked each other slowly and sensuously. We kept sucking, even when we knew the other was cumming. We came copiously only seconds apart, and we swallowed everything each of us offered the other.

Afterward we hunkered up to each other and kissed while we fondled. "You were as delicious as I knew you would be," Jordan said.

"I'm sorry, Love, I wanted it to last longer. I really didn't want to cum so soon. I wanted to come way up your ass."

"No regrets, my darling," Jordan answered. "I'm not going anywhere. We have a lifetime to be together, and do everything we want to do."

Part Five

The Whole Gang

When we were exhausted from love making, and lay side by side, basking in the afterglow, we hatched a little plan. To be more accurate, Jordan hatched the plan. "This will be our coming out party," he told me, and proceeded to describe his plan.

The next day at work, I approached Elliot. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"That's May I, and why not?" Elliot answered snidely.

"You're right," I told my co-worker. "I've been a coward, and it's time to admit who I am without shame. If nothing else comes of it, I can't stand your scorn. I like you too much, and your attitude toward me hurts a lot. I want to ask you to join me and my friends at The Watering Hole Friday evening. I want to ask all of you to have my back in this, and give me the courage to do it Monday morning in the office.

Elliot looked at me. He was expressionless, and I was beginning to worry. "Geez," he finally said with a smile, "I've wanted to go to The Watering Hole since I arrived in town, but somehow I never made it. Sure, I'll meet you there, if you buy me my first drink."

"That's great," I said. "Meet me there at nine, and dress sexy. I have some very hot friends to introduce you to."

Elliot gave me thumbs up, but I didn't hold out much hope in that department. My friends didn't seem to be interested in a long term relationship. But one never knew. I had kept my own desire to settle down, a big secret, until Marty Pickles outed me during my reading.

I called all my friends, and asked them to be at The Watering Hole Friday evening. In the end only Ray could make it, but he said he would bring Marty along. Elliot found us, and joined us at the bar at about 9:10. True to my word, I bought Elliot a drink, and we all started to chat amicably.

Life is funny. I truly believed that Ray and Elliot would hit it off. In fact, I planned it that way in my head. After five minutes, Marty and Elliott might as well have been alone together in a hotel room. It was as if Ray and I were not there. Marty and Elliot were engrossed in conversation. Marty's hands were on Elliot's knees, and he didn't seem to mind at all.

All of a sudden, Elliot turned from Marty, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the men's room. "What's wrong?" I demanded to know.

"I can't believe my eyes," he whimpered. "Jordan just came in, and he's headed to the bar. I had no idea he was gay."

"Maybe he's just meeting a gay friend here. We both know that he's gay friendly. Let's go find him and say hello. I might as well come out to him tonight as well as on Monday morning. Besides, the atmosphere here is more cordial than a stuffy accounting office."

"Good idea," Elliot agreed. "Besides, I want to get back to Marty. Thanks for introducing us." I didn't have the heart to tell him, I wanted to fix him up with Ray.

We found Jordan buying a drink at the bar. As soon as his drink was paid for and in his hand, we approached him. When, he saw us, he looked at us in disbelief. "I'm not surprised to see Elliot here, but what are you doing here, Jamie? Did Elliot invite you here to mend fences?"

"As a matter of fact, I invited Elliot here. Bring your drink over there to my friends, and I'll explain."

I introduced Jordan to Ray and Marty. When they heard he was my boss, they looked totally confused. Ray started to say something, but thought better of it and kept mum. Elliot resumed his position, leaning up against Marty.

"OK," Jordan play-acted, "you said you would explain."

"I should have told you this from the get-go." I took up the acting gauntlet. "I'm gay, and I come here often, hoping to find the love of my life."

"I guess you haven't found him yet."

"You're wrong, I have found him." I put my drink on the bar, and took Jordan's drink from him. I placed it on the bar next to mine.

"Really," Jordan said, "and who might he be?"

"You. You big oaf." I threw my arms around Jordan, and we kissed in such a manner that it should have been confined to the bedroom. The others could only gape in total disbelief.

Finally, Elliot asked Jordan. "You knew about Jamie?"

"I knew the day I interviewed him, but I wouldn't say anything until he came out to me. He finally did, a few days ago. He did it because he couldn't stand the way you spoke to him, and the way you avoided him, Elliot."

"I am so sorry, Jamie," Elliot cried, and he threw his arms around me. That didn't last long. He returned all his attention to Marty.

Ray raised his glass. Here's to those of you in love." He looked first at Jamie and Jordan and then at Elliot and Marty. "I wish I could meet someone too."

"Just be patient for another week or two, "Marty winked at Ray.

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