Public Relations

By Boo Jum

Published on Apr 10, 2022




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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For the next few days I thought about my encounter with Rick almost all the time. I relived it many times, cock in hand, and every time reached an intense climax when I remembered the feeling of Rick's cock throbbing in my mouth. I analysed every thing he had said or done, and agonised over the possible ramifications of what had happened. I was still afraid that Rick would tell everyone, but I hoped that he would want to do it again.

I didn't get a chance to see Rick again until the first day of the new school year. He was in the schoolyard when I walked in, talking with a couple of his buddies, Zach and Seth. Both boys were from one of the upper classes, and had bad reputations as troublemakers. Both had bullied me mercilessly for a long time. Luckily for me, they had gotten bored, and moved on to bullying other kids in the school. As I walked past them, Rick said something that I couldn't hear, and the two other boys laughed raucously.

While Rick had no problem hanging out with me during the school holidays, he ignored me when we were at school. I sat in class, glancing over at Rick every few minutes, hoping for some kind of sign from him, barely able to concentrate. I fantasised about sucking Rick's cock, my own little cock throbbing in my trousers. I could barely contain myself until the end of the day, when I had a shower and jerked off to a more than usually intense orgasm.

A couple of weeks later, late one afternoon, I got a phone call

"Hi Sammy," Rick said.

He knew that I hated it when he called me Sammy. Only my mom had ever called me that. Sam sounded more grown up and manly in my opinion. But I still felt a jolt of excitement just hearing his voice.

"Hi, Rick. What's up?" I asked, trying to stress the word "up".

"I've been having problems with this maths assignment we got, and I wanted you to come over and help me sort it out," Rick said.

"Maths? I don't remember an assignment-" I started, but Rick cut me off.

"Look, dude, just come over this evening, all right?" He sounded furtive, almost whispering.

My heart was pounding with excitement as I hurried to get dressed and go over to Rick's house. It felt like what I imagined preparing for a date would feel like.

Rick's mother opened the door, the phone tucked in the crook of her neck.

"Yes, I am aware of that" she said into the phone, as she waved me in.

I went up to Rick's room, where he showed me the new computer game he had received as a present that day.

We played for a couple of minutes,then Rick's mother opened the door.

"I'll be back a bit later, Ricky," she said. "Don't stay up too late playing."

"Sure, mom," Rick said, and then under his breath "I'm not twelve, you know."

We sat in silence as we listened to the sounds of Rick's mother preparing to leave. Once we heard the front door close, Rick stood up.

"Check this out," Rick said, and took a couple of magazines out of his cupboard.

He reclined on one elbow on his bed, and began leafing through them. I looked over his shoulder. They were porn magazines, showing girls in various stages of undress, pouting at the camera in what were supposed to be sexy poses. I was totally uninterested in the pictures, but I sat there with Rick, trying to act interested. The truth was that none of the pictures did anything for me, except for the occasional picture that showed a semi nude guy along with the girls. One picture even showed a flaccid penis. I was concentrating more on Rick's crotch, hoping that he would eventually want another round of cocksucking. But Rick took his time, looking at the pictures, and telling me what he thought of each girl.

I was beginning to think that nothing else would happen, but as Rick gazed at one of the pictures, he unconsciously adjusted his shorts. I decided to take a chance.

"Does that turn you on?" I asked.

Rick looked at me in surprise. "Of course it does. Don't you find it sexy?"

"Of course!" I protested.

A few minutes later Rick tossed the magazine aside and rolled onto his back.

"I could really do with a blow job now," he said. "How about it, Sammy?"

I feigned reluctance and pretended to consider the idea.

"I don't know. I mean, yeah sure I'd love a... er blow job," I felt kind of embarrassed just saying it.

"But maybe only if we do it like last time."

"Ok," Rick agreed quickly, and pulled his shorts down.

He sat up on the edge of the bed, and spread his knees wide.

"Get down here," Rick commanded.

I obeyed quickly. His cock looked bigger somehow, but I took a deep breath, opened my mouth wide, and began going down on him.

I was more prepared this time, and I took his cock deep. Rick pushed my head down.

"Deeper," he said. "Try taking it deeper. All the way into your throat."

I didn't think that I could, but I desperately wanted to please Rick, so I made an effort. I was rewarded with the feeling of his cock slipping all the way into my throat. I gagged, and pulled my head back. Rick gave me barely a few seconds to control my gagging, and then he grabbed my head and forced it down onto his cock.

"Try to control yourself," he instructed, and I made an attempt to prevent myself from gagging again. I was partially successful. I managed to control my gag reflex for a few minutes, but I ran out of air, and began choking. Rich held my head down as I struggled, but released me after a few seconds. I pulled my head up, taking a huge, whooping breath as I did.

I glared at Rick quite angrily, my eyes swimming with tears. He ignored my anger, and smiled at me, nodding his head in approval and amazement.

"That's good, Sammy," Rick said. "You're really getting good at it, aren't you."

My anger evaporated when Rick praised me. I was pleased that he was enjoying it, l took a deep breath, opened my mouth wide, and went down on his cock again, taking it as far as I could. I wanted to please him. Rick made a little sound in his throat, and lay back on the bed. He gripped my head, moving it up and down his cock, as I struggled to breathe and control my gagging.

After a few minutes I heard Rick begin to breathe harder. I focused my attention on the head of his cock, sliding my tongue up and down as I sucked his cock. As Rick arched his back I braced myself, and a second later felt his cock throbbing, as my mouth filled up with his cum.

When Rick's body relaxed I released his cock and swirled his cum around in my mouth before I swallowed his load. Rick sat up.

"My turn now," I said.

My turn was almost an afterthought. Rick took my cock into his mouth, and gripped my cock in his hand, jerking me off. The tip of my cock barely touched his lips, and he was as quick as he could be. But I didn't really care. Sucking Rick's cock was so much more fun. I could still taste Rick's cum, and I concentrated on that. My orgasm was quite quick.

Once I had cum, and Rick had discreetly spat the couple of drops of cum into a tissue, he yawned and said

"It's getting late. I think I need to get some sleep."

"Sure, Rick," I said. "I'll see myself out."

"Yeah," he half yawned, and rolled over.

The next week passed in a haze of erotic fantasies about Rick. I couldn't stop thinking about the encounters we had, and beamed every time I remembered how he had praised my cocksucking. I wanted to do it again and again. But Rick didn't make any kind of sign that he wanted to meet me again. A couple of times I called him in the evening, but he was brusque and not very friendly.

A couple of weeks passed. I was feeling desperate to see Rick again. It was mid afternoon one Saturday when I decided to walk past Rick's house, hoping to see him and try to instigate another encounter. I was happy to see Rick in the yard.

"Hi, Rick," I called.

"Oh, hi Sam," he replied. "What you up to? Wanna hang out for a while?"

I went into the yard, and we chatted for a few minutes. The weather was still warm, and after a few minutes Rick suggested that we have a swim.

"I don't have a swimsuit," I said.

"Who cares?" Rick was already taking his shirt off as he headed for the pool. "We can go skinny dipping."

"But won't we get caught? Someone will see us," I protested.

"Nah, nobody can see the pool. Trust me, I've checked it," he replied.

I've never been comfortable with my body, and I've always tried to keep myself covered. Even at school in the gym locker room I tried to avoid being naked, and kept away from the other boys. But the thought of being naked with Rick in broad daylight was incredibly arousing. I watched him strip and dive into the pool before I stripped and joined him.

I felt very exposed as I swam naked in the pool. I couldn't stop myself from looking around every few minutes, checking to see that nobody was watching us. But after a while I was surprised to find that being outside and naked was kind of sexy. I began to relax and enjoy it. The feeling of the cool water on my naked body was also incredibly sensual. It didn't help that Rick was flaunting his nakedness, jumping in and out of the pool. I had a hardon in no time.

"Well well well. Looks like someone is ready for a bit of action." Rick sounded amused and a bit contemptuous as he pointed to my erection.

"I, er... well, I was hoping that-" my heart was pounding and I was finding it difficult to breathe.

"You want a blowjob," Rick said. It was a statement, not a question.

I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything.

"I'm not in the mood," Rick said.

"Oh," I said, disappointed.

"I wouldn't say no to getting sucked, but I really don't want to suck right now," Rick said.

"Well, I guess I could, er... do you, and you can, er return the favour another time," I said, trying to sound as if I was reluctant.

Rick considered this. "Ok," he said. He pulled himself up onto the lip of the pool, and sat there, legs dangling in the water, cock already getting a bit stiff. I stood in the pool in front of him. His cock was exactly at the level of my mouth. I played with my own cock as I began sucking Rick's cock. There was a faint taste of chlorine on his cock, but I ignored it and kept going.

"You really enjoy that, don't you," Rick said, and I nodded, without removing his cock from my mouth.

"Would you like me to fuck you? Rick asked suddenly.

I looked up in surprise. I had imagined this many times in the last few weeks, but I would never have dared suggest it.

"What? Like actually put your... er... into my-" I was turned on just by the thought, but I was too nervous to actually put it in words. I couldn't help feeling that Rick was fooling me somehow.

"Yeah," Rick said. "You'll enjoy it. It's much more fun than just sucking cocks. Trust me."

"I- I don't know. I'm afraid," I said.

"Oh come on,"Rick said. "Look how much you're enjoying sucking my cock. You'll really love getting fucked. You want it. You know that you do."

Before I could properly process what was happening, Rick had run off. He came back after less than a minute, with the jar of petroleum jelly from his bedside drawer.

"Lie on your stomach!" Rick commanded.

"Here? Outside? But -" I began.

"Don't worry, nobody's home. My parents won't be back for hours," Rick said.

I felt powerless to refuse, so I lay face down on the grass, hoping that nobody could see us. I felt too exposed and nervous about getting caught to actually enjoy the fact that I was about to live my biggest fantasy, and get fucked by Rick.

Rick took a large dollop of the jelly, and rubbed it on his erect cock. Then he took some more on his finger, and gently inserted his finger into my arse. It hurt a bit, and I winced, but I lay quietly, as Rick massaged my arsehole, inserting first one finger and then two.

Then he mounted me, his legs pushing mine apart. I felt his erection probing the entrance to my arse, and pushing its way in. It hurt way more than his finger, and I gasped and let out a cry with the pain, but Rick ignored my cries, and pushed. Another few centimetres of his cock went into my hole. I gasped with the new pain, and cried out again. I reared up, and tried to pull away from him.

"I can't- I can't-"I moaned. "Please. It hurts too much. Stop. Please stop. Pull it out."

I could tell that Rick really didn't want to stop, but after a second or two he pulled his cock out of my arse, and I moaned in relief. Rick lay next to me for a couple of minutes, then got up on his knees.

"Let's try again," he said. "Get on all fours."

"I can't," I begged him, but he was persistent. I so much wanted to please him, so I gave in.

Rick took some more of the jelly and smeared it liberally on his cock. I got on all fours, braced myself, and prepared to scream with pain again. I felt Rick's cock probing at my sphincter, and pushing through. I arched my back in anticipation, moaned and writhed as Rick's cock went into my arse, but to my surprise, the pain was manageable.

Once he had inserted his cock all the way, Rick put his arms around me and hugged me against his stomach, his cock in my arse, not moving. I whimpered with the pain, but made no move to stop him. Slowly my whimpering subsided, and I began to feel more relaxed. Rick began moving his cock in my arse, very gently and slowly.

Rick was whispering in my ear "It feels so good, doesn't it?" And I nodded in reply.

I was surprised to find that it actually did feel good. My sphincter felt distended, and my arsehole felt full. It hurt, a bit, but in a good way. As Rick began thrusting harder and harder, I found myself moving my hips back to meet his hips. I put my hand down, and cupped Rick's balls, which were pressing up against my taint with every stroke of his cock.

I fondled Rick's balls, and tried to feel my arsehole, as his cock pistoned inside me. I wanted to see it. I arched my back and bent, trying to get my head between my legs, hoping to see his cock opening my arse. But I couldn't bend low enough to see it.

Rick was now fucking me hard. I could hear him panting and muttering, and then with no warning he thrust his hips against me, and let out a strangled cry. I was dimly aware of his cock throbbing in my arse, as I fondled my own cock, stroking it fast.

Rick rolled over onto his back, panting, and his cock slipped out of my arsehole. I let out a final gasp, as his cock slipped out. My arsehole suddenly felt empty. I put my hand between my legs, and felt my arsehole. It felt loose and open, and I slid two fingers in and out of my arse, enjoying the sensation it caused. I could feel something wet inside my hole. It was Rick's load of cum, I realised. The sensation of slick wetness, combined with this realisation put me over the edge, and I also let out a half yell as I shot my meagre load.

As my orgasm subsided I was struck with a feeling of sadness and weariness. I felt as if I had crossed a line, done something that would have huge repercussions for me. Suddenly my fear of exposure returned. I felt very self conscious about my naked body, and I grabbed my clothes. It felt as if the house was looking down on me in disapproval. I jumped up.

"This was a mistake." I said, as I pulled my clothes on.

"What? But you enjoyed it. You can't say that you didn't," Rick said.

"I-I -" it was suddenly difficult for me to talk.

"Don't be like that, Sammy," Rick called as I half walked, half ran away. "You'll enjoy it more the second time."

I could feel my arsehole throbbing as I walked home, and I was suddenly seized by a panic. Had I done some irreparable damage to my sphincter? What would happen if I had to go to a doctor? How would I explain what had happened?

I spent the evening alone in my room, worrying about what had happened. But as I prepared to go to sleep I realised that my arsehole felt fine, and I calmed down.

I lay in bed, half awake, and suddenly the feeling of Rick's cock throbbing in my arse sprang into my mind. My arsehole twinged, and in an instant my cock was hard. As I fantasised about Rick fucking me, I masturbated. And I realised that Rick had been right. I had wanted it. As I slipped off to sleep I found myself hoping that we would get a chance to do it again.

Next: Chapter 3

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