Public Relations

By Boo Jum

Published on Apr 29, 2022




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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The next few months were very difficult for me. I had never had many friends, and I missed hanging out with Rick. I also missed having sex with him. Every time I jerked off I thought about him, about the feeling of his cock in my arse and in my mouth , and I longed to meet him again. I was masturbating more frequently these days, even at school in the toilet, where I had never had the courage to touch myself before.

It was during one of these surreptitious, solo jerk off sessions in the school toilet, that someone entered the cubicle adjacent to the one I was in. As I heard the door close, a small pinprick of light flashed in the corner of my eye. I turned my head, looking closely. To my surprise I discovered that there was a tiny hole in the thin wooden partition between the cubicles in the toilet, where a screw had been removed from the toilet paper holder. Filled with curiosity, I lowered my head and looked through the hole. I gasped.

I could see someone standing in front of the toilet. His cock was in plain view, hanging out of his trousers. I had no idea who it was, but I was very turned on at the sight of his cock. I watched him pee, feeling very aroused at the sight of his pink cock. As his stream of piss dwindled, the boy shook his cock off vigorously. He seemed to be taking a long time, shaking and milking the last drops of piss out of his cock. I saw then that his cock was getting erect.

I watched, unable to pull my eyes away, as the boy standing there began masturbating. I was breathing hard, as I played with my own cock. His cock was smaller than Rick's, but it was still bigger than mine. He was uncut, and his cock was a pinkish colour. The glans was a darker shade of pink at the tip. I had very rarely seen an uncut boy, and I found myself fascinated by the way his foreskin moved back and forward, covering the glans, and then unfurling, revealing his glans.

As I watched, the anonymous boy shot his load of semen. It jetted out of the tip of his cock, and arced through the air before it hit the toilet. I could hear the wet splash it made as it landed in the toilet. I found myself wondering what it tasted like. Was it different from Rick's?

I think it was at that moment that I realised that this fascination I had with cocks was more than just a schoolboy crush on Rick. But being young and innocent. I refused to acknowledge this to myself.

After that I began looking differently at other guys. I fantasised about sucking off my classmates, my teachers, even the school janitor. Even men I saw in the street, if there was any hint of a bulge in their trousers it was food for my feverish fantasies.

Early one Saturday morning, bored with being alone at home, I decided to go out. I walked aimlessly out of town, and found a secluded clearing in the woods. The sun shone through the canopy of trees, dappling the grass, and sparkling off the small stream that meandered through the clearing. It was so bucolic and quiet. I sat down on a log by the stream. Winter was reluctantly turning to spring, and it was a pleasant day, although there was a chill in the air. Everything was green, and there were wildflowers growing all over.

I was suddenly struck with a thought. What would Rick and I do if he was here now? I had been having these thoughts quite a lot lately. I put my hand into my trousers, and squeezed my rapidly growing cock, as I fantasised about kneeling here in front of Rick, sucking his cock. I was struck with an urge to strip naked, and masturbate.

The sound of footsteps broke my fantasy, and I hurriedly pulled my hand out of my trousers. I turned my head, and saw Zach, Rick's friend, approaching.

Zach was the kind of boy who I both hated and admired. He was tall and well built, with jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a type of masculine beauty. He excelled at every branch of sport, and he carried himself with a devil may care attitude of self confidence that I envied. But his handsome features were set in a permanent scowl of cruelty. I had suffered his teasing and bullying enough over the years.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here," Zach said, as he approached me.

"Oh. Hi, Zach," I said, with no enthusiasm.

I looked around, expecting Seth to appear as well. The two were very good friends, and hung out together almost all the time. But Zach seemed to be alone. Maybe on his own he wouldn't be so bad, I thought to myself.

"Wha'chu doin here, Sammy?" Zach asked.

He sat down on the log next to me, way too close for comfort. Then he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, and lit up.

"Oh, just having a little-" I started, but Zach cut me off.

"Sammy. What's that short for? Samantha?" He chuckled.

"No, actually it-"

"Must be hard for you, Samantha. Now that your wittle boyfriend has gone."

"I- er, what are you talking about? Please don't call me Samantha," I said, my heart sinking.

Zach took a deep drag of his cigarette, held it for a few seconds, and then blew the smoke into my face. I coughed.

"Who's cock are you munching on these days, Samantha, now that Rick's not around no more," Zach said, in a conversational tone.

"I- I don't know what you mean? Rick?" I started to protest, but Zach cut me off.

"Ooooh Ricky," he said in a mocking falsetto. "I looove sucking your cock sooo much."

"What? I never!" I protested. "I would never- I'm not-"

"Here's an interesting little hypothetical question for you, Samantha," Zach said. He sounded bored. "Suppose someone did something at school that they weren't supposed to, and it was recorded on camera. How much do you reckon such a person would be willing to pay to make sure that such a recording didn't see the light of day?"

"I don't- but there are no cameras at school," I said.

"You know how they caught Rick and his gang trying to break into the science lab?" Zach asked in that conversational, almost bored tone of voice. "They installed security cameras in the school. That very day. It was my dad's company. I helped them set it up. And not a moment too soon, I must say.

"Just in time to see all sorts of scandalous goings on. " He finished in a mocking tone.

It took a second for the implications to sink in, but then I gasped. Zach gave me a knowing, mocking nod.

"I- I -I don't believe you. You're lying," I tried to sound confident. But even I could hear the quaver of fear in my voice.

"I can show you, if you like. Video and sound," Zach said. "You can hear every slurp on the recording. And I have to say," he continued, "once you got started you were really into it."

I stared at him in horror. This was my worst nightmare come true. Zach looked at me, and chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry," he said. "Nobody else saw it. I erased the recording." He looked at me expectantly.

"I- I thanks," I began.

"I only kept one copy." he finished. "Or was it two? I forget." He pretended to think for a minute.

I stared at him, fear and horror rendering me speechless.

"So. Back to my hypothetical question," Zach said.

"I don't get much pocket money," I said, "and my dad wouldn't even consider giving me a lot."

"Oh Samantha. An enterprising young woman like you? I'm sure you can find a way to make it worth my while. Like, do my homework for me," Zach said. "Or my chores."

"Please don't call me that," I started, but Zach backhanded me hard. I lost my balance, and fell off the log.

"I'll call you anything I want, Sammy boy," the last word came out with loathing. "And you're gonna say thank you kindly sir for being so good to me."

I stared up at him in shock, sprawled on the ground.

"Say it!" Zach loomed over me menacingly.

"I- thank you kindly, Sir, for being so good to me," I whispered.

"That's a good boy," Zach said. "The sooner you learn your place the better it will be for you."

He stood up.

"My dad wants the storeroom cleaned out by the end of the day" he said. "Come along little boy, better hurry," he added dismissively, as he turned away.

I sat there a few moments, feeling terrible. But I knew that I had no choice. I got up and hurried after Zach.

I spent most of the day in a dusty, dirty storeroom, cleaning it out, under Zach's watchful eyes, and putting everything back neatly. As I worked I kept thinking of the situation I was in, trying to think of a way to get myself out of this predicament. But nothing came to mind. For the moment, I was trapped and at the mercy of Zach.

At the end of the day, Zach made me hide in the back of the storeroom, when his father came to inspect my work. I was tired and sweaty. Zach's father looked around, ran his finger over some of the surfaces, and then inspected it for signs of dirt.

"Ok, not too bad," he said. "It's acceptable."

Despite being tired, despite feeling coerced by Zach, I still felt a moment of pride at his begrudging praise.

I peeked out at the two of them, as Zach's father opened his wallet, and gave Zach a couple of bills. I wondered how much money Zach had made at my expense. For the briefest of moments I considered asking Zach for a portion of the payment.

When his father had gone, Zach came to the back of the storeroom, where I was hiding.

"Good work, Sammy," he said. "This worked out well for us."

"You mean for you," I said bitterly. "It worked out well for you."

Zach chuckled.

"Don't forget, you have a stake in this as well," he said. "You're working to ensure my cooperation. But that's enough for today. We'll do something else real soon."

As I turned to go, Zach blocked the door of the storeroom.

"Just one last thing to take care of before you go," he said, "Get down on your knees!"

"What? No!" I tried to push past Zach, but he grabbed me and pushed me back roughly.

"I won't ask you again," he growled. "Get down on your fucking knees!"

Zach was much stronger than I was, and he forced me to my knees. I tried to pull myself away and get up, but he slapped me, hard. I lost my balance, and sprawled on the ground. My cheek stung, and I had tears in my eyes from the blow. I managed to sit up as Zach opened his trousers. He was not wearing any underwear, and his cock flopped out into my face.

Even flaccid, I could see that Zach's cock was larger than Rick's. I had a glimpse of his flat, muscular stomach, and the top of his thighs. He was hairy. Rick was almost totally smooth. For some reason I found Zach's hairy body very appealing. I looked at Zach's uncut cock. It was slightly darker than his stomach, surrounded by a large bush of black pubic hair. The foreskin totally covered his glans, puckering up to a small opening. There was a small, dark freckle on the foreskin.

"Open wide," Zach said, almost jovially, and grabbed my head, pushing it onto his cock.

My mouth opened automatically, and his cock slipped in. I closed my lips on it, and began working. As I felt his cock expanding in my throat, I felt my cock stirring in my trousers Despite my fear of Zach I realised that I was getting aroused. Zach was one of the boys at school who had featured in my fantasies, many times lately.

Zach began to move his hips, shoving his cock into my throat. I pulled away, as I felt myself choking, but Zach slapped my face. It wasn't hard, more a warning of what he would do. I tried to control my choking and concentrate on sucking his cock.

With each stroke, Zach was pushing his cock further and further into my throat. I was having difficulty breathing, and I was gagging and choking. I tried again to pull my head away, but Zach grabbed my head and held it. He didn't slow down or ease up, and I couldn't draw breath. My lungs felt like they were burning, my vision seemed to darken at the corners...

Then with no warning Zach released my head, and I toppled over. I drew in a huge breath and coughed. Zach stood over me, hands on his hips, his large rampant cock poking out of his trousers.

When my coughing subsided I managed to sit up. My eyes were streaming with tears and my nose was runny.

"More!" Zach commanded.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair in one hand, and gripped the base of his cock in the other, rubbing the glans against my lips, trying to push his cock into my mouth.

"Could- could we just take it a bit easier? Please?" I begged.

"What? You're tired already?" Zach asked. "That's no good, Sammy. How are you going to service a group of guys if you give up so easily."

The thought of having to suck off a group of guys one after another was both terrifying and arousing. I could feel my cock twitching in my trousers as I considered the situation. My mouth opened of its own volition.

"Attagirl, Sammy," Zach chuckled, as his cock slid into my throat.

He kept his grip on my hair, so I couldn't even move my head more than a couple of centimetres. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. Zach began fucking my open mouth, shoving his cock in as far as he could, then pulling it out all the way. Maybe he was a bit less rough than he had been, but I found it easier to handle his cock than it had been. I sat on the floor, my hands stretched out behind me, as Zach used my throat, saying over and over

"Oh yes! Oh, I like that! Oh, that feels good!"

When Zach finally came, he pushed his cock all the way into my mouth. I could feel his cock throbbing, as he ejaculated. Spurt after spurt after spurt. I could feel my own cock, straining in my trousers as Zach filled my throat with his cum. It had been a while since I had sucked a cock, and I found myself enjoying the sensation. I realised at that moment how much I had missed it.

Then Zach released my hair, and pushed me away. I could feel his semen in the back of my throat, and I felt a bit disappointed. I wanted to masturbate, and concentrate on the taste of Zach's cum. But he had shot his load into my throat, and I hadn't been able to taste it.

"Well, at least you're a fast learner," he said. "Run along home now, and wait for more instructions from me."

I scrambled to my feet, and went home as soon as I could. It was already getting late. I was sweaty and tired, and my throat hurt. But I was incredibly aroused. I went straight to the shower, where I washed myself off, and stood under the water, as I thought about what had happened, and what it meant.

It seemed that I was now Zach's... Blackmailee? Was there even such a word? The word "slave" sprang unbidden into my mind, but I pushed it away. I wasn't willing to consider such a reality.

I was filled with dread and fear at the thought of having to be at Zach's beck and call. I had to think of a way out of this situation. But every solution I came up with involved telling people about what had happened, and I couldn't bear the thought. Living in a small town, it would be common knowledge in no time.

But as I thought back over the day , I found myself getting aroused as I relived sucking Zach's cock. I stroked my own cock, while I thought about it. I had enjoyed sucking Zach's cock in a way that I hadn't enjoyed sucking Rick's cock. And I had to admit that Zach was very sexy. My own orgasm took me by surprise, and I arched my back as I came.

While I lay in bed that night, and jerked off, fantasising again about Zach, I wondered if there was a way to neutralise the threat he held over me, and still have sex with him.

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