Published on Oct 15, 2006



Its almost 4:30 in the morning of a weekend night. A minivan, several years old, towing a small aluminum-clad trailer, pulls up to the entrance of the cheapest motel in town. A slim young man gets out of the van and and enters the lobby. At the front desk he inquired as to the rate for a room for the night and when the clerk asked how many were in the party, replied four. With the presentation of a AAA membership card, a rock bottom rate was secured and paid for with cash.

The motel clerk carefully observed the guest as he entered the needed information from the I.D. card, which showed the kid to be just 21. The license showed him to be 6'2" but weighing only 150 pounds, and indeed the guest was extremely tall and slim, with his face matching the card's 'mug shot,' other than the picture showing no black eye-shadow.

Wavy, very long, black hair surrounded the attractive features emphasized by an extremely pale complexion. Several large rings pierced each heavy eyebrow. A huge nose ring almost extended over the kid's upper lip. A spiked stud was located below the upper lip which itself was pierced by a ring at each end. When the guest talked to the clerk a substantial stud was visable in his pierced tongue.

As the young guest initially approached the desk, the clerk had noticed, with considerable interest, his clothing. An extremely tight fitting black turtleneck shirt molded itself to the kid's upper body, clearly (even at a glance) showing that he wore rings of a very substantial size in both tits and another, somewhat smaller one in his navel. Just below that was the waistband of a pair of black jeans, which hugged the body even more tightly than the shirt. Around the waist was a wide, thick, heavilly studded, black leather belt.

In those few moments as the kid entered the building, the more than interested clerk could not help but notice the guy was displaying a very prominent basket bulging over the right inner thigh. Not only was it massive, but the details were fully on display: an oversized penis curving downward over the balls' package. Extending down from the visably larger cockhead was still another and non-insubstanial diameter and gauge ring.

The clerk's eyes were rivited on the guest's ass as the kid went out the exterior door. Being so tall and thin the guy did not have much in the way of buns, but what he had filled the spray-paint fitting black jeans. The concave central portion of the left bun was apparent. On the right, the rear pocket swelled with a huge wallet, attached to the belt by a thick chain.

A minute or two later the guest re-entered the motel, carrying a small duffel bag and a pillow. Accompanying him were two other band members, both male, both with faces that didn't have a hint of tan and both dressed in black, also extremely tight, but dissimilarly styled clothing. Both also carried small bags. The clerk was sure, even from first glance, that both had to be quite a bit less than age 21, in fact one could pass for, at most, a boy in his mid-teens.

The older of the two, a little shorter than the leader and more substantially built, wore a waist-length black leather jacket, open at the front, and well-decorated with metal studs and rings. A wide necked and cutoff black top stopped way above the kid's belly button, again displaying a ring. His brownish hair, although long, did not hide huge dagger-like silver jewelry hanging from his ears. A similar shaped item was in his septum. His pants were black leather, and tight, bulging outward under the fly.

The third guy, emphasized his extreme youthfulness with his simple gear. A black t-shirt hugged his upper body showing a flat undeveloped chest and tiny tits. Studded leather bracelets circled each wrist. Other than shoes the only other article of clothing he wore was a pair of spandex (authentic) bike shorts with a padded crotch that totally hid whatever he had for genitalia.

This young boy had -- to the desk clerk's way of thinking -- a gorgeous face, surrounded by tight golden curly hair well styled and geled. A 'button' nose and soft round chin further presented a boyish look. There was no doubt a razor blade had never been anywhere near the pale smooth skin.

A diamond-like stud in each earlobe and a light application of black eye shadow around the beautiful bright blue eyes were the only supplements to his minimalist clothing.

The clerk carefully checked out the rear views of the three guests as they waited for the elevator door to open. The youngest boy's spandex covered a beautiful set of high riding buns, separated by a crack that vanished behind the crotch padding. A massive bubble butt filled the other boy's leather jeans.

As the desk clerk answered a telephone call two more guests entered the building, without doubt their appearance marked them as members of the rock group. These two could not have been over age 21 by the clerk's estimation. Both looked at the clerk and gave slight nods as he headed to the elevator.

Was was black, dark-skinned, medium height, again very slim, with short cut hair, large honey colored eyes and wearing golden hoops in his ears and nose. A black dress-style shirt, open to the waist exposed a hairy chest, on which rested a gold medallion hanging on a heavy gold chain. His pants were black, dressy, beltless style, and fit him like a glove. His substantially sized penis was clearly displayed under the inseam of his left leg.

The other guy was a more solidly built guy, white, again with no complexion color. He wore just an open leather vest and very old tight worn black jeans that were heavilly shredded. But what stood out (appearance-wise) on this guy was that his head was totally shaved; even the eyebrows were gone. The clerk quickly realized that the rest of the body was also completely hairless.

Not a hair showed on the arms or the large exposure of the well developed chest and the smooth look ran way below his navel. The wrecked out jeans must hae been an ultra low rise style, undoubledly for a young woman. It was obvious that the kid had absolutely no pubes. If the jeans hung had hung any lower the base of the cock would be on view. Looking through the liberal shredding thre was no question his legs and buns were similarly bare.

The elevator had just left the lobbby when two more obviously punk rockers came through the front door. Like the others, dressed in black and carrying small overnight luggage. One had a pillow, the other a good sized stuffed teddy bear with a black t-shirt.

The one with the pillow seemed younger, probably not yet 18. He wore his hair in a heavilly spiked style, looking none the worse from the group's long evening of performing. He wore a black denim western style jacket, fully buttoned, and matching button fly jeans with the buttons fastening all the way throgh thr front of the fly. The custom buttonholes were stretched out by a big basket wore right behind the fly.

The guy with the teddy bear wore a black sweatshirt and very loose black sweatpants. A large embroidered teddy bear was on the chest of the shirt and a smaller one on the right side of the rear of the pants. He was tall and slim, but no match for the leader. His eyes appeared to be black, with black makeup surounding them His hair was also black and worn in a short mohawk cut. Hanging from his right ear was a teddy bear earring.

As he completed the telephone the clerk watched the two quickly go to the stairwell. He then reviewed the events of the past several minutes. He had sold a standard room with two double beds four four members of a punk rock group. However, seven had walked in! Well, I guess that's that, he said to himself.

The clerk's penis was rock hard as he pictured each of the seven guys that recently passed his desk. He began to massage himself as he savored the sights in his mind's eye. This is too much, he thought. However, as it turned out, there was more!

The exterior door opened and two more punk musicians appeared, each with small packs on their backs and huge BurgerKing take-out sacks in their hands. As with the previous arrivals both wer quite handsome -- in fact sexy!

There was another blond. He wore the light colored hair in a buzz cut Like the others he wore black (a sleeveless tank top and a pair of snug, but not tight fitting jeans) and numerous body piercings including very large plugs in each ear lobe.

But what made this kid stand out were his tattoos. His exposed arms and neck, even his fingers were covered with bright colors of ink. As he didnt pause, but went directly to the elevator the clerk didn't have the opportunity to study the actual pictures on the punk's body.

The other guy did stop at the desk. He appeared to be almost 20, clothed in vinyl. A shiny black t-shirt and form fitting vinyl jeans. ALthough skin tight there was absolutely no bulge in front. His substantial buns stretched out the plastic in back. He had light brown hair, very long in back and covering his ears and forehead. Hanging below each hidden ear was a was a large silver sphere. His eyes were hidden under a pair of very dark John Lennon sunglasses.

The guest put the burger bag on the front counter and in a voice obviously strained from hours of singing and shouting he asked for a wakeup call to be placed at 10:30 a.m. The clerk programmed the call and asked, "are there any more guys in your group?"

"No, this is it," replied the guy.

"Well, the first guy got the room for only four guys."

"Right, four of us are over eighteen. The rest are under they don't pay." To justify this, the guest pointed to a sign behind the desk, "kids stay free."

With that, he picked up the bag of food, told the front desk clerk, "I better get this food up to the guys" and joined the tattooed guy in the elevator.


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