
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Mar 10, 2010


If your not gay or into kink wtf you doing on here

Shit not now, here I am stranded in the middle of no where no money no job stuck living with my parents. 24 years old college grad "what a waste of my time in this economy" and now my car broke down. On a deserted road in north Texas half way between Houston and Dallas on my way to a job interview. Had to borry money to even get this far, and now my car is a paper weight on the I-45 freeway.

What am I gonna do no I thought to my self when suddenly I saw headlight comeing down the road so bright I'm nearly blinded.

"looks like u could use some help" came a gruf voice from the cab of what I could now see was a tow truck "yea sure could Sir" I said over the rumble of his engine "Sir, I like that" said the stranger as he shut the engine off

As he stepped out of the truck I was dump struck he must have been about 6'7" good muscular build looked like a brick wall the springs in the truck groaned as he got out.

What's the problem pup "pup did he just call me pup" "um well I don't reall know Sir it just died an hr ago Gage says full on gass but it won't turn over" he looks at me like I'm dumber them shit then looks under the hood well pup looks like I cracked the head and threw a rod" "there it was again. Who is he callin pup.". "Shit I said out loud I can't afford this sounds like it will cost a fortune to fix Sir" he eyes me up and down like a piece of meat I feel so cheap standing there being looked over like I'm for sale.

"Shit here I thought it would be a blaring day driveing this deserted part of I45 but here I am standing in front of what could be my lifes dream" as I pulled over to a stranded car I notice him as soon as i laid eyes on him I wanted him bent over my hood as I ass raped his hole "sorry sorry getting off topic" there he was standing next to his car on a cell phone probly calling his mommy "I'll fix that" I thought supressing my dripping hard on for him I got out of the cad "Sir, at least the pup has mannors" after I find out what's wrong with his car he looks dumb struck and scared I knew it right where I want him

I looked at the man towering over even my 6'5" fram "look Mister uhhh what's ur name again I must have missed it" I squieked thru my parched throught "you can just call my Sir for now" the man said I was a lill taken from this but my cock responded with a twitch and drool.

"I'm sorry to have botherd you but I have no money or job to pay for repairs, I was on my way to an interview in Dallas when this happens it always happens to me" I blurted out befor thinking (shit I thought what's this guy gonna think ofme now) he looks me up and down again like a steak

"well pup this is ur lucky day my shift is about over and I do live near by, I can't just let you bake out here in the heat now can I" oh I thought I'm gonna have some fun I finally found the one at least I hope?????

All you one handed typers need to know about me is my name is Sir to everyone but my mother. I've built a bissness with auto repair, but my first and true love is the Master/slave trade don't even start with that antislave bull shit it still happens here in the south weather u like it or not.

Befor I knew it "sir" had my car on the back of his toe and we where off to his house god knows where that is. "so you where going for a job interview?" he asked politely "yea I lost my job at the airport in Houston when it went union, company could not afford to keep so many workiers with the unions high demands."

"shit pup that's terrible" he said in a friendly voice the conversation went on about this and that mostly about me and my family if I had and close family, a girl friend (I could not come up with the balls to tell him I was gay) the drive was horrible took about an hour to get to his home and in the Texas heat I was stuck to his leather seat my clothes soaked thru I asked about turning on the A/C but he said it we broken. Must have been half an hr into the drive i nodded off cutting our conversation short

(shit this kid is hot) I thought love dirty blond hair and those deep blue eyes remindsme of my dog from growing up, glad I kept the air off this pup is sweating right thru his clothes (like he'll have them much longer) he's a lill on the fat side if I had to guess about 6'5" maybe 290 not much muscle but that can be fixed.

Thinking about all the nasty pervrted things I'd do to him got me so fucking hard on the drive I was born in Texas use to the heat I could see a lill tent in his shorts forming as he sat there sleeping not well endowed but I can lice with that, I come toa red light on the feater lane and decide I'm way to fuckin horny I unzipped my 501s and unsnap my cod pieace from my cat suite I have on under the clothes. My 9" fuck stick will feel good up his straight pussy tonight but for ow i start to slowly strokeing my shaft feeling the cum bubbel in my balls and the precum leak from my head like a faucet. I hit the gas and speed faster home still stroking my cock I can see the pups nippels thru his shirt now fuck I wana bite and chew on them so bad. With in a few miles to my house I blow my biggest load of the week i let it dry into my hair and replaced the cod and zipped up (pup can lick that later)

I decide not to start fucking with the pup just yet wana get him home and trusting me a bit more then the fun will start.

I wake up with a lurch as the truck stopped in front of what I assume is the guys house pretty big two story with a massive built on garage later I learned it was also his shop "welcome to my home pup" i herd him say still groggy I noticed I was soaked to the bone in sweat "umm thanks" I said winceing from my dry trought

"Looks like u pissed all over ur self pup" the guy said with a grin " your not from around here are you" "na I'm from Ohio family moved a few years ago been trying to get use to this heat" he looked pleased with my last comment "well u will someday pup" he said getting out of the truck I followed him up to the door leading to the garage when he stopped me "no pups allowed in house unless your house broken" he grined and walked inside I stood there with a dump struck look of who the he'll he think he is telling me that "here boy use this there's a washing machine and dryer in the garage u can clean ur self up with the shower in there as well" he said befor closeing the door.

I walk over to the garage and find the door unlocked I push it open the sight I'm met with both turned my stomack and made my dick do back flips. There was every thing I had ever deamed about in here row apon row of dildos, plugs, leather and rubber hoods, cat suits in both, spandex, lycra outfits, sports uniforms, every type of bondage you can think of was either sitting around or hanging from a chain bolted in the roof.

I was in a bondage pigs heaven, I could not get out of my clothes fast enough as I found the washier I stuffed them all in and set the cycle to take the most time, I knew it was wrong but I could not help myself I went to the items on the wall and started to explore.

(I have this pup right where I want can't wait to see what he thinks of my workshop) I thought after handinghim a towl at the front door I bolted the house door and remote unlocked my play room. God I'm so happy I set up camaras in there I watched the pup look with open mouth and saw his wet shorts tent out they almost ripped. I knew what he was gonna do they all do it start playing with my toys till I catch them. I love the look on there faces when I come in dressed in my catsuite and find them with there paws all over my toys

I couldn't help it this pup was so damn hot I popes open the cod piece and stroked off to his exploring "looks like he's in love with my sports uniforms" I tell my self grining

A few hrs later

"WHAT THE FUCK" i screamed at the pup as I enters thru the side door from my house. "how dare you go thru my toys you ungreatfull BITCH" I yelled he was so scared I saw him force himself not to shit himself. "I uh uh sorry Sir I just couldn't help it never saw much of this stuff befor" I stammerd trying to stay brave in the face of this wall of a man. "and that means you can touch my stuff pup" he came closeier when I say what he was wearing my dick jumped back to attention

There he was in a shortie catsuite no arms comeing down to his knees made of cobalt blue and black lycra it looked way to small for a man his size he was nearly busting thru the seems what drew my attention the most was the massive cod piece he had on was in the shape of a jock cup but bigger he must be massively endowed

"let me get this straight I invite you back to my home think about helping you fix your car maybe even offer you a job to help pay for it and you repay me by messing with my toy. You are gonna pay pup" he said comeing closier I was so scared I ran for the door I reached it and found that there was no handle on this side I pushed no go. " u dump ass pup that door don't open from this side" he said evily grining "and don't u need these first boy" he was over at the washing machine holding up my clothes "please Sir I'm sorry I messed with your stuff please can I have my clothes back" I begged.

He looked at me with a smirk and dropped my clothes into a trash can next to the machine "umm NO" he said as he threw a match into the can setting my only set of clothes I had on fire "NO" I screamed running up to the can.

"got yea bitch" he screamed in my ear as I felt his massive hand close around my neck. I struggel to get free screaming for him to let me go, but it all failed I was trapped no door out no clothes and now he has me by the scruf of the neck.

"I'm gonna teach u a lession about not touching what don't belong to you, MY lill puppy" he said as he frog marched me over to the fuck bench amazing how much it looks like a saw bourse

I was tied down tight leather restraints secured every part of me next he took what felt like hemp rope (it was very itchy) tieing my balls tight in there sack then secured the end of the roap to a pully above my head with a bucket at the end letting his massive cock out he pissed in it then turned on a water tap letting the bucket fill. It was pulling my balls with every drop I moaned and whimpered the pain was starting to build.

"alright bitch, You ready for ur first lession" I layed there trying to concentrate on not crying my balls hurt so much but I was dripping precum like a faucet. I moaned softly trying to answer him but could not. "oh so bitch ain't gonna answer his Master, that gonna cost you pup" next I felt a sting I'd never felt befor "1 down 29 to go pup" he yelled out. (fuck that hurt) did he just say 29 I'm gonna die on this bench. The blows rained down one after the other I lost count between the pain of the now full bucket of water and the paddeling I was getting i could not hear him any more "30, alrght pup that's enough for now, that ass of yours is so nice and red I can see the bucket is full do u want Master to empty it for you" he said with an evil grin. I could not even speak I was fighting back the tears his massive arms delivered such forcefully blows I thought I was broken in half.

"alright pup since u did good during ur punishment I'll empty it for yea" with that he tipped to bucket over spilling the water over the floor in front of me. " time for Master to breed and mark his puppy don't need u getting away" he unsnapped his cod pieace releaseing his 9" rock solid cock I gulpped at the thought of it going up my ass.

He walked in front of me and said one word "SUCK" I knew better then to disobey I did not want another flogging, I opened my mouth and he shoved it in so fast I could not keep up and gagged on his cock.

"shut up bitch" he kept sliding in and out of my mouth his cock was covered in flim and spit "alright boy you realy to get breed and marked as my dog forever" as he finished saying that it struck me that I'd never be free again this physco was gonna kidnapp and enslave me till I die I admit it had always been a dream but just that a fantasy never thought it could really happen, I was distracted by my thoughts when I felt a searing pain in my ass as he shoved in balls deep with the first push. "AWWWW" I screamed as he piston fucked me in and out leaving completly then pushing all the way in again I was crying and screaming "Stop" as he kept up the pace.

Next: Chapter 2

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