
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Mar 25, 2010


It was a cold night in the play room. The asshole had turned on the air to full blast all night. I had to shiver under a leather straight jacket to keep from freezing to death. I tried all night to remove the weights on my balls or the collar anything this psycho did to me, but by the end of the night I had fallen asleep. Thought I would have a better chance if I could ambush the guy in the morning.

"aww, he's so cute trying to stay warm under that straight jacket guess sparky has picked out his first bondage experience" the Master said aloud to know one as he was the only one in the house at the moment, having an empty kennel at the moment as all his trained slaves had been sold and shipped out.

"wip wip grrrrr" came from the monitor the screen should a vary comical site on the floor under the leather straight jacket the pup sparky was twitching and growling in his sleep "looks like sparkys dreaming, wonder what's going in the little head of his"


Suddenly a car came out of nowhere I ran for it screaming "No No, Dad don't leave" over and over I screamed bit the car just kept driving. I ran after it with all my might, but I was being held back by a women's arm it was my mother she was stopping me from chasing the car. "WHY WHY did you stop me" I yelled at her before she could answer a bright light appear and she vanished. The smell of grass and warm summer breeze brushed across my face as a soccer ball appeared I was in the middle of the big game my team versus my big brothers we where wining when I saw out the corner of my eye my brother coming straight at me with evil in his eye. I went to run and kick the ball in to thee goal to win, but he was too fast for me he caught up to me and managed to rip apart my shorts leaving me standing in my jock in front of all my friends "I'll kill you for this" I screamed at him then it vanished again the sound of a gabble pounding down " it's settled guardian ship of the boys goes to their grandmother" I heard the judge say " alright if I have to take the brats they will eat me out of house and home your honor the little one more than the other"

Back in the play room

The Master stood over the pup towering over with his huge muscles fighting to break thru the bright red under armor shirt he wore two sizes to small on purpose his crotch was twitching in the jockstrap and hard cup he wore under the full padded football game pants matching the red shirt he wore.

"All right pup time to get your day starts" the Master said as he nudged sparky on the side with his cleats. With a start the pup woke looking up at first only seeing a big red man then it cleared and he saw who it was. "Sparky today is your first day of training it will be hard and long, but if you're good you will get to sleep with me in the house to night"

Sparky thought to home self what an ass hole thinking he can train me to be his slave after kidnapping me I'm going to get this ass one way or another. Then he started to remember his dream about his family or lack thereof. (why did I break down last night and cry over my family they all hated me and what friends I had stopped talking to me long ago) he looks at the man in skintight gear so big and strong looking he was attracted to him who wouldn't be he must be 6'6 at least and from the way his truck moaned when he stepped out I'd guess 400 lbs of muscle.

While sparky was going thru his emotions it gave the Master time to walk over to the wall and pull down a bright blue and black leash like the kind you'd see a dog have and a pair of high grade knee pads (these will do for now till I figure out if he's to stay on all fours 24/7) the Master thought as he walked back over to his pup.

Sparky sat up on his knees as the plug was still buried deep in his hole. "Wwwhhhaattt" Sparky managed to get out before his voice cracked, (what was that my voice is returning the bastard didn't lie to me about that) Sparky thought to himself to scared to try and say anything else

As the Master returned to his pet he heard the word he tried to say and smiled to himself "well it seems the pup is learning to speak again" he said to sparky as he approached with the leash and kneepads rubbing the nude head of his pup. "Alright boy time for you to explore your new home, you will be on all fours till I say otherwise" he spoke to sparky as he kneeled down the seams in his shirt and pants straining to stay together. "Here pup I'm letting you have these knee pads cause I don't want you hurting your knees on the floor" he spoke to sparky as he strapped them on.

The crotch of Masters Pants twitched as he clicked on the leash his boy. He gave the leash a short tug "here boy" he said with a grin

Having no other choice Sparky got on to his knees and followed along. "Grrrr wwwhhhaaa" sparky got out before being tugged by the leash he wanted to ask what he was planning for him.

"Come on boy I don't want to stay out here all day at least not today" the Master said as he pulled the leash once inside the door he shut and bolted it closed behind pup. "There will be no going to the playroom without me boy you understand?" he asked Sparky all the poor up could do was shake his head yes why would he ever want to go in there again his only concern was escape at that moment.

Noting the slack on the leash Sparky made a run for the living room. He made it to the front door when he noticed the three large dead bolts all with keys missing "stupid mutt you looking for these" the keys jingled in the Masters hand "come on boy I knew you would try that so I'm not going to punish you this time but try it again and your ass will be red and bruised for a month" he said after getting the leash back into his hands

He guided sparky over to an overstuffed couch where he sat down the springs creek with his mass "ahh Sparky your making me so fucking horny" he whispered to the pup as he attached the leash to a bolt under the couch he saw a tug as the pup tried to get away seeing how far his leash would allow only a few feet away from the feet of his new owner.

Feeling the hardness of his cock trapped inside the jock and uniform pants. Feeling though he can't take it any longer he reached up and started to unlace the string on his pants as he pulled them down his massive 9" cock exploded out of his jock leaking precum like a faucet he took the hard cum from the pouch and brought it up to his nose taking a big wiff "god puppy you are getting me horny already I can tell your going to make me one happy daddy." He said twisting his nipple slowly stroking his cock "get over here and suck my dick Sparky" he bellowed in a firm voice sparky looked at him in disgust all though deep down he really wanted to taste this massive mans cock he knew he needed to resist show him he will don't be his dog "grrrrrr no" sparky managed to get out when suddenly the leash was pulled and his face was smashed into the Masters crotch. "whimpers" came from the dog as his dick started to get hard in his cage the Master knew then that he was winning the pup was getting hard at his smell "come on boy it's your treat, you finish this bone and you get fed tonight" the Master said as he guided the pups muzzle onto his bone. He could not hold on long "AWWWW FUCK SPARKY SUCK MY DICK" he growled when he grabbed the small patch of Mohawk and raped his dogs thought for the first time feeling his cum boil in his nuts "AWWW FUCK BOY YOU READY TO GET YOUR TREAT" he exploded into his mouth sending gallons of cum into his boy seeing it leak out of his mouth.

"Good boy" he said twisting sparkys nipples as he came down from his high "time for your dinner then we can cuddle on the couch tonight if your good" said the Master as he got up he noticed a large wet patch on the carpet under Sparkys trapped knot. "Awww looks like the boy enjoyed himself more then he let on" leading sparky into the kitchen sparky saw for the first time a set of matching dog bowls about a foot off the floor resting on a stand made for dogs to eat easier on each was written "Sparky" in big bold letters on one under his name was "food" on the other was written something he did not like the word "liquid?" was written the question mark made him worry just what would he be made to drink.

"Alright boy you're a little chunky for me but your still the hottest slave I've had thru here in years" he told sparky as he dumped a can of food into the food bowl. "So you're going on a strict diet starting now you won't get regular food till you drop some of that belly this is not dog food I'm not crazy boy it's a special diet made for slaves me and a few of my fellow Masters came up with for boys who need to lose a little weight like you" taking a bottle of water he emptied it into the other bowl and snapped his fingers for Sparky to start eating.

The food tasted horrible, but he had a feeling he'd better eat it all or would not like what happened after. "Good boy" as he scratched the pups ears "drink all the water then we can watch a movie together on the couch"

After Sparky drank his water the Master led him back to the couch and attached the leash again to the bolt under the floor taking his place by the arm "come on boy" he said slapping the couch next to him not needing a second call Sparky crawled up on the couch as far from the guy as possible, "nice try pup" he laughed as he pulled the him closer and forced Sparky to rest his head on his lap inched from his still wet cock "if I get hard boy you better take care of it every time tonight" he mentioned as he flipped on the TV.

Sparky blew the man off 6 more times thru out the day and night while they watched several porn's and to his surprise a Disney movie or two. Having not had a good night's sleep the night before sparky was thankful when the Master fell asleep on the couch with his arms wrapped around the pup. Deep down Sparky loved this treat meant the alone time watching the movie cuddling the man that kidnapped him gave him time to think of the dream he had about his rotten child hood, why had he broken down and cried like that it's what he had always dreamed of being with a man father figure for once he had missed his daddy every since he left when he was 4. For some strange reason he felt more happy then he had been in a long time today.

Next: Chapter 4

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