
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Apr 7, 2010


In the early dawn hours before the sun rose the pup was wide awake his bladder was full and his guts near capacity he need a restroom bad but did not want to wake the asshole up he was sound asleep still on the couch in his football gear from the night before now that he was not tormenting the boy sparky finally got a good look at him and he thought "well for a kidnapping SOB he's actually very cute" sparky thought as he scanned the man from his shiny bald head stopped to see the neatly trimmed salt and pepper goatee over which was a nose ring just like his but a lot smaller, next he looked down his massive chest stretching the red under armor shirt to form a second skin almost he was entranced by his chest Moving up and down with his heavy breathing as he slept.

"what am I thinking this guy kidnapped me and forcible altered my body" of which sparky was just painfully been reminded as his cock tried to get hard in its metal tube this massive man may have been a kidnapped but deep down sparky knew he was loving everything the man did to him. Finally as the sun rose up and shined bright in the windows of the room sparky could hold it no more deciding on wakening him gently he nudged him in the arm with his mitt covered hand "Sir, I need to use the rest room" he whispered in the man's ear sparkys voice finally came back but with limited volume. The Master stirred in his sleep still not awake sparky shook him gently trying to get his attention "Sir, Sir, I really have to go" he said to the Master again this time it worked and he was opening his eyes to the sight of his new puppy boys pleading eyes knowing full well what he needed having on purpose not allowed him a chance to relieve himself.

"hey sparky" the Master said with a grin scratching the dogs head "you sleep well boy?" he asked half joking knowing the boy would have been up all night with bladder and bowl pain.

"Yes Sir but I really have to piss and shit can you please let me go" sparky said with pleading eyes looking directly at the man

"Sparky you forget what you are now you're a dog and dogs don't get to use the restroom, they get to go out for walkies" the master said as he un-hooked the leash from the floor and tied up his own hard cock back into his padded pants. "Come on boy time for your first lesion in your new life" he said as his half walked half dragged the boy outside to the back yard.

As they stepped outside sparky herd the door being shut and locked (god this guys paranoid) he thought as he crawled in front of the man what he saw took his breath away a very neatly groomed yard about two acres in size walled off by at least a six foot stone wall inside where areas of different equipment a ST.Andrews cross a fucking bench, whipping post and a few empty wooden frame with leather cuffs on each corner in the far corner he saw a smaller caged area with a large dog house in the rear. The Master looked at his dog and saw what he was looking at " that's right boy I host get together here on the weekends big BBQ lots of bondage and SM that area you see in the back is your privet space I built that years ago for just the right dog and that's you when I'm not in need or during a party you're not being used I'll stick you in there and your free to do as you please in that cage no one but me has the key so no one will bother you." He told sparky as he walked him off to the side yard "this is your area to make boy you piss and shit in that hole it goes right to the septic system no flushing needed when go ahead and try it" he said to the dog.

"come here pup" he snapped his fingers for sparky to sit in front of him "if you want to use it you have to come here so I can take off the plug" that was more than sparky needed to hear he sat in front of the Master ass in the air within a seconds of his statement ( thank god he's taking it out god knows how long I've had this plug in my ass is sore and numb) sparky thought as the Master reached down and in one form motion pulled the average size plug from sparkys rear with an audible sigh of relief from the boy "don't get use to it doggy you will be wearing a plug at least 20 hrs a day the only times it will be out is the twice a day I allow you to use it and whenever I want to use that hole of yours boy" the Master said putting the plug on a self above the open hole "now squat and do your business" Master said sparky had been in so much pain he did not care if he was being watched he squatted low over the hole and with a loud explosion of gas he let his bowls go at the same time pissing from the small hole at the head of his chastity belt he was in doggy heaven "hurry up boy I can't stay out here all day you have 5 mins to use it" he urged the pup on.

When he was finished sparky did not know how or what he was going to clean himself on "sir, how do I wipe" he asked still in a low voice. "Hmmm guess my doggy has to finish up

"Come here doggie" the Master said in a friendly voice that took sparky by surprise. He was pointing to a strange object pointing out of the house at about the same height as sparkys ass "this is how good boys and dogs clean up after they shit" he said pointing to the faucet type thing. He pushed with both hands on the sides near the base of the 6" long metal tube a jet of water shot from the tip. "See boy now turn around and back up on to it will turn on once you have gone down on it far enough" he said again in that friendly manor sparky did not have much choice so he did as he was told and started to back his ass up onto the nozzle it was cold and Rigged in his ass "it hurts Sir" sparky whispered stopping after going down 3 inches " come on boy it's the only way you can get clean if you don't I will have to punish you" sparky involuntarily shivered in fear and kept pushing finally reaching the trigger "GOOD BOY" the Master said scratching the dogs ears as sparky felt his guts fill with cold tap water.

"I want you good and clean at all times pup so you must do this after each shit at least 3 time counting to two mins while the water fills you up" the Master said in a fatherly tone while rubbing sparkys full belly.

It took sparky nearly 20mins to complete this as after the first enema he was reluctant to impale himself again so the Master in his best fatherly manor got him back on the machine not wanting to scar the dog Master had a plan to make him truly loved by sparky get him to see everything's for a reason.

As sparky was finishing up his last enema the masters phone rang with a start sparky had not seen or even herd one the whole time he was there. "Don't be scared sparks, it's just my phone" he showed pup as he answered it "hello Steve's dungeon and training" he said re attaching the pups lead "yes I do full survive training and breaking of boys, pups, and slaves." he said causally into the phone sparky listening to every word (at least I know his name now) sparky thought starting to move along with the leash

"hmmm well I'm in a training session right now this weekend I'm holding a get together at my place if you bring the boy around I'm sure I can help e will talk price then" Steve said before hanging up the phone," well pup I have to go out, and I can't trust you to be roaming around alone yet" Steve said leading sparky to the large play room half dragging half leading.

He unlocked the door to the play area (ok I'm going to be out for most of the night what would he enjoy for around 12hrs) Steve thought deciding on the spanking bench but first he thought sparky needed a few things. Locking the leash to the middle bolt in the floor Steve walked over and brought back two arm fills of rubber leather and spandex gear for a man of his size it was a lot of stuff. Sparky tried to get free as he knew what was about to happen before Steve could say anything.

"come here boy or you will be punished" Steve said as he pulled up a chair in front of the bolt and bent sparky over his knee taking out the tail plug and replacing it with a large stainless steel plug with wires at the end causing sparky to scream and moan in pain "easy boy it's all over it's in" Steve said rubbing his pups round ass check. Next sparky was flipped over by the strength of his master and was now belly up on his lap "let's get those lill tits of yours wired up and you will be ready to get dressed" he told the dog rubbing his belly causing involuntary leg shaking.

After securing large sticky electrodes to sparky tits and connected wires to the metal ball and chastity unit Steve used a piece of tape to tie the wires to sparkys leg handing him a pair of heavy duty spandex shorts "put these on pup and make sure the wires go thru the leg" Steve said getting out the next item for sparky to wear. "Here dog put this on" he said shoving a one piece rubber cat suit. As sparky was managing the suite Master Steve walked behind leading the wires thru the back zip assuring they get thru. (God I hate him but all this gear is getting me fucking hot) sparky thought to himself standing there trying not to whimper from the pain he felt in his crotch his cock wanting so badly to be hard and touched.

"alright boy finally layer then I'll put you up for the night" Steve said picking up a leather muzzle locking it tight on sparkys head cutting off his ability to speak, "just a few locks and your almost set" Steve looks at sparky straight in the face with a grin that a proud papa would have given his son. The final layer of sparkys torment for the night was a complete leather body suite with black out hood and feet, hand coverings once sparky was inside the suite Steve made sure the wires where all thru the ass zip before securing his dog to the fuck bench for the night making sure he was fully restrained adding pad locks to the buckles feeling that his boy was good and safe he spoke to sparky thru the layers.

"ok boy I have to go out for the night meet a few friends and get supplies for this weekend's party I'm sure you will be safe and happy here I have attached three different e-stem boxes to your wires one for each area so you will be kept busy, I will set them all to random so you never know what is coming I hope you enjoy what's to come I know I will" Steve said walking out of the room hearing his dog whimper and moan thru the layers of bondage he will have to watch the tape (a moaning puppy is the hottest thing ever) he thought shutting the door and locking it shut.

Sparky moaned and groaned in pain and pleasure for hours that night not knowing where Steve was or when he would come back the stimulation of his ass and balls was making his little cock leak a steam of precum he could feel pooling under his balls. (When will this guy get back I'm going crazy) he thought the 12 hrs passed slow the power box was set to random on different settings for each set it was a very long night for him.

Next: Chapter 5

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