
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Apr 28, 2010


Steve hated having to leave his puppy for so long like that but it had to be done "he'll thank me later" was his thought as he drove sparky old car to the local junk yard after having totally stripped it of all deification. He had arranged a ride back with a new client of his from England "Oi you Steve" came a voice from behind Steve "yes that's me and I'm guessing your Raz, you called me about training a boy for yea?" Steve asked the Englishman he shifted his weight in his cherry red doc martins keeping his hands in his tight bleachers "yea that was me only problem is I have not captured the bugger yet" Raz said to Steve as they made their way over to his rented ford F-250 "what do you mean you don't have him yet" he asked confused sitting in the passenger seat while Raz drove them away "see I have been visiting the US every month for the past year have a huge account with a local company and I have had me eye on a fit young lad that works part time at the company I have had him investigated, he is a high school senior set to graduate this year he's on the America. Football team and works two part time jobs to pay his rent having no family to live with" Raz went on to explain as he drove to the local high school.

"that's the fit lad I want as my boy" he looked at Steve with hunger in his eyes, just as he said it a sweaty teen walked from the side door of the locker-room still wearing well used pads and uniform (this kids a god) Steve thought he had to shift position in his seat as he had a massive boner building from watching the boy walk out to his beat up old Honda and bend over into his back seat. "Did you bring the bag of goodies I asked for" Steve looked at Raz "yea mate they in the back seat" Steve pulled a small black duffle from the back and opens it to grab the roll of duck tape and handcuff out of it. Steve looked up to see the stud still looking in his back seat. "NOW" Steve yelled to Raz as they bolted from the cad Steve tackled the young boy as Raz moved in with a strip of duck tape and a sweaty sock he had brought just for fun. After forcing the sock and tape over the boy's mouth he was handcuffed and frog marched to the waiting truck.

"Ok we got him now what mate" Raz asked Steve looking pleased with himself "here I'll take the kids car and you follow me to this address we will continue his induction there.

After a short drive and a lot of moaning a d thrashing about in the back seat Raz arrived at Steve's house where Steve was already waiting. "hey bud thought you had got lost" Steve said helping the boy out of the back still trying to fight his abductors "enough of this you cunt" Raz yelled at him placing one well placed kick to the lads groin hearing a crack and scream followed by the boy laying motionless on the ground "I think you broke his balls" Steve said jokingly to Raz "naw I've had a few boys act like this I knew where to kick I bet that crack you herd was his cup splitting in to from me steel toes" they lifted the crying boy off the concrete drive way and carried him into the playroom entrance.

As they entered they herd another boys crying and moans of pain/pleasure seeing sparky trusted up still tied to the bench getting his body worked over by the electro still going thru its random cycles. "that's my personal dog over there just picked him up the other day I am trying to break what's left of his will today" Steve said placing the still moaning Teen on the floor.

"God this boy is handsome Raz you sure know how to pic em" Steve said starting to unlace the boys pants. "NO" came a cry from Raz "don't undress him I don't wana start anything till Friday" Steve looked up smiling so you want him left in his rank pads for three days" he said with an evil grin " yea mate tho I do want him bound and gagged 24/7, I'll pay for room and board for the three days mate want him really ripe and smelly when I take away his freedom and virginity." the teens head lifted at hearing this and began to struggle again " boy you want kicked again, Now stop it cunt" Raz said to him sternly

Raz and Steve walked into the main part of the house leaving the teen bound and gagged listening to sparkys moans of pleasure and pain. (Who was that I thought I felt someone for a moment) sparkys mind was reeling trying to find anything else to concentrate on other than his tortured genitals and ass. How long he had been there was unknown to him how much longer a distant hope it was soon.

Steve walked thru the playroom on his way out after more than an hour making arrangements with his new client. "Hey boy, you just made me a nice chunk of change he even thru in extra for your food. Though a big strapping jock like you eats like a pig, so that's what I'm going to feed you like" Steve said pressing on boot into his still sore crotch enlisting a moan. "I'm going to take this gag out and replace it you say one word I'll crush your nuts pig" Steve got a silent nod from the kid not wanting any more harm to come to his nuts, "alright boy here we go a nice big ring gag for yea" he placed a large steel ring inside the boys mouth locking the leather straps behind his head. Looking over at sparky Steve got an sudden surge of blood to his cock causing it to nearly rip the fabric of his dark blue Levis he walked over to his pet fighting the feeling to touch and feel his boy, wanting to feel the trembling skin of sparkys torment. (This better work boy you don't want to see the other ways I break a boy) Steve thought to himself strolling over to the helpless padded teen "well since my boy is in training and your master has asked that nothing sexual be done with you while he's away guess I'm going to have to take care of my hard cock myself" he said with a slight gruff in his voice feeling a bit mad he has a new boy and can't use him.

Steve in buttoned the fly of his jeans letting his shaft fall out slick and sticky from precum "mise well watch me bitch cause I get to fuck any slaves that come thru here even with their master present, part of the contract "Steve said to the teen as he stroked his massive cock causing it to leak more and more precum. Up and down in full hard strokes he pulled on his dick each time thinking of new and crueler ways to torment a boy. (make one go out in public wearing large anal beads in his ass sharp gator clamps on his tits with cords wrapped around his nuts causing pain with each step, rig a dildo to the axle of his car make the boy ride it the faster he drove the faster the dildo fucked) was just a few of his ideas he thought of his new boy tied and out of touch getting broken that sent him over the edge gallons of pent up cum spewed from his cock head spilling all over the floor. " well this won't do boy no cum is ever wasted in my home" Steve said scooping up what cum had hit the floor and walls, he walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a slave bowl and cold can of vegan soup adding his cum to it as a surprise for the new boy. "Here yea go nice soup for yea eat it when you get hungry boy" he said walking out of the play room.

"It's time for me to go shopping for this weekend and pick my pup up a toy" Steve said to himself as he gathered up his wallet and keys stuffing his cock back into his pants.

Sparky bucked hard trying to get free having endured 6 hours of constant stimulation with no hope of release or stopping he feared he was losing grip on reality (why is he tormenting me so much, I was not fighting him, I did what I was told, and still being tortured) he began to see his life flash before him ever horrid memory of his childhood he grew angry first they began to weep uncontrolled as he realized he wanted and needed a daddy in his life maybe if his own did not leave him his life would have turned out better.

Steve wandered the aisles of the local supermarket hoping his hard cock did not stain his pants he had been thinking of his puppy at home and how much fun he will have in a few hours (that bitch boy is going to be fuck hard and deep) he thought to himself as he checked out on the drive home he stopped by a pet store and picked his new pup up a special toy and some Scooby snacks for humans (he better enjoy this chew toy) it had been a long day for both sparky and Steve the party was to days away and he had a new boy to train and a pup to break "think I'll feed sparky a big dinner and take him to bed with me he's going to get his ass teamed tonight" Steve said with a smile knowing by now his pup was probly broken and sobbing in his gag.

Sparky had stopped fighting the torment and just laid there accepting that he was not in control that the electricity would keep coming no matter what the only hope was in that when Steve came back he would release him finally. Having finally learned his captor's name that morning sparky was tired horny beyond thought and hungry. Steve walked in to the silent figure of his pup only hearing a slight whimper now and then and the constant hum of the e-stim box. "Awww is my puppy ready for his daddy" Steve boomed as he walked into the playroom from the house entrance, sparky wiggled in excitement maybe his torment was over finally as he felt a warm hand on his rump thru all the layers he was wearing. (please please let me out I will be whatever you want please) he prayed to himself, feeling the hand work its way up his back resting at his neck where the padlock was. "Ok boy it's time to talk but you're not getting out just yet"

He unlocked the first padlock and unzipped the leather suit leaving the pup locked down to the bench, next he unzipped the rubber suit reveling the hot sweaty skin of his pup loving the smell that came from him sweat mixed with piss and precum made him even harder for his puppy. "ok boy let's get this out of the way" pulling off both hoods letting them lay in front of sparky still attached to the suits he looked directly into sparkys eyes seeing the defeat in them and the deep desire to get out of his torment. Steve pulled up a folding chair and sat down in front of his dog still keeping his eyes locked on each other "lets leave you gagged for now boy I am not ready to hear you speak" Steve tussled his hair lightly "ok, boy I know this has been a long and tormenting day for you but it is a necessary evil in my profession while I was away did you have any insights into your life" sparky nodded up and down as much as he could trying to ask for release but only getting out grunts and drool behind the gag, "don't try to speak just nodding is ok for now boy, do you want to be my puppy boy if you do just nod yes if you do I will treat you like a prized son and pup you will want for nothing in life but to please me" sparky looked at steve with tears still in his eyes considering his offer " now boy if you choose not to be my pup I will still keep you here till I am satisfied your fully trained then either sell you out right or pimp you out in town for little money till your of no use to me" sparky looked horrified and scared at that prospect for his life "now I am going to remove your gag and give you one chance to decide" Steve looked at sparky one last time then unlocked the muzzle and freed sparkys mouth for the first time all day.

Sparky began to cry as the electro kept frying his ass and balls "Sir I will be your puppy" sparky managed to get out between sobs of pain "I will do as you say just please make it stop" he began to cry in ernest now. "Boy I will not accept that answer I want you to stop crying and answer me with all your soul" steve glared at him looking him straight into his eyes. Sparky thought how can he manage that he was in so much pain from this man how can he say that and mean it he was tired and sore, then it hit him like a load of bricks all his wants and needs that have been hidden due to modern life, his ungrateful family thinking that a better job and more money would bring him happiness, it was all a lie even though he was in horrible pain he new deep down that he was loving every moment of it till he saw this man again he could not bring himself to admit it, now he knew he was meant to be the property of another stronger man he needed his daddy no matter what. With as much courage as he could muster ignoring the pain he looked at Steve in the eyes and said "daddy I need you".

Steve did not say anything to him he was beaming with pride this puppy was his now, he quickly unlocked sparky and shut off the current to his pet and helped him down onto the floor in a kneeling position "pup do you mean that do you want me as your daddy forever" Steve asked with a wide grin on his face that could not be mistaken for anything but pride. Sparky looked up at his new daddy and said with all his hart again in a loud clear voice "Daddy, I need you in my life I have always needed you till now I had no idea how much" it took all of sparkys energy to say that as he bent and kissed Steve's dirt covered hiking boots "please Sir teach me to be your dog" was his last words before Steve stuck his raging cock into his new pups muzzle. "Give your Daddy a blowjob boy, I accept you as my boy and you will not have to worry about anything ever again" Steve said to his pup moaning softly as sparky serviced his daddy truly enjoying himself for the first time in his young life.

"boy tonight you will go to bed with me I will show you what it can mean to have a loving daddy" he said as he piston fucked his boys muzzle in and out hearing his boy moan and whimper, no doubt from his own knot locked up secure . he fucked the pups thought for a good fifteen minutes before deciding its time to properly breed his bitch "come on boy we are going to bed" he pulled out of sparky went to check on the teen still tied up and gagged "not hungry boy well it will be there tomorrow to" he turned out the lights and allowed sparky to go thru first "ok boy first things first you hungry" he asked pulling out a nice big bowl of beef stew that he had made earlier in the week "yes daddy I'm starving" Steve warmed up the stew for him since he wanted to show sparky what a good and loving daddy he can be "boy I will only tell you this once unless I ask you a direct question or its life and death you are to use barks and growls when on all fours" he petted sparky on the head putting down the bowl of warm stew. Sparky ate it like a ravenous animal he was so hungry taking only minutes to finish.

Steve was undressed in seconds once they entered into his bedroom "up on the bed on all fours boy" sparky had a hard time managing that as his daddy's bed was almost two feet off the floor almost as soon as he was in position with his ass hanging off the edge of the bed Steve was lubed up and hard with his cock head teasing the entrance of his boys hole, slowly he entered hearing his boy moan as he slid in inch by inch stopping when his pubes where resting against his bare ass. He did not want to hurt sparky not tonight it was about making love tonight wanted to show his dog how much he cares for him slowly he exited the pup sliding back in all the way slowly piston fucking hearing his moans of pleasure from his pup he picked up the pace noting any discomfort in sparky he started to pound his pup in and out as fast as he could hear the moans of ecstasy from his dog he knew then he found his dog it took Steve an hour of piston fucking he fucked as hard as he could not wanting it to end. Slow almost painful strokes then fast hard ball slapping fucking feeling his balls boil with cum as he finally blew his massive load into his boys ass filling it full his man seed.

Sparky and Steve both fell asleep that night wrapped in each other's arms feeling for the first time happy each had found what the other wanted

Next: Chapter 6

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