
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Jul 15, 2010


I know its been awhile been dealing with personal issues for the past few months the next part hopefully will be soon as well

Pup 6

Sparkylaid out in the hot Texas summer sun tethered to his dog house after a long first week of torment and abuse he has started to give in to his Master and as a reward was let outside alone in his kennel in the back yard

"wow bout damn time Steve left me alone been a non-stop torment and abuse all week, though I have to admit I am enjoying parts of it" sparky thought to him self going over his favorite parts of the week thinking of the first night Steve took him to bed and cuddled all night with each other, then the memory of the other night came to thought a memory he both loved and hated

(sparkys memory) Steve led his pet out to the back yard it was a usual Texas summer day high near 100 both the pup and Steve where naked as could be as he strolled over to the St.Andrews cross sweat was rolling from sparky. Steve has been feeding sparky only enough to survive and doubling the water wanting to clean his pup out. As they stopped in front a short tug on his leash sparky was leading fast what Steve had in mind, sparky was on his feet in front of the cross with his leash now locked to it Steve secured his front and rear paws of his pup making sure he was not going anywhere

"Sparky, you have been very good this past few days last night when we slept in my bed was a reward you must earn" Steve said as he reached around to grab the small paddle he attracted to the cross " now you have to be good today and earn it again" he said lightly slapping the pups exposed nuts seeing sparky moan and twitch at the light play he knew those nuts where full of cum and sparky was begging to cum

"Please stop Sir please I need to cum so bad will you ever let me?" Sparky asked between moans and whimpers he did not know where this was going but did not like his tender nuts being slapped with out being able to get hard.

"Awwww I hear you boy, and no your not cumming just yet" Steve said with an evil grin on his face. Steve kept up the light slapping g of his pup till his hole front was beat red this got Steve hard as stone hearing his dog whimper and moan needing release seeing the trail of pre cum leak from sparkys chastity belt. It was all too much for Steve he had to have his boy and have him now. Not caring about lube he got on the cross with his dog just managing to reach his hole Steve plowed in all nine inches at once. Sparkys howled as loud as he could feel his sore ass ripped open again.

"that's it bitch take my fuckin cock I'll breed you raw" Steve growled as he piston fucked his pup in and our hearing the screams and moans of sparky only made him plow faster he wanted this to last. Grabbing sparkys head between his massive hands Steve began to kiss and lick almost devouring the pups face while still fucking him at a now steady pace. Steve was being torn apart in side he was truly falling in love this boy.

Steve pounded sparkys hole for close to an hour before finally Cuming deep in his pup's ass growling at the top of his lungs with relief. "Fuck yea boy that was great" he said hanging from sparky still tied to the cross whimpering softly in pain and pleasure his ass was sore his balls swollen and full needing release when Steve finally pulled off he found sparky crying like a baby.

Steve pounded sparkys hole for close to an hour before finally Cuming deep in his pup's ass growling at the top of his lungs with relief. "Fuck yea boy that was great" he said hanging from sparky still tied to the cross whimpering softly in pain and pleasure his ass was sore his balls swollen and full needing release when Steve finally pulled off he found sparky crying like a baby.

Sparky was woken out of his day dream as his owner and another man came out side he did not recognize the other man but herd an English accent when he spoke "oi Steve morning" the man said while he lit up a smoke " bloody hot here be glad when I'm back home don't see how you yanks put up with this heat" the stranger said stopping to take a drag from his cigarette. "well you get use to it after a life time" Steve laughed loudly the proceeded to have a conversation while the man smoked sparky was not paying much attention as they where at the other end of the yard and could badly hear them. He was starting to get hot the sun was starting to heat up his ball stretcher/chastity belt.

Steve knew that would happen so just to keep his future pet safe made the kennel with an air conditioned dog house. Sparky crawled into it ass first as the door was just big enough for him and the lead he was tied to was to short for him to have his head inside. There he stayed for the rest of the afternoon cooling down his balls felt great.

(Back inside)

"Oi Steve I thought of some more things for my helpless jock boy" Raz said offering Steve a smoke "no thanks bud" Steve refused the smoke and ushered Raz outside to smoke. "I brought over a few toys for the boy to have on and get use to" Raz mentioned handing Steve a black plastic bag "very nice Raz I bet he will love them all" laughed Steve.

A soft moaning could be herd from the playroom as they entered. The new jock Steve and Raz kidnapped was still where he was left three days ago save for smelling awful and if they listened close you could here his belly rumble from lack of food "Steve you didn't feed the boy" Raz asked hearing him cry and moan "no Raz makes them easier to deal with at first, once we kit him out with your new toys I will feed him a proper faggot meal".

A click of the camera was all that was herd as the boy was stood up and attached to the roof by his collar, "what's that for Steve?" Raz looked puzzled. "Family album don't you want to remember when you first played with your boy" Steve grinned

They proceeded to strip off his pads and uniform tearing them to shreds as they worked till the sweaty boy was down to only his jock Steve had made sure the room was cold so the boy was dancing in his bindings every muscle flexing trying to stay warm "UGGHHH" the boy screamed into his gag as Razed leaned in and nearly bit off the boys left nipple while severely pulling on the other " soon boy those will be nice and big" he slapped his pecks hard to drive it home.

"all right enough fun man we have to get him and sparky ready for the party tomorrow" Steve said handing the bag of toys to Raz " alright but I'm far from done" was his last comment before skidding down the boys jock traveling for the first time his beyond average penis " look at that thing must be 7inches soft and look at those balls your going to have a shit load of fun Raz" Steve reached out and cupped the boys balls squeezing them softly as the jock moaned and became semi-hard "bet you'd love to cum I bet wouldn't yea bitch" squeezing his balls harder they watched as his cock grew to over 8.5inches solid it rose up slapping his 6 pack abs with a thud " damn my boys horny and looks like a closet faggot" Raz laughed loudly.

"Time for your new toys boy" Raz said taking out several small boxes. Out of the first box came a large steel ball stretcher with Allan wrench lock. "ok boy time for some fun" Raz roughly grabbed the boys ball sack and stretched them hard a low moan came from his thought as pre-cum leaked from his cock. Raz tightened them stretcher as tight as he could pocketing the key, "that's staying put for a good long time, you got any ice to cool his hard-on Steve" Raz mentioned to Steve pulling out the boys new CB3000 "I want to get this on him ASAP" he said with a evil grin. "I have an idea you think your boy deserves to cum once before he's locked forever" Steve asked with a wide grin. "What you have in mind" Raz looked quizzical.

Back outside Sparky was still sitting in his dog house with his head exposed pulling hard on his leash when he saw Steve come back outside. "here boy, you ready to come inside" Steve asked sparky came out and jumped up on the fence he was hot, thirsty and tired and wanted to come in over the past week he has gotten use to being a dog most of the day after the tender fuck and cuddle the other night sparky decided to try and accept his new life it was after all what he dreamed of a good strong Master totally owning him.

"Come on boy time for you to have some fun you have laid around enough today". Steve grabbed the leash and led sparky inside on all fours to the play room where he saw that stranger again this time sitting in front of the jock boy that had been bound up for three days in the play room.

"Now sparky I'm giving you and the jock here a treat you are going to suck him off before he is locked into his chastity belt" Steve led him over in front of the boy. "God this boy is cute but how is this treat for me I never got to cum before I was locked up" sparky whimpered to him self lowering his head in front of the jock. "Come on boy get sucking" sparky was shoved into the boys' smelly crotch sparky took a deep breath he loved the smell of a locker-room, and this boy smelled of sweat and dirt and sweaty balls full of cum "go on boy NOW" sparky started licking the boys balls slowly seeing the boy twitch and moan trying to pull his balls back up but stopped by the spreader, sparky kept it up licking his entire crotch area both boys where moaning enjoying the play time.

"Ok boys enough of this" Steve grabbed sparkys head and shoved it deep onto the boys cock causing him to gag. He soon found a rhythm and began sucking the boy steady and deep enjoying the boys cock and taste he was leaking pre-cum down sparkys mouth. The boy was moaning and thrashing about trying to hump sparky. "um your boy is a horny fuck your going to have your hands full" Steve said watching sparky suck the jocks 8 inch cock down his muzzle, sparky drooled and whimpered getting hard himself leaking pre on the floor form his cage it had been only a week locked up but sparky had not cum for nearly two weeks,

Sparky deep troughed the boys cock taking time to suck and lick his large purple head tongue fucking his piss slit the boy was close to Cuming his balls where a deep blue his breathing shallow he growled deep in his chest needing to shoot his load noticing this Steve decided to fuck with the boys mind and right as he shot his load into sparkys mouth he ripped off the blindfold showing the boy he just had a blowjob form a boy "how you enjoy your first gay blowjob, you had better have took notes that's how you give a man a blowjob" Raz said "sparky stand up on hind legs" Steve ordered and shoved sparkys face into the boys "kiss him sparky give him his load" sparky pushed into the boys mouth thru the ring gag and spit up his load into the boys mouth with a look of horror on his face the boy had never eaten his own cum before.

"Look at that faggot boy eats his own cum, such a faggot" Raz said in the boys' ear seeing the horror in his eyes was making both Raz and Steve hard. The boy looked on in shock watching the two men rub there massive cocks each putting his to shame. "THAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO ME, LET ME GO IM STRAGIHT YOU FUCKIN FAGGOTS" the jock screamed after the shock subsided "oh your straight are you then why you still rock hard faggot" Raz said flicking the boys dick hard making it twitch. "LET ME GO" he screamed again Raz slapped the boy across the face "YOU WILL ONLY SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO FROM NOW ON SLAVE" tears welled up in the boys eyes the slap was the hardest Steve had seen in awhile it left a solid red hand print on the boys check and was beginning to raise from his face it was surely going to bruise soon but to everyone's amazement the boy did not cry out again but simply cried slightly to himself while Raz went to work on his new additions. "Boy this will be on you permanently you will never cum or feel your dick get hard again without my permission" Raz said pulling out a new black CB3000 on the side of the cage in silver lettering was the word bulldozer.

Sparky looked on getting hard in his metal cage wondering "why does he get a plastic cage and I am welded into this one" sparky whimpered to himself. Steve noticed his pup was whimpering seeing the boy be humiliated and chastised

"Awww does my pup want some fun to" Steve said looking into Sparkys eyes he could see the boys soul fill with joy at hearing this, and then he knew the boy was his. Steve took him by the leash and lead sparky over to the fuck bench tying him down tight and secure

Sparky whimpered in anticipation of what was to come it had been almost two days since he was fucked last and he was growing tired of the plug ever present in his ass. He felt his Master push and pull on the plug slightly teasing his sore hole, "ohhhhhh" sparky moaned as the plug was ripped out of his hole leaving a gaping hole. "that's my boy, open up for Daddy" Steve whispered into the pups ears as he rubbed his head placing the plug in the small of his back, Steve took position at the end of the bench and dove into the wet hole balls deep loving the squealing and moans from his pup under him as he hammered away at the boys ass "YEA, FUCK, TAKE MY COCK BITCH" Steve yelled reaching out and pulling hard on sparkys tits causing him jerk and grown in pain. "that's my bitch" Steve plowed away feeling his balls tighten let lose jet after jet of hot cum into the warm hole he collapse on to sparkys back breathing deep he was spent. Sparky laid there listening to his Master breath with his cock still buried deep as brutal as the fuck was Sparky was learning to love it cause afterword Steve was always in the mood to cuddle and make Sparky feel special.

"you see that boy, that's what's in your future you're going to be my whore anytime and anywhere I tell you, I will fuck that ass or make you swallow my cock" Raz told his boy loud and clear forcing him to look at Steve and sparky still joined together, with Steve slowly fucking in and out of his boys hole feeling a buildup of another orgasm "hey Raz bring you bitch over I have a treat for Sparky" Steve yelled across the room watching Raz unhook the jocks hands and securing them behind his back pushing him across the room the boy hobbled trying to get use to his new improvements the plug was digging deep into his ass making his cock throb in its cage he did not know why it was happening but the feeling was enjoyable.

Sparky herd the words treat and started to get excited thrashing about in his restraints "wonder what he is going to do, I been a good boy all week"

Raz made his boy kneel in front of the fuck bench, "what you have in mind mate"

"well it's been a few weeks now since I collared my boy and he was hard at first but now he is proven to be a good and worthy puppy I think it's time he gets to have an orgasm for being such a good boy" Steve said looking straight at sparky seeing the complete and utter happiness in his face at hearing that he was going to get to have a orgasm. "Sparky I know I told you that it was permeate but I kind of fibbed to you I just wanted you to think that you where never going to get hard again I did not know if you were going to work out or not and if you didn't you'd be sold off and the key would have been melted down and thrown away" Steve said as he pulled out a key from a cupboard on the wall. "click" the sound of the unlocking made sparky drool from both heads he was finally going to be free at least for awhile as soon as the tube was free he was rock hard and wet needing to be jerked off .

Steve and Raz untied and flipped sparky over on the bench then retied him down tight his poor little cock sticking straight in the air ready for anything to touch it. "This is my plan Raz, I want your new boy to get a taste for cock by sucking off my puppy and swallowing his load" the boy looked on in disgust.

Raz agreed readily and got behind his boy grabbing him by the head on both sides and forced his head onto sparkys crotch "SNIFF IT SLUT, you will learn to love that smell of a man's crotch both of us are spent so this pup is as close as you're going to get tonight to a man" Sparkys cock was guided into the boys mouth "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" was all that came from Sparky as his cock was finely in a warm mouth after so long he tried to hump the boys mouth but was unable to move, "easy boy this slut will suck you off or he will be punished" Steve said looking at sparky in his eyes he was just close enough for sparky to reach out with his tongue and lick at Steve's cock head seeing that his boy wanted to taste his Master while he was rewarded was all Steve needed soon he was face fucking his pup slowly wanting him to enjoy the experience of getting sucked and sucking his owner. It took nearly 30 mins for the boy to start sucking Sparky off soon there was a spit roast going the boy was sucking on Sparky with the help of Raz pushing and pulling his head on his cock, and sparky sucking his Owner tasting his own ass juice and cum from his cock moans where escaping from both Steve and Sparky both enjoying the attention soon Sparky stopped sucking to let out a primal moan as he shot load after load after load of hot pup cum into the boys mouth, "TAKE IT ALL BITCH" Raz said holding his head still on the cock "SWOLLOW OR I WILL WHIP YOUR ASS TILL IT BLEEDS" The boy was in terror and swallowed every drop he could feeling it slid down his through wanting to throw up "that's my boy" Raz said scratching his ears allowing the boy to back up off Sparkys crotch . "come on boy time to say thank you to Steve for allowing you to taste his pups cum" Raz said pulling his leash toward Steve "kiss his cock head and take it into your mouth" knowing that not accepting it would only mean pain the boy did this not knowing that Steve had another plan in store just as his head was in the boys mouth he let lose a torrent of hot piss filling the boys mouth causing him to gag and spit out what he had in his mouth making Steve piss all over himself and down the front of the new boy soaking him from face down, "looks like someone is getting punished bitch" Steve said handing a whip to Raz.


Next: Chapter 7

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