
By Taylor Burgett

Published on Feb 8, 2011


"come on boy, pick it up we haven't got all day" the man Steve could see from his window was dressed completely in black leather, from his soft muir cap down to his 16 hole doc martins.

Then he saw the boy pop his head out of the trunk clad in only a orange jockstrap, athletic sneakers and a black neoprene muzzle the boy showed two brands on his left pec one that was clearly Steve's, and the other being the name of his household, but was otherwise featureless having been stripped permanently of all body hair at his owners request, "CAL" Steve bellowed from his bedroom window, the man acknowledged the cry with a wave and slight evil grin "how are you doing" was the reply.

Steve hurried down stairs to greet his lifelong friend and fellow slave owner, "I have a surprise I want to show you in the back yard, I'm so glad you were first to arrive." Steve giggled like a kid again he was so excited to have found a pup he can say is his.

The boy appeared with luggage in to a strained look plainly on his hairless face, "aww you remember 1 don't you Steve, he's been an excellent boy though should have worked on vocal control a bit more I aimed for every pot hole in the road and all I hear from the trunk is whimpers and cry's" Cal said talking to Steve ignoring the bruised boy behind him. "if memory serves me yes I do remember him, use to be a shaggy little bitch, so proud of his hair, WELL WE SURE FIXED THAT" Steve chuckled punching his friend in the arm. "BOY, bags to your masters room first door at top of stairs then get your ass to the slave kennel" the boy bowed his head unable to speak and proceeded thru the front door showing off his red and purple ass as he walked thru the door.

"So how is life treating you my old friend" Steve gleefully said grasping Cal on the shoulder leading him thru the side yard toward the back yard. "it's been off and on the recession really hurt my business as you saw by my slaves ass" he grinned as he spoke enjoying their short conversation.

Cal and Steve entered the back yard surveying what was set up to one corner was the BBQ set specially designed so a boy was on duty cooking the whole time wrist and ankle chains hung from a center post mid way up the stone face, and as Cal looked closer saw that he had attached the ass lock as well, (straight black metal pole with attachable plugs and dildos) to keep the cook standing.

To another corner was the Andrews cross with various whips, flogger, and paddles layer out next to it. The third corner held Cal's personal favorite the black fuck bench, it was well worn and looked old, but knew Steve never throws away toys he loves.

And the final corner he saw something new a large steel chain link fenced in area with a large red and white dog cage, as he watched the cage Steve noticed his interests, " awww you noticed, well the cage is not the surprise it's what's inside" Steve stood taller and whistled "here boy come to daddy, come on sparky.". Just then sparky came into view out of the dog house.

Sparky was joyed to hear Steve's voice he was started to become dependent on him for everything just as Steve planned sparky was becoming totally helpless. "What does he want now? Who is this man?" sparky thought coming out of the only shade he was allowed. With out the lead chained to his collar and the tube around his cock sparky began to get comfortable and found he just barely fit in the house.

"Sparky? Really" Cal questions "I remember you saying once that that was the name of you childhood dog, and that it was very special" stopping to get a better look at the animal Cal dropped down low trying to examine the pup. "It is and so is he, I have found my boy" Cal beamed with pride and this made sparky sit up and smile seeing him happy.

"where did you find him Steve" asked the Master reaching thru the cage trying to fondle the boys tits, sparky backed away fast not wanting the touch of another, "boy come here" Cal said in a firm voice, sparky was torn he looked over at his owner for direction noting the unhappy look on his face, he slowly came forward letting the stranger fondle his tit causing great pain for the boy. Steve's cock jumped hearing sparky moan in pain at the onslaught "I found him stranded by the side of the road last week, let him cool off and the ducker found his way into the playroom, I caught him drooling and touching my things from there on its history, he's my bitch now never let him leave or be sold.

"ok boy, back in your house the men have work to do" Steve look sparky in the eye and caressed his cock while speaking causing an hard on neither was expecting it sprang to life at his slightest touch drooling laths gobs of precum onto the dry grass below. Sparky was so hard it physically hurt he felt as if his dick would explode if it were touched any more just them Steve stood up and walked off with Master Cal, "damn you sure have a gift for teasing slaves" Cal laughed out loud walking into the cool house.

Inside Cal went up to change gear into something lighter finding all his clothes and leathers hung up and neatly folded he was still impressed at his boys speed foul mouthed or not he was a keeper, finding what he wanted to wear Cal proceeded to strip revealing his work hardened body sweat shown on his belly and chest sparkling in the sun shown in thru the mirror. At 5'11" Cal was not all that big but his present was felt walking in the room filling it with the essence of authority.

He peeled off his sweaty jock that had a week's wear and threw it into his boys dog bowl already set up in the corner, "there's his treat for the weekend" Cal thought to himself, he knew one thing very important about his bowl the smell of a sweaty jock always made him week in the knees and begging many a time Cal has had to punish him for chewing on the laundry.

Meanwhile Downstairs

Steve wondered into the play room heading to check on 1 master Cal's slave boy, in the far back corner were to doors one full size and an oversize doggy door, the door creaked open as it had been sometime since Steve had a reason to enter here it was slave space the only place he allowed them to relax. As he entered he saw the boy in one of the mirror set up around the room giving himself a enema with the cold water supply that was kept there, Steve decided to watch for a moment, the slave was on his second enema shivering from the water temp next he headed to the shower area and peeled away his orange jock strap to reveal a birdlock around his cock, "crude but it works alright" Steve thought as he watched the boy begin to shave his body and head taking special care with his bright blue ball sack it had been some time since his last release.

"Boy, come here" Steve ordered just as he finished shaving and showering away the hair, Steve kept a universal padlock key on his chain thanks to a slave who works for TSA, unlocking the muzzle and seeing the extra gag of used jockstrap he ordered the boy to finish shaving his face and get a drink of water and a pack of slave chow, instantly the boy began, as Steve and Cal where best friends and he had trained 1 for Cal he knew it would be alright to feed and water the boy in his masters absence.

Returning ten minutes later clean shaven, watered and fed the boy was stuffed with the jock and locked back into muzzle before Steve locked him in the upper cage of the room it had soft needing and empty bucket for his needs, Steve left locking both doors and headed to see Cal.

When he arrived Steve caught Cal trying to decide what to wear flinging jocks, kilts and rubber body suits all over the room. Steve admired his friends' tight little body seeing the sweat beads form on his round bubble ass as he searched thru the gear, watching his back strain and bend showing off his labor hard body. Steve was wet and drooling in his studded jock fixed on his prey, "you were always such a pre maddana Cap" Steve mocked him in a feminine voice entering the room an and grabbing a palm full of Cal's firm ass, " it's gotten bigger since I last saw you boy Steve mocked reminding Cal that he was still the head bull and that he can touch, feel, and fuck anyone master or slave he wishes in his home.

"Oh yea I lots of work this year for my repo business have to stay in shape yea know bud" Cal said looking down at the now visible steam of precum the flowed from Steve's jock. "Lick it up" Steve whispered into Cal's ear softly, "you know you want to boy" he added rubbing the base of Cals head eliciting a moan as he dropped to all fours.

Steve knew that deep down further than anyone knew Cal was just an alpha wanting to be in control but always needing put in his place. "Lick it clean bitch or I'll punish you" he said in a firmer voice. "yes Sir" was the only words as Cal dived into Steve's jock licking the metal studs and around the trim making sure to reach everywhere he could, sitting back on his haunches Steve popped the cod piece off his jock letting the fullness of his dick show rock hard and still dripping into the hair of his full oversized hairy balls no one that Cal knew had true MAN balls like his friend Steve, looking up and uttering a single "please" Cal started to lick and suck on the Master balls savoring the taste of sweat, leather and cum all mixed and mashed together Cal was leaking now straining to explode himself, but at that moment he cared more about his good friend and mentors happiness more than his own.

"good boy" Steve sided as Cal licked and sucked his hairy balls, drawing more precum into his piss slit, "boy lick my cock don't suck it just love it with your tongue" Steve ordered and Cal went to work licking the rigid man shaft paying special attention to the leaking slit savoring his buds taste. After countless minutes Steve pulled the man off his shaft "enough boy we have work" Steve looked at the piles of clothes everywhere and picked out a suit made of heavy duty rubber with no crotch or zipper neck entry only. Throwing it at Cal he said to put it and his 16 hole boots on and come down stairs the party started in soon and they had to get ready.

Steve knew It would be hours till another guest arrived and wanted to have more fun with his buddy after he watched Cal powder the suit and smooth it on himself while slowly jacking off he noticed the jock in the dog bowl and inquired "what's that for bus?" Cal saw him starring and offered " it's a treat for 1 he was good and the smell of sweaty jocks make him happy" Cal finished and laced his boots up whole Steve grabbed the jock noting it's damp ness and quickly pounded a full load of his own cum into the fabric showing Cal what he had done knowing it would irritate his little friend " what the hel..." was all he got out as Steve shoved the jock into his open mouth securing it with a wrap of duct tape he found on the floor "can keep you working in quite now" roared Steve around laughter, murderess eyes where his reply as he tasted a week of his own sweat and now Steve's hot cum slid down his gullet.

They both got up and walked down stairs where Steve had a list of what had to be done, clean, chopping peeping vegetables and meat, hauling more toys from the play room outside. Picking the chores for Cal was easy with no interruptions, for the rest of the afternoon Cal was contuisly abused by Steve while he was peeping the food and cleaning bathrooms getting his hole probed, balls tormented and dick slapped all excited him but knowing Steve it was all for a good reason, finally the first quest where arriving and good to his word Steve removed the tape and jock telling Cal to go get ready and that he would bring 1 out to the back yard.

Steve went to the slave kennel and found 1 sleeping soundly in his cage he grew so accustomed to it during his year with Steve Cal had to build a replica at his home so 1 can get rest. "wake up slave" Steve shouted startling the boy awake "it's party time get down and follow me" he said walking out the door 1 followed thru the doggy door a min later.

In the back yard Steve saw another friend and His slave alpha "hello welcome to the party once everyone is here we will really start till then feel free to walk around and play just leave the dog in his cage at the back of the yard." Steve told everyone that even the slaves sparky was his toy and not to be touched.

1 stayed on all fours behind Steve in the shade till he was told to stand next to the BBQ pit "boy you're the cook tonight if anyone is left hungry you will be punished severely" Cal agreed as they secured the boy in place at the hands and feel locking the steel shackles in place as well as setting the boy bolt up with a 8 inch dildo lubber up and placed the poor slave on it forced to stand up shackled to the grill and cook all night muzzled unable to eat the food he cooked,

Slowly over the next few hours more guests where arriving some with slaves others alone. At 8pm Steve locked all the doors leading out and proclaimed the party to start already there where boys in tight bondage one boy tied to the cross was being whipped his Master trying to hit all of the clothes pins his slave had from his chest to his toes, the boy screamed in pain as his owner hit and flicked the pins off a few at a time.

Next to him a smooth slim black boy was being tied down onto the spanking bench while a line of horny single men stood on either side waiting their turn to rape his holes, the boy was crying and pleading his owner not to do it only to be ignored and gagged with a ring to keep his mouth open. Totally helpless the first two men stood up both similar in size around 5'11 average build one had an 8 inch cut cock hard and dripping aimed at the boys pink hole the other a fat beer can 7 inch uncut cock aimed at his mouth, as an added touch the Master used duct tape to open the boys ass cheeks and eyelids he wanted the boy to see and really feel every man that used him. The first two drove in rough and hard not caring about his cries of agony, the Masters fucked in unison going all the way in and out hammer fucking his mouth and ass the chain fucking went on for over an hour each man taking there time switching up between the slaves holes.

Steve wondered around for an hour admiring his friends and there slaves in various places most settled down after a few hours in the patio area where 1 was hard at work trying to keep his mind on cooking while getting spanked and his balls pulled nipples pinched, "what a good slave keep cooking boy nights only half over" Steve said in his ear reaching down and turning the dildo on setting tremors up his body he had no choice but to stop working to try and deal with his discomfort which got him a sharp slap on his ass from Steve "keep working bitch."

Sparky was going nuts watching all the men and boys play around him, but because of Steve's orders no one came near him he did not know how much more he could take staying hard and dripping precum nonstop now hearing the boys cry and the men moan he started to hump the ground trying desperately to cum when Steve walked up. "What do you think you're doing puppy, BAD DOG" Steve barked at sparky shocking him into a sitting up and yelping. Out of instinct sparky crawled over to Steve and started licking his boots trying to be forgiven. "Awww what a sweet puppy, but you were still trying to cum which means punishment, that will have to wait for now I have plans" he said to sparky clicking on the leash and leading sparky to the center of the yard where a small stage was set up. Sparky was placed on the center elevated stage on top where everyone had a clear view.

"Can I have your attention everyone" Steve said loudly and clear as everyone watched the stage, He placed his hand on Sparky's head and scratched his ear which caused sparky to let out a moan loving the attention. "This is my newest boy, I have given him the name Sparky as some of you know that name means a great deal to me as the name of my first pet and where I first started to love control. I have trained him for a week and have come to find a true submissive in his soul and a true puppy at heart for that reason I am making him my boy and pet from now on you may fondle and touch him but no one enters his ass but me and only mine" Steve finished his speech by drawing sparky up on two feet and placing a heavy weight white chain link collar around his neck padlocking it on and tossing the key into a nearby trash can embracing his boy for the first time like more than an animal sparky wrapped his paws around making sure not to touch the spikes he was filled with so much emotion he risked further punishment and said "I love you Master" Steve pulled back and kissed his boy so hard the breath was pulled from both their lungs.

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