Quarterback Club Chronicles

By Jock Lover

Published on Sep 21, 2003



THE QUARTERBACK CLUB CHRONICLES Chapter Four: Power Buckeyes By in2jocks@hotmail.com

Note: The following story is fiction and is NOT intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of any celebrities mentioned, nor any personal knowledge about their private lives. Comments and constructive criticism and future story ideas are welcome (if sending comments please make your e-mail subject line distinctive to prevent flagging as spam -- thanks)!


Drone, drone, drone ... everything was conspiring to make Craig Krenzel doze off. Not only was the lecture subject matter (genetic cloning) complicated, it was being delivered by a professor from Edinburgh with a heavy Scottish accent. Furthermore, the lecture room was in one of the older Ohio State buildings that was, to put it mildly, "air-conditioning-challenged".

`Who scheduled this thing at 8 freaking o'clock in the morning?' Craig thought to himself. But, knowing that this information would be helpful in preparing for the upcoming medical school admissions tests, he hung in there. Stifling a yawn, Craig took a sip from his Starbucks cup, but set the coffee down immediately as he felt the vibrating call indicator of his cell phone. Realizing that the three short pulses meant that a text message had been delivered, Craig discreetly opened the phone lid and saw on the screen: "Craig -- call me as soon as your class is over -- Coach T."

Putting the phone away, Craig wondered if this was the shit finally hitting the fan in the Maurice Claret mess. He and his three co-captains had been kept up to speed by Coach Tressel and Athletic Director Andy Geiger, and the captains had been asked to participate in all public press conferences, in order to demonstrate team unity.

With the lecture finally over, Craig gathered his books and exited the stifling lecture hall. He pressed the speed-dial key for Coach's private line.

"Hey Coach, it's Craig"

"Morning, Craig -- how was your class"

"Coach, believe me you don't want to know -- but I'm now an expert on Dolly the Cloned Sheep"

"Sorry I asked"

"No problem -- hey, is this about Maurice's case"?

"Well, actually it is, although in an indirect way. I actually need to ask you for a favor"

"A favor? Sure, anything, Coach"

"Well, you know that Coach Bruce was inducted into the College Hall of Fame the other night, right?

"Sure -- I read about it in the Columbus Dispatch".

"Well, there's a follow-up dinner to benefit his Foundation tonight up in Akron. I was scheduled to be one of the speakers. However, President Holbrook and the Board of Trustees Executive Committee have asked Andy Geiger and me to meet with them tonight. So I need a substitute -- would you mind?"

"Darn Coach -- I kind of wanted to watch the finals of Fear Factor on television tonight" -- Craig paused for comic effect -- then continued, "Hey, just kidding Of course I'll do it, no problem. Besides, you know how much I LOVE that rubber chicken".

"I knew I could count on you. I thought Scott should go up with you. Is that OK?"

Craig smiled at the mention of his backup and best buddy, Scott McMullen. If only Coach knew what his two quarterbacks had been doing in the privacy of their room just a few hours ago. But then, Craig had an inspired thought.

"Hey Coach -- I just had an idea. Remember we were talking about motivation in the captain's meeting? How about if we also let Justin come with Scott and me? Sort of a reward for his hard work in practice"

"Excellent thinking, Craig. OK, I like the positive reinforcement. Tell him about it, and then check in with Ann Christy in the compliance office. She has the written remarks all set up for you".

"OK. I'd better meet up with Justin and Scott."

"Fine -- I'll speak with you when you're back tomorrow -- and thank you again for doing this."

"No, Coach, it's my pleasure. I really respect what Coach Bruce means to the University".

"Outstanding -- please give both Earl and Mrs. Bruce my best wishes, would you"?

"Will do -- talk to you later, Coach -- Bye."

Hmmm', Craig thought, this is an interesting turn of events'.

= = = =

"Sounds interesting" Scott McMullen said to his roommate as he finished brushing his teeth. "So it looks like `Operation Seduce Justin' proceeds forward".

"Damn, Scott, you make it sound so -- clinical, or something...."

"Just yanking your chain, K -- I know what a challenge it's been for you to get Justin into the sack...."

"Tell me about it! I know that not EVERYONE succumbs to the Krenzel charm right away ..." Craig joked as he started undressing to prepare for the shower.

"Like I did"? Scott smirked, flipping his buddy a good-natured bird.

"Yeah -- remember when we first met on that recruiting trip when we were high school juniors"?

"Remember -- damn, I had a hard-on that didn't go down for a week.".

"Me too -- fuck, Scott -- you're STILL about the cutest guy I've ever met" Craig, said to his roomie.

"Bet you say that to all the quarterbacks".

"Well, to all the QBs who are great in bed -- like you".

"Keep talking like that, you hot fucker. Damn -- sounds like you're trying to get some mouth action for `The Monster' Scott cracked, using his nickname for Craig's truly huge penis, which was now fully exposed -- and visibly erect.

"So hop in the shower with me -- we don't leave for an hour".

"But I just took one".

"So what -- another one won't hurt".

Scott unwrapped the towel from around his trim waist.

"Damn" Craig exclaimed with mock surprise. "Looks like I'm not the only horny one around here..."

"Hey, I'm ALWAYS ready for some fun, you know that. But don't you want to save your cum for Justin"?

"Shut up, motherfucker, and get in here - let me have Monster Jr. up my butt"

"Yes. SIR! I never refuse my captain's order" Scott said as he joined Craig under the warm shower spray for a private workout of a very special kind.

= = = = =

The Athletic Department van made its way up I-71 on the overcast summer Wednesday afternoon. Vincent Accordi (or `Vinnie' as he insisted everyone call him) a wisecracking retired Army master sergeant who worked part-time for the Athletic Department President's Office, was the driver. The chaperone, Ann Christy, sat in the front passenger seat, her omnipresent cellphone in active use (everyone on the team swore that it was surgically attached to her, as she always seemed to be talking on it).

"Man this brings back memories of Massillon road trips," Justin said as the van headed up the interstate past Mansfield.

"I know" Scott said as he looked up from the playbook he was sort-of studying. Actually, Scott welcomed a respite from the season opening preparations. Being a backup had its downside, boredom being one of the main things to deal with. But Scott knew that he wanted to pursue coaching after graduating, and the experience he was gaining charting plays and working with the coordinators was invaluable towards his future.

"Look - Craig's out like a light" Justin said as he directed Scott's gaze towards the back seat. The blond senior was sprawled on the back seat, his hand still holding the copy of The Sporting News that he had been reading.

"Well, he got up really early for a pre-med class". Scott wanted to add "yeah, he always needs a nap after taking my jizz up that tight blond ass of his" but of course he resisted.

"It's so great that Craig wants to go to medical school, Scott. But doesn't he even want to try the NFL?"

"Funny thing -- he's pretty realistic about this chances. I don't think he wants to put off med school to be on a practice squad. But when he saw how well Ken Dorsey is doing with the 49ers, it changed his outlook.

"Yeah, I see what you mean".

As Scott resumed studying the plays, he took occasional furtive glances at his exceptionally handsome teammate, who was once again happily listening to his CD player. Scott noted the mixture of boyish innocence and jock magnetism that were embodied in Justin's wholesome good looks, and understood Craig's attraction to the redshirt freshman. Scott felt his own feelings towards Craig begin to well up. He was much more certain and settled of the depth of his feelings towards his friend and teammate than was Craig, who like to play the field a lot more.

Not that Scott didn't like to also mess around with other guys, both with and without Craig present. Being the two most well known athletes on campus, Craig and Scott got all the action they wanted. Plus, their membership in the Junior Q section of the Quarterback Club had brought them some incredibly hot experiences (especially for Craig after all of the travel resulting from the national championship). But Scott also recognized that, now that their fifth and final year as OSU undergrads was imminent; the two of them needed to talk out their feelings for each other. A few months ago they'd had a short conversation and decided to sit down after the 2003 season was over and have the "big talk" about their futures beyond the current year. Scott knew that it only made sense to wait. Still, glancing once more at his buddy in the back seat, so contentedly sleeping, his desire welled up once more, making it difficult to concentrate on the diagrammed play on the page in front of him,

= = = = =

Arriving at the Marriott, the boys settled into their room. Justin groaned to himself when he saw the folding cot that had been wheeled into the room. He knew that the seniors would claim the two real beds, and he was proven right.

"Sorry, dude -- RHIP"

"Tell you what, Zwickie: to make it up to you, I'll buy you a Coke. Anyone got change for a five?" Craig said as he checked his wallet.

"I'll help you" Justin said, as he picked up the plastic ice bucket.

The boys walked down and got their drinks and the ice and were headed back past the elevator lobby just as the doors leftmost elevator car opened.

"Oh my god' Justin nearly lost his grip on the container of ice as he looked directly up at Tim Couch of the Cleveland Browns.

"Hey Tim!" Craig said as realized that his full hands wouldn't allow a handshake.

"Hey Craig Krenzel -- good to see you again buddy! You're here for the dinner too"? Tim said as he moved his gaze from the older boy, who he had met a couple of times before, over to the very handsome younger boy, who he didn't recognize right off the bat. "Here, let me help"

"Thanks, but I've got it, we're just down a couple of doors here -- what room are you in "

"Room 671"

"Hey we're in 670, it must be right across the hall"

"Cool -- let's go put this stuff in the room"

As they walked, Tim smiled directly at Justin and said "I was going to guess you were Craig's brother, but you're not ugly like Krenz, so you can't be"

Justin laughed at the joke at Craig's expense, but he also blushed at the sideways compliment. He moved the ice bucket to his left hand as he dried his hand on his cargo shorts and reached for Tim's extended hand.

"I -- I'm Justin ..... I, ah, I'm on the team with Craig ...."

Tim gave the young man his firm grip and was in no hurry to let go "Oh right -- you must be Justin Zwick -- I read about you"

"You -- uh, I mean, an NFL quarterback knows about me?"

"Dude, c'mon we're in Ohio, man -- football uber alles"

"I guess you're right".... Justin was still gripping Tim's hand..

"Um -- excuse me" Craig cleared his throat in an exaggerated manner. "It's a little hard for me to open the door since you have the key, Justin"

"Huh -- oh -- oh man, sorry" Justin blushed again as he finally let go of Tim's hand to retrieve the key card from his pocket.

Leaving his rolling overnight bag in the doorway, Tim entered the room with the two college boys and glanced around just as the bathroom door opened and Scott exited.

"Oh wow -- Tim Couch - hey, this is an honor. I'm Scott McMullen".

"Hey Scott, nice to finally meet you. I followed all of you guys during your championship run last fall."

"I was a redshirt last year but I ran the practice squad" Justin blurted, still a bit mesmerized to be in the presence of one of his idols.

"Jeez, Justin, don't bore Tim with ..."

"Nah, it's OK" Tim said, making eye contact with the young freshman. "I redshirted my first year at Kentucky so I've been there. I guess that makes us bros, right, Justin?" Tim said as he quickly clapped Justin's shoulder. Justin suppressed the electric tingle he felt at Tim's touch.

"Well, let me get out of your way and over to my room -- I'll see you guys at the dinner, OK?"

"OK -- see you Tim"

"Good to see you again, Craig -- and nice to meet you Scott -- and you too, JZ"

Justin smiled even wider, loving the fact that Tim was already used a nickname for him.

"Wow -- that was cool -- an NFL quarterback and he treats us like old friends".

"It's the brotherhood, Justin -- you know. QBs have to stick together".

"Right". Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Being closest to the door, Scott looked at the peephole and quickly opened the door to re-admit Tim.

"Hey guys -- I just settled in my room. You guys should see the huge suite they gave me."

"Wow" Scott said. "Rank has its privileges, I guess"

"Damn, Tim" Craig said with mock sarcasm, "you sure know how to make us lowly college grunts feel like peons".

Tim returned the fake attitude "Well -- I think that Scott has a point about rank". After a couple of seconds, he chuckled and continued, "No, nothing like that. Actually I felt guilty. You see, the suite has two separate bedrooms, and when I was in your room a couple of minutes ago I saw that rollaway cot. I put two and two together and figured that you senior bastards were going to stick JZ in the cot".

Justin started to say, "Hey, I don't mind ......" but Tim interrupted him:

"I know how uncomfortable those things are - so, if it's OK, why doesn't JZ use my second bedroom? I mean, it's right across the hall

There was a brief moment's pause as each of the college boys silently reacted to Tim's idea. Craig was a little taken aback, feeling exasperation as he realized that "Operation Seduce Justin" was going to be delayed yet one more time. Scott, having picked up on the obvious attraction between the pro quarterback and his younger teammate, was bemused and thought to himself "Damn, this guy is one SMOOTH operator". And Justin, joyful and involuntarily beginning to smile like a fool, broke the momentary silence, gushing his thanks to Tim while rushing to gather his gear before Craig could say no.

Craig was gallant in defeat "Sure -- go for it; I've slept on those rollaway things before and my back always felt like crap the next morning. I'll call the chaperones and let them know -- I don't think they'll mind".

"Thanks, Craig -- thanks a lot, " Justin said as he followed Tim out the door. "You're the MAN! See you later, Scott."

After the door closed, still a bit stunned, Craig looked over at his roomie, who was trying his hardest to suppress his giggles.

"Scott - what just happened here"?

Finally letting out his laughter, he walked up to Craig and patted him on the shoulder.

"Craig, my boy, you just saw a master at work".

= = = = =

"I have to compliment you, Craig, your speaking style has gotten really polished" Scott said as he and has roommate got out of their dress clothes and threw on shorts and tees,

"Practice, Practice, Practice". Craig enjoyed his friend's praise, remembering how awkward he had felt just a couple of years ago when speaking before any kind of public gathering. Now it was a piece of cake.

"Hey, and even the food was better than usual" Scott said as he used the remote to find ESPN on the television.

"So how much do you think that Tim's suit cost"?

"Damn, that had to be an Armani, or Hugo Boss, Couple of thou' at least."

Scott adjusted the pillows on his bed and watched the television as he waited for Craig to finish brushing his teeth.

"I read in a magazine that he owns two Ferraris and an Aston-Martin. Can you imagine that -- going to your garage and having to decide which car to drive that day?'

"Sure beats my Accord or your Golf, doesn't it" Craig replied as he finished in the bathroom and joined his buddy on the bed.

"Hey, don't knock them -- we get a hell of a lot better miles per gallon".

"Not to mention what we did in those back seats".... Craig said as he moved from the bathroom and hugged his handsome friend and teammate. .

"You smell good, K....."

"Hey' it's Eau de Colgate"

"Uh-uh - it's something better -- Eau de Jock",

"You know, Mac, remarks like that will get you this" Craig guided Scott back a bit and they both fell to the bed, stretching their muscular 6'4" frames on top of each other. Craig wasted no time in seeking out Scott's accepting mouth.

"Yeah -- that's my boy".

"I realize something -- Justin is real sweet and I'd sure like to play around with him sometime, but --"

"Yeah, Craig ?"

Craig reached down, taking Scott's right hand in his own, and placed it square on the huge khaki-covered mound at his crotch.

"That freshman punk didn't cause this, buddy - you did."

"Oh fuck," Scott started to answer but was prevented from speaking further by the return of Craig's lips to his own. The boys continued to lose themselves in deep passion, grinding their tall firm bodies against each other. Craig broke the embrace momentarily, but immediately continued the attack on Scott's left ear, knowing how much that action drove Scott crazy.

"No fair. You know how much that makes me melt".

"The better to make you want to fuck the hell out of me, studboy...."

"Uh-uh, .... Maybe later - but there's no way I'm not gonna ride The Monster first".

"Well -- maybe that could be arranged."

"C'mon -- let's bring the beasties out to play" Craig shifted his body so that he could reach Scott's waistband, and also give Scott access to the zipper of his cargo shorts. In a moment, nineteen inches of prime was out in the open. Scott's erect 8 ½-incher was perfectly shaped -- equally thick as it rose from its dark brown bush all the way down to the wide, slightly-oversized head. A fat vein, already pulsing with jock lustiness, ran up the underside of Scott's jock shaft.

As impressive a sight as Scott's big torpedo was, Craig's super-sized sausage was an even hotter sight, enhanced as it was by a thick blond bush that extended up the first few inches of Craig's erection. Unlike Scott's even circumference, Craig's huge shaft had a definite taper, slimming somewhat from its wide base to the end (which was still quite thick compared to most other guys),

Scott and Craig ground into each other, their dickheads leaking increasing quantities of pre-cum all over their pressed crotches as the intense pleasure of the sexual stimulation enveloped their bodies."

"Ummmm -- you feel so good, buddy"....

"Yeah ... but I know something that will make you feel even better..." Scott husked as he pushed up on Craig's body, indicating that he wanted Craig to let him move up. As soon as he was able to move, Scott maneuvered up so that Crag was now lying flat on his stomach. A firm, muscular set of blond-fuzzy jock buns was exposed, just the way Scott intended. Wasting no time, Scott gently moved his long fingers along the edge of Craig's crack, already damp with a light sheen of clean sweatiness.

"Goddamn I love this butt".....

"Hey no fair -- I wanted to eat your butt first "

"Not tonight, buddy-boy ... I haven't tasted your hot little hole in a while -- and I want it bad!" Scott teased as his fingers probed the damp crevice between Craig's muscular glutes.

"Well, at least share -- move over here and let me get to yours at the same time".

Scott eagerly complied, and soon he could feel Craig's talented tongue begin to lap at the light amount of brown hair that ringed the opening of his hot hole. The tactile sensation drove him to apply equal oral pleasure to Craig's anal portal, getting the tip of his tongue just inside the ring of Craig's jock pucker. Even before getting inside really deep, the taste was already intoxicating -- the mixture of clean soap and musky boyhole taste.

As he felt Craig's tongue sliding up and down his hairy crack, Scott knew they were in for a really hot night. Eating butt was a great way to start, because they could shoot their first loads fairly quickly; then, build up their sexual stamina for the further orgasms that would follow. Plus, Scott knew how much Craig loved having his butt eaten. Giving his buddy such great pleasure really turned him on, and as he heard Craig began to moan at his deeper anal penetration, all thoughts of Justin, about his and Craig's relationship after this year, all faded away as the complete focus of Scott's world became the incredibly hot boy beside him. But even Scott was a little surprised as he felt the telltale signs of Craig's impending orgasm -- `Damn, he's hot as a pistol tonight', Scott thought as Craig's fuzzy sphincter gripped his deeply-embedded tongue, tightening powerfully with each ejaculatory pulse of Craig's orgasm. Scott blocked all thoughts for a moment, his eyes shut as he concentrated his senses on the primal sensations of the sexual experience he was sharing with the guy he cared about the most in the world.

= = = = =

Across the sixth floor hallway, Tim and Justin were finishing off the last of a room-service pizza. Tim, having noticed at dinner that Justin had devoured every bit of food on his plate, remembered his own voracious appetite when he was nineteen and had ordered the food as soon as they got back to the room. He thought it was cute that Justin had insisted on paying for half of it, even after Tim explained that the expense was covered.

Tim had changed into a pair of Browns sweatpants and a worn blue Hyden High Football T-shirt, while Justin was back in his Abercrombie & Fitch cargo shorts and a red 50-cent t-shirt. As they ate, they continued their easy conversation. Justin was enraptured with this chance to hang out with one of his idols. Just a year ago, he was hanging out at the Massillon Pizza Hut with his high school friends, and now here he was, talking with a real NFL star. And the best thing was, Tim was being so nice. Earlier, when they were talking with the dinner attendees after the speeches were over, Tim introduced him to everyone as "my good friend Justin". Wow!

And as they talked, about football, about Tim's situation in Cleveland with the quarterback controversy and other things, Justin was impressed with Tim's openness and honesty. He remembered a lecture in his last semester's sociology class about "Effective Listening" and he realized that Tim was one of those people who did this naturally.

Mixed with these feelings of camaraderie, however, were feelings of a different kind. As discretely as possible, Justin studied the extremely handsome man sitting across the table from him. In his mind, Justin marveled at how nicely Tim's facial features went together, at how the time on the summer practice field had deepened his tan and highlighted his short brown hair and most of all, how Tim's eyes really were the best part of all.

As the conversation continued, part of Justin's mind was on a different track -- wishing that things were different -- that he would have the guts to translate his feelings into actions. 'Oh man -- I sure wish I could tell Tim about the fact I like guys' Justin thought. So far, of course, he hadn't told anyone. The only thing he'd ever done was at a junior football camp a few years back when some of the campers had some mild hazing stuff, but it was just teenage stuff, no bug deal. But this was different. And his feelings had only intensified since coming to Ohio State. He thought about talking to Craig and Scott about it -- after all they were fifth-year seniors and team leaders -- they'd understand. A couple of times, in fact, he even thought that Craig and Scott might even be more than close friends, and that Craig was actually inviting him to do stuff, but he realized that it had to be his overeager imagination at work. Maybe at the end of the year, when Craig and Scott were ready to graduate, he'd bring up the subject.

Tim getting up and clearing the food containers off the table interrupted Justin's thoughts.

"So how you feeling, bud? Are you tired?"

"Ah -- well, not really -- I was just really enjoying talking to you, but if you want to turn in ..."

"Actually not, JZ -- I'm enjoying shooting the bull with you - you're really cool Tell you what, though; I need to talk to my agents back in California on the phone for about twenty minutes - they're out in California so of course it's three hours earlier. Can you hang out a while and then we'll talk some more"?

"Sure- you bet"!

"Hey -- do you like Nintendo?"

"Like it? Man, I kick ass -- I'm the unofficial team champ on road trips" Justin beamed.

"Open that armoire door -- most of these hotels have games built into the television systems."

Sure enough, Justin quickly located the game control joystick on the right side of the large-screen television set.

"OK -- back in twenty"

"Cool -- Super Mario!!"

"I'll challenge you when I get back" Tim said as he closed the door to his bedroom.

Justin was completely caught up in the game, and didn't hear when Tim re-entered the suite's living room. He was momentarily startled when he felt Tim tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh man, you scared me -- here' let me freeze the game"

"Sorry -- didn't mean to mess up your game -- and I'm really sorry about that call -- the twenty minutes ended up being more like sixty. Damned lawyers....."

"No it's OK"

"So it's been a while since I played. In fact, I don't recognize this version of the game -- would you mind showing me?"

"Are you kidding -- of course I will! Pull up a chair".

Tim did just that. His bemusement at Justin's eagerness to show off his video game skill was matched by his pleasure at sitting so close to this appealing young jock. Just then, Justin paused and lifted his right elbow, as if working out a cramp or kink.

"JZ -- are you OK?"

"Oh it's nothing - just a little zing in my shoulder".

"Hey, we QBs have to be careful about stuff like that. You ever hear about carpal tunnel syndrome?"

"But that's only for older people when they type a lot at a computer, right"?

"Well yeah, but I also learned something when I was getting therapy for my back injury last year. My physical therapist said that if you relax every few minutes, you could avoid problems".

"You know, that makes sense" -- like when we lift then recover in the weight room".

"Exactly. Oh, I've got to tell you a story. When I rehabbed, I went to these two Chinese doctors in Solon. They were a husband and wife team - the husband did acupuncture and after the acupuncture the wife did this deep massage on my shoulder and back that was so soothing".

"Acupuncture -- so that's not just fake stuff"?

"No way, JZ -- if I give you and good advice, this is it -- that stuff really works". But the massage was just as important -- it really worked out the knots. Hey -- why don't I show you?"

Before Justin could respond, Tim had already risen from his chair and began to knead the taut flesh of Justin's right shoulder. The momentary flash of embarrassment disappeared as Justin realized that Tim's fingers were in fact making his shoulder less tight.

"Wow -- I see what you mean".

"Before my last session I asked Mrs. Thieu to show me her technique. See -- it's about alternating hard, then light pressure. Like this"

Justin let out an involuntary sigh, as Tim continued his finger work. It wasn't BS -- it really did help AND feel good at the same time. But then Tim stopped

"Here -- lift your arms up"

"Both of them? "

"Yup --all the way." As soon as Justin's arms were up, Tim deftly reached down and pulled off Justin's t-shirt. "You'll feel more of the tissue effect when your shirt is out of the way".

Justin forced himself to remain as still as possible, not wanting to reveal in any way his excitement at the current situation. Here he was, shirtless, in a hotel room with a NFL superstar right next to him, giving him a rubdown. Worst of all, his dick had popped up hard as hell. Thankfully, his cargo shorts were really baggy, so that his erection had some room to expand. As long as he sat in this position, Tim wouldn't be able to see it.

But then, Tim surprised Justin by moving his hands forward. From the shoulders, Tim's fingers drifter lower, across the bulk of his biceps. Then it happened -- Tim's fingertips brushed forward on either side of Justin's torso, coming forward so that they were now brushing across ever so lightly making contact with Justin's small, erect nipples. As electric as that felt, what was even more intense was the feeling of Tim pressing his own body closer to his own, so close that Tom's own chest was now pressed up against Justin's bare back. And -- and, the instant realization that Tim had also removed his shirt.

The press of flesh-to-flesh set Justin's mind on fire. But the pleasure was short-lived, as a moment of panic took over. Justin felt a sensation he knew quite well from his many jerkoff sessions -- he was close, dangerously close to orgasm. No! As good as it felt, he knew he had to stop Tim, or he would literally shoot his sperm in his shorts! So Justin did the only thing he could -- still keeping his back to Tim, he quickly stood up, startling Tim, who had himself closed his eyes as he had been touching the beautiful jock boy's satiny flesh.

"What's wrong -- are you OK"

"No -- no, it's nothing"

"Oh, I'm really sorry -- did I hurt you"?

"Tim -- no I ..uh, I -- damn it"!!

"What is it"

Justin struggled to keep control of his feelings, his senses. This had happened way too fast -- he had to make a decision, right away -- just like on the football field"

"Tim -- oh man, you're gonna think I'm weird. What you were doing -- I was liking it too much"!

"What do you mean -- TOO much"?

"I mean -- oh man -- oh shit -- Tim, I'm so ashamed. I -- I got a hard-on when you were giving me the back rub".

Tim smiled. "Buddy -- that is so normal -- haven't you ever had a boner when you were in the training room? When your muscles relax, it's almost an automatic response".

"Well yeah, I've had that before -- but Tim -- this was different"

"What do you mean different"?

"I mean -- no -- Tim -- can we drop this "

"Your call, JZ -- but to be honest, I don't think you really want to. And, since we're being honest, I felt some different things just now"


"Justin -- if I'm wrong, I'm really sorry, but I'm kind of hoping I'm right. I think you're attracted to me"

"I -- um, well "

"Because I sure as hell am attracted to you, buddy"

"You ARE"?

"You weren't the only one with a hard-on just now -- take a look". Justin was stunned -- not only was Tim displaying a bulge in his dark sweatpants, it was fucking BIG!!

"But -- oh man -- Tim -- it's just that ...man, you see, I don't have any experience with a guy. I want to -- but..." Justin was prevented from continuing by Tim's mouth, quickly applied to his lips. Justin's fear and resistance evaporated in one second flat, as his tongue thrashed against Tim's, he felt unabashed joy, blended with a strong tinge of unabashed lust.

Tim looked his buddy directly in the eye. "Tell you what -- let's go in here. Let's go nice and slow. Anything you feel uncomfortable with or don't want to try yet, we'll wait -- damn you, you're so sweet -- I could cum just kissing you, you fucking hot stud!!"

"Do you really think I'm hot?"

Heading into the bedroom, Tim motioned "Get your Buckeye butt in here and let me show you"

Justin wasted no time in complying with the invitation. Tim had shucked his sweats and was spread naked on the bed. His tanned body, made even more perfect in the Browns locker room, seemed to almost glow in the light of the bedside lamps. A distinct tan line, making Tim's genitals stand out, broke the tan. The brown hair of his generous bush framed a large set of nuts, but the main attraction was 9 ½ inches of prime NFL meat, tapering to a somewhat pointed shaped head. The pre-cum was already beginning to leak; so eager was Tim to get going.

But, flashing back on his own first time with a guy, Tim wanted to make it memorable for Justin. Slow and easy. But mostly, to awaken Justin to himself. He knew just how.

"Hey buddy -- you want to try something?"

"Sure -- anything you tell me, Tim"

"OK -- I want you to stand up on the bed"

"Up on the bed -- but "....

"Go on -- it's OK".

Justin started to reach for the waistband of his cargo shorts, but

"Uh-uh -- leave them on"


"Yeah -- for now, anyway"

"OK -- wow, this is fun"....

"Now, stand over me -- foot on either side of me -- like that. "Damnit, JZ, you look just like one of those fucking Abercrombie boys in the catalog --

Justin was loving the praise. Tim continued" Look down over here. Look at how goddamn rock hard you have me"

Justin did as Tim said and goddamn if Tim's dick didn't seem even bigger than before -- WOW! Justin's own eight-incher was now at full mast, still encased in the khaki shorts.

"Now, you fucking hottie -- show off. Stroke it for me -- show he how you touch yourself when you're alone."

Justin instantly clicked with what Tim was asking him to do. His hands rubbed over his own broad chest, his solid pectorals.

"Been working out in the weight room, huh, jock?"

"Yeah -- you like it Tim?"

"Fuck yeah -- I especially like that fat boner I see peeking out the leg of your shorts".

Justin instantly turned on. He maneuvered his shorts so that Tim would be able to see more of his fat jock pole.

"That fabric feels good around it, doesn't it JZ?

"Sure fucking does" Justin didn't usually swear but this was fucking Different!!

"Yeah -- big boy with a biggie in his pants."

"OK JZ -- time to free Willy "

"Yeah!!" Justin wasted no time in hopping off the bed, so that he could get his shorts off without falling off the bed. His burgeoning boner, now free of its khaki cover, stuck out of his crotch at an upward 45-degree angle. But, as he prepared to climb back up, he paused, grabbed his shorts, and placed the crotch fabric directly onto the end of Tim's boner. Tim smiled a $49 million dollar grin -- this boy's a fuckin NATURAL, he thought'

Back up on the bed, Justin continued his stroking, looking down at the incredibly handsome NFL jock that was looking up at him -- shit, who was admiring him! So maybe he wasn't a geek like he felt sometimes...No way!!

Justin felt on top of the world -- but he also felt something else -- like a few minutes ago, he felt the approach of the big O. Oh he wanted to make it last, but his mind also told him that he needed to time it with Tim.

"Oh man Tim, I'm close man"

"Perfect, man -- so am I -- your shorts are really turning my dick on a LOT!!

"Yeah -- that's hot. Rub your dick right there, Tim -- right where my dick was a minute ago"

"Fuck yeah -- you getting ready, collegeboy? You gonna show me how a muscleboy shoots his load?"

Justin was totally absorbed in the dirty talk he had beat off plenty of times and the feeling was the best, but this was SO much better.

"Getting ready -- real close, Tim ....

"C'mon, do it -- I want fucking JZ Juice all over my face"

"On your face? -- COOL"!

"Aim for it, jock. Bonus points if you hit my tongue".

Justin's first reaction was to laugh at the remark, but instead a wave of lust hit him at that exact moment. It was happening! Yeah -- he was gonna shoot his load. With another guy. And FOR another guy ---- and then it started. The first shot was out like a jet, catching Tim on the right edge of his open mouth. Justin shifter just a bit to the left just as the telltale pulse of the main part of his ejaculation began. Just like a good quarterback should, his aim was dead accurate. The thick wads of jock semen, one after another, landed squarely on Tim's extended tongue. It was truly the best (and longest) orgasm of Justin's life. Damn, he was STILL pumping fucking batter. But this time the splats landed on the side of Tim's face, as the studly NL player had moved his head in reaction to his own intense orgasm -- Justin's shorts were creamed to the max with Tim's copious ejaculate, soaking through to the other side in big wet splotches of jock sperm. Justin, partially recovered from the most intense part of his climax, stood as still as possible, not wanting to distract Tim from his nirvana.

After a few moments, Tim reopened his eyes, looking up to see Justin looking at him with the cutest expression on his face. Tim knew that Justin was waiting for Tim's OK to move, which he gave with a gesture of his head. Justin climbed off the bed and smiled as Tim patted the mattress next to his right side. But Justin, before lying next to Tim, paused for a moment and picked up his now-soaked shorts. He lapped at the main wet spot, and breathed in deeply as he tasted Tim's sperm. -- the first time he tasted anyone's sperm but his own. He then joined Tm in the bed.

"Sorry, but I just had to taste your sperm before we kissed again"".

Tim was amused by Justin's boyish curiosity. But he also understood.

"So how was it?"

"Like secret sauce"

"No, I meant what we did?"

"Oh MAN -- it was a blast. I mean --well. I was only with girls before and it was always like a mechanical thing. This was FUN!'

"You know JZ, a lot of guys never figure that out."

"This was so perfect -- IS so perfect. Can I ask you something"?

"Anything, hot stuff"

"Can I sleep here with you tonight?" .

"You sure? I have to warn you -- I'm a compulsive cuddler"

"Show me..."

The boys made out for what seemed like hours, until sleep overtook them. .

= = = = =

After breakfast, the boys helped Mr. Accordi and Ms. Christy load their luggage. As they waited for the adults to return from the hotel front desk where they were checking them out, Craig and Tim discreetly studied Justin, who was humming to himself and who was displaying a goofy grin. Their curiosity was killing them.

"So, did you get a good night's sleep, Justin"?

"Oh man, I sure did. Um -- you know, those big king size beds are sure a lot bigger than my dorm bed.

"Oh yeah, exactly" Scott answered. "I hope you didn't pester Tim too much".

"No way. He was the nicest guy ever. He treated me like a real buddy, not a punk kid. We talked about football and all other kinds of stuff".

Craig joined in "Well, I'm glad you got a chance to meet an NFL player. Seeing his success, it gives us college grunts something to work for. At least you'll have the memory when you see him play on TV".

"Or better",

"Huh? What do you mean -- better?" Craig asked, as Scott closed the rear hatch of the van and rejoined them.

"You know our bye week coming up -- well, Timmy has invited me to come to Browns Stadium and sit in his private box!" Justin said as he climbed into his seat in the van.

Scott once again had to suppress the giggles as he saw the unbelieving look on Craig's face.

"TIMMY"? Craig whispered to Scott, who mouthed the name back to his buddy with a big smirk. "Did he just call him `Timmy"?

"Timmy....." Craig repeated, this time to himself, under his breath, as the adults returned to the van to begin the trip home.

= = = = =

The miles clicked on the odometer as the van traveled down I-71. The traffic was not too bad. Mostly long-haul trucks and vacationers, it seemed. As Scott slept in the rear seat, Craig leafed through last week's Sports Illustrated as Justin fidgeted in his seat as he listened to tunes on his CD Walkman. Craig was reading SI's Fall College Preview. Hmmm', Craig thought, Big XII -- I wouldn't mind meeting this fine-looking Texas boy Chance Mock'. Just then he felt Justin's hand vigorously shaking his shoulder.

"What's up Zwickie?"

"Craig, I gotta take a pee, man -- bad"! Justin whispered urgently.

"Dude, why didn't you go before we left the hotel"?

"Well I didn't need to go then"

"Oh man - there's nothing on this stretch of I-71 -- no rest stop, no gas stations for miles. How bad is it"?

"Let's just say that I'll have wet pants in a couple of minutes"

"Damn sophomores! OK". Craig maneuvered so that he could get Vinnie Accordi's attention.

"Excuse me, Vinnie? Can you pull over when it's safe -- I know there are no rest stops or stations around here, but we have to make a pit stop right away"

The older man chuckled. "Hazards of the road! OK, I see a spot up ahead with trees -- I'll ease over there"

As the van came to a stop, Justin hopped out of his seat and scrambled over to the area where the trees afforded some privacy. Just then, the sound of an alarm horn pierced the air. It momentarily startled all of the occupants of the van, but it was gone in a couple of seconds. A few moments later, Justin returned and got back into his seat.

"Hey Justin, did you hear that alarm?" Craig asked as Vinnie Accordi merged back into the flow of traffic.

"Yeah -- that was me."

"Huh? What do you mean"?

"Well, I saw this sign that said "Danger -- High Voltage'. I was gonna look for another spot to pee but then I saw a red box that said "Emergency Cutoff" so I pressed the button. That's when that alarm thing went off."

Scott was now awake. Looking out the windows to see where they were at, he said:

"See those big cooling towers out there -- we just stopped next to the Ohio Energy Corporation nuclear power plant.

"Oh -- I guess that explained the high voltage sign"

Craig noticed that Ms. Christy, who had been talking on her cell phone ever since they had left Akron, was having some kind of problem.

"Strangest thing" she said to Craig. "I got dropped mid-call, and now the indicator says there is no signal I've driven this highway many times and there's always good strong cell phone coverage through the entire length".

"Let me check mine". Craig was surprised that his phone also indicated a total lack of a signal. Only the date and time indicators -- 8/14/03 4:10 PM were illuminated.

Vinnie then said, "Here's a crazy coincidence - every single radio station just went off the air -- I can't get a single one. And unfortunately this van doesn't have an XM radio in it".

"Must be a power failure of some type," Mrs. Christy said. Not to worry, we'll be home soon. I'm sure the power will be back in a jiffy. But just in case, I hope you boys have flashlights and candles just in case"

  • end -

Next: Chapter 5

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