Queer College Roommate

By Anonymous

Published on Aug 17, 2002


CHAPTER THREE, in which the queer learns how the jock selected him and the jock teaches new lessons in respect and obedience to the queer

Wes was gone when I woke up with a roaring hardon. The cumrag was still moist and sticking to my skin, pressed against my crotch in my zipped up jeans. I had slept all night with Wes's cum up against my balls. I got out of bed not bothering to change. I wanted to feel his cumrag in my briefs all day. I was going to be late for my first class if I didnt hurry up. I jammed my sneaks on and pulled a shirt over my head and went to get my keys.

On top of my desk was a typed school report with a note from Wes: "DO THIS" scawled on a post-it in pencil. On the front page the prof had written "Unacceptable. Rewrite and retun by Friday." Friday! That was tomorrow! I stuffed the paper in my bookbag and rushed off to class.

I was hard all during class feeling Wes's cumrag in my pants and I could hardly concentrate on anything. I looked over the paper Wes had written. It was awful. I would have to go to the library and get a book to make it something like a real report.

After class ran into Adrian. We were not exactly friends but we both came from the same town. Adrian was a year older and already a sophmore here. He was straight but he used to let guys blow him sometimes at school. I knew cause I was one of them. Only once. He stopped after he got a girlfriend. I guess he preferred regular pussy.

I was surprised that he was talking to me. After I blew him he never even said hi. Adrian was over 6 feet tall and had a way of looking down at me, not just cause I was shorter, but real condescending.

"I hear you got a star athlete for a roommate," he said with a smug smile. "Oh yeah--Wes," I said sounding as casual as I could with my dick rubbing against Wes's cumrag in my briefs. "Figures," said Adrian. "Wes has always chosen brainy roommates, he says an academic roommate keeps the room quiet for when he studies. Though I dont know when he has any time to study, playing sports all day and chasing pussy all night."

"I thought roommates were paired by some administrator."

"Wes is in good with the lady who is in charge of all that." He grinned. "I told him about you. But dont think youre going to get to suck his cock, faggot." He laughed and walked away.

So Wes had set the whole thing up from the beginning. And he used two other queers before me.

I went to the library so I could rewrite Wes's paper and spent the rest of the afternoon on it. I left the paper on Wes's desk and went back to start on my schoolwork. I was at my desk when he came in from running. He was in shorts and a tank top with adidas sneaks, and nearly soaked with sweat. He didnt say anything, just went to his desk. I heard him rustling the papers I had left there but only for a second, just checking. Then I saw his wet tank top land on my bed. This was followed by the shorts. I turned my head. He was about to pull his jockstrap down but stopped abruptly. "What the fuck are you lookin at?" he demanded. I turned away, red in the face. Then the jockstrap flew thru the air and landed on the tank and shorts. I heard the door close.

He must have gone out to the shower in a towel. His adidas sneaks were on the floor along with his crumpled sweat socks. The room was full of the smell of his body odor. I went to my bed and picked up his wet running clothes and held them up to my face to smell it close up. I sniffed his wet jock, smelling the ball sweat in the pouch. Then I picked up his running shorts and smelled where his ass crack had left a line of sweat. It was the sweet smell of jock butt that queers like. I was ready to bust again and I stroked in my pants and after just a few times the cumrag in my briefs was wet again.

I put the sweaty clothes in the laundry bag along with Wes's jeans and tee from yesterday, then went to get his socks.The thick sweat socks were soaked too and again I smelled the dirty feet smell of Wes's Keds. I bent over and rubbed my nose in his socks, sniffing the strong masculine smell of his feet and sweat.

I made sure I finished before he got back. He came back with a towel wrapped around his waist . I was afraid to look though because of the way he had reacted before. I sat at my desk looking at the wall, the smell of his ass and feet still on my face. The wet towel landed on my bed. I heard him getting dressed. "Come here." I walked over to where he stood in his boxers admiring this powerful jock arms in his sleeveless tee.

He was holding the paper that I had rewritten. "You do all my reports from now on, and the school gets to keep me on the team. There's no reason for me to be wasting my time with this shit." He threw the paper on his desk. "You know I was last season's MVP and the team really needs me to win the championship. I'm just not replaceable." I was in awe of the jock and how incredible his athletic abilities were. "Now, you fucked up last night by not having your pants on in my presence. I am not going to forget that. But I will allow you to show respect for your superior. Get on your knees." Was he going to let me blow him? I knelt.

He stood towering above me with his crotch level with my face. "I left a handkerchief on my desk yesterday freshman. What happened to it?"

"I,,, uh,,, I,,,guess I have it." "Where?" he demanded. "I would have to take down my jeans to show you" I said. Wes looked down at me in disgust. "I am going to take a piss. When I get back , you be here on your knees with that handkerchief in your mouth." With that he turned and walked out.

I quickly unzipped and got the cumrag out of my briefs. It was soaked with my cum from just a few minutes ago mixed with sweat and my own and Wes's old cum. No longer stiff, the fabric was now soft and wet and the old cumstains smelled strong. I put the whole thing in my mouth and zipped my jeans back up, waiting on my knees for Wes to return.

The cumrag filled my mouth and tasted like the way a locker room and dirty cock and balls smell. Wes came back in. "Open your mouth." He looked down in satisfaction at the cumrag stuffed in my open mouth. "Now you know what showing respect means freshman." I stayed on my knees choking on the cumrag, swallowing the salty bitter taste of the saliva that trickled down my throat. My knees were getting sore. Wes got dressed then laid back on his bed and watched tv for awhile. The dried cum was getting wetter and my mouth was all slimy from all of Wes's and my loads that had been shot in the handkerchief.

After he had watched a tv show Wes got up and started dressing. "Go get my coke" he ordered. I got to my feet and started to take the cumrag out of my mouth. "Keep it in." Wes said. I gulped down some more of the thick liquid combination of spit and old cum and went down the hall to get the coke from the fridge. Fortunately no one saw me.

When I got back Wes was dressed in chinos and a light vee neck sweater that clung to his pecs and arm muscles. "Get something from my black bag and put the can on my desk" he said. I smelled all the odors of his body mixed together as I unzipped the bag. One of Wes's big jockstraps was on top of the heap, sweaty and discolored with a few drops of piss. A black pubic hair was stuck in the pouch. I put the jockstrap on his desk with the coke can on top.

Wes pointed to the floor. I dropped to my knees. He got his coke and sat back in the armchair in front of the desk, turned away from it, so that I was kneeling at his feet. "Look at the floor" he ordered. He was wearing sandals and his big feet and long perfectly formed toes made me instantly hard again.

Wes deserves respect. He is a jock. He is superior in every way. He is taller. His body is like a god. He is the best player on the team. Every girl on campus wants him to fuck her. His dick is big. He is a natural leader and commander.

As I knelt with his cumrag in my mouth looking at his feet I began to realize that I belonged there, demonstrating my respect for his superiority . The smell of a jock's ass and the taste of his old cumglobs are more than a queer deserves.

Wes got up to leave. "You can get up after I go" he said. "And keep it in your mouth all night."

CHAPTER FOUR , where the queer learns that jocks gets a free ride

"Not there freshman," Wes said as I dropped to my knees the next day. "Under there." He pointed to his desk. I hurriedly got under his desk on my knees, facing out. I had to sit back on my calves and hunch over to fit under the desk. "Against the wall" Wes ordered. It was a wide desk, almost like a table and I scooted back till my toes touched the wall.

"Thats right freshman, show respect to your superior."

Wes had let me take the cumrag out of my mouth in the morning. When I got out of bed, still in jeans of course, Wes told me it was time to show respect. That's when I dropped to my knees. Now he wanted me under his desk on my knees.

Wes sat in the armchair. He was already dressed, in sweat pants and a tee shirt. He turned on the computer and I heard the dial-up modem connecting to online. He sat with his legs open, his muscular thighs on either side of me and his crotch about two feet from my face. He stayed there for thirty or forty minutes, sometimes typing slowly. Occasionally he reached down and scratched his balls through his sweatpants. All that time I got to look at his crotch and his bare feet and be in between his muscular jock legs.

"Get out," he said as he shoved his armchair back and stood. I crawled out from under his desk and started to rise. "Stay on your knees freshman," said Wes. I looked down at the floor. "I got a date tonight with this chick Chris who is horny for my jock. There's a gray sweater in the store on _________ Street, I saw it in the window, my size. Pick that up and get me some beers and condoms, magnum ribbed."

I finished dressing quickly and went to do as told. I walked to ________ Street and found the store. The sweater was there like Wes had described. It looked expensive. It was. Wes hadnt given me any cash so I paid the with my credit card, swung over to the 7-11 for beers and then stopped in a drugstore and got the magnums for Wes's big dick. Altogether it came to about a hundred bucks.

When I got back there was a note on my bed. I recognized Wes's personalized note paper. "Shine my black shoes by 4 pm." I was already going to be late for history class, and another after that. I quickly emptied out one of my bags and put Wes's size 12 shoes in with some polish and cloths. I could get it done if I did it during the short break between classes.

After history class was over I went quickly to the basement of the building. There's nothing there but storage rooms, except for a mens room that almost nobody uses. I went into a stall and closed the door. The toilets didnt have tanks in the back , there was just the bowl and the seat without any lid. I sat on the toilet and started to polish Wes's shoes.

It was working out fine till I heard someone else come in. I quickly pulled my jeans and briefs down so it would look like I was taking a shit. He went into the second stall. The partition didnt go all the way down and I could see his jeans and boxers as he lowered them to his ankles and sat on the toilet. He must have been a jock like Wes cause his calves were full and solid. He sat with his legs apart. I sat on the toilet with my pants down holding the shoe in my crotch and buffing it to a high polish while he took a crap. I was gettin polish on my legs and balls and hands.

The guy stood up and I heard him unroll the toilet paper several times while he wiped his ass, and saw the used toilet paper fall in the bowl. He was standing but his pants and boxers were still down at his ankles. The smell of his shit was strong and hung in the air in the small room. He pulled up his boxers then his pants. He hawked up a big loogie and spit it on the floor in front of him. Then he just left. I heard the door swing shut behind him. I finished polishing the other shoe, smelling the guy's crap. I wrapped Wes's shoes carefully in a clean cloth and put them in the bag , pulled my pants up and went to the sink to wash my hands. In the mirror I saw someone had used a marker to write graffiti in big letters on the partition in the other booth. I went closer, still smelling the shit the guy had left in the toilet. "Flush it for me freshman" . Oh fuck! Who was the guy who was in here I wondered, and if he wrote this did he know I was a freshman? He MUST have wrote it, it was too much to be a coincidence. What if it was Wes? But that was impossible, the sneakers I saw under the partition werent his. And he was at the gym.

I looked down at the big logs and used toilet paper floating in piss and flushed the toilet.

No time to think about it now. I went to my economics class and barely made it back to the room just before 4 pm. I carefully put Wes's polished shoes back in the closet. There was another note on my desk. "DO THIS". It was attached to a writing assignment for geography. With this and my own assignments I would be spending all weekend doing schoolwork. And laundry.

Wes came in wearing the sweater I picked up for him. It showed off his upper body and looked as expensive as it was. He kicked off his shoes and examined the black shoes I had polished in the mens room. "Come over here." I stood in front of him as he looked at the shoes. "Down." I knelt. He spit on the toe of one of the shoes and rubbed it off on my face. "Thats better" he said, pleased with the polish.

He put the shoes on, got the magnums from his drawer. Before he left for his date he admired his jock body in the full length mirror. "Next time you get me a present have it gift-wrapped, freshman."

to be continued in CHAPTER FIVE, the jock's guide to using a queer to entertain buds

Next: Chapter 3

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