Queer College Roommate

By Anonymous

Published on Aug 19, 2002


How To Use Your Queer College Roommate by Anonymous Part 5

So jocks whaddya think so far, pretty kewl huh? You get a servant and free gifts and you can play sports all day and fuck puss all night. Plus you can still haze frosh and pledges all you like! Before we continue our little story let's do a short quiz to review what we have learned dudes.

Jocks are: A. dumb B. really smart cause they can get a C average without even going to classes C. God's gift to women D. B) and C) only

Queers wants to: A. smell a jock's balls B. smell a jock's headcheese C. smell a jock's dirty sneaks D. all of the above

How many times does a queer get to see a jock's cock?: A. never B. never C. never D. never

What is a queer always required to wear so jocks dont have to get grossed out by some fag getting boned while he worships our jockmeat? A. armor B. a trashbag C. saran wrap D. zipped-up jeans

If you guessed D to all four questions you were right dude!

Wow, that was pretty tuff. Good thing using a queer college roommate (QCR) is so much easier!

All you have to remember is that the QCR gets all horned up over your bod and athletic abilities. Plus he's a homo and you are str8 so you are naturally superior. Your QCR needs to learn to show respect for your superiority and you have to lay down some rules. That may take a few days. Didja notice how patient Wes had to be sometimes trying to explain stuff?

It's a good idea to keep your QCR in his place-- which is right under your thumb dude! (Doncha wish it was this easy with chicks haha) There are lots of ways but you dont have to do anything special. You can chat with buddies online while your QCR kneels under your desk, like Wes did. (Remember, he is queer for your dick.) Other times you may have to stuff a cumrag in his mouth. QCRs get all hot and bothered when they get to sniff your jock and stuff so get yours addicted to all your body smells. If you dont have the time to humiliate the QCR get a teammate or buddy to help you out. The QCR can pay them. And that is where our story resumes dudes....

CHAPTER FIVE - wherein a mysterious visitor returns and gives the queer a lesson in the natural superiority of str8 jocks and the queer pays him for it

Wes was allowing me to show respect by kneeling in front of him. He let me look at his hard body and I got all horned up admiring him and looking at his chest and arms and his muscular legs. Then he started feeling himself in his boxers in front of the mirror, watching himself get hard. I was transfixed in awe by his muscles and his athletic prowess. He put both hands around his thick hard cock and he was just about to take his dick out and let me suck it when the alarm went off.

It was 5:30 AM and I had a raging hardon from dreaming about Wes letting me blow him.

Wes's bed was unslept in. The covers were as I had left them when I made his bed yesterday. (In addition to fetching his drinks, picking up his clothes, doing his laundry, polishing his shoes, and writing his assignments, Wes told me I was to make his bed every morning.) He must have scored with the girl he went out with last night. That was no surprise. What girl could resist such a good-looking endowed star athlete with a perfect body?

I wanted to pull my jeans down and jack off. (I still slept in my pants in case Wes came in the room unexpectedly.) But I had to get to the laundry room early. Wes had left a voicemail message on my cell phone. "Hey." To Wes, I had no name, not even "hey." "Hey" was just the beginning of a command. "Laundry at 6 AM sharp. Dont wash any of your crap with my clothes. And dont just throw my stuff in a bag and take it upstairs..... Fold my clothes in the laundry room." He separated the last words and I could hear his impatience in having to speak slowly and emphatically enough to make me understand how important it was that his clothes be treated respectfully. Leaving a message was taking up his valuable time.

I was planning on doing his laundry early anyway. There was minimal chance that anyone else would be there at 6 am on a Saturday morning, wondering what a skinny freshman was doing with two loads of athletic wear in size large. My laundry would have to wait.

Even though Wes would not to let me see his jock cock I knew he was a big uncut stud. When I knelt in front of him I could see the outline of his long thick dick pushing against his boxers. I was queer for Wes's dick.

Getting his laundry together only made me hornier. My stiff cock ached in my jeans while I touched and smelled his dirty clothes. His large size jockstraps were stretched out even more where his big dick and balls bulged in the pouch. I could smell his cock in them and the foreskin, and sometimes the rank smell of cheese under the foreskin. I took a damp musty strap from the bottom of the bag and got on the floor, licking Wes's piss stains on the inside of the pouch. I pulled his sweatiest tee shirt under my face with the armpit under my nose and sniffed his B.O. while I licked his jock.

I squirmed on the floor, humping the floor in my jeans. My balls were ready to explode. I got on my knees and dumped all the laundry out of the laundry bag and out of Wes's black athletic bag and took his shorts from the pile--two pairs of boxers, running shorts, and a pair of briefs I had found under his covers when I made his bed. I laid out the boxers first, picturing the outline of the jock's hard smooth butt against the soft smooth material. I got on the floor and rubbed my face where his ass had been. I sniffed the sweat line of his running shorts, inhaling the smell of the jock's asscrack. I saved the briefs for last. When I found them in his bed they were still warm and wet from his cum. He must have jacked off in them in bed or used them to wipe his load off his chest after he came. I sniffed his sweet smelling cum.

I couldnt hold back any longer. I got on my knees, unzipped and started jacking in Wes's briefs, my pre making the cum he had left get slippery again. I leaned over and put my face deep in a pile of his stinking socks and smelled his feet while I came in the briefs that had touched his dick and balls.

By 7:15 I had settled back in the laundry room while Wes's clothes tumbled in the dryers. I started reading a geography book for the paper I had to write for him.

Of course Wes had not left any change for the machines. I knew he wouldnt so I was prepared. I got detergent and fabric softener from the vending machines and put in quarters to get two washing machines filling up while I sorted his laundry. I could still smell his butt and his feet on my face from jacking off in his dirty laundry and I was getting hard again touching his clothes. He had two loads of laundry after only 3 days. A week's worth of Wes's laundry along with mine was going to run to about 20 bucks every Saturday. But it was worth it to get to touch the jocks dirty clothes and smell him on them.

By 8 AM all the clothes were dry. I had already folded his chinos in a neat stack on the table, and sorted his underwear, jockstraps and socks. The tee shirts and other shirts were next on the table. The athletic gear had taken longer to dry. I hadnt taken it out to fold yet. Guys were getting up and walking around upstairs. I needed to hurry before someone came in and saw me folding clothes that obviously belonged to a jock and were several sizes too large for me. Too late -- someone was coming down the hall straight toward the laundry room. I hastily threw the laundry bag over Wes's underwear and pants.

He stood in the doorway clutching a football. It seemed like all the jocks in the building carried around a football instead of books and played pass in the hallways and rec room instead of studying. He was in blue jeans and a faded blue tee shirt with "Department of Erections" in faded peeling white letters across the chest. His clothes showed off his muscles. I had seen him a few times around school. I noticed him cause he was a jock, tall and good looking , with a perfect body. He was obviously an upperclassman and an athlete like Wes. Maybe they even knew each other.

"Heads up freshman." His arm shot out and the football whizzed thru the air. Before I had time to react the hard pointed end of the ball hit my chest. I winced. He laughed as the ball ricocheted off me and bounced on the floor.

He walked over to the table and looked at Wes's tee shirts. "Wear a lot of baggy clothes?" he asked with a sneering smile. "Uh, well, those arent all mine." I was getting red with embarrassment.

He pulled a LaCrosse jersey from the dryer that I hadnt unloaded yet and held it up to examine it.

"Number 22, that's Wes's number." He looked at me quizzically. "Where's Wes?" he asked with mock puzzlement.

"Umm,,, oh,,, I must have got that mixed up with my laundry by mistake. Wes is my roommate."

He pulled out Wes's LaCrosse shorts. "Looks like you got a lot of Wes's stuff mixed up with yours." It amused him to expose my little sham. "I'm on my way to LaCrosse practice. I'll tell Wes about the 'mixup'" he said sarcastically. He threw a laundry bag on the table. It looked nearly empty. "And while youre at it wash my shorts, freshman." As he walked out he turned and said, "Oh yeah, by the way, there is a message for you at the end of the hall. Down there." He pointed in the direction that he had come from.

I waited till I heard him going upstairs, then hurried down the hallway in the direction he had pointed. Had Wes left a message for me? Had anyone else seen it? But no, it couldnt have been Wes. There was nothing in this part of the basement--just the janitor's room and storage rooms. Saturday was the janitor's day off and the hall was dark and deserted. I opened the unmarked door at the end of the hall. It was a single bathroom, just a toilet and sink. Two turds and some toilet paper floated in the yellow water in the toilet bowl and there was a message on the wall: "FRESHMAN -- FLUSH THIS -- THEN CLEAN THE WALL". It was the same handwriting as in the stall yesterday. So--I had just met the jock who took a shit in the stall while I was polishing Wes's shoes. I quickly locked the door in the unlikely case that someone would come down the hall.

I flushed the jock's piss and shit and scrubbed the letters off the wall with some cleanser I found under the sink, all the time smelling the jockcrap smell that still hung in the air.

Things started to add up now. Wes had set everything up and his teammate was in on it from the beginning. Wes knew I would have to shine his shoes in the mens room between classes to make the 4 pm deadline he had set. Then it was just a matter of telling his buddy what was up and having him tail me and take a shit where I was sure to be. And Wes purposely told me to fold his things in the laundry room so I would be "discovered" by his teammate. He probably even chose Saturday as laundry day because the janitor would be away and his buddy could take a dump in the back and make me smell his crap again.

I wondered how much Wes had told his buddy. They must be laughing about it at practice right now. Had he told his other buddies anything? How much did Adrian know? I reddened with shame at how these jocks were humiliating me. But at the same time I was real horned up for these athletes. They were superior and had a right to make me show respect. I got boned up thinking about the jock's body and how he was proving his dominance and natural superiority over me.

Back in the laundry room I quickly put Wes's things in the bags. He was at practice and wouldnt know that I folded them upstairs instead of here--if I was fast enough. I opened the laundry bag the jock had left. There was a note pinned to the inside of the bag: "Freshman you owe me $10 for privledge of smelling my shit. Leave money under door room 33. Keep my laundry in your room. P.S. keep this note inside your shorts all day."

I unzipped and stuffed the note inside my briefs under my balls, not understanding why but obeying the jock. I would have to make a trip to the ATM for more cash to pay the jock. I got pre on my hand as it brushed against my leaking dick. I zipped back up over my hard dick. If I touched myself once more I would cum in my jeans. I emptied out the jock's bag. Six pairs of the jock's white briefs tumbled out. Nothing else. I looked around. It was risky doing it in the laundry room but a jock's dirty underwear is irresistable to a queer. I put a pair against my face and inhaled. It was only a faint trace but it reminded me of the smell of his shit from the toilets he left for me to flush. There was a light streak inside, like the shorts had got up in his moist asscrack. I put my face up close and inhaled deep. I was beginning to like the smell of his shit. He deserved to get paid for letting me smell it. I put the briefs in the washer one at a time so I could smell the jock's ass and sweaty cock and balls up close on each one.

I couldnt hold out any longer. My cock rubbed against the tight jeans and I felt my cum soaking into my shorts. A big wet spot soaked through on my jeans.

CHAPTER SIX -- letting other guys use your property, or, what every jock shou ld know about home entertainment for himself and his buds

Next: Chapter 4

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