Queer For Cowboys

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jan 17, 2004


This is the 4th chapter in my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

Queer For Cowboy's 4

The old cowboy pulled his cock up from between his legs and peeled the foreskin back as he watched my little cock spraying piss on the side of the outhouse. I couldn't help but look back at him as he gently jerked his cock as it started to get hard. He had a grin on his face as he reached out and patted my ass. This only caused my own cock to get hard and I had to actually push down on it to keep it from spraying my stream up higher in the air.

He pulled my pants down and rubbed his rough hands against my soft ass cheeks and told me how nice it felt. For some reason I spread my legs as he did this and he slipped a finger in the crack of my ass. I guess some of the cum from the night before had leaked out because I felt his finger move around at my asshole as he said it felt like my little pussy was nice and wet. When he pulled his finger back he sniffed it and said that it smells like I had been using my pussy too.

My piss was over and I just stood there holding my hard little cock in my hands as I waited to see what he was going to do next. He pulled me toward him and placed his bearded face against my lips before forcing his tongue deep in my mouth. He moaned as I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. He scooted his ass forward enough to where he was sitting on the edge of the wooden toilet instead of his ass hanging out the hole. He picked me up and spread my legs as he placed them on either side of him.

As he continued to kiss me he took his hands and guided me as my ass crack moved back and forth on top of his now hard cock. After a few seconds he reached around and spread my ass open as far as he could just before he thrust his cock up into my ass. I grunted but kept myself from screaming as the head of his cock entered. He removed his mouth from mine and looked at my face as he pushed me down on the rest of his cock. This time it was he who did the moaning.

He started pulling and pushing me up and down on his cock as his moans became louder and louder. I was loving the chills his cock was sending through my body but was beginning to think he was going to get too loud and someone might hear him. I quickly placed my mouth on his and was a little surprised when he forced his tongue deep in my mouth. He continued to fuck my mouth with his tongue as his cock did fast work on my asshole.

All at once he stopped kissing me as he drove my hips down on him and held me there as every muscle in his body tightened up. He moaned again as I felt his cock pulse inside my ass and knew he was filling me full of hot cum. He repeated this a few more times before his body seemed to lose all of its strength and he held me against him. His cock quickly went limp and with just a little pressure from me I was able to squeeze it out of my ass. He gave me one more quick kiss before he thanked me for the fuck and said I should clean up and get back inside.

When I got back Jake was up and had breakfast practically cooked. He told me to go ahead and sit down as he placed our plates on the table. He asked me what I had in mind for today and I told him that after I cleaned the bunkhouse I was going to see what I could do around the blacksmith shop. He told me that he had some work to keep him busy for most of the day but we might have some more fun after lunch if I felt like it.

We both got busy tending to the different jobs and I finished up pretty early and headed to the blacksmith shop to see if there was anything for me to do there. Jake was leading some horses back to the corral and said he needed me to deliver the horses to the livery stable so he could get started on several wheels I noticed stacked next to the fire pit. He told me that there was a wagon train just outside town and they needed the wheels fixed before they had to pull out in the morning. I knew that Jake would be working late into the evening so he would be sure and have the wheels repaired.

I led the horses down the street to the livery and noticed a lot of new people moving from store to store. I figured they were from the wagon train buying supplies and such. I tied the horses to the corral and went to find Mr. Finley. He is the owner of the livery and I wanted to make sure he knew the horses had been returned. I found him in the back putting out some feed in the stalls. I called to him and told him I had brought the horses over and he came out to look at them.

He said he was glad I had brought them over because the owners were coming by any minute to get them. He then asked me how things were going with me. This felt a little funny since Mr. Finley usually didn't say anything more than he had too. I told him I was doing all right and that Jake seemed to have plenty of work to keep him busy. He said that was good and then told me met an old cowboy talking about me when he brought his horse in.

I felt my face flush and wasn't sure what Mr. Finley was talking about but could imagine. He noticed the uneasiness his statement had caused me so he put his arm over my shoulders and said he had told the man that he thought I was a pretty good kid. Once I realized he wasn't talking about what we had done I took a sigh of relief and told him I had to get back to Jake. Mr. Finley again thanked me for bringing the horses and told me that if Jake didn't have anything for me to do that I could come back and help clean out the barn. He said he could afford to pay me a little something if I could.

As I walked back I kept looking at all the people around that I didn't know and began to wonder just where they all had come from. As I walked on I started looking at all the different men and at first was thinking how different their cocks were. My imagination was working overtime as I was thinking about how different they probably tasted. For some reason I started thinking about the conversation that Mr. Finley had with me and what had he and the older cowboy really talked about. My cock was now hard and I wanted to see what Mr. Finley's cock would look, taste and feel like.

When I got back to the blacksmith shop, Jake was shirtless with nothing but the leather apron covering his chest as he was pounding away on his anvil. The sweat was rolling down his back and stomach as he beat the metal into shape. I waited until he went to cool the metal off before interrupting him. He said there was nothing that I could do around the shop and it looked like we would have to put our playing off until bedtime. He patted my ass and asked if I had anything else that I wanted to do. I told him about the job Mr. Finley had offered and he said that it sounded like something that would keep me busy for the rest of the day. He told me to go ahead and do it and if I got a chance to eat that he would appreciate me bringing him something.

I told him I would go see what we had in the house and bring it to him now. I said that way if I didn't have a chance to come back that he wouldn't have to waist time going back to the house. He agreed as I headed back to the house. I managed to find some bread, beans, and some leftover meat that I carried to Jake. He thanked me as he continued pounding on something and I headed back to Mr. Finley's.

Mr. Finley actually was a little surprised to see me and grinned when I came into the stable. He said he was glad I could come help him. He showed me where to get a rake and said I should start at the front and rake the empty stalls out while he finished working on some harnesses and things. He kept coming back to inspect my work and telling me what a good job I was doing. He brought me some water and told me to take a break before I got too hot. He sat down and handed me the ladle and I drank deeply from it. He made some comment about it being hot and would only get hotter as the day wore on.

He told me that I should remove my shirt so I didn't get it too dirty from all the sweat and dust. When I had removed my shirt he asked if I was wearing any underwear beneath my pants and said I could work in just my shorts and boots if I wanted to. He said no one would be coming back in the stable and it didn't bother him seeing me half-naked. I thought for a second then figured it was all right so I peeled my pants off over my boots. My pants got caught on my boots and Mr. Finley helped me pull them off. I noticed he was looking or at least trying to look inside the fly of my underwear.

He made some comment about the older cowboy having talked to him about me but said no more as he patted my ass and headed back to the front of the stable. I got busy but kept wandering just what the old cowboy had told Mr. Finley about me and what we had done. I soon was covered in sweat as the temperature continued to rise inside the stable. The sweat had my shorts soaked and it was running off of my body as if I had soaked myself in some water. A couple times I had to scratch my balls as the sweat tickled as it collected on them before dripping onto my shorts.

Mr. Finley walked up and said I looked like I had really been working. He told me to take another break and I noticed he grabbed his cock and balls and tugged on them. This time there was no mistaking him looking at my cock and ass. He grinned at me when he noticed me looking at him and grabbed himself again. He said the old cowboy said that he had enjoyed being with me and he wanted to know if what the man had said really happened.

I was about to deny anything but stopped as Mr. Finley unzipped his pants and started fumbling around for his cock. He managed to pull his semi hard cock out of his pants as he let it hang there as he looked at me. I stepped toward him and the acid smell of sweat and sex, animal as well as human, caused my cock to spring to life. Mr. Finley noticed this and grinned as he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me toward him.

His cock started growing and Mr. Finley pulled me closer. I grabbed his cock and as I sucked the head in my mouth I pushed the foreskin back. I could taste that it had been several days since Mr. Finley had cleaned his cock. It was apparent it had been some time since he had fucked or jerked off as he started pumping his cock down my throat. I was glad he was not that big in the cock department as he was pumping into me as fast as he could.

He grunted loud as his cum exploded in my mouth and ran down my throat. He continued to pump his cock into my mouth even after the cum had stopped coming out. His cock was getting soft as he slowed down then stopped all together as I licked his cock inside my mouth. He rubbed my back and head as he said he guessed the old cowboy had been telling the truth. He said that he hoped that I let him enjoy my ass a little later when he had recovered from my mouth. He slipped his hand down the back of my underwear and rubbed his finger inside my sweaty ass crack.

He giggled when I wiggle my ass against his finger and said it looked like I liked having something around my asshole. He pushed his finger inside my ass and grabbed my cock that had found its way out my fly. He jerked on my little cock as he worked his finger in and out of my asshole. It only took a few seconds for Mr. Finley to get my little cock to jerk as my ass clamped down on his finger. My body jerked as he continued to pull me through my orgasm.

I almost collapsed as he caught me and held me up until I was able to regain my balance. He said we would have some more fun later but needed to get the work finished, plus it would let our balls recharge for later. I agreed with him plus defiantly wanted to have some more fun. Mr. Finley told me go ahead and take my shorts off since he liked looking at my nude body. He said he would be sure and yell back to me in plenty of time if anyone other than himself was coming back in the stables.

I started enjoying myself in the heat as the sweat rolled down my body. I continued to clean out the stalls but was about finished and was wandering what I was going to do after they were finished. I was finishing up the last stall when Mr. Finley came up behind me. When is hand rubbed my ass I jumped mainly because I didn't know he was there. He giggled as he rubbed my tight ass. He rubbed his finger up and down my ass as I slowly spread my legs giving him more access to my asshole.

I reached around and groped Mr. Finley's cock and was not surprised that his cock was completely hard. He moaned and pushed against my ass as his finger pushed at my asshole. He was too excited to wait as he quickly dropped his pants and bent me over. He pushed his cock against my asshole as I braced myself for the pain I was sure was coming. The sweat helped as his cock managed to enter my ass without much pain. I figured all the other cocks that had used my asshole had managed to stretch it and made it easier for me.

Mr. Finley moaned as he let his cock slide all the way inside me before he stopped pushing. I leaned forward and grabbed the side of the stall as he pulled his cock back just before pushing it back in. Once his cock started slipping in and out he picked up his speed and pretty soon was fucking against my ass fast and hard. I could hear him grunt and moan from the pleasure and the physical exertion. My cock was hard and I reached back and started jerking on it. We both were enjoying ourselves as I felt Mr. Finley slam into my ass and hold himself against me as his cock filled my ass full of cum.

Mr. Finley was really groaning and moaning as he was getting closer to his orgasm. He was so loud that we didn't hear the cowboys until they were upon us. Mr. Finley froze in place when he heard the voice of the first one, but it was too late for him to stop as his cock and body jerked as the cum shot out of his cock.

"Hey, mind if we join the party?" The voice said, as we both jerked our head around to see who was speaking.

I could feel Mr. Finley's cock jerking inside me as he gripped my hips and held me close to him. When I looked back I noticed the three cowboys and could tell from the look on their faces that they had been drinking. They each were smiling as they took in the site of Mr. Finley standing there with his cock buried up my ass. We both waited to see what was going to happen next as the three came closer to us.

Mr. Finley leaned over and whispered he was sorry about the situation but since the men were drunk it was probably best to just do as they say so they want hurt either of us. I nodded my head as one of the men grabbed Mr. Finley's arm and jerked him back. When he did this his cock made a popping noise as it was jerked out of my ass and I could feel the cum running down onto my balls.

"Fuck, look at the hot pussy on this little boy!" One of the men yelled as he started fumbling with his pants.

He pulled his cock out and after making several attempts to push it in my ass he managed to get it in. As he forced it all the way inside me he started telling the other two that my pussy was so much tighter than the stretched out dirty cunts of the saloon whores. He told them that from now on when he came to town he was looking for my ass to fuck and would rather pay me for a good time than the women they had been with. The other two became really excited as they moved in closer to the action.

One of them had all ready managed to pull his cock out and was stroking it as he watched the cock moving in and out of my ass. The cum that Mr. Finley had left in me was working great as a lube and my own cock had managed to get hard again. I reached up and pulled the hot hard cock to my face and heard the man moan as his cock entered my throat.

"Hell, the damn whore's in the saloon want even suck our cocks." The man said as he moved closer and pushed his cock further in my throat.

The two started pumping together as they were now lost in their on lust. The man fucking my face stopped and said he didn't want to waist his load in my mouth. He stepped back as his cock bobbed up and down and allowed the third cowboy to move to my face. When he pulled his cock out I had to look twice to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was. His cock was not but about six inches long but it was so thick that it looked almost as thick as it did long.

He slowly moved his cock toward my mouth and I was glad he wasn't trying to force it in. I licked it before taking the big mushroom head into my mouth. He pushed a little but not enough to force it further in. He kept just enough pressure against my face that I was able to let it move in on my own. After a little struggle I managed to get the cock down my throat, but couldn't leave it there long without needing to breathe again.

"Great, that feels just great." The man said as I moved up and down on his cock.

"Never had anyone take my cock that far in their mouth." He said just as the man fucking my ass grunted and shot his load.

He was pushed away from my ass and before I could feel the cum running out of my ass the second man forced his cock inside me. He started pumping into me real fast and I knew he wasn't but a few seconds away from his orgasm. The man at my face rubbed my head as he let me suck on his cock.

The second man yelled out as he lost his load in my ass and pulled his cock out. Before the third cowboy could do or say anything, I swung my ass around and pushed it at his thick cock. He laughed real low as he slowly forced my ass open as his thick cock entered me. I moaned as his cock filled me full and made my own cock jump a little. He pumped slowly at first but when he found that it was welcome deep inside me, he picked up the pace. He grabbed my hips and as he rammed his cock into me he pulled my ass back against him. Each thrust sent chills through my body and soon I could feel all the muscles in my ass and legs tighten up as my orgasm took over.

The man moaned as he slowed down when my ass tightened around his cock. He quickly picked the pace up as my orgasm subsided and the muscles in my ass relaxed. He was really moaning as he got closer and closer to shooting. Once his cock started pulsing and filling my ass with hot cum I started pumping back against him. He held my hips still as his cock jerked a few more times before going limp. He held his cock in place as he pulled me upright against his stomach. I could smell the stench of sweat and liquor on the man's shirt.

He reached down and rubbed my soft cock as he slowly pulled his cock out of my ass. The other two said that they should take me with them but he told them that they had their pleasure with my body and should leave me alone. He said after all maybe they could enjoy me the next time they came back to town. I reached down and rubbed his cock before putting it back in his pants. He grinned at me and tossed me a dollar as he said they would just get their horses and be on their way.

Mr. Finley asked if I was all right and when I assured him I was he told me to use the watering trough and bathe off. He said he didn't want me going back to Jake smelling of cum and sex. The water felt great as I let all the cum drain out of my ass. Mr. Finley brought me some soap and helped me wash up before he dressed me and told me I had done enough work for today. He said he hoped that he would get to enjoy me some more but would be careful the next time so we didn't have any surprises from anyone else.

I headed back to the blacksmith shop as I tossed the two silver dollars in my hand, one from the cowboys and the other from Mr. Finley. I knew I would have to keep one of them a secret from Jake for right now but just knowing I had them made me feel rich.

Next: Chapter 5

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